2 minute read
The Kindness Effect

The Kindness Effect
Rosanne Fortier - News Correspondent
There were many joyful sounds as children interacted with their parents and each other at a recent Kindness-themed Stay and Play program at Kalyna Family Resource Network-Vegreville and Area.
Spokes Programmer Kailyn Kuhn said, “Nineteen children attended. I chose kindness to follow along with Pink Shirt Day on February 28.

We had oil pastels for the kids to create different pictures that represent kindness. As well, I printed off some Pink Shirt Day plain shirts for the families to fill out together and colour together so we can spread positivity throughout our center.
I feel it is essential to have programs like this because talking about kindness at a young age helps them learn to be kind not only to others but to themselves. Being kind to yourself is a very hard thing when growing up so to start talking about it when they are young can help them to understand how beneficial it is for everyone!”

When asked, parent Jana Perez expressed her opinion that there should be more days like this to remind people to be good to each other. “Children should learn to be kind and how not to be aggressive. We model kindness for our kids to follow because they copy everything we do. I like that they teach this at school because these children are the future. It is important to do this as a community too because a lot of parents are like us and they teach their kids to be kind to each other but not all children are fortunate enough to have parents who do this.”
Another mother, Elena Yaremko mentioned, “I think it is important that we observe Pink Shirt Day because it gives us a chance to share love and kindness. When people feel love, they act more from their heart. We have a saying in Ukraine; treat people around you the way you want to be treated.”