JANUARY 1, 2020
Deerland Equipment Donates to Crisis Association Submitted Dave Dinwoodie, Store Manager of Deerland Equipment in Vegreville, presented a cheque to Emily Downey, a representative with the Crisis Association of Vegreville on Dec. 23. The $1,130 cheque came from proceeds of the company’s Christmas party.
Heritage House Resident and Family Christmas Buffet
Emil Korpan with his family and friends at the buffet. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Heritage House encourages families to visit the residents to celebrate Christmas. So, this senior facility
allowed each resident to invite two guests for free to Heritage House Resident and Family Christmas Party on December 14. The buffet included roast turkey and
roast beef with dressing, gravy and mashed potatoes. There were also salads, fruits, and pies and plenty of people commented that the food was so good.
Royal Purple Ladies Demonstrate Light and Love of Christmas
(Left to Right) Representative for the Vegreville Royal Purple, Marion Lemiski, presents a cheque to Representative for the Vegreville Transportation Services Society, Elaine Kucher. On the right is Honorable Royal Lady Joyce Porayko. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Vegreville Royal Purple Lodge No. 125’s ladies work tirelessly all year long to raise funds to help charities and nonprofit organizations in Vegreville. Their generous spirit was underneath the Christmas tree at Vegreville Elks
Hall on December 2 when these ladies donated cheques from funds they raised to KidSport Vegreville, Vegreville Food Bank, Vegreville Christmas Bureau, Vegreville Transportation Services Society, and Vegreville Elks Lodge No. 143.
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