Vegreville News Advertiser - January 10, 2018

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VOL. 71 NO. 2



H.A. Kostash Gives From The Heart

H.A. Kostash Gives From The Heart Submitted On 5 January, HAK principal Dick Richards donated items of clothing to to Hope Mission in downtown Edmonton. Students, families, friends and staff collected items and placed them on Giving Trees during the month of December. H. A. Kostash is a Great Beginnings to grade 12 school in Smoky Lake.

RJV Donates

Regulation Changes for 2018

See page 5 for story

See page 12 for story


News Advertiser

january 10, 2018

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RCMP files from January 1 - 7 Arthur Beaudette News Advertiser


January 1


02:15 – Member observed a vehicle parked on Hwy 16 with no hazard lights activated. Traffic stop conducted. When speaking to the driver there was an odor of alcohol and admission of use. Driver was arrested for care and control and released on court documents.


January 2

Security Threats Page 9

14:21 – Reported that a person keeps calling the complainant and will not stop. Subject is calling multiple times a day at all hours. Subject was spoken to who advised that they call a couple of times a day to speak to their children. No charges were laid. 18:45 – Complainant called RCMP intoxicated complaining that someone was mean to them. Members attended and spoke to all parties until the subject left the residence.

argument. The subject was arrested. The matter is still under investigation. 20:00 – RCMP attempted a vehicle for a theft complaint after leaving the bar in Vegreville. The Vehicle failed to stop and attempted to flee. Vehicle was finally stopped and the driver arrested. Subject was lodged in cells until sober and then released on documents for court. 21:07 – Report of a domestic disturbance in a house in Vegreville. Members attended and spoke to all parties. Subjects were uncooperative and would not provide any information to members.

January 6

January 3

BBQ Fun Page 18

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09:42 – Complainant attended the detachment and turned over 17 pills that they found. The pills tested positive for ecstasy and will be destroyed. 16:40 – Report of a male high and out of control. Subject was breaching conditions and was arrested. The matter is still under investigation.

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17:56 – Reported to RCMP that a suspect known to the business took part in a gas and dash. A license plate was obtained. Subject was already arrested committing another offense. The matter is still under investigation. 19:44 – Reported that complainant’s friend hit them in the back after an

No information was provided by the teens. 11:38 – Complainant advised they were assaulted. Statements were obtained by all parties. Subject admitted to the assault. Subject was arrested and released on documents to attend court. 14:40 – Traffic stop for a speeding vehicle traveling 138kmph in a 110kmph zone. Driver suspended Canada wide and had several other restrictions. Subject was arrested and brought before a Justice. Matter is before the courts. 21:33 – While on patrol, members conducted a traffic stop. Strong odor of cannabis was present. Driver arrested for possession of cannabis. 6 grams was located in the vehicle and seized. Driver released on documents to attend court.

January 5 00:55 – Report of teens with flashlights entering a property through a basement window. After speaking to the owner of the property and the teens who were sleeping in the basement a chair was found by the window with snow on it. It appears that someone was either sneaking in or out of the window.

01:48 – While on patrol on Hwy 16A it was observed that a suspicious vehicle was driving near a business in town. Suspect vehicle appeared to be trying to hide. Members located and stopped the vehicle. Open alcohol was found and the driver admitted to consuming alcohol. A 30 day suspension was given and the vehicle was seized for 7 days and the Drivers License was destroyed. 13:09 – Report of theft by a family member which seems to be an ongoing problem. Matter is under investigation. 23:45 – While on patrol members observed a vehicle stopped and turned left on a red light. Vehicle was stopped and driver was spoken to. Driver showed signs of intoxication. Driver arrested and lodged in cells. Matter still under investigation.

During the week there were 3 false alarms, 5 false 911’s and 0 animal collisions totaling 91 calls for service.

January 10, 2018

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News Advertiser

january 10, 2018

Save The Planet. Freeze While Doing It. Arthur Beaudette News Advertiser - Opinion As seems to be the norm now, we have seen a lot of severe weather both in person and in the news lately. We recently had a cold snap here where there were reports of severe frostbite. There were residences as well as schools all over the province with frozen pipes and subsequent water damage and this past weekend a “weather bomb” in the Maritimes left 100’s of thousands of people without power during the storm. When the power goes out, are you ready to survive? The federal government has a “Get Prepared” website which states “you need to be able to take care your family for at least 72 hours”. What if the grid goes down? How many of us are prepared to survive in an Alberta winter at home alone for 3 days without electricity? How about gas, cell service (no Facebook updates) or even water for 3 days. Some things like water, food, and light via candles or batteries are “easier”. But what about heat? When it’s -34 outside as was the case around New Years, how will you stay warm? Ottawa suggests you use a “non-electric stove or heater, or a wood burning fireplace.” Now that you are thinking about staying warm and as all of this weather unfolds, there are a number of government offices pushing to remove this option.

Beginning in October of this year, Montreal will enforce a new city bylaw which states that no traditional fireplace or wood stove “may be used or left to be used” by any resident. Similarly, Metro Vancouver is working through public consultation on a proposed ban. If approved, by 2022 all woodburning stoves would be required to be registered. However, “traditional style” fireplaces and stoves would not be eligible for registration. In 2025, it would become ILLEGAL to use any unregistered wood burning system including for warmth. Yes, illegal to keep yourself warm in an emergency. This has the potential to grow. The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment has developed a draft bylaw that can be used by any municipality looking to ban fireplaces or wood stoves. These bans seem to be driven by those hell-bent on saving our planet from humans and the concerns over global warming. If these efforts are driven by concerns over global warming, they are barking up the wrong tree. Biomass such as plant matter is generally considered carbon neutral. I hear the “Paris Accord” mentioned often. Unfortunately, there have been scientists who have stated that even if we shut

save the planet - CONTINUED ON PAGE 7

Carbon Tax Debate Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Good on you at the News Advertiser for having a debate regarding the Carbon Levy/Tax in your January 3rd business section. The Alberta government contributed a clear summary of its position on climate change and the levy. Truly conservative Albertans want an alternative outline of measures to be taken about climate change. Canada, like the rest of our planet, supported the Paris Accord on climate change. The Canadian government is passing measures that require action by the Provinces. Alberta has initiated a carbon tax but, if it didn’t, the Feds have the constitutional power to impose a tax on Alberta. It is good that Albertans have taken their own action so that rebates from the tax are possible. Jason Kenny’s rant in your January 3rd edition ignores the fact that a United Conservative government couldn’t prevent a carbon tax in spite of a “Carbon Tax Repeal Act”. Kenny then goes on to make the statement to the effect that the tax has resulted in “ job killing”. Oh? Stats Canada has just stated that Alberta and Quebec, in Canada, led all

carbon tax - CONTINUED ON PAGE 17 No one was smiling because it was too cold! Here’s hoping for warmer weather!

January 10, 2018

RJV Donates

News Advertiser Pictured is Don Cherniawsky, Chief Operating Officer of RJV Gasfield Services in Vegreville, addressing the staff at the annual Christmas party on December 22, 2017. Don informed everyone gathered that the company would top up the money raised from the lunchroom collection of bottles and cans throughout the year. The total will be $500 which will be presented to the Breakfast Club in January.

Deerland Gives Back Deerland is giving back… each year Deerland employees choose a charity to donate the funds raised through their staff Christmas party. This year Athabasca, Vegreville and Fort Saskatchewan Deerland locations chose to donate their funds of $1,667.75 to the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton. Deerland has chosen to match this donation bringing total to $3,335.50 donated to the Stollery Children’s Hospital. Deerland would like to thank their employees, friends and families for supporting this charity and wish everyone merry Christmas and happy holidays!

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january 10, 2018



90 Years Ago – January 11, 1928

Saturday last saw the end of the Wener Cash Store conducted here for the last three years in the premises formerly occupied by Morton’s Hardware, at the corner of Main and Second. The Vermilion branch will be continued but the Vegreville manager, M. Wener, will go to Vancouver while Harry Wener will likely return to Vermilion. The store has made a good record here but the firm found it advisable to close up some place or another and the Vegreville branch was selected as the one to close. J. Shaw representing the Retail Merchants Association, and accompanied by R. Henley, sked that the council continue to cooperate in providing a night watchman for the business properties on Main street. After discussion it was agreed by all parties concerned, that in place of the work provided under the old arrangement between Mr. Henley and the town, and which was terminated as at December 21st, that he be employed by the town for the purpose of acting as Bailiff for the enforcement of taxes on a commission basis; and that he also be continued as a special constable.

75 Years Ago – January 13, 1943

The Department of Agriculture has had a number of inquiries from farmers and others who regularly are slaughtering livestock, regarding the recent order of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board regarding livestock when the meat is offered for sale. It reads “Except as otherwise authorized by the Administrator, no person shall, on or after the 1st day of January, 1943, unless he has previously obtained a permit from the Administrator, operate an abattoir or slaughter house, or slaughter livestock or have livestock slaughtered for him, if the meat so obtained is sold or offered for sale in fresh, frozen, or further processed form.” Evidently it is necessary for anyone slaughtering livestock, the meat of which is to be sold, including beef rings, to first obtain the necessary permit from the nearest representative of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. The livestock mentioned in the order includes cattle, calves, sheep, lamps and hogs. The annual meeting of the ratepayers of the town and of the public school district will take place on Friday evening, January 29th in the town hall. Nominations for councillorships and school trustees will be held on Monday, February 1st and elections, if any, on Monday, February 8th.

50 Years Ago – January 11, 1968

Mr. Donald G. Biglands, a Canadian Hotel man has been appointed Manager of the Towne Hotel according to an announcement made by Mr. G. R. J. Skatfeld, the Managing Director of Liberty Management Limited, the operators of the hotel. Mr. Biglands, a native of Vegreville, Alberta, has for the past two years held the post of Assistant Manager of the Coach House Motor Inn in North Vancouver. Following a complaint that charges were too high for the installation of water and sewer services during winter months town council amended to by-law affecting such work to bring the cost down. Ernie Youzwishen pointed out to council that during summer months materials used in the water sewer hook-ups are provided by the town but in the winter a charge in made for the same materials. This factor he suggested was not fair, although he did agree that extra labor charges for winter installation were acceptable. As a result of the lodging of the complaint council saw fit to amend the by-law with the results that only extraordinary materials and extra labor charges would be made for winter hook-ups.

25 Years Ago – January 12, 1993

Wasylena (Baba) Babchuk celebrates her 107th birthday at the Vegreville Long Term Care Centre on Saturday, January 2 with family and friends. She says her long life is due to “eating the right food, and not too much.” Baba Babchuk was born in Ukraine in 1886. She has two surviving daughters, 12 grand children, 25 great grandchildren and 23 great great grandchildren. Ethel Albrecht presented a 40 year pin to Maud Forbes. Forbes received the 40 year pin at a recent meeting of the Two Hills Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary. Vegreville’s New Years baby Nicole Yakochuk received gifts from guides Katie Wilson, Meghan Cheyne, Jennie Sakowsky, Shirley Preuss (leader). They presented a ‘Future Girl Guide’ t-shirt. Nicole was born on Tuesday, January 5, 1993 and is the first child of Carl and Shelly Yakochuk. In the early morning hours of Monday, January 4 suspects forced their way into Prime Cuts Meat and Deli Ltd. Once inside the culprits made off with approximately $600 worth of assorted brand name cigarettes, a stereo and a few other items. No suspects at this time.

Letters Welcomed

One role of the Vegreville News Advertiser is to promote dialogue on various issues of concern to area residents. We accomplish this by welcoming Letters to the Editor and allowing various issues to be debated through our pages. All letters must contain the writer’s name, address and phone number. Anonymous letters will not be printed, however the writer’s name may be withheld from publication in special circumstances deemed appropriate by the Publisher. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, spelling and grammar, taste or for reasons of potential libel. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to withhold letters from publication.

Another province calls Trudeau’s carbon tax bluff Paige MacPherson Contributor - Canadians for Affordable Energy

shops, you already have it. In Alberta, the environment minister continues to scoff at scrapping the tax, which United When the Alberta government introduced its Conservative Party Leader Jason Kenney vows carbon dioxide emissions tax, ministers often he’ll do. The minister maintains that Ottawa claimed that if they hadn’t, Prime Minister Justin would have acted if Alberta hadn’t introduced its Trudeau would impose his own tax, leaving tax- own new tax (never mind that Alberta’s was payers worse off. imposed earlier and at a higher rate than the More than a year later, New Brunswick is chal- federal plan). lenging that ‘we have no choice’ assertion. In But the list of provinces challenging that in one December, Premier Brian Gallant’s government way or another is growing. announced that instead of introducing a new carbon If Trudeau is bluffing, several premiers are now tax, they are rebranding a portion of their gasoline calling it. tax as a carbon tax and redirecting the cash into a Manitoba’s government challenged Trudeau’s fund to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. declaration by imposing a carbon tax at half the Critics of the New Brunswick’s federal price. plan are skeptical. Redirecting And a carbon tax was noticeWearing thin is the insisexisting funds means less ably absent in Saskatchewan tence from carbon tax promoney for general revenues and Premier Brad Wall’s climate seldom do taxpayers see govponents across Canada that change strategy. ernments do more with less. A New Brunswick’s plan there was no other way this green fund can easily become a employs political wordplay. could have played out money pit of black hole proporSaskatchewan’s strategy of simtions (see Ontario). ply saying no is much clearer. But while federal Environment Minister For any government that sees the value in affordCatherine McKenna directed some disapproving able energy, the only fair solution is no carbon tax comments at New Brunswick - and repeated that at all. Ottawa will impose the federal price on any jurisBut New Brunswick’s plan has illustrated again diction that doesn’t apply it - to date it’s all talk. that despite Trudeau’s declarations, the provinces With N.B. voters going to the polls in 2018, have their own priorities and, importantly, their Trudeau is unlikely to push an unpopular carbon own taxpayers to answer to. That’s a wake-up call tax on would-be Liberal voters, threatening for carbon tax enthusiasts, as well as Alberta govGallant’s Liberal government. ernment ministers still clinging to the defence Voters know they’re already paying carbon that Ottawa will drop a carbon tax on the province taxes by another name anyway. like a lump of coal in their stockings. Carbon tax proponents insist that increasing It’s a political game of chicken. In the meantime, the cost of carbon (on things like gasoline) will Alberta taxpayers have been paying the carbon tax encourage people to use less of it. for a full year. As an added New Year’s treat, the tax Gas taxes have gone up. Before the current increased by a further 50 per cent on Jan. 1. NDP government came into office, Alberta’s gas Wearing thin is the insistence from the Alberta tax was increased by four cents to 13 cents per government, and carbon tax proponents across litre, without a carbon tax. New Brunswick’s gas Canada, that there was no other way this could tax is already a weighty 15.5 cents per litre - more have played out. than 50 per cent higher than the 10-cent federal Paige MacPherson is a contributing writer to excise tax. Canadians for Affordable Energy and works for a If you want high taxes on people driving their taxpayer research and advocacy group. kids to school and moving groceries from farms to

January 10, 2018

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save the planet - CONTINUED from PAGE 4 off the electricity for the entire country for ONE year, we would still fall short of our commitment. No tax or ban will change this. Only well thought out planning will put us on the right track. At the same time, there are legitimate pollution concerns. The Canadian Lung Association recommends that no wood be burned in a residential setting. They also have a number of recommendations when considering a wood burning stove including modern, high-efficiency equipment. Anything that burns also contains a fire hazard, particularly if not well maintained. Unless these governments plan to build and

maintain central heating as they have in Europe, they need to think again. Funny enough, in some parts of Europe, many of these central heating plants can burn wood if another fuel is not available and some even have wood as their primary fuel. Placing bans on something that can save your family’s life is simply not the solution. Canadians should not be denied the right to help themselves when they need heat. Not to mention the right to gather around the fire for the holidays (or any other time they feel like it). This IS Canada is it not? Tell me what you think. Email me at abletters@

on special for



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News Advertiser

january 10, 2018

Step 2018 Helps Employers Hire Students Submitted Alberta students will get a leg up in their careers through the Summer Temporary Employment Program (STEP). The province’s economy is improving and the government wants to make sure all Albertans benefit from the recovery, including students and employers. STEP gives students the opportunity to develop important skills while helping employers hire the staff they need. Applications are now being accepted for STEP from employers who want to hire students for summer work between May and August. Eligible employers will get a $7-per-hour wage subsidy. “STEP has been a valuable program for students interested in gaining unique, first-hand work experience, and it helps employers hire knowledgeable, enthusiastic summer staff. As our economy is looking up, we want to con-

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Vision Credit Union Ltd. Vegreville Branch

FULL-TIME MSR/TELLER POSITION: - MSR/Teller REQUIREMENTS: Candidates for this position should possess: - Strong interpersonal, organizational and communication skills - Willingness to learn quickly - Working knowledge of computer applications - An aptitude to train and work in a fast paced, changing environment - Must be bondable Please submit resume to: Mitchel Bachelet, Branch Manager Vision Credit Union Ltd. Box 1315, 4917-51 Avenue Vegreville, AB T9C 1S5 Phone 780-632-3998 Fax 780-632-4080 PLEASE NOTE: Only those individuals invited for an interview will be contacted. Deadline for applications: January 19, 2018.

tinue helping students and employers alike. I encourage employers to apply and support our future generation of bright Albertans.” Christina Gray, Minister of Labour Last summer, STEP helped about 3,000 students connect to valuable work experience with almost 1,400 employers across the province in a wide range of fields such as tourism, research, information technology, marketing and customer service. More than 5,700 students have gained jobs through STEP since the program was restored in 2015 after being cut in March 2013 by the previous government. STEP is available to small businesses, non-profit organizations, public libraries, school boards, publicly funded post-secondary institutions, municipalities, First Nations and Métis settlements. STEP 2018 has a budget of $10 million. Employers interested in hiring a student for 2018 are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Albertans can learn more about the program and the application process at Application forms are available online and must be submitted before the Feb. 9, 2018 deadline.

News Advertiser Seeks Stringers!

string·er n. A part-time or freelance correspondent for the news media. Do you have some writing flair? Are you "in the know" and connected to your community? Do you have an eye for the spectacular? The News Advertiser wants YOU!!! We are preparing the launch of our new web site and want our readers to be wowed and informed. For more information, please contact us via email at

January 10, 2018

News Advertiser PAGE 9

Meltdown and Spectre - Everything at Risk Arthur Beaudette Technology Service Provider - VM Systems In our digital age where everything is in the cloud and on our devices, what if we had no secrets? Last month, a Google information security researcher named Daniel Gruss decided to test a theory. During his testing he successfully hacked his own computer and exposed a flaw that affects most of the computer chips made in the past 2 decades. “When I saw my private website addresses from Firefox being dumped by the tool I wrote, I was really shocked,” Gruss told Reuters in an email interview, describing how he had unlocked personal data that should be secured. That weekend in early December, Gruss and his colleagues worked form their homes, messaging each other furiously to verify the result. For hours they worked to eliminate any possibility that the result was wrong. Gruss and his colleagues had just confirmed the existence of what he regards as “one of the worst CPU bugs ever found”. The flaw, now named Meltdown, was revealed on Wednesday, January 4th, 2018 and affects most processors manufactured by Intel since 1995. Separately, a second defect called Spectre has been found that also exposes core memory in most computers and mobile devices running on chips made by Intel, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and ARM Holdings.

So... between the two, almost every computerized device you might use in



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january 10, 2018

RCMP Training Sgt. Jerry Nutbrown RCMP Ponderings – Vegreville Detachment As our duties are varied and many, we are continuously being trained. When cadets start in the RCMP Depot in Regina they are given the foundation to build upon but know to expect to be learning for their careers. Cadets are taught many basic skills like investigating complaints, driving, shooting, completing reports, etc. There are many specialty skills that members are taught well after they leave Depot. Certifications that new members are leaving

Depot with is advanced driving, DNA sample extraction and recently carbine certification. One of the first courses many newer members take is radar/laser training. Until a member takes this course they are not certified to operate a speed tracking device such as the in-car radar or our handheld laser units. Once certified now they can issue violation tickets to speeders based on the device readings. Another unit that is usually taught about this same time is our roadside alcohol screening devices. Same as the radar units, these roadside devices cannot be used by an untrained member who has passed the course. A step above this unit is our Intoxilizer instrument that is used in our office to obtain breath samples of suspected impaired drivers. This is a multi-day course and a provincial designation is issued to the passing member upon successful completion of this course. After that they are certified to obtain breath samples as required by law. Usually these members are also trained and certified in calibrating the roadside screening devices to ensure they remain accurate. Some courses may have levels to them so a number of courses may be required. This is true of our collision analyst certification. Each level builds on the previous and allows the member to complete more tasks toward reconstructing the collision and making determinations such as

speed and/or braking. A higher level Reconstructionist would be required for court testimony where a person has died as a result of a collision where another person was charged. Other courses are to enhance and develop skills such as investigations for domestic violence investigations or child interviewing. Each of these have specific processes or skills to be applied to enhance the investigative expertise and provide a quality investigation. Members will also go in courses for authoring documents required to obtain search warrants or how to investigate major crimes. Some of these courses are required internally and others are needed as the court system may require certification such as with radar units. As new tools come along each member may be required to take a course first before utilizing the tool or skill. Various specialized units will have very in-depth training such as for our Forensic Identification members (like CSI on TV) or our underwater recovery team members (divers). Many industries and professionals are required to continuously obtain certifications to continue to their jobs ensuring they are qualified for the duties they have to perform. Policing is no different.

Willingdon 4-H Carollers

Daisy Steinbrecker Submitted The Willingdon 4-H Multi Club sang their way into the seniors hearts at the Willingdon lodge on January 7, 2018. After a round of Christmas corals the 4-H members shared some snacks with the seniors while they visited. After the time they spent with the seniors Willingdon’s 4-H members headed to the Andrew skating rink to finish off there amazing day.

January 10, 2018

More than 140 International Buyers Visit Farmfair International 2017 Northland’s Farmfair International is one of Canada’s top agricultural events for breeders to show as well as to sell top quality livestock and genetics. This year’s event, the 44th Farmfair, attracted the highest attendance numbers to date with an audience including families, international buyers, world-class competitors and trade experts. Over 140 international buyers from eleven different countries attended Farmfair International 2017 through the Northlands Inbound Buyer Program. Buyers attending the event conducted business, traded industry knowledge and purchased top quality genetics and live cattle from Alberta producers. “Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF) worked in conjunction with Northlands to coordinate the program and actively recruit buyers for this event,” says Shelly Nguyen, international initiatives officer, AF. “Representatives came from Australia, Brazil, China, Mexico, United Kingdom and United States, as well as

farmfair - CONTINUED Below

other markets.” Through the Inbound Buyer Program, Farmfair International coordinates with Canadian breeders and genetics companies to support the attendance of international buyers at the show. The program also offers participants customized support and access to specialized itineraries including a farm and industry tours, special beef-related events and pre- and postshow tour support. “We had a great year for the Inbound Buyers Program with a record number of buyers and positive preliminary sales reports,” commented Stacy Felkar, International Marketing Manager for Agriculture at Northlands. “Thanks to our partners and stakeholders around the world who help make this program possible.” This year, international buyers had the opportunity to have a

private tour of Agri-Trade Equipment Expo to view and buy agriculture equipment, technology and services and products. Next year’s Farmfair International will be held November 7-11, 2018, in conjunction with the 28th Com monwea lt h A g r ic u lt u re Conference. Funding for this project was provided through Growing Forward 2, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.

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january 10, 2018

Sportfishing Regulation Changes for 2018 Ray Makowecki Fisheries Biologist, Volunteer A public meeting to discuss changes to the 2018 Alberta Sportfishing Regulations will be held on January 16, 2018 at Lac Bellevue Hall near St. Paul. For the past 20 years many public lakes in Alberta have had zero catch limits on walleye. Anglers have expressed concern and are asking why not allow some fish to be caught and utilized by Albertans. Anglers want to have healthy fish numbers without wasting this valuable resource. During the past three months the Government of Alberta has been asking the people to complete three website surveys dealing with Fisheries Management Plans and Alberta 2018 Sport Fishing Regulations to address the future of walleye and pike in Alberta lakes. Albertans have expressed concern about the website surveys. The specific concerns include the following: the people did not know that such surveys were occurring, the people had difficulty accessing the website survey, the questions did not provide low risk harvesting regulatory options other than allocating tags in a draw or sug-


n o i t a r If your child is turning 5 in 2018, Regist18-19 20 it’s time to enrol in kindergarten! Register online starting January 15, 2018 Visit website details Vi it your division di i i b it ffor d t il

gesting only catch and release angling opportunities. Reduced harvest opportunities for Northern pike on several lakes were offered through the allocation of tags on a draw or catch and release only. Some closures to pike harvest were also being identified.

Earlier public meetings organized by volunteer public citizens had also suggested low risk walleye harvesting regulations that would reduce the high walleye populations and allow ecological balance with Northern pike, Yellow perch and Lake whitefish. Some public groups have suggested the following simplified regulatory options for walleye and pike. 1. “Harvesting one walleye daily limit of slot-sized between `40cm and 50cm total length with a specified concurrent season (all lakes in the same week or days). A shorter concurrent season for the smaller–sized lakes (less than 1000 hectares surface area) could also be a consideration. Catch and release fishing would remain unchanged” 2. Revise the Alberta Sportfishing Regulations for pike catch limits in the walleye-pike lakes to one pike daily slot size of 55cm-65cm. 3. Revise the Alberta Sportfishing Regulations for pike catch limits in all pike-perch lakes to a 2 pike daily limit with slot size of 55cm-65cm or a 2 pike daily limit any size for these lakes. The Lac Bellevue meeting will provide the public with an opportunity to hear the Government options and to identify your preferences. This is your opportunity to speak out. This meeting is being organized and sponsored by concerned public volunteers, clubs and associations.

January 10, 2018

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Federal Corporate Tax Laws and Farms Kerry Riglin CFP, RRC, Freelance farm writer, Farm Planning Specialist, key note speaker. Many farmers and business people have been worrying about the impact of the new laws that are about to be and rightly so. The federal government has chosen to use the media to consult with us and left many to contemplate the results of vague statements in these releases. With the draft legislation now available, it appears Federal Finance has rolled back some proposed changes but not others. The challenge is to figure out what will impact each of us and how. The main concern will likely lie with professional corporations and their owners, for example, Doctors, Lawyers and Accountants. The feds still plan to pressure what they consider unrealistic dividends and salaries (income splitting) paid to shareholders and family members that have little to do with the business itself. The feds are calling this “the reasonability test”. The issue here is what is reasonable? This will create a new challenge for our professionals but not likely affect many farm corporations. With the reasonability test in mind lets see how it might work on the farm. Farmer pays their spouse, son or daughter wages or if the child is old enough and the farm incorporated, they can pay a dividend. In either case if the spouse or child is currently working on the farm or has in the past contributed and been underpaid then the reasonability test would likely be satisfied. One must however be ready with good documentation if a challenge arises. The reasonability test is not new. It has been in place for many years and now it appears will be scrutinized closer. Watch closely here as it is open to interpretation! The main concern for farmers lies with the ones that are incorporated. While actively farming, paying shareholders, family members, paying down

debt and the like should not create a foreseeable problem. When not actively farming, for example; renting out land held in a corporation, investing corporate funds realized from the sale of inventory, cattle or equipment, is considered “passive income”, this may be a problem if proper planning strategies are not applied. The feds have indicated they do not intend to re-think the way they are now looking at passive income earned by a corporation. The potential change can result in up to 73% tax by the time it reaches the owner/shareholders hands. Worth noting is the new legislation is not likely until spring, in the mean time we are left to wonder. How do we react? If you are considering incorporating, or are already incorporated then one must be very aware of this jeopardy and seek help to establish a work around for the day when this challenge may occur. From a planning and tax perspective, a farming corporation still provides many advantages, so I encourage to not rule incorporating out just because of this new challenge. Farms and their operation go through changes and getting skilled professional advise from those who are agricultural savvy is paramount. There are lot of special tax advantages that remain for qualified farmers and qualified farm corporations. To be safe, be sure you have been well advised in advance by your professional team, accountant, farm planner and lawyer before introducing sweeping changes on your farm. I believe that advice applies to active and non-active farms whether incorporated or not. One of my colleagues remarked when answering a question on the costs of planning “the situation is like the old Fram filter commercial, you can pay me now or pay me later”. Paying now for a plan may seem a bit uncomfortable but when compared to the costs and difficulties of unwinding an unpleasant situa-

tion cost wise planning it is much better. Having a good plan gives peace of mind that is immeasurable. Your estate plan is another area that should be well thought out with a team,

The new federal corporate tax laws, will it impact my Farm, should I be worried? other wise you may leave the tax man more than your loved ones and the farm or business may not survive.




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780.662.3640 | 30 minutes west of Vegreville on Hwy. 16


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january 10, 2018


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or fax to 780.632.7981

Ask the Guys

Dear Classified Guys, My daughter loves animals. When she was small, she would bring home anything that moved. One time it was a turtle crossing the road. We brought that one back to a lake. Then it was a baby bird that fell out of its nest. When she turned twelve a year ago, we let her get a pet rabbit. She did wonders with it and trained it to roam the house without causing too much trouble. Most recently, she read an ad for abandoned kittens that need a good home and wants to add one of these to her pet collection. She's great at taking care of the animals, so my only concern is whether or not cats and rabbits get along. Will the cat attack our overly friendly bunny? Is it possible they can live in harmony or are they destined to fight like cats and dogs?

• • •

Cash: Well we've never heard

the expression, "fighting like cats and rabbits", so that's a good sign. Carry: Surprisingly, even animals that are natural enemies in the wild can be good friends in a safe environment at home. Cash: It's great that your daughter is conscientious about

Duane “Cash” Holze & Todd “Carry” Holze 01/06/13 01/07/18 ©TheClassified ClassifiedGuys Guys ®® ©The

training her pets. It's no easy task to train a rabbit to live indoors. If she is that dedicated to the kitten, then things could work out relatively well. Carry: Since these kittens were abandoned, it's important you try to learn about their backgrounds and disposition. While they could act perfectly normal around people, they may have had interactions with other animals that could affect their behavior. Cash: Keep in mind that cats are predators by nature. When they play with balls of string and feathery toys as kittens, they are practicing their natural tendency to hunt.

Reader Humor Cat Nipped

Housebreaking a dog or cat is very common, but how about a rabbit? Surprisingly, even rabbits can be taught to use a litter box and live indoors. Start by placing the litter box where they normally go to the bathroom. As they become accustomed to the litter box, you can expand their freedom outside the cage. It may take some time to train a rabbit, but with some patience they can be housetrained just like any other pet.

In my neighborhood everyon lets their cats roam outside at night. Most of the time it's not problem, but lately the neighbor's cat has been fighting with ours. After several nights of waking up to a ruckus, my husband started keeping our cat inside. It didn't seem to help as the neighbor's cat just found someone else to fight. One night he put some catnip outside hoping it would distract the cat from causing trouble. That evening the neighbor's cat again began screaming. When my husband opened the window to yell, he said, "I don't believe it." "Didn't he find the catnip?" I asked. "He must have," he laughed. "He's wrestling with our lawn gnome!" (Thanks to Silvia P.)

Just a Nip If you own a cat, you know how fond your feline can be of catnip. Catnip is a member of the mint family of aromatic herbs. It has been used as an herbal remedy in humans since the 15th century, but on cats it often has a unique effect. The chemical compound called nepetalactone, found in the essential oil of catnip, can induce a harmless physiological reaction in about 85% of all cats. Often the feline will roll around, lie in silly positions, or even appear to be chasing an invisible friend.

Carry: The fact that your rabbit

has lived with you for a year is a great advantage. Introducing a new animal should be less stressful for the bunny since it's familiar with the environment. You may even find that the rabbit chases the kitten to establish its territory. Cash: Before you commit to bringing home the cat, introduce it slowly to your rabbit and see how they react. If they are curious to get to know each other, you may have a good match. Carry: Of course, then your next problem is deciding how many more animals your daughter will want to add to her pet collection.

Fast Facts Trained to Litter

Laughs For Sale

• Do you have a question or funny story about the classifieds? Want to just give us your opinion? Email us at:

This floppy "eared" creature could use a shave. d Home Free to Goo ny, 2 years bun floppy beard and cuddly. old, cute

APARTMENTS 1 & 2 bdrm suites in Vegreville. 1 bdrm-$725, 2 bdrm-$825. Incl. water, heat & energized Pkg. DD same as rent. Small quite dog allowed with condition. Ph. 780-6326878.

AUTOMOBILES 2000 Windstar. Ex. engine & transmission. Body damage. For parts $750. 780-922-5999 2008 Dodge Calibar. Automatic. Loaded. 150,000 Kms. Clean. $5200. 780-994-3005 2002 Honda Civic, Standard Drives Excellent Needs TLC $3200 780922-5999 Rare Super Charged 40th Anniversary Grand Prix. Loaded. $4700. Phone 780-994-3005 2010 damaged Dodge Caliber 125,000kms. Drives excellent. For parts. $1500. Phone 780994-3005 2005 Mercedes Smart Car diesel, automatic, black, 192,000kms, $3900. 780994-3005..

COMPUTERS VM SYSTEMS Looking for a new computer? VM SYSTEMS has all you’ll ever need in computers! Installation – Sales – Service – Internet. One call will get you in touch. Phone 780-6322859 9am – 5pm.

EDUCATION AIRLINES ARE HIRING Get FAA approved hands on Aviation training. Financial aid for qualified students - Career placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-6861704

FARMLAND Farmland For Rent - 2 miles North of Two Hills, W ½-20-55- 12 -W4 . Accepting offers. Include name & phone #. Email: j o e j a n e h o f f m a n@h o

FEED Highland Feeders is purchasing feed barley. Please call the office at 780-768-2466 Oats + Wheat Wanted. Any condition, dry wet or heated. On farm pick-up. Immediate payment. Toll free 1-866 349 2056 173 Round Hay Bales , mixture of Alfalfa/ Timothy and Brome. . Lamont Area. $55 each. Tr u c k i n g available.780-895-2442 Round Bales 1200 pounds. Timothy Brome Alfalfa Mix. No rain. Hilliard PH: 780-7775300. 1200 lb. Hay Bales. Put up dry. $50 - $70 each. PH: 780-913-4675


3 Bdrm Townhouse, $1090/mo. available immediately. Call Dave at 780-632-0321 or 780932-0041

For Sale: Primrose Lake Fish. Phone ahead. 780808-3826

2 or 3 Bdrm. Mobile Home, N/P. PH: 780-2089608


2 bdrm house, N/S, N/P. Close to downtown, $750/ month + utilities. DD same. PH: 780-603-3125

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Tingley’s Harvest Center has a fulltime position for a JOURNEYMAN HEAVY DUTY TECHNICIAN in Vegreville. The position includes: competitive wages, benefits package & company RRSP program. Email resumes to: garth@ No phone calls & only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Near Aquatic Center in Vegreville. Appox 450 Sq Ft., 1 bedroom, fully renovated, kitchen appliances, washer/dryer, soaker tub. NS, NP. $600/m + utilities. Same DD. References required. Call or text 780632-0480 1 Bdrm House, 5510-49A St. Vegreville, 50’ x 150’ yard. F/S, W/D, $700/mo. D/D same. Avail. Feb 1. Call 780-632-5631 1 - 2 Bdrm $1100/mo; 1 3 Bdrm $1500/mo. Call Gary PH: 780-632-9454 New 3 bdrm duplex Vegreville. $685/mo. Call 780-603-0692. New developments. Upstairs suite in lovely, renovated home in Vegreville for rent. Available immediately. No pets. Carpeted throughout with full bath and walk in closet. Washer and dryer in suite. $700 rent per month including utilities. Call (780) 6991869 or 699-3143. Vegreville - Available Jan 1st. Clean Cozy 1 -2 Bdrm, main flr laundry. NS, NP, $850/month + utilities, DD same. PH: 780-632-1604..



Advertise your rental property here for as little as $7.95 per week!

To Be Moved off Property - 1955 Bungalow, 1216 sq. ft. PH: 780-632-6686

1 bdrm House for sale, $1000 under appraised value, 5510 - 49A St. Vegreville. PH: 780-2339732

MACHINERY Restored Ford 8N w/ loader & 3 pt. blade. New tires, runs great. $4500 PH: 780-367-2228. For Sale: In Excellent condition Leon#700 Front end loader w/quick attach 7 ft. bucket w/mounts off. Case 2090 Tractor. PH: 780-764-2152 or 780718-0746.

MISC. Snowblower 45” 13HP w/ cabin walk behind. $1500 Hilliard area. PH: 780-7775300 A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-844-7227993 Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: 1-888-909-9905 18+. INVENTORS FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE. Have your product idea developed affordably by the Research & Development pros and presented to manufacturers. Call 1-888-501-0236 for a Free Idea Starter Guide. Submit your idea for a free consultation. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. A PLACE FOR MOM. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE. No obligation. CALL 855-741-7459

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New, complete, exhaust system, fits GMC, Chev, crewcabs. $600.00. Phone 780-632-9689.

NEW AUTHORS WANTED! Page Publishing will help you selfpublish your own book. FREE author submission kit! Limited offer Why wait? Call now: 866951-7214

WANTED Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201

MOBILE HOMES Lot for mobile home available. Located in trailer park. Call Sue 403823-4499.


2 bdrm mobile home for sale, Vegreville. Owner will finance. Call Sue 403823-4499.

Indoor/Outdoor kittens 4 mos old, 4 female 1 male. Great mousers. Willingdon PH: 780-603-8201

For Rent: 2 Bdrm mobile home. Wood & Garden Estates $550/mo. PH: 403-820-2397.

PERSONAL A Christian Website featuring an eye grabbing design & user interface makes finding the biblical content easier than ever. You can take part in Broadcasts of Bible answers, live Central Study Hour & sermons. or call 632-3746.

PETS Scotch collie/border collie farm pups. Vet checked call/text 780-581-5184.

2002 F250 Crew cab, 7.3 diesel. Loaded. 410,000kms. $6500 PH: 780-994-3005

Farm Cats PH: 780-6582253 4 Black & White Farm Kittens . PH: 780-3632106 Refurbished old school upright piano. PH: 780632-2127

TRUCKS 1993 Chev 4x4 Ext Cab. For parts. $650. 780-922-5999 2002 GMC 4x4 HD ¾ ton Service Truck 340k $3500 780-922-5999 1997 Ford 7.3 Diesel, 4 x 4, missing transmission. Nice deck, $2800. 780922-5999 2000 Dodge Dakota V8 4x4 Farm Truck. $1,600. 780-922-5999. 2006 Ford 4 x4, Crew Cab, new tires. $4600. PH: 780994-3005 2004 Chev 4 x 4, new t/ case, canopy, $3200. PH: 780-994-3005

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January 10, 2018

News Advertiser PAGE 15

New law protects teens from artificial tanning Submitted Businesses in Alberta can no longer offer or advertise ultraviolet (UV) artificial tanning services to minors (under age 18). “Protecting teens from the harmful effects of artificial tanning is a small change that can save lives. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in Alberta. This step will help start conversations about the unnecessary risks of UV tanning.” Sarah Hoffman, Minister of Health “Skin cancer is dangerous, but also highly preventable. The implementation of the Skin Cancer Prevention (Artificial Tanning) Act is an important step in reducing skin cancer rates in Alberta by preventing youth exposure to harmful artificial UV radiation.” Angeline Webb, Canadian Cancer Society Use of UV tanning equipment before the age 35 increases the risk of

melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, by nearly 60 per cent. Skin cancer accounts for more than onethird of all new cancer cases in Alberta, and UV radiation exposure accounts for about 82 per cent of melanoma. Tanning businesses are required to post health warnings and age restrictions and unsupervised artificial tan-

ning equipment is no longer allowed in public places. The new legislation will be enforced by Alberta Health Services. Rates of melanoma have increased in Alberta in recent years. In 2014, there were 665 new cases of melanoma and 64 deaths due to the disease. This is a rise in the number of cases from 2012, when there were 599 new cases of melanoma and 72 deaths.


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january 10, 2018



HOOK, Michael In loving memory of a dear husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather who passed away 29 years ago January 5, 1989. I REMEMBER THE DAY I remember the day that I met you And the day that God made you mine I remember the day He took you away I will ‘till the end of time But through all the tears and heartache There is one thing that makes me glad That you chose me to share with you Those precious years we had Our lips cannot tell you how we miss you Our hearts cannot tell you what to say God alone knows how we miss you In a home that is lonesome today Your smile is gone forever And your face we cannot touch Still, we have our precious memories We love you so very much Your memory is our keepsake With which we’ll never part God has you in His keeping We’ll have you forever in our hearts. Always in our thoughts and sadly missed by your loving wife Rose and Family

SHULKO, Judith Faye July 28, 1944 – January 16, 2015 In Loving Memory of a Dear Wife: It is sad to walk the road alone, Instead of side by side. But to all there comes a moment When the ways of life divide; You gave me years of happiness, Then come the sorrow and the tears, But you left me beautiful memories I will treasure through the years. Lovingly remembered and deeply missed by your husband Ernie.

SHULKO, Judith Faye July 28, 1944 – January 16, 2015 In Loving Memory of a Dear Mother, Grandmother and Mother-in-Law. If tears could build a stairway, And memories a lane. We would walk right up to Heaven And bring you back again. No farewell words were spoken, No time to say “Goodbye”. You were gone before we knew it, And only God knows why. Our hearts still ache with sadness, And secret tears still flow. What it meant to lose you, No one can ever know. But now we know you want us To mourn for you no more; To remember all the happy times, Life still has much in store. Since you’ll never be forgotten, We pledge to you today, A hallowed place within our hearts Is where you’ll always stay. Lovingly remembered and deeply missed by your family, Brian, Charlene, Lana (Trevor), Bria and Tyra Kevin and Tracy

ORLESKY, Sophie In memory our sister, auntie, great-auntie, Sophie Orlesky, who passed away on January 7, 2003. He put His arms around you, And lifted you to rest. God’s garden must be beautiful, He always takes the best. He knew that you were suffering, He knew you were in pain, He knew that you would never Get well on earth again. He saw the road was getting rough, And the hills were hard to climb, So He closed your weary eyelids, And whispered “Peace be Thine. It broke our hearts to lose you. But you didn’t go alone, For part of us went with you, The day God called you home. Forever missed by: Nick and Sandra Fasek, Todd, Linda, Jasmine and Diesel Fenske

Peter Sharun January 10, 2014 Time may hide the sadness Like a smile that hides the tears But precious memories never fade Despite the passing years Although we smile and make no fuss No one misses you more than us And when old times we do recall It’s then we miss you most of all. Love lives on forever In each memory and thought Of the special man who meant so much And the strengths he brought Love lives on forever It never fades away For in our hearts He is with us every day. Lovingly remembered and deeply missed by wife Verna, children, grandchildren and great grandchild



Peter Sharun January 10, 2014 In Loving Memory Picture me as I was, Full of life and love. Although not with you now, I’m watching from above. I know how much you miss me, And I miss you too. It was my time to leave, As each of us will do. When you yearn for comfort, Look here at my smile. Talk to me, remember me, Sit with me awhile. Time will heal your heart, Each day, better than the last. Happiness will return to you, But in each other’s hearts we’ll stay. Sending a kiss and hug to you, In Heaven up above. See You! Lovingly Remembered and Deeply Missed, Gordon, Marilyn, Brett & Tamara

McVITTIE, Adeline May 10, 1929 – January 6, 2018 On Saturday, January 6, 2018, Adeline McVittie of Edmonton, Alberta, formerly of Viking went home to be with her Lord and Savior at the age of 88 years. Adeline leaves to mourn her daughter Kelly McVittieEbel (Michael); grandchildren Lyle, Pam and Dawn McVittie and Kristina McVittie-Giebelhaus; daughter-inlaw Faith (McVittie) Giebelhaus; siblings Helene Freed, Edward Nawrot, Lawrence (Kathleen) Nawrot, Nancy (Marvin) Ozubko; sisters-in-law Clara Nawrot and Amy Nawrot; along with numerous nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Adeline was predeceased by her husband Robert McVittie; son Gerald McVitte and in infancy, John McVittie; parents Frank and Rosalia Nawrot; siblings Mitchell (Leola), John, Walter and William Nawrot; brother-in-law Christopher Freed. A Funeral Service will be held on Thursday, January 11, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. at the Viking United Church with Reverend Scott Reynolds and Pastor Ken Stumph officiating. Interment to follow in the Viking Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Diabetes Assn – Alberta Branch. To send condolences, please visit AUTUMN ROSE FUNERAL HOME LTD. VEGREVILLE,780-603-5800

Altercation at Lamont Esso Fort Saskatchewan RCMP seeks female witness to altercation at Lamont Esso Lamont, Alberta – The Fort Saskatchewan RCMP have launched an investigation into a complaint of an altercation at the Esso in Lamont. On January 6, 2018 at 3;14 p.m., an incident occurred which resulted in an elderly man being injured. The elderly man has since succumbed to this injury and the RCMP believe that an adult female who was with a young boy inside the gas station may have witnessed the incident. The adult female is described as: Caucasian

Late ‘20s to early ‘30s Short pink (or possibly purple) dyed hair Black sunglasses, black coat, and wearing mukluks The young boy looks to be about 6-7 years old and is wearing a red t-shirt The Fort Saskatchewan RCMP General Investigation Section (GIS) and members from the RCMP Serious Crimes Branch are currently investigating this incident, and would like to speak with the adult female or anyone else who may have witnessed the incident and are asking that they contact the Fort Saskatchewan RCMP GIS at 780-997-7900.

January 10, 2018

News Advertiser PAGE 17

carbon tax - CONTINUED from PAGE 4 provinces in job-creation in December. The majority of the 26,000 jobs created in Alberta are full-time and in the resource and food industries. Kenny then goes on to talk about pipelines. This hodge-podge talks about Barack Obama stopping the Keystone XL Pipeline. News. Obama is no longer President of the U.S. and the current President has now given the Keystone XL the go-ahead. Any delay is the result of the State of Nebraska holding committee meetings and facing legal challenges. You see Jason, the U.S., like Canada, is a federation. In Canada, New Democrats in B.C. can differ with the Alberta NDP government. Liberals in Alberta could differ with the Liberal government in Quebec which had strong reservations about the Energy East pipeline. Kenny mentions seniors. I am a senior. I am very concerned about the fate of our grandchildren. Long

after the election of 2019, climate change may well present extremely serious repercussions. Climate change is no longer debated by scientists and 21st century policy-makers. True conservatives want to protect that which is of value on our planet. For example, the Catholic Papacy is considered to be a conservative institution. Pope Francis has been very vocal, expressing his concerns about climate change. He, like many other religious leaders around the world, expect concrete and decisive action to be taken. So do I. The NDP government has taken steps in this important matter. If there are better alternatives, I want to hear them. However, the rant by Kenny is no such effective plan. Yours truly, William Askin --- Thank you, Mr. Askin, for reading and provid-


ing us with your thoughts. Publishing those two submissions side by side was intended, in part, to display the polar opposites we are presented. While I agree that Kenny did little more than rant, the information provided by the Government (any Government) always has its own spin as well. I don’t think there has EVER been a negative press release from the Government on one of their policies. One recent development related to your letter. A number of Provincial governments have challenged the feds. Manitoba has imposed a tax at half the federal price, Saskatchewan has not mentioned a carbon tax and New Brunswick is playing with words and renaming an existing tax to send it to Ottawa. I think we can all agree that there needs to be change and it will continue to get more interesting. -AB


Contact us at 780.632.2861


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january 10, 2018

15th Annual Rib Fry

Pictured are Walter Krill, Dave Rattray, Brian Letwin along with a number of guests at the Veg Auto & Industrial Supply 15th Annual Rib Fry which was held on December 16, 2017. The guys were kept busy at the BBQ grilling up ribs for the record crowd.

January 10, 2018

meltdown - CONTINUED from PAGE 9 your day is affected. This means it is possible that you no longer have any secrets. A little dramatic yes, but the threat is real. Both flaws would enable a hacker to access secret passwords or photos from desktops, laptops, cloud servers or smartphones. The most blatant way for this to happen would be from a web page or program. You would not even know it occurred. If these flaws have been used to carry out such attacks, is unknown. Even so, you can be assured that exploits for these bugs will be added to hackers’ standard toolkits. Is this fixable? Since this is a hardware flaw, a true fix is to build chips without the flaw. However, replacing every chip made in the past 20 years is not practical and in the meantime, chaos could ensue. There is another option. Change the most basic functions of software (known as the kernel) to avoid the flaw. The discovery was made public a week earlier than the manufacturers had planned so a fix was not yet ready. Prior to that, researchers were already testing ways to build a software fix. We know that fixes for Linux and Windows Operating Systems are already available. Chromebooks are already safe if they are running Chrome OS 63

News Advertiser PAGE 19



33.61 Acres

Call Gus

4409 50 AVE




5801 50 ST

Kody Kuchik 780-632-0650

Gary Kuchik 780-632-9454

Gus Borzel 780-603-7969

Tracy Steinbach-Stewart 780-603-1476

David Chau 780-603-9138

Brent Matiaszow 780-982-4639

Commercial Lot

Call David



4610 56 ST TWO HILLS

Call Gus


Call Kody



Call Tracy


4504 51 ST TWO HILLS

11.37 ACRES 2 miles N of Veg

Call Kody

4709 58 AVE


Call David

4321 52 ST


Call Kody

#100, 5410 STREET $194,900 5801 44A ST

Call Kody

Call Gary





CALL GUS @780-603-7969

Call Kody

4217-49A ST


#8-4625 50A ST


5.66 Acres

Call David

4301 60 AVE




52501 HWY 857

4137 48 ST




Call Gary PART OF THE NORTH ½ OF 19-52-14-W4

2 Bedrooms


#203, 5410 43 ST

Call Kody 50422 – RR133 RURAL VEGREVILLE

Call Gary



Call Tracy 5021 52 AVE WILLINGDON

160 Acres Rural Two Hills

Call Gary





5118 52 AVE LAVOY

Call David


8.8 Acres Upgrades

Call Brent


Beverly Office Manager 780-632-7700


Call David

Call Tracy



that was released in mid-December to the public. If your Android phone is running the latest security patch, it is already protected. For users having Android phones from other OEMs like OnePlus, Samsung or any other OEM, you have to wait for an update from them about the same. Most of the popular browsers & software developers too have released updates – and you need to make sure that you have updated your software to the latest version. How else could you be affected? Unfortunately things will slow down. It is said that the fixes for Spectre won’t immediately affect the performance of the machine, but the fixes for Meltdown will significantly affect the performance. Some reports are showing a 30% reduction in processing performance. So much for that upgrade you just did. The most important thing you can do is make sure you have the latest updates to all your software including your operating system and antivirus (the 2 must work together to manage the fix). If you require professional support with this, you can contact VM Systems.

4138 49 ST


3.5 Acres


TWP RD. 534 RR 125


REDUCED Call Kody or Gary


Call Gus 4815 51 ST INNISFREE



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january 10, 2018

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W E D N E S D AY, J A N U A R Y 10 , 2 018

Celebrating 90 Years

See story on page 10


News Advertiser insider

JANUARY 10, 2018

Welcome Wagon’s New Year’s Baby for Vegreville

It gives me great pleasure to congratulate Breanne Davis and Mike Topolnitsky as parents of Ryleigh Mae who arrived on January 3, 2018, weighing 6 lbs. 14 oz. 20 inches long, as our unofficial New Year’s Baby. Please enjoy these items in our Welcome Wagon basket which have been provided by several fine businesses in Vegreville.

Nominations Open For Alberta’s Highest Honour Submitted


Albertans are invited to nominate outstanding citizens, community leaders and innovators for membership in the Alberta Order of Excellence. Up to 10 individuals will be inducted into the Order this year in recognition of a lifetime of remarkable contributions to their community, the province and the nation. Nominations must be received by Feb. 15 to be considered for investiture this year. Nominees must be Canadian citizens currently

residing in Alberta and, if selected, must be able to attend the investiture ceremony in October. People cannot nominate themselves, their spouse or a member of their immediate family. Information about the Order, including nomination guidelines, nomination forms and biographies of previous inductees, is available on the Alberta Order of Excellence website at www. Information and nomination forms are also available by calling 780-449-0517

JANUARY 10, 2018

Mundare News

Members of Mundare Fire & Rescue surrounding the generous donations they collected for the Lamont County Food Bank


Mundare fire & rescue 2017 Christmas Hamper Food Drive The evening of December 12, between the hours of 6 and 7:30 pm, members of Mundare Fire & Rescue drove around the town with their Christmas decorated Fire rescue units to collect donations from the town for the Lamont County Food Bank. With the generous donations from residences and the hard work and heavy lifting from the fire department, together we were able to donate 435 kg of food!! Fire Chief, Glenda Dales, would like to send out apologies to anyone who was missed, as they were not able to get everywhere that night, and did not want to go over there allotted time that they said they would be collecting. If you were missed but would still like to donate to the food bank, the town office has a donation box located in the front reception. If you are in need of a hamper, please make a request by 12 noon on Tuesday of each week. Food hampers will be available for pick up on Thursdays. A representative from the food bank will set up an exact pick up on Thursdays Food hampers are limited to 1 hamper per house per month.

Library News Pre-School Programs Include a story, craft, and a peanut/ nut free snack. Programs are held Tuesdays from 2:15 pm-3:15 pm. Everyone is welcome. Please register with the Library so we can plan snacks and crafts. Snacks are peanut and nut free. If your child has allergies, please

let us know, prior to the program. Tuesday, January 9, 2:15– 3:15 p.m. “I heard said the bird”. The bird heard that a NEW One was coming to the farm. But who could the NEW ONE be? Find out at story time. Tuesday, January 23, 2:15-3:15 p.m. “Farm Flu” Ka-Choooo! Who’s Sneezing? It’s the cow, the chickens, the pigs, and the Sheep! All the farm animals have the flu, and Mom is out of town. Luckily she has a smart son….Join us for a rhyming tale guaranteed to cure what ails you. The 2018 Winter Reading Program begins January 2nd. The program will span the full two months of January and February. There is a minimum amount of reading time for participants to reach in order to be entered to win prizes. Three hours per entry for children under 9, five hours for per entry for children between 10 and 13; and seven hours per entry for adults and seniors. Northern Lights Library has six Samsung Galaxy Tab AS, grand prizes this year. The Mundare Public Library has a prize for each category for the most hours reading. Reading logs must be handed in by the end of February. Books recommended by Patrons: Non-Fiction Blood Brothers – The story of the strange friendship between Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill-, Deanne Stillman Brain on Fire – Susannah Caha-lan The Glass Castle – Jeannette Walls Fiction Dogs of War - Jonathan Maberry The Store - James Patterson The Rooster Bar – John Grisham Sold - Patricia Mccormic

News Advertiser insider PAGE 3


News Advertiser insider

JANUARY 10, 2018

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JANUARY 10, 2018

News Advertiser insider PAGE 5





News Advertiser insider

JANUARY 10, 2018




What is H Hockey is a fun team sport that fosters new friendships, healthy physical activity and life skills that go beyond the ice. Fun When kids of all ages start to play hockey, it’s all about having fun. As kids advance in skill, fun

remains the foundation, through ough increased competicompeti tion. Friendship Through hockey, players will make lifelong friends and learn teamwork, dedication, determination, perseverance and commitment.


JANUARY 10, 2018

News Advertiser insider PAGE 7



Hockey? Safe Athlete safety is our top priority. Hockey Canada governs minor hockey to best protect all of its participants. Flexible Does your child want to play recreationally or com-

petitively? Once a week in your neighbourhood or more frequently? Minor hockey associations are increasingly offering scheduling options for families. Welcoming No matter your skill level or experience, there’s a team for you.



News Advertiser insider

JANUARY 10, 2018


Parent Essentials A Message to Parents: The game of hockey is for kids. Kids play the game because they love it and because it is fun. As parents we must all realize that, for kids, positive participation is always more important than excellence. The personal and social development that comes from being part of a team is one of the most enriching experiences offered by the game. We must continue to live the values of fun and fair play, respect, integrity and teamwork with a balanced perspective of expectations and definition of success. We must celebrate our good experiences with this great game. Our volunteers, our coaches, our referees, our parents and our children are all critical

partners in ensuring the game sustains these high values. No one, however, is more critical than our parents. We must particularly assist our parents in setting reasonable expectations while understanding the game, its process and its administration. Being a hockey parent is no easy task. Hockey parents are often called upon to wear many different volunteer hats, some of which result in conflicting roles. A hockey parent may be a coach, evaluator, director or a referee – any of whom is required to make decisions in everyone’s best interest while still being a mom or dad wanting what’s best for his or her own child. Parents wrestle with reconciling their roles and controlling their passion as

fans while being faced with the constant challenge of ‘doing the right thing’. Hockey Canada is committed to helping those parents meet these challenges to ensure they continue to enjoy the game and have as much fun as their kids. Remember, it’s about fairness and respect! It’s about play! It’s all about family! It’s about us all having fun and being kids! What else could really be more important? As a partner in the game we want you to have as much information as possible at your fingertips. Hockey Canada has many resources that will assist you as your young player progresses through the game!


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JANUARY 10, 2018

News Advertiser insider PAGE 9







News Advertiser insider

JANUARY 10, 2018

John Babcock celebrates 90 years of creative living Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent John Babcock’s biggest request was to receive homemade birthday cards for his 90th birthday party. This was a reflection of John’s life as his greatest joy was found in creating. During his school days, he loved to read and recite poetry and in his senior years, he wrote 48 poems about his life. John’s biography states that he was born in Edmonton on January 9 of 1928. In 1943, when John was 15 years-old, he bought a forge blower. He converted an old plow wheel into a forge tray which was his first forge. He continued to make his own tools using a piece of railroad track for an anvil, and a homemade vise. He made punches, chisels, tongs, and fire tools. He continued on to have his own little

John Babcock’s blacksmith gang (Left-to-right) John Babcock is seated in the front. In the back row- Steve Hessels, Dennis Girardin, Scott Degen, and Scott Quinnell. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

blacksmith shop which grew larger over the years. John worked as a blacksmith for 60 years. Together with family and friends, John celebrated his 90th birthday on January 7 at Heritage House. Many of John’s friends were blacksmiths who he taught the trade to. When the relatives who lived in the local area were asked what they believed helped John to live a long life, they said it was the care he received at Heritage House. John agreed with this as he said the staff has been good to him. John’s great-niece, Blake Mcguire said her Uncle John is special because he’s really good at building things. She remembers a horseshoe he made them. “Uncle John writes really good poems. I think he lived so long because he believed in creating everything,” Blake said. John’s blacksmith friend, Scott Degen said he really enjoyed learning the trade of blacksmithing from an expert like John who spent 60 years working at the trade. “I look at John as my master teacher. I have known John for about 20 years. John is special because of the friendship he offered me; he is such a warm and thoughtful man. I credit his longevity to his healthy diet and active lifestyle. Whenever I used to visit him, I noticed he always had whole grains, nuts, vegetables and seeds. There wasn’t much junk food in his fridge. He worked until he was in his eighties and he exercised his mind and his body too. John’s nephew, Gerald Rigelhof said his uncle is special because John inspired Gerald to be creative since he was a young lad. “John made me a knife and I still have this knife today. I still use it when I go fishing. People always comment on what a wonderful knife it is. I credit John’s long life to his honest living and to the way John worked so hard. He has no major vices and he doesn’t smoke or drink,” Gerald said.

JANUARY 10, 2018

Created to create Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Human beings are miraculous creatures as almost every invention or item used and enjoyed today that isn’t part of the natural world was created by a person. The digital age has made our lives so much easier but it tampered our ability to think for ourselves and create which is one of the fundamental needs of a human being after they have satisfied their needs for food, clothing and shelter. We need to encourage creativity in our young ones. When we read them a story and they are old enough to understand, read half the story to them and make them create their own ending to it. Make a rag doll for your child and have them involved in the process. Let them choose the material and cut the outline for the doll. They can select the color of wool that you use for the hair and even draw the face on with markers. When they are old enough, buy them a kit where they can make something. Encourage children to express themselves through artwork and remember there are no mistakes in art. Children can design whatever they want or feel; they can experience abstract art this way. You can draw something too and ask them what they see in the design. Cut out shapes out of construction paper and make a collage. Encourage your children to make their own cards for their relatives and friends’ birthdays. Have children create artist trading cards with their friends.

Go for a walk in the woods and explore every living plant, rock and creature. Have conversations of what if a person could invent anything; what would they invent, how would they do it and why did they choose to create that item? Then ask them how would their invention change the world? Computers can help people be creative also. Look on an internet website how to do safe science experiments at home. There are sites on how to make jewelry and many other things too. When kids are having a meltdown, ask them to visualize a happier time and then when they calmed down slightly, ask them to find solutions to the problem. If you can’t afford to take a trip; read books or look at websites and discover how people live in other countries. If children are able to write, have the kids write a story about living in this country and how their lives are different when they observe another culture. Make sand castles in the sand and collect sea shells and other interesting objects. Vegreville offers so many opportunities to be created. The Wendy Brook Festival which is held every year has a reader’s theatre and speech arts selections where sometimes participants create their own poetry or story entries. Even when they don’t do this, they still have chances to be creative when they pretend they are a bug or they act out whatever their piece is about. Adults need to continue being creative. Sometimes, this means stopping and observe what’s around you and noticing each flower, plant or rock. Cooking is another avenue where adults can make something their own way and change recipes to what is suitable for them. Photography also has unlimited chances to be creative. Sit down one day and brainstorm all the ways to increase creativity in your life.

News Advertiser insider PAGE 11


News Advertiser insider

JANUARY 10, 2018

Living well on a low income Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent

With a bit of planning, living well on a low income is something that anyone is capable of doing. At the first day of the month, get a sheet of paper or notebook out and write everything you buy that day and on the next 29 or 30 days. Not unless you have a job that you really need a vehicle for, it is a terrible waste of money to own a vehicle and drive. The reason is everyone who is on a low-income can get part of their taxi transportation costs covered through Vegreville Transportation Services Society (VTSS). You’re also harming the environment and your health if you drive when you don’t absolutely have to. Walking or biking is great exercise and some people have got better from diabetics and other diseases through watching their diet and exercising. Before you shop for groceries, browse the flyers you get every week delivered in your local newspaper. Do a price-check this way and shop at the store that has the lowest prices. A lot of stores have a price-match where they will give you a certain amount of items for the same price as another store offers if you bring the flyer in. Learn to cook and buy staples such as pasta, beans, potatoes and rice. This will help to stretch you dollars further. If it’s not a special occasion try not to visit a restaurant. Some people could feed themselves for a week on the cost of one restaurant meal. If you want a special treat, buy a frozen dinner at the store. Nowadays there aren’t only televisions dinners available; the choice of food this way is unlimited and it really, truly tastes as good as any restaurant does. Studies claim that frozen fruits and vegetables can be as healthy as and even fresher than lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you have the time, another option is to grow a garden. Visit your local library. No one has to buy books,

magazine, cds, and DVDs anymore because they can access them from the library for the price of a library membership and the membership is free if you can prove you are on low-income. If you have children, there are so many free programs offered at the library and at your local Parent Link Centre. When you need clothing or household items, Vegreville Alliance Church has an event called Open Cupboard which they offer twice-a-year where people can shop for free. There are tables of clothing and everyday essentials available. Stay as far away from lottery tickets and any gambling outlet you can get. The chances of winning are next-tonil and the money you waste on this could be used towards something real. You meanwhile burn money or throw it in the garbage if you drink or smoke; actually you would be healthier if you threw your money in the garbage. A glass of wine once in a while is supposed to be healthy but anymore than this can cause serious harm to your health, personality and pocket book. You can save money and find really unique stuff by shopping at garage sales and thrift shops. If you have a business or organization, advertise where you get the most coverage. You aren’t saving if the price of the ad is less but fewer people notice it. People will always love convenience so ask yourself which newspaper is most convenient for people to access. They say the best things in life are free and this is so true. If you have a friend or are parents with young children, their most precious memories will usually be when you took them to the park, played badminton, taught them how to ride a bike, read them a story or did any of the wonderful things with them that are available for free. Vegreville is an excellent community to live in this way, as there are so many low-cost and free events available; all a family has to do is explore.

An Alberta-made high-seas pollution solution But by using sodium as the de-sulphuring agent, the reaction Cheryl Croucher Contributor - Troy Media with Field Upgrading’s technology is exothermic, meaning it What do beer, bitumen and greenhouse gas emissions have in makes heat. Any greenhouse gas emissions are indirect, dependcommon? ing on the source of electricity used for the batteries. “So it’s very That would be Neil Camarta, founder of Field Upgrading. clean. It’s also very simple. We just have a reactor and these Camarta spent most of his engineering career building conven- batteries,” says Carmata. He calls the process elegant. tional upgraders, which emit sulphur dioxide and other noxious Camarta spent four years developing the technology bench GHG pollutants into the atmosphere. scale at a Coors-owned lab in Salt Lake City. Now he has opened Now he’s teamed up with the Coors Brewing family and a pilot plant in Fort Saskatchewan, with plans for a demonstraAlberta Innovates to commercialize a simple and clean upgrad- tion plant next on the path to commercialization. Funding over ing technology for heavy oil. And he’s even found a novel market the years has come from Alberta Innovates, Natural Resources for his product that will make a significant contribution toward Canada, Sustainable Development Technology Canada and the reducing pollution from ships. former CCEMC, now called Emissions Reduction Alberta. That’s not bad for a landlocked prairie company. And Field Upgrading’s target market? Camarta, a chemical engineer, “The largest single consumer of has helped build heavy oil upgradhigh-sulphur heavy oil is the Taking the dirty out of dirty oil ers for Shell and Petro-Canada. marine industry,” says Camarta. In recent years, his mantra is “All the ships that sail upon the sea, and cleaning up the world’s cleaner and cheaper. That’s what they burn about four million baroceans at the same time drives him and business partner rels a day of 3.5 per cent sulphur. I Guy Turcotte to be innovators. think there’s a fact that goes some“We talk to a lot of inventors. If thing like this: that the world’s 15 we like their idea, then we work with them to commercialize the largest ships make more pollution in the form of sulphur dioxide technology. In this case, the inventors are the Coors family, who than all the cars in the world put together.” make beer in Colorado, of all things.” In October 2016, the International Maritime Organization Sodium connects beer to bitumen. “It’s as if it was programmed ruled that by 2020, every ship must change over to fuel that has to remove all the ‘dirty’ from dirty oil,” says Camarta. a reduced sulphur content of 0.5 per cent. Field Upgrading’s novel process begins with elemental sodium, “So that’s our market. We would take the sulphur out of heavy a metal that melts at the relatively low temperature of 100C. “It oil and then we would take it to tidewater and we would sell it mixes really well with oil. It takes out all the sulphur. It takes out into the shipping industry, because our oil fits the new sulphur all the metals. It takes out all the acid. So it cleans up the oil and regulations perfectly.” it doesn’t leave piles of coke or asphaltenes behind.” Field Upgrading has already met with companies in Singapore The kicker is recovering the sodium because of its high value. and other shipping centres. That’s where Coors comes in. Besides making beer, they’re The technology offers a major market opportunity for the oilalso the world’s largest manufacturer of high-tech ceramics. sands industry. With diesel well over $70 a barrel, this will help “One of their specialty ceramics allows us to recycle sodium in diversifying Alberta’s economy and it’s an environmental win using electrolysis in a battery-like setup,” Camarta explains. for the world’s atmosphere and oceans. “When you use sulphur from the oil using sodium, you make Says Camarta about his Calgary office: “We must be the only sodium sulphide. You put the sodium sulphide in the battery, people here with a boardroom with a big ship on the wall - just turn on the power and it separates the sodium from the sulphur. to remind us of what our market is.” So you’re able to recycle the sodium.” Not surprisingly, the demonstration plant will be named Clean Seas. Conventional upgrading of heavy oil requires the use of high Veteran broadcast and online journalist Cheryl Croucher pressure, high temperature and many catalysts. Because of the produces which can be heard online focus on hydrogen, that results in emissions like hydrogen sul- and on CKUA Radio. This is the second in a 10-part series phide, sulphur dioxide and nitrous oxide. sponsored by Alberta Innovates.

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