Vegreville News Advertiser - January 24, 2018

Page 1

VOL. 71 NO. 4



St. Martin’s School Executive Government Speaks!

-(Left-to-right) St. Martinvilles Executive team-Deputy Mayor, Selby Labuschagne, Mayor Brady Douglas-Krill, Town Manager, Ava Foran. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

See story on page 18 Two Hills Mixed Bonspiel

Red Tape Awareness Week

See page 9 for story

See page 5 for story


News Advertiser

january 24, 2018

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RCMP files from January 15 - 21 Arthur Beaudette News Advertiser January 15 09:42 – Complainant advised they were threatened by a suspect. Both are well known to police. RCMP attended and spoke to all parties. No charges were laid. 18:43 – 911 call for theft of a truck. Complainant left his vehicle running and went into a convenience store. When he came out his vehicle was gone. Patrols were made and other detachments were advised. The vehicle has yet to be located. 20:06 – Complainant called the police to advise that they had just bought a quad. When the complainant checked the VIN on the quad it was confirmed as stolen. An arrest warrant has been applied for on the subject who sold the quad. This matter is still under investigation. January 16 01:08 – Complainant reports that someone had kicked their door 3 times. Members attended and did not locate anybody in the area. 11:05 – Complainant reports that there is a semi with a loose tire. Patrols were made but members were unable to locate the truck. A call was made to the company to advise them of the issue. The company said they would get in touch with the driver to get the tire fixed. 19:02 – Report of a semi and a truck in a collision. RCMP attended. Occupants were taken to hospital with minor injuries. A ticket was issued to the semi driver. The truck and semi were towed. 21:20 – 911 call of a possible drug deal in Vegreville. Complainant believes there is a vehicle waiting for someone to arrive to deal drugs. RCMP attended and located the vehicle in question. Spoke to the driver who was sleeping in the vehicle because he had no place to sleep that night. No grounds for pursuing a drug investigation. January 17 09:15 – An abandoned vehicle was reported outside of Lavoy. Member attended and spoke to the occupant of the vehicle. The vehicle was not registered or insured. Tickets were issues and vehicle was towed. 12:25 – Complainant called to report a missing road sign. Happened within the last month. Reporting for information in case the RCMP come across any road signs. 12:41 – Complainant advised ongoing issues with an ex-employee of a busi-

ness. The complainant advised threats were made. Through the investigation, it was determined that threats were not made and the report was made for information only. 13:50 – RCMP were requested to assist child family services with a child apprehension order. Members attended to assist. 20:06 – Complainant reports suspicious vehicles with lights out in rural Vegreville. Members attended and located 2 vehicles side by side. A traffic stop was conducted, three occupants in the vehicle. None of the occupants had identification. Nothing was found during the search of the occupants while they were detained. The explanation by the occupants did not make a lot of sense, but they were released. 23:00 – Report of a subject passed out on the sidewalk. RCMP attended and arrested the intoxicated person. They were lodged in cells and released once they were sober.

January 18 11:38 – A person attended the detachment front counter and dropped off some found property. The RCMP spoke to the owner of the property and it was returned. 14:18 – RCMP were called to an assault. The complainant advised the person who assaulted them was their significant other. The subject was located and arrested. The matter is still under investigation. 15:45 – Complaint was received about a container of marijuana and other medication for destruction at a local drugstore in Vegreville. The drugstore stated they could not destroy cannabis, so the drugs were turned over to RCMP for destruction. This is a no case seizure. 17:00 – It was reported that a subject had lied on a sworn statement while filing court documents. Forms had been forwarded to crown prosecutors for an opinion. This matter is still under investigation. 17:24 – Traffic stop was conducted in rural Vegreville. The driver of the vehicle had an expired driver’s license and no insurance. The vehicle was towed and the tickets were issues. The driver was given a ride home by police.

January 19 08:40 – Report to RCMP that the complainant was being forced to clean by a resident staff member. Complainant admitted that it was part of the chores that they do. The staff of the building advised that everyone living in the building assists with cleaning. The complainant advised they understood

but did not like being told what to do. This is not a police matter. 10:48 – Complainant called for assistance with a family member who was struggling with mental health issues. The family is looking for help. Suggestions and options were given to the family for support services. 14:07 – Community Police officer requested assistance after locating and arresting a person who was drunk in public. The subject was lodged in cells and released when sober. 16:21 – RCMP received a mental health warrant for a subject. The subject was apprehended under the warrant and taken to the hospital. 17:19 – Saskatoon police service asked for assistance from Vegreville RCMP to obtain witness statements. Time and place for the interview is set up. Once the information is obtained, it will be forwarded on to Saskatoon. 18:50 – Report of teenagers banging on complainants front door. The door is now scratched. No description of persons involved and no surveillance available. Patrols were made in the area but the subjects were gone. 20:11 – Assist EMS with a welfare check. Members attended the location and found a person who was having medical issues. The person was transported to the hospital. 20:35 – Reported that 4 youth were checking vehicles and yelling at each other that the police were coming. The youths were located but no charges were laid. However, the parents were spoken to. No evidence of stolen property was found.

January 20 02:01 – Members located an abandoned vehicle on the side of Hwy 16. The Vehicle was determined to be stolen. The Vehicle and the quad that was in the back of the truck were towed and the owners were notified. 08:00 – Complainant reports that their license plate was stolen off of their vehicles. The license plate was entered in the RCMP database as stolen. No witnesses or suspects at this time. 13:40 – Complainant called to report that their license plate was stolen. The license plate was entered into the RCMP database as stolen. This matter is still under investigation. 14:04 – Complainant attended the Vegreville detachment to report that they found a child walking and crying. The child was interviewed and said they were hit by their dad and thrown out of the house. This matter is still under


January 24, 2018

News Advertiser PAGE 3


News Advertiser

january 24, 2018

Cheap Dreams, Expensive Realities Arthur Beaudette cant. First is the risk of disaster, second the waste, and third, News Advertiser - Opinion the money. There are likely more than three, but I only have Proponents of nuclear power would have you believe that so much space. nuclear power is clean; pristine even. It is a miracle of science The Risk that produces immense power with no drawbacks. While nuclear disasters date back to at least the 1950’s, one Duke Energy, one of USA’s largest nuclear power plant of the first meltdowns was on January 3, 1961, in eastern operators describes it as.. “A clean energy resource”. “Nuclear Idaho on a very small reactor operated by the Army. energy originates from the splitting One of the more notable inciof uranium atoms – a process called dents in current memory was the fission. This generates heat to proThree Mile Island (TMI) accident duce steam, which is used by a turin Pennsylvania on March 28, 1979. bine generator to generate electriciCleanup started in August 1979, ty. Because nuclear power plants do and officially ended in December not burn fuel, they do not produce 1993, with a total cleanup cost of greenhouse gas emissions.”. about $1 billion. It is estimated that Now on one side, there is no disthe TMI accident caused a total of puting those claims. You also can$2.4 billion in property damages. not dispute the fact that anthrax is Reactor #2 has not been used since not harmful to humans. If you keep the accident. the stuff locked down in a lab and Jakob Madsen Photo Perhaps the most notable disaster no one is exposed to it, it is totally of our time is Chernobyl in the forharmless. I hope the sarcasm is clear. mer Soviet Union. It occurred on 25–26 April 1986 at the What proponents hope, is that the public (and govern- Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant near Pripyat, a town in ments) overlook everything OTHER than the convenient northern Ukrainian. truth about greenhouse gas. Many have tried to put firm numbers on the total human The inconvenient truths are neither small nor insignifi- impact of the disaster, but this will continue to be debated for years. An area originally extending 30 kilometres (19 mi) in all directions from the plant is officially called the “zone of alienation”. Ukrainian officials estimated the area would not be safe for human life again for another 20,000 years. The economic damage of the Chernobyl accident is estimated at $235 billion for 30 years on after the explosion. Recently the government decided to use the land near the reactor for solar energy to make use of the electrical transmission infrastructure. Last on my list is Fukushima in Japan which involved 3 nuclear meltdowns on March 16, 2011. This was the most significant since Chernobyl and the only other to be given a “Level 7” classification. On February 3, 2017, radiation levels were recorded at their highest levels since 2011. Levels were 100X higher than would be required to cause death within a month in 50% of people exposed. On January 19, 2018, more information was obtained as to the extent of the damage which will aid in the effort to start removing melted fuel from one of the reactors in 2021. The future consequences are unclear considering this, the proximity to the ocean, and the million tons of radioactive water still in storage. A private think tank says the total cost of the Fukushima

cheap dreams - CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 Name: Tatianna Salinas Likes: dancing, fashion Dislikes: a lot of make-up, bad hair days

January 24, 2018

News Advertiser PAGE 5







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Red Tape Awareness Week and the Paperweight Awards Submitted The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB)

Paperweight Award: “Celebrating” the worst red tape in Canada Notices about notices. Bureaucratic committees for food trucks. The prospect of jail time for incomplete government surveys. These are just some of the overthe-top regulations that we’ve heard about from members this year, and we’re giving them the highest (dis) honour: the Paperweight Award, which recognizes government departments or agencies who have made life difficult for business owners by adding significant, ridiculous and destructive red tape. The Business Owners’ Choice will

be announced at the end of Red Tape Awareness Week: January 26. Here are this year’s Paperweight “winners”: •

Ontario’s Ministry of Labour, for insisting a contractor buy a brand new ladder because his old one had a worn-out label. New Brunswick Liquor Control

Act (on behalf of all interprovincial trade barriers), for taking Gérard Comeau to the Supreme Court of Canada for buying cheap beer in another province and bringing it home. Ontario Labour Minister Kevin Flynn, for ramming through a new set of rules dramatically increasing small business’ costs and providing compliance details

just weeks before the rules came into effect. Quebec’s Labour Department, for requiring businesses to post a notice notifying employees

red tape - CONTINUED ON PAGE 7


News Advertiser

january 24, 2018



90 Years Ago – January 25, 1928

A wire received this morning from Mr. McCrea, secretary-manager of the Vegreville Exhibition Association, who is in Winnipeg this week with President Harry Payne, attending the annual meeting of the Western Fairs Association, announces that the dates fixed upon for the Vegreville Fair in 1928 are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 30 and 31 and August 1. These comparatively early dates are regarded as quite satisfactory, assuring the exhibition of having on hand all those echibitors who follow the Class B Circuit. The people of the district are all taking advantage of the new CPR branch to Willingdon. Most farmers are selling their grain at that point. Some have already loaded cars of wheat and shipped it over the new line. The weighing platform is so busy at Willingdon weighing loads of grain that often several of the teams collide. As most of the teamsters will not stand to see their teams abused, scraps are occasional occurrences. The annual meeting of the Ranfurly school district was held last Saturday. Mr. F. Pamerenk was re-elected on the board of trustees. Mr. Gorman, chief inspector, addressed the meeting on rural high school matters.

75 Years Ago – January 27, 1943

I wish to thank the citizens of Vegreville and surrounding district for their generous support of the Kinsmen Club Raffle. The Kinsmen Clubs throughout Canada have shipped over five million quarts of milk to Britain to date and the objective for this year is five million quarts plus. Magazines have gone forward in a continuous stream to the Merchant Marine, and I as President, am sure we can continue to count on the loyal support of local citizens. Milk bottles are located in all business places in town, where your spare coins will aid a most worthy cause. President Phil Stickney. Toronto coal dealers started “rationing” coal to customers in accordance with a telegraphic request by Coal Administration J. McG. Stewart at Ottawa. Mr. Stewart asked dealers to distribute their present socks “only where there is a real and immediate necessity.” The King signed a proclamation lowering from 20 to 19 the age at which women are liable to be drafted for national service. Single women born between July 1, 1922, and December 31, 1922, will have the privilege of choosing between work in war industry and the uniformed services, or they may volunteer for nursing before being called up.

50 Years Ago - January 25, 1968

In order that Vegreville may improve present library facilities, council has given their support by agreeing to paying $1.00 per capita which in turn makes the library eligible to receive 75c per capita from the Province of Alberta, as stated in the “Libraries’ Act” of Alberta. Ed Ludwik, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ludwik of Vegreville was recently appointed Assistant Director of Pricing of DeHavilland Aircraft of Canada in Downsview, Ontario. Mr. Ludwik received his early education in Vegreville schools and following graduation from the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering joined the DeHavilland Company. A certain percentage of the people who bought hunting licenses last fall will be phoned and questioned on their past hunting by the Fish and Wildlife Division. Some questions being asked each person are: how many days a person hunted, where he hunted and what he killed. Each hunter is asked the same questions. Some 500 hunters will be phoned this month during this survey.

25 Years Ago – January 26 1993

Students from St. Martin’s school are the winners of the Vegreville Street Christmas Light-up art contest arranged by the Mainstreet Program and the Chamber of Commerce. The winner are grade one students, Amy Campell (first prize) Brandi Chmilar (second prize) and Jade Sawchuk (third prize). Grade two winners are Amber Wyllie (first prize) Kati Varga (second prize) and Dayton Gregolick (third prize). The students teachers are Mrs. Sribney and Mrs. Tetreau. St. Mary’s Saints basketball guard Kevin Kolodychuk shot 42 three point shots in three minutes to win the Beaumont three-point shooting contest. Each of the eight teams selected one shooter for a one minute shoot-off against another team’s player at tournament half-time. A recent interim increase in Alberta Power rates approved by the Alberta Public Utilities Board will not result in higher bills for residential customers. Although the interim decision allows the company to increase customer rates by 4.8% effective February 1, will actually result in decreases for residential customers. Although the decreases vary among customer groups, farm and commercial customers will also see their bills decrease. As a result of the decision, the average bill for a residential customer using 600 kilowatthours of electricity per month will decrease from $54.99 to $53.97.

Letters Welcomed

One role of the Vegreville News Advertiser is to promote dialogue on various issues of concern to area residents. We accomplish this by welcoming Letters to the Editor and allowing various issues to be debated through our pages. All letters must contain the writer’s name, address and phone number. Anonymous letters will not be printed, however the writer’s name may be withheld from publication in special circumstances deemed appropriate by the Publisher. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, spelling and grammar, taste or for reasons of potential libel. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to withhold letters from publication.

Canada asleep at the wheel on U.S. tax reform Charles Lammam and Hugh MacIntyre The Fraser Institute Former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau once famously quipped that living next to the United States “is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant.” By this he meant that developments in the U.S. often have an outsized effect on Canada. Canadians, like it or not, must always be mindful of what’s happening south of the border and be flexible enough to respond. This is particularly true with our comparative standing on taxes. Unfortunately, Pierre Trudeau’s observation seems completely lost on his son, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and various provincial leaders. With the U.S. Senate passing its tax reform bill, it’s increasingly likely that the U.S. will - for the first time in almost two decades - soon have a business tax regime that’s significantly more competitive than Canada’s. Crucially, this will divert investment, which drives long-term economic growth and prosperity, away from Canada to the U.S. It’s not like our governments can say they didn’t see this coming. For more than a year, there have been clear warning signs that the U.S. was serious about tax reform. And Ottawa and many of the provinces have done nothing to respond. This is unfortunate because successive federal governments (starting with Jean Chretien’s Liberals and then Stephen Harper’s Conservatives) - along with provincial governments of various political stripes - undertook enormous reforms to improve Canada’s business tax regime. Major reductions to the statutory corporate income tax rate, elimination of the corporate capital tax, and a switch to value-added sales taxes at the provincial level helped give Canada a marked advantage over the U.S. For instance instance, in 2000 Canada’s combined federal-provincial combine corporate income tax rate corpo was 42.4 per cent, the second highest among se iindustrialized countries and higher than the U.S. federal-

state rate of 39.3 per cent. By 2017, Canada’s combined corporate income tax rate dropped to 26.7 per cent, below the U.S. rate of 38.9 per cent. This advantage will soon be spun on its head. While final details of the U.S. reform package are not yet set in stone, the U.S. will likely move from depreciating capital investment towards full expensing, create incentives to move overseas profits to the U.S. And it’s expected to reduce the federal corporate tax rate from 35 per cent to 20 per cent, bringing its combined federal-state rate lower than Canada’s combined rate. More broadly, the U.S. will gain an advantage when it comes to the overall tax rate on new investment, which includes more than just the corporate income tax. According to University of Calgary economist Jack Mintz, the overall tax rate on new investment in the U.S. will fall from 34.6 per cent to 18.6 per cent (Canada’s current rate is 21.6 per cent). Indeed, Canada will go from having a big advantage over the U.S. on the taxation of new investment to a disadvantage, as the U.S. rate is cut by almost half. In the wake of this challenge, neither the federal government nor any of the provinces have presented a plan to maintain Canada’s competitive position on business taxes. To the contrary, some provinces in the past two years have actually raised their corporate tax rates, making us less competitive vis-à-vis the U.S. Making matters worse, federal finances, and the finances of key provinces such as Ontario and Alberta, make it very difficult for our governments to do anything in the short term without having to either run even larger deficits or enact significant spending reforms (none of these governments seem interested in reducing spending). Given the widespread economic benefits, improving Canada’s business tax regime is good policy regardless of what the U.S. does. But reform south of the border makes it even more critical for our governments to take action. When you sleep with an elephant, doing nothing is not a good choice. Charles Lammam is director of fiscal studies and Hugh MacIntyre is a senior policy analyst at the Fraser Institute (

The advantage this country once had over the United States has been spun on its head. And that means investment will start heading south in droves

January 24, 2018

News Advertiser PAGE 7

red tape - CONTINUED from PAGE 5

they will soon be posting another notice. Montreal Urban Community and the City of Brossard, for creating wildly different sets of regulations around the required thickness and composition of plastic carry-out bags. Smithers, B.C., in an encore performance of last year’s Paperweight, for forcing another business, this time a not-for-profit, to build a “sidewalk to nowhere.” National Capital Commission, another repeat offender, for making children fill out a three -page contract indemnifying NCC of any legal liability before opening up their lemonade stand. Ontario’s Liquor Control Board, for approving, then disapproving a beer product because its label resembled an ancient Greek symbol associated with medicine. Similarly, Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation threatened legal action against a craft distillery for using a stylized 1940s highway sign as their logo. Statistics Canada, for forcing business owners to spend time answering lengthy, complicated surveys or face fines and even jail time. Quebec’s Ministry of Health, for insisting pharmacies disclose their pricing structure to consumers, creating reams of paperwork and undermining their competitiveness.

Nova Scotia’s Labour Standards Division and Labour Board, for failing to meet its own standards to disclose details of a complaint made against a business in time and then refusing to give the business owner time to contest it. The city of Ottawa, for setting up roadblocks for food trucks with bureaucratic red tape and creating a “food truck selection committee.”

Canadian Border Services Agency, for unreasonable delays and poor communication, when inspecting goods, causing business owners financial hardship and unnecessary stress. Finance Minister Bill Morneau, for adding more complexity and uncertainty to the tax code by imposing a subjective ‘reasonableness test’ on business owners who share income with family members.




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ON NOW AT YOUR ALBERTA GMC DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the purchase of a 2018 GMC Terrain SLE FWD, Sierra 1500 Double Cab Elevation Edition and Acadia SLE-1 AWD equipped as described. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the Alberta GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only on select vehicles delivered from January 3 to January 31, 2018. * Limited time lease offer valid to eligible lessees in Canada who obtained credit approval and enter into a lease agreement with GM Financial, and who accept delivery from January 3, 2018 – January 31, 2018 of a select new or demonstrator 2018 MY GMC vehicle. 2018 MY vehicle not eligible for this offer is Canyon 2SA. Total Lease Value consists of $1,500 manufacturer-to-dealer New Year Lease Bonus (taxexclusive), the GM Card Application Bonus (tax-inclusive), and may include manufacturer-to-dealer lease cash (tax exclusive) (“Lease Cash”). Lease Cash applies to select vehicles and value depends on model purchased: $1,500 on new 2018 Acadia, Terrain, Sierra HD, Yukon, Yukon XL, Sierra LD Reg Cab, Canyon (excl 2SA), Savana; $2,000 on new 2018 Sierra LD Double Cab; $2,750 on new 2018 Sierra Crew Cab. GM Card Application Bonus applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank ® GM ® Visa* Card or current Scotiabank ® GM ® Visa* Cardholders. GM Card Application Bonus credit value depends on model purchased: $500 GM Card Bonus on new 2018 Terrain; $750 GM Card Bonus on new 2018 Canyon (excluding 2SA), Acadia, City Express, Express, Savana; $1,000 GM Card Bonus on new 2018 Yukon, Yukon XL, Sierra LD & HD. As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Conditions and limitations apply. Void where prohibited. See Dealer for full program details. GM Canada reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. † Lease based on suggested retail price of $30,624/$40,498/$36,726 includes $500/$1,000/$750 manufacturer-to-consumer GM Card Application Bonus (offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa Card [GM Card] or current GM Card cardholders) (tax inclusive), $0/$500/$0 manufacturer-to-dealer lease cash (tax exclusive), and a manufacturer-to-dealer $1,500 New Year Lease Bonus (tax exclusive) towards the lease for an eligible new 2018 GMC Terrain SLE FWD/Sierra 1500 Double Cab Elevation Edition/Acadia SLE-1 AWD at participating dealers. Bi-weekly payment is $159/$195/$189 for 48 months at 0.9%/2.5%/0.9% interest rate on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. $1,350/$3,200/$2,500 down payment is required. Total obligation is $17,814/$23,408/$22,084 plus applicable taxes. Taxes, license, insurance, registration and applicable fees, levies, duties and, except in Quebec, dealer fees (all of which may vary by dealer and region) are extra. Option to purchase at lease end is $13,218/$19,967/$15,576. See dealer for details. Discounts vary by model. Dealer may sell for less. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. Offers may not be redeemed for cash and may not combined with certain other consumer incentives. ® Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. 1 U.S. Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program (www.SaferCar. gov). 2 Visit for coverage maps, details and system limitations. Service plan required. Available 4G LTE with Wi-Fi ® hotspot requires WPA2 compatible mobile device and data plan. Data plans provided by AT&T or its local service provider. Services vary by model, service plan, conditions as well as geographical and technical restrictions. OnStar ® with 4G LTE connectivity is available on select vehicle models and in select markets. Vehicle must be started or in accessory mode to access Wi-Fi ®. 3 Full functionality requires compatible Bluetooth and smartphone, and USB connectivity for some devices. 4 Not compatible with all devices. 5 The OnStar ® Basic Plan is available on eligible new and pre-owned vehicles equipped with OnStar ® 4G LTE hardware for 5 years or the remaining term. The Basic Plan is transferable to subsequent owners for the remaining term. It includes the monthly Diagnostics Report emails (capabilities vary by model), Dealer Maintenance Notification, access to select vehicle mobile app features and more. Your vehicle must have been compatible with the vehicle’s mobile app prior to the OnStar ® 4G LTE hardware upgrade, if applicable. This plan does not include emergency, security or navigation services. These and other services require a paid or Add-On Plan. Visit for vehicle availability, coverage maps, details and system limitations. Available 4G LTE with Wi-Fi® hotspot requires WPA2-compatible mobile device and data plan. Data plans are provided by AT&T TM or its local service provider. 6 Whichever comes first. Limit of four complimentary Lube-Oil-Filter services in total. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing etc., are not covered. Conditions and limitations apply. See your dealer for details. 7 Whichever comes first, fully transferable. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for complete details.


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january 24, 2018

RCMP Historical Homicide Unit Investigating Deaths of Three Women Hal Turnbull, Cpl. RCMP, “K” Division - Strategic Communications Unit Edmonton, AB – Investigators from the RCMP’s “K” Division Historical Homicide Unit (HHU) are continuing to push forward with three separate investigations, each involving a woman who initially had been reported missing in Alberta but believed by police to have been victims of homicide. The three cases, although not believed to be related, span a period of approximately 30 years; from 1983 to 2013. The victims in each case are women who vary in age from 16-years-old to 70 years-old and none of them have been found to date. All three cases remain unsolved, but it is the belief of S/Sgt. Jason Zazulak, who heads up the “K” Division HHU, as well as of the investigators who comprise the unit, that each case can and will be solved. The first case is that of Shelly Ann Bacsu who was 16 years of age when she was reported missing to Hinton RCMP on May 3, 1983 after she failed to return home from a friend’s residence in Hinton; a walk of seven kilometres which she had done many times before. Family members became concerned when Shelly Ann did not arrive home by 9:30 that evening and when their own search failed to locate the teen by 11:30 p.m., they reported her missing to the RCMP detachment in Hinton. Extensive searches by the RCMP of the Town of Hinton and the surrounding rural area did not locate Shelly Ann but police did find several of her belongings alongside the Athabasca River near the Town of Hinton. Investigators believe that Shelly Ann was killed and continue to seek her remains. Stephanie Stewart (70) was working at the Athabasca Fire Lookout Tower near Hinton as an employee of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development in the summer of 2006. Colleagues became concerned about her well-being when she failed to call in on the morning of August 26, 2006. A visit to Stephanie’s cabin revealed that all was not well and the RCMP was called in to investigate. Evidence at the scene led investigators to believe that Stewart had been murdered. Searches throughout the surrounding area and elsewhere failed to locate her. It was on November 30, 2013 when 44-year-old Deanna MacNeil was reported missing to the Vegreville RCMP detachment by a friend after she had not been heard from within preceding 48 hours; something which the friend though very unusual as Deanna was in the habit of contacting her several times a day. The police investigation confirmed that Deanna had been seen in Mundare at the Servus Credit Union ATM, the Mundare Liquor Store and lastly at a friend’s place around 12:30 p.m. on the morning of November 28, 2013. Police conduct several searches including two extensive ones of the Mundare townsite, but Deanna was not located. Friends and family have not had any contact from Deanna since she was reported missing. The RCMP believes that she was the victim of homicide. S/Sgt. Jason Zazulak, NCO i/c “K” Division HHU believes that these investigations will be solved and that the key pieces of information which will allow HHU investigators to identify the persons responsible for the deaths of these women are known by members of the public. “In each of these three cases, we know that there are people out there who have knowledge of what happened to Shelly Ann, Deanna and Stephanie. We want to hear from those people, whether it be through Crime Stoppers, through their local detachment or through our own social media channels.” The rapid expansion and adoption of social media in many facets of the lives of Canadians has opened up the opportunity for the RCMP to receive new information about cases through the use of social media accounts held directly by the homicide investigators themselves. Cpl. Kerry Shima of HHU is the lead investigator for Stephanie Stewart’s case. He has a Twitter account and will be tweeting about Stephanie’s case as well as topics related to unsolved homicides. The Twitter account is @ KerryShima_RCMP. The RCMP encourages anyone with information about any of these cases to contact their local detachment or police agency. Individuals may guarantee their anonymity by calling Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or submitting their information at Also, details can be submitted to the Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains at The families of these three women deserve to know what happened, to bring their loved ones home, and see a resolution through an arrest of the person or persons responsible.

January 24, 2018

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Two Hills Mixed Bonspiel

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Pat Ewanishan Submitted First 8 ender in the new curling rink in Two Hills. Scored during the Mixed Bonspiel on Friday, Jan. 19 by the Ewanishan team. Lead Laura Ewanishan, Skip Jeremy Ewanishan, 2nd Neil Musg rave, 3rd Kenda ll Musgrave. First in the B event: Skip Curtis Paulichuk, 3rd Cecil White, 2nd Ryan Yakemchuk,

Lead Cheryl Paulichuk (sitting in for Lorraine Wowk). Second in the B event: Skip Jeremy Ewanishan, 3rd Kendall Musgrave, 2nd Neil Musgrave, Lead Laura Ewanishan. First in the A event: Skip Pat Corkish, 3rd Brett Taschuk, 2nd Laurie Taschuk, Lead Ken Mehalcheon. Second in the A event: Skip Darrel Rudkowsky, 3rd Wally Zapisocki, 2nd Ollie Zapasocki, Lead Roberta Rudkowsky.


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january 24, 2018

Growing Industrial Hemp Agri-News Submitted Growing industrial hemp is getting a lot of interest these days. The federal Cannabis Act will have significant impact on regula-

tory regime for industrial hemp in Canada. New regulations for use of chaff (leaves and flowers) and simplifying hemp licencing are under discussion. The

Cannabis Act public consultation took place this winter, with the Act expected to take effect in July 2018. Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, and partners, are putting on seminars, in Vermilion (February 6) and Vegreville (February 8)

industrial hemp - CONTINUED ON PAGE 11


January 24, 2018

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industrial hemp - CONTINUED from PAGE 10 to help Alberta producers identify if industrial hemp may be a good fit in their crop rotation. Patti Breland and Lori-Jo Graham of Agriculture and Forestry will start the day off by providing an overview of the industrial hemp industry and current market opportunities. Jan Slaski, lead industrial hemp researcher at InnoTech Alberta, and Byron James, supervisor of the farm and decortication facility located in Vegreville, will present, and both have a vast amount of knowledge on growing industrial hemp. “You can’t treat growing industrial hemp the same as growing canola,” says Slaski, who is also a director at Canadian

Hemp Trade Alliance. After lunch we will hear from Brian Rozmahel, a producer from Viking, who will relate his experiences growing organic industrial hemp. “2017 was our fourth year of being certified organic and growing hemp. My interest lies in using cover crops to improve soil health, increase fertility and to control weeds,” says Rozmahel, who also spoke this past November at the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance in Ottawa. Terry Radford of Just Biofiber will present on the commercial use of hemp as a sustainable building material. From his family farm in Saskatchewan, Radford has experience in all aspects of launching

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industrial hemp - CONTINUED ON PAGE 12

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january 24, 2018

Crime Reduction Sgt. Jerry Nutbrown RCMP Ponderings – Vegreville Detachment This can mean many different things to many people but what I will address here is a researched and planned approach to reduce crime. Locally we have been doing many things to address this such as pro-active patrols in higher

crime areas and paying special attention to those that continuously operate in the criminal world. It is no secret that a small percentage of people typically consume the majority of our time so who better to focus on than this group to reduce crime. When these folks get arrested and released

they typically are on conditions such as a curfew, to abstain from liquor or other intoxicants (depending if this was an influencing factor of their offence), not to be in the company of any co-accused or other conditions to address the crime they are alleged to have committed. Someone who has been convicted of a crime may also be released on conditions which again are to mitigate the chances of them re-offending in the type of the crime they had committed. These conditions assist police with managing their release in the way of compliance checks. There is a significant number of accused and convicted people that we find breaching their conditions and this generates new charges and now their freedom may be at jeopardy. Subsequent charges or convictions are considered to be factors that put the public at risk as these folks seem to be inclined to re-offend and this is taken into account as to whether or not they get released.

The big factors in successful crime reduction is having a strategy towards it as well as sustained effort. One factor which makes it more difficult is that criminals travel. We often catch people from other areas committing crimes in our area and often local criminals are caught in other areas, but this can be addressed. Information sharing is very important to combat these travelling criminals. We continually are exchanging information with other detachments or police services to try and ensure we are filling the gaps. Technology is making the exchange of information easier between detachments and police services and in many cases, with the general public. Technology is also used for crime reduction such as security video systems, tracking technologies and warrants and orders for obtaining records (texts, phone calls, banking information, etc.). Some strategies are the old school boots on the ground type where we physically check on our local people of interest be it compliance checks if they are on conditions or just interacting with them when we see them. A question is why do the same people continually commit offenses? This is what we are also starting to look at to see if we can move them from crime to a non-criminal way of life which will save a lot of people a lot of time and money. Maybe a positive influence will help at least one of them move from crime while helping us to reduce crime.

industrial hemp - CONTINUED from PAGE 11 and establishing new companies in the marketplace, from finding new market niches to setting strategic directions for growth management.

News Advertiser Seeks Stringers!

Charles Holmes, President of Hempco Canada, became involved in formulating and marketing health products and set out to discover the ultimate vegan protein source for humans – and as he says “he found it in the mighty hemp seed”. Charles will be speaking on their experiences with

hemp manufacturing for the food industry. The Holmes Family and Hempco® are long-time pioneers and innovators in hemp research, products advocacy and education. Dan Madlung was inspired to pursue his passion for forestry as a full-time entrepreneur and he now owns several

industrial hemp - CONTINUED ON PAGE 13

string·er n. A part-time or freelance correspondent for the news media. Do you have some writing flair? Are you "in the know" and connected to your community? Do you have an eye for the spectacular? The News Advertiser wants YOU!!! We are preparing the launch of our new web site and want our readers to be wowed and informed. For more information, please contact us via email at

January 24, 2018

industrial hemp - CONTINUED from PAGE 12 businesses including BioComposites Group (BCG) Inc. BCG designs and builds renewable, bio-based products from the industrial hemp plant using his fibre mat technology. Dan will be speaking on commercializing products utilizing hemp fibre. This promises to be an interesting and informative day on the future and opportunities for industrial hemp in Alberta. The days are: Vermilion (February 6) and

Vegreville (February 8). Email for more information.

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january 24, 2018


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Ask the Guys

Dear Classified Guys, We recently moved to a new house with a huge tree in the front yard. My husband's first thought was to cut it down, but I can't image destroying such a beautiful piece of nature. He called a tree service from the newspaper service directory for an estimate and the gentleman told us that we might have the oldest oak tree in the area. Now I'm wondering how old it really is. The trunk is almost 4 feet wide. My husband keeps hinting at cutting it down to count the rings, but that would defeat my hopes of keeping it. Do you guys have any ideas on how to determine its real age without turning it into firewood? • Cash: If the tree could speak,

you could throw it a birthday party and ask how many candles to put on the cake. Carry: But considering its real age, it would likely tell you 29, like my wife does! Cash: It's obvious a tree of that size has been around a lot longer than any of us. Your husband is correct in that counting the rings of the tree trunk is an accurate way to determine its age.

Duane “Cash” Holze & Todd “Carry” Holze 01/15/12 01/21/18 ® ® ©The Classified Guys ©The Classified Guys

Carry: However, cutting it down to count the rings is not the only method. You could hire an arborist or botanist to take a core sample of the tree trunk. The actual rings can then be counted without cutting the tree down and the cored area will heal itself in time. Cash: If you're looking for a simpler method, you can estimate a tree's age by measuring the circumference of its trunk. Wrap a piece of rope around the tree about three feet up from the base where the trunk begins to get more uniform. Carry: The average oak tree grows about 1 inch in circumference every year. Simply measure the length of rope to estimate the

age of the tree. Cash: In your case, a 4-foot diameter tree should have a circumference of about 150 inches, or an estimated age of 150 years. Carry: If you keep the tree, you should consider hiring a tree service to come prune it periodically. Cutting away dead branches and thinning out the crown helps to keep the tree healthy by allowing better airflow and more sunshine to get through. Cash: If you'd like your husband to "leave" the tree alone, simply remind him that a well-aged tree can add considerably to a home's value. That may help him to see more "green" in the tree than just the leaves.

Fast Facts Aerated

Reader Humor All Fall Down

Many of us can appreciate the shade of a beautiful tree on a hot day, but few realize how valuable that tree really is to our health. According to the Washington Arbor Day Council, one fullgrown tree can produce enough oxygen in one year to keep a family of four breathing healthy. On the other hand, it takes some 400 trees to absorb the pollutants produced by just one car in the same period of time. So if you have the room, it may pay to plant an extra tree or two.

My yard was completely overgrown with trees so I hired a local arborist to cut a few of them down. As we walked around my yard, I said, "How much for that one?" After a moment to study it, he replied, "$100." When I gave him a nod, he started up his chainsaw and dropped the tree just as planned. "How much for the next one?" I asked. "$50," he replied. Again he dropped it just as planned. We continued like this until the last tree. Unfortunately when he cut it, the tree went slightly left and crashed directly on my grandson's playhouse. Before I could say a word, he looked at me and said, "Tell you what. I won’t charge you for that one." (Thanks to Victor G.)

Tree Top The world's tallest living tree was discovered in 2000 in Rockefeller Forest of Humboldt Redwoods State Park in California. The tree measured 370 feet tall. While that may seem quite large, it is not the tallest tree on record. That title goes to a Eucalyptus regnans tree found in Victoria, Australia. In 1872, forester William Ferguson reported it at a height of 432 feet and believed to be over 500 feet originally. Although the tree is no longer alive, its record remains. Do you have a question or funny story about the classifieds? Want to just give us your opinion? Email us at:

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January 24, 2018

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cheap dreams - CONTINUED from PAGE 4 safe enough to handle the waste. To make things worse, 3 of Canada’s nuclear power generating facilities are in Ontario, and we all know how good they are with budgets. Plans resurface time and again with different groups and location suggestions. New Brunswick (2009), Lake Huron (2005) and most recently Ottawa River (2018). Clearly, these companies have no answer and putting the waste next to our water sources doesn’t seem to be a logical solution. These plans sound insane. Maybe I just don’t understand.

The Money

Viktor Kiryanov Photo

disaster could reach ¥70 trillion ($626 billion).

The Waste Unfortunately, despite the claim that 96% of the waste material from nuclear power generation COULD be recycled, that is not what happens. What do they do? They store it and try to bury it. Dating back to the late 80’s, proposal after proposal has been put forward for sites in Canada for our own waste. The process of finding a site to bury the highlevel spent fuel has dragged on for decades as reactors keep churning out more spent fuel. In Canada, the NWMO, made up of utilities that create and store nuclear spent fuel waste, tour the country looking for a home for the waste they produce. Some of the proposed waste would remain radioactive for more than 100,000 years. In over 3 decades a real solution has not been found. In 2009 it was estimated that it would cost $24 billion to site, build and maintain a central storage facility big enough and

If you’ve been paying attention, you can see that the cleanup expense alone is staggering. Not to mention the human cost of not being able to return to a location for 20,000 years. The cost to build a nuclear power plant continues to rise with a price tag of $9 billion cited in a 2009 report. Even though a number of plants in the US were abandoned during construction due, in some cases, to cost it seems that the desire is still there. According to a recent Bloomberg New Energy Finance analysis, more than half of the nuclear reactors in the USA are bleeding cash, racking up losses totaling about $2.9 billion a year. By 1985, Forbes had already labeled U.S. nuclear power “the largest mana-

gerial disaster in business history.” Despite ALL of this, governments keep denying the facts. Are they simply too stupid to see the truth or are all of the expensive dinner presentations clouding their judgement? Fortunately for Albertans, Bruce Power withdrew its application for the proposed Lac Cardinal facility in January 2009, proposing instead a new site 30 km north of Peace River. Finally, in December 2011, the controversial project was abandoned. Unfortunately, I doubt it was because of anyone in government having a backbone, but I hope it IS the end of our cheap (nuclear) dreams close to home. The Union of Concerned Scientists has a great deal of reading on this topic if you are interested. https://www.ucsusa. org/nuclear-power Tell me what you think. Email me at


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january 24, 2018





Frank Sperberg May 30, 1966 - January 23, 2016 You can shed tears that he is gone, Or you can smile because he has lived. You can close your eyes and pray that he’ll come back, Or you can open your eyes and see all he’s left. Your heart can be empty because you can’t see him, Or you can be full of the love you shared. You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday, Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. You can remember him only that he is gone, Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on. You can cry and close your mind Be empty and turn your back. Or you can do what he’d want, smile, Open your eyes, love and go on. Love always, Annette, Grant and Nick

KASSIAN, Tom In Loving Memory of our dear Dad and Gedo Tom Kassian March 19, 1930 - January 24, 2013 He never looked for praises He was never one to boast He just went on quietly working For the ones he loved the most. His dreams were seldom spoken His wants were very few And most of the time his worries Went unspoken too. He was there a firm foundation Through all our storms of life A sturdy hand to hold onto In times of stress and strife. A true friend we could turn to When times were good or bad One of our greatest blessings The Man that we called Dad. Sending our Love to you in Heaven We think of you everyday. Cindy & Randy, Kayla & Kevin, Colin & Hayley, Colten & Kim

TOPOLINSKI, Isabel On January 18, 2018 Isabel Topolinski of Vegreville, formerly of Two Hills, passed away at the age of 96 years. Isabel is survived by her loving husband of 72 years, Mike; son, Don (Linda); daughter, Marlene (Ron); three grandchildren, Breanne, Scott and Kristi; three great-grandchildren, Kendall, Olivia and Kierra; and one brother, Marshall (Nadia) Elkow. Predeceased by her parents, Alex and Mary; siblings, Esther, John, Anne, Bill, Mike, Pearl, Matthew, Nettie, Andrew, Dmytro, Sophia, Victoria, Joseph and Nick. Graveside Service Sunday, January 21, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. at Seventh Day Adventist Church, Beauvallon. Pastor Brad Dahr officiating. In lieu of other tributes, donations may be made to ADRA Canada (Adventist Disaster & Relief Association), 20 Robert St. W., Newcastle, Ontario, L1B 1C6 Photos, memories and condolences may be shared through PARK MEMORIAL LTD. VEGREVILLE 780-632-2000 FAMILY OWNED FUNERAL HOME

LEBID Lawson is happy to announce the arrival of his baby brother, Jace Jack Lebid on January 3, 2018 at the Grey Nuns Hospital in Edmonton. Parents: Trevor and Krystal Lebid. Grandparents: Jack & Connie Lebid and Peter & Sherry Dziwenka.

Mary Palichuk In loving memory of our dear Mother, Baba and Baba Baba who passed away January 20, 2014. She always learned to watch for us Anxious if we were late In winter by the window In summer by the gate. And though we mocked her tenderly Who had such foolish care The long way home would seem more safe Because she waited there Her thoughts were all so full of us She never could forget And so we think where she is She must be watching yet Waiting ‘til we come home to her Anxious if we are late Watching from Heaven’s window Leaning from Heaven’s gate. Sadly missed and forever remembered by her family - Lorraine, Dianne and Ernie and their families.

MATVIW, Michael In loving memory of my dear husband, Michael, (father, grandfather and great-grandfather) who passed away January 25, 2000. Eighteen years ago today, It broke our hearts to lose you, But you didn’t go alone. A part of us went with you, The day God took you home. A million times we’ve missed you, A million times we’ve cried. Our lives go on without you, And nothing is the same. Sad are the hearts that love you, Silent the tears that fall, Living our lives without you, Is the hardest part of all. You did so many things for us. Your heart always kind and true. And when we needed someone most, We could always count on you. The special years will not return When we were all together. But with the love within our hearts You walk with us forever. Until we meet again. Always remembered by your loving wife, Elsie; your children Mildred, David (Georgie), and Barbara; grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

Philippine volcano explodes, authorities raise alert level. Mount Mayon may have a hazardous eruption within days, authorities warn The Philippines’ most active volcano exploded thunderously Monday, sending a huge grey column of lava fragments, ash and steam into the sky and prompting authorities to warn that a violent eruption may be imminent. The noontime explosion sent superheated lava, molten rocks and steam cascading down Mount

MORROW Grayson, Taylor and Blake are excited to announce the arrival of their baby brother Graham Marcel Morrow. Graham was born on December 22, 2017 and weighed 8 lb 11 oz and was 20.5 inches long. Parents Brad and Jill Morrow. Grandparents Georges and Helen Gratton, and Jean Morrow.

WOYTKIW, Emily Josephine November 2, 1931 – January 18, 2018 On Thursday, January 18, 2018, Emily Josephine Woytkiw (nee Lesiuk) of Mundare, Alberta passed away, surrounded by her family, after a brief illness. Emily is survived by her loving four children and six grandchildren. As per Emily’s wishes, cremation has taken place. A private family memorial service will be held at a later date. The family extends their appreciation and gratitude to the Dr.’s and the staff at St. Joseph’s General Hospital for the care and compassion shown to Emily. Memorial donations may be made to “Communities In Bloom-Mundare, c/o Box 348, Mundare, AB.,T0B 3H0” or “Alberta Cancer Foundation.” To send condolences, please visit AUTUMN ROSE FUNERAL HOME LTD. VEGREVILLE,780-603-5800

Tsunami fears send people in B.C. to higher ground; warning ends after quake Emergency response to tsunami scare Tsunami warning for B.C. coast cancelled VANCOUVER -- Sirens and officials banging on doors roused people from their sleep in the middle of the night Tuesday in British Columbia as a tsunami warning was issued along a large swath of the province’s coastline after a powerful earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska.

January 24, 2018

News Advertiser PAGE 17

THE blotter - CONTINUED from PAGE 2 investigation. 15:35 – 911 of a traffic hazard. It was reported that a truck without lights was on the side of the road. Member attended and flares were set up to assist the reflective triangles because it was very foggy. 16:36 – 911 anonymous call of a possible impaired driver leaving the bar. RCMP made patrols for this vehicle which was not located.

who advised they came to Vegreville with friends who abandoned them with no money and no phone. RCMP contacted the subjects brother who came to pick them up. 19:04 – Complainant reports hearing loud banding outside for about 10 minutes. Unsure what is going on. Patrols in the area were negative. No one was located outside and no banging was heard. No other avenues to follow.

January 21

During the week there were 4 false alarms, 4 false 911’s and 2 animal collisions totaling 71 calls for service.

18:55 – complainant reports that a person has been hanging around the bar for a few days. They wanted this person to leave because they have no money. RCMP attended and spoke to the subject



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january 24, 2018

St. Martin’s School Executive Government Speaks!

(Left-to-right) St. Martinvilles Government-Treasurer, Marlee Ogrodnick, Human Resources, Isabella De Guzmam, Human Resources, Anslei Thistle, Town Manager, Ava Foran, Deputy Mayor, Selby Labuschagne, Health and Wellness Champion, Rory Gorgichuk, Mayor, Brady Douglas-Krill. (Missing from photo is Town Clerk-Madyson Nichol. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent

The newly elected St. Martinvilles’ Executive Government might be young but

their enthusiasm makes them ready and willing to learn and to try new ideas. Mayor Brady Douglas-Krill said he is really happy to have been elected as the mayor because it is a cool job. “It is really neat to be in the top position. I enjoy how


January 24, 2018

Government - CONTINUED from PAGE 18 we all make decisions. But it is also a challenge and gets frustrating when we don’t reach a final decision,” Brady said. Then Brandy mentioned that he hopes to bring a lot of happiness to the other kids and that everyone has a good year. Deputy Mayor, Selby Labuschagne said it feels good to be elected as deputy mayor. “I have a lot of freedom, I get to do things, make decisions and change whatever I want in the school. It’s a really nice position to be in. The challenges are coming up with ideas; I always want to try and make new and better things than the old things while also keeping the old things. So, then you really have to think about it and sit down with a few other people. When people don’t agree with things, you have to convince them of your point of view or change the ideas. I even brainstorm at home. Finally, I hope to bring enjoyment to everyone instead of dreading school, they are excited about the things in it. I want to make people happy. Also, I would like to teach them more and have things like a science fair where you have to study things and a talent show which shows everything you know and can do and forces you to work hard at something,” Selby said. Town Manager, Ava Foran said she likes being in the school government a lot because it helps peo-

News Advertiser PAGE 19



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ple to have fun at school. “I like being able to make decisions and influence how the school is operated. The challenges are trying to make everyone happy, reaching a final agreement and helping them get what they want. I hope to bring enjoyment to everyone and that everyone has a good year,” Ava mentioned.

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january 24, 2018


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W E D N E S D AY, J A N U A R Y 2 4 , 2 018

Students Celebrate Little Christmas

Main Photo: Father Slawomir conducts the service. Inset: Students pray while Father Slawomir says grace. (Rosanne Fortier/photos)

See story on page 8


News Advertiser insider

JANUARY 24, 2018

$5,000 Donation to The RJV Soccer Park Western Financial Group on behalf of the Western Communities Foundation has donated $5,000.00 to the RJV Soccer Park in Vegreville. In 2002, Western Financial Group founded the Western Communities Foundation to give back to the communities we live and work in across western Canada. The Western Communities Foundation supports community infrastructure projects and exceptional achievement bursaries for graduating high school students.

Check presented by Marge Laschowski and Doris Serna to Al Bohrson

Vantage Celebrates 43 Years On January 12, 2018, Vantage Bu i lders in Vegreville celebrated 43 years of serving northeast Alberta. Following are photo highlights of their customer appreciation day.


JANUARY 24, 2018

100th Donation

At the January 2, 2018 Blood Donor Clinic hosted in Vegreville at the Social Centre, Barry McCarty reached a 100th donation milestone. A total of 107 units of blood were donated at the clinic.

News Advertiser insider PAGE 3


News Advertiser insider

JANUARY 24, 2018

United Church Chili Cook-off Supper

David, Rob, Campbell Prestash eat the chili. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Friendship, fun, and food laced Vegreville United Church during their Three King Chili Cook-off Supper on January 17. Many people commented that the food was good as they announced which of the bowls of chili they thought was best and voted for. Proceeds from this event will be forwarded to the church’s needs as the members were involved in setting up, helping and preparing the food and event.

Deb Dyer with the gingerbread men she made. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Vegreville RCMP Want to Remind Motorists How to Yield to Emergency Vehicles Cpl. Leigh Drinkwater Vegreville RCMP Detachment Vegreville, Alberta- The Vegreville RCMP have noticed some confusion amongst motorists on how to proceed when nearby emergency vehicles and want to communicate a refresher to raise awareness and educate motorists. The RCMP frequently encounter motorists who do not know how to safely yield to emergency vehicles. Such scenarios arise when Police, Fire and Rescue along with Paramedics are trying to safely and urgently attend emergency situations within town limits and rural areas. Failing to yield the right of way to an emergency vehicle in Alberta can lead to a $233 fine. More importantly, it can have lethal consequences for first responders and the people they’re trying to help. Emergency vehicles may operate with lights only for some calls for service, otherwise, they will have both lights and sirens activated. Here are a few reminders as per Alberta’s Traffic Safety Act. • On streets that have traffic flowing in both directions (for example - highway 16A or 50 Street) and lanes divided by a yellow line – motorists should pull over to the right-hand curb and stop. • On one-way streets or roads divided by a median (for example highway 16), drivers should pull over to the right-hand curb/shoulder and stop. • At intersections – look to see where the emergency vehicle is coming from.

If the emergency vehicle is behind you, safely pull to the right. If the emergency vehicle is approaching you from the front or left/right side, remain stopped until it passes and always scan for other emergency vehicles before proceeding - there is often more than one. • If you’re approaching an intersection – safely pull to the right and stop before entering the intersection. Do not stop in the intersection. • Once out of the way – stay stopped until the emergency vehicle passes and check that no other emergency vehicles are approaching. • Do not follow within 150 metres of an emergency vehicle that has its lights and siren operating - the emergency vehicle(s) may slow suddenly. • Under normal driving circumstances, always scan the roads in front and around you and check your rear view mirror regularly. • Avoid distractions – cell phones, reading, and engaging in personal grooming/hygiene. Distracted driving alone carries a penalty of $287 and three demerits. • Pay attention to what other motorists are doing - watch for other vehicles when pulling over. • DO NOT pull over to the left as emergency vehicles will remain in the left lane whether it be on the highway or city streets. The RCMP wants to ensure that the motoring public understands that emergency vehicles include: Police, Fire, and Ambulances, and the Traffic Safety Act grants them right of way when responding to calls for service in emergency situations.

JANUARY 24, 2018

Taking Home the Gold

Jennifer Mikitka Mundare School The Mundare School Girls’ Basketball Team took home gold at the EIPS Junior Tournament on January 13th. The team, and their coaches, humbly accept the gold medal but continue to prepare vigorously as they head into league games against their strong opponents from other schools. The girls are looking forward to continuing their growth on the court.

KidSport Volunteers So ALL Kids Can Play KidSport Vegreville has helped over 750 area kids off the sidelines and into a season of sport since 1995. Over the past 23 years, dozens of local volunteers have stepped forward to donate their time and efforts to making sure all kids in Vegreville have the opportunity to experience the lifelong benefits of sport. Kids

who play organized sports perform better in school, have stronger social connections and are in better health than their sedentary peers. The unfortunate reality is that, with the rising costs of sports fees, 1 of every 3 families reports struggling with the costs of their kids’ sports. KidSport provides grants to families living in the County of Minburn to help cover the costs of sports registration fees. KidSport Vegreville is always in need of quality volunteers. Members of KidSport Vegreville’s volunteer board make our community better in a tangible way today and in the future. The volunteer commitment varies depending on the position, but averages 4-5 hours per month roughly 1-2 hours in a monthly meeting, and a few additional hours on specific tasks. Volunteers of all ages, skill sets and walks of life are welcome, and training and support are provided for all volunteers, to ensure they are set up for success! To learn more about KidSport Vegreville, please visit

News Advertiser insider PAGE 5


News Advertiser insider

JANUARY 24, 2018

Students Bring Ukrainian Christmas to Vegreville Care Centre

Students sing Ukrainian Christmas carols. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent A. L. Horton School wanted to bring Ukrainian Christmas to the community. On January 17, around 50 Ukrainian Bilingual students from A.L. Horton’s School Grades two, three and four classes performed Ukrainian Christmas carols and other Ukrainian seasonal songs to the seniors at Vegreville Care Centre. The seniors were invited to sing-a-long to the songs. The students have been practicing these songs for a few months and their conduct resembled adults as they sang in perfect tone, Ukrainian Christmas carols, St. Nicholas songs and songs from Rizvo and Feast of Jordan. The finale was a Happy New Year song where the students held a bit of wheat in their hands to spread good luck and fortune. After this, they threw the wheat on the ground while they pretended to sow the wheat. While doing so, they wished everyone good health, no more problems and headaches, a good harvest and good luck for the New Year. All the students then spoke to the seniors.

JANUARY 24, 2018

News Advertiser insider PAGE 7

Be Careful on Icy Sidewalks and Streets Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent People carry a cold cross during the winter months when they experience the chilly weather and slippery sidewalks, streets, and steps. The main way to avoid frostbite and adjust to the cold temperatures is to dress warm and keep your head and even face covered if necessary. However, it is trickier when the sidewalks are slippery. Injuries from falling when it’s icy can be serious and it is even worse when a person is a senior because then it takes longer to heal. However, if people are cautious they can avoid getting sprains and broken bones. Sometimes, it’s wise to only go out when a person has to and if they must go out to take extra time to go to where they need to go to, to avoid having to walk fast.


Vermilion RCMP seek public assistance located missing 70-yearold male Innisfree, Alberta – Vermilion RCMP are asking for the public’s assistance in locating a missing 70-year-old male. Larry James Ramsay was reported missing on Jan.18, 2018. He was last seen on Dec.19, 2017. There is a general concern for his well-being and police advise he maybe confused if approached or spoken to. Larry is described as: • • • • •

Mixed ethnicity 5’11” tall 210 lbs. Grey hair Brown eyes

Larry may have a small dog with him and might be driving a maroon GMC Sierra pickup truck with Alberta plate BXP4500. If you have information about Larry’s whereabouts, or see this vehicle, please call the Vermilion RCMP at 780-853-5781 or call your local police. If you want to remain anonymous you can contact Crime Stoppers by phone at 1-800-2228477 (TIPS), by Internet at www. or by SMS (check your local Crime Stoppers www. for instructions).

Research indicates the best way to walk is like a penguin. Dr. Ronald Grelsamer of New York City’s Mount Sinai Medical Center says it’s important to maintain your balance. Advance your feet a bit apart as you walk and bend your knees for better control, bend a bit and walk flat-footed while forwarding your arms to the sides. Take shorter steps and keep your hands free and out of your pockets. Don’t carry items that weigh a lot or are bulky, and if you must do this, proceed with caution. If there are hand-rails or other support, use this, especially when climbing steps. If you are getting into a vehicle or leaving it, hold on to the vehicle. When you are purchasing boots, don’t buy plastic or leather soles or ones with smooth soles and heels. Then people who own homes have to be extra careful as they don’t want to be responsible for others’ injuries. They need to clear the ice when it is warmer outside because the ice is softer and easier to chip or shovel off. This allows you to clean snow early on after it falls and stops it from being packed down and becoming ice, which is more of a challenge to remove. Once ice has formed, spread sand, gravel, kitty litter or a salt product, just use care with the salt near plants or lawns. If you have the income for it, calcium magnesium acetate, CMA works very well.


News Advertiser insider

JANUARY 24, 2018

Students Celebrate Little Christmas

Top Right: Students hold lighted candles while Father Slawomir says prayers to bless the water. Left and Below: Students ready to enjoy the meal (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent A. L. Horton School Ukrainian Bilingual School’s entire school body including the staff and 120 students celebrated Little Christmas and Epiphany at Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Vladimir on January 19. The celebration began with a service where the students participated by praying in Ukrainian and singing Ukrainian hymns and songs for the occasion.

The highlight was when Father Slawomir blessed the holy water and went around the church to bless everyone. After the service, the students linedup to have the little glass jars they brought filled with holy water. Then everyone went to the basement for a Lenten Supper of meatless dishes from Ukrainian Christmas.

The Right to be Safe Submitted Vegreville and District Child Development Coalition The Vegreville & District Child Development Coalition (VDCDC) held

Lynard Higoy, AHS – Respiratory Therapist, guides Keegan Kassian through the process to take “Sqeeker’s” blood pressure

an exciting event, in partnership, with the Alberta Health Services (AHS) - Vegreville Community Health Centre to celebrate National Child Day. This annual event, celebrated in Canada on November 20th recognizes our country’s commitment to upholding the rights of children with the 2017 theme - The Right to be Safe. To celebrate this day, the VDCDC invited families (with children aged 1-6years) to attended a Teddy Bear Clinic at the

local Community Health Centre. As families entered the building , stuffed animal friends in tow, children quickly learned they were in control of the teddy bear clinic experience. Each “patient” was given a hospital identification tag and volunteers led them through a variety of stations to promote health and safety. There was no shortage of stations with 18 professionals/ community health members that offered their time and expertise to examine the stuffed friends. Stations included AHS Community Health Centre resources: Children’s Rehab, Dental, Health Promotion, Mental Health, Nutrition, Public Health Nursing and Respiratory Therapy. In addition to the services available in the building a plethora of community health resources also contributed to this unique event. This included: Fisher Chiropractic, Kids Yoga, Tapping Health Massage, VegMin Learning Society, Vegreville Eye Clinic and the 2 doctors form the Vegreville Family Clinic. Children and stuffed friends enjoyed a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere while becoming acquainted with a variety of health, medical and community resource professionals. Parents and caregivers had to opportunity to see what the Community Health Centre looks like behind the front desk, obtain information about community and health resources as well as enjoy the interactive stations and activities with their children and TEDDY to promote health and safety.

Arianna Thiessen is all smiles after Dr. Helen Frank completes an xray on her stuffie.

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