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Innisfree-Minburn 4-H Beef Club Holds Successful Online Auction
Innisfree-Minburn 4-H Beef Club Holds Successful Online Auction
Brad McLaughlin Club Reporter
The Innisfree-Minburn 4-H Beef Club had to do things a little differently this year with COVID-19 restrictions in place. We had our annual sale for the first time online in a timed auction.
This year members brought 12 steers to the sale ring, opening up bidding in the afternoon on the 27th of May, and closing later that evening. The members videoed and pictured their projects, for the online sale as well as to show their accomplishments for the year on all their projects.
The sale was a great success! The highest price bringing $3.30/lb with an average of $2.84/lb.
Typically our sale day would also showcase the animals in a show, with both heifer and steer projects being judged on confirmation and members on showmanship and grooming. Since this wasn’t in the scope this year, the club judged the steers on rate of gain from weigh in to weigh out for the sale in two divisions, implanted and non-implanted.

In the first division of non-implanted steers brought Brad McLaughlin first place with an average of 3.45 lbs/day gain. The second place went to Rylan Jackson with 3.22 lbs, and third place went to Tyson Rudolf with 3.21 lbs. The implanted division brought Courtney Cannan first place with an average of 3.79 lbs/ day gain, second place was Chase Forsyth with 3.45 lbs, and third place was Dylan Cannan with 3.42 lbs.
Congratulations to all our members on a successful year and sale!