Vegreville News Advertiser - June 13, 2018

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VOL. 71 NO. 24



56 Nootka RCSCC Annual Ceremonial Review and Open House

See Story on Page 24 Armed Bank Robbery

Accolades for ‘Just Jen’

See page 9 for story

See page 27 for story


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JUNE 13, 2018

4-H Achievement Day Page 10

Soccer Action Page 30

RCMP files from June 4 - 10 Arthur Beaudette News Advertiser June 4 06:38 – Complainant called to report that an old TV was left on his property. No witnesses or other information available. *** The recycling roundup is June 16! *** 10:14 – Report of a suspicious person running in and out of traffic at Hwys 16 and 855 (Mundare corner) asking people for a ride to Vegreville. Members attended but did not locate the suspect. 13:04 - Complainant reported that he was working at a local retail store when he was involved in an argument with an older gentleman. The argument escalated and the worker was struck in the head by the older gentleman. He was not injured but was upset with what had transpired. The worker did not get a license plate number or a description of the vehicle being driven. *** the RCMP needs SOMETHING to work with. There are no crystal balls at the detachment*** 14:18 – Report that windshield wipers from a work truck were missing. The vehicle was parked at the business at the time of the offense. When the wipers were taken a stuffed animal was left on the hood of the truck and the gas cap was also left open. June 5 08:59 – Staff arrived at Pot of Gold and found that one of the storage sheds was sprayed with graffiti. This is an ongoing issue in this area. CCTV video is being reviewed. 10:30 – Report of 3 tires being slashed overnight on a commercial vehicle on 52nd Ave in Vegreville. Multiple cuts in all the tires were found. CCTV footage is being reviewed.

16:23 – Report of a wallet being stolen from inside a vehicle. Cash, driver’s license and many other forms of identification were in the wallet. 16:32 – Complainant attended the detachment to report that her neighbour comes over and makes her feel uncomfortable. He is usually staggering and slurring his words as if he is drunk. She does not want him spoken to because she feels it may escalate the issue.

June 6

14:30 – Complainant attended the detachment to turn in what she suspected to be meth and was found in a backpack. The Meth was seized and submitted to be destroyed. 15:31 - Complainant reports that an acquaintance told her a third party was going to hit her dog with a hammer. Because the information is basically a rumor, nothing can be done. 16:55 - Report of someone at a house standing at the door with a spade. The subject had a no-contact order and

then fled the scene. The subject later called from the complainant’s home phone to their cell phone. Members located the subject who was arrested for breaching the no-contact order and break and enter.

June 7

05:59 – Traffic stop conducted on a vehicle due to expired registration. During the stop, the member observed an odour of marijuana. The driver admitted to having drugs in the vehicle and 10 grams of cannabis were seized. Driver was charged with possession and no registration. Released roadside with documents for court. 16:36 – Complainant reported theft of $3000 which she transferred from her credit card to a 3rd party. The bank is conducting an investigation. ***SCAM***

June 8

11:15 – Report of a small child walking alone with no parents in view. Members attended and located the child who lived a few streets over. Child was returned home where the mother indicated that her children know how to unlock the doors to get out. Child Family Services were updated and will be conducting an follow-up interview. 11:32 – Report by complainant that “Howard” transferred $840 out of the complainant’s account spread over 2 separate occasions. It is believed that the suspect may be a friend of the complainant’s roommate. This matter is still under investigation. 20:27 – Report from local gas station of a vehicle driving off with the filling hose still in the vehicle. The subject has already paid for any repair costs involved with the incident. The complainant was satisfied with the outcome of the situation.

June 9

03:11 – Traffic stop conducted for expired plates on a Saskatchewan registered vehicle. No registration and no insurance. The vehicle was towed. 11:21 – Report of a single vehicle collision – Car vs Pole in a local retail parking lot. The driver advised that their brakes did not work at the time of the collision. 21:05 - Complainant reports a male laying naked in the bushes behind a local business. Reported that he was intoxicated and had


JUNE 13, 2018

Central Recycling Drop-Off Centre (4822-51 Ave) Saturday: June 16, 2018 11 am – 3 pm

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JUNE 13, 2018

Nationalization Arthur Beaudette News Advertiser - Opinion Now that Canada owns a pipeline and a pipeline expansion project, there are questions as to what is next. I have expressed my opinion that we would not be in this situation if it were not for major failings of our federal government. However, I do not agree with those who vehemently oppose the Canadian government owning a pipeline. Those who do, feel that it is somehow unthinkable and the government has no place in owning this type of infrastructure. When you look at other major oil producers, many DO have state-owned oil infrastructure rather than the Canadian and US models of privatization. In fact, of the top 10 oil producing countries in the world, less than half have privatized development and there has been a trend for re-nationalization in many regions. Looking back, this culture of privatization was not always the case for Canada. We once had significant publicly owned, revenue-producing infrastructure. One can only think that it was either shortsightedness by governments of the day or the value proposition of cashing in after public life that has lead to the mass sell-off of these assets in the last 50 - 60 years.

Names like Nova, AGT (Telus), Epcor, MTS, Ontario Hydro (Hydro One), Petro Canada and others are reminders of the vast wealth that our governments have decided to sell off. In 2012, the research found that over 70% of oil sands production is owned by foreign-based companies. One only needs to look at a country like Norway as an example of a well managed, state-owned petroleum industry. The fifth largest oil exporter in the world, Norway can boast being the world’s fourth richest country by GDP. Unlike Russia and the Middle East where oil revenues make those in power ridiculously wealthy while its citizens wait with cap in hand, Norway has developed a strict system to intelligently manage its resources and the revenue it brings. Something I’m not sure we have seen in North America in a very long time. By 2020, some estimates put Norway’s sovereign fund in the range of $1 Trillion. The government not only actively manages this fund but also re-invests it locally to diversify the economy so they do not feel the boom and bust of oil and also prepare for a future when oil is not generating the cash

Nationalizatoin - CONTINUED ON PAGE 12

Dear Editor, Is 2018 truly the “Year of the Dog?” It would seem that China is a place of beauty and culture but a country hiding a dark secret that would astonish and disgust even the most hard-hearted. June 21 will mark the 8th anniversary of the annual Yulin Dog Meat Festival, a 10-day event beginning on the summer solstice. Thousands of dogs will be boiled, skinned, torched WHILE STILL ALIVE, hanged, beaten, paws hacked off, and crying in agony as people cheer on the butchers. The majority are stolen pets. This horrific event has absolutely no religious or ceremonial value. Too often, I have heard this is part of the Chinese culture. 100% NOT TRUE! It was a political perversion, not a culture that led to the torture and widespread consumption of dogs in China. Here’s today’s history lesson in China’s love for dogs. From 1644 to 1912 when the Qing Dynasty reigned and the Manchu were in charge, dogs were revered and beloved more than any other creature on earth. Manchu’s first chief, Nurharchi, ordered that no dog should be killed for their meat or fur---not skinned and boiled alive as they are today---after his life was saved by a dog. He stated: “In the mountains, there are so many kinds of animals which you can hunt for food, but from now on, no one is allowed to eat dogs nor wear dog skin. When dogs die, they should be buried because dogs can read man’s emotion and can rescue their

Letter to the editor - CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 Name: Melanie Sorochan Occupation: Assistant Principal / Teacher Likes: my job, gardening, time with my family Dislikes: cold weather, injustices

JUNE 13, 2018

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JUNE 13, 2018

from the pages of the vegreville observer

Compiled by Dan Beaudette

90 Years Ago – June 13, 1928

The C.P.R. held a sale of town lots at Willingdon on Monday, June 11th. The Observer is advised that quite a number of lots were sold, mostly to those who had “squatted” awaiting the formal disposition of the lots. $22,000.00 cash was realized from the sale, while some lots were also bought on the time bases. Nick Kuzz of Vegreville is said to be the owner of one of the $400 lots in Willingdon. Plans are underway for the consolidation of the Soda Lake and Berhometh school districts with the intention of constructing a six roomed school building at Hairy Hill town. Whether or not construction can be commenced this year is uncertain, but it is likely that a start will be make. Two of the rooms are to be allotted for high school purposes. At a recent town council meeting the chairman of the public works stated that it was useless to continue to make repairs to plank sidewalks and that it had to be recognized that replacement of all such had to be carried out in the very near future.

75 Years Ago – June 16, 1943

Sgt. A.E. McGregor of the Women’s Division; R.C.A.F. was in town recently on a recruiting trip; She stated that women are urgently needed to release men who are eligible for aircrew duties, and there are many opportunities for women to serve in fascination trades upon completion of training. Farmers who enlisted in the army during the current crop year may deliver their 1942 wheat without regard to quota limitations. To date, 700 have taken advantage of this privilege and delivered 485,000 bushels of wheat in excess of their quotas. Among the graduates of the Officer’s Training School at Gordon Head B.C. last week E.R. Horton of Vegreville, is listed as having received his commission as a second lieutenant. Red was overseas for over three years and returned this spring to attend this school.

50 Years Ago – June 13, 1968

An offer from the Town of Vermilion to purchase the present radar speed meter was accepted by the Town of Vegreville council. A more efficient model will be purchased for use in Vegreville. The Vegreville 4-H Beef Club held its annual show and sale on Wednesday, June 5 at the Exhibition Grounds. A total of 38 calves were sold with an average price of 28 1/2c. The Champion calf was exhibited by Ken Eberhardt and the Reserve by Rebecca Ziegler. Vegreville home building is progressing at a rapid pace with a total of $139,600 in building permits issued till the end of May, 1968 compared with $203,150 issued during the same period in 1967. Twenty home are under construction in Vegreville in 1968, compared with six to the same time last year. The annual Inspection of the Vegreville Cadet Corps was held at the Centennial Building last Wednesday when Cadet Training officer Lt. Bennett of Edmonton and Terry Soldan, President of the Vegreville Branch Royal Canadian Legion passed through the ranks and made presentations of awards to the top cadets. Rapeseed oil is the newest cooking oil available to Canadian homemakers. In baking tests done in the Home Economists Department, University of Manitoba, rapeseed compared favorably with other cooking oils. Town of Vegreville council was reminded that merchants are not happy with the situation regarding the dis-continuance of garbage pick-up on Saturdays. A short while ago town employees went on a five day week which affected the service.

25 Years Ago – June 15, 1993

The fiscal realities of rural education have prompted area school boards to start talking about regionalizing their operations. School officials from Two Hills and the Minburn County and Catholic boards had their first meeting on the topic June 2. Vegreville Catholic School district chairperson Olga Stoyko was on hand to cut the ribbon of the official re-opening of the St. Martin’s School. Holding the ribbon was the youngest student at St. Martin’s – Christopher McRae and a former trustee Punch Tetreau at the other end. Vegreville fire fighters were tested for their practical knowledge of hose handling and water management on June 7. The volunteers had already completed a written test for the level two fire fighter certificate. An officer from the St. Paul office of fire prevention times the three crews on this test, which started a block from the hydrant and included laying about a block of hose fron the back of the truck, hooking to the hydrant, and getting water to three supply hoses. St. Martin’s students of the month for May are Brandi Gibbs for grade seven and Lindsey Cooper for grade eight. Brandi has been a student at St. Martin’s for the past eight years. Lindsey was born in Slave Lake but has also been at St. Martin’s for eight years.

Letters Welcomed

One role of the Vegreville News Advertiser is to promote dialogue on various issues of concern to area residents. We accomplish this by welcoming Letters to the Editor and allowing various issues to be debated through our pages. All letters must contain the writer’s name, address and phone number. Anonymous letters will not be printed, however the writer’s name may be withheld from publication in special circumstances deemed appropriate by the Publisher. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, spelling and grammar, taste or for reasons of potential libel. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to withhold letters from publication.

Poll: Albertans say “NO” to Bailout for UofA Colin Craig Canadian Taxpayers Association The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) released poll results today that show 65 per cent of Albertans oppose a government bailout for the University of Alberta if its donations continue to suffer due to its decision to give David Suzuki a honourary degree. (University of Alberta Credit: Jpluofa/Wikipedia) “The university should take note that Albertans don’t support bailing it out if it proceeds with giving a honourary degree to antiAlberta activist David Suzuki,” said CTF Alberta Director Colin Craig. “Suzuki is a guy that routinely attacks Alberta’s energy industry while flying all over the world and telling Canadians to watch their carbon footprint. He’s the last person the university should recognize. The CTF’s poll was conducted by Ipsos between May 22-28 among 800 Albertans (margin of error of ±3.5 per cent). Results from the poll included: “Before today, had you heard that the University of Alberta plans to award David Suzuki with a honourary doctorate degree

(PHD) of Science this spring?” 62% – Yes “University honorary degrees should only be given to Canadians who embody the best inter65% – Agree ests of the country” “I will have a worsened impression of the University of Alberta if they follow through and award an honorary degree to David Suzuki” 41% – Agree “Critics of the University of Alberta’s decision are just too thin skinned” 40% – Agree “The University of Alberta has lost touch with its mission and who it serves” 41% – Agree “Governments should review the funding of Canadian public institutions who offer honorary degrees to controversial figures who do not align with the public mission and principles of the institution” 48% – Agree “Federal and Provincial Governments should not bail out public institutions who lose private donors due to their decisions to grant honorary degrees to controversial figures” 65% – Agree “The university seems to think only a handful of people are upset about its David Suzuki situation,” added Craig. “This poll shows that’s just not true. Over forty per cent of Alberta’s population will have a worsened view of the university if it proceeds with the award.”

Over forty per cent of Alberta’s population will have a worsened view of the university if it proceeds with the award

JUNE 13, 2018

Member Appreciation Day at Vegreville Co-op

Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser Member Appreciation Day festivities were held in the Vegreville Co-op store and parking lot throughout the day on June 8, to show appreciation for all the dedicated members of the Vegreville Co-op, who continually bring business to the store. The appreciation day started off sweetly, with free coffee and doughnuts for everyone who stopped in at the store. There were free giveaways in the store, with the Country 106.5 wheel of gifts run by Ally. A big sale in camping food items was available store-wide throughout the day… and even if these things were celebratory enough, the Vegreville & District Co-op wanted to really show their members their appreciation. Outside the store, the CALS Breakfast Club served $3 beef-on-a-bun, donated by the Co-op, and the Vegreville Iron Runners Auto Club held a mini-show in the parking lot with the classic cars of a few of their members. To give the day-long appreciation party a festive touch, the Vegreville News Advertiser Wavy-Man was set up to dance in the parking lot. William Smolak, President of the Iron Runners said, “We would like to thank co-op for giving us the opportunity to put our cars on display. They are great hosts, and we hope the people enjoyed coming out to look at these old beasts.”

Store manager Glen McLay declined to make a personal comment on the day, choosing instead to let the festivities of the day speak for himself and the Vegreville & District Co-op, a clear “We appreciate you, we are glad for your partnership,” in all the benefits, gifts, and activities in the parking lot and store for the steady stream of happy customers from beginning to end.

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JUNE 13, 2018

Out For a Rip

S/Sgt Jerry Nutbrown Vegreville RCMP It is that time of year again and to quote a somewhat famous internet video, many people enjoy going ‘out for a rip’! I am going to focus on off-road vehicles this week

as we are getting complaints about this leisure time activity. Off-road vehicles include side-bysides, motorcycles, quads, dune buggies, snowmobiles, etc. Obviously, snowmobiles aren’t that common at this time of year, however, people will grass race these and now with conversion kits available, snowmobiles can be driven in the summer. An off-road vehicle is

essentially a motorized mode of transport designed for cross-country travel. So unless your 1969 Subaru 360 or Daihatsu TriMobile have been modified to travel off-road, we will stick to the typical types of vehicles listed above. These vehicles are just that, vehicles, and they fall under provincial and federal laws. The provincial laws will govern their use and the federal statues cover things like a flight from police and impaired operation. These vehicles do require licensing and insurance if they are driven off private property and don’t forget your helmet and drivers license (with proper endorsements). Also, if you are caught over the legal limit on your dirt bike after consuming alcohol, you can be charged the same as driving a truck. Once you leave private property you are subject to all the requirements and laws as are typical road vehicles. A caution to those that may think of taking off from a Peace Officer when they are pulling you over, don’t. As these types of vehicles are usually operated close to home it does make it fairly easy for you to be identified and charged. Some will operate these vehicles in town and if they are driven appropriately and making a direct exit to the country you may not encounter any problems. We are getting complaints of these vehicles driving in places not designed for vehicles and in an unsafe or annoying (think loud muffler) manner. Once you get out of town, or if you already live in the country, please respect landowners and obtain their permission to ride on their property. Think of their fields, valleys, and waterways the same as your front yard. What I mean here is to make sure you are not damaging their property as fields are a farmer’s livelihood. What might look like minor tire tracks can cause damage and impact these landowners finan-

out for a rip - CONTINUED ON PAGE 9

JUNE 13, 2018

News Advertiser PAGE 9

Fort Saskatchewan RCMP Investigate Armed Robbery of a Bank in Lamont Cst. Suzanne Ahlstrom Media Contact – Fort Saskatchewan RCMP Lamont, Alberta- On June 8, 2018, shortly after 11:00 a.m. Fort Saskatchewan RCMP responded to a call for service advising of a Robbery that had just taken place at the ATB bank in Lamont Alberta. Through the investigation, it was learned that a male had entered the bank where he displayed a firearm to the employee and demanded money. The male suspect remained for a short amount of time and left with an undetermined amount of money. There were minimal customers in the branch at the time. There were no shots fired and no physical injuries to any persons. The male suspect is believed to have departed the bank on foot, through the alley, and then to a nearby vehicle.

The male suspect is described as: - Male, approximately 6’0” in height and approximately 185 lbs - Wearing dark clothing and a facial covering - Wearing light coloured work gloves with a yellow stripe - Carrying a blue duffel bag with white writing on it The believed suspect vehicle is described as: - A light coloured minivan, possibly silver or grey The Fort Saskatchewan RCMP are looking for the assistance of the public to help identify the person and/or vehicle believed to be responsible for this crime. If you have any information about this investigation, please call the Fort Saskatchewan RCMP at 780-9977900. If you wish to remain anonymous, please contact Crime Stoppers by phone at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), by internet at, or by SMS.

out for a rip - CONTINUED from PAGE 8




























cially. It is easy to determine who owns the land as the county maps identify the owners but if the land is posted, please obey the signs. I know this article isn’t about to stop all riders from driving in a poor manner so if you have a problem with an off-road vehicle please try and get a photo or video of the offender. This will help us identify them and also be evidence towards whatever offense they may be committing. So now when you do go out for a rip, stay legal and stay safe.







ON NOW AT YOUR ALBERTA CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the retail purchase or lease of a 2018 Silverado 1500 Double Cab Custom Edition 4X4, Colorado Extended Cab Custom Edition 4X4 and Silverado HD Double Cab Gas equipped as described. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the Alberta Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only on select vehicles delivered from May 1 – May 31, 2018. * Truck Nation Total Value valid toward the retail cash purchase of an eligible new 2018 model year Chevrolet or GMC truck (excl. Colorado/Canyon 2SA) delivered in Canada between May 1, 2018 – May 31, 2018. Total Value amount will depend on model purchased. Eligible new 2018 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Double Cab Custom Edition: $4,080 manufacturer-to-dealer cash credit (tax exclusive), $1,600 manufacturer-to-dealer (tax exclusive) Truck Nation Credit, $1,000 GM Card Application Bonus (offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa Card (GM Card) or current GM Card cardholders)(tax inclusive) and $4,370 manufacturer-to-dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive). Eligible new 2018 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab Elevation Edition: $4,150 manufacturer-to-dealer cash credit (tax exclusive), $1,600 manufacturerto-dealer (tax exclusive) Truck Nation Credit, $750 manufacturer-to-dealer Option Package Discount Credit (tax exclusive), $1,000 GM Card Application Bonus (offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa Card (GM Card) or current GM Card cardholders)(tax inclusive) and $3,550 manufacturer-to-dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive). On all offers: Void where prohibited. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing certain cash credits which will result in higher effective cost of credit on their transaction. Limited time offer which may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ∆ MSRP applies to new 2018 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Double Cab Custom Edition 4x4 models at participating dealers in Canada. Purchase price of $34,995 includes $4,370 CDA, $4080 NSCDA, $1,600 Truck Nation Credit (tax inclusive) and $1,000 GM Card Application Bonus (this offer applies to individuals who have applied for the Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Card [GM card] and to current Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Cardholders) (taxes inclusive). Freight is included but excludes license, insurance, registration, dealer fees and taxes. Dealer may sell for less. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GM Canada may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. See dealer for details. † Lease based on suggested retail price of $37,725, includes $1,250 CDA, $500 Lease Cash), $1,500 Truck Nation credit and $750 GM card application bonus (this offer applies to individuals who have applied for the Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Card [GM card] and to current Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Cardholders) (taxes inclusive) towards the lease of an eligible new 2018 Colorado Extended Cab Custom Edition. Bi-weekly payment is $150 for 48 months at 1.9% lease rate on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. The $75 weekly payment is calculated by dividing the bi-weekly payments of $150. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometer. $2,850 down payment required. Payment may vary depending on down payment trade. Total obligation is $18,424. Taxes, license, insurance, registration and applicable fees, levies, duties and, except in Quebec, dealer fees (all of which may vary by dealer and region) are extra. Option to purchase at lease end is $17,156. See dealer for details. Discounts vary by model. Dealer may sell for less. Limited time offer, which may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. Offers may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. ® Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. ◊ Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada from May 1 and May 31, 2018. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 72 months on eligible 2018 Chevrolet Silverado HD Double Cab gas models. Other trims may have effective rates higher than 0%. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $78,288 financed at 0% nominal rate equals $1,087.33 monthly for 72 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, for a total obligation of $78,288. Freight and air charge ($100, if applicable) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ® Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. ¥ Offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Card (GM Card) or current Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Cardholders. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2018 model year (“MY”) Chevrolet/GMC delivered in Canada between May 1 to May 31, 2018. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on: Chevrolet Colorado (excluding 2SA model); and GMC Canyon (except 2SA); and $1,000 credit available on: Chevrolet Silverado, Silverado HD; and GMC Sierra, Sierra HD. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GM Canada dealer for details. GM Canada reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. 3 Visit for vehicle availability. Services and connectivity vary by model and conditions as well as geographical and technical restrictions. Requires active connected vehicle services and data plan. Data plans provided by AT&T or its local service provider. Accessory Power must be active to use Wi-Fi hotspot. ** The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased or leased a new eligible 2017 or 2018 MY Chevrolet (excluding Spark EV, Bolt EV), with an ACDelco ® oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 48,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ▲ Whichever comes first, fully transferable. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for complete details. ©2018 General Motors of Canada Company. All rights reserved.


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JUNE 13, 2018

2018 Myrnam 4-H Achievement Day Results Caitlin Jacula Myrnam 4-H Club The Myrnam 4-H Club held our achievement day on June 3rd at the Myrnam Arena. We had a great day with all members showing well. The show was judged by Kyle Dodgson and

Tateum McPherson. Our show results are as follows:


Junior 1st RaeBecca Pashulka, 2nd Caitlin Jacula Intermediate 1st Jaeanna Saskiw, 2nd Karsen Trynchuk Senior 1st Riley Pashulka, 2nd Taylor Pashulka

Yearling Heifer

Champion: Riley Pashulka Reserve Champion: Taylor Pashulka Cleaver Calf Projects – Brodie Pashulka and Austin Garnier Two Year Old Cow/Calf Pair Champion: Taylor Pashulka Reserve Champion: Seth Trynchuk Three Year Old Cow/Calf Pair Champion: Karsen Trynchuk Supreme Champion Female: Taylor Pashulka’s Two Year Old Cow/Calf Pair Reserve Supreme Female: Riley Pashulka’s Yearling Heifer

Multi-Club Projects:

Scrapbooking: Hannah Saruk and Jaeanna Saskiw Visual Arts: Caitlin Jacula Pheasants: Riley Pashulka, Taylor Pashulka and Hannah Saruk Market Steer Juniors: Caitlin Jacula, RaeBecca Pashulka Intermediates: Madison Bykewich, Jaeanna Saskiw

Seniors: Riley Pashulka, Taylor Pashulka Grand Champion Market Steer: Taylor Pashulka Reserve Champion Market Steer: Jaeanna Saskiw


Junior 1st RaeBecca Pashulka, 2nd Caitlin Jacula Intermediate 1st Madison Bykewich, 2nd Karsen Trynchuk Senior 1st Riley Pashulka, 2nd Taylor Pashulka


Junior 1st Harlen Saskiw, 2nd RaeBecca Pashulka Intermediate 1st Jaeanna Saskiw, 2nd Karsen Trynchuk Senior 1st Riley Pashulka, 2nd Taylor Pashulka We’d like to express our appreciation to our amazing leader, Josie Pashulka, for pouring her love, time and knowledge into our club every year. We appreciate everything you do for all of us!

JUNE 13, 2018

News Advertiser PAGE 11

Darryl Kropielnicki Throws his Hat in the UCP Ring Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser On Thursday, June 7, we were able to connect with Darryl Kropielnicki of Vegreville, whose name has been put forth as a nominee and possible candidate to be the MLA of the Fort SaskatchewanVegreville constituency. Though the deadline to make United Conservative Party nominations in the Fort Saskatchewan-Vegreville Constituency passed this past Monday, June 11, Kropielnicki says he is proud to have had the honour of making that effort to be a part of the United Conservative Party and to become an advocate for his friends and neighbors in the Provincial Parliament. “With Bill 6, and with the carbon tax, I would hear stories from my friends and neighbours, and those hard times they have had to go through,” reflected Kropielnicki, “When given the chance, I felt there was no choice but to make that effort, to run for MLA as their advocate and bring their concerns and necessities to the table.” Kropielnicki was raised and went to school in Vegreville, first in the public-school system and then in the Catholic school system through High School. Growing up with a grandfather who was a county councilor, his interest in politics has been deep-seated since he was quite young in spite of the common “no politics or religion” practice surrounding coffee-shop conversation. He says that watching his friends and neighbours being impacted by recent politics (Carbon tax and the introduction of Bill 6 in particular,) pushed him into activ-

ism. When Bill 6 was first introduced, Kropielnicki put a sign on a trailer and held a rally for the local farmers to have their voices heard. That was not the first time that he was involved in the hands-on work of provincial politics, though. During the Ed Stelmach days, he canvassed and put up signs as a volunteer. “We’re a long way off from those days,” said Kropielnicki. In business, Kropielnicki has been a grain farmer in the Vegreville area for a large portion of his life, and he takes pride in being a part of the Alberta agricultural community and the great asset Albertan agriculture is to the country and the world. He has been on the board for the seed cleaning plant for a number of years and understands what the world of agriculture needs for both survival and prosperity. As MLA, Kropielnicki believes he will be a strong, reasonable voice for all. Being in a close proximity to all Albertans, he says he knows the effects of certain policies and will do all I can to serve the people of this constituency. “Politics should be fair. It should look out for everyone’s best interest. People who know me, know I am a fighter, and I have a thick skin. That is what I bring to the table.” Kropielnicki firmly believes in the mission of the United Conservative Party to bring unity to Albertans who, when separated between the two parties, were not enough to create significant voting impact. “We were all upset, and we didn’t voice our opinion.” Said Kropielnicki, “I can be a unifier, I think I have the ability to bring people together.”


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Letter to the editor - CONTINUED from PAGE 4 masters. Dogs are loyal.” after watching one video of the intentional, prolonged This great love the Chinese had for dogs underwent torture these sentient beings undergo before finally a shocking transformation when a political party, the succumbing to their agony. No, I do not think there is KMT, rose to power in 1912. The KMT hated the Qing anything “cultural” about torture. Dynasty and would boil dogs alive just to spite them. With a heavy heart, The communist government continued this cruelty to Edie Gegolick dogs and this is why dogs have been treated so horrifically for the last hundred years. They went from being deeply loved to being deeply loathed---and it is essential I stress this point to everyone as your United Conservative Party Candidate to represent the who brings up the Fort Saskatchewan/Vegreville constituency. cultural argument, even Chinese people themselves who may be lacking in understanding their own history. Thanks to the political perversion prompted by the KMT and • I am proud to be your voice for all Agriculture, Oil & Gas and Small Business. further escalated by • I have owned and operated a grain farm for over 30 years. the communists, Providing a balance of multi-dimensional objectives relating to safety & production years of progression targets. Including assessing the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of new production and processing technologies and implement them as appropriately on my farm. went down the While grain farming, I also worked off the farm for the A.L.C.B., Private Contractor drain and descendfor Canada Post, and as a Concrete Finisher. ed into Dark Age • In 2015/2016 I travelled Alberta and collected thousands of signatures against barbarism. Bill 6 and the Carbon Tax. I am determined to continue the fight. Sadly, this torture • VP Fundraising on the interim board for the Fort Saskatchewan/Vegreville trade continues 365 United Conservative Party. days of the year. • Established community relationships while canvassing and raising funds with the Not only in China Town of Vegreville to build an asphalt pad for summer sports/outdoor rink (54st. North). but in other Asian • Active Board Member for the Beaver County Seed Cleaning Co-op. countries as well. 30 • Overseen training and Coached for Minor Hockey. MILLION DOGS AND CATS ARE • I was fortunate to have attended both the Public and Catholic School Systems. INTENTIONALLY • I actively seek fresh ideas to re-establish and attract business to Alberta! TORTURED in ITEMS TO ADDRESS this vile trade • Affordable electricity to be competitive EVERY YEAR. • Costs and unnecessary burdens on small business Consider the impli• The cost of living for Seniors or individuals on a fixed income cations if it was YOUR pet stolen. • Rural Crime • A sustainable Rural Health Care System • Produce Economic Results For those who have • Oil and grain transportation never had the pleaELECT Darryl Kropielnicki. A Calm Voice of Reason with Common Sense Solutions! sure of owning a Our Children Deserve BETTER! pet and receiving I’m not running for office, I’m running for YOU! unconditional love, The Nomination Event for Fort Saskatchewan/Vegreville will be held on June 26, 2018 (Voting your dreams would from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm) at Vegreville Association for Living In Dignity (4843 - 49 St., Vegreville) become nightmares



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JUNE 13, 2018

Nationalizatoin - CONTINUED from PAGE 4 it does today. We hear about getting out of the boom and bust cycle often, but it is, unfortunately, all talk regardless of which party is in power. I am not at all suggesting that everything should be nationalized. Our governments have a horrible track record for efficiency and fiscal responsibility because they are too often looking at the next election cycle and not what is good for the citizens or our money. There is also a long list of crown corporations both federal

and provincial that governments feel worthy of keeping. If the value of Canada post, Farm Credit Canada, Via Rail, the AGLC and other companies are seen, then why not our energy security? To simplify it to an insulting degree, the government is more concerned with the mail, beer, and cigarettes than they are with keeping the lights on and our homes from freezing. So why not nationalize pipelines? If nothing else, for the short time that the Canadian government hopes to have the pipeline in their hands, maybe they can clean up the spill on the land of Janice Antoine and Percy Joe. The spill on the Coldwater Reserve near Merritt, B.C. was discovered in 2014 and is estimated to be leaking since 1968. Unfortunately in the past 4 years, little has been done. Our government cares deeply about the environment. Let’s see if they care enough to fix this problem, now that they (we) own it. Tell me what you think. Email me at

blotter - CONTINUED from PAGE 4 soiled himself. Members attended and confirmed that he was indeed intoxicated and had soiled himself. He was arrested and lodged in cells to be released when sober. Two joints were also found and seized.

June 10

17:23 – Report of a possibly intoxicated driver. A license plate and description were given. Members located the vehicle and determined that the driver was not intoxicated. 19:18 – Report of a 2 vehicle collision at 49th Ave and 52nd Street in Vegreville. A driver with a GDL was driving without a stop sign and failed to stop for a stop sign. Only minor damages occurred and the driver was charged for driving as a learner with no supervisor and failing to stop at a stop sign.

During the week there were 5 false alarms, 3 false 911, 3 animal strikes and 78 calls for service were made in total.

June 15 & 16, 2018 Futture Name Change: Vikking Community Fesstival

Visit our Website: and our Facebook page:

• Family: $20 0 1 $

r: Admission: 12 & ove SATURDAY EVENTS (JUNE 16) Viking School Grounds FRIDAY EVENTS (JUNE 15) Community Hall 5:00-6:00pm: Remote Control Races 5:00-7:00pm: Chili Cookoff 5:00-8:00pm: Dan the Balloon Man 5:00-8:00pm: Princess Crafts and Activities 4:00-Midnight: Indoor/Outdoor Beer Gardens 4:00-Midnight: Food with Flair 4:00-Midnight: Mini Donuts 8:00-Midnight: Entertainment **Viking Village Displays will be set up and ready to visit Saturday. **Street Hockey Tournaments also take place on Saturday in the School Tennis Courts after the parade ** 50/50 Draw will be made on Saturday during the Main Stage Events at the School Grounds

8:00-10:00am: 8:00-9:30am: 10:00-11:00am: 10:00-3:00pm: 11:00-4:00pm: 12:00-4:00pm: 12:00-4:00pm: 12:00-2:00pm:

Pancake Breakfast Parade Staging (K&K Parking Lot) Parade Country Market (Community Hall) Outdoor Vendor Market Inflatables Main Stage Events Lunch by Viking Health Centre Auxiliary (Community Hall) 12:00-1:00pm: Lutefisk Eating Contest 1:00-3:00pm: Pie & Coffee Truck 1:00-3:00pm: Dunk Tank 1:00-3:00pm: Jail & Bail 1:00-3:00pm: Pie Throwing 1:00-3:00pm: Balloon Toss 2:00-3:00pm: Viking Re-enactors 11:00-4:00pm: Smokin’ Guns Catering and Mini Donuts

For more info Contact: Jamie Buttner Cell: 780-385-1290 Email:

JUNE 13, 2018

News Advertiser PAGE 13


JUNE 16TH & 17TH - APPROX 100 COLLECTOR VEHICLES - PH: 780-940-7801 ANTIQUES, CAR PARTS & BOBCAT - 15 mi East of Edm to RR 214, 3 mi South WED., JUNE 20TH - 11:00 A.M. - JIM ZACHARUK - ELK POINT - PH: 780-645-8510 From St. Paul 23 km East on Hwy 29 to RR 72 & 2 mi North

TRUCKS & TRAILERS 1998 Kenworth t800; 3406 500 hp; 18 Spd ● 2005 Challenger witzCo 10’ x 48‘ Tridem Detach Neck Lowboy ● load King 53’ Tridem Step Deck; Air Ride; Prem ● 1996 Midland 42‘ T/A 2 Comp grain trailer ● 1994 Doepker Super B Flats c/w Rd Bale Rigging ● 2001 Bergen Trpl Axle Ball Fifth Whl StoCK trailer ● 1995 PJ Trpl Axle Flat Deck Trailer; Ball Fifth Whl ● 10’ x 24’ Tilt Deck Trailer ● 14’ Tandem Stock Trailer ● 1970 Chev C60 Grain Truck ● Load King 16’ Tote Tank ● 175 bu Self Unloading Grain Tank CAT, SCRAPERS, DISCS, & BOBCAT ATTACH 1979 Cat d7g; SN #92V8185; PS; Full Canopy; Tilt Dozer; 3 Shank Ripper; Approx 700 hrs on Complete Inframe ● Brush Rake for D7G ● Cat 428 - 14 Yd hyd SCraper ● Leon 8.5 Hyd Scraper ● Kello 275 - 15’ BreaKing diSC ● 9’ Rome Breaking Disc ● Kirchner 8’ Skidsteer Tth Bucket ● 8’ Skidsteer Rock Rake ● Leon 10’ Dozer ● New D7G Ripper & Brush Rake Teeth TRACTORS 1984 Steiger Panther CS - 325; Allison Auto; Cat 3406 Eng; 5 Hyds; 20.8 x 38 Duals; 5390 hrs ● 14’ Degelman 6 Way Dozer ● IH 4386; Triple Hyds; 18.4 x 38 Duals; 3370 hrs ● Case IH 5488; CAHR; 5235 hrs ● Case IH 5088; CAHR; 5137 hrs ● IH 3488 Hydro c/w 2250 Loader; 6642 hrs ● IH 1086 CAHR; 8217 hrs ● Case IH 885; CAHR; FWA Tractor c/w 2255 Loader; 6660 hrs ● Set of 20.8 x 38 & 18.4 X 38 Tires ● IH 584 c/w Loader HAYING EQUIP 2012 JD 956 Moco Discbine; 14.5’ ● 2010 Jd 568 Baler; Net Wrap; 8000 bales ● 2012 enroSSi 14 Whl Rake ● MF 124 Sq Baler ● IH 7’ Mower ● Sq Bale Elev SEEDING & TILLAGE EQUIP Case I.H. 6200 - 12’ DD preSS drill c/w G&F; Rubb Packers; One Owner; Shedded; Premium ● 2 - 14’ & 1 - 10’ Case IH 6200s Drills c/w Hyd Trans ● IH 27’ Vibra Chisel ● Ezze-On 19’ Hvy Disc ● 20’ Hvy Land Roller ● Allied 50’ Drawbar & Harrows ● Rockomatic T5R12- 12’ Rock Rake ● Rockomatic 546 - 3 Batt Rock Picker HARVEST Case IH 1482 Pull Combine ● IH 914 Pull Combine; 6 Batt PU; Shedded ● Case IH 6000 Swather; CAHR; 21’ ● Augers CATTLE EQUIP Highline 6800 Bale Proc ● Wheatheart H&H Hitter poSt pounder ● 2 - IH 595 Manure Sprdrs ● MF 1050 Mixer Mill ● Maternity Pen ● Bale Feeders OLD EQUIP, TRACTORS & TRUCKS IH 105 Combine ● 1984 Ford F250 Dies ● 1962 Ford 1/2 Ton ● IH W4, 2 - W6’s & W9 Tractors ● W6 c/w Saw Mandrill ● Case V Tractor SHOP ITEMS 300 Amp Gas Welder ● Socket Sets ● 20 Ton Press ● Press Drill ● ITC Band Saw ● Hvy Pins ● Posts ● Bagged Shavings & More

SAT., JUNE 23RD - FARM & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, RV’S, TOOLS - REDWATER RAY (PH: 780-902-8529) 2005 Dodge dieSel Quad Cab; One Owner 193,000 km; c/w Ball Fifth Whl ● 2007 taKeuChi tl130 traCK Skid Steer; 2200 hrs; Smth Bucket; c/w Extra Set of New Tracks ● 60” Bobcat Mower ● 7’ Bobcat 4 Way Blade ● Pallet Forks ● Shulte Snowblower ● Thomas Rock Rake Bucket ● Triple Axle 16’ gooSeneCK duMp Trailer ● G/D Air Comp ● KuBota 54” Riding Mower ● Yd Sprayer ● Lund Fishing Boat c/w Trailer; Johnson Motor ● Mercury Outboard ● Kawasaki Quad ● Pull Behind Rototiller ● Acklands Gas Welder ● Migmaster Welder ● Cutting Torch ● Parachute ● Steel Table & Vise ● 2 - Band Saws ● Bolt Bins ● Steel ● 2 - Snowblowers ● Makita Air Rasp ● Laser Plane Transit ● MetroteCh line loCator KEVIN (EVENINGS ONLY) (PH: 780-365-2234) Vermeer 605K & 605G Balers ● JD 336 Sq Baler ● NH 1033 Bale Wagon ● 2 - MF Side Del Rakes ● Conveyaire Grain Vac ● Gravity Grain Tank ● NH S/A Manure Spreader VAGH (PH: 780-242-8635) MF 750 & 510 Combines ● 5 - Steel Grain Bins; 1200 2000 bu● 2 - Aeration Fans ● 2 - Self Unloading Grain Wagons ● 2 - Westfield Gas Augers ● MH 273 Sq Baler; VG HARRY (PH: 780-365-3566) 1985 Dodge 250 Camperized Van; 54,000 Orig km; 360 cu ● KuBota 4WD - 18 hp Tractor c/w 3 PTH; FEL; 3 Cyl Diesel WONDA (PH: 780-991-1419) Hesston 2856 Rd Baler; Net Wrap ● JD 935 & 936 Moco’s ● IH 886 c/w 3 pth & 1466 Tractors ● NH 1033 Bale Wagon ● JD 336 Baler ROBERT (PH: 780-886-7701) 2008 Bayliner Boat c/w Mercury Inboard; Very Nice LATE ADDITION - HAYING EQUIP JD 535 ● Hesston 956 ● JD 346 ● NH 276 ● MF #12 ● NH 1033 & 1012 Bale Wagons ● NH 495 & IH 4000 c/w Crimper OTHER CONSIGNORS 2014 IH Tandem; Auto; c/w Fifth Whl & Wet Kit ● 2003 IH Tandem c/w Fifth Whl & Wet Kit ● Ford 8000 SA c/w 14’ Steel B&H ● 2000 Ford F250 Super Cab ● Case 1175 Tractor ● NH 355 Mixer Mill ● Approx. 30 Lifts of Metal Clad ● Mastertow 2 Whl Car Dolly ● Kodiak 4x4 Quad c/w Dozer ● Honda 3000 W Gen ● Lots of Good Tools ● 2011 Coachman Trailer ● Clipper Sport Tent Trailer ● Concord 32’ Air Drill c/w 1500 Tank ● TR99 Combine; Low Hrs ● 30’ Straight Cut Header ● 1431 Discbine ● D8H - 46A Cat; SN #30221 ● Kello 30’ diSC ● Triple Axle Dually G/N Trailer ED (PH: 780-656-0028) 1993 Komatsu WA180 Loader ● 2006 RC100 ASV c/w Rubber Tracks ● Davco 6’ Brush Mower ● 1979 Ford 8000 c/w Boss 9’ V-Plow ● Shop Built 24’ Tandem Axle Dually Tilt Deck Trailer ● 1991 Freightliner; 10 Spd; Wet Kit; Fifth Whl ● 1998 Mac 21’ Tandem Alum End Dump ● 1999 Ford F350 c/w Western Sander SUN., JUNE 24TH - ANTIQUES, COLLECTOR VEHICLES & TRACTORS - REDWATER RICK (PH: 780-982-0438) 1958 JD 430U; Gas; Restored ● 1959 JD 435; Dies; Restored ● 1959 JD 630 Row Crop; Gas; Restored ● 1958 JD Row Crop; Gas ● 1958 JD 830 Stnd; Diesel ● 1935 Jd a; Gas; Brass Carb & Air Cleaner; Spoke Whls; Restored ● 1942 JD H; Restored ● 1949 JD D; Running but cracked block ● JD 140 Hydro Garden Tractor ● 1952 JD AR ● CaSe CroSSMount 12-20 ● 1957 FarMall CuB; Made in Cima Hi Paris Plant; Uses a Solex Carb, which gave it 1.25 more hp than American Version; The French cub was built from 1955 - 1957 ● 1948 Farmall Cub ● 1948 JD M ● 1956 JD 420U; Gas ● Jd B Styled; Gas ● 2 - Wacker BS500 Jumping Jacks ● JD Manure Sprdr ● Sickle Mower ● JD M Plow ● JD M Cult ● 3 Pt Blade ● JD Walking Plow ● JD Walking Cult ● 14’ Boat & Trailer; 55 hp Chrysler Outboard ANDY (PH: 780-656-0517) Jd 3020; VG Restoration ● IH Cub c/w Sickle Mower; Restored ● 1964 Cadillac 2 Dr Hard Top ● 1953 Ford 1 Ton; V8; Sharp MEL (PH: 780-720-2103) MF 165 Ind Tractor c/w Loader; Shuttle Shift ● Ferguson TEA 20 ● 2000 Malibu 4 Dr Car 1953 OTHER CONSIGNORS 1979 Lincoln Edm Oilers Special Edition ● 1961 Impala Conv; Rough ● 1982 Ford Lariat V8; Auto; Orig 92,700 km ● 1977 CordoBa; 68,547 Orig km; Full Load White on White ● 1957 Olds Rocket 88; 372; V8; 4 Dr Sedan ● JD Riding Mower ● 1938 Fordson N Stnd ● JD Compact Dies c/w 54” Mower ● 1972 rS Challenger; 340 Auto; Orig Body, Int & Motor ● 66” Dbl Sided Ba Sign ● pluS a large Quantity oF antiQueS ● YARD WILL BE FULL


PH: 780-206-0374 or 954-3908 - From Westlock 52 km N on Hwy 44 to Hwy 663, 4 mi E TRACTORS 2008 Fendt 712 MFWD; 132 hp; CAHR; 6650 hrs; 655 Loader & Grapple; 3 pth; Full Load; This Tractor Sells at 6 pm Sharp ● CaSe 4690 Cdn ltd; 261 hp; 4500 hrs ● IH 1086; CAHR; 3 Hyds; PTO ● IH 966; CAHR c/w 2350 Loader ● Ford 9N; 3 pt ● Oliver 88; Complete ● IH 560 HAYING & CATTLE EQUIP 2002 NH 1431 13.5’ diSC Bine; Orig Owner ● NH BR780 rnd Baler; Showing 7700 Bales ● CattlelaC Sngl Axle 3 Auger Feed Wagon ● Jiffy 920 Bale Shredder ● Five Whl Rake ● Tandem Axle Dually Pin Hitch Bale Trailer ● IH Single Axle Man. Spreader ● Stampede Cattle Squeeze ● Morand Maternity Pen ● Arrow Steel Loading Chute ● 2 - Hay Racks ● 3 - Rnd Bale Feeders ● 1500 Gal Fibre Glass Water Tank ● Kirchner Bale Fork ● 10 Whl V-Rake TILLAGE Phoenix 820 - 40’ rotary harrowS ● MF 820 - 20ft Tandem Disc ● IH 4500 30’ Field Cult ● IH 5 Btm Plow ● IH 15’ D.Tillage ● Allied 13 Sec Dmnd Harrows & Drawbar TRUCKS 1981 Chev 3 Ton c/w Newer SWS 15’ Steel B&H ● 1968 GMC Tandem c/w Steel B&H ● Approx 1967 Dodge 2 Ton c/w B&H ● 1967 GMC 1 Ton ● 2007 honda Odyssey GRAIN BINS, AUGERS, & SHELTER 2 - 2013 & 2005 Westeel 2500 bu Fert Hopper Bins ● 2 - Westeel 4000 bu hopper BinS ● 2 - Goebel 4000 bu & 1 - 2800 bu Hopper Bins ● 1 - Twister 4000 bu hopper Bin ● 1 - Twister 2000 & 1 -Twister 2500 bu Flat Btm ● 2015 FK 13” x 70’ Swing Away; As New ● FK 8” x 51’ PTO & Allied 8” x 50’ Augers ● Bergen 10” x 60’ Swing Away ● 1000 lbs Rye ● Sno-Co Grain Cleaner WED., JUNE 27TH - 3:00 P.M. - LEN & ROLLIE BACHAND - PH: 780-998-9135 54447 RR 205 - From Bruderheim Hwy 15 Corner 5.5 mi South on RR 205 TRACTORS & FORKLIFTS IH 706 Diesel ● 2 - Ford 8Ns ● IH FarMall a ● FordSon Major ● IH 2350 FEL ● AC 6000 lb Forklifts CARS, TRUCKS & TRAILER 1966 MuStang; Poor ● 2007 Sunbird ● 1968 GM70 Dies ● 14’ Tandem Axle Trailer ● 1956 GM 1500 c/w B&H MACHINERY Gehl 1500 Rnd Baler ● 3 - IH 47 Sq Balers ● H Manure Spreader ● IH 105 Mixer Mill ● JD #8 Sickle Mower ● 5 Shank Cult ● Gehl Feed Cutter ● PTO Hay Crimper ● Broadcaster SHOP EQUIP Twin Cyl Comp MISC 40 - Joints 2 3/8” & 3 1/2” Pipe ● 500 Gal Prop Tank ● Fuel Tanks ● Chains & Boomers ● 2 - Platform Scales ● Hvy Ext Cords ● 40 Pallet Racking Cross Members & Uprights ● Approx 1000 Lengths of 2 - 3” MuFFler pipe ● 2’ x 8’ Rough Lumber ● RR Ties ● Hardwood ● Chicken Feeders ● Cement Cribbing ● Milk Buckets ● Sodium Lights ● Belting ● Wood Tables ● B&S Motors ● Evinrude Boat Motors ● Pallets of old BriCK ● liSter 3 hp Stationary



- PH. 780-446-9555 FAX. 780-473-5750 email - online



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JUNE 13, 2018

Pick Pickleball

U7 Soccer Games Continue

Shark Bites play soccer with the Dolphins (Rosanne Fortier/photo) Some of the participants who played pickleball at the Vegreville Arena. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Vegreville offers numerous sports that are fun and made for all ages can play. Seniors who wanted to participate in a light-weight sport joined the pickleball courts on various days during Seniors Week at Vegreville Centennial

Library and Vegreville Arena. The Town of Vegreville’s newsletter states that pickleball combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping pong. Pickleball is an on-going sport in Vegreville that people can drop-in to take part in. Call the library or arena for dates and more information.

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent May 24’s U7 Soccer Game with the Avengers from Mundare and the Orange Crush team at the VCHS field was an involved game for both teams. The Coach for the Avengers is Christy Luims and Mike Van der Torre is the Coach for the Orange Crush team where Van der Torre said the Orange Crush won by 4 to 3. “The highlights

from the game were the defense was strong, goaltending was focused, they did well with forwards, and passing the ball,” Van der Torre said. “I believe the kids learned to have fun while they gained the fundamentals of soccer along the way.” In the same field close by, the U7 Shark Bites played soccer with the Dolphins where they also learned some valuable soccer skills.

Power Baseball Highlights Submitted

Monday June 4

Camrose Axemen – 11 Edmonton Expos – 7

Tuesday, June 5

Holden Blue Jays – 1 Leduc Milleteers – 9 The Milleteers would continue their success against the Holden Blue Jays with a dominant 9-1 win on Tuesday night in Leduc. The Milleteers would not be kind to their former pitcher Ryan Walker, who was making his first appearance against the team he played from 2009 – 2015. Walker would go 22-4 for the Milleteers during his seven seasons with the club but Leduc was not in the welcoming

mood. The Milleteers would use timely hits to capitalize on Jays errors to put up a big win vs Walker in his six innings of work. Walker would strike out six and allow just two earned runs in the loss. Offensively for the Jays, Zak Lang and Colton Ziegler would be 1 for 3 as the lone bright spots on Tuesday night. Camrose Roadrunners – 2 Armena Royals – 4 Rosalind Athletics – 16 Tofield Braves – 13 It was a pitching coach’s nightmare on Tuesday night in Tofield as the Braves and Athletics would combine for 29 runs and 28 hits with the Braves battling back from an early 10-2 deficit. Dylan Berrecloth (3 for 4) and Jason Sutherland (3 for 3) would lead the way for the Braves offense. Berrecloth would score twice and steal a total of four bases on the night while in his season debut Sutherland would hit a double and score three times in the loss. Rosalind would hit five doubles against the Braves trio of Sean Melanson, Sutherland and Dustin Huebert as the Athletics would send 55 hitters to the

plate in the nearly three-hour game.

Wednesday, June 6

Sherwood Park Athletics – 4 Camrose Axemen – 7

Thursday, June 7

Armena Royals – 9 Sherwood Park Athletics – 7 Leduc Milleteers – 7 Tofield Braves – 5 It has been a tough season for the Tofield Braves, who finished last season with the lowest runs allowed in the league with 58 over 14 games. This season the Braves have allowed 84 runs now over only 9 games after their defeat at the hands of the Milleteers on Thursday night. Milleteers veteran pitcher Jon Anstey would make an appearance on the hill for the win in Tofield. The Milleteers are one of the hottest teams in the league winning their last three games by a combined score of 26-6 against the Sherwood Park Athletics, Holden Blue Jays and

Power baseball - CONTINUED ON PAGE 27

JUNE 13, 2018

Weather Damage Report Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser Over the weekend, high winds created a risk of significant storms throughout the prairies. Beginning Saturday, June 9, a tornado advisory – and then warning – was in effect for Lamont County, with wind and thunderstorm watches in effect throughout the area east of Edmonton, including Beaver, Minburn, Lamont, and Two Hills Counties. A tornado touched down not far off, in Cold Lake, Alberta. Even with the actual tornado far off our actual doorstep, the extreme winds reaching beyond 70 km/h resulted in a number of trees falling on power lines, roads, and one roof that was reported to have been damaged (Vegreville.) In Mundare, Fire Cheif Glenda Dales reported a vicious windstorm accompanied by hail, which caused several fallen trees and one flipped boat that the fire department rescued. Chief Phil Rowe of Vegreville

Emergency Services said that the only emergencies they had to respond to were fallen trees, and thankfully nobody was injured from these incidents. While the tornado and thunderstorm warnings were no longer in effect as of Monday, June 11, a

wind advisory was put into effect in the Vegreville area on Tuesday, June 12, and is projected to continue for the next few days. People are advised to stay informed about the weather conditions, make sure their property is secured so as to not blow away, and refrain from unnecessary travel.

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JUNE 13, 2018

JUNE 13, 2018

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JUNE 13, 2018

VCHS Graduates are Fearless

Graduates on the stage for the cap toss. (Rosanne Fortier/photos)

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Vegreville Composite High School’s 2018 Graduation’s theme was Be Fearless (in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire). The 62 graduates already showed they are fearless from their past achievements and conduct at the ceremony at Vegreville Social Centre on June 9. Assistant Principal, Cherum Orr opened the ceremony where she welcomed the dignitaries, guests, and parents while she expressed how proud she was of every graduate. The March of the Graduands introduced each graduate. Emcees Yegor Muzechka and Brooke MacDonald. Barbara Rybchuk, Annabeth Gulbraa, Kristen Baldwin, Boymook’s address stated that the enerBritney McKay and Dylan Vadnais then gy in the room was inspiring and the sang O’Canada. enthusiasm was contagious. Excellence Emcees-Yegor Muzechka and Brooke can be found through our desires; to MacDonald said during high school, win, to succeed, and to extend ourselves they have created memories that they to reach our full potential. You have the will reflect on for the rest of their lives. skills needed that will allow you to They made friendships that they will accomplish anything. cherish forever but most importantly Town of Vegreville Mayor Tim they have discovered who they are as MacPhee then said, “Always believe in individuals. the talents that you have nurtured and EIPS Board of Trustees Chair, Trina continue to nurture them. Work hard,

Valedictorian Steven Blackadder.

play straight, and your work ethic will surmount all obstacles and ultimately your success will become a reality.” MLA for Fort Saskatchewan/ Vegreville Jessica Littlewood’s message said it takes braveness to be yourself and be true to your values. Following this, Principal, Barclay Spady and Assistant Principal, Cherum Orr presented the certificates to the graduates where it was announced each of their future plans. Superintendent for EIPS, Mark Liguori then said graduation represents a rite of passage into a bigger world. “You have uncovered your strengths, you have explored your skills, and you have developed knowledge, values, resilience, intuition, curiosity, and a unique perspective. To truly be the best you can be, you have to do things

that excite you and give you parents, they hope they built a strong hope and compliment what you foundation for the graduates to stand are passionate about. Also, be on. “Graduates we want you to be honkind, compassionate and toler- est and true to yourself, to work hard, ate because nothing we do is but also have fun. Learn from your ever accomplished alone. It takes mistakes. Failure is just trying to move many people and lots of vision.” you in another direction towards sucValedictorian, Steven cess, never stop learning, and never Blackadder’s address was about how he experienced the growth of his class who became leaders and role models at the school. Steven read a quote that all people were created equal but he believes that we are all unique. We need people in all fields in this world. Steven added that it has been a joyful journey to be part of VCHS Class of 2018! Chad Gottert‘s tribute to the teachers said the teachers’ efforts in helping the students were beyond word worthy. “The teachers have sacrificed their time in order to provide us with additional help. A teacher doesn’t just Principal, Barclay Spady and Assistant Principal, Cherum Orr present the certificates. teach; they can take the role of a friend, counselor, and mentor. You have forgiving us for our many wrongs and have never turned away give up on yourself because we will someone who sought your guidance.” never give up on you. You are all loved Teacher, Stacy Bennet said teachers more than you know.” have the opportunity to learn from the All graduates then stepped on the students and she will forever be a better platform for the cap toss. person because of the impact the stuThe banquet program was after this dents had on their lives. with Principal, Barclay Spady presentEric Powley’s tribute to the parents ing the welcome. This was followed by said none of their accomplishments the introduction of graduates, grace, would have been possible without the dinner, and a guest speaker, Max Latte. love and support of their parents. The finale was a parade of the Parent, Jenny Powley replied that as graduates.

Family and friends watch graduates receive their certificates.

JUNE 13, 2018

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JUNE 13, 2018

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JUNE 13, 2018

56 Nootka RCSCC Annual Ceremonial Review and Open House Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser A ceremonial review of Holden’s 56 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps (RCSCC), with an open house, awards night, and silent auction to follow was hosted at the Holden Community Hall on the evening of Thursday, June 7. The 56 RCSCC Nootka Ceremonial Review and Open House was attended by family, friends, and special guests such as Holden Mayor Mark Giebelhaus, a representative

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from 140 Cayuga RCSCC Wainwright, and representatives from the Navy League of Canada Alberta Division. The review was conducted by Lieutenant Commander Bob Newton – Area Elemental Advisor for Southern Alberta Lt (N) Boos – CD Commanding Officer for 56 RCSCC Nootka, CPO2 Luscombe, T – Coxswain, and Mr. Mike Grefer – President of the Holden Navy League. The Ceremonial Review is an inspection that occurs each spring to keep all the corps throughout the country united and in tip-top shape. About the Nootka Cadets, Lt (N) Newton said, “Bravo-Zulu! The way that you march, and wear your uniforms, and have conducted yourselves, shows that you care about your corps.”

After the inspection, there was a luncheon and speeches by the Cadets of each division, the Reviewing Officer, and Lt. (N) Boos. Lt. (N) Newton spoke to the cadets on the power and responsibility of sailing all the different “ships” in their life, such as friendship, relationship, stewardship, and ownership. The recurring question that he told them to ask themselves was “Am I committed and dedicated, or am I just along for the ride?” Lt. (N) Boos’ speech focused on the recognition and appreciation for all those to help the corps run smoothly and build community with each other. Awards were given out to Cadets with the best attendance, morale, leadership, improvement, and other qualities throughout the year. The review tied up the end of the 2017-18 year for the Sea Cadets in Holden, as the summer season introduces different opportunities for the Cadets, such as camps, which can be applied for and attended throughout the summer.

Nootka was established in 1954 by Lt(N) Cotrell, a member of the Viking Legion, serving as the first Commanding Officer. In the beginning, RCSS Nootka was supported by the Viking branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. Later, as more Sea Cadets from Holden and Ryley joined the newly formed corps, the Legions based in these communities became active in these corps, resulting in support for the RCSCC Nootka from all the surrounding Legions in Beaver County.

JUNE 13, 2018

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A Joyful St. Joseph’s General Hospital Nurses Reunion

Front Row: (1960) Shirley Ried, (1960) Betty Benoit, (1959) Fern Peterson, and (1959) Carol Love. Back Row: (1958) Fern Borgel, (1959) June Wyard Scott, (1959) Lil Rewniak, (1957) Alice Shepard, (1959) Vodie Marysiuk, (1958) Victoria Baldowski VHryniw, (1958) Enid Theophile, and (1958) Elsie Pshyk.

Elsie Pshyk St. Joseph’s General Hospital – Nursing School Grad Class of 1958 An energetic group of retired nurses from the St. Joseph’s General Hospital School of Nursing, Vegreville, Alberta, met on Saturday, May 26, 2018, to renew acquaintances and memories of the Nursing School era of their lives. The celebration was planned by the Nursing Class of 1958 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of their graduation in 1958. In attendance as well were members of the classes of 1957, 1959, and 1960. Some of the attendees had not been in contact with class members since they graduated and left to pursue their careers. The reunion was very meaningful. They traveled to Sherwood Park from Calgary, Edmonton, Bonnyville, Vermilion, Leduc, Wetaskiwin, and Vegreville to partake in this luncheon celebration. All of the attendees were able to enjoy the luncheon because of the accommodating staff at the Sherwood Park Tony Roma’s and expressed their gratitude to Connie for organizing, and their

waiter, Robert, for hosting them so graciously. The luncheon was spearheaded by Enid Theophile, one of the Nursing School graduates. When the class of ’58 were in school, all nurses in training schools were managed at participating accredited hospitals and were AARN approved. Handson training was done on-site, with affiliation training done in specialty areas. The nursing skills were trained by the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Evron. Colleges and Universities have become the learning centers but the hands-on care is still a vital component. Our school motto at St. Joseph’s General Hospital was “Sempre Fidelis,” which translates “Always Faithful.” The classes were small and the friendships were deep… We were truly sisters for the 36 month period of schooling. Because of the time that has gone by since then, we can note that while times have certainly changed, as has nursing as a bedside profession, but the love for humanity remains the same. As we reviewed the experience of our

nursing careers, it was well noted as to how changes in our society and healthcare options have changed. The evolution has been remarkable. The resounding echo of all the participants was that during our time, we all looked forward to providing care to those who needed it and guidance to assist others in their time of need as well.


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JUNE 13, 2018


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Ask the Guys

Fast Facts Riding Dirty

Dear Classified Guys, I consider myself a pretty sharp guy. When I wanted to sell my car, I was smart enough to clean it up before the sale. Besides a quick car wash, I spent a few hours vacuuming and cleaning the inside and out. I even went an extra step and hired someone to steam clean the engine. It made the car look like new. Pretty good, considering it was 8 years old. When the one and only guy who answered my ad came to look at my car, I thought it was sold. He even commented on how clean it was. Then came the shocker. He told me he wouldn't make an offer because it was TOO clean! What was he thinking? Can a car be too clean or is this guy just plain crazy?

Duane “Cash” Holze & Todd “Carry” Holze 06/03/12 06/10/18 ®® ©TheClassified ClassifiedGuys Guys ©The

Reader Humor

With the amount of road dust that accumulates, it's likely that we have all been guilty of having a dirty car. But just how dusty is your car? An International Car Wash Association survey found that nearly 32 million car owners had "Wash Me" scribbled on their car at least once. Those same people seem to be spreading the pattern. Nearly 25% admit to writing the message on someone else's car as well.

Soaking Wet

sion. A clean car will typically appeal to more buyers. However, steam cleaning the engine may have been too much. Carry: On an eight-year-old vehicle, a perfectly clean engine raises concerns that a seller is trying to hide something. Most people would expect to see some grease and grime under the hood. In fact, that's probably what your buyer was looking for. Cash: Since you cleaned the engine, there was no way for him to tell if there were any oil leaks or signs of a problem around the engine. Although many people barely know how to open the hood, others like to see the engine

• • •

Cash: I'll bet the car

didn't shine like that during the eight years you owned it. Carry: We often hear about sellers who clean their car just before they try to sell it. However during the time they owned it, it was full of empty coffee cups and fast food wrappers. Cash: Your effort to clean the car before resale was a good deci-

in its present condition. Carry: However, I wouldn't worry. Your buyer may be the minority. Many people would love to have a good running car that has been cleaned inside and out. Cash: A concern, though, is why only one person responded to your ad. It's possible that your asking price for the car was too high. Although the car may look like new, it's still eight years old and should be priced accordingly. Carry: If you do that, I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding an interested party. After all, we all need a clean car to fill with our empty coffee cups.

We all make mistakes, even in the car wash. According to a recent survey of car wash customers, 11% didn't put their car into neutral and 9% missed the track with their car tires. The more damaging mistakes included 29% who admitted to leaving their antenna up, 9% not closing the window, 5% not closing the door and 2% not shutting their sunroof. The most embarrassing, however, are the 2% (about 4 million car owners) who purposely open the window wondering what would happen!

Total Luxury

Although my friend and his wife bicker like an old married couple, they still love to take car trips together. Recently they bought a new minivan, fully loaded with all the options, to make their trips more enjoyable. When they first came to visit, they couldn't wait to show off all the features. I sat in the driver's seat to check it out. "This car has everything," I said looking at all the buttons. "Automatic door locks, automatic windows…" "And if I get lost," my friend interrupted. "My wife automatically yells at me." (Thanks to Sawyer N.)

Laughs For Sale

This is a very personal automotive ad

WANTED d for e Parts need ll te va Pri . Ca g u B W V 4 197

Do you have a question or funny story about the classifieds? Want to just give us your opinion? Email us at:

ACREAGES House on acreage for rent. 15 km north of Vegreville. 2brm. 2 bath. $900. Call 403-510-0265 for more info. 3 acreages for sale. Call for details. 780-603-8710

APARTMENTS 1 & 2 bdrm suites in Vegreville. 1 bdrm-$725, 2 bdrm-$825. Incl. water, heat & energized Pkg. DD same as rent. Small quiet dog allowed with condition. Ph. 780-632-6878.

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JUNE 13, 2018



Custom cutting & Baling of Hay or will do on shares. PH: 780-208-2841

1993 Chev 4x4 Ext Cab. For parts. $650. 780-922-5999

Les’s Painting & Drywalling. Will do all your painting and drywalling, residential and commercial. Maintenance work also available. 25 years experience. All work Guaranteed. Call Lester 780-632-6588 Custom haying and baling or on shares. 780-603-8710

TO GIVE AWAY Young, beautiful, tame, litter trained barn cats free to a good home. 780-7642613 3 Black with white one year old male kittens. 780-3632106. Raspberry Canes, Lilac Trees & Nanking Cherry Bushes. 780-768-2460

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Accolades for ‘Just Jen’ 1.800.522.4127 Call toll free from anywhere in Alberta

or fax to 780.632.7981

2002 GMC 4x4 HD ¾ ton Service Truck 340k $3500 780-922-5999 1997 Ford 7.3 Diesel, 4 x 4, missing transmission. Nice deck, $2800. 780-922-5999 2000 Dodge Dakota V8 4x4 Farm Truck. $1,600. 780-922-5999. 2006 Ford 4 x4, Crew Cab, new tires. $4600. PH: 780994-3005 2004 Chev 4 x 4, new t/ case, canopy, $3200. PH: 780-994-3005 2002 F250 Crew cab, 7.3 diesel. Loaded. 410,000kms. $6500 PH: 780-994-3005

WANTED Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201

Power baseball - CONTINUED from PAGE 14 the Braves. Edmonton Expos – 6 Rosalind Athletics – 7 Holden Blue Jays – 11 Camrose Roadrunners – 1 It was the fastest game in Blue Jays history according to their Twitter account. The Jays would need only one hour and five minutes to pick up their fourth win of the season in a five-inning mercy rule shortened game against the Roadrunners. Jays started Grayson Suprovich would pitch four innings for the win, striking out four and allowing no earned runs. Catcher Stephen Hrabec would finish a home run short of the cycle going 3 for 3 with four RBIs and three runs scored on the night with outfielder Allan Ziegler also perfect at the plate going 3 for 3 with a pair of RBIs and a run scored. The eleven runs were by far the biggest offensive game for the Blue Jays. They came into tonight’s action against the Roadrunners having scored only fifteen runs in the previous six games to start the 2018 season.

Barb Morris Margaret and John Savage First Book Award - Submitted The winner of the 2018 Margaret and John Savage First Book Award – Non-fiction is Jen Powley’s memoir, Just Jen: Thriving Through Multiple Sclerosis. The award which has a value of $2500 recognizes the best first non-fiction book published in the previous year by an Atlantic Canadian writer. Jen received her award on May 10 at the annual Atlantic Book Awards which recognizes outstanding authors, illustrators, and publishers. Jen Powley has just completed a speaking tour throughout New Brunswick and Cape Breton Island to share her story. Just Jen is a powerful, uplifting, and unforgettable memoir written with frankness and humor. It is the first time people with MS can read a story that details some of what they have experienced themselves. It is the book Jen could not find when she was diagnosed at the age of fifteen. Just Jen is

published by Roseway, an imprint of Fernwood Publishing. Jen’s book was successfully launched at the Halifax Central Library early in May 2017. Powley was a featured author at the Brampton Festival of Literary Diversity. She launched her book in Alberta at the libraries in Vegreville and Innisfree, followed by presentations in Edmonton and Calgary, as well as Victoria, Vernon, and Gabriola Island in British Columbia. The book is currently required reading at Dalhousie University’s School of Occupational Therapy. Jen Powley was born and raised in Vegreville, where her parents Barb Morris and W.R. Powley still reside. She has lived in Halifax for nearly twenty years after relocating to pursue an after-degree program in Journalism at the age of 21. Powley’s literary achievement and inspired writing have touched many lives since the 2017 release of “Just Jen,” in Vegreville and Innisfree, and continues to be an inspiration to many.

Fathers are Fabulous! Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Father’s Day on June 17 is the time we honor all fathers and father’s figures! Fathers really deserve to be recognized for all the roles they take on. Traditionally, fathers were known to be protectors and financial providers for their children. However, nowadays many fathers are really flexible and they take on so many roles. Some fathers work full-time and are happy to go home to nurture and take care of their children. They are known to be

patient, kind, and attentive. Then there are some fathers who choose to be stay-at-home dads where they take pride in this role and try their best to raise their children to be the best people they can be. Some men never become a biological dad but they spend their lives being role models and offer emotional support to people they are father’s figure for. There are men who dedicate their lives to being a single father and are brave enough to raise a child alone. Then we can’t forget the great male

teachers, step-fathers, adopted fathers, and other men who choose to make a difference in children’s lives and be guardians to children. “Psychology Today” stated that fathers are essential because they provide a safe and secure environment with supervision while they encourage and teach kids to take risks and not be afraid to try new things. Paternal physical play is associated with positive outcome for the child, and fathers provide children with extra financial support.


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JUNE 13, 2018





In Memory of Dale Brodziak, Friend, Partner, Mentor Dec 14, 1955 to June 14, 1998 Even though two decades have passed, there remains a big hole in our lives where you once were. Not many days have passed without our thinking of you. We still talk about you, fondly and often. We miss you very much but your memory lives in our hearts. Brian, Marie, Eddy and the folks at Veg Ford.

JACKSON, William June 1, 1958 - June 13, 2015 Missing You Always You never said I’m leaving You never said Goodbye. You were gone before we knew it And only God knows why. In life I loved you dearly In death I love you still. In my heart I hold a place That only you can fill. It broke my heart to lose you But you didn’t go alone. A part of me went with you The day God took you home. Forever Remembered and always Loved. wife Rachel & family Memory Eternal

WILLIAM “Bill” SCHUSTER 1930 – 2018 On May 17, 2018 William Schuster passed away with family by his side. William was predeceased by wife Anna, his parents, and five brothers. He is survived by three daughters (Ramona, Brenda and Rachel), two brothers and a sister. Also survived by seven grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Cremation has taken place. A memorial inurnment will take place at 2:00 pm on June 16, 2018 at the Vegreville Cemetery, Vegreville, Alberta In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Heart and Stroke Foundation.

JOHNSON, Robert James January 11, 1925 - June 2, 2018 On Saturday June 2, 2018 Robert (Bob) James Johnson of Beauvallon, Alberta passed away at the age of 93. Robert is survived by his common-law wife Angela, as well as his daughter Elizabeth & son Stewart Johnson; grandchildren Jeffrey and Ruby Johnson. No service will be held at this time. To send condolences, please visit

BRODZIAK, Dale December 14, 1955 - June 14, 1998 Nothing Can Ever Take Away The Love A Heart Holds Dear Fond Memories We Have Every Day Remembrance Keeps Him Near Forever In Our Hearts Love You….Miss You.... Marielle, Shauna, Kyle, Ryan & extended families

MOROZIUK, Victoria February 17, 1935 - June 15, 2010 The years may wipe out many things But this they’ll wipe out never, The memory of those happy days When we were all together. We think of her in silence, Her name we oft recall, But there’s nothing left to answer But her picture on the wall. Just when her life was brightest, Just when her hopes were best, God called her from among us To a home of eternal rest. Forever loved and missed by the Moroziuk Family

WOLOSCHUK, Mary October 2, 1919 – June 17, 2010 I miss you more than words can say Every moment of the night and day Your soft cheeks, your twinkling eyes Your warmest hugs and loving “hi’s” Rest in peace free from pain Until we see each other once again Forever remembered with all my love Bonnie and family

IN LOVING MEMORY OF WILLIAM ANDRIUK March 4, 1924 - June 19, 2011 Seven years ago today, The one we loved had passed away. An empty place no one can fill. We miss you and we always will A special person, a special face, Someone we loved and can’t replace. Never selfish, always kind, These are the memories he left behind. Gone are the days we used to share, But in our hearts you are always there. Never more than a thought away, Loved and remembered every day. Memories are like leaves of gold, They never tarnish or grow old. Locked in our hearts, you will always be, Loved and remembered for all Eternity Loved and Remembered by wife Margie, Sylvia and Jim, Deloris and Roy, Peggy and Denis, Billy and Terry, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren and two Great-Great grandsons.

KUBIN, Katherine December 26, 1921 - June 8, 2018 Katherine Kubin passed away at the age of 96 years. Katherine is survived by her loving family, son Marshall Bushko; daughter Theresa (Roy) Paziuk; five grandchildren Elaine (John), Holly (Javier), Katherine, William (Claudia) and Chrissy (Sean); four great-grandchildren Nicole, Sarah, John and Leo; three great-great-grandchildren Dalyn, Jayden and Kai; one brother Nick Chilibecki; two sisters Sophie Gara and Olga (Bill) Rawluk; her beloved nieces and nephews; along with numerous relatives. Katherine was predeceased by her husband Tom Kubin (married 1975) in 2013, her husband John Bushko (married in 1942) in 1974; infant daughter Marie; son Mike; daughter-in-laws Barbara and Anne; grandchildren Michael, Peter, Patrick; parents John and Helen Chilibecki; brothers Harry (Lena), Peter (Victoria) and William (Alice); sisters Anna (William A.) Fedoruk and Mary (Steve) Lazaruk; brother-in-law Bill Gara; sister-in-law Eva Chilibecki. Our sincere gratitude to the staff at Vegreville Care Centre for their kindness and compassion. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the charity of one’s choice. Cremation has taken place. Celebration of life will be held at a later date.


SKITCH (nee Wright), Helen Winnifred “Winnie” On June 8, 2018, our beautiful Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Granny, Helen Winnifred “Winnie” Skitch nee Wright peacefully passed away at age 88. Winnie is survived by Bill her loving husband of 65 years, her children Reg (Norma), Judi (Ken), Gina (Pete), and Don (Line); grandchildren Ryan (Tracy), Adam, Tanner (Lindsay), Michelle (Greg), Sarah, and Liam; and great-grandchildren Emma, Owen, Wyatt, Josephine-Rae, and Waylon; many extended family members, and friends she made everywhere she went. Winnie is predeceased by her son Bob; parents Colin and Betty Wright, her brothers Gerry, Ron, and Keith. The family thanks the staff of St. Joseph’s General Hospital and St. Michael’s Manor in Vegreville for their kind and gentle care of Winnie throughout the years. Winnie’s family welcomes you to join in a celebration of her life which will be held at the Vegreville United Church at 2 p.m. on June 16, 2018. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Vegreville United Church in Winnie’s name.


YURKO, Don Kostanteen March 5, 1953 – May 27, 2018 It is with sadness that the family of Don Kostanteen Yurko of Morinville, Alberta, formerly of Vegreville, announce that he suddenly passed away on May 27, 2018, at the age of 65. Don is survived by his loving mother, Alice Yurko; child, John (Becky) Yurko; 2 grandsons; sisters, Diane (Wayne) Toma, Julie (Marvin) Malin, Connie Paulencu, Christie (Randy) Warawa and Mercy (Dean) Nickel; along with many nieces & nephews. Don was predeceased by his father Kost; brother Mitchell; sister Linda; and great-niece Addison. A Funeral Service was held at the Vegreville Alliance Church. Interment followed in Riverside Cemetery. To send condolences, please visit AUTUMN ROSE FUNERAL HOME LTD. VEGREVILLE, 780-603-5800

RUDYK, John Edward July 5, 1939 – June 11, 2018 On Monday, June 11, 2018, Ed Rudyk of Two Hills, Alberta peacefully passed away at the age of 78 years. Ed is survived by his loving family, his wife Joyce of 55 years; children Marc (Anita), Michael (Denise), Marshall (Lisa), Margaret (Jeff) Michaelchuk and Matthew (Candace); 7 grandchildren Meghan (Justin), Chad (Ashley), Darcie-Lynn, Wade (Rebecca), Travis, Olivia and Zoe; 3 great-grandchildren Kash, Addyson and Harlynn; one sister Ann Melnyk; along with numerous nieces nephews, relatives and friends. Ed was predeceased by a son Theodore, parents Harry and Eva; brother Art (Emily); nephew Gary; brother-in-law Bill Melnyk. A Parastas (Funeral Service) will be held on Friday, June 15, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Vegreville, Alberta with the Basilian Fathers officiating. Interment to follow in the Lavoy Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the “Kidney Foundation of Northern Alberta and NWT” or “Alberta Diabetes Foundation.” To send condolences, please visit AUTUMN ROSE FUNERAL HOME LTD. VEGREVILLE,780-603-5800

WECKER, Gertrude It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Gertrude Wecker, nee Clarke, born March 3, 1930 in Edmonton. AB. She quietly slipped away in her sleep on June 8, 2018 at the age of 88 in Vegreville, Alberta. She will be lovingly remembered by her children, Philip, Wanita and Holly (Bill); grandchildren Derrick (Heidi), Patricia, and Kelly (Mike) and great grand-daughter Isabella. She also leaves behind brothers and sisters Elmer, Allen, Margaret and Violet. She will also be fondly remembered by the extended Booth family of Ryley, Alberta for the 72 years of friendship and love she shared with them. She is predeceased by her 2 husbands Harvey Brown (1970) and Elmer Wecker (1998); parents Charles and Maud Clarke; brother Bob and sister Myrtle. Gertrude loved gardening and quilting, which was her passion for the last 20 years, contributing in excess of 3000 quilts to disaster and humanitarian relief through ADRA. A Memorial Service will be held on Thursday, June 14, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. at Autumn Rose Funeral Home in Vegreville, Alberta with Pastor Seth Busey officiating. Private inurnment to follow at the Riverside Cemetery Columbarium. Memorial gifts may be made to ADRA ( To send condolences, please visit AUTUMN ROSE FUNERAL HOME LTD. VEGREVILLE,780-603-5800

JUNE 13, 2018



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JUNE 13, 2018

U9 Blue Bolts’ Soccer Game with Blue Blazers Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent May 24’s U9 Blue Bolts’ Soccer Game with the Blue Blazers turned out to be a well-played game at VCHS field. Coach for Blue Bolts, Carlee Leliuk said the game ended in a tie. “Kids all had lots of fun and we have been noticing a great improvement on the kids working together as a team. More working together, passing and communication which has led to more success as a team!” (Rosanne Fortier/photos)

Vegreville Thunder U19 Girls win!

(Rosanne Fortier/photos)

JUNE 13, 2018

News Advertiser PAGE 31


Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Trying hard really can pay off! June 6’s soccer game Vegreville Thunder U19 Girls proved this when they won the game by 5-0 against Vermilion!


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Coach for Vegreville Thunder U19 Girls, Lara Chilibecki said the highlights from the game were definitely their defensive play. “We shut Vermillion out and both our defensive line, as well as our defensive mids played very strong. Our central and attacking midfielders controlled the

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middle of the pitch as well and were doing a great job of getting the outside and up the field for our strikers to run onto. There was definitely a full team effort all over the pitch.” Chilibecki said she believes that at this age, with most of the girls being very busy with school and jobs, soccer provides them with a great outlet and a good escape from their increasingly busy lives. It gives them an opportunity to get some exercise and be amongst friends while still maintaining their competitive spirit and learning through sport.

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JUNE 13, 2018

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Welcome to Kindergarten

Family Literacy Facilitator for CALS teaches Brynn Weleschuk at the Communication Skills and General Knowledge Station. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Welcome to Kindergarten Fair Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent The signs that led to the wonderful world of learning while preparing children for kindergarten were found at the ‘Welcome to Kindergarten Fair’ at Vegreville Centennial Library on May 29. Vegreville and District Child Development Coalition (VDCDC) offered this fair in partnership with A.L. Horton School and St. Martin’s School. It was meant for all children who will be entering kindergarten in 2018-2019. VDCDC Coordinator, Charlene Melenka said the purpose of the kindergarten fair is to create a community event where parents, caregivers and children entering kindergarten can experience the strategies, resources, and supports that will prepare the child for a fun and successful first year in school.

There were seven fun and interactive stations that were meant to be done between the children and Early Child Development organizations, Alberta Health Services, and Kindergarten teachers from both elemenKatie Olineck with her son, Charlie at the Literacy and Numeracy Station. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

tary schools. The stations were: sensory bin and creative exploration, talking and reading, ages and stages questionnaire, play-doh, letters and numbers, movement and healthy snack. Each of these stations was meant to develop the five domains of early childhood development; physical health and well-being, social competence, emotional maturity, language and thinking skills, communication skills, and general knowledge. Assistant Principal for A.L. Horton School, Mr. Arndt said this fair helps children because it connects families with the different services available in the community and it helps parents understand what their child needs to be ready for kindergarten. Parents were provided with a bag of resources and a learning resource book to encourage further learning and play within the home. This resource bag was purchased from the Learning Partnership by AL. Horton and St. Martin’s Schools. These activities are to be done with their child over the summer months and throughout the kindergarten year. Parents are the child’s first and most important teacher. There were also door prizes and free giveaways.


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JUNE 13, 2018

Children’s Cast of Canadian Pride Soccer Drama’s performance with hoola-hoops. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

A Music TV Show of how The Legends have inspire stars today! (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent The maximum in creativity was performed when Trickster Theatre with all A.L. Horton School’s students presented, Canadian Pride ALH: This is us on June 1. These performances were the final project of a week of the physical theatre company, Trickster working with the students. Assistant Principal, Mr. Arndt opened the night by saying it has been a great week at the school because of Trickster’s residency. The students learned teamwork, movement, excitement, and commitment. Each class created a different performance where they all had the knack to entertain while some threaded a lesson through their play by using humor and physical expressions. The performances featured a glow in the dark hockey game, an original soccer game, a play about an ant bully that taught the lesson that no matter how frustrating it can be to deal with a bully, we can’t be like them; we have to use positive reinforcement instead. There was a tattling lamb and the kids discover how to treat it and the lamb learned how to act better. At one performance everyone was shown what will happen to Canada in 2168 if we don’t take care of the earth

now. Other plays were about being kind, how to be good Canadians, Vegreville Pride, and more topics. All these acts received a thunderous applause from the audience. Everyone learns to get along in the Great Treaty. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

A Rainy-Day Surprise for Vegreville Elementary Schools


Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser Members of the Alberta Chuckwagon and Chariot Association (ACCA) visited Vegreville’s elementary schools St. Martin’s and A.L. Horton to talk to the children about chuckwagon racing on Friday, June 1, leading up to the official race season start at the Vegreville Ag Society the weekend of June 2. While the original plan was to give the children an opportunity to meet some horses and learn about the chuckwagon close-up, the cold and rainy weather pushed the visit indoors, where the ACCA representatives visited the students

from each classroom. Each of the drivers told the students a little about themselves, and, amongst some banter between the drivers, answered the students’ questions about themselves, their horses, their wagons, and racing. The visit to the schools gave the drivers a chance to connect with a younger generation of chuckwagon and chariot fans and gave the students a chance to learn more about an event that is an annual part of their community – and which they were sure to have plenty of questions about. Free passes were given out to the first student to ask a question from each class, and Dubuc reminded them to all come and see the available Chuckwagon and Chariot racers during the weekend’s events.

JUNE 13, 2018

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A.L. Horton’s Spring Band Concert

The elementary band students perform. (Rosanne Fortier/photos)


JUNE 15, 2018 FROM 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

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Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent A.L. Horton’s Spring Band Concert fueled the audience with spellbinding performances at Vegreville Composite High School on May 30. Band Director, Ms. Maureen Yule said months of hard work and dedication led the Grade Five’s and Six’s students to showcase their skills at their first performance at the Wendy Brook Festival which they did fantastic at. The concert featured the Grade Five’s and Six’s and it started off with some solo performances by the Grade Fives. The first set held foot rocking rhythm to their powered ballad while the Smooth Sailing piece presented more of a softer and slow pace. Their performance of Closet Key carried a catchy melody to it while ‘Come on Down’ stayed at a nice and steady bass. The Grade Six’s were next, with their chosen signature piece, Amazing Grace which won the audience over.

They continued with many more performances which included, Take the Stairs where Yule said they really did do this as they learned how to play high notes well. The concert closed with the ‘Celebration’ piece which is what always happens when music is performed as well as it was at this concert. Each of these performances received an appreciative applause while the audience cheered and whistled after some of the performances.


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JUNE 13, 2018

Get involved in Canadian Environment Week Environment Canada In 2018, we’re encouraging Canadians to #BeatPlasticPollution! Join the conversation on social media and spread the word to reduce plastic pollution. Here are some more ways to make a difference: Participate at home and with your family • Say no to single use plastics, like straws and plastic shopping bags • Purchase ENERGY STAR® certified appliances to save energy. Use the ENERGY STAR® rebate finder to save your wallet • Explain to your children that it is Canadian Environment Week and show them ways to save energy like switching off lights, turning off taps tightly, and recycling • Take your family or organize a group trip to a provincial or national park. Many are offering nature interpretation programs and special activities during the week Join an environmental organization • Take advantage of Canadian Environment • Week to subscribe to a magazine on environmental protection, wildlife and plants, or outdoor activities Join the online conversation on plastic waste • and marine litter Engage your workplace • • Encourage your colleagues to use reusable mugs and bottles rather than Styrofoam or plastic Organize an environment day where you and • your colleagues can improve your understanding of the environment and brainstorm ways to protect it • Suggest that your workplace use ENERGY STAR® certified products to save energy • Launch a carpool campaign • Encourage your colleagues to bike to work Beat plastic pollution at your school • Organize a clean-up day at a park, schoolyard, • or beach, with the help of your school board • Plan school trips to wastewater treatment plants, weather offices, or environmental firms

get involved - CONTINUED ON next PAGE

Vermilion River Watersh

Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser The board members of the Vermilion River Watershed Alliance (VRWA) held their Annual General Meeting in the Louis Sutter Memorial Meeting Room in Viking, Alberta, on June 7, for the year 2018, Why to go over the year in review, elect and re-elect members, and begin new discussions for the upcoming year. The members of the VRWA board come from a variety of county councils, municipalities, and businesses throughout the Vermilion River watershed. They brought a diverse troop of perspectives and concerns to the conversation, unified by their purpose of protecting, preserving, and restoring the Vermilion River watershed with their cooperation with landowners. During the elections portion of the meeting, all members decided to carry their roles through for the next year. As there were a few interim positions following last fall’s municipal elections, those who were filling those positions had to make the decision to be full-time members of the

board. The current Chair of the Boa Berry of the Town of Vegreville, had of these interim positions since Nov agreed to take on the position for the A very prominent discussion point communication strategy going for during flooding seasons. County co bring the perspectives of their local fa they reflected on issues of farmers other’s land, and the environmenta term band-aid solution such as drain ing, in riparian areas. Also discussed was the possibility Agriculture and Education-focused g the message out more effectively, and on how restoring their riparian are “For us, it’s about protecting the ripa the partnership. Agricultural man forte, but if we can provide informat group, both parties may be better eq The problem of flooding over the s

JUNE 13, 2018

Watershed Alliance AGM

Chair of the Board, Councillor Dave Vegreville, had previously filled one itions since November 2017 but has e position for the 2018 year. discussion point in the meeting was a tegy going forward, especially for ons. County councilors were able to s of their local farmers to the table as sues of farmers draining into each e environmental dangers of a shorton such as draining instead of restor. s the possibility of working with an cation-focused group, in order to get e effectively, and educate landowners eir riparian areas will benefit them. otecting the riparian areas, and that’s gricultural management is not our rovide information to an agricultural may be better equipped.” oding over the spring was discussed,

get involved - CONTINUED FROm previous PAGE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

as well as a continual complaint of too much water in Beaver County. “Farmers will often say, ‘Absolutely, we want clean water!’ Which makes sense, we all want that.” Said Councillor Barry Bruce of Beaver County, “Lately we have also had the attitude of “And we want this water out of here… now!” “Responding to this issue with deeper culverts, and drainage systems has led to arguments of who is flooding who…” This problem, the watershed agreed, can be solved with the recognition that wetlands, riverbeds, and any bodies of water that move belong to everyone… what one person does upstream will always affect everyone downstream from them. Finally, they reviewed the statistics of water volume and quality, the number of hectares restored, and the budget, all of which were either within or exceeded their goals for the 2017 year. The Vermilion River Watershed Alliance and North Saskatchewan River Watershed Alliance will be working together over the course of this year to meet both the needs of the landowners with the benefit of the watershed.

News Advertiser insider PAGE 5

Urge your school board to undertake school projects on the environment and plastic pollution Invite each class to conduct research in your area, and have them present a class report during Canadian Environment Week Join activities in your neighborhood Launch a neighbourhood litter-prevention and cleanup campaign Take part in a tree planting campaign Donate old clothes and appliances to second hand stores so they can be reused Ask community organizations to make an official statement about Canadian Environment Week, and commit to practical steps to reduce plastic waste and protect the environment Contact local shopping centres and employers and suggest they install bicycle racks on their property Ask your local newspaper to publish an issue on the environment during Canadian Environment Week Organize a bicycle trip to environmentally important and historic sites in your area Get involved in your municipality Ask your municipal council to hold an official kick-off for Canadian Environment Week Urge your municipality to hold a contest recognizing outstanding environmental initiatives Ask your municipal council to create bike paths in your city Organize an exhibit on the environment at your municipal library or community centre Ask your municipal library to buy more books and documents on Canada’s environment and natural heritage Urge your municipality to organize official public ceremonies associated with the environment and invite local mayors, MPs, business leaders, and environmental groups to take part Organize a display at your library to show natural history collections belonging to residents in your area Do something every day, by doing something big or something small, to protect our planet


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JUNE 13, 2018

Exploring Alternative Materials to Reduce Plastic Pollution Keith Weller Head of News and Media – UN Environment The report by UN Environment assesses the potential of replacing certain conventional plastics applications with alternative materials. Packaging and other single-use items form a large proportion of the plastic litter leaking to the ocean. The report highlights some relatively conventional alternatives as well as less obvious solutions: including algae, fungi and pineapple leaves. Nairobi, 1 June 2018 – In an effort to equip the world with the tools and knowledge to reduce plastic litter from ending up in our ocean, rivers, and lakes, UN Environment today published a report assessing the potential of replacing conventional plastics with alternative materials in certain applications. The ocean has increasingly become a repository for discarded plastics and microplastics, with significant demonstrable social, economic and environmental impacts. It is neither possible nor desirable to remove all plastics from society. However, the realization from consumers and policymakers that urgent action to stop

the flow of disposable plastics is needed is growing, and alternatives can have a significant role in reducing our dependence. “Making the switch from disposable plastic to sustainable alternatives is an investment in the long-term future of our environment,” Erik Solheim, Head of UN Environment said. “The world needs to embrace solutions other than single-use, throwaway plastic” The report outlines a range of alternative materials that can be used to replace single-use plastics where possible. There are situations – particularly in the medical field – where plastic provide an essential use. But often, natural materials and alternative technologies can be used to break humanities addition to disposable plastic. This is particularly true for consumer products as these represent a large amount of the plastic pollution contributing to marine litter. “The report is intended to encourage society to question our current use of plastics and consider the adoption of alternative approaches, especially for those items which can be characterized as designed for single use, such as packaging,” Peter Kershaw, lead author of the report said. “Packaging and other single-use items form a large proportion of the plastic litter leaking to the ocean.”

The authors highlight a range of plastic materials that frequently cross our paths – from plastic food containers to synthetic clothing, to the loose fill that is often used to protect fragile products during transport – and identifies them as among the ‘main culprits’ of marine plastic litter. Twenty-five case studies from around the world illustrate a wide range of applications to reduce our dependence on the unnecessary use of plastics of disposable plastics. The report contributes to the debate on how to make our use of the planet more sustainable, citing several of the Sustainable Development Goals, including poverty reduction, increased community resilience, and waste minimization. The advantages and disadvantages of conventional plastics made from fossil fuels are further compared with both alternative natural materials, obtained from plants and animals and newer generation bio-polymers which are plastics made from biomass sources. The report highlights some relatively conventional alternatives to plastics – such as paper, cotton, and wood – as well as less obvious solutions including algae, fungi, and pineapple leaves – among others. By growing global awareness of the social, economic and environmental impacts of our current relationship with disposable plastics, as well as outlining a wideranging set of alternatives, UN Environment is setting the stage for an informed dialogue on how to break the global addiction to single-use plastics. “Science can help business develop green and innovative solutions,” said Jian Liu, Chief Scientist at UN Environment. “There are major business and job opportunities in the development of new alternative materials that can replace single-use plastics” The report is launched coinciding with World Environment Day 2018, celebrated annually on June 5th. Under the theme: “Beat Plastic Pollution”, the day is a call to action for communities to combat this increasing challenge to our societies.

JUNE 13, 2018

News Advertiser insider PAGE 7

2018 Father’s Day Event Stay tuned for the always exciting Father’s Day Event at the Fair Grounds in Vegreville on Sunday June 17th. This fun-filled family outing is sponsored by Vegreville Auto & Industrial Supply Ltd. (Bumper to Bumper) and is a joint effort of the Vegreville Agricultural Society and the Iron Runners Auto Club. Gates open at 10am and the show runs until 5pm. It’s an exhilarating day of fun for people of all ages with several activities for everyone to enjoy along with great food and great displays. Make sure you treat yourself to the ‘Show n’ Shine’ sponsored by MacDonalds. This fan-favourite features over 150 antique autos and trucks restored to their original glory for your enjoyment. Joining the cars and trucks again this year will be the always interesting ‘Rat-Rods’ and the spooky ‘BoneWagons’.

To add some extra excitement and incentive to the ever popular ‘Show n’ Shine’, Vegreville Auto & Industrial Supply Ltd. (Bumper to Bumper) is sponsoring $1,000 of prize money with $250 each going to the ‘Best in Show’, the oldest entrant, the youngest entrant, and the entrant that travelled the farthest! As part of the ‘better every year!!’ Father’s Day Event, we also feature the always popular ‘Antique Tractor Display’ brought to you by Deerland, the larger than life ‘Big-Rig Semi’s brought to you by Predator Logistics, and the fantastic display of dozens of ‘Antique Snowmobiles’ brought to you by Vegreville Mechanical. And you won’t want to miss the amazing display of ‘Vintage and Custom Motorcycles’ sponsored by Vantage Builders and Vantage Building Supplies. This will feature several beautifully

restored and customized motorcycles for you to look at and dream about! These folks sure take ‘Pride in their Ride’. Make sure to catch all of the action at the ‘Demo-Derby’ sponsored by Grant Miller Motors. There are several ‘smash-em-up’ events to bring thrills to your afternoon with $10,000 in prize money from the Father’s Day Event Committee, plus trophies to keep. The ‘Damage will be Done’ on the track starting at noon. On the grandstand, young folk are looking forward again to the ‘Power Wheels Derby’ sponsored by ‘Flash Distributors NAPA’. This event will take place between the heats and will help create the Demo Derby Drivers of the future! Back again this year to add to your grandstand thrills are the ‘Lawn Mower Races’. You know they’re crazy by the way these drivers speed around in those

little mowers but its’ fun for sure! The Multiplex (Curling Rink) will again be filled with a ‘Dazzling Display of Amazing Garden Scale and awardwinning HO Scale Model Railroads’. Family Fun for young and old! All of this, plus great food and vendors displaying and selling their unique and interesting items, waiting for you and your family at our Annual Father’s Day Event in Vegreville Sunday June 17th. Hope to see you there and please bring a friend or two!!!


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JUNE 13, 2018

Mannville First Poker Rally a Success Mannville Elks Club Submitted Mannville Elks held their first Annual Elks Bike/Car Poker Rally on Saturday, June 2. Registration took place at 881 Confectionary between 8:30 and 9:30 am with kickstands up at 10 am. 35 bikes and 5 cars with 40 participants going on a 240km drive, stopping at Elks Lodges in Viking, Irma, Wainwright (for an awesome lunch), Vermilion, and stopping in Mannville for the last card draw. Participants also had the opportunity to have a Pig Roast supper with the Pig cooked by Sly Dog at the Gazebo on Main Street. Lots of swag was drawn and given away with the top 4 larger prizes going to 4th place hand Wayne Washerol (Paintball event at Reavers Paintball Mannville), 3rd place Bill Calder (Stay and Play at Mannville Riverview Golf Course), 2nd place Levi Wonsik (Stock removal Class from Storch Knives), 1st place Gary Fahner (Custom made knife from Jim Myhovich made from a Harley Davidson primary drive chain). “Overall the day was a great success, many people made this day happen and a huge thank you to our many sponsors,” said Event Chair Person Elk Member Jim Storch.

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