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Honouring Anne Daskewech on International Women’s Day

Honouring Anne Daskewech on International Women’s Day

Michelle Pinon News Advertiser

Every year March 8 is celebrated as International Women’s Day, (IWD) all over the world. ‘DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality’ is the theme this year. The United Nations Observance of IWD recognizes and celebrates the women and girls who are championing the advancement of transformative technology and digital education.

One of the women who left an indelible mark in her community was the late Anne Daskewech. Daughter Wendy Theriault said her mom served on Mundare town council, the historical society, and several other organizations. She was always documenting all of the happenings in the community and enjoyed capturing the special moments and important milestones.

Demolition of train station in July of 1978.

(Wendy Theriault/Submitted Photo)

Queen Elizabeth II visits Mundare on Aug. 2, 1978.

(Wendy Theriault/Submitted Photo)

Wendy said her mom was the first female ever to serve on town council and she did so with honour from 1974 up until her passing in 1986. “She was well liked, respected and treated well by her colleagues. In her first two terms, she had the highest vote count.

During her tenure, she and her colleagues saw a new hospital, senior citizens lodge, and reverse osmosis plant built in the town. Even though it was the 1970s, you would swear she had a smart phone! She documented so many improvements, updates and changes. She worked hard for a strong and vibrant community that people felt pride in.

She was born and raised in Mundare, and believed people owed a debt to their communities that was fulfilled by volunteering and local service. She was also involved in the Royal Purple, Air Cadets Local 341 Squadron, the Mundare Ag Society, and the Mundare Recreation Board to name a few.”

Anne Daskewech, on Mundare Council 1974.

(Town of Mundare/Submitted Photo)

Anne was also involved in provincial and federal politics. “She sat on the executives for the provincial & federal PC Constituencies. She worked on numerous campaigns for John Batiuk, (MLA) and Don Mazankowski, (MP & Deputy Prime Minister).

“We grew up in an atmosphere where it was normal to participate and volunteer to improve our communities. I have volunteered for various organizations and my brother Ken has sat on numerous boards.”

Wendy said her mom ran for municipal office because she felt it was important to have a voice. Anne represented the voice of many other people as well as an exemplary role model. She left an impressive set of footprints for her family, friends and community members to follow and is fondly remembered on IWD 2023.

Anne Daskewech seated on a packer during construction in Mundare in the 1970’s.

(Wendy Theriault/Submitted Photo)

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