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Celebration of an Act of Covenanting for Rev. Pamela Milton
Celebration of an Act of Covenanting for Rev. Pamela Milton
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent
Vegreville and Salem United Churches with their Communities of Faith presented a Covenanting Service and Celebration for Rev. Pamela Milton at Vegreville United Church on March 8.
Rev. Stephan Sparks, Regional Council Liaison, from St. John’s United Church in Bonnyville was the special guest who led the Covenanting Service as Rev. Milton and the congregation took the covenanting vows to each other.
Rev. Sparks said a Covenanting Service is where the minister and the congregation make promises to each other in terms of their commitment to the overall mission of the church and Jesus Christ.
The Act of Covenant read: “We are here to join into a covenantal relationship with God and between Rev. Pamela Milton, RSV Pastoral Charge-Community of Faith, and the wider United Church as represented by Northern Spirit Regional Council. “
Following this, Rev. Sparks gave his sermon where he mentioned that we are all on a journey to discover the purpose of our lives; faith is a journey, an act of trust. It is about trusting in the transformation from going from the familiar to the unfamiliar. We trust that God will bless Rev. Milton as she comes to the church with her talents and abilities.

Rev. Pamela Milton with Rev. Stephen Sparks.
(Rosanne Fortier/photo)
After this, Robert Paul who is a member of the Search Team said a few words about why they selected Pamela Milton after prayerful discernment and the approval of the Ranfurly, Salem, and Vegreville (RSV) Pastoral Charge.
All of this closed with a potluck lunch and fellowship in the auditorium.