Vegreville News Advertiser - March 21, 2018

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VOL. 71 NO. 12



Steve Pineo and the Heebie Jeebies

Kit Johnson (Standing Bass) and Tim Leecock (Guitar) of Steve Pineo’s Band.

See story on page 12 Hair By VJ Celebrates

Waterworks Workshop

See page 5 for story

See page 10 for story


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RCMP files from March 12 - 18 Arthur Beaudette News Advertiser

Alberta RCMP Welcome Funding Page 9

Haying in the 30’s

March 12 12:46 – Complainant reported that someone from New York called asking for his banking information in order for Microsoft to be able to return $500 that they overcharged to fix his computer. The complainant never had any interaction with Microsoft and did not provide any banking information to the caller. 15:21 – Report of 2 individuals arguing about one dog biting another dog. Both participants were angry and shouting. Officers mediated the situation. No charges were laid. 16:02 – Report of graffiti on the back of AL Horton School. No suspects or witnesses. 17:27 – Report of an iPhone 6S being stolen from a hockey arena dressing room on March 6 in Vegreville. The iPhone tracker did not report anything and the phone plan was cancelled. No further information 18:18 – Report of a young female walking with a duffle bag, yelling and acting strangely. Female was located and determined to be a transient hitchhiking. Information was obtained and the traveller continued on her journey.

11:13 – Victim services manager received a phone call from a male who was verbally abusive and ranting about the justice system. Reported for information purposes. 15:48 – Report of a possible fraud involving family. Still under investigation. 16:01 – Complainant called to report a “shopper’s sweepstakes” fraud attempt. They received a letter requesting money to cover taxes in order to receive their prize. No money was sent. Reporting for information purposes. 17:12 – Report of a male looking into car windows at a retail outlet. The video shows that no offence was committed however the male was tracked going into the store and stealing product. The matter is still under investigation.

Page 18

March 13 00:28 – Call was received from a male who was lost and could not find his home. The intoxicated male was located and was lost. Members took him to his residence. 09:16 – Lac La Biche RCMP called about a vehicle being tracked via GPS was in Mundare. Members attended and recovered the stolen vehicle. The case is awaiting forensic examination results. 10:15 – Report of a vehicle driving past a school bus while the bus had its lights on. The bus driver requested that the vehicle owner is warned as no children were in danger. The owner was contacted, given a warning and advised of the law with regards to passing a school bus. 10:40 – A provincial agency called to report a female swearing and yelling at staff. Members spoke with staff, however, the female who is known to police had already left. Still under investigation.

March 14 13:38 – Complainant called to advise that they had received a voicemail informing them that they needed to call back regarding an urgent tax matter. They called the number they were told that there was a lawsuit against them. When he asked what for the other party hung up. Reporting for information purposes. 14:45 – Vehicle stop resulted in locating open liquor. The subsequent vehicle search produced a female in possession of meth. The subject was arrested and released on a promise to appear. 15:45 – Call came in for assistance with an injured deer that had been on the side of the road since morning. Member attended and found that the deer was uninjured and was left to enjoy the weather. 15:56 - Member located a vehicle on

MARCH 21, 2018

Hwy 16 with a stolen license plate. The owner of the vehicle was unaware that the plate on the vehicle was not theirs. The plate was recovered and rightful owner of the plate was notified.

March 15 00:40 – Vehicle stopped for speeding. The odour of liquor was detected and the driver stated that he had TWO beer. Breath samples were provided which resulted in a 3-day suspension and vehicle seizure. 08:10 – Male called wanting to speak to a member about chemicals being sprayed in the area. He also accused the RCMP of killing salmon in BC. Nuclear dust was being sprayed on his home. The caller then hung up. 08:49 – Commercial vehicle officers advised that they are with a male who is stuck in the ditch. They determined that he has warrants for his arrest. Members attended and arrested the male. 10:56 – Store owner reported damage to a front window possibly caused by a BB or pellet gun. No suspects or witnesses. 13:32 – a male called 911 asking for police assistance. Members attended and no one was willing to talk about what had happened. It appeared to members that 2 males were involved in a consensual fight. 15:43 – Report of a suspicious male in the rural Lavoy area. Members patrolled, however, the vehicle was gone. The caller called back the next day to inform members that they had heard from someone that it was a salesman travelling in the area. 16:48 – CRA scam. The call came from 289-919-5383 and a message was left stating that they had committed a tax fraud and needed to call back. The recipient of the call did not return the call and was reporting for information purposes. 18:22 – Report of a female that appeared to be on drugs and sounded “out of it”. The subject called the detachment to provide her location and asked to be sent for a mental health assessment. Members attended, located and arrested an intoxicated female, lodging her in cells until sober. March 16 11:46 – Report of a driver talking on a cell phone and swerving out of their


MARCH 21, 2018

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MARCH 21, 2018

Reader Response On occasion I will receive a letter at that I feel deserves some attention. This is one such letter. -- Arthur Beaudette

A Nation Divided (in your opinion) I find it ironic that you, in your position of privilege, having been given a job in your families’ enterprise, would deny persons that have earned their privilege of the positions they hold. You denounce our Prime Minister for ‘living off a trust fund’ a legacy that he inherited from his parents and grandparents but fail to recognize that you yourself are the beneficiary of an enterprise that your parents and grandparents worked to develop and have given over to you to manage and provide a living. The people you have named, Justin Trudeau and Celina Caesar-Chavannes, have demonstrated they deserve their position through their education and the achievements in their career. Please check their credentials. Additionally, their qualifications have been judged by the people that elected them into office and have been deemed to be capable of that privilege. You begin by denigrating our Indigenous people for not celebrating the birthday of a country that confiscated their land and denied them their freedom and the use of their land’s resources. I do not suppose that you would be so

inclined to celebrate if that was your fate and yes, you should be celebrating the privileged position that our country has now provided you. You talk of divisions in our country, but you fail to recognize that your rhetoric is exactly the kind of discourse that feeds that division. There are no divisions except the ones that you yourself want to make. I believe that too many people covet that what they perceive others to have and want to deprive them that privilege. My advice to you is that until you have a real problem that needs attention and is not your unfounded opinion, please check your privilege and be quiet. Yours truly, David Kindrachuk ---

David, Thank you for reading and for taking the time to write a letter to me. If you would have made counter-points to my opinion piece, I would have published your letter without reply. However, since this has become a personal attack of sorts I

Reader Response - CONTINUED ON PAGE 15

Dear Editor, I understand the Orthodox Church doesn’t have very many members, especially in Vegreville and some churches in the province of Alberta. I want to see 195,000 Ukrainians come to my province and Canada. They are the ones that made my province and Canada what it is to this day. They had it hard in the beginning, and it was tough for them to make a living, making everything by hand. Marko Lypovyk and Bohdana Sepanenko-Lypovyk in Edmonton have opened their home for the new-comers from Ukraine every year, and the public liked to read the article in the Edmonton Sun about it... what if many more people opened up their homes to Ukrainians? I bet there are many people even in our area who would make them welcome. I am hoping that the Prime Minister will help the Ukrainians, as Russia doesn’t make them feel safe. I believe we should open the border for the Ukrainian people: they are good citizens. The Prime Minister is bringing people in from so many other countries, and I would also like to see as many Ukrainians as possible come to my country. Sincerely, Muriel Pratt Name: Brooke MacDonald Occupation: cashier Likes: traveling, playing the guitar Dislikes: cold weather, olives

MARCH 21, 2018

News Advertiser PAGE 5

Hair By VJ Celebrates 14 Years Of Business

Vegreville News Advertiser’s “Leprechaun” Larry Ruptash presents Hair by VJ a certificate to mark their 14th business anniversary

On March 17th,VJ and his family celebrated 14 years since the St. Patrick’s Day the salon first opened with an annual open house and sales on products and services.

Back 2 Health Celebrates Their First Year of Business Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser To celebrate their business anniversary, Back 2 Health held an open house, with a huge sale on their items and a steady stream of clientele who came to check out the shop. In the past year, they have focused on having enough stock to serve their customers and on providing good service to everyone who enters their store. Now they are looking forward to stretching out more into the world of supplements, health food supplies, and natural remedies, to better serve their customers in this new year of business.

Craig Horon of The Vegreville News Advertiser presents Back 2 Health’s owner Annie Froese with a One Year Anniversary certificate for the little health store.


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MARCH 21, 2018



90 Years Ago – March 21, 1928

A large amount of building is under way in Hairy Hill these days. The tap-tap of hammers sounds up and down the valley from sunrise to dark. It is a matter of satisfaction to see so many buildings going up on permanent foundations, not on skids. The owners have real faith in the future of the town. Five elevators are completed, which tend to give a Manhattan sky-line to the town. Stores, garages, implement agencies, hotels, restaurants, lumber yards, band and all other necessary conveniences to a modern civilized area are up or in the course of construction. J.R. Moore, whose pen of White Wyandottes won the egg laying contest at Lethbridge last year, with a second-breaking number of eggs from the Wyandottes, recently received a cheque from Halifax, N.S. for $36 for a setting of 18 eggs from his prize winning pen. Mr. Moore returned the cheque as he is not disposing of eggs or stock outside the district, his desire being to assist local production in every possible way.

75 Years Ago – March 24, 1943

Paul John Marie Joseph Theroux, recently in attendance at the Jesuit College, Edmonton. His father is now overseas with the 29th Regiment and his mother resides in Vegreville. He enlisted in Edmonton and is in training there. William Charles Austin of Ranfurly, son of J.W. Austin enlisted at Calgary. Commencing on Thursday, April 1st, letter-writers will have to watch their step, or watch their postage, for it will cost them just four cents to mail an ordinary letter, instead of the three cents previously charged. By far the greater part of all correspondence will require the four cent stamp. After this year, schools will remain open during July and holidays begin on August 1st next year and extend into October to make teachers and students available for harvesting duties on Alberta farms. It provides that Easter holidays, usually of 10 days, be eliminated and in 1944, Easter Monday will be the only vacation of that period. It also takes from the local school board the power to grant holidays on Ash Wednesday, the King’s birthday, Labor Day, Arbor Day and other specially designated holidays throughout the year.

50 Years Ago – March 21, 1968

The Vegreville Fire Department placed third in the annual Fire Prevention Awards for communities of 2,500 to 4,999 Class E. Announcement was made by Austin E. Bridge, Fire Commissioner. Taber took first in the competition with Claresholm taking second. The following district farmers will be exhibiting purebred bulls and females in the Canadian Western Stock Show and Rodeo to be held in Edmonton. Under Shorthorn Breeders. David G. Durrie, Lavoy, one female and four bulls; J.S. Fegirchuk, Hairy Hill, three bulls; John and Milton Hennig, Andrew, two females and one bull; William and Victor Melenka, Andrew, three bulls and Kost Sorochak, Mundare, one bull. Under Horned Hereford: Harry Chilibecki, Warwick, 4 bulls; William Chilibecki Warwick, 5 bulls; John Fegirchuk, , Hairy Hill, 2 bulls; Steve Fegirchuk, Ranfurly, 4 bulls; Walter Gegolick, Vegreville, 5 bulls; John Grosul, Andrew, 2 bulls; William Grosul, Andrew, 3 bulls; Steve Kotelko, Hairy Hill, 5 bulls; henry Kowalchuk & Sons, Willingdon, 3 horned and 3 polled Hereford bulls; J.F. Melenka & Son of Warwick, 4 bulls; Sam Mitansky, Andrew, 3 bulls; J.G. Porozni, Willingdon, 3 bulls and Willis Porozni, Willingdon, 2 bulls. Under Polled Hereford: Jack Kotelko, Hairy Hill, 2 bulls; Onofre Ropilko of Vegreville with 3 bulls.

25 Years Ago – March 23, 1993

Ardrossan Blues cheered at the end of the final game of the provincial Atom A tournament. Ardrossan scored the winning goal in the final minute of the third period against Edson. The provincial tournament was held in Vegreville on March 19 to 21. Eight teams from across Alberta participated in the tournament including: Grande Prairie, Vegreville, Bonnyville, Edson, Ponoka, Three Hills, Ardrossan and Okotoks. At the end of Saturday’s competition the team scores were; Grande Prairie, 0; Vegreville, 0; Three Hills, 2; Bonnyville, 3; Ponoka, 3; Okotoks, 4; Edson 6; and Ardrossan 6. The top four teams, Ardrossan, Okotoks, Edson and Ponoka played in the semi finals and Edson and Ardrossan participated in the championship final. Ross Chapman acting superintendent for Elk Island National Park explains the proposed changes to the park. Representatives from Elk Island National Park held an open house in Vegreville on Wednesday, March 17. The park is gathering comments, from surrounding communities, on the proposed changes to the park.

Letters Welcomed

One role of the Vegreville News Advertiser is to promote dialogue on various issues of concern to area residents. We accomplish this by welcoming Letters to the Editor and allowing various issues to be debated through our pages. All letters must contain the writer’s name, address and phone number. Anonymous letters will not be printed, however the writer’s name may be withheld from publication in special circumstances deemed appropriate by the Publisher. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, spelling and grammar, taste or for reasons of potential libel. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to withhold letters from publication.

Turning Investors and Prosperity Away at the Door Jason Clemens and Milagros Palacios The Fraser Institute Confidence in Canada as a destination for business spending is in steep decline. Given the importance of business investment and entrepreneurship to prosperity, the federal government should be concerned. But by all accounts, they’re not. The latest evidence of government disinterest comes in the form of last month’s federal budget. According to Statistics Canada, every category of business investment has declined (except residential housing) since peaking in the final quarter of 2014. Total business investment, excluding residential structures, (adjusted for inflation) is down 16.8 per cent. That includes declines in non-residential structures (down 23.3 per cent), machinery and equipment (down 6.6 per cent) and intellectual property (down 13.8 per cent). And StatsCan’s survey of the investment intentions of private businesses shows further declines in 2018 are expected - the fourth straight year of decline. And foreign direct investment (FDI) in Canada has dropped 56.0 per cent since 2013, to $31.5 $ billion from $71.5 billion. In addition, for the first time since h data has been collected, fore foreigners sold more Ca Canadians assets than they bought in 2017. t Canada’s results are not typical

among industrialized countries. A 2017 analysis by StatsCan’s former chief analyst found that Canada ranked second last among 17 industrialized countries - including the United States - for business investment over the 2015 to 2017 period. This is a substantial decline from 2009 to 2014, when Canada ranked eighth among the same 17 countries. Moreover, data for business startups, a key measure of entrepreneurship, shows similar worrying declines. The rate of small business startups (less than 20 employees) declined 16.2 per cent from 2006 to 2015, the latest year of available data. Startups of medium and large firms nearly collapsed, falling 51.5 per cent since 2006. Given the importance of business investment and entrepreneurship to the economy, it’s more than a little worrying that the federal government seems detached and disinterested. The budget didn’t even acknowledge business investment until page 288. Perhaps most puzzling is why federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau, a former Bay Street titan, could be so oblivious to the near-crisis in business investment and entrepreneurship. One potential answer, as evidenced by his comments after last year’s budget, is that the minister and the government are simply not interested in private-sector investment. During an interview, Morneau talked about the government’s approach to long-term, sustainable economic growth. Notably, he rarely mentioned the private sector.

The federal government’s disinterest in private-sector investment and entrepreneurship is devastating for Canada’s economy

MARCH 21, 2018

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Blotter - CONTINUED from PAGE 2 lane, possibly impaired. The subject was located and a warning was provided. 17:36 – Domestic dispute reported. Members attended and spoke to parties. The dispute seems to have been over some damaged property. Members mediated the situation and no charges were laid. 22:33 – Report of a person yelling and fighting with a WALL in a house. Members attended and found the subject at the kitchen table too intoxicated to stand after losing the fight. The subject was arrested for breaching probation and lodged.

March 17 08:01 – 911 report of a stolen vehicle that was in a collision with 3 occupants. 1 female was taken to the hospital and then released on recognisance, a 2nd female was released on recognisance and the male occupant was arrested and held for a hearing. 09:45 – Traffic stop was conducted for window tint. The owner was ticketed for the windows glazing. 12:38 – Report of a missing daughter who did not show up for work. The subject had left friends while intoxicated, fallen and was helped by a stranger. 14:37 – Report of a suspicious male “zig-zagging” around the neighbourhood and looking in backyards. Extensive patrols were conducted but the male was not located. The person reporting advised that they had confronted the suspect which may have scared him off. 16:42 – Suspicious vehicle reported sitting in front of a residence with alternating flashing blue lights in the bumper. Member attended, located the owner, had him turn off the lights and advised him of the statute regarding illegal lighting on the front of the vehicle. 22:35 – Female reports that there was an intoxicated female outside of her house without a shirt on. Members attended, however, the subject of the call was not located.









During the week there were 3 false alarms, 4 false 911, 0 animal strikes and 63 calls for service were made in total.








March 18 09:51 – Male called to report that someone loosened the wheel nuts on his tractor. However, the wheel nuts did not appear to be tampered with. 18:57 – 911 hang-up call. Members attended the caller’s location and found an intoxicated male. The subject was asked to go home a number of times. He refused and became aggressive with members. He was arrested and lodged until sober. 19:33 – 911 report of a suicidal female who had taken pills in an attempt to overdose. Female was transported to the hospital for care. 21:51 – Vehicle located in the ditch. Driver found to have a warrant out of Calgary. The subject was arrested then released on a promise to appear.







48 $3,250








72 (0.2 ) %






+ $5,772 TOTAL VALUE








ON NOW AT YOUR ALBERTA GMC DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the purchase of a 2018 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab Elevation Edition, Canyon Extended Cab and Sierra HD Diesel equipped as described. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the Alberta GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only on select vehicles delivered from March 1 to April 2, 2018. * Truck Month Total Value valid toward the retail cash purchase of an eligible new 2018 model year GMC truck delivered in Canada between March 1 and April 2, 2018. Total Value amount will depend on model purchased. Eligible new 2018 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab Elevation Edition: $4,150 manufacturer-to-dealer cash credit (tax exclusive), $1,600 manufacturer-to-dealer (tax exclusive) Truck Month Credit, $750 manufacturer-to-dealer Option Package Discount Credit (tax exclusive), $1,000 GM Card Application Bonus (offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa Card (GM Card) or current GM Card cardholders) (tax inclusive) and $3,550 manufacturer-to-dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive). On all offers: Void where prohibited. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this cash credit, which will result in higher effective cost of credit on their transaction. Limited time offer, which may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. † Eligible 2018 GMC Canyon Extended Cab: Lease based on suggested retail price of $35,970, includes $750 manufacturer-to-consumer GM Card Application Bonus (offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa Card [GM Card] or current GM Card cardholders) (tax inclusive), $500 manufacturer-to-dealer Delivery Credit (tax exclusive), $750 manufacturer-to-dealer Extended Credit (tax exclusive) and $750 manufacturerto-dealer Truck Month Credit (tax exclusive) towards the lease of an eligible new 2018 GMC Canyon Extended Cab at participating dealers. Bi-weekly payment is $150 for 48 months at 1.9% interest rate on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. The $75 weekly payment is calculated by dividing the bi-weekly payments of $150. $2,435 down payment is required. Total obligation is $17,983 plus applicable taxes. Taxes, license, insurance, registration and applicable fees, levies, duties and, except in Quebec, dealer fees (all of which may vary by dealer and region) are extra. Option to purchase at lease end is $16,546. See dealer for details. Discounts vary by model. Dealer may sell for less. Limited time offer, which may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. Offers may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia.†† Eligible 2018 GMC Sierra HD Diesel: Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles financed and from between March 1 – April 2, 2018. Financing provided, on approved credit, by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Representative finance example based on a new 2018 GMC Sierra HD Diesel. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $40,000 financed at 0% nominal rate (0% APR) equals $555.56 monthly for 72 months. Total Value consists of $3,272 manufacturer-to-dealer Delivery Credit (tax exclusive), $1,000 manufacturer-to-dealer Truck Month Credit (tax exclusive), $500 manufacturer-to-dealer Finance Cash (tax exclusive), and $1,000 manufacturer-to-consumer GM Card Application Bonus (offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa Card [GM Card] or current GM Card cardholders) (tax inclusive). Cost of borrowing is $0 for a total obligation of $83,633. Taxes, $1,700 freight and PDI, $100 air conditioning charge (where applicable), PPSA, license, insurance, registration and applicable fees, levies and duties (all of which may vary by region and dealer) are extra. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time financing offer, which may not be combined with certain other offers. GM Canada may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. ¥ Offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Card (GM Card) or current Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Cardholders. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2018 model year (“MY”) GMC delivered in Canada between March 1st, 2018, and April 2nd, 2018. Credit is a manufacturer-to-consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $1500 credit available on: GMC Terrain, Acadia, Yukon and Yukon XL; and $750 credit available on: GMC Canyon (except 2SA); and $1,000 credit available on: GMC Sierra, Sierra HD. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GM Canada dealer for details. GM Canada reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. 1 Vehicle user interfaces are products of Apple and Google and their terms and privacy statements apply. Requires compatible smartphones and data plans rates apply. 2 Comparison based on 2017 Small Pickup segment and latest competitive information available at time of posting. Excludes other GM vehicles. 3 Before you buy a vehicle or use it for trailering, carefully review the trailering section of the Owner’s Manual. The weight of passengers, cargo and options or accessories may reduce the amount you can tow. 4 Whichever comes first. Limit of four complimentary Lube-Oil-Filter services in total. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing etc., are not covered. Conditions and limitations apply. See your dealer for details. 5 Whichever comes first, fully transferable. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for complete details. 6 Visit for coverage maps, details and system limitations. Services and capabilities vary by model and conditions as well as geographical and technical restrictions. Terms and conditions apply. OnStar® acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Not all vehicles may transmit all crash data. After the trial period, an active OnStar® service plan is required. OnStar® 4G LTE: Services and connectivity vary by model and conditions as well as geographical and technical restrictions. Requires active OnStar® service and data plan. Data plans provided by AT&T or its local service provider. Accessory Power must be active to use the Wi-Fi® hotspot.


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MARCH 21, 2018

Wait until 2019 The equity markets are a strange thing. Every time one person sells, another buys, and they both think they’re smart. That’s just the way it is/ If the truth be known, regardless of whether you’re making good investment choices or bad ones, there are some things you should consider as we approach the year’s end.

Wait until 2018 to purchase certain investments: Are you looking to invest in an interest-based security, such as a guaranteed

investment certificate (GIC), that has a maturity of one year or longer? If so, consider waiting until 2018 before making the investment. This way, you won’t have to pay tax on any accrues interest until 2019 – the year of the first anniversary of the investment. Also, consider waiting until 2018 to purchase any mutual funds that are expected to make taxable distributions before the end of 2017, otherwise, you’ll face taxes in 2017 on those distributions.

Trigger accrued losses before year-end: Did you report capital gains in one of the three prior years (2016, 2015, or 2014)? If so, or if you’ve realized capital gains in 2017, consider selling your losers before year-end to apply those capital losses against the gains from this year (which must be done first), or against gains from one of the three prior years. Excess capital losses can be carried forward for use indefinitely. Trigger capital gains before year-end: Why would you ever want to realize a capital gain before year-end? It could make sense if you can sell an investment without creating a tax liability. Perhaps you have capital losses to use up, or the capital gain will be taxed in the hands of someone who will pay little or no tax (in-trust accounts for children, for example). You might also choose to sell and trigger a capital gain if you expect your marginal tax rate to be much lower in 2017 than next year, and you’re thinking of selling anyway. If you sell the investment, then reinvest the proceeds – even in the same security – you’ll create a new, higher adjusted cost base, which will save tax later.

Give investments to a child: If you have an investment that has dropped in value, consider transferring it to a child before year-end. This will trigger a capital loss that you can use to offset capital gains and will pass on the tax liability to any future growth in the investment to your child. You’ll also minimize probate fees on those investments at the time of your death.

Donate securities to charity: Donating by year-end will provide you with a donation credit, and tax savings, for 2017. If you’re considering disposing of certain publicly traded securities anyway, think about donating those securities to charity. Any resulting capital gain on the donated securities will be eliminated, while in return you’ll receive a tax credit for the donation.

Claim a capital gains reserve: If you’re thinking of selling an asset by year-end at a profit, consider structuring the sale so that you collect your sale proceeds over more than one year. You’re able to spread the capital gains tax liability over a period of up to five years if you take payment over a period of up to five years. Consult a tax pro to structure this properly.

Invest in offshore funds wisely: In the past couple of years, the taxman has targeted investors who have invested in funds that are located outside of Canada. If one of your main reasons for making these investments is to avoid tax, our tax law will cause you to pay tax annually on a deemed interest amount. The reality is that most Canadians who make these types of investments are not doing so for tax reasons; they are typically choosing investments they simply can’t find elsewhere. Set yourself up for success in 2018 by being prepared for a conversation with the taxman if you’re investing in these funds. How? By creating an Investment Policy Statement that details your investment objectives and clarifies that tax reduction or deferral is not the main reason for making the investment; have a discussion with your investment advisor about this issue and speak about the fact that tax is not one of your main reasons for making the investment (and document this discussion by keeping minutes on file); and choose a Canadian money manager if you can find one comparable to the offshore fund you’re in. Finally, if the cost amount of your offshore property is less than $100,000 in aggregate, you won’t have to report these assets on Form T1135, which will likely take you off the taxman’s radar.

2018 F-150 LEASE THE


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MARCH 21, 2018

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Spring Clean Up Noreasonableofferwillberefused

Secret Squirrel Sgt Jerry Nutbrown RCMP Ponderings – Vegreville As I sat trying to decide on a topic for this week I was thinking of the secrecy we have for certain things and pounced on the topic when I realized I could include the word squirrel. Hannah Barbara created the namesake cartoon in the mid-60s but the term is also used to indicate secret operations. To start, all people who have unescorted access to our detachment must be security cleared and this process is quite involved. The reason for the clearance is due to the secrecy of the information that comes through our detachment and that we are in positions of trust. Secrecy starts with our staff here who are required to safeguard the information we gather. This is in the form of notes, reports, photos, drawings, etc. As we are required to safeguard this information there are authorities in place that allow for the distribution or release of certain information to certain people or agencies. We are not authorized to release the name of a youth that has been charged with a criminal offense, but we can release the name of charged adults. We only release our investigational files to the Crown Attorneys with the exception of certain pieces of investigations such as a provincial traffic collision form to Alberta Transportation. For investigation information requests under Access to Information and Privacy, we don’t directly release our investigational files but any information released is done by a department in Ottawa. They review the requested files, vet them, and then release parts of them based on their criteria. This is the same

process that many journalists use to get information on Federal Government departments or government entities. If we have a prisoner here or have arrested someone we cannot release their name to a person who calls asking for them. The prisoner has a right to privacy and we must adhere to this unless the prisoner/arrested person gives us permission to confirm their location. This may be seen as being secret which I guess it is, but we are required to function this way. The exception here is that if we arrest a youth, we are required to notify a parent or guardian. We are obligated and required to keep things secret for our entire careers/lives. Just because we retire or quit the RCMP doesn’t mean that we can tell all. Again, this is not because we want to make it seem like it is more than it is, but we are required by law. Secrecy continues into the court as sometimes media blackouts are ordered on certain information, typically the names of individuals involved in certain sensitive types of crimes like sexual assaults. The lawyers are bound by client-attorney privilege where the attorney is not allowed to disclose certain information about a client. It is all about safeguarding information. Most businesses keep secrets from the public or interested parties so policing is no different other than we operate in a ‘business’ unlike any other. Sometimes we actually do secret squirrel stuff, but mostly it is just us protecting information. Now go ahead and do an online search for Secret Squirrel.

Alberta RCMP Welcomes Provincial Funding to Help Address Rural Crime Sgt. Jack Poitras Media Contact – Alberta RCMP On March 9, 2018, the Government of Alberta announced an investment of $8 million that will enable Alberta RCMP to place more employees where they can make the most impact: on the streets and in communities across the province. This investment demonstrates the province’s confidence in the Alberta RCMP’s systematic and evidence-led Crime Reduction Strategy – a collaborative policing approach designed to address the root causes of crime and breaking the cycle of criminal activity in a community. In partnership with the province, Alberta RCMP has developed an action plan that will enable the Force to address rural crime by adding 39 new officer positions and 40 civilian employees in areas that will ultimately lead to more RCMP officers on the road. The investment represents additional support for Crime Reduction Units in communities that need it the most, six new intelligence-focused officers, four additional crime analysts and more civilian staff to cut down on paperwork so that officers can focus on investigations, patrols, and engaging with their communities. “Rural Crime Reduction Units are designed to act fast to target repeat offenders who commit the vast majority of

crimes in an area,” said Deputy Commissioner Todd Shean. “I can assure you, if you are committing a crime in Alberta, we will identify you and we will stop you.” “Rural police officers are part of their communities,” said Kathleen Ganley, Minister of Justice and Solicitor General. “They do difficult and extremely important work every day. I want to thank the RCMP for the work they do to protect Albertans. I’m confident this plan will give our rural police officers more tools in their toolbox to fight crime.” The RCMP is proud to be the rural police force of Alberta. With the cooperation and support of the Government of Alberta and other community partners, Albertans can be certain that the RCMP’s crime reduction strategies in rural communities will be innovative, sophisticated and successful.


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Quick Facts: • Each RCMP District is equipped with a Crime Reduction Team dedicated to targeting prolific offenders, particularly in the areas of break and enters, vehicle thefts and thefts of other property. • Dist r ic t Cr i me Reduction Teams have arrested 219 people, have laid 469 Criminal and Drug charges and have arrested 170 wanted persons. • The Alberta RCMP Traffic Units (RTU), in addition to promoting highway safety through enforcement activities, are also targeting traveling criminals. In January 2018 alone, the RTU Traffic Units made 9 major seizures of drugs and contraband, totaling in excess of $1.3 million. This resulted in 14 arrests and 19 new Criminal charges being laid.


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MARCH 21, 2018

Waterworks Workshop

Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser The Vermilion River Watershed Alliance held two seminars on Thursday, March 15; the What’s Going on in Your Watershed (Warsaw Hall, Lamont County,) and Working Well (Lavoy Community Hall) Workshops covered nearly everything landowners need to know about government approvals, systems of restoration, and how to protect the ecosystem of their agricultural property. As the borders for watersheds follow rivers and streams, they aren’t determined by county or political lines. This can make permissions difficult unless you know where to go. The Vermilion River Watershed Alliance is – as it sounds – an alliance of many different groups who do research,

help landowners to acquire grants and restore their wetlands and riparian areas. If a person were to keep track of the information that is being made more and more available to the public, they might notice that Environment Canada, the Watershed Alliance, and our local centres have been putting on these presentations and open houses nearly every week, and in many different venues… perhaps there is a reason for it? CBC News recently covered some research from one John Pomeroy, the Canada Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change. Over this winter, Pomeroy has been conducting his research in the Rocky Mountain range, with equipment 2.000 metres above sea level in order to measure the snowfall… and has found changes in precipitation patterns that have affected the climate on a large portion of the mountain range. This includes rain events, even through the winter. As rivers flow from the Rocky Mountains flow into the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific, and the Atlantic,

waterworks - CONTINUED ON PAGE 11

Honey Hill Farm Seed Cleaning Formerly T&T Seed Cleaning

Book your seed cleaning Today

Two Hills AB Call Duane @ 780-632-5610 or 780-657-2032

MARCH 21, 2018

News Advertiser PAGE 11

waterworks - CONTINUED from PAGE 10 these changes can – and do – have an effect on the rest of the continent. How we manage our rivers, lakes, and riparian areas makes a difference. Especially now, with our water situation teetering in a place much less secure than we believed it to be in the past, it is up to consumers, producers, and landowners to ensure that our habits respect the ecosystem we have and help to ensure it’s longevity. In addition to all of the paperwork ins and outs at these seminars, each speaker stressed that landowners should educate themselves on how to keep the natural state of their land healthy – particularly if they have any bogs or floodplains – in order to create a safe and sustainable environ-

Innisfree Minburn 4-H Beef Club March Report

Camille Kassian Innisfree Minburn 4-H Beef Club Reporter This month the Innisfree Minburn 4-H Beef Club held our March meeting in Innisfree. Everyone’s projects are doing well. We had reports on the leader’s tour, club public speaking, district public speaking, which Megan and Tyson Rudolf placed first in the senior and intermediate levels, regional public speaking which Megan Rudolf also placed first for seniors, district curling, and the village skating party in Innisfree. Our sign making workshop will be held over the Easter break. Make sure that everyone checks their show shirts to see if they fit. Spring fling for the intermediates is going to be held in St. Paul April 6 and 7. Next meeting will be held April 11 in Minburn at 7pm.

ment for future North America. Wetlands, though they have been viewed as a negative when it comes to pasture or cropland, might just save our continent from drought.


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MARCH 21, 2018

Steve Pineo and the Heebie Jeebies Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser Busses from all over Beaver County were lined up outside

the Paragon Theatre in Holden, Alberta on March 18, 2018, while their occupants (and some of their drivers as well) enjoyed a lively afternoon of music. The performance of Steve Pineo and his guests, the Heebie Jeebies, focused solely on the music of Elvis Presley, but was not – as he stressed very clearly – a ‘tribute show.’ (Even if this had not been mentioned, the lack of white

Steve Pineo


Landfill Seasonal Labourer The Public Works Department of the Town of Vegreville has an opening for a Seasonal Labourer. This employee works under the supervision of the Landfill Operator. An employee in this classification will primarily assist in the operation of the Vegreville Sanitary Landfill. This includes office duties as well as outside work as assigned. This employee may also be responsible for operating some medium-type mobile equipment. Primarily, the employee will be responsible for the Landfill daily operations, including, but not limited to; grounds maintenance, scaling and spot checking loads, collection of waste management fees, invoicing, daily cash and credit balancing and closing, direct dealing with customers ensuring loads are sorted and disposed of in the correct areas, and completing daily reports and logs. Qualifications: ŸMinimum of Grade 12 and one year direct experience in operation

of medium-type mobile equipment. ŸCapable of working with minimum supervision. ŸCapable of maintaining a professional relationship with employer(s),

fellow employees, and the general public. ŸPhysically capable of performing assigned duties. (Medical may be

required) ŸPossess and retain a valid Class 5 Alberta Operator's License. ŸHave a good working knowledge of Safety Standards and Practices

and the ability and desire to implement them. ŸFirst Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation are considered to be

assets in this position. Wage: $40,522 ($19.48/hour) – $50,232 ($24.15/hour) A full job description can be requested by emailing Submit Resumes by 12:00 pm, March 23, 2018 to the attention of: Ken Robinson, Public Works Foreman 5417 – Birch Avenue Box 640 Vegreville, AB T9C 1R7 Ph:780-632-3439 Fax: 780-632-4274 Email: Thank you to all that apply. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

MARCH 21, 2018

The Heebie Jeebies fill in the gaps with four-part back up vocals.

rhinestone jumpsuit would have made that point well enough.) It was, however, an entertaining musical experience that had the audience toe-tapping even during the intermission. Steve Pineo and his band, alongside Calgary’s vocal group, the ‘Heebie Jeebies,’ performed at the Paragon Theatre as an individual gig, organized by the Beaverhill Arts Society. With a well-rounded Elvis Repertoire and ecstatic reviews from the audience, the Beaverhill Arts Society would gladly have them back, “anytime,” b-b-b-baby.

News Advertiser PAGE 13


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MARCH 21, 2018


Call toll free from anywhere in Alberta


or fax to 780.632.7981

Ask the Guys

Dear Classified Guys, Two months ago I was a happy girl driving around in my sporty red VW Jetta. My boyfriend found it in the classifieds at a great price. Then one day I had a little accident. While backing up, I failed to see a big orange snowplow parked behind me. There he was just sitting on break and I backed right into his plow, crunching the trunk of my car. There was no damage to the plow and he barely knew I even hit him, but now my trunk won't even open. And with no collision coverage, I'm crushed too. I have to pay for the repairs myself. I think I just want to sell the car and get one that can actually carry groceries. Do you think the damage will make a big difference in the resale value?

• • •

Cash: With the size and weight

of commercial snowplows, we're not surprised the driver didn't notice when you hit his truck. However, the question is how did you miss the big orange plow parked behind you? Carry: The fortunate part is that you weren't hurt in the accident, but now you are left with a crushing

Duane “Cash” Holze & Todd “Carry” Holze 03/18/18 03/11/12 ®® ©TheClassified ClassifiedGuys Guys ©The

decision: fix the car or sell it with the damage. Cash: The truth is that significant damage such as yours can drastically affect the resale value of the car. You can imagine that others will have a similar reaction to yours and wonder how to get their groceries in or out of the trunk. Carry: The difficult part of trying to sell a damaged vehicle is that the number of buyers is considerably reduced. Many people can overlook small dents or dings, but when there is functional damage like not being able to open the trunk, most people will shy away from the purchase. Those that are interested will expect a significant price break.

Cash: You should consider getting an estimate on having the damage repaired. Ask for two quotations. One that repairs all the damage and one that makes a few adjustments so the trunk can once again be opened. Then you can make an informed decision about whether to fix the car or sell it as is. Carry: Keep in mind that even a car that has been damaged and repaired does not retain its full value. You may still need to adjust your price to compensate for the repaired damage. Cash: And to avoid hitting a snowplow in the future, you have two options: look behind you before backing up or only drive in good weather.

Fast Facts Rubber Necking

Reader Humor Coupon Clipping

If you like to buy cars with a few dents or dings, you're in luck. There are more than 6 million car accidents every year according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. That's almost 12 accidents every minute. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that at least 25% of police-reported crashes involve some form of driver distraction. Topping the list of distractions was looking at outside objects or people, cell phones, adjusting the radio or being distracted by another occupant.

The other day when I was coming out of the grocery store, I saw a rather scary sight. As a woman was loading groceries into her car, her cart began rolling down the parking lot. By the time she noticed, it was already well out of her reach. The scary part was that it was heading right for my car. She ran after it as it gained speed, but missed catching it as it slammed into my driver's side door. As I ran up behind her and noticed the dent in my car, I asked, "How bad is the damage?" Apparently she misunderstood my question. "It seems pretty bad," she replied, gathering her groceries. "I broke at least a dozen eggs!" (Thanks to Oliver D.)

Perfect Color Lets face it, accidents happen. And the cost of repairs can add up quickly. That's why many people shop around at local auto wreckers or salvage yards for replacement parts from discarded vehicles. Then they have a local body shop install the parts. Surprisingly though, the largest cost of most repairs is typically labor. So to save a few bucks, look for parts that match the color of your car. If you're lucky enough to find them, you might save on the cost of repainting the old parts.



10 acres for sale east of Two Hills, AB. Acreage has electricity, natural gas, and water wells. Listed at $114,0 0 0. Cont ac t Stephen: 780-227-5389 or

VM SYSTEMS Looking for a new computer? VM SYSTEMS has all you’ll ever need in computers! Installation – Sales – Service – Internet. One call will get you in touch. Phone 780-6322859 9am – 5pm.

For Sale Primrose Lake Fish Pickerel and Jack Fillets. Phone ahead. 780808-3826

APARTMENTS 1 & 2 bdrm suites in Vegreville. 1 bdrm-$725, 2 bdrm-$825. Incl. water, heat & energized Pkg. DD same as rent. Small quiet dog allowed with condition. Ph. 780-6326878.

AUTOMOBILES 2000 Windstar. Ex. engine & transmission. Body damage. For parts $750. 780-922-5999 2008 Dodge Calibar. Automatic. Loaded. 150,000 Kms. Clean. $5200. 780-994-3005 2002 Honda Civic, Standard Drives Excellent Needs TLC $3200 780922-5999 Rare Super Charged 40th Anniversary Grand Prix. Loaded. $4700. Phone 780-994-3005 2010 damaged Dodge Caliber 125,000kms. Drives excellent. For parts. $1500. Phone 780994-3005 2005 Mercedes Smart Car diesel, automatic, black, 192,000kms, $3900. 780994-3005..

EDUCATION AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Get FAA approved hands on Aviation training. Financial aid for qualified students Career placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704.

FARMLAND Farm Land For Rent North of Hairy Hill 780603-7036 Hay Land Wanted for 2018. Any land size, crop share, pay by acre or ton. Newer, reliable equipment. Call 780-919-0295

FEED Highland Feeders is purchasing feed barley. Please call the office at 780-768-2466 Oats + Wheat Wanted. Any condition, dry wet or heated. On farm pick-up. Immediate payment. Toll free 1-866 349 2056

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Tingley’s Harvest Center has a fulltime position for a JOURNEYMAN HEAVY DUTY TECHNICIAN in Vegreville. The position includes: competitive wages, benefits package & company RRSP program. Email resumes to: garth@ No phone calls & only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

For Sale: Registered Red

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and Black Angus yearling bulls.



Brownalta Farms. Leroy Brownlee. (780)-603-4882 LAKEFORD


Polled Hereford and Red Angus Bulls for Sale! 2 Year Old and Yearling Bulls Available. Top Quality from a herd with over 50 years production history. Semen Tested and ready to work

HOMES FOR RENT Advertise your rental property here for as little as $7.95 per week! 3 Bdrm Townhouse, $1090/ mo. available immediately. Call Dave at 780-632-0321 or 780-932-0041 2 or 3 Bdrm. Mobile Home, N/P. PH: 780-2089608

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Newly renovated. 3 Bdrm. 2 Bathroom. Duplex. Bright & open. Available immediately. Quiet area. End of street beside park. N/P. N/S. $1100/mo. D/D same. Call Tammy 780216-1074.

VIAGRA/CIALIS 100MG/ CIALIS 20mg, 52 Pills. Call Today, Save $500.00 Call Now 800-375-3305.

New 3 bdrm duplex Vegreville. $685/mo. Call 780-275-0089. New developments. Rent to Own. Clean 2 bdrm home with large workshop close to Vegreville Sunshine Centre. $780 per month. 780-993-3819 Two bedroom unit with five appliances. 780-916-9947 2 bdrm Vegreville house, 950 sq. ft., $795. Available April 16. PH: 780-6191094 ask for Dave.

in your herd. Contact Dan Prichard 780-385-2298 or 780-385-5125 For Sale Polled Limousin Bulls. Halter Broke, Semen Checked. Barry 780-6327433 For








hens. $2 each. Pick up April 14&21 SE of Two Hills. Call: 780-603-9047 Registered


Hereford yearlings and two-year old bulls. Quiet, good birth weights, guaranteed breeders, reasonably priced. PMD Polled Herefords Paul Dinisyk 780-336-2675.

MACHINERY EZEE ON 100 loader in vg shape.



balefork. 780-275-0158 For sale: 45 ft., 3 section land roller. Excellent condition. 780-385-8866 Restored Ford 8N w/ loader & 3 pt. blade. New tires, runs great. $3995 PH: 780-367-2228

ecial: Auction Sp hicle ve d re Recove . ole damage with bullet h 00 miles. Only 12,0 t City Auto a Call Dodge



Not sure if this car belongs in "Dodge" City

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UPCOMING EVENTS PATHFINDER HALL SILENT AND LIVE AUCTION PEROGY SUPPER. Saturday March 24, 2018. Supper 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. Silent Auction 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. Live Auction: 8:00 p.m. HALL LOCATION: CORNER OF TWP RD. 532 & RGE RD. 82 For more info call: 780366-2356 or 780-763-2179 Estate Sale – 1,311 sq ft 3 bedroom bungalow on large lot located in Two Hills. Includes 4 appliances. Finished basement with 1 bedroom 1 den, wet bar, cold storage, large laundry room with sink, stove, fridge. New shingles, windows, driveway. 2 garages. 2 furnaces. 2½ bathrooms. $255,000 negotiable. 780996-9660.

TRUCKS WANTED 1993 Chev 4x4 Ext Cab. For parts. $650. 780-922-5999 2002 GMC 4x4 HD ¾ ton Service Truck 340k $3500 780-922-5999 1997 Ford 7.3 Diesel, 4 x 4, missing transmission. Nice deck, $2800. 780-922-5999 2000 Dodge Dakota V8 4x4 Farm Truck. $1,600. 780-922-5999. 2006 Ford 4 x4, Crew Cab, new tires. $4600. PH: 780994-3005 2004 Chev 4 x 4, new t/ case, canopy, $3200. PH: 780-994-3005 2002 F250 Crew cab, 7.3 diesel. Loaded. 410,000kms. $6500 PH: 780-994-3005 New, complete, exhaust system, fits GMC, Chev, crewcabs. $600.00. Phone 780-632-9689.

Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201

MARCH 21, 2018

READER RESPONSE - CONTINUED from PAGE 4 feel the need to defend myself. In fact, you saved me from writing another piece as this will fill our Opinion space. Thanks for that. First of all, I’m not sure about what you think my “position of privilege” is. I would point out, that you (clearly) know nothing about my life or the work my family and I have put into our family business or how it started, grew and became what it is today. I was never GIVEN a job or have had anything GIVEN over to me to manage; nor did anyone in our family. I have worked in a family business for most of my life and have earned my

position. Do you feel the same way about multigenerational farm enterprises that are passed on? That’s a shameful position from someone who clearly doesn’t have an understanding. Similar to our Prime Minister who considers us all tax cheats Simply put, all politicians “earn” their position by winning a basic popularity vote. Whether they DESERVE that position depends on their actions after the election and how they serve the electorate. Unfortunately, too many politicians forget this and do not act the part once in the house they were elected to. Caesar-Chavannes exemplified


News Advertiser PAGE 15


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MARCH 21, 2018




WASNEA, Oliver Sidney May 24, 1940 In loving memory of my dear husband who passed away March 22, 2017. “The Spirit of a loving heart will live in memory forever.” Always in my thoughts and prayers with love. Nadia

KULY CHARETTE, Marcia Aug 8, 1962 - Mar 24, 1987

KULY, Russell May 15, 1931 - March 21, 2006 As time goes by the memories stay As near and dear as yesterday. No need for words except to say. Still loved, still missed in every way. Love always: June, Ronaye, Dolton, Dellas, Rob, Lundyn, Owen, Payten & Jenn

LESOWAY, Mike J. September 13, 1925 - March 23, 2011 My Dad He never looked for praises, He was never one to boast. He just went on quietly working For the ones he loved the most. His dreams were seldom spoken, His wants were very few, And most of the time his worries, Went unspoken too. He was there… a firm foundation, Through all the storms of life, A sturdy hand to hold on to, In times of stress and strife. A true friend I could turn to, When times were good or bad One of my greatest blessings The man that I called Dad. Dad, I love you to the moon and back I miss you every day. Love, Hugs and Kisses Debbie

STAFFORD, Alfred May 5, 1936 - March 19, 2017 In loving memory of our father, grandfather and greatgrandfather. Another year has passed Since God called you away But still we miss you Each and every day. What we wouldn’t give to take one more walk Or just quietly sit and have one more talk. Miss you Dad and always will For though you’re gone we love you still. Forever in our hearts Darcy and Lori Dea, Lorne and Lori, Todd and Mayumi and their families.


GURSKI, Edward On March 11, 2018, Mr. Edward Gurski of Beauvallon passed away at the age of 78 years. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Edna; children, Terry (Noreen) of Beauvallon & Teresa (Dale) of Vegreville; 2 grandchildren, Megan & Robyn; great-grandchild, Rori; brother, Kazmer (Anne) of Sherwood Park; numerous nieces & nephews. Edward was predeceased his parents, Stanley & Josie; sister, Jean (Steve) Serafinchan. Cremation has taken place. Funeral Service will be held at a later date with inurnment in Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery, Myrnam. If desired, donations may be made to Cross Cancer Institute c/o 5626-51 Street, St. Paul, AB T0A 3A1. To send condolences online, please visit www. GRACE GARDENS FUNERAL CHAPEL, 5626 51 Street, St. Paul, AB T0A 3A1 780-645-2677

SMILEY (nee Erickson), Ruth Eleanora March 05, 1923 - Feb 28, 2018 It is with sorrow our family and friends announce the death of our beloved Ruth, who passed away on February 28, 2018 in Edmonton Alberta at the grand age of 94. Ruth is survived by her children; Wayne (Wendy) Smiley of Edmonton, David Smiley of Lavoy, Heather (Howard) Ashton of Vancouver, Stuart (Linda) Smiley of Sherwood Park, Albert (Joanne) Smiley of Kamloops and Robin (Christine Pearce) Smiley of Sherwood Park, her brother Alvin (Kate) Erickson of Mannville and brother in law John (Roberta) Weder of Camrose. Ruth will also be lovingly remembered by her 9 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, and numerous nephews, nieces, cousins, and many good friends. Ruth was predeceased by her parents George & Artie-Mae Erickson, her husband Frederick David Smiley, sisters Thelma (Ken) Smiley, Roberta (John) Weder and daughter in laws Stefanie (Stuart) Smiley, Janet (David) Smiley, and Linda (Robin) Smiley. Ruth was born in Ranfurly Alberta and married Fred Smiley in 1940. Ruth & Fred raised their family farming in the Lavoy district and Ruth was also employed as a telephone operator with AGT for 15 years. Upon retirement in 1976 Ruth and Fred lived for a brief time in Vegreville and then moved to Camrose. After Fred passed away in 2009 Ruth moved to Silver Birch Lodge in Sherwood Park to be closer to her family where she resided until she passed on. Ruth was a gracious person who cherished her family and friends and she loved the Lord! The family expresses gratitude to the staff of unit 5 west at the Misericordia Hospital for the care and compassion provided to Mom during her last days. A celebration of Ruth’s life will be held at Glenwood Memorial Gardens in Sherwood Park on Saturday April 07 at 2:00 PM. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Mustard Seed Street Church Edmonton in the memory of Ruth Smiley.

RUZYCKI, John Stephen March 3, 1944 – March 13, 2018 On Tuesday, March 13, 2018, John Ruzycki of Vegreville, Alberta, formerly of Edmonton and Elk Point passed away after a brief illness with his wife by his side. John is survived by his wife of 43 years Betty Anne; siblings Doris (Peter) Shankowski, Jim (Maureen) Ruzycki, Margaret (Terry) Hanasyk, Marie (Terry) Mudryk and Linda (Steve) Collinge; along with numerous nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. John was predeceased by his parents Steve and Nellie Ruzycki. A Celebration of John’s Life will be held on Friday, March 23, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. at Autumn Rose Funeral Home (5036-51 Ave.) in Vegreville, Alberta with Hazel Anaka as the Celebrant. Cremation has taken place. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Alberta Diabetes Foundation. To send condolences, please visit AUTUMN ROSE FUNERAL HOME LTD. VEGREIVLLE, 780-603-5800

SMILEY, Lawrence Leslie 1926 - 2018 On March 17, 2018, Lawrence passed away in Vegreville, AB. Lawrence was born on the family farm at the foot of Akasu Hill north of Lavoy on January 21, 1926. He lived on the farm for most of his 92 years. In 2013 he moved to the Homestead Lodge in Vegreville. He was predeceased by his wife Cora in 2015. He will be deeply missed by all who knew him. He is survived by: his children Ardythe (Bryan) Butler, Kevin (Mary-Ellen) Smiley, and Darolyn (Norman) Black; his grandchildren Candice (Timothy Fath) Smiley, Yuri (Joanna Sleight) Butler, Scott (Anna) Smiley, Alyssa Butler, Colton Black, Tanner Black and Michael Black; and his great-granddaughter Inara. He is also survived by a sister-in-law, Ruth Smiley of Bellingham, Washington, numerous nieces, nephews and friends. The family is planning a Celebration of Life on the afternoon of April 29, 2018, at the Vegreville Alliance Church, 4605-55 Ave., Vegreville, AB. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank or the Alberta Cancer Foundation. To send condolences, please visit AUTUMN ROSE FUNERAL HOME LTD. VEGREVILLE, 780-603-5800 PAWLUK, Marvin

On Monday, March 19, 2018, Marvin Pawluk of Viking, Alberta formerly of Mundare, passed away at the age of 55 years. Marvin is survived by his loving family, sisters Marilyn Lundblad, Mildred Pawluk (Ken) and Marian Morgan; along with numerous relatives and friends. Marvin was predeceased by his wife Darlene Petersen; parents Michael and Marie and brother Paul.


THANK YOU We would like to extend our sincere “THANKS” and appreciation to all who attended the Prayer services and Funeral for our Dad, Grandpa & Father-in-law, Ernie Shulko. Thank you to Father Ryan Bishop and the choir of Sunland Parish and the choir of other parishes for the beautiful services and comforting words. Thank you also to the pallbearers and cross bearers. Your support was very much appreciated. To our family, friends and neighbors we wish to extend our sincere thanks for your many acts of kindness and for the condolences and support we received. Your many acts of kindness and sympathy continue to be a great comfort to us in our time of sorrow. A thank you from the bottom of our hearts to Gordon and Patricia at Autumn Rose for the compassion and understanding we received. Your professionalism and compassion is unsurpassed by none and helped us during this difficult time. Thank you to everyone from the family of the late Ernie Shulko Brian, Charlene and family, Kevin and Tracy May his memory be eternal!

READER RESPONSE - CONTINUED from PAGE 15 this and Bernier called her out on it. I DID check credentials. Justin Trudeau: from Wikipedia: “Trudeau has a bachelor of arts degree in literature from McGill University and a bachelor of education degree from the University of British Columbia.” I believe he was a Drama Teacher, Ski Instructor, and a Bouncer. He also stated, “The budget will balance itself”. Not one accountant I know has told me they agree with that statement. I will point out that I do not believe I ever stated that our Prime Minister did not earn his position. I have argued that he is not qualified for that position. I have also never used any derogatory language like you see on social media when referring to him and his position. He IS our Prime Minister and I have always given him that due respect. To suggest that I denigrated our Indigenous people in my opinion piece is so far offside it is laughable. You need to put down your shiny Trudeau Fan Club decoder ring and re-read what I wrote. I will quote it for you so it is easier: “Instead of pointing out that we have thousands of strong First Nations people in all walks of life making Canada a better place...” Again, you know nothing about me and to even suggest this, is a deplorable (borderline slanderous) attempt to attack my character. Clearly, the color of your voter’s card skews your view of what you read. Pointing out that our politicians need to be more accountable with our money and also need to work harder for US the electorate rather than for their own parties and pocketbooks is hardly divisive rhetoric. Fortunately, as MP Bernier stated, we do live in a democracy with free speech as one of its building blocks, so I do not need to be quiet, but thanks for the suggestion. Thank you for voicing your opinion. Arthur Beaudette P.S. You will be interested in reading the link I will post on our Facebook page Wednesday evening. “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s “gender equity” budget is as shallow and ideologically-driven as he is...” An exclusive interview (not by us) with a University of Toronto Professor. A QUALIFIED opinion I would suggest. I’m sure all of our readers will find it interesting.

MARCH 21, 2018

News Advertiser PAGE 17

Russian troll farm that meddled in U.S. election also targeted Trudeau and Canadian oil Dozens of messages about the prime minister related to the prime minister’s views on refugees, Muslims, or his much-criticized flattery of deceased Cuban leader Fidel Castro WASHINGTON — The same Russian online troll farm that meddled in the American presidential election has also taken swipes at Canadian targets, including oil infrastructure and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Evidence is embedded in data made publicly available through investigations in the United States, where congressional probes have been examin...



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MARCH 21, 2018

Haying in the 30’s Fundraiser a Huge Success (left to right) Paul Hope, Nick Kowerchuk, Conrad Ozga, Stella Stevens, Alex Kaiser, Real Corbiere, Richard Mandryk, Mae Adamyk, Dany Gawalko, and Bernie Florkow.

Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser St. Michael Community and District Agricultural Society hosted their 13th Annual ‘Haying in the 30s’ Cancer fundraiser on March 10, 2018. The evening’s emcee, Mae Adamyk invited Henry Pruss to start the evening by leading in a prayer and a two-minute silence in remembrance of those who lost their battle with cancer. The guests enjoyed a delicious chicken and perogy supper, which was prepared and served by volunteers. After dinner, Mae kicked off the program by welcoming and thanking everyone for their continued support of ‘Haying in the 30s.’ She mentioned that over the last 13 years support has increased dramatically, with a total of over $22, 000.00 in donations from the 2017 event alone. “Over $210,000.00 has been raised since we started this annual event,” she rejoiced. Riel Corrbiere from Malaig Alberta took the stage next. He is a Cancer Survivor, and was one of the inspirations

MARCH 21, 2018

for the beginning of the ‘Haying in the 30s Cancer Fundraiser.’ Riel thanked everyone for their generous support, marveling over the number of people who have been assisted over the years because of ‘Haying in the 30’s’ fundraising. MP Shannon Stubbs brought greetings and expressed her strong connection to rural Alberta and the strong values and commitment that is evident in small communities. Richard Mandryk, one of the St. Michael board of directors and auctioneer, spent the last two months canvassing for donations, and he shared an encouraging message of the overwhelming support there is out there for helping people who are suffering from Cancer. He received many $100.00 family donations and challenged other families to share in their support. With donations from $500.00 - $2500.00, he shared not only an encouraging message of hope for cancer research and it’s advocates, but the numbers to back it up. Mae introduced Bernard Florkow and thanked him for bringing the Haying in the 30s to St. Michael 13 years ago and encouraging the community to continue hosting this “worthy event.” Bernard thanked all the people who canvased for the last few months and all the support that was received even during these challenging times when so many are struggling economically. Other special guest/speakers included: St. Micheal and Community Ag. Society President Chris Klita, Lamont county Councilor David Diduck, and Councilor Danny Warawa. David, a representative for the Andrew Lions Club, presented a $500.00 check on their behalf. The evening continued with A Live Auction. The bets were cast for assorted handcrafted items, electrical items, tools, handmade quilts…everything from lawn ornaments to a load of crushed gravel delivered. More opportunities for the guests to support the cause were a silent auction, 50/50 raf-

News Advertiser PAGE 19



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fle, and Nevada tickets. CFCW’s Stella Stevens brought greetings and expressed her appreciation to the community for their generosity. Stella also participated in the live auction by auctioning off several items. The final tally showed the evening’s guests to be full of compassion and generosity that far outreached the small Hamlet of St. Michael: with a total of $ 25,719.00 raised, plus more donations are coming in. The event was sold out, with over 320 people in attendance. All proceeds from the auction and ticket sales went directly to cancer patients to cover their traveling costs while they are undergoing treatment. ‘Haying in the 30’s’ and all those involved extend a huge thank-you to those who helped in any way, and all those who contributed by donations and bidding.


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W E D N E S D AY, M A R C H 21, 2 018

Wendy Brook Festival’s Vocal Performances

Calder Langkow sings, ‘You’ve Got a Friend in Me (Toy Story) by Randy Newman. Inset: Jillian Varela sings, ‘A Cookie for Snip’ by Burton Lowell. (Rosanne Fortier/photos)

See story on page 4


News Advertiser insider

MARCH 21, 2018

St. Patrick’s Day Graced in Green Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent After a bitter winter, the color green is very inviting to see. The way many citizens were dressed in green added grace to Vegreville Hospital’s Auxiliary St. Patrick’s Buffet Luncheon at Senior Citizen Sunshine Club of Vegreville on March 15. This event included great company, a bountiful meal of stew, buns, dessert, tea, coffee, juice, and salads. There were also prizes and a raffle. The buffet was meant to generate funds for the Vegreville Hospital Auxiliary which is a non-profit organization that helps local hospitals and care centre by visiting, hosting birthday celebrations, and in many other ways.

Left: Gladys Palahniuk besides some of the e lovely cupcakes. Above: Eghel Albrecht, Tillie Babych, Leona Ewanchuk, Margaret Gorsline, Elsie Cloban, Vicki Kuzio, Pat Mareichiw, Emily Lypka from Two Hills Hospital Auxiliary Ladies. (Rosanne Fortier/photos)

Special Olympics Team Alberta Finds Talent Close to Home


Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser Eli Bernard of Vegreville, Alberta, qualified to compete in Track and Field for Team Alberta in Canada’s Special Olympics. The Summer Games will be held in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, July 2018. Eli’s left arm has limited mobility, resulting from Cerebral Palsy, which caused a mini-stroke after he was born. But he doesn’t let that stop him… or even think of it negatively. Eli says the Special Olympics have given him a rare opportunity to share with his country the sport that he loves, and should he win, he would be able to share that with the world at the Special Olympics in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, in March 2019. Eli has been on a very strict training regimen for 5 years since he first started the sport of track and field in high school. He uses the gym at the Vegreville Fitness Centre to run laps and swims laps to keep himself ready for competition, even in the winter. “It’s easy to train when you have something to prepare for,” he says, in regards to keeping up with his schedule. Training under Fran Serna, the coach for track and field, keeps him fit and motivated. And since he qualified for Team Alberta by winning in Medicine Hat last year, he

has had plenty of time to prepare. One of the challenges Eli is facing for July’s Olympics is sponsorship. He is confident in and thankful for the sponsors he has, though every bit helps to cover his travel costs and lodging while he is in Nova Scotia. Eli is excited to compete alongside the rest of Alberta, and we are thrilled to share him with the rest of the country.

MARCH 21, 2018

Speaking in Class

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent A.L. Horton School’s Grades four, five and six classes performed the skill of public speaking with courage and prose that few adults master at Speaking in Class on March 16. The event began with students’ emcees introducing and reading the biography of the judges. The students then presented their speech. They intrigued the audience as their topics were informative, humorous and attention-grabbing. Some of the students were very convincing on the subject they chose. Their topics included why dogs are better than cats and why cats are better than dogs, 10 of the weirdest sports where one was underwater hockey, how their mother embarrassed them five times, inventions that made life great where some were accidentally discovered, their favorite hobby, and other subjects. Their speeches were followed by an appreciative applause, cheers, and whistles from the audience. Every speaker received a medal. The first places (gold medal winners) were Cyrene Mangon, Jaime McGale, and Dylan Lazaruk.

News Advertiser insider PAGE 3

The judges with all the students’ speakers and emcees. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

The students’ emcees who read the judges’ biography-Summer Parsons, Kennedy Webb, Sullivan MccMallun. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)


News Advertiser insider

MARCH 21, 2018

Wendy Brook Festival’s Vocal Performances

Bands and Instruments at Wendy Brook Festival

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Musicians showcased their authentically-edged voices during their vocal performances at the Wendy Brook Festival at Vegreville United Church Sanctuary on March 15 and 16. There were solo and duet pieces and choir performances. The singers sang every genre of music. The Vocal Adjudicator was Elizabeth Lesoway who said all the performances were very well done. The singers had lovely voices and they held a very beautiful sound throughout their pieces. She also expressed that the musicians used very nice phrases and diction.

Mundare School Grade Five Band. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent The performances shot for the sky, or at least it sounded that way when the band/ instruments played their tunes at the Wendy Brook Festival on March 14 and 15 at A.L. Horton School and Vegreville Alliance Church. The adjudicator, Don Ross said the bands were all off to a good start in their band life and to keep it on. Ross also added that their timing was good but they needed to keep up with the beat and practicing would help. Even if they want to become an engineer or no matter what profession they choose, taking music will help them become the best at it.

Josie Lutzak sings, ‘What a Wonderful World’ by G. D. Weiss and B. Thiele (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Speech Arts at Wendy Brook Festival

Above and Below: Mundare School Grade Six Band. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Ms. Lavergne’s Kindergarten’s from A.L. Horton School perform Magical Eraser by Shel Silverstein. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Mrs. Reid’s Grade three’s from A.L. Horton School perform Sick by Shel Silverstein. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

A. L. Horton School’s Ukrainian Bilingual Grade one’s perform Spaghetti! Spaghetti! By Jack Preluttsky. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Adults and children learned the power of language with all its expressions and wonders at the Speech Arts at the 39th Annual Wendy Brook Music Festival on March 13 at Vegreville United Church Auditorium. The morning breezed in brightly with Speech Arts (Choral) performances from various local elementary schools. The adjudicator was Julie Golosky who said the

students did wonderful overall. They expressed great actions and commitment to their pieces. Their work was orchestrated well and they knew who said what and at what time and one person’s phrase fed another person’s phrase. They also had great interaction with each other while they followed their teacher well. The afternoon continued with Readers’ Theatre Ensembles and solo/duet performances which were all well done.

MARCH 21, 2018

Don’t Wanna Be Bankrupt in Love

Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser This past weekend the Vegreville Centennial Library put on its fourth annual production, this time a homemade rom-com “chick flick on the stage,” written and directed by Nels Nelsen, who also played a leading role and produced by Donna Williams, the library’s Programmer. Nels, his wife, and kids often utilize the great library programs at the Vegreville Centennial, and he has written and directed three other plays to show them concrete support. All the proceeds from ticket sales went into the library programming fund. The play was held on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and the weekend was nearly sold out nearly every night to an audience of all ages.

FOUND! Easter Egg Hunt Winner

Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser On Wednesday, March 14, Tavin Soldan found the elusive Vegreville Insurance Easter Egg in a public camp stove by the gazebo in Pysanka Park. After school, he and his parents were looking for the egg – and he is proud as a peach to have found it! The prizes Tavin received from Vegreville Insurance included movies, candy, and a check in place of the family pass, since his parents already had one.

With wit, subtlety, and the talents of community actors, “Love Gone Bankrupt?” followed the story of a young actor-turnedgood-samaritan who has given up on finding true love, and devotes all his time to running a community centre for mothers and children in need, and Vivian, an heiress who’s inheritance will only become hers if she was engaged by New Years. Together with the help of Calvin Ulrich Philip Isaac Davidson (CUPID) and Violet Elanor Nina Uma Stephens (VENUS) they find each other – and stay together, even as the plot thickens. The story, with the uplifting message “When it comes to the end of your life, you don’t wanna be bankrupt in love.” Both the actors and the audience are looking forward to what Nels Nelson and Donna Williams can come up with for next year!

News Advertiser insider PAGE 5


News Advertiser insider

MARCH 21, 2018

Vegreville Hosts the Western K-40 and Kinsmen

Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser Vegreville’s Kinsmen Club and K-40 clubs from Alberta and Saskatchewan gathered in Vegreville from March 16-17, 2018 for the 2018 Western Canada Curling Championship, which Vegreville was fortunate to host. The K-40 club members traveled from most clubs, excited to have the chance for “kinship, fellowship, friendship, and a good time at the rink,” as one K-40 member put it.

This year, eighteen teams participated, including the two Kinsmen teams, in contrast to the 20 teams who played last time Vegreville hosted, in 2012. The Vegreville K-40 club is the second largest in Western Canada, with Saskatoon’s club being the first. “It must be harder to build that sense of community in those larger centers, like Edmonton and Calgary,” said Kim Fluker, organizer of the event, “Because they don’t seem to be as interested in even the big events like these.” For

steaks. The church ladies of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church served Irish Stew for St. Patrick’s Day lunch, and a buffet feast for the banquet, entertainment, and awards on the Saturday night. To close off the K-40’s weekend of fellowship, they brought in CTV’s Graham Neil and Donovan Workun, to give the gentlemen a laugh. The TV personalities delivered with shenanigans such as “A Day in the Life of Mayor Tim MacPhee,” and a poem in “Ode to the K-40 Bonspiel.” Kim Fluker, said they were chosen for the K-40 event because in spite of background and some age differences, especially between the younger Kinsmen and the K-40 members, everyone likes to laugh, and it was a good way for the men to enjoy each others company before heading home the next day. The Western K-40 clubs will meet again in Saskatoon for next year’s championships, which will be hosted by the Saskatoon K-40 club.

the small town clubs, however, there is an enormous sense of excitement and gratitude, with clubs from Watrous Saskatchewan, Assiniboia Saskatchewan, and more. The Kinsmen and K-40 clubs ate like kings for their weekend in Vegreville, with volunteer meals from other community organizations and businesses. On Friday, fish burgers were served for lunch by Vantage Builders, and in the evening the Vegreville Fire Department and the Legion served

Mundare Men’s Bonspeil

The A event sponsored by Magnum Masonry Director Peter Dziwenka, Skip-Todd Wowk, 3rd-Sheldon Kitt, 2nd-Scott Kitt, Lead-Randy Wasylycia, Skip-Blair Talaga, 3rd-Lorne Koss, 2nd-Brad Koss, Lead-Les Hennig

The B Event-Sponsored by Widynowski’s Sausage House Director Peter Dziwenka, Skip-Dillon Laplante, 3rd-Matt Clelland, 2nd-Rob Farion, Lead-John Smathers, Skip-Travis Gowley, 3rd- Trevor Vey, 2nd-Jordan Gogol, Lead-Corry Thiel

The C event-Sponsored by Napa Auto Parts-Flash Distributors Director Colin Zyla, Skip-Cody Ferbey, 3rd-Tom Shulba, 2nd-Jessy Beley, Lead-Gregy Rayburn, Skip-Kenton Maschmeyer, 3rd-BrettWinfield, 2nd Jon Woitas, lead-Cameron Maschmeyer

MARCH 21, 2018

News Advertiser insider PAGE 7

Town and County Donate to Food Bank

Pictured from Left to Right: Carl Ogrodnick- County of Minburn Councillor, David Berry - Town of Vegreville Councillor, Taneen Rudyk - Town of Vegreville Councillor, Joanna Karczmarek - Vegreville Food Bank Administration Support, Marielle Brodziak - Deputy Mayor - Town of Vegreville, Ann Waters - Town of Vegreville Councillor, Cliff Wowdzia - County of Minburn Councillor, Tara Kuzio - County of Minburn Councillor, Jerrold Lemko - Town of Vegreville Councillor

Submitted – Rachel Farr Town of Vegreville – Communications Coordinator Council members from the Town of Vegreville and the County of Minburn were pleased to present the Vegreville Food Bank with a cheque for $1416.85. The money donated was collected from the February 19, 2018, Family Day Pancake Breakfast. The Vegreville Food bank is celebrating their 25 year in the Town of Vegreville

Vegreville Long-Term Care Patient Comfort Society Support

Members of the Patient Comfort Society posing with one of the recently purchased roundtables for the Vegreville Long-Term Care residents.

Marion Lazariuk Submitted – Patient Comfort Society Annual Report The Vegreville Long-Term Care Patient Comfort Society works with the community to provide comfort for the long-term care residents by means or purchasing equipment that is not funded by Alberta Health Services. Generous donations from the individuals, families, businesses, and service groups in our community enable our society to buy things such as wheelchairs, lifts, air mattresses, bedding plants, tables, tablecloths, Christmas gifts for the long-term care residents. In 2016-2017, the Patient Comfort Society contributed $18, 743.40 to the Vegreville Care Centre. This came largely from generous donations from the community which helps us to help the residents of long-term care at the Vegreville Care Centre have the comforts they need.


News Advertiser insider

MARCH 21, 2018

Seniors Citizens Sunshine Club Executive Submitted The Vegreville Seniors Citizens Sunshine Club appreciates the photos and news coverage of the February 28 AGM in the March 14 edition of the News Advertiser Insider. We also appre-

ciate that the information at the meeting may have been confusing, and therefore request the following information be published as a follow up article.

Sunshine Club AGM Election Results The Vegreville Seniors Citizens Sunshine Club held their annual general meeting on February 28 and is pleased to confirm the following election results from this meeting:

Elected Executive Positions (3 Year Term): President – Dwayne Hlady (by acclamation) Treasurer – Don Harfield (by acclamation) Elected Directors (2 Year Term): Directors – Bob Carter, Eunice Henderson, Carol Larrivee, Mary Ryan & Georgina Stark The following incumbents are continuing in their positions for another year as follows: Vice-President – Marlene Roth Secretary – Jocelan Wagner Directors – Janet Duckett, John Garred, Vickie Paranych, Anne Soldan & Ted Wilson The examiners of the 2017-18 financial records were members Bob Carter and Steve Kereliuk. For the 2019 AGM, the examiners will be members Steve Kereliuk and Rita Smyth. The Sunshine Club recognizes and appreciates the valuable contributions of the outgoing President and Directors completing their term as of the February 28 AGM: President – Nick Chrapko Directors – George Horn & Phyllis Warburton

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