Vegreville News Advertiser - March 28, 2018

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VOL. 71 NO. 13



Chipman Ag Society Cuts Through the Cold

Emma Madzuik

See Story on Page 10 If You Are Under 18...

Rural Communities

See page 9 for story

See page 15 for story


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MARCH 28, 2018

Vegreville Wildlife Federation Celebrates Page 7

Spring Registration Page 18

RCMP files from March 19 - 25 Arthur Beaudette News Advertiser March 19 02:57 – A swerving vehicle was pulled over. A strong odor of liquor was detected on the driver’s breath. Open liquor was found and a search was conducted. Drug paraphernalia and drugs were found. The driver was issued a 24-hour suspension and a court date. The vehicle was towed. 10:51 – Report of a female who took some items (from within the store) and presented them at the till asking for a refund. When the female was questioned about the items, she stormed out leaving the items. Still under investigation. 13:50 – Female attended a provincial office and left concerning notes. Female was located and cautioned about her behavior. 14:10 – Workers attended the detachment with an elderly male suffering with mental challenges. Members convinced him to go to the hospital and assisted the workers in transporting him. 16:26 – Female reports that her cat went missing in December and that she recently saw it in her neighbours window. Both parties were spoken to and told that it was a civil matter. March 20 13:52 – Report of damage to an airplane parked at the airport over the past couple of months. No witnesses or suspects. 14:20 – Report of a male on a bike with a rifle in a box. Patrols were made, the male was not located however it was found that a retail outlet was having a sale on guns. 14:28 – Report of a suspicious truck driving slowly in the rural area of Mundare. Complainant found out that the vehicle was in the area on official business to conduct property assessments. 14:30 – Community peace officer observed an ATV rider in Mundare without a helmet. The rider provided a false name to both the CPO and the RCMP. It was found that the male was wanted on several warrants. He was arrested on warrants and also charged with obstruction. 15:17 – Report of an older model red truck throwing a puppy out of the window into a snow bank. Puppy had a wound on its leg which a Veterinarian said was 4 or 5 days old. The complainant will be keeping the puppy. March 21 12:24 – Report from a financial specialist where a client had requested to

redeem RRSP money. When told that this could not be done, the male threatened to harm himself. The male was spoken with, admitted making the comment but was just angry regarding the situation. 15:28 – Report of an erratic driver on Hwy 16. The vehicle was located and stopped. It was determined that the driver had dental work done that morning. No impairment but the driver was going to have a rest.

March 22 08:55 – Report from a provincial agency office that a female had been banned but refused to leave. Members attended. The female continued in her refusal to leave, was arrested, removed and issued a trespassing ticket. 09:53 – Report of a male who had been banned from a provincial agency office and was refusing to leave. While on the phone with the complainant, the male did leave. A member located the male and cautioned him.

ed by her husband the previous day. The male was located and arrested. He was released on conditions for court. 15:58 – Report of cyber-bullying that had led to a student making self-harm remarks on social media. The school, student, and parents were interviewed to collectively deal with the concern. 17:04 – 911 report of a possible break and enter as a male was reported jumping out of the back window of a residence. Member attended, located the male who claimed he had a right to be there. Members confirmed this with the owner of the property. 17:43 – 911 call regarding child welfare. Complainant reports that her mother is not returning her children. However, the mother is the courtappointed custodian. The complainant was referred to Queen’s Bench Court to handle the matter. 21:08 – 911 report of a motor vehicle collation where a truck had hit a vehicle parked in a driveway. Complainant believes the driver was intoxicated as he “ just fell into the snow”. Members attended and the subject provided 2 breath samples over the legal limit.

March 23

11:48 – member observed a vehicle with a plate that did not match. A traffic stop was conducted. It was determined that the vehicle had just been purchased but was not insured. A ticket was issued and the vehicle was towed away. 12:21 – An anonymous female reports a “Red Skidoo” abandoned on the side of highway 15. A member attended and located an unregistered Skidoo. The machine was towed. 12:56 – 911 report of a traffic hazard (a large snow drift). Carillion was advised. 13:17 – Report of cyber-bullying. Wife reports that she “feels that her estranged husband is going to do something to her”. The estranged husband was spoken to and said that he has had no contact with her. 15:52 – Report of a wife being assault-

02:30 – While on patrol, members noticed a barn on fire. Fire services attended, put out the fire. There was nothing suspicious as it may have been electrical. 08:11 - Female called that she had just assaulted her worker. Members attended and the female had punched her worker. 10:06 – 911 report of a motor vehicle collision on Hwy 16. Semi had slid off the road and hit a light standard causing extensive damage to the truck. 10:11 – 911 report of a single vehicle rollover on Hwy 16. The driver was not injured. 14:34 – Report of a property dispute regarding an estate. This is a civil matter and needs to be addressed in the courts. 14:43 – Female reports getting calls from a male masking his voice. Still under investigation. 15:02 – CRA scam from 289-9195344. The caller stated that she would have her wages garnished because she did not report her income properly. The complainant did not provide any information. 21:05 – Members were asked to complete a well-being check on a friend. The complainant said she had received a text of “HELP” from her friend. Upon investigation, members deter-


MARCH 28, 2018

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MARCH 28, 2018

Bill C-71. Missing the Target Arthur Beaudette News Advertiser - Opinion Last Tuesday’s announcement of Bill C-71 which addresses gun control was heavy on chest thumping but light on substance. Akin to smoke and mirrors, the government seems to be making an attempt to rile up those who are against guns in order to win points with voters. During his announcement Public Safety Minister, Ralph Goodale provided some details. There are 3 classifications for firearms in Canada. They are: non-restricted, restricted and prohibited. A majority of firearms in Canada are nonrestricted. He stated that in Saskatchewan, more than 60% of gun crimes are rural. In Atlantic Provinces 56% of gun crimes outside of the cities. This seems to be a way to get the rural population on board. It sounds to me like fear mongering. I’ll explain more on that later, but first, the FIVE steps the government will be taking to make us safer.... because after all the Public Safety Minister’s job is to keep us safe. Right? Ralph Goodale’s 5 Steps: 1. Enhanced background checks. The checks currently can go back 5 years but now will be able to go back through the applicant’s entire life. 2. Enhance usefulness by requiring that a valid license is produced before buying a gun.

3. Support RCMP by requiring Commercial retailers to maintain records. 4. Will ensure impartial, professional and accurate classifications of guns. Non-restricted, restricted and prohibited. Repealing the cabinets existing power to override the RCMP. 2 particular Swiss and Czech guns have had their classification changed. 5. Will bolster community safety for restricted and prohibited guns. So this sounds all well and good. It’s going to make us all safer and make Canada a better place to live. But what are the REAL statistics? Clearly, Minister Goodale did not want to share those statistics because his presentation would not have been so dramatic. The most recent stats are from 2016, so I will quote those for comparison and discussion. When speaking of gun violence, Canada always seems to be lumped in with the USA, however, our Canadian stats are VERY different. In 2016, the total “Homicide offenses” from Statistics Canada are as follows: - There were 611 murders across Canada. - This total includes ZERO in PEI. I point that out because Mr. Goodale felt it necessary to point out that 56% of gun crimes in Atlantic Canada are rural. - Of those 611 homicides, 223 people were killed with guns. 175 were by stabbing and 116 were by beating. - 31% of the 223 people who were killed, were killed with guns that do not need to be registered. That’s a total of 69 people who were killed with unrestricted guns. This includes long guns that are most common in rural Alberta - 141 of people killed with guns were involved in gangrelated homicides. That’s more than half. - 67% of guns used in crimes are not domestic. Based on this number, if you banned ALL guns in Canada, 94 people (of the 223) would have still been killed by guns. My thoughts on the five steps? 1. Nothing wrong with this. A minor procedural change. 2. Well... smoke and mirrors. This has already been the case for many many years. No one would sell you a legal gun (or ammo for that matter) without a valid license. 3. There is not a single retailer who does not maintain records of their firearms sales. To imply that this is not happening is ridiculous and irresponsible. 4. Sure, let the professionals at the RCMP make the decision. Gun enthusiasts can split hairs but why not defer to the RCMP? 5. Anyone with a restricted weapon will already tell you that the rules here are already some of the most stringent in the world and all the new legislation does is make it more cumbersome and ad to the government payroll. One item in the fine print admin.that was not mentioned

Bill c-71 - CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 Name: Haven Walker Likes: animals, pizza Dislikes: lettuce, hamburger helper.

MARCH 28, 2018

Exciting UFA Annual Meeting for Two Hills District

Healthier Eating Habits at Work Alberta Health Services Submitted Alberta Health Services (AHS) is having a year-long wellness campaign called What’s your balance? Since many waking hours are spent at work- what you eat at work can have a big impact on your health and energy levels. If you are looking for ways to get more balance in your eating habits, try one or more of these small changes. Boost your Breakfast with Fibre and Protein. A nutrient-packed breakfast will help you get through the morning. How can you boost the fiber and protein in your breakfast? • Choose whole grain cereals, bread, and tortillas. • Look for cereals and bread that have two grams or more of fiber per serving. • Try items such as yogurt, cheese, meat, eggs, peanut butter, nuts, seeds, or cooked beans or lentils. Make healthy lunch a habit. A healthy lunch provides much-needed fuel and nutrients to help you focus during your workday. Plan ahead

Left-Right; Stephanie Shaw, Dave Kolotylo, Wendy Wowdzia

Mavin Kolotylo Submitted At the Annual Meeting of UFA held in Calgary March 16, 2018, two Environment, Health & Safety Awards were presented. Both of the recipients were from the Two Hills District. Stephanie Shaw, Manages the Two Hills Farm Store and Wendy Wowdzia oversees the Safety Program for the Vegreville, Two Hills, and Smoky Lake Petroleum Agencies. Lynn Leliuk from the Two Hills Farm Store was a recipient of the Going the Extra Mile award. Dave Kolotylo, delegate for the Two

Hills district, which encompasses Two Hills, Vegreville and Smoky Lake was elected to the Board of Directors. With Dave moving into the Director position, UFA is now seeking a delegate for our district. If you believe in UFA and would be interested in representing our members, you are encouraged to put your name forward. Congratulations to all four of our community members for making a difference in UFA!

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and pack a meal with healthy foods from home. Try new ideas: • Lunch Bowl: brown rice or quinoa, red peppers, avocado, salsa, cheese, and black beans or chicken • Salad: arugula, strawberries, pears, goat cheese and almonds or pecans. Drizzle with balsamic dressing. Add a whole grain bun • This and That: Greek yogurt, whole grain crackers, hard-boiled egg and a piece of fruit Manage the mid-shift slump –the decrease in energy part way through your workday. Instead of reaching for a sugary snack… • On a break, go for a brisk 10-minute walk. • Aim to get enough sleep, most adults need 7–9 hours. • Choose water to drink • Connect with others. Chat with a co-worker who is also on break. By taking some small steps, you can improve the balance in your eating to create healthy habits for a lifetime. Spread the word and challenge your friends! Post a video or photo of how you maintain balance! Share through social media #AHSwhatsyourbalance


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MARCH 28, 2018



90 Years Ago – March 28, 1928

With the construction of the CPR Whitford branch and the consequent establishment of towns and villages along the line, the question of a beer license for the hotel affording accommodation in each respective village has assumed considerable importance. Applications have been made for such licenses at various points but commissioner Dinning will have placed before him petitions protesting against such licenses, particularly within the Municipal District of Eagle where a strenuous effort is being put forth to keep beer parlors out. S.J. Boyd, a former accountant at the merchants Bank of Canada here and now connected with the Bank of Montreal, has been promoted to a position on the superintendent’s staff of the Bank of Montreal at Mexico City. He is now on his way south to assume his new duties. Building operations have begun in real earnest in Ryley and district. Will Goodall is erecting a good sized house, A Sandstrom is building a machine shed, A.G.H. Forgan is building a house, Fred Nordowaszki is building a house, S. Booth is erecting a granary, Wm. Shyba a bunk house, O Kirkland a kitchen and E. Wicklun is erecting a house.

75 Years Ago – March 31, 1943

Vegreville General Hospital is an institution in which all citizens take just price. Opened in October, 1910, it has been found necessary from time to time to increase the accommodation until now it has a bed capacity for ninety-six patients. It is fully standardized and on the “Approval List” of the American College of Surgeons. The hospital serves all classes of people, irrespective of race or creed. It is under the management of the Sisters of Charity, a Catholic Order of world wide renown in its chosen field of aiding the sick and afflicted. A school of nursing is maintained where young women having the aptitude for this line of service receive a full training in the profession. A booklet outlining the aims and work of the School of Nursing has recently been issued from the Observer office. All organizations in the town and district support the hospital in one way or another. But the Queen Elizabeth Guild, composed of ladies whose religious affiliations include Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Greek Catholic, and Ukrainian Orthodox is, probably, the most active organization in continued efforts on behalf of the hospital.

50 Years Ago – March 28, 1968

Members of the Vegreville Chamber of Commerce heard representatives from the Department of the Provincial Secretary discuss the suggestion that a museum be established in Vegreville. John Kvill of the Provincial Museum and Archives outline some of the pre-requisites of a museum and cautioned the interested parties not to just have an accumulation of items that do not have historical value. Almost twice the value in building permits over 1967 have been issued during the first three months of 1968. $147,300 building permits have been issued this year compared with $76,000 last year. A number of dwellings and a service station are included in the construction underway. A letter from the Imperial Local FUA asked the Chamber’s support opposing the proposed 3c per gallon tax to be imposed on farm fuels. The Chamber went on record in support of the FUA’s motion and will direct the necessary letter to the MLA. Miss Maria Gault, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.G. Gault was the winner of the 1st Prize Certificate, Zone Level, and 1st Prize Certificate and Cheque, District Level in the Royal Canadian Legion Remembrance Day Essay Contest.

25 Years Ago – March 30, 1993

County of Minburn No. 27 approved that there would be no increase in wages and benefits for county administration, county maintenance, agricultural service board, shop employees or motor grader operators for 1993. County council and board of education trustees approved a 3.8% decrease in the per diem rates effective March 1, 1993 Mark Tetreau and Ed Wieclaw spoke to town council concerning council’s decision to not support the St. Martin’s parish project of upgrading its social centre. St. Martin’s parish requested a letter of support from the town for their application to a government grant program. The town decided not to support the project and stated that the project did not meet the required criteria. Tetreau and Wieclaw clarified the project’s intent and stated that their project does meet the required criteria since many community organizations use the facility as a meeting area at no charge. Vegreville Alliance Church member break ground on Sunday, March 28 in a ground breaking ceremony for a new church. Working the shovels were Stan Selenger, chairman of the building committee; Norm Church, assistant district superintendent; Evan Riemer, church elder; and Pat James, church member. The church will be located at 55 avenue and 47 street.

Letters Welcomed

One role of the Vegreville News Advertiser is to promote dialogue on various issues of concern to area residents. We accomplish this by welcoming Letters to the Editor and allowing various issues to be debated through our pages. All letters must contain the writer’s name, address and phone number. Anonymous letters will not be printed, however the writer’s name may be withheld from publication in special circumstances deemed appropriate by the Publisher. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, spelling and grammar, taste or for reasons of potential libel. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to withhold letters from publication.

Trade Wars, Food Fights and a Budget That Ignores It All Sylvain Charlebois a trade war, embraced by Trump. Senior Fellow – Atlantic Institute for Market Studies Despite recent trade deals signed by Canada, The ugly face of protectionism is slowly making the world seems at odds with open trading and its way across the globe. With trade wars looming instead many countries want to protect their on several fronts, including in the agri-food sec- domestic markets. tor, Canada’s federal government seems resolved Agriculture and food are often considered the to lose. most vulnerable and sensitive sectors when it Bill Morneau is obviously an influential figure in comes to trade barriers. They make easy targets. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet, but he’s Trade barriers can make a significant dent in an no finance minister - despite his title. Given the economy almost instantly and consumers are often budget he presented, he may be more of a social affected the most. justice enabler. Most economists see trade as an absolute good Supporting more diversity, equality, and inclu- until politicians get involved. Trump clearly sees siveness is obviously critical to the betterment of trade as a zero-sum game. Some win while others our society, but most Canadians expect more from lose. But Canada a finance minister. can’t win many The budget trade wars, espeDuties may look like attractive, simple offered anything cially not with the mechanisms to protect domestic interests. But but. There were no U.S. they’re a very expensive way to retain jobs plans to balance We’re already the books and, most witnessing how a importantly, there trade war could were no mitigating strategies to deal with a floun- affect the Canadian agri-food sector. Canadian dering global trade environment. pulse farmers are bracing for major trading headFew details were given on the government’s plan winds with India. Some political opponents link to deal with the possible demise of the North Trudeau’s recent visit to India with its decision to American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), based increase its tariff on chickpeas from 44 to 60 peron U.S. President Donald Trump’s “America First” cent overnight. This comes after India introduced a policy. And there were no plans outlined in the variety of other tariffs on pulse crops, including budget to circumvent broader trading challenges. lentils, peas, and chickpeas, in the past few months. The United States announced last Canadian pulse exports to India alone are worth week that it’s considering new well over $1 billion and growing - until now. r trade restrictions, including This could easily escalate further and affect other a 25 percent tariff on sectors of Canada’s agri-food economy. More govimported steel and a 10 ernments in Europe, South America and elsewhere im percent duty on alu- are reducing their exposure to international marp minum. This could kets. Doing so reduces risks for those countries and be the beginning of makes managing the economy more simple.

MARCH 28, 2018

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Vegreville Wildlife Federation Celebrates 50 Years

Spring Clean Up Noreasonableofferwillberefused


was$556,,760 NOW $42,570




was$42,905 NOW $36,470

Peter Varga Vegreville Wildlife Federation And Emily Mailhot Vegreville News Advertiser The Vegreville Fish and Game Association was registered on April 20, 1968, as a Society (also known at the time as the Vegreville Fish and Game and Gun Club- with archival records dating from the early 1930’s.) The club was organized for those in the Vegreville area, interested in all facets of the outdoors, and focused on educating people, in order to facilitate conservation and respect for the beautiful land, creatures, and every aspect of nature that surrounds us. Over the years, club activities have included: firearms safety courses, range key courses, conservation and hunter courses, fishing derbies, boat safety instruction, active shooting ranges (target, archery, trap shooting) wild game suppers, trophy nights and fund-raising activities. The name change to Vegreville Wildlife Federation, (V.W.F.) occurred in January 1995. The club sponsors the Johnny Weleschuk Memorial Trophy, as an annual A.F.G.A. (Alberta

Fish and Game Association) provincial award for the largest Northern Pike. The carving, commissioned by Jim and Donna Drury, stands 32” in height and is made of rare JELUTONG wood imported from Malaysia. V.W.F. supports the Mountain Bluebird nesting project, as well as, acting as steward for a Buck for Wildlife property to the west of Vegreville. The “V.W.F. Gun Show”, started in 2003, has become an annual, well attended and successful fund-raising event. V.W.F. has been involved in A.F.G.A (North Eastern Alberta Fish and Game Association (N.E.A.F.G.A.) – Zone 5 meetings, both providing and receiving financial assistance for various projects. In the past, there have been a great number of individuals involved in many V.W.F activities- too many to mention in this news release. However, the following names will be familiar to some of the longer standing members. Some of these memorable members who made significant contributions were: Ernie Pruess, Dave Beaudette, Nick Tyzuk, Carl Grosfield and Sam Smolyk. Without their involvement, V.W.F. would not have such a rich history in Vegreville. V.W.F. hosted its 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner this March 24, 2018, at the Vegreville Legion Hall. This social event featured a supper of Wellington Style Bison and Wild Sockeye salmon, prepared by the ladies of Good Enough 2 Eat catering services. Emcee Rodney Sorochay and V.W.F. President Peter Varga teamed together to share information, history, lead the evening’s program, and take care of the door-prize-draw. Peter Varga led the attendees in a beautiful grace-before-meal, with focus on his thankfulness for the blessings of good friends and the great outdoors, as well as the responsibility we have to be good stewards of the bountiful environment we live in. The attendees enjoyed a meal, the camaraderie, the centerpieces (given as gifts at the end of the night to one person per table) and the generally good hospitality of the V.W.F. until the end of the event. Here’s to another 50 years with the Vegreville Wildlife Federation, and may the same faces – plus a few more – be at that celebration as well!



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was$$44 4 ,1155 NOW $33,155


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MARCH 28, 2018

Blotter - CONTINUED from PAGE 2 mined that the friend wanted help pricing items she wanted to sell. 22:30 – Vehicle stopped for speeding. They were clocked at 184 kmph in a 110 kmph zone. Driver already had a suspended license. The driver received a ticket with mandatory court appearance and the vehicle was seized for 30 days. 23:05 – Female reports a friend of hers was banging on her door, but she did not want to talk to her friend. The friend was not in the area and was not banging on the door.

March 24 10:13 – 911 report of a threatening note being left on a mailbox. Caller the suspects the note is from a known female with whom she has an ongoing issue. There is no evidence that the note was left by the person in question. 11:10 – Report of a break and enter to a church. Nothing was stolen and no

suspects. 11:25 – 911 report of harassment. Female reports that she can hear another female through the walls laughing at her and making fun of her. Reported for information. 15:44 – 911 report of an unwanted female in their house. Caller reports that the female is “high and freaking out”. Members attended and found that the female had outstanding warrants out of Edmonton and she was arrested. 19:00 – Wife reports the deteriorating mental health of her husband was causing concerns. The male was taken for assessment. 19:56 – Report of 3 small cows in the ditch on Hwy 16. Patrols were negative for the cows.

March 25 11:44 – 911 report of a female in distress in Mundare. Possibly on some type of drug or using alcohol. Member attended and provided transportation for the female back to Vegreville to receive help. 16:40 – Report of a truck having its driver’s side window broken and electronics were stolen. Still under investigation.

During the week there were 3 false alarms, 6 false 911, 1 animal strikes and 66 calls for service were made in total. Bill c-71 - CONTINUED from PAGE 4 or simply ignored. The Chief Firearms Office in Canada is the central regulatory office for guns. C-71 has a paragraph within that states if one legal gun owner wishes to sell a gun to another legal gun owner, they will need to contact the CFO in order to get a transfer number. Gun owners have stated that it is hard to get an answer from the CFO on a Wednesday at 10 am. How do they plan on addressing this new requirement for gun shows which often happen on weekends? Perhaps they just hoped no one would see that and gun shows that are a part of rural Canada would just disappear, choked out by regulation. In recent news out of Toronto, a young woman standing outside a bowling alley with her husband was killed in the crossfire of gun violence. Reports state that it was gang-related. Since over 50% of gun homicides are gang related, how does this new legislation solve anything? Does C-71 suddenly make gang members buy legal guns? Do they suddenly opt out of gun purchases in a dark alley because our Public Safety Minister allows for deeper background checks?? Lastly, it has been stated that this legislation has been sitting and waiting on the shelf for 1 to 1.5 years. If the government was so concerned about our safety, why not roll it out then. The answer is simple. Trudeau was in the news cycle for some time after his India trip and polls are not favoring him. So... why not put something else front and center to try to convince the sheep (by leaving out key stats) that you care and they should vote for you. How does Bill C-71 make us safer? Ralph Goodale and the government are hoping you don’t ask that question. Because the answer is that it won’t. 2015 had 1,858 vehicle fatalities and 2016 had 2458 apparent opioid-related deaths in Canada. Or even look at the 67% of guns that are NOT domestic or the over 50% of deaths related to gang violence. I would say that those are areas that our Public Safety Minister should look at more closely instead of turning the screws on law-abiding citizens. Tell me what you think. Email me at

MARCH 28, 2018

If You Are Under 18, Please Read This Sgt. Jerry Nutbrown RCMP Ponderings – Vegreville Why? Why should you read this? It is a short article and even though I am not offering any prizes, maybe you will get something out of it. I will be addressing the risk of people in your age group. Now the eye-rolls and the ‘not again’ utterances commence, but wait. You as a young person face more stressors and temptations than ever before in our existence and you have to be tough to get through growing up. So, go ahead and wear mismatched socks, take selfies, dye your hair, be an individual in your own way, play some Xbox and watch a movie, but respect yourself! You have so many things that can create risk in your lives such as alcohol, drugs, sexting, driving, elec-

tronic stuff, family discourse, caffeinated energy drinks, etc. Young people growing up have to navigate so many exposures to risk, daily, it seems a miracle anyone ever has an 18th birthday. But so many of you are aware, articulate and a responsible young person that you may get left out in many conversations. You probably have already received a text from a friend since you started this article which is so different than even 10 years ago when your parents grew up. You know, when they woke up at 3 AM for chores, ploughed the fields, went to school 3 miles uphill both ways and then worked another 10 hours after school. Parents have to recognize that you are growing up in very different times

compared to them, and a lot of parents do. In this article I am asking you to be selfish, in the right way. In many of the above risk types, please, think of yourself first and a good start is to respect yourself. Why is a cop telling me all this? Because you matter and I don’t want you trying to eat a Tide pod (however the heck that became a thing). Respecting yourself translates into ensuring that your contacts with police are limited to saying ‘hi’ to Cst. J or seeing a police car drive by. Respecting yourself means I won’t see your name in a file for stealing something, getting a distracted driving ticket or having to notify your family that you have overdosed on drugs. Your longevity is key in so many ways it may be hard for you to see that at your young age. As a police officer I only wish the best for all our youth and hope you become a productive contributing member of this country that we never have a negative contact with. You are no more important to anyone than to yourself. Saying no to high-risk behaviour means you can be strong and that you have control over yourself, an understated quality. An example. Say you are driving and you get the urge to show off so you spin out by the school. You know this can lead to tickets, someone getting injured, expulsion, losing trust, etc. Is it easier to give in and do this hoping not to get caught, or to not do it and drive properly? Self-control can be harder. I’ve said to my own kids, it is easier to stay out of trouble than get out of trouble. Ask anyone who is in trouble the validity of this statement. In a policing perspective I know if you truly respect yourself we won’t be seeing you in a negative way but I do I realize everyone makes mistakes, so we may see you. Learn from your mistakes and what is actually easier on yourself is to learn from other’s mistakes. Don’t buy into the many online challenges that want you to do stupid things as no one has as much vested interest in your wellbeing as you do, especially over some random stranger. You live in stressful times but do what you can to stay off our radar (a sad pun) and enjoy a stress reduced youth!

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MARCH 28, 2018

Chipman Ag Society Cuts Through the Cold End of Winter Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser On March 24, 2018, the Chipman Agricultural Society put on their 4th Semi-Annual rally, trail ride, and poker run. While the Fall event is for horse and wagon, the notquite-Spring season calls for something a little more snow-practical. For this reason, especially after the recent snow, it was the perfect time for a Cutter Rally. A cutter is a slick, or a “wagon on skis” as somebody put it once.

There were around 6 teams participating, as well as some horseback riders who came to participate in the trail ride and the ag society/ Chipman community at the rally. Volunteers from Chipman, Lamont, and the surrounding areas helped to organize, advertise, and help with the concession. Scott Reid, the current President of the Chipman Agricultural Society, expressed his gratitude towards the volunteers, “ just as with anything else, it really couldn’t have happened without their commitment

chipman ag - CONTINUED ON PAGE 11

MARCH 28, 2018

and effort.” Returning kitchen volunteers have been working to get the concession down to a science, in order to accommodate the continually growing crowd for both the winter/spring Cutter Rally, and the Harvest Rally in the fall. While the Ag Society doesn’t gain much of a profit from the event itself, Scott assured that to them, it is always worth it, and whatever they do make goes into the next one. “What we are trying to do is to draw people out of the agricultural community, and to get them involved,” he said. And if the handful of families who came out just to ‘enjoy the ride’ with the cutting teams, and the members of the ag society who came to enjoy each other’s company at the event offer any testimony… that aim seems to have been a success.

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MARCH 28, 2018

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MARCH 28, 2018

Vermilion RCMP Confirm Death of Local Resident Corporal Ronald Bumbry EAD – Media Relations Officer Innisfree, Alberta - Vermilion RCMP can now confirm that Larry James Ramsay was found deceased. His death has been deemed non-criminal in nature and no foul play is suspected. Our thoughts are with his family during this difficult time.

Correction Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser It has been brought to my attention that there were a few errors in the article I wrote last week, “Steve Pineo and the Heebie Jeebies” It is with sincere apologies to the Beaver Regional Arts Society that I set out to correct them. Firstly, the organization who put on the event is not the Beaverhill Arts Society, rather the Beaver Regional Arts Society. There’s quite a lot in a name – so hopefully that would clear up any confusion readers may have had. Secondly, the buses were not from ‘all over Beaver County’ but from a larger commute. Groups from Edmonton attend the performances at the Paragon Theatre and the supper at the Community Hall afterward, so that’s where the buses came from. Thank you to the Beaver Regional Arts Society for clearing up the misinformation, and I will be more accurate next time you put on another show-stopper!

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Ask the Guys

Dear Classified Guys, When I drive up to a house having a yard sale, I usually see a number of odds and ends being loaded into cars. I've seen old dishes, a set of golf clubs and even a hot tub. But last weekend, I was greeted by a 10 foot Magnolia tree strapped into the bed of a pick-up truck. It was followed by a mini-van filled with half a dozen hydrangea bushes peeking out of the trunk. As I parked the car, I was amazed to find that every square inch of the lawn area was tagged for sale. Every shrub, bulb, tree and even the sod was being sold right alongside the eight-track cassette player and the BMX bikes. Now I don't want to sound naive, but what kind of person sells every bit of green beauty from their house? And who would buy that stuff at a crazed yard sale? This avid reader would like to know.

• • • Cash: This gives new meaning to the term "yard sale". It's not often you find someone who's serious when they say, "Everything must go!" Carry: I'm guessing the home-

APARTMENTS 1 & 2 bdrm suites in Vegreville. 1 bdrm-$725, 2 bdrm-$825. Incl. water, heat & energized Pkg. DD same as rent. Small quiet dog allowed with condition. Ph. 780-6326878.

AUTOMOBILES 2000 Windstar. Ex. engine & transmission. Body damage. For parts $750. 780-922-5999 2008 Dodge Calibar. Automatic. Loaded. 150,000 Kms. Clean. $5200. 780-994-3005 2002 Honda Civic, Standard Drives Excellent Needs TLC $3200 780922-5999 Rare Super Charged 40th Anniversary Grand Prix. Loaded. $4700. Phone 780-994-3005 2010 damaged Dodge Caliber 125,000kms. Drives excellent. For parts. $1500. Phone 780994-3005 2005 Mercedes Smart Car diesel, automatic, black, 192,000kms, $3900. 780994-3005.

CAREGIVER Looking for full-time and part-time live-in caregiver. Call for details 780862-1839

MARCH 28, 2018

Duane “Cash” Holze & Todd “Carry” Holze 03/18/12 03/25/18 ®® ©TheClassified ClassifiedGuys Guys ©The

owners were also selling all their lawn equipment. They won't have much need for that. Cash: Think about how much time they'll save on the weekend when they don't have to mow the grass, considering there is none. Carry: As an avid yard saler, I'm sure you've seen your share of unique sales. When it comes to these events, almost anything goes. We often say that if you can buy it in a store, then you can find it in the classifieds or at a yard sale. Cash: The homeowners probably had a good reason for selling everything in the yard, including the grass. It's possible that they were preparing to landscape the property. Selling off the old shrubs

COMPUTERS VM SYSTEMS Looking for a new computer? VM SYSTEMS has all you’ll ever need in computers! Installation – Sales – Service – Internet. One call will get you in touch. Phone 780-6322859 9am – 5pm.

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Highland Feeders is purchasing feed barley. Please call the office at 780-768-2466. Hay For Sale. Big round bales. $40 a bale. Phone: 780-603-0232 For sale: large mixed Hay round bales. Ph: 780-3672526 in the late evenings.

FOOD For Sale Primrose Lake Fish Pickerel and Jack Fillets. Phone ahead. 780808-3826

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Reader Humor Finding Ficus

Although money doesn't grow on trees, adding a few more trees or shrubs to your yard could make a financial difference. A large tree that shades your home can lower the inside temperature by up to 20 degrees, offering a significant savings on cooling costs. In addition, when it comes time to sell your home, it's estimated that a well landscaped yard can increase a home's value by up to 20 percent.

I love yard sales. Not simply because of the deals, but because of the people I meet. I stopped by a sale where a middle-aged man was desperately trying to sell a table full of houseplants. Apparently he thought I was interested because he came right over and gave me his sales pitch. He pointed out all the different kinds, told me how to care for them and even offered me some free plant food. "I'd love to help you," I said. "But if I buy one, I'll kill it in less than a week." "Oh," the man sighed as he thought of his next sales pitch. "In that case, you better buy two!" (Thanks to Marie A.)

Lonely Tree One of the most famous trees to date is not the largest or the widest, but in fact the most isolated. L'Arbre du Ténéré, known in English as the Tree of Ténéré, resided in the Sahara desert in Niger, nearly 250 miles from any other tree. It was believed to be the last standing from a group of trees that grew when the area was less parched. Although not very tall, its roots stretched more than 115 feet below the surface to reach the remaining water table. In 1973, the tree died after being knocked down by an allegedly drunk truck driver crossing the desert. The dead tree was relocated to the Niger National Museum.



Tingley’s Harvest Center has a fulltime position for a JOURNEYMAN HEAVY DUTY TECHNICIAN in Vegreville. The position includes: competitive wages, benefits package & company RRSP program. Email resumes to: garth@ No phone calls & only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Advertise your rental property here for as little as $7.95 per week! 3 Bdrm Townhouse, $1090/ mo. available immediately. Call Dave at 780-632-0321 or 780-932-0041 2 or 3 Bdrm. Mobile Home, N/P. PH: 780-2089608 Newly renovated. 3 Bdrm. 2 Bathroom. Duplex. Bright & open. Available immediately. Quiet area. End of street beside park. N/P. N/S. $1100/mo. D/D same. Call Tammy 780216-1074. New 3 bdrm duplex Vegreville. $685/mo. Call 780-275-0089. New developments. Two bedroom unit with five appliances. 780-916-9947 2 bdrm Vegreville house, 950 sq. ft., $795. Available April 16. PH: 780-6191094 ask for Dave.

Laughs For Sale This deal won't last for long.

• Got a question, funny story, or just want to give us your opinion? Email us at:




and bushes may actually have been easier than relocating them. Carry: Or maybe they just got tired of mowing the lawn. We had a friend who got so discouraged with spending his weekends on lawn maintenance that he replaced all the grass with gravel. Personally, I thought it would have been easier to move to a condo. Cash: Regardless of the reasons for the sale, it obviously offered a lot of possibilities for the customers. Considering the amount of shrubs you saw leaving, people were probably thrilled to be at this "crazed" event. Carry: Maybe next time you come across a sale like this, you can pick up a row of hedges.

Fast Facts Money Tree

LIVESTOCK For Sale: Registered Red and Black Angus yearling bulls. Semen tested. Brownalta Farms. Leroy Brownlee. (780)-603-4882 LAKEFORD Registered Polled Hereford and Red Angus Bulls for Sale! 2 Year Old and Yearling Bulls Available. Top Quality from a herd with over 50 years production history. Semen Tested and ready to work in your herd. Contact Dan Prichard 780-385-2298 or 780-385-5125 For Sale Polled Limousin Bulls. Halter Broke, Semen Checked. Barry 780-6327433 For Sale: 1 year old Freerun brown laying hens. $2 each. Pick up April 14&21 SE of Two Hills. Call: 780-603-9047 Registered Polled Hereford yearlings and two-year old bulls. Quiet, good birth weights, guaranteed breeders, reasonably priced. PMD Polled Herefords Paul Dinisyk 780-336-2675.

MACHINERY New Holland TR85 combine w/ pickup and chopper $5000. Ccil 960 pull type combine $750. Versatile pull type swather 21 ft. $1100. Morris seed drill $500. Versatile 68 ft. sprayer pull type $450. Morris 52 ft. tine harrow $2000. Ph: 780-632-5610 EZEE ON 100 loader in vg shape. Bucket, Blade, balefork. 780-275-0158

For sale: 45 ft., 3 section land roller. Excellent condition. 780-385-8866 Restored Ford 8N w/ loader & 3 pt. blade. New tires, runs great. $3995 PH: 780-367-2228.

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TRUCKS 1993 Chev 4x4 Ext Cab. For parts. $650. 780-922-5999 2002 GMC 4x4 HD ¾ ton Service Truck 340k $3500 780-922-5999 1997 Ford 7.3 Diesel, 4 x 4, missing transmission. Nice deck, $2800. 780-922-5999 2000 Dodge Dakota V8 4x4 Farm Truck. $1,600. 780-922-5999. 2006 Ford 4 x4, Crew Cab, new tires. $4600. PH: 780994-3005 2004 Chev 4 x 4, new t/ case, canopy, $3200. PH: 780-994-3005 2002 F250 Crew cab, 7.3 diesel. Loaded. 410,000kms. $6500 PH: 780-994-3005 New, complete, exhaust system, fits GMC, Chev, crewcabs. $600.00. Phone 780-632-9689.

UPCOMING EVENTS Estate Sale – 1,311 sq ft 3 bedroom bungalow on large lot located in Two Hills. Includes 4 appliances. Finished basement with 1 bedroom 1 den, wet bar, cold storage, large laundry room with sink, stove, fridge. New shingles, windows, driveway. 2 garages. 2 furnaces. 2½ bathrooms. $255,000 negotiable. 780996-9660.

WANTED Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201

MARCH 28, 2018

Rural Communities Seek Unity and Professional Development. Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser Community leaders took the initiative Saturday, March 24, 2018, from the farmer who wants to preserve and grow the hometown he grew up in, to business owners seeking professional development, to municipal or county leaders looking to make a difference in their communities. A crowd met at the Ryley Community Hall for a Seminar by Doug Griffiths on his book ’13 Ways to Kill Your Community.’ As the Village of Ryley officials and the Beaver County representatives intended, they gathered, “not as Ryley, or Tofield, or Beaver County… But as a community, in order to make this area the best place in the world to live. Because it is.” The Ways to Kill Your Community, according to Griffiths, are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Forget the Water Don’t Attract Business Don’t Engage Youth Deceive Yourself Shop Elsewhere Don’t Paint Don’t Cooperate

8 Live in the Past 9 Shut Out Your Seniors 10 Reject Everything New 11 Ignore Outsiders 12 Grow Complacent 13 Don’t Take Responsibility

Doug Griffiths is founder and CEO of Alberta-based consulting firm 13 Ways Inc. best-selling author, high-indemand public speaker, and community therapist. He served four terms in Legislature, starting as the sixthyoungest person to ever serve. He also served in two senior Cabinet portfolios as Minister of Municipal Affairs and Minister of Service Alberta. His focus is to help communities identify what is wrong – get themselves a prescription – and create a healthy, welcoming, growing environment for all. “It doesn’t matter where I go,” Griffiths says, “We all make these mistakes, in nearly every community…. The trick is to expose them, not only so that we can fix them, but so that we don’t feel alone, and we know we can overcome these things. All the attendees reported that they had gotten some valuable nugget of information from the 13 Ways presentation, and there was a long line of people afterward, who wanted to meet and talk with the author himself. It will be interesting to see how these community leaders apply their newfound wisdom, to make our communities a better place.

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MARCH 28, 2018





MELENKA, William In loving memory of a Husband, Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather who passed away March 28, 2016 A heart of gold stopped beating. His working hands at rest. We feel especially blessed to have had you in our lives. Your love was so unselfish; so giving, Not only to your family and Friends; But to your livestock and land. You lived the farmer’s creed to the fullest. Your love and loyalty are things we hold so dear. Sadly missed and forever loved, Forever in our hearts! Memory Eternal! Your wife Julie; Sons Willie & Connie; Martin; Grandchildren Willie and Courtney; Conlynn and Kayla; Cassie Anne; Leah-Marie & Darren; Great Grandson Taelynn. Also his special little friend Angel

BOHAYCHUK, Marshall In loving memory of Marshall Bohaychuk who passed away March 30, 2010. I have lost my soul’s companion A life linked with my own And day by day I miss him more As I walk through life alone Forever loved and missed Wanda and Family

USKIW, Nick In loving memory of our dear husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather who passed away March 31, 2010. We think of by gone days, When we were all together. The family chain is broken now, But memories live forever. To us, you have not gone away Nor have you travelled far, Just entered God’s eternal home And left the gate ajar. Always remembered and sadly missed By wife Helen and Family

PAWLUK, Marvin On Monday, March 19, 2018, Marvin Pawluk of Viking, Alberta passed away at the age of 55 years. Marvin is survived by his loving family, sisters Marilyn Lundblad, Mildred Pawluk (Ken) and Marian Morgan; along with numerous relatives and friends. Marvin was predeceased by his wife Darlene Petersen; parents Michael and Marie and brother Paul. A Parastas (Funeral Service) was held on Monday, March 26, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. at Autumn Rose Funeral Home in Vegreville with the Basilian Fathers officiating. Interment followed in the Sts. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church Cemetery-Mundare, Alberta. Memorial donations may be made to the “Alberta Cancer Foundation.” To send condolences, please visit

GRABAS, Peter In memory of my husband, our father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Twenty-five years have passed Since you were laid to rest With memories of you We are generously blessed When we gather together And you are not there Our thoughts of you We begin to share To us you were so special What more is there to say We hold you close Within our hearts And there you will remain To walk with us throughout Our lives until we meet again Remembering you is easy We do it everyday But missing you is a heartache That never goes away Forever loved and sadly missed by Wife Edna, Children, Grandchildren and GreatGrandchildren We love you lots!

SUCHY, Rita Marie Cecile In loving memory of Rita Marie Cecile Suchy January 28, 1959 – April 13, 2013 I thought of you today, But that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday And days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories And your picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake From which I’ll never part. God has you in HSis loving arms, I have you in my heart. Love, Otto, Michael, Nicole, Cheyenne, Reece, Brent, Ethan, Paul, Victoria, and Ryker


KOTOWICH, Pat April 24, 1949 - April 2, 2017 In loving memory of our Dear Daughter and Sister What we would give her hand to clasp, Her patient face to see, To hear her voice, to see her smile, As in the days that used to be. But some sweet day we’ll meet again Beyond the toil and strife, And clasp each other’s hand once more, In Heaven, that happy life. Lovingly remembered Love Mom, Brother, Sisters and Family

KOTOWICH, Patricia April 24, 1949 - April 2, 2017 If I could have a wish come true, A dream that’d come to pass, I’d ask to spend a day with you, And pray that it would last. I’d run to you and hold you close, We’d laugh and smile again. I’d listen so intently, As you told me how you’ve been. When time was up I’d hold you close Not wanting to let go You’d smile and tell me, ‘See you soon’ And somehow I would know That while it’s very hard to wait, One day the time will come, I’ll join you there forevermore, When I too am called Home My wish may go ungranted But it always will be true… I’d trade many of my tomorrows For one yesterday with you. You will always be loved, remembered and sadly missed. Valerie, Bill and Frasier

WASNEA, Oliver Sidney May 24, 1940 In loving memory of my dear husband who passed away March 22, 2017. “The Spirit of a loving heart will live in memory forever.” Always in my thoughts and prayers with love. Nadia

ZYLA, Ron May 8, 1964 - March 29, 2012 We thought of you today, But that is nothing new. We thought of you yesterday And will tomorrow too. We think of you in silence and Make no outward to show. For what it means to lose you, Only those who love you know. Remembering you is easy, We do it every day. It’s the heartbreak of losing you That will never go away. Love - Mom & Dad Zyla and Family

BEAUDETTE, Lawrence In loving memory of our Father and Grandfather who passed away March 24, 2015 A cluster of beautiful memories Sprayed with a million tears Wishing God had spared you But a few more years. Thanks for the years you gave us And the happy times we shared, We only pray that when you left us You knew how much we cared. It’s lonely here without you We miss you more each day For life is not the same since you went away. Always remembered and sadly missed by children: Richard, Jerry, Shirley Anne (Bill) and granddaughter Megan

HUNT, Dorothy Mabel Survived by her daughter Caroline (Lucier) Price and her husband James of Goole, UK; granddaughter Shanna (Price) Ashton and her husband Shaurn of Liverpool, UK; and granddaughter Tamara of Vegreville; and her daughter Darlene (Hunt) Lambert and granddaughter Ivy Lambert. Also her surviving brothers and sisters Bernice Mansell of Edmonton, Lavonde Melnyk of Vegreville, Orvel (Pauline) of Viking, Robert (Lorraine) of Innisfree, Margaret Weder of Vegreville, Doreen Weder of Vegreville, Diane Andrukow of Vancouver as well as many, many nieces and nephews. Burial has taken place at Leduc Cemetery on March 21, 2018. Funeral Talk has taken place at the Vegreville Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses on Saturday March 24, 2018. Arrangements entrusted to Hainstock & Son Funeral Chapel, Leduc.

CHORNY, Helen Helen Chorny, a long time resident of Innisfree, AB, passed away on March 17, 2018 at the age of 93 years at her residence at Shepherd’s Care, Edmonton, AB. Helen is survived by her five loving children, Marie Chorny-Papenhuyzen, Donald Chorny, Gordon Chorny, Sandra Jasperson and Karen Gillies; five grandchildren, Steven Jasperson, Glen Gillies, Jesse Gillies, Alex Jasperson and Hanna Gillies; and one brother John Klebanowski. Predeceased by her husband, Steve Chorny. Helen was a vibrant lady who raised her family in Innisfree and took part in various organizations within the community. She was a full-time cook at the local Hi-Way Café, a member of the Rebecca’s Lodge and Odd Fellows. She also spoke at various conventions and important functions. Helen will be remembered for many things but she was an outstanding cook who won numerous awards for her baking and cooking. She will be sadly missed by family and friends. A Memorial Liturgy for Helen will be held Wednesday, April 4 at 1:00 p.m. at St. Martin of Tours Roman Catholic Church, 5437 – 43 Street, Vegreville, AB. Inurnment will take place on Thursday, April 5 at 1:00 p.m. at St. Michael’s Cemetery, Edmonton. In lieu of other tributes, donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or the Canadian Diabetes Association. In Loving Memory of our Mom, Helen Chorny. Photos, memories and condolences may be shared through Park Memorial Edmonton 780-426-0050 Family Owned Funeral Home, Crematorium, Reception Centre

MARCH 28, 2018

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BOYDA, Verna Barbara


Verna Barbara Boyda, 94 years young, of Edmonton, passed away March 24, 2018. Verna was born in the Andrew area to Mike and Annie Koroluk on January 27, 1924. She attended Molodia School and after completion stayed on the family farm to help her parents. She married George Boyda in 1947 and together farmed and raised four children. As a young woman, Verna enjoyed dances and time with friends and family. She loved family gatherings where she spent time with numerous cousins. Her greatest legacy and love were her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Verna loved holidays and cooking and preparing for company. Verna was predeceased by her parents Mike and Annie; her sister Clara (George) Cholak; two brothers Andrew and Walter; and granddaughter Kaitlin Boyda. Verna is survived by her family; sons Alexander (Linda) Boyda of Mundare and grandsons Clinton (June) of Wetaskiwin and great- granddaughters Ariana and Megan and grandson Courtenay of Sherwood Park and great-grandson Hayden; Theodore (Joanne) Boyda of Calgary and grandsons Reece and Garett and granddaughter Heidi (Jason) Borodenko; Melvin Boyda and grandsons Matthew (Lara) Boyda of Austin, Texas and Nate (Kassidy) Boyda of Lethbridge and great-grandson Maverick and granddaughters Jenianne Boyda of Edmonton; Melanie (Clayton) Fersovitch of Bonnyville and great-grandsons Oscar and Linus, and greatgranddaughter Phoebe; and Olivia (John) Bird of Saskatoon; and daughter Annabelle (Jerry Roczkowsky) and grandson Andrej; sister in-law Jean Koroluk of Vegreville; along with numerous nieces and nephews. A Funeral service will be held on Friday, March 30, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. the Russo-Greek Orthodox Church of St. James, Mundare Alberta (Rge Rd 170 & Twp Rd 540) with Father Oleksii Suraiev officiating. Interment to follow in the Church Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, if so desired, memorial donations may be made to the Russo-Greek Orthodox Church of St. James-Mundare, AB. The family wishes to extend their gratitude to the Devonshire Care Center for their compassionate care in her final years and to family and friends for their prayers, support and love during. Life, love and family are to be cherished and celebrated; all of which were very important to Verna. Although God has her in His keeping, we have her in our hearts, forever loved and remembered. We will miss her dearly, especially her endearing smile, sense of humour and loving kindness. To send condolences, please visit AUTUMN ROSE FUNERAL HOME LTD. VEGREVILLE,780-603-5800

Delcie Barber of Edmonton, formerly of Innisfree passed away in Edmonton, March 25, 2018 at the age of 94. Delcie was born in Innisfree to Samuel and Lily Platt on July 11, 1923. She spent her life in Innisfree until she moved to Edmonton in the late nineties. Delcie is survived by her 8 children: Lily (Boyd) Carter of Innisfree, Ernest (Phyllis) Barber of Saskatoon, Norma Barber of Edmonton, Keith (Lauraine) Barber of Sherwood Park, Howard (Joyce) Barber of Edmonton, Marilyn (Rod) Boyce of Edmonton, Leslie (Barbara) Barber of Sherwood Park, and Douglas (Jenn) Barber of Okotoks; 16 grandchildren: Nathan(Erin), Naomi (Justin), Kyle(Jodi), Kristie (Jason), Geoffrey (Kristy), Duane, Allan, Carole, Dustin (Carlene), Damien (Sarah), Chadwick (Megan), Travis, Leann (Robin), Daina (Steve), Sam and Tess; and 17 great- grand children: Reese, Charlotte, Grace, Maxwell, Drew, Brooke, Ethan, Arthur, Kandis, Deanna, Lily, Amelia, Donovan, Austin, Taylor, Lexi and Mason . Delcie was predeceased by her husband, Ralph Barber in 1993, as well as her sisters Dorothy Barber, Helen Smallwood, her brother Murray Platt, and her parents Samuel and Lily Platt. A Funeral Service will be held at the Innisfree Recreation Centre on Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. with Karen Gusek of the United Church officiating. Interment to follow in the Innisfree Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to “Friends of Innisfree Library Society” or to “Innisfree Cemetery Association.” To send condolences, please visit AUTUMN ROSE FUNERAL HOME LTD. VEGREVILLE,780-603-5800

ZAPLACHINSKI, Ed On March 23, 2018 Ed passed away at the age of 83 years. Ed is survived by his loving family; his wife of 62 years, Vickie; five children, Rick, Janet (Barry), Sharon (Mike), Pat, Donna (Bob); eight grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; one sister; and two brothers. Predeceased by his son, Donny; parents; and one brother. Ed was an awesome Dad, a true provider. He was happiest with a house full of kids, dogs, and friends. Ed led with kindness, and had a radiant smile with his bright blue eyes. He loved to laugh and lived life well. He faced his physical challenges with his head up and never complained. If our lives are defined by the work we’ve done, the acts of kindness we have performed, the love we have given and received; Ed, husband, Dad, Gido, brother, and friend; passed with flying colors. We are all better for knowing him. He will be missed and loved forever. A special thank you to all at Vegreville Care Centre for their kindness and compassion. There will be no service as per Ed’s wishes. Dad loved animals, so in lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Edmonton Humane Society. Photos, memories and condolences may be shared through PARK MEMORIAL LTD. VEGREVILLE 780-632-2000 FAMILY OWNED FUNERAL HOME and CREMATORIUM

PIPER, Gillian It is with sadness that we announce the death of Gillian Piper on Friday March 23rd, 2018. Her passing took place, according to her wishes, at home. She will be greatly missed by her wife of thirty years, Sheila, her sisters, Julie from New Zealand, Diane from the USA and other relatives and friends. She was predeceased by her twin sister, Carol, of New Zealand. There will be no memorial service, but donations may be made to UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) if desired. ( or mail to Suite 401, 280 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 5G8, Charitable No. 4169267979. To send condolences, please visit AUTUMN ROSE FUNERAL HOME LTD. VEGREVILLE,780-603-5800

CHRISTENSEN, Gordon Magnus With great sadness the family announces the passing of Gordon Christensen on March 7, 2018 at the age of 84. He is survived by his sister June Van der Velde and brother Harvey Christensen both of Ontario; sisters-inlaw Elsie Nelsen of Camrose and Anne Christensen of Vegreville and numerous nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his parents Magnus and Anna Christensen; brothers Orville Nelsen, Eddie and Allan Christensen and brother-in-law Rein Van der Velde. A Funeral Service for Gordon was held on Monday, March 12, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. at Autumn Rose Funeral Home (5036-51st Ave.) in Vegreville Alberta with Rev. Carolyn Woodall officiating. Interment followed in the Holden Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to “Century Park Optima Living” or “Holden Cemetery Fund.” To send condolences, please visit AUTUMN ROSE FUNERAL HOME LTD., VEGREVILLE, 780-603-5800

Dorothy Pearl Fife 1933 - 2018 Dorothy was born on October 8, 1933 to Ned and Lucy Grey in Notikewin, Alberta. She had two older brothers Alfred and Wilfred, along with a younger brother Gordon, and two younger sisters Beatrice and Myrtle. Dorothy and her husband James raised their two boys Vernon and Darrel, and later they were blessed with six grandchildren Bobbie-Joe, Derek, Quentin, Josée, Julie, Kathy, and six great-grandchildren Levi, Allie, Kelly, Lukas, Aden and Seth. Dorothy was a well-known Jehovah Witness and served faithfully up until her death on March 11, 2018. Dorothy was widowed in 2003 and moved to Dawson Creek in 2011, where she was lovingly cared for by her family. Grandma was known for being patient, loving, and kind. Jehovah and family came first in her life. She was always there when you needed her. She will be greatly missed by family and friends. A memorial service was held on March 17 at the Bergeron Social Room. Expressions of sympathy may be made by donation to the Canadian Diabetes Association, 103-490 Quebec Street, Prince George, BC, V2L 5N5. For more information or to leave condolences for the family, please go to Arrangements entrusted to Bergeron Funeral Services & Crematorium Ltd.

Federal government’s total ‘market debt’ now tops $1 trillion, documents show Former budget officer warns federal books at risk of fiscal shock in the face of rising interest rates Murray Brewster · CBC News The federal government’s market debt —

‘An unjustified infringement’: First Nation sues Ottawa, British Columbia over oil tanker ban Claudia Cattaneo: As protesters in B.C. go berserk over tankers, First Nations in the Northern Coast are suing governments for banning them... Nelson: Oil is welcome from Azerbaijan, but not Alberta.What gives? CHRIS NELSON,FOR THE CALGARY HERALD What do the United States, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Norway, Nigeria, the United Kingdom, Angola, Russia, Colombia, Kazakhstan, Oman, Ghana, the Ivory Coast and Trinidad and Tobago all have in common? (And no, it isn’t that they all beat Canada’s curlers at the Olympics.) The correct answer is that this diverse collection of nations all managed to export crude oil to our shores in 2017. On average, each and every day over the previous year, we imported 670,000 barrels


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MARCH 28, 2018

Spring Registration Night Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent The first day of spring became brighter when people were able to register and obtain information about programs at the Spring Registration and Information Night at Vegreville

Organizers of Sherwood Park NorthstarsPresident, Clint Byblow, Pee Wee Manager, Melanie Doyle,Volunteer, Alex Doyle. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)


MARCH 28, 2018


REGISTRATION - CONTINUED from PAGE 18 Social Centre on March 20. Two new programs at the event were Sherwood Park Northstars which is a non-profit PeeWee and Bantam Football Program for ages 10-15 years old. All equipment is provided. Practices are held in Ardrossan and games are held in Sherwood Park. The organizers feel that Vegreville doesn’t have any football during this time so they wanted to give youths a chance to practice and participate in this sport. They know the Principal of VCHS, Mr. Spady who was instrumental in helping them out with this event. Another new booth, ‘Summer Fun at the Farm’ where the farm is based in Ranfurly stirred a lot of interest. The pamphlet notes that this program provides a unique experience that allows youth six to 14 explore the wonders of the farm. They learn how to grow, plant, and cook. Other programs who had tables were A.L. Horton School, Vegreville Aquatic and Fitness Centre, Vegreville and Area Parent Link Centre, Vegreville Cares Coalition, Vegreville Composite High School, Vegreville and District Child Development Coalition (VDCDC), Vegreville and District FCSS, Vegreville Preschool Association, Vegreville Minor Ball Association, Vegreville Minor Soccer Association, and Vegreville Wildlife Federation.

People check out the information at the Registration Night. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

News Advertiser PAGE 19


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MARCH 28, 2018




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Jack and the Beanstalk See story on page 8


News Advertiser insider

MARCH 28, 2018

Junior and Youth Curling Rocks Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Heather Curling Club has had a Junior and Youth Curling Club now for around 40 years and it continues to rock!

This year’s season started in October and they had their wind-up game on March 24. One of the Coaches, Rhonda Hayduk said the young people range from six years old till 16. They play to develop skills and to have fun. No awards are given at the end of the season. “This club teaches youth how to curl and everything they need to know about the curling game and how to be good on a team. It also shows them how to be respectful because curling is a game where you need to develop very good sportsmanship and cordiality. Other coaches are for the youth- Ellen Essery, Pat Ferleyko, Debbie Uskiw and John Litun is a junior coach. The young curlers gave their opinion of the sport. Alex Harris said she just started participating this year and she really loves it because it is a lot of fun. Rachel Giles said it’s her second year taking part in curling and she enjoys it because she likes sweeping and she likes to push the rocks.

Young people play a game of curling at the wind-up. (Rosanne Fortier/photos)

MARCH 28, 2018

Emily Mailhot Reporter – Vegreville News Advertiser The farmers and producers of our local Vegreville area come from a rich tapestry of family backgrounds, ages, and disciplines. There are farmers from the fourth-generation on family land to the first generation on a new-to-them family farm. We have the retired farmers, who get coffee at A&W and discuss both today’s relevant agriculture issues and the adventures of their farming days. We have the young farmers, just starting out on the homestead they are taking over

from generations back. Cattle farmers, grain farmers, hay farmers, canola farmers, all of the above, and more. In this area, the heart of Alberta’s rich soil, bountiful lakes and rivers, and strong community, we have them all. The historical role of a farmer was very much the same as it is now – throughout history, farmers and producers have grown the food that all the people and some of the animals eat. While many of the technologies, equipment, environmental challenges, and scale of production have changed, especially recently, at his roots (pun intended) the farmer is what he has been: the one who pro-sume for an ever-consuming society. On Canada Day last year, the census showed that 11.6% of Canadian citizens live on farms, and another review by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry showed that in 2017, Alberta farms made up 17.6% of Canada’s Agri-food exports. With Alberta sitting at a mere 7.1%

of Canada’s land mass, that shows that what we know as our land of plenty is also a source of plenty for our country and our world. Farms in our area range from the small family Hobby Farm keeping chickens, a milk cow, and a garden for the farmers market, to the big-time corporate producers of grain and cattle, which fill the marketplace internationally. They are the ones getting up each morning to feed the cows, pigs, or chickens, or to check the crops. They are the ones who attend the many educational and social events you have been reading about, to learn as much as they can about their role in sustaining water quality, producing the Alberta-grown food we enjoy, and growing food for our growing world. Out of the great Responsibility Pie we all share, their slice is the biggest, and they are happy with working hard to create a safe, healthy environment for their children, their grandchildren, and everyone else’s. Grant Durie, a past President of the Vegreville Agricultural Society, has seen many changes in his time, both with the ag society and on the farm. One change is that there has become fewer farmers, with more land that farms cover. “This,” he says, “is because farming is an industry with highcapital requirements and a low return on interest.” Producing is not for the faint of heart, and you really have to love it to do it. There has also been an increase in corporate farms over the past few years.


News Advertiser insider PAGE 3


News Advertiser insider

MARCH 28, 2018

Partnership Supports Alberta’s Agricultural Sector Alberta Agri-News Submitted The federal and provincial governments are partnering to support innovation, growth, and sustainability

in Alberta’s agricultural sector. Alberta’s farmers, ranchers, and producers are a key driver of the economy and work hard to ensure they can respond to increasing demand for their high-quality, safe products. The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a five-year federal-provincial-territorial agreement that focuses on increasing trade, expanding markets and supporting innovative and sustainable growth in the sector while creating jobs and strengthening the middle class. Today, Minister MacAulay, federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, and Oneil Carlier, Alberta Minister of Forestry and Agriculture, announced that over the next five years the Canadian government and the Alberta government plan to invest $406 million to support strategic programs and activities under the Partnership. The Partnership includes federal, provincial and territorial cost-shared strategic initiatives to ensure programs are tailored to meet regional needs. “The Canadian Agricultural Partnership will help Alberta’s farmers, ranchers and processors continue to meet the growing domestic and international demand for their high-quality, safe products. Collaboration has been at the heart of developing the Partnership and we will continue to work together to help the sector innovate, grow and prosper.” Lawrence MacAulay, federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

“This agreement marks our commitment to the future of Alberta’s diverse agricultural sector. Agriculture is the cornerstone of our province’s economy and our largest sustainable industry. The investments made through this program will expand the capacity and efficiency of the sector, creating more jobs for Albertans

salute - CONTIN As technology changes, farmers have also adapted. Durie reminisced to 30 years ago when he was one of the first local farmers to own a cell phone. Now, not only does nearly everyone have one, but the technology on farming equipment has developed. “There are all kinds of GPS-

driven machine sourcing with t help with produ on where you ar lot more tech is b Looking forwa the future brigh lot of young peop agriculture. Brig

MARCH 28, 2018

and increasing our capacity to export our agri-food products to the world.” Oneil Carlier, Alberta Minister of Forestry and Agriculture The strategic direction of this agreement has been the focus of numerous roundtable meetings with Alberta farmers, ranchers and representatives from the diverse agri-food and agri-processing sectors over the last few months. “Canada Beef is supportive of the goals identified under the Agricultural Policy Framework to grow Canadian agricultural exports to $75 billion by 2025. The Canadian beef industry is working hard to take advantage of agreements such as CPTPP to create new opportunities for growth through trade in international markets. Canada Beef sees the Canadian Agricultural Partnership as an important collaboration between the federal and provincial governments and the beef industry that will benefit all Canadians.” Francis Andres, Canada Beef President “We are pleased to support Alberta’s participation in the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. Alberta relies on irrigation for its crops and agricultural productions – the new programs will promote progressive water management practices and will contribute to a more efficient use of one of our most precious resources.” Margo Redelback, Executive Director, Alberta Irrigation Projects Association Irrigation, farm water, and stewardship programming are launching in early April. Additional programs supporting Alberta’s agricultural sector will be launched in the coming weeks. Specific details will be available online. Quick facts The Canadian Agricultural Partnership, which succeeds Growing Forward 2, is a federal, provincial and territorial framework designed to strengthen the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector, ensuring continued innovation, growth, and prosperity. Programs and activities are focused on: • growing trade and expanding markets • the innovative and sustainable growth of the sector

NUED from PAGE 3

ery, and datathe GPS, which ction depending e in the field. A being used.” ard, Grant finds t. “There are a ple coming up in ght young people,

showing an interest and getting involved. It’s nice to see because we have no future in any industry without these young people.” And we certainly wouldn’t have a future without agriculture…So to all our local farmers, past, present, and future; we salute you!

News Advertiser insider PAGE 5

• supporting diversity and a dynamic, evolving sector As well as cost-shared strategic initiatives, the Partnership includes a complete and effective suite of business risk-management programs to help farmers manage risks that threaten the viability of their farm.


News Advertiser insider

MARCH 28, 2018

Daddy and Me Transportation Day Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Educational fun zoomed into Parent Link Centre’s parking lot at the Daddy and Me Third Annual Transportation Themed Day on March 24. Sparky the Dog (Vegreville Fire Hall Mascot), as well as, a fire truck, police car, snow plow, and tractor greeted the parents and children outside while children had a chance to sit in the vehicles. Inside there were crafts, stories, toy vehicles to ride in, and transportation bowling game that was set-up. Afterward, everyone was treated to a free hearty pancake breakfast. The children said they really enjoyed this program because it was so much fun to see and sit in the vehicles. Alain Perez, a father who has four daughters who frequently attend this ‘Daddy and Me’ program said he found the Transportation

Fathers look at the vehicles with their kids. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Larry Gullekson with his son, Lukas. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Mya, Ada, and Lukas play transportation bowling. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Sparky the Dog (The Firehall Mascot) with some of the kids. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Day was amazing because there was such a variety of vehicles for people to see. ‘This gives children a notion about transportation and helps children to learn. It is so nice to see because fathers are really playing, interacting and connecting with their children today. ‘Daddy and Me’ is a free program that gives fathers a chance to spend quality time with their children. Grandfathers and Uncles are also welcomed to attend.

MARCH 28, 2018

News Advertiser insider PAGE 7

Ukrainian Bilingual Performances at Wendy Brook

Ukrainian Bilingual Grades one and two. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

Vegreville Minor Hockey

The Mundare Vipers look forward to another great year of hockey.

The Vegreville Initiation Wranglers pose for one last camera shot at the end of the season.

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent A.L. Horton School’s Ukrainian Bilingual’s students graced the stage at the Wendy Brook Festival on March 19 and 20. There were choir, poetry solo/ duets/quartets and vocal solo/ duets, trios, choir, ensemble, and choir speech groups. Adjudicator, Joyce ChrunikRudiak said the younger students did an awesome job. They had very good stage presence, worked quite well in unison, pronounced words well, and did powerful presentations. The main skill they had to work on was to watch the

conductor more. For the older group, Rudiak mentioned that they must have done a lot of practicing because they were well-rehearsed, were in good unison, and they watched their conductor well.


News Advertiser insider

MARCH 28, 2018

Jack and the Beanstalk Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent A. L. Horton School rained with laughter while students learned a moral lesson during the March 19’s Alberta Opera production of Jack and the Beanstalk with a new twist. The play was students’ interactive and the cast requested for the students to sing-along to the songs. The production was about how a mother and her son, Jack was left with financial problems after Jack’s father died. So, they tried to sell their cow and the only offer Jack received was some magic beans in exchange for the cow. This led Jack on many adventures where he learned that maintaining trust and helping others are the values people need to be a true friend. Also, like their theme song said, ‘Do Your Best and Good Will Come to You.’ The entire school body issued a standing ovation at the end. Above: Jack and his mother try to sell their cow. Below: Alberta Opera practices. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

There was also a question period where the students asked how the cast got their costumes where they replied that the costumes were designed for them by people who knew they would be always changing characters. Also, they were made so the zippers and other fasteners came off easily. This Alberta Opera’s company is based in Edmonton. Their mandate is to bring the magic of theatre to students who might not get the opportunity to see it otherwise. They like to put their own spin on fairy tales so they are different from the traditional stories.

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