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Motherhood is a Fulfilling Vocation

Motherhood is a Fulfilling Vocation
Rosanne Fortier - News Correspondent
Robin Derow and her husband live in Mundare with their five children.
When Robin was asked how she felt when each of her children was born, she said she was extremely excited to add each child to their family. “We didn’t find out the children’s gender beforehand, so it was a fun surprise for us and our children.”
Robin said that their children’s personalities are unique to them, so being a mom to each child looks different. They grow up so quickly and are constantly learning and changing; they are like little sponges, watching everything you do. Ongoing assessment of their needs and how to tailor their growth is a vital part of motherhood.
Robin has learned so much being a mom. It has been an opportunity to grow in contentment whether it is folding another load of laundry in the long spring, cleaning up another mess, or dealing with a behavior that is challenging. She has learned to assess her own heart before correcting her children’s. Serving selflessly is one area of growth Robin has experienced as a mom. She said that as a Christian, motherhood drives you to your knees in prayer. “When you see your character coming out in your children, the good and the areas that need growth, you both get to grow individually and together.”
Robin loves the surprises that are part of motherhood; no day is the same. She loves seeing the world through the eyes of her kids. “As they have interests, you get interested in things that you may have never considered before. You become engaged in what they enjoy as they learn and change and grow in their little personalities.”

Robin with her husband and five children.
(Melissa Hausser/Submitted Photo)
When asked about the difficult areas in motherhood, Robin said there are challenges to being a parent in a world that is constantly changing. There are time and financial restrictions, relational and parenting philosophies, personalities, and pressures. “I am constantly asking myself if what I am doing as a mom is good, and if it is what is best for my children.”
When I asked how motherhood is different today than 40 years ago, Robin noted that one major shift has been the increase in technology. Communication and access to knowledge and the world influences parenting. The world is simply different than it was when she was growing up. The morals, experiences and opportunities are different. Some positive and some which have negative effects on society.
When asked if Robin would recommend being a mother, she said absolutely. The family is the most basicbuilding block of our society; the role of motherhood is extremely important and rewarding, a most beautiful experience that cannot be put into words. “Being a mom is really not about me - but what an opportunity it brings to love and to be loved.”
In closing, Robin wanted to acknowledge that motherhood experiences are different for everyone. She, like many others, has experienced loss. There is longing, sickness, and sadness in motherhood. Each experience is real and unique. She said that she is thankful for all the “mothers” who have been part of her life and who play a vital part shaping her children’s lives.

An Ordinary Superhero
Rosanne Fortier - News Correspondent
Aryele Fleming and her husband, Stephan Gaudet first son, Cameron was the New Year’s baby where he was born on January 3, 2017. He was the first baby born that year to people who lived in Vegreville. They have welcomed Riley on Oct. 17, 2018, and Paige on May 20, 2021, into their family.
When Aryele was asked what it was like to be a mother, she said it was challenging and unique. “The challenges are you never know what is going to happen next. It is unique because everyone’s experience is different. You can’t compare yourself to other mothers. You can’t be hard on yourself; you have to be open minded and forgiving.
The best parts about being a mother are all the happy days when you get to witness all your children’s milestones and watching them grow and learning new things. It is good to watch them go through positive emotions, going on family vacations during summer, and just having downtime with your children where you relax at home, watch movies, or read them a story. Personally, it is fun to be a mom. It feels awesome! You feel like a superhero being a mom!

Aryele and Stephan with their three children, Cameron, Riley, and Paige.
(Rosanne Fortier/ Photo)
I feel being a mother of young children today is a lot different than 40 years ago as there are so many different aspects to it. It is a lot easier with the modern conveniences but at the same time it is a lot more diversified. There is so much more knowledge out there about children’s developmental stages and children’s needs. The world is more technologically advanced. It is better in some ways and worse in the way technology took over and working mothers have less time to be with their family. Before, the father was usually the one who worked outside the home. But this doesn’t apply to me as I am a stay at home mother.
The advice I would give mothers who are considering motherhood is be prepared to be late for everything, keep an open mind and don’t have too many children too close together not unless that is what you really want. Don’t take on more than what you can handle. Also, you have to be patient and not have expectations.