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may 27, 2020
Local Businesses Adapt well to COVID-19 Pandemic Protocols Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Some of the local businesses revealed how they have been affected or have not
been affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Bert Loves, owner of Love’s Custom Meats, said his business has been able to offer full services and has not been affected by the Coronavirus. “We have been open the whole time of the COVID19 Pandemic. We have been following all the special protocols needed at this time including the social distancing, hand washing, and sanitation practices that are required,” Loves said. Dayton Gegolick, one of the owners of Vantage Building Supplies Ltd. said their stores are open and people can come and go. “If you want you can call us up and place your order there. We can give you a price and if you are in town, we can also deliver it to you; if you are somewhere like in Mundare, we can possibly do free delivery if we time it when we are going into the city. We are now offering full services. We
Please be advised that the Vegreville & District Chamber of Commerce will be hosting their General Meeting. This will be done via an online zoom meeting. Our guest speaker is being sponsored by Wilde and Company and will be Todd Hirsch who is the Vice President and Chief Economist for ATB Financial. The presentation will be Alberta’s Economy in a COVID-19 World: What we KNOW, what we DON’T KNOW, and potential opportunities Date: June 3rd, 2020 Place: Online via Zoom Time: Noon - sharp Cost: There will be no cost to participate, however we encourage a e. donation to the local food bank or to a charity of one’s choice Please RSVP by noon June 2, 2020 to 780-632-2771 or by email to Once you RSVP, a link to the meeting will be provided to you.
always stayed open during the COVID19 Pandemic. For about a month there,
our doors were locked but if you knocked on the door, they let you in. We reduced our hours a little. This year,
we were open on Saturday’s but we temporary removed Saturday’s because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. But then yes, the COVID-19 Pandemic has affected us especially on the Vantage Builders’ side where we design buildings and do houses, commercial and farm buildings; everything stopped on that side but hopefully things start improving, we will see how that works,” added Gegolick. “The special protocols we are practicing are we have a sign on the door that says to keep a certain distance away. We always had hand wash stations at the entrance of our door in our building as soon as you walk in, so we still have those. We are also washing down and spraying down everything in the building four times a day; more often for the exterior handles and we hope that people wear masks but that is not a requirement.”
Vegreville Playgrounds are now Open Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Vegreville Town Council announced on May 22 that playgrounds had re-opened. The announcement is part of the Government of Alberta’s Relaunch Strategy as well as the Town of Vegreville’s Relaunch Plan.
The regulations of social distancing of two metres still has to be followed. Several families ventured out on May 24 to enjoy the many playgrounds in Vegreville, and said how excited they are to be able to enjoy the parks again.
Chantelle Fritz keeps active with her son Ryker Fritz on the equipment at Vegreville Lions Club Community Pirate Playground. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
Get moving with the Kalyna Country Primary Care Network to celebrate your health and support local businesses, all while social distancing. Here's how it works: 1. Join our 'team' for free by messaging us on Facebook or emailing All participants will receive a virtual registration package and entry to win a door prize with treats from local businesses. 2. Make a pledge to run, walk, or bike as many km as you would like on June 3rd - all pledges go towards a team goal! 3. Join our Facebook group to receive updates and extra door prize entry opportunities!