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Ukraina Park in Mundare Remains Closed
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Even though the Province has allowed campgrounds to re-open, Ukraina Park in Mundare remains closed.
Colin Zyla, Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Mundare, said he is trying to obtain information from the provincial government as to whether they will be allowed to host ball tournaments this summer.

Ukraina Park in Mundare remains closed, and will remain so, unless the Province lifts restrictions around ball tournaments.
“It was decided to close the park for the summer for financial reasons. The majority of our revenue at the park is from ball tournaments. It did not make sense to continue to operate the park if provincial regulations meant a majority of our revenue could not be achieved. If the rules change, we will look at opening the park again if it is possible.”
On average, the town hosts five ball tournaments per year. “We would lose about $20,000, however, any revenue we receive helps to cover the cost of operations. The cost to operate the facility is about $60,000 which is offset by revenue.”
Zyla said he believes the ball tournaments have a positive effect on the local economy, but could not give an actual amount as to what that would equate to in dollars and cents.