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Quick Change Scam at the No Frills in Vegreville
Fraud Quick Change Scam at the No Frills in Vegreville
S/Sgt Terry Hyggen RCMP – Vegreville Detachment
On October 3, 2019, around 6:00 pm, No Frills store was exploited off quickchange scam. A white female was described with long reddish hair, claimed to not speak English, long black winter jacket with fur around the hood, black pants, grey sweater underneath the jacket, grey hat and purse slung around shoulder. The subject was observed to briefly walk over the produce section then attended the till to ask for change without buying anything. The subject threw a bunch of money on the belt and confused the cashier by demanding specific bills but kept changing her mind.

If you can help identify the female subject, please contact: Cst. Julius ABREU Vegreville Detachment Julius.abreu@rcmp-grc.gc.ca 780-631-2750