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Kids Make Pies at PLC
Kids Make Pies at PLC
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent
Children love to cook and they had a chance to make their own pies at Vegreville and Area Parent Link Centre, ‘Pie Themed’ Drop- In on October 4.

There were stations set-up where children could make pies from the shells and premade fillings and children could practice spooning the filling into the crust’s shell or they could get more tactical and make the tops of the pies. Also, if children wanted to make the whole pie they could as PLC Programmer, Angel Campbell had premade pie dough set-up.
On another table was material to make pies out of construction paper.
At a different station was a word search game where children could find how many of the word pie was on the sheet or for older children, there was a word search where kids could find words of different fillings that were inside a pie. As well, there was a puzzle with different shapes of pieces of pies that children had to match together.
As always, children could draw their favorite pies from the sample on the blackboard and PLC Programmer, Angel Campbell read the children a story about pies, as well as, she read a poem, and the kids had a chance to sing a song about pies.