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Vegreville News Advertiser - Halloween Safety Feature

This is part of our Halloween Safety Feature. See the newspaper for the two pages including more information and our great community sponsors.

Enjoy Halloween Safely
Rosanne Fortier - News Correspondent
Children become very excited on Halloween night, so Alberta Health Services provides these safety tips: Before you venture in the evening, make sure the children’s costumes and shoes fit right and that they are dressed appropriately for the temperature outside. At the same time, check to make sure the costumes aren’t a tripping hazard.
Add reflective tape to costumes and treat bags to ensure drivers can see your child in the dark.

Choose costumes, beards, and wigs labeled "flame-resistant".
When possible, pick face paint or make-up instead of a mask that can interfere with your child’s vision.
If your child wants to wear a mask or a head piece, ensure he/she can see clearly from the front and both sides and that it doesn’t interfere with your child’s breathing.
Keep away from sharp or dangerous costume props, such as a knife or sword.
For trick-or-treating, children should go with their parents or caregivers when possible, otherwise, they should go in groups, and never trick-or-treat alone, until they are old enough.

Reinforce the road safety rules and tell your child that the same safe road rules apply when trick-or-treating as they do any other night: always walk on sidewalks, and cross the street at crosswalks or street corners only.
Teach your child to trick-or-treat in well-lit areas, and to only visit homes that have outside lights turned on.
Make sure your children have a flashlight in their trick-or-treat bag.
Remind your child never to go inside a stranger’s home or car.

Before your child digs into his or her treat bag, be sure to inspect all goodies.
Discard all candy that has a loose, broken, or open wrapper.
Discard homemade candy or baked goods provided by people you don't know.
Wash all fruit, and cut it into pieces to inspect it before eating.
With carving jack-o-lanterns, youngsters should always have an adult present to do the carving. Children can be involved by drawing the face on the pumpkin and by cleaning the inside.

Another option is to just draw with a marker on the pumpkin.
Adults should be responsible for the lighting of any candles used inside the jack-o-lantern.
Don't allow children to play near jack-o-lanterns with candles burning.
Keep lit jack-o-lanterns out of the way of trick-or-treaters.
For drivers in the neighborhood, make sure to drive slowly and carefully during this night and always watch out for kids.
Homeowners must remove hazardous obstacles in their yards.