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Vintage Model T Racing Returns to Bruderheim

Vintage Model T Racing Returns to Bruderheim
Michelle Pinon - News Advertiser
It was one big dust up at the race track in Bruderheim as Model T cars and motorcycles tore around the half mile dirt oval at the Ag. Grounds on Aug. 31.

It was the six annual installment of the popular event that captivated more than 1,200 fans. Adding to the nostalgic charm was the Car & Motorcycle Show & Shine that had around 125 entries. There was also entertainment throughout the afternoon by Peter & the Wolves. The youngsters were kept busy at the petting zoo.

Matt Hotte, who organizes the event with his wife Cassie, dad Ken, and members of the Strong Garage crew, said the event keeps growing year after year and said they even had race fans from Saskatchewan and British Columbia attend this year. He was also happy to have his friend from Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan bring his 1940 Indian Motorcycle. “He also drove my car and won a couple of heats,” added Matt, who acted as MC for the event.

Whether you’re a racing fan or not, it was a great day just to spend time enjoying the activities. “It’s just a nice day out,” added Matt. “We’re always trying to improve on the event.” He’s got a couple of ideas already for next year’s event, but will take at least a few weeks off before starting to plan the 2025 installment.