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Two Hills & Area RCMP and Victim Services Host Hot Dog Lunch

Two Hills & Area RCMP and Victim Services Host Hot Dog Lunch
Michelle Pinon - News Advertiser
Melonie Gillis, Program Manager of Two Hills & Area Victim Services, said it was the fourth year they have hosted the barbecue. “It’s our way of recognizing the community and a chance to meet each other.”
Gillis said they like to host the event just before school starts so the teaching staff can join them. She added that, “Victim Services tries to be involved in the community to raise awareness of our service and encourage trust to access our support.”
Two Hills & Area Victim Services currently has a nine member board and part-time paid program manager as well
as four volunteer advocates. Gillis said, “Board members helping with the lunch were chair Pat Ewanishan, Treasurer Judy Robinson, Debbie Nahirnak, Doris Euchuk, Jan Goertz and Tammy Pockock. Missing were Wendy Darda, Sylvia Lapaschuk and Gail Zaparniuk. All members are very supportive and active. Also volunteering were volunteer advocates Amy Boettcher and Pat Yackimec.”

RCMP Staff Sgt. David Henry said, “The community barbecue was well attended and a good time for everyone. It’s nice to have these functions as Victim Services is such a valued asset in our community. The RCMP hold Mel and her VSU crew in such high esteem as they deal with people in crisis all the time and are such compassion warriors in our community. Looking forward to fall and continued service in the area.”