Cut loose with Iva
Think pink at the rodeo
For more than 30 years, Iva Wimp has been styling hair at her salon — a place where every customer feels right at home every time they visit.
Cowpokes of all ages are encouraged to be “Tough Enough to Wear Pink” at tonight’s special rodeo event at Freedom Hall in Louisville.
Business, A10
Making a run for it
Agriculture, A11
The News Standard
Five individual runners from the boys cross country team and the entire girls team will race at the state finals this weekend.
Sports, B1
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Meade County's Paper for the People
Friday, November 14, 2008
Meade County, Kentucky
Volume 3, No. 6
Jury selected, Klan trial underway in Meade Co. By Laura Saylor
BRANDENBURG — A civil trial between an 18-year-old that was brutally attacked at the Meade County Fair in 2006 and members of the Imperial Klans of America (IKA) is now underway. The trial began Wednesday at the Meade County Courthouse with jury selection starting at 9 a.m. More
“(The IKA) is no more dangerous than a rabbit or a dog. You put your hand in there, you might get bit.” —Ron Edwards, Imperial Wizard of the IKA than 100 jurors reported to the courthouse, though 14 were selected after a three-hour-long process. The final decision in the trial will be made by 12 jury members; two were selected
as alternates. During jury selection, William F. McMurry — an attorney for the plaintiff, 18-year-old Jordan Gruver
See KLAN, A5
IKA Imperial Wizard Ron Edwards, left, and IKA member Jarred Hensley listen to testimony at the courthouse Wednesday morning.
6,000 acres in, around county sell for $10.2 mil
By Laura Saylor
11th day
BRANDENBURG — The Farm Bureau Community Building at the Meade County Fairgrounds was standing room only Friday morning, as hundreds were present to witness the auctioning of 6,000 acres of land — a hefty portion of which was located in Meade County. Kimball International, a furniture and industrial electronics manufacturer headquartered out of Jasper, Ind., sold the land through Woltz and Schrader Auctions. A total of 27,212 acres was up for sale by Kimball: 9,400 acres were auctioned off on Nov. 6 in southern Indiana, 5,993 acres were sold in Brandenburg on Nov. 7, and 11,729 acres were auctioned off near Sturgis, Ky., on Nov. 8. The Sturgis area sale included land known as the “Game Trails” hunting property, which has been featured on numerous outdoor programs because of its worldclass deer hunting. Friday’s auction began at 10 a.m. and
11th hour veterans day Paying tribute to America’s bravest Several special ceremonies were held throughout the county last week, as civilians and military men and women joined together to celebrate Veterans Day. Many local schools held assemblies featuring speakers who discussed the importance of being a positive influence in one’s own community, and told personal stories about their tribulations while serving in wars overseas. CLOCKWISE: (From top left): VFW Post Commander Wilbur Beasley, left, speaks with Earl Murphy, a WWII veteran. Students and their military family members attend an assembly. Drummers in the eighth-grade band perform at Stuart Pepper Middle School. The color guard presents the flag at the middle school. Korean War veteran Guy Keys, left, and Vietnam veteran Joe Barger enjoy refreshments. Veterans salute during a ceremony at the high school. A human yellow-ribbon was displayed at Fort Knox last Thursday. Kevin Karr talks to middle school students.
‘Helmets to Hardhats’ opens doors for vets New program makes vets prerequisites for construction trade careers By Laura Saylor
As of Monday morning, the Meade County jail was on par, housing 96 state inmates. Seelye said after the early release program began, the jail dropped to an average of 70 inmates, though the numbers are back up to where they should be. “Wherever (state inmates) are available, we’re going to
MULDRAUGH — Kentucky may soon be on board with a new program that allows veterans to be prerequisites for stable careers in construction trade unions. Helmets to Hardhats, an up-and-coming national program was the topic of discussion during a meeting of the Kentucky Interim Joint Committee on Seniors, Veterans, Military Affairs, and Public Protection held at Lusk Mechanical last Thursday. Several dozen state senators and representatives, including State Rep. Jeff Greer (D-Brandenburg) and Sen. Carroll Gibson (R-District 5), attended the meeting, and welcomed a presentation by spokesmen of Helmets to Hardhats. Helmets to Hardhats is funded federally by the Department of Defense. It trains military men and women through a five-year apprenticeship that entails onthe-job training and classroom instruction. The program was established in 2003 and is now firmly in place in several states throughout the country, such as Oklahoma, Nebraska and New Hampshire.
See JAIL, A5
Early release program isn’t hurting local jail, yet IDA appointment is still ruffling feathers at Fiscal Court By Laura Saylor
Meade County jailor Troy Seelye said an early release program that had been issued by the state government months
ago isn’t cutting into the jail’s budget, though he’s taking state prisoners anywhere he can get them. The November Fiscal Court meeting was held Monday evening at the courthouse instead of Tuesday, due to the Veterans Day holiday. During the meeting, Seelye said the jail typically budgets $1 million in state funds that come from housing
state inmates, though an early release program has been in effect as a way for the state to help alleviate its several million dollar debt. The state pays county jails who house state inmates on a per inmate, per diem basis. “The early release helps the state deficit but it takes away from county’s revenues,” Seelye said.
Friday, November 14, 2008 Editorial
The News Standard - A3
Holiday season already? Bah humbug
At the rate the holiday season is expanding, Christmas in July might actually become a national holiday. Not so long ago, it felt like Thanksgiving weekend was the kickoff of holiday shopping. Now, right after the final trick-or-treater knocks on your door, businesses immediately “deck their isles” with boughs of holly (and other Christmas paraphernalia) for customers to buy. With the financial crises and greedy bankers glaring down at America like the misanthropic Ebenezer Scrooge locked up in his mansion, families more than ever will feel the crunch on their holiday budget. Suggestions and tips have been given by holiday shopping experts to shop early and buy in spurts. But buyers beware. This may lead to even more spending. Chipping away at presents one by one may seem like a good idea, but you could quickly find yourself on a slippery slope of too many gifts to give while no money to save. So whatever shopping strategy you have, keep tally of what you’re spending. This is the time, more than ever to stay on budget. But all is not bleak in the holiday world, maybe this can spark true holiday cheer. Instead of worrying about presents Santa Claus is going to bring, maybe it’s time to worry about things that truly affect the people around us. Instead of spending hours in lines at malls and department stores, spend time with the ones close to you. Because, of course, the greatest present of all is the presences of your loved ones.
Hang ‘no new taxes’ pledges in effigy, too By hanging images of Such prejudice — in any President-elect Barack form — should have died Obama and Gov. Sarah Pa- long ago. These effigies oflin, some redneck fer a throwback to racists demonstrate Bluegrass the days of public the persistence lynchings, which esBeacon of prejudices that sentially amounted should have died to little more than decades ago. an era of the worst The fact that the kind of collectivism effigy of our first — minority supblack president pression by a raging, hung from a tree lawless majority. on the campus of Not only do I hope Kentucky’s flagship the perpetrators university reinforc- Jim Waters get their due, but I es racial stereotypes believe intelligent that vex our state. Kentuckians who read this I hope those responsible column would agree that get what they deserve. such prejudicial ideas and Public pressure forced behavior deserve a place West Hollywood’s chief only in history’s dustbin. buffoon, Chad Michael On the other hand, I have Morrisette, to remove from an idea about something his property a mannequin that does deserve a hanging resembling Palin. Law-en- in effigy: Raising taxes to forcement officials said it deal with fiscal challenges. didn’t violate any laws beWhile campaigning for cause it made up part of a office, Gov. Steve Beshear Halloween display. promised to consider tax Scary. increases “only as a last reThe effigy of Obama — sort.” complete with a mask and Yet, Beshear now plans noose around its neck — to waste costly fuel travelrightly drew condemnation ing around the state to try from University of Ken- and soften opposition totucky President Lee Todd, ward raising taxes and mawho called it “deplorable.” nipulating the hardworking The university continues residents of Kentucky into to put forth a full-fledged approving the distasteful effort to increase its minor- idea of expanding casino ity student population. Its gambling. “As a last resort” means actions don’t jibe with this after exhausting all other pathetic prank.
Barriers to opening a small business Veterans Post Freddy Groves The General Accountability Office recently reported to the House and Senate Committees on Small Business on the status of The Military Reservist and Veterans Small Business Reauthorization and Opportunity Act of 2008. The Act, in a nutshell, was an update and expansion of a similar one in 1999. Its original purpose was to bring federal agencies together under one umbrella to aid service-disabled veterans who wish to open small businesses. Years ago, all the pertinent agencies entered into Memos of Understanding (MOUs), which outlined exactly how each agency would coordinate with the others to bring about the desired end results. For example, the Department of Veterans Affairs, Small Business Administration (SBA) and Association for Small Business Development Centers signed an MOU to establish a clearinghouse for information on assistance programs on the federal, state and local levels. The GAO report concluded that: •Federally mandated
objectives were not being met, and lack of coordination adds to the problems veterans face in wading through the federal programs. •There have been delays in setting up an interagency task force to bring all the programs together. For example, it was required that the task force be set up within 90 days of Feb. 14, 2008, with the SBA in charge. As of October, it had not, and the SBA didn’t know when it would be. •Established MOUs were gutted. The SBA said they “institutionalized” their MOUs, whatever that means. The VA’s subsequent MOUs were signed, but not by the SBA. •The information clearinghouse, which was to have information for service-disabled veterans all in one place, was never established. At this point, servicedisabled veterans wanting to start a business are still being sent to multiple programs and agencies, and no one agency has all the information available from all the programs.
options. However, the governor offers no suggestions for meaningful reform of the state workers’ pension system. So far, Kentucky’s “taxislature” has avoided tough, cost-saving choices, including addressing elements of the pension system that line their pockets. Why should taxpayers have to pay for Cadillac-like pension benefits for state workers — including for legislators — when a Fordlike plan would do? Speaking of automakers, on the same day recently that Beshear offered his latest and increasingly tiresome, “fire-in-the-crowdedtheater” message about a $294-million “shortfall,” came the announcement that state officials had approved $180 million in tax breaks for Ford Motor Co. — nearly two-thirds of the alleged shortfall. How about we hang such government-extracted bailouts for failing auto companies in effigy? Then, we can tie the “as-a-last-resort” promise to the same dummy because it no longer means anything. Likewise, we’ve seen no action taken to eliminate antiquated labor practices such as prevailing-wage requirements on public projects, which wastes $130
million in state tax revenues every year. Even as a public-school graduate, I can correctly figure that $130 million in savings from eliminating the union-biased, economybashing prevailing-wage policy, and the $180 million in tax breaks for Ford. By golly, that adds up to $310 million. Not only could the state clear the alleged deficit, it could net $16 million — just by eliminating prevailing wage on public projects and taxpayer-funded handouts for just a single private company. How can this administration possibly justify a tax increase at any time until it deals with these issues? Promising to raise our taxes only as “a last resort?” If Beshear succeeds in pressuring weak Kentucky lawmakers into going along with his fiscal Three-Card Monte, we might as well also hang in effigy all those “No New Taxes” pledges signed by many of those same politicians in recent years. Jim Waters is director of policy and communications for the Bluegrass Institute, Kentucky’s free-market think tank. You can reach him at jwaters@ Read previously published columns at
A brief reflection on the miracle of ‘plenty’ To what do we owe our 20-pound Butterball turkeys, our high-definition TVs, our spacious and warm homes this Thanksgiving? Something that won’t be high on anyone’s list of things to be grateful for, but undergirds our way of life — a centuries-old economic revolution that changed the very terms of human existence. In his eye-opening book, “A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World,” Gregory Clark produces a chart tracking income per person throughout history. By Clark’s account, it is essentially flat from 1000 B.C. to A.D. 1800, reflecting the crushing burden of providing for our material wants in an environment of economic stasis. Then, income per person explodes upward around 1800, coinciding with the Industrial Revolution that first arrived in England. Without it, most of us would still be living poor, nasty, brutish and short lives. How poor? “The average person
Write to Freddy Groves in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to columnreply@
in the world of 1800 was no better off than the average person of 100,000 B.C.,” Clark argues. “Life expectancy was no higher in 1800 than for huntergatherers: 30 to 35 years. Stature, a measure both of the quality of diet and of children’s exposure to disease, was higher in the Stone Age than in 1800. And while foragers satisfy their material wants with small amounts of work, the modest comforts of the English in 1800 were purchased only through a life of unrelenting drudgery.” Throughout most of history, Clark argues, humankind was caught in a “Malthusian trap:” Small economic advances were outpaced by resulting population growth that made it impossible for living standards to increase. The massive productivity gains of the Industrial Revolution — driven essentially by expanding knowledge — broke the trap and created modern life as we know it. “The richest modern economies are now 10 to
20 times wealthier than power. England reaped the the 1800 average,” Clark benefits first, then its sucwrites. In these economies, cessor as a superpower, the United States. it is the unskilled National And so the mirawho have benefited cle that started 200 most. Review years ago marches “Unskilled male on. wages in England “Currently, inhave risen more dustrial societies since the Industrial appear to be douRevolution than bling their rate skilled wages,” of technological Clark writes, “and progress every this result holds 10 years,” Mead for all advanced Rich Lowry writes. “If this coneconomies.” There tinues, and there is have always been very rich people. What’s every reason to suppose changed in the past 200 that it will, the 21st century years is the growth of will experience the equivalent of 20,000 years of ‘norwealth and its spread. In his new book “God mal’ human progress.” So long as it remains an and Gold: Britain, America, and the Making of the open and dynamic econoModern World,” Walter my, the United States is poRussell Mead picks up the sitioned to stay at the heart story from a geopolitical of this progress. Thank goodness for that, and pass perspective. England embarked on the drumstick. its capitalist revolution at Rich Lowry is editor of the exactly the time when “the country that mastered this National Review. Write to the new system would gath- National Review at National er rewards that far out- Review, 215 Lexington Avstripped all the treasures enue, New York, New York of any empire in the past.” 10016, or visit www.nationWith that came world
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A4 - The News Standard
Friday, November 14, 2008
Chief urges CO caution after Kroger gas leak POLLOCK’S APPLIANCE Selling full line of Whirlpool and Frigidaire appliances!
Staff Report The News Standard A gas leak at Kroger that occurred last Friday morning led to emergency responders evaluating 10 people, two of which were transported for further treatment. Meade County Fire Chief Larry Naser said a response unit made an initial run after the grocery store’s pilot
Helmets From page A1 “It’s a fantastic program, because (veterans) are such great workers,” said Jack Canady, a Louisville business owner who recently hired two veterans through the new program. “They show up on time, they’re labor intensive, they’re of good character, and they’re solid citizens.” Veterans are accepted into the program after meeting requirements, such as having an honorable discharge; having a high school diploma or equivalent; passing a drug test; conducting an interview; and being physically fit enough to work. Qualified veterans must be at least 18 years old, though there is no age cap. For veterans unable to perform physically demanding jobs, administrative careers in the construction field are also available, said Darrell L. Roberts, executive director of the nonprofit organization. “There are 5,800 veterans seeking employment in the I-65 Corridor,” he said. “With Fort Knox and Fort Campbell being the large military installations that they are … we thought it was important to bring (Helmets to Hardhats) to Kentucky.” Veterans receive almost $1,000 per month as they attend the apprenticeship program to help offset living costs. Once the apprenticeship is complete, each person receives an Associ-
Acres From page A1 concluded after 1 p.m. The 5,993 acres for sale were divided into 34 tracts ranging in size from 20 acres to 1,000 acres. More than 3,000 acres were located in Meade County (most of which was near the Lapland and Wolf Creek roads area), with other tracts located in Breckinridge, Butler, Crawford, Harrison and Perry counties. Fourteen different bidders purchased the land for a total of $10.243 million, though the purchasers’ names were not disclosed
light went out inside one of its large stoves in the deli area. Responders shut off the gas, though were called back to the store 30 minutes later after several employees complained of light-headedness. LG&E also reported to the store. “It wasn’t due to any negligence, it just happens ... this time of year,” Naser said.
He urged everyone to take the time to have furnaces and other gasemitting appliances safety checked, and to ensure carbon monoxide detectors work properly now that people are sealing their homes for the cold winter months. Kroger released the following statement: “The Kroger in Brandenburg did experience a natural
gas leak that was caused when a hot water heater pilot light malfunctioned. The pilot light has been repaired and we do not expect any further issues. A number of Kroger associates became nauseous or experienced shortness of breath. They received prompt medical attention and we are pleased to report they are all back at work doing well.”
Fort Knox commander receives second star Submitted by the Fort Knox Office of Public Affairs FORT KNOX — President George W. Bush has bestowed the responsibility for Fort Knox Commander Brig. Gen. Don Campbell Jr. to wear the rank of major general. Brig. Gen. Campbell was promoted at 11 a.m. Nov. 10 at the Patton Museum, and Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Chiarelli presided over the ceremony. Brig. Gen. Campbell was commissioned as an Armor officer in May 1978 and has served as a general since November 2005. He took command of Fort Knox and the Armor Center in January 2008. His responsibilities include overseeing and supporting operations for Fort Knox and the entire Armor force. Brigadier General Campbell is a graduate of the Armor Officer Basic Course, Infantry Officer Advanced Course, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and the U.S. Army War College. He holds a Master’s Degree in Administration from Central Michigan University. His decorations include the Legion of Merit with two oak leaf clusters, Bronze Star Medal with “V” device, Bronze Star Medal with oak leaf clusate’s Degree and has nearjourneyman experience, Roberts said. “They made a sacrifice for this country … and too many come back without a job to go to,” Roberts said. “But we can offer more than that. We can offer a them a career.” Canady said he is eager to hire more qualified veterans through the program, saying military men and by Woltz and Schrader. “For the second day in a row, the larger bidders were in there pitching, but the smaller buyers once again asserted themselves and purchased much of the land,” said Rex Schrader, president of Woltz and Schrader Auctions. “We’re seeing bidders who are seeking to purchase the land for its investment value, which is considerable because of Kimball’s careful management of the extensive hardwood timber stands. “But we are also seeing many bidders — and buyers — seeking land for their own personal use for recreation and personal enjoyment as well as its invest-
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Brig. Gen. Don Campbell Jr. was promoted to major general on Tuesday.
ter, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with silver oak leaf cluster, Army Commendation Medal with two oak leaf clusters, Army Achievement Medal with oak leaf cluster, Combat Action Badge, Parachutist Badge, and Recruiter Badge.
women are able to put their knowledge and powerful work ethic to use in a career field that requires hard work and responsibility. “They want to learn, and they need a career and (the businesses) need them … so it’s really just worked out great for me so far,” he said. Several members of the interim committee asked follow-up questions about
Helmets to Hardhats, and many were complimentary about the program and said further discussion would ensue. For more information about the program including testimonials from soldiers-turned-construction trade employees, to search current job listings, or to find out how to register, visit
Bid assistants from Woltz and Schrader Auctions call out bidders’ prices during Friday’s auction in Brandenburg. ment value.” For more information about the auction, visit and click on the “successful sales, recent sales” button.
Selling farm equipment, tools, electric golf cart, furniture, antiques, collectibles, glassware and lots of miscellaneous. OWNERS: Clarence Nall & Mary Berry TERMS: Cash or check w/ ID. 10% buyer’s premium added to determine final sale price. Check our website for info and pictures or call the Auctioneer, Max Ewart at (270) 877-5636 for a color brochure.
Dixon’s Auction House, 8621 SR 37, Tell City, IN AUCTIONEERS NOTE: There will be many more items than advertised, come take a look around! This will be a two ring auction. Lots of items! FURNITURE, ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Walnut One Drawer Telephone Table; Drop Front Secretary; Cedar Chest; Nice Oak China Cabinet w/Glass Shelves; Wooden High Chair; Cane Bottom Chairs; Gravity Flow Cream Separator; Primitive Baby Cradle; Old Wooden Play Pen; Coffee Table; Coat Rack; Blonde Bedroom Suit; Kitchen Cabinet; H&O Toy Trains; Egg Basket; Lard Press; Gnau Milk Bottle; Collignon Bros. Troy, IN Bowl; Many unlisted items! GUNS: 39A “Gold Trigger” Marlin 22 Lever Action Rifle w/ Scope; 39A “Gold Trigger” Mountie 22 Lever Action Rifle; Remington 22 Speedmaster w/ scope; Model 37 20ga. Red Letter; S & W 380 Auto; Iver Johnson 25 Auto; Iver & Johnson 22 Revolver; Stevens Model 58 12 ga. Bolt Action; J. Stevens Pump Shotgun; Glenfield Model 25 22 Cal. Bolt Action; Light 12 Browning Auto Lite 5 Belgium Made Vented Rib; 6mm Bolt Action Rifle Brescia w/ Bayonet; Ruger Single 6- 6” Barrel Reg & Mag Cylinder 22 Cal; Ruger Single 6 – 9” Barrel Reg & Mag Cylinder 22 Cal; BB Guns; 600 Jr. Shotgun Reloader; Buck Knives; Few Case Knives & Others… Assortment of tools, lawn equipment etc… TELL CITY® FURNITURE: 3 Barstools #8064; King Headboard; Double Dresser w/ Mirror; Round Side Table; Pr of Coffee & End Tables; Dining Table; Three #8018 Side Chairs / One Captains Chair; Pr of Sconces #3274; Pr of Sconces #3168; Candleholders #3250; Approx. 15 Primers & Some Dealer Books & Brochures… LARGE COLLECTION OF COINS: WWII Japanese & German Bills; Silver Coins Including Dollars & Halves; Proof Sets; Mint Sets & MANY, MANY UNLISTED PAPER & COINS! OWNERS: ADA DAMIN ESTATE Guns will be taken to local dealer to be registered at buyers expense. Go online for full terms & info. Auctioneer: Scott Dixon (AU0900065)
Christmas bazaar kicks off holiday season By Chelsey Garris
The Meade County Extension Office Homemakers Club hosted its annual Christmas Bazaar last Saturday at the Meade County High School. More than 500 people attended the festive event. The Homemakers have hosted the Christmas Bazaar for more than 40 years, and each year brings a larger turnout. “This really kicks off everybody’s holiday shopping season in Meade County,” said Jennifer Bridge, the county’s Family Consumer Science Extension Agent. The Homemakers are divided into seven groups throughout Meade County: Garrett, Doe Valley, Town and Country, Night Owls, Midway, Bluegrass, and Friendship. The Christmas Bazaar originated with only these seven groups sponsoring booths, but within the last six years the Homemakers
The Homemakers Christmas Bazaar was held last weekend at the Meade County High School. decided to add other vendors to the event. This year, several different organizations were on-hand selling an eclectic array of products such as picture frames, Christmas ornaments, baked goods, cookbooks, cutlery, and more. “Many people will come out to buy their baked goods for the Thanksgiving holiday,” Bridge said.
One stipulation is required for vendors participating in the bazaar. “We require that everything be handmade,” said Pat Ditto, president of the Meade County Extension Homemakers. New this year were afghans depicting images of Meade County, such as pictures from the fair, the Doe Valley Golf Course,
Buttermilk Falls and Doe Run Inn. The afghans are 52 x 69 inches and are 100 percent cotton. For more information on how to order a Meade County afghan, call the Extension Office at 270-422-4958. The Homemakers meet at least twice a year to plan for the bazaar, though they work all year long preparing crafts and other items to be sold there. Members from all seven divisions of the club worked diligently to set-up their booths Friday night and Saturday morning prior to the beginning of the bazaar. Along with the various booths that filled the high school cafeteria, the bazaar offered drinks, snacks and door prizes, and Santa Claus was on-hand, taking early Christmas wishes from children in attendance. “It’s great that the community has (Christmas Bazaar),” Bridge said. “It’s a great way for local businesses to promote their business, too.”
2500 S. Dixie E-town, Ky 42701
Friday, November 14, 2008
The News Standard - A5
Save big by preparing your home for old man winter Submitted by the BBB
With a tough economy looming like the Grinch over this year’s holiday season, many people are looking for ways to ensure their homes are ready for the cold winter months in an effort to save money through energy efficiency. The Better Business Bureau is offering a checklist for homeowners to safely prepare their homes for winter and perhaps save a few dollars in the process. According to the Energy Information Administration, home heating costs this winter are expected to rise by 23 percent for homeowners who rely on heating oil, 18 percent for homes relying on natural gas and 10-11 percent for homes heated by propane or electricity. Luckily, homeowners can fend off some of the rising energy costs by winterizing their home before the harshest weather takes hold. Winterizing a home makes good economic sense because a small up-
and crack. The ridge vents need to be cleaned as well in order to allow the house to “breath” correctly. Otherwise, air will stagnate and create an unhealthy environment.
front investment can pay dividends for months by increasing the energy efficiency of a house and reducing overall heating costs. Following is a BBB home winterizing checklist for consumers to consult when preparing for the cold months ahead: Furnace Furnaces older than 15 years might be due for a replacement. For younger furnaces, the BBB recommends making sure the furnace filter is clean, the thermostat is working properly and the pilot light is functioning. Homeowners can also hire an inspector to do the job and make sure the furnace is in safe working order. Heating ducts Ducts should be cleaned once every two years. Homeowners should also consider adding insulation to any exposed duct work. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, a home with central heating can lose up to 60 percent of its heated air before that
Smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detectors The BBB recommends testing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors and installing fresh batteries. Homeowners should consider replacing smoke alarms older than 10 years. STOCK PHOTO
Before lighting the fireplace this year, have chimneys inspected to help prevent house fires or other disasters.
air reaches the vents if duct work is not well-connected and insulated, or if it travels through unheated spaces.
bris and leaves that may have fallen in. The BBB also recommends installing a screen over the chimney opening.
Chimney Before lighting up, homeowners planning on using their fireplace come winter should have the chimney inspected for animals, de-
Gutters and ridge vents Gutters should be cleaned to prevent any clogs that would cause rainwater to back up and freeze, making the gutters expand
Caulking and weather stripping The average American home has air leaks that amount to a nine-squarefoot hole in the wall, according to the EarthWorks Group. To prevent leaks, homeowners should inspect the caulking around windows and doors and check for cracking and peeling. In addition, the BBB recommends ensuring that doors and windows shut tightly and no cold air is coming in due to worn
down weather stripping.
Seasonal equipment Homeowners won’t need their spring and summer equipment for a few months, so the BBB recommends draining the water from garden hoses and air conditioner pipes and the gasoline from the lawnmower and other garden tools. It’s also time to pull out the snow shovels and plows and ensure they are in good repair.
Emergency kit When a winter storm strikes, an emergency kit should have all essential materials in one handy place. An emergency kit should include flashlights, candles and matches, a first aid kit, bottled water, non-perishable food and a battery-powered radio. BBB recommends creating the same emergency kit for the car as well, including a couple blankets. For more advice you can trust on home maintenance and saving money this winter, visit the BBB online at
PINS festival, silent auction to feature airline tickets Submitted by Pat Bowen PINS PR Chairman Fingers are flying and holiday trimmings are being made for the Pets In Need Society (PINS) Wreath Festival to be held Nov. 30 through Dec. 5 at the Meade County Courthouse. Wreaths, swags, small trees, tabletop decorations,
Jail From page A1 get them because it’s such a budgetary concern,” he said. He said the jail was currently operating within budget. Magistrate Herbie Chism brought into question an appointment made to the Meade County/Brandenburg Industrial Development Authority. Carl Austin was appointed to the committee by Meade County Judge/Executive Harry Craycroft during the August Fiscal Court meeting, though Chism has contested the appointment since then, saying Craycroft needed the court’s approval before the appointment is final. Last month, Craycroft presented Chism with a copy of
Klan From page A1 — asked potential jurors if they would be able to openly and unbiasedly devote their full attention to the trial, disregardful of any preconceived notions or learned information presented on TV, newspaper or radio media. McMurry, who is representing Gruver along with attorney Morris Dees, cofounder of the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Ala., and Brandenburg City Attorney Steve Crebessa, said he is handling this trial pro bono. Defendants Ron Edwards, Imperial Wizard of the IKA — an international white supremacy group headquartered in Dawson’s Spring, Ky. — and Jarred Hensley — a former IKA member — chose to be un-represented by an attorney. McMurry said Gruver — who was present at the trial — is seeking $12,000 in medical expenses for injuries that occurred after his attack; $137,288 for future medical expenses (including antidepressant medications and treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder); $852,000 in lost wages claims; up to $5 million in pain and suffering damages; and possibly tens of millions of dollars in pu-
and other holiday items are being fabricated for donations from the community. More animals are being adopted from the Meade County Animal Shelter and PINS pays 100 percent of the spay/neuter for these animals, so the PINS volunteers must come up with some great offerings to tempt everyone and raise more money.
In addition, this year Southwest Airlines has donated two round-trip tickets to anywhere Southwest flies, which will be the feature item of a silent auction that will last throughout the Wreath Festival week. There will also be a Dell computer with Windows XP available in the silent auction. Those interested in these items should add
a written letter from Attorney General Jim Ringo saying the appointment was legal. On Monday night, Chism stated that the letter did not address the IDA appointment. Craycroft said the matter was “a done deal until proven otherwise.” Mark Gossett, Meade County Recycle Center Director, said the center lost a truck due to engine malfunction last Monday. He was told it would cost roughly $10,000 to replace the diesel engine, which he thought the vehicle wasn’t worth. The county may consider leasing a truck through a special program after hearing a presentation by Jim Dotson of Worldwide Equipment in Prestonburg, Ky. Gossett said the center’s new shredder is working well, and reminded the public it is a free service. He also said a new recycling pro-
gram will begin next week, through which schools will bring 20 boxes of white paper per day to the center to be recycled. After much deliberation, magistrates voted to “spot zone” a piece of property along KY 1238 near Garrett from B-2 to R-1, though planning and zoning denied the request because it conflicted with the county’s comprehensive plan, due to interference for the planned Highway 313 project. Magistrates Tom Goddard, Steve Wardrip, Randall Hardesty and Craycroft voted to in favor of the “spot zone,” while Mark Hubbard, Tony Staples and Chism voted against it, saying “spot zoning” is a discouraged practice, and the entire strip of land in that area should be rezoned to residential, instead of just the .987 acre parcel in question.
nitive damages. A previous lawsuit regarding the beating occurred in 2007 that resulted in Hensley and another attacker, IKA member Andrew Watkins, serving two years in a state penitentiary. Gruver’s assault occurred after midnight on July 30, 2006. Gruver, who is of Panamanian descent and was 16 years old at the time, was at a concession area of the Meade County Fairgrounds when Hensley and Watkins allegedly threw whiskey on his face, spit on him, called him racially-demeaning names, and then beat him. Brandenburg Police Officer Scotty Singleton testified to seeing Watkins and Hensley kicking Gruver, who was lying on the ground. Singleton arrested Watkins, and another officer arrested Hensley. Former Meade County Sherriff and former County Attorney Detective Joe Greer testified that Hensley was wearing steel-toed boots during the attack — which were confiscated at the Meade County jail — and that Gruver was in poor physical and emotional condition as he gave an official statement several days after the attack. He said Gruver’s mouth was wired shut as he tried to issue the statement. Hensley — who is denying being part of the assault
— said he and Watkins saw Gruver hitting a woman, and they intervened. Hensley said he never got closer than six feet to Gruver. Edwards is denying accusations that he told members of the IKA to go to the fair on a recruiting mission. He said the IKA is founded on its freedoms of speech and religion, and it is a law-abiding organization that doesn’t promote violence. “(The IKA) is no more dangerous than a rabbit or a dog,” Edwards said. “You put your hand in there, you might get bit.” He said members of the IKA that commit illegal acts are kicked out of the organization. Opening statements began around 1 p.m. Wednesday. The plaintiff called several witnesses to the stand Wednesday afternoon, including Edwards, who testified for more than an hour. The trial continued Thursday, and was scheduled to end Friday, though it may continue longer if needed. Security is expected to continue to be stringent for anyone entering the court room. Metal detectors are being used by security officers and several Kentucky State Police Officers were on site all day Wednesday. Meade County Circuit Court Judge Bruce Butler is presiding over the trial.
their names and amount pledged to a list at the courthouse during the Wreath Festival. The highest bids on the list at 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 5 will win the items. The festival begins Sunday, Nov. 30 from noon to 5 p.m. All items may be taken at the time they are purchased. Various individuals and
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community businesses sponsor the festival at the $25, $50, and $100 levels and their names are placed on ornaments on the festival tree, which will stay in the courthouse until Christmas. The theme this year is “Winter is for the Birds,” so expect to see the bird themes with many of the courthouse decorations.
Anyone wishing to donate a wreath or item for the festival is welcome to bring it to the courthouse Thanksgiving week or when we are setting up on Nov. 29. PINS next regular meeting is Nov. 24 at 7 p.m. at Little Dave’s Down on the River. The election of 2009 officers will be on the agenda.
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A6 - The News Standard
Friday, November 14, 2008
Evelyn Royalty
John Harold Carlberg
Mark Jude Whelan
Evelyn Royalty, 87, of Hardinsburg, Ky. passed away Nov. 7, 2008 at Breckinridge Memorial Hospital in Hardinsburg, Ky. She was born August 13, 1921 and was the daughter of the late John and Carrier Leigh Drane. She was preceded in death by her husband, Willard Royalty; one daughter, Geraldine Hayes; one sister, Anna Midred Henning; three brothers, Kenneth, Randolph and Irvin Drane; two grandchildren, Deanna Douglas, Joni Lyn Bandy. She was survived by two daughters; Katherine Goodman of Hardinsburg, Ky. and Lois Whitworth of Harned, Ky.; one sister, Louise Drake; four grandchildren, Karen Dowell (Bobby), Sherrie Brown, Toni Bandy Borders (Mark), Brad Whitworth; three great-grandchildren, Allison Dowell Hall (David), Stephanie Renfro Sprigler (Tim), Alan Hancock; three great-great-grandchildren, Olivia, Nolan, and Colton Hall. Funeral Services were held Nov. 10, 2008 at Alexander Funeral Home in Irvington, Ky. Burial followed in Custer Cemetery in Custer, Ky.
John Harold Carlberg, Sr., 73, passed away at his home on Nov. 9, 2008. He was born Feb. 12, 1935 in West Point, Ky. He spent his early childhood in Lexington, Ky. and then moved to Muldraugh, Ky. where he resided with his family for the rest of his life. He went to high school at West Point, Ky. and attended college at Lindsey Wilson and the University of Louisville. He taught school before becoming the Muldraugh Postmaster where he retired in 1992. He also built his own business, Carlberg s Asphalt Maintenance Company, on the side. He married his high school sweetheart, Avalene King, who passed away in 1991. They had two sons, John Harold, Jr. and Jeffrey Morris. He married Brenda Patterson in 1997. He was a devoted Deacon of Muldraugh Baptist Church, served as Mayor of Muldraugh, was a member of the Muldraugh City Council and Muldraugh Lions Club, President of Kentucky Postmaster’s Association and was recognized in the 5th Region Hall of Fame Referees for football, basketball and baseball. He was preceded in death by his parents; Anna Elizabeth and Carl Olaf Carlberg; his wife, Avalene; his brother-inlaw, Ralph Lucas; his sister-in-law Phyllis Carlberg and his sister, Carol Joy Murphy. He is survived by his loving wife, Brenda; two sons, John Harold (Jay) Carlberg, Jr. (Gina), and Jeffrey Morris Carlberg (Sherri); his two step-children, Lawrence Edge (Teresa) and Cheryl Taul (Chuck); his grandchildren, Emily Linn, John (Trey) Harold III (Jami), Jason King, Major Chadwell, Gunnar King and two great-granddaughters, Lexi and Gabi. He is also survived by his siblings Ray (Jayne) Carlberg, Betty (Bob) Bastraw, Robert Carlberg, Ralph (Annabelle) Carlberg, Barbara (Joe) Cubbage and Ronnie (Vicki) Schneteger. Funeral services were held Nov. 13 from the Muldraugh Baptist Church with burial following in Garnettsville Cemetery. Funeral services were officiated by the BruingtonJenkins-Sturgeon Funeral Home in Brandenburg. Expressions of sympathy may be made to the Children and Youth programs of the Muldraugh Baptist Church. Online condolences may be made at
Mark Jude Whelan, 48, of Guston, Ky., passed away Oct. 20, 2008 at his residence. He was born March 10, 1960 to the late James Edward and Mildred Marie Speckner Whelan. He is survived by three sisters; Millie (Bill) Ray of Union Star, Ky., Marilyn (Jerry) Neely of Florida and Patricia (Lee) Macomb of Alabama; and one brother, James (Nancy) Whelan of Alabama. Cremation was chose by the family.
Edward Tyrone Hendrix Edward Tyrone Hendrix, 29, of Mayfield, Ky. died Nov. 2, 2008, in Mayfield. He is survived by his parents, Joann and Russell Cleaver, Radcliff, Ky.; three sons, Izaiah and Enreque Hendrix, Radcliff, Ky. and Dominique Colon, Boise, Idaho; a sister, Velvet Hendrix, Radcliff, Ky.; his ex-wife, Crystal Hendrix, Radcliff, Ky.; two uncles, Jessie and Timothy Toms, Radcliff, Ky.; a special friend, Jennifer Ward, Radcliff, Ky. and the mother of his children, Kristen Marshall, Radcliff, Ky. Funeral services were held Nov. 10 from the Chapel of the Hager Funeral Home with Bishop Carl Small, Sr., officiating. Burial was held in St. Brigid Cemetery in Vine Grove. Expressions of sympathy may be donations to the Tyrone Hendrix fund c/o Velvet Hendrix at PNC Bank. Online condolences at
James “Roy” McCrary
James “Roy” McCrary, 77, passed away Nov. 5, 2008 at Hardin Memorial Hospital in Elizabethtown, Ky. He was born June 18, 1931 to the late Franklin & Angeline (Loy) McCrary. He was preceded in death by three children; Rhonda, Diane, & Denise McCrary. He was survived by his wife of 29 years, Phyllis (Brooks) McCrary; one son, James Gregory McCrary; four daughters, Mary Jane (Jerry) Hogle, Karen (Al) Lindsey, Sabrina (Dan) Redenius, Kimberly (Greg) Mayes; two brothers, Troy (Vickie) McCrary, John (Shelia) McCrary; three sisters, Nellie (Junior) Embry, Myrtle (Joe) Swink, Barbara Frey; seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild; numerous nieces, nephews and countless friends. Roy was a member of the Bewleyville Masonic Lodge # 228 for 50 years and attended the First Church of God in Guston, Ky. Funeral Services were held Nov. 9 at Alexander Funeral Home in Irvington, Ky.
Phyllis Thelma Lowe Phyllis Thelma Lowe, 76, of Brandenburg, Ky. died Nov. 5, 2008 at her residence. Mrs. Lowe is survived by three children, Robin (Mark) Levins, Arlington, Texas, Roy (Siggy) Lowe, Vine Grove, Ky. and Todd Lowe, Asheville, N.C.; one brother, Clifford Jordan, seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Nov. 8 from the Chapel of the Hager Funeral Home with cremation to follow. Online condolences at
Jessie O. Lynn
Tammy Lynn Brown
Jessie O. Lynn, 88, of Radcliff, Ky., departed this life Nov. 5, 2008 at her home. She was the daughter of Oliver Moses and Lucy Hayes Bell Haggard born in Liberty, Ky. on Dec. 10, 1919. She was a devoted wife and loving mother. Family was never far from her mind and always close to her heart. ”GG’s sugar babies” (grandchildren) were the lights of her life -- her pride and joy. Her zest for life was an inspiration to all who knew her. A proud Kentuckian all of her life, she was a member of the Honorable Order of the Kentucky Colonels. She was preceded in death by her husband, Estill L. Lynn and her son, James S. “Scottie” Lynn. Her memory and strength will live on through her daughter, Nancy C. Lynn Over (Ron) of Vancouver, Wash.; grandchildren Dale L. Lynn (Cindy), Carolyn M. Lynn Shepherd (Joe), Kathy L. Over Wienberg (Jon) and Jamie R. Over; her great-grandchildren, Joseph S. “Joey” Shepherd, Devyn, Alyssa and Alayna Lynn, Amanda and Carly Wood, and Hannah and Grace Weinberg; great great-great granddaughter, Victoria Pray Carpenter and daughter-in-law, Maria Lynn Lane (Benson) of Louisville, Ky. She was a member of Mill Creek Baptist Church where her funeral services were held Nov. 8 with Dr. James Shaw officiating. Burial was in North Hardin Memorial Gardens in Radcliff, Ky. Arrangements were held by Nelson-Edelen-Bennett Funeral Home in Radcliff, Ky. Expressions of sympathy may take the form of contributions to Mill Creek Baptist Church, 1182 Jones St., Radcliff, KY 40160, for Wednesday Night Meals and the Youth Praise Team. Condolences may be expressed on line at www.nebfh. com.
Tammy Lynn Brown, 38, of Harned, Ky. passed away Nov. 4, 2008 at Breckinridge Memorial Hospital in Hardinsburg, Ky. She was born Jan. 4, 1970 the daughter of the late Gary Leon Goatley Sr. She was preceded in death by her brother; Gary Leon Goatley Jr. She was survived by her husband; Ronnie Brown of Harned, Ky.; her mother, Carolyn Milburn Thomas; three children, Amanda Brooks of Irvington, Ky., Ronald Goatley of Harned, Ky., Jeremy Brown of Harned, Ky.; one stepbrother, Dwayne Basham of Irvington, Ky.; and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held Nov. 8 at Alexander Funeral Home in Irvington, Ky. Burial followed in Hudson Community Cemetery.
The Community Calendar is a free service to community groups and organizations for event announcements. However, if you have an event where there is a charge listed, there will be a $7 flat fee for each time the announcement runs. No beauty pageants or yard sales. The News Standard office is located at 1065 Old Ekron Rd. Call 270-422-4542 or e-mail news@thenewsstandard. com. Deadline for Friday’s paper is 5 p.m. Tuesday.
Friday, Nov. 14 OLD TIME MUSIC Free Bluegrass & old-time music at the Vine Grove Community Center at 6 p.m. Call 270-877-2422 for more information.
Saturday, Nov. 15 E-CYCLE DAY Brandenburg Primary School from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Drop off your electronic devices to help recycle them and be a part of America Recycles Day. No TV’s please. For more information, please go to or call 270-422-7545.
Monday, Nov. 17 EARLY LITERACY WORKSHOP Early Literacy Workshop for Parents and Caregivers 6-7 p.m. in the MCPL Annex. Call 270-422-2094. MEADE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES 7 p.m. the third Monday of each month at Fire Station No. 1.
Tuesday, Nov. 18 EKRON SBDM MEETING 3:45 p.m. Meetings are held in the Ekron Elementary School library. MEADE COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS ANNUAL MEETING 2:30 p.m. at the senior center. Election of officers for the next two years. Only members are allowed. Call 422-5200 for more information. SPMS CHORUS CONCERT 7 p.m. in the MCHS auditorium.
Wednesday, Nov. 19 YOGA Yoga 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. at the MCPL. Free and open to the public. Call 270-422-2094. E-MAIL BASICS CLASS 10 a.m. at MCPL. Space is limited. Call to reserve a spot at 270-422-2094. HEALTHCARE PROVIDER CPR 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the EMS Training Center, 245 Atwood Street, Corydon, Ind. For more information, call 812-738-7871.
Thursday, Nov. 20 LAPSIT STORYTIME 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for small children at the MCPL. Call 270-422-2094. PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING Meade County Courthouse at 6:30 p.m. ADULT BEADING CLASS 6:30 p.m. at MCPL- Learn how to make jewelry and crafts with beads. Perfect for Christmas presents! Class is limited to 15 participants so signup early by calling the library at 270-422-2094. Materials will be provided and you can bring your own. EKRON CHOIR CONCERT 7 p.m. in the MCHS auditorium.
Mildred l. McCoy Mildred L. McCoy, 86, of Rineyville, Ky., departed this life Nov. 9, 2008 at the residence of her daughter in Elizabethtown, Ky. Funeral service was held Nov. 12 at New Salem Baptist Church in Vine Grove, Ky. at Nelson-Edelen-Bennett Funeral Home in Vine Grove, Ky.
In memory of
Bill Cummings Always with us and always missed! Jan 27, 1962 • Nov 13, 2003 We Love You Always...Your family
Thomas Baird
Mr. Thomas Baird, age 83, of Brandenburg, Ky., died Nov. 4, 2008, at Medco Center of Brandenburg. He was born Feb. 15, 1925 in Jellico, Tenn. to the late Clifford H. and Sue (Jones) Baird. He was retired from the United Postal Service from the Louisville area, a WW II Veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps where he saw service in the Pacific theater, a former President of the Brandenburg Chapter of NARFE, member of the Brandenburg United Methodist Church, a former President of the Meade County Senior Citizen Center and a member of the Irvington, Ky. Masonic Lodge # 868 F&AM. Thomas Baird is survived by his wife, Billie J. Baird of Brandenburg, Ky. He is also survived by three daughters; Carol Stinson of Louisville, Ky., Sue Baird of Clarksville, Ind., Darlene Maples of New Albany, Ind.; seven sons, Wade Baird of Clarksville, Ind., Thomas C. Baird, Jr. of Clarksville, Ind., Dennis Lee Baird of Fordsville, Ky., Chris Baird of Brandenburg, Ky., Edgar Lee Baird, Tim Ricketts of Mt. Sterling, Ky., David Ricketts of New Orleans, La.; one brother, Jim Baird of Harrogate, Tenn. Arrangements and funeral services were held by Bruington-Jenkins-Sturgeon Funeral Home on Nov. 6. Visitations were held Nov. 8 at Chapman Funeral Home in Clarksville, Ind. Graveside services were held Nov. 8 at Walnut Ridge Cemetery in Jeffersonville, Ind.
Community Calendar
Norma Dail Dupin Smallwood Norma Dail Dupin Smallwood, age 67 of Hardinsburg, Ky. died Nov. 4, 2008 at her residence. She was born in Hardin County, Ky. on March 6, 1941, and is the daughter of the late Cory Lee and Ida Belle Nichols Dupin. She was a homemaker who enjoyed crafts and sewing. She was preceded in death by three brothers: Lloyd, James, and Arthur Dupin. She is survived by her husband of 49 years, Norman Smallwood of Hardinsburg, Ky., four children; Danny Smallwood of Hardinsburg, Ky., Kenny Smallwood of Westview, Ky., Kevin Smallwood of Stephensport, Ky., and Sandra Humphrey of Flaherty, Ky.; eight grandchildren; Nicholas and Nathan Hutchison, Nicole, Crystal and Asia Humphrey, Danny Smallwood, Jr., and Brandon and Adam Smallwood; two brothers; Willie Dupin of Irvington, Ky., and Charlie Dupin of Guston, Ky.; one half brother; Herman Dupin of Leitchfield, Ky. Funeral services were held on Nov. 7, 2008 at the TrentDowell Funeral Home with Pastor Chris Funkhouser officiating. Burial was in the New Bethel Cemetery.
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Friday, November 14, 2008
The News Standard - A7
Child’s adoption is a blessing to be celebrated
QUESTION: How would of her birth, and the anniyou go about telling a child versary of the day she behe or she is adopted, and came your daughter. That when should that is a handy mechanism disclosure occur? Focus on by which the fact of DR. DOBSON: the family adoption can be introFirst, begin talking duced. It also provides to your toddlers a way to equalize the about their adopstatus of siblings. Biotion before they logical children have can understand a psychological adthe meaning of the vantage, which they words. That way sometimes lord over there will never be their adopted brother James a moment when Dobson or sister. That onedisclosure is necupmanship is neutralessary. To learn of ized somewhat when adoption from a neighbor or the adopted child gets a secother family member can be ond birthday. an awful shock to an indiThird, present the adopvidual. Don’t risk the devas- tive event as a tremendous tation of a later discovery by blessing (as implied above) failing to take the sting out that brought great exciteof the issue in babyhood. ment to the household. Tell Second, celebrate two about how badly you and birthdays with equal gusto your wife wanted a baby to each year: the anniversary hold even though it looked
like you wouldn’t get to raise another boy or girl. Then describe how the news came that “you had arrived,” and how the whole family celebrated and cheered. Let your child know your delight when you first saw him lying in a crib, and how cute he looked in his blue blanket, etc. Tell him that his adoption was one of the happiest days of your life, and how you raced to the telephone to call all your friends and family members to share the fantastic news. (Again, I’m assuming that these details are true.) This is the point: The child’s interpretation of the adoptive event is almost totally dependent on the manner in which it is conveyed during the early years. Most certainly, one does not want
to approach the subject sadly, admitting reluctantly that a dark and troublesome secret must now be confessed. Fourth, when the foundation has been laid and the issue is defused, then forget it. Don’t constantly remind the child of his uniqueness to the point of foolishness. Mention the matter when it is appropriate, but don’t reveal anxiety or tension by constantly throwing adoption in the child’s face. Youngsters are amazingly perceptive at “reading” these thinly disguised attitudes. I believe it is possible, by following these common sense suggestions, to raise an adopted child without psychological trauma or personal insult. QUESTION:
teen-year-old boy is flighty, mischievous, irresponsible and lazy. If I don’t watch him very carefully, he’ll find ways to get into trouble -- not really bad stuff, just stupid kid behavior. But I’m afraid I could lose him right at this time. What can I do to keep him on track? Dr. Dobson: It is most important to keep your rambunctious youngster moving. If you let him get bored, he’ll find destructive ways to use unstructured and unsupervised time. My advice is to get him involved in the very best church youth program you can find. If your local congregation only has four bored kids in its junior high department and seven sleepy high schoolers, I would consider changing churches. I know doing that could
be disruptive to the rest of your family, but it might help save your volatile kid. This can be done not only through church activities but also by involvement with athletics, music, horses or other animals, and part-time jobs. The hope is that one of those options will grab his fancy at some point, and his boundless energy will be channeled into something constructive. Until then, you must keep that energetic kid’s scrawny legs churning. Dr. Dobson is founder and chairman of the board of the nonprofit organization Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, CO 80995(www. Questions and answers are excerpted from “Solid Answers” and “Bringing Up Boys,” both published by Tyndale House.
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Dustin Tipton works high in the air to paint the exterior of the steeple of the Brandenburg United Methodist Church. Tipton works with Radden and Sons from Lexington, Ky. The contractor was hired to paint the entire exterior of the church. The landmark church is located in the heart of Brandenburg on Broadway Street.
American National Insurance Rita Moore, Agent/Owner
God knows who to send in our lives One day a woman was at work when she received a phone call that her daughter was very sick with a fever. She left her workplace and stopped by the pharmacy to get some medication for her daughter. Upon returning to her car, she found that she had locked her keys in the car. Not knowing what else to do, she called her house and asked her daughter’s babysitter for advice. The girl said, “Perhaps you could find a coat hanger and use it to open the door.” The woman looked around and eventually did find a rusty old coat hanger on the ground, possibly thrown
down by someone else who The woman was desperhad been in the same pre- ate so she approached the dicament. man and said “My daughter However, she realis very sick, and I’m ized that she had no Pastor’s in a hurry, and I’ve idea how to use it to Spotlight locked my keys in unlock her door. my car. Perhaps you She bowed her head would be able to and uttered a quick use this coat hanger prayer for help. Within to unlock it?” a few minutes another The man replied, car pulled up, and the “Sure” and quickly woman thought that opened her door. Randy perhaps her prayer She hugged the had been answered. Johnson man and tearfully Her hopes were said, “Thank you dashed, though, when so much. You are a the driver of the car stepped very nice man.” out, which was a dirty, The man replied, “not regreasy, bearded man wear- ally, I’ve just finished serving an old biker do-rag on ing a prison term for car his head. theft, and have only been
‘God deserves attention’
Psalm 119: 15 says, “ I will But a relationship with meditate on Your precepts, God is similar to a relationAnd contemplate Your ship with a human person. ways.” ( NKJV ). If we want to have Divine Most of us don’t a meaningful relaspend a lot of time Guidance tionship, we must thinking about God. spend time getting We go to church on to know that person. Sunday and we sing We must spend the songs and we talk time talking with the way Christians and listening to that talk, but we don’t person. We can’t be give God the attenclose to someone if Dan tion He deserves. We Newton we don’t know who don’t give Him the they really are. concentrated attenGod tells us in His tion of someone who is try- Word who He is. Not only ing to get to know and get that, but he tells us how close to another person. much He wants us to know
Him. The more you know God, the more you will love Him. And the more you know and love Him, the more you can celebrate Him in the way He deserves. If you just moved to our area, we invite you to visit with us at Grace Baptist Church. Our Sunday morning service starts at 11 a.m. We invite you to listen to our weekly Sunday radio program on WMMG from 9:30 to 10 a.m. Reverend Dan Newton is the pastor of Grace Baptist Church.
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out on parole for a couple of days.” The woman hugged the man even harder than before, and through her tears said, “Thank you, God, for sending me a professional.” What ever happens to you in this life you can be sure that God knows exactly what is going on. If you trust Him, He has given you a promise that he will provide everything in this life you need. Phil. 4:19 “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus”. Randy Johnson is the pastor at Brandenburg Church of God.
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By Wilson Casey
ANSWERS: 1) New; 2) Timothy; 3) Love; 4) Darius; 5) Shoes; 6) Samson
(down the street from Brandenburg City Hall)
Winterize Your
Bible Trivia 1. Is the book of Acts in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. What companion of Paul was commended for his holy-scripture knowledge since childhood? Timothy, Linus, Trophimus, Jude 3. From 1 John 4, “He that loveth not, knowest not God; for God is ...”? Honor, Love, Everlasting, Comfort 4. What king unwittingly signed a decree causing Daniel to be thrown into the lions’ den? Elah, Jabin, Darius, Agag 5. Because he was standing on holy ground, what did God tell Moses to remove? Cloak, Hat, Shoes, Armor 6. In Judges 16 who said, “Let me die with the Philistines”? Samson, Micah, Delilah, Manoah
745 High Street • Brandenburg
Donnie Jones, Owner
VFW Post 11404 - November 770 Meade County Veterans Memorial By-Pass Sunday
422-5184 Bingo 7:30pm
All Activities Open To The Public! 2
Dance 6:30pm
Special Bingo 2:00pm
Special Christmas Auction 7 pm
Bingo 7:30pm
Bingo 7:30pm
Bingo 7:30pm
Bingo 7:30pm
Dance 7:30pm
Dance 7:30pm
Dance 7:30pm
Dance 7:30pm
Dance 7:30pm
Dance 7:30pm
Dance 7:30pm
A8 - The News Standard
Dana Jo Macallaster to Elmer D. Gittings, lot 37 of Creek View Estates in Meade County. The Estate of Charles Eugene Smith to Roger D. Smith, tract four consisting of 18.382 acres located in Meade County. Amy J. Cox and Christian B. Cox to Charles L. Goodman, lot 13 and 14 of Twin Farm Estates, Section II in Meade County, deed tax $72.50. Marty Claycomb and Cathy Claycomb to Nancy E. Davis, lot 22 of Coyote Forest Subdivision in Meade County, deed tax $22. Richard N. Chism to J.D. Tobin, III, 2.603 acres near Midway, deed tax $160. Jason C. McGaha and Donna L. McGaha to Donald Cole and Anna R. Cole, lot three of Emilee Estates in Meade County, deed tax $8.50. Robert R. Adams and Marsha L. Adams and Greenpoint Credit Corporation, by Douglas P. Vowels, Master Commissioner, to Ronald Henry and Teresa Henry, deed of correction, lot one and two of Rosewood Estates in Meade County. Mary Jo Livers to Carol R. Perry, lot one on Meade Springs Road. Carol Compton and Lorene Compton to William Gene Compton, property located in Meade County. Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, formerly known as Banker’s Trust Company, as Trustee for Saxon Asset Trust 2001-2, to William E. Loyall and Erica R. Loyall, tract four of the Pack Farm in Meade County, deed tax $26. Trading Post Homes of Meade County, LLC, to Trading Post Homes of Louisville, LLC, 855 Gaines Road, Brandenburg. Trading Post Homes of Louisville, LLC, to Jennifer J. Cook and Jeffrey W. Cook, 855 Gaines Road, Brandenburg, deed tax $148.50. James Raphael Greenwell and Hildegard M. Krauser Greenwell to James Raphael Greenwell and Hildegard M. Krauser Greenwell, property located in Meade County. John E. Proctor and Robyn L. Proctor to Renee Mongo Jenkins and James Arthur Jenkins, Jr., 710 Lakeshore Parkway, Brandenburg, deed tax $250. Wanda McCoy, aka Wanda T. McCoy, aka Wanda Thelma McCoy, and Edward McCoy, aka Edward R. McCoy, aka Edward Rogers McCoy, to Michael D. McCoy and Rachel M. McCoy, deed one, two, three, and four, property located in Meade County. TMN Services, LLC, as Trustee of Land Trust No. 080806, to Entrust Carolinas, LLC FBO William B. Menees IRA #00864-08, lot 5, 72, 94, 357, 375 of Pine Point Section and lot 381 of Green Briar Section, all located in the Doe Valley Subdivision in Meade County, deed tax $300. John A. Sirianni and Bluegrass Holdings of Florida, Inc. DBA Bluegrass Holdings, Inc. and Capital One Bank and Meade County Attorney and William Stogsdill and Rachel Heavrin and Roger Kearton and Carolyn Bislik-Ferro and Doe Valley Association, Inc. and IRA Resource Associates, Inc., by Douglas P. Vowels, Master Commissioner, to Pensco Trust Company, Custodian FBO Michael E. Sundby IRA SU054, lot 309 of the Pine Point Section in the Doe Valley Subdivision in Meade County. John A. Sirianni and Bluegrass Holdings of Florida, Inc. DBA Bluegrass Holdings, Inc. and Capital One Bank and Meade County Attorney and William Stogsdill and Rachel Heavrin and Roger Kearton and Carolyn Bislik-Ferro and Doe Valley Association, Inc. and IRA Resource Associates, Inc., by Douglas P. Vowels, Master Commissioner, to Pensco Trust Company, Custodian FBO Patricia J. Stimac IRA ST340, lot 61, 75, 149, 160, and 164 of the Pine Point Section in the Doe Valley Subdivision in Meade County. Beverly Rosengarn and Unknown spouse, if any, of Beverly Rosengarn, Long Beach Mortgage Company NKA Washington Mutual Bank, Meade County Judge Executive, Washington Mutual Bank, as successor-in-interest to Long Beach Mortgage Company by Operation of Law, by Douglas P. Vowels, Master Commissioner, to Washington Mutual Bank, as Successor-In-Interest to Long Beach Mortgage Company by Operation of Law, property located in Meade County. Estate of Ethel Ballard Holston, aka Ethel M. Holston, by and through Ronald Lynn Holston, Louis Woodrow Holston, Jr., and Evan Holston, Executors of the Estate of Ethel Ballard Holston, to Louis W. Holston, Jr. and Michele S. Holston, tract one and two, property located in Meade County, deed tax $30. Daniel J. Boudreaux, Sr. and Marilyn R. Boudreaux to Stephen L. McIntosh and Tiffany L. Sherrard, tract 36 of the Robbins Estates in Meade County, deed tax $125. John A. Bennesh and Joan G. Bennesh to John A. Bennesh and
Joan G. Bennesh, Trustees, or their successors in trust, under the John A. and Joan G. Bennesh Family Wealth Trust, property located in Meade County. John A. Bennesh and Joan G. Bennesh to John A. Bennesh and Joan G. Bennesh, Trustees, or their successors in trust, under the John A. and Joan G. Bennesh Family Wealth Trust, lot 3A and 4 of Rivers Edge, Section one, located in Meade County. John A. Bennesh and Joan G. Bennesh to John A. Bennesh and Joan G. Bennesh, Trustees, or their successors in trust, under the John A. and Joan G. Bennesh Family Wealth Trust, 158 Lookout Drive, Brandenburg. John A. Bennesh and Joan G. Bennesh to John A. Bennesh and Joan G. Bennesh, Trustees, or their successors in trust, under the John A. and Joan G. Bennesh Family Wealth Trust, 87 Tarnwood Drive, Brandenburg. Travis Lee Hardesty, single, and Randall Hardesty and Jenny Hardesty, to Michael A. Wallace and Melanie A. Wallace, tract 24, section two of Green Valley in Meade County, deed tax $20. Charles S. Haynes and Amy M. Haynes to Ronnie W. Haynes and Jeannie Haynes, 60.821 acres near Ekron and 6.952 acres near Ekron, deed tax $168. Charles W. Kirby, Jr., to Kari Renee Haravitch and Lucas John Haravitch, property located in Meade County, deed tax $220. Homesales, Inc. of Delaware, to James DePersis and Deborah Jo DePersis, 354 Barn Owl Court, Brandenburg, deed tax $70. Bernard D. Greenwell and Frances R. Greenwell to Francis G. Greenwell and Sandy Greenwell, 1.219 acre tract in Flaherty. Sue Carol Lucas to Paul Davidson, seven acres near Brandenburg, deed tax $21. Frank R. Lundy and Roberta D. Lundy, to Transportation Cabinet, Department of Highways, parcel 11, tract A, deed tax $0.50. John S. O’Bryan and Wilma H. O’Bryan, by and through her Attorney-In-Fact, John S. O’Bryan, to Transportation Cabinet, Department of Highways, parcel four, tract A, B, C, D, and E, deed tax $11.50. Helm B. Burch and Frances R. Burch to Matthew Hawkins, a 2.127 acre tract near Garrett, deed tax $118. Shannon J. Michael Combs and Valerie Combs and Homeside Lending, Inc. and National City Mortgage, a division of National City Bank of Indiana, by Douglas P. Vowels, Master Commissioner, to Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs, parcel one, two, and three, property located in Meade County. Rose Mary West to Republic Bank and Trust Company, property located in Meade County. Walter M. Ross and Sharon Ross to Jeremy Compton, lot 11 of Wright Acres in Meade County, deed tax $106. TMN Services, LLC, as Trustee of Land Trust No. 080806, to Equity Trust Company Custodian FBO Michael Gary Herne IRA #86181, 126 Audubon Woods section of Doe Valley Subdivision in Meade County, deed tax $50.
Quitclaim Deeds Ronald Paul Koch, II, husband of Cynthia Koch, who by error and oversight was not a party to the previous deed, to John C. Mitchell, 12
acre tract near Flaherty. Gregory Scott Perry to Carol Perry, lot one on Meade Springs Road. Shelia Gividen to Paul Baysinger, property located in Meade County.
Building Permits 10/30/08 James O. Smith, Allen Road, Brandenburg, addition, $82.50. 10/31/08 Glen Moris, Four Oaks Road, Brandenburg, attached garage, $82.50. 11/03/08 Jeff Nott, Ritchie Drive, Brandenburg, single family dwelling, $155. 11/03/08 Jeff Nott, Ritchie Drive, Brandenburg, single family dwelling, $155.
Septic Permits 10/28/08 Trading Post Homes, Red Hawk Drive, Guston. 10/28/08 Mark Powers, Simpson Lane, Brandenburg. 11/03/08 James Greenwell, Rabbit Run Road, Vine Grove. 11/03/08 Jeff Nott, Coyote Run Road, Brandenburg. 11/05/08 Jeff Nott, Ritchie Drive, Brandenburg.
Retail Food Establishment Report 10/30/08 Temple Tot Town, 636 Broadway, Brandenburg. 99 percent. Build-up on some shelving. 10/31/08 Milo Farm Bakery, 1270 Sand Ridge Road, Vine Grove. 99 percent. Build-up in bottom of freezer. 11/05/08 David T. Wilson Elementary School, 1075 Old Ekron Road, Brandenburg. 100 percent. 11/05/08 Midway Kwik Stop, 4950 Hwy. 79, Brandenburg. 89 percent food service; 94 percent after immediate follow-up. 94 percent retail. Food service: hot foods at 118 degrees (food was immediately thrown in dumpster), coffee not covered, in use tongs at room temperature and improperly stored between uses, no hair restraints, fan grills dirty in walk-in cooler, ice on cooler motor in freezer, shield missing on bulb in prep area. Retail: thermometer missing in ice cream freezer, cans dusty on retail shelf, no hair restraints, drink machine area dirty. 11/05/08 Little Angel Learning Center, 646 Bland Street, Brandenburg. 100 percent. 11/05/08 Kinder Garden Learning Center, LLC, 766 Broadway Street, Brandenburg. 100 percent, pre-opening report. 11/06/08 Stuart Pepper Middle School, 1005 Old Ekron Road, Brandenburg. 93 percent; 98 percent after immediate follow up. Dented can of dill pickle spears which were destroyed, dumpster lid missing. 11/06/08 Granny’s Battletown General Store, 25 Oolite Road, Battletown. 87 percent food service; 96 percent retail. Food service: ashtray in food prep area, no hair restraints worn in food prep area, ice build-up in freezers, build-up in side microwave and on counters, build-up in bottom of some cold units, animals in side food establishment. Retail: animals in side food establishment.
Brandenburg Police Department 10/25/08 at 8:43 p.m. Justin White of Brandenburg was driving a 2005 Kia Sportage when he saw a deer in the middle of the center turn lane. White slowed down, but
Her 270.737. 4HMH (4464)
when he got to the deer, it ran into his path and he was unable to avoid hitting the deer. Moderate damage was done to his vehicle; no injuries reported. Report BPD08114 was filed by Officer Singleton. 10/31/08 at 7:22 p.m. Sandra Best of Louisville had parked her 1996 Honda Accord in the Snap Fitness parking lot. Julia Spink of Guston did not see Best’s vehicle as she backed up in her 2004 Toyota Highlander. Spink backed into Best’s front bumper. Best was not located. Very minor damage was done to both vehicles; no injuries reported. Report BPD08115 was filed by Officer Singleton. 11/01/08 at 10:33 a.m. Teresa Duvall of Central City, Ky. was driving a 2005 Ford and was slowing down for another vehicle on the By-Pass. William Rice of Central City, Ky. did not observe Duvall slowing down and collided with Duvall in his 1998 Jeep. Minor to moderate damage was done to both vehicles; no injuries reported. Report BPD08117 was filed by Officer Young. 11/01/08 at 4:39 p.m. Jimmie Welton of Brandenburg had pulled out of Marathon in his 1986 Ford when he made a wide turn and collided into Judy Watters of Brandenburg, who was driving a 2003 Mazda. Minor to moderate damage was done to both vehicles; no injuries reported. Report BPD08116 was filed by Officer Young.
Meade County Sheriff Department 10/29/08 at 3:29 p.m. KY Farm Bureau of Louisville was parked in a 2005 Chevrolet Trail Blazer. Taylor Fraley of Brandenburg was parked in a 1993 Chevrolet Blazer. Both vehicles were facing east, on Shircliff Road. Douglas Miller of Vine Grove was traveling east on Shircliff Road in a 1997 Ford Ranger. Upon cresting a small hill, Miller observed the other two vehicles stopped on the road and attempted to stop but was unable to do so prior to colliding with the rear of KY Farm Bureau. As a direct result, KY Farm Bureau was pushed forward into the rear of Fraley. Officer believes that speed and environmental factors played key roles in this collision. Moderate to severe damage was done to all three vehicles; first aid was given by Meade County EMS Med #1 and injured party was taken to Hardin Memorial Hospital. Report 08-0264 was filed by Officer Foster. 11/05/08 at 7:34 a.m. Bonnie Pocock of Vine Grove was driving a 2005 Chevrolet Malibu when she states that she pulled her vehicle up and got out of it without putting it in park. The vehicle rolled forward and struck two fences prior to coming to rest. Minor to moderate damage was done to her vehicle; no injuries reported. Report 08-0267 was filed by Officer Robinson.
District Court 11/5/08 George John Haenn, 30, operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/drugs- pled guilty fine $200 plus costs 30 days probated 2 years after serving 4 days enroll in alcohol school 90 days license suspended. John Fitzgerald Pitts, 32, operating a motor vehicle on suspended/ revoked operators license- failure to appear. Frank D. Stanley, 22, flagrant non support- pled not guilty preliminary hearing 11/26/08.
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Friday, November 14, 2008 Daniel Scott Hurt, 22, 2nd degree criminal mischief- pled not guilty pretrial conference 11/19/08. James A. Collins, 18, possession of alcoholic beverages by a minorpled guilty fine $25 plus costs stay off Bland Street and Greer Street in Brandenburg. Heather M. Whelan, 18, possession of alcoholic beverages by a minor- pled guilty fine $25 plus costs stay off Bland Street and Greer Street in Brandenburg. Craig W. Wright, 19, possession of alcoholic beverages by a minorpled guilty fine $25 plus costs stay off Bland Street and Greer Street in Brandenburg. Kevin Scott Kennedy, 30, theft by deception including cold checks un-
der $300- pled not guilty pretrial conference 11/26/08. Brandon G. Wilson, 21, 4 counts of theft by deception including cold checks under $300- pled guilty 10 days probated 2 years after serving 1 hour no public offense and writes no checks. Michael Ray Eggen, 47, 7 counts of theft by deception including cold checks under $300- pled guilty 10 days probated 2 years after serving 1 hour no public offense and writes no checks. Deborah K. Lanham, 30, dogs to be licensed; dogs to be vaccinated against rabies- dismissed on proof shown; 2nd degree cruelty to animals- defer 12 months.
See Court, A9
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Friday, November 14, 2008
The News Standard - A9
Help Kentucky’s hungry this holiday season Education There are so many things andNutrition happening around the holi- Program and Food Stamp days that we oftentimes get Nutrition Education Program. carried away and These programs overwhelmed with Extension are offered through our own world Service the Cooperative Exand forget about tension Service and those in need. the School of Human Unfortunately, Environmental Scisome families and ences in the College individuals in of Agriculture. In Kentucky do not these programs, parknow where their ticipants learn basic next meal is comnutrition, nutritious ing from, much Jennifer meal planning on less Thanksgiving Bridge a budget, safe food or Christmas dinhandling practices, ner. Since the holidays are a time of giving, proper food preparation those of us that can should skills and healthy lifestyle take time from our busy changes. The School of Human lives to share our blessings Sciences with Kentuckians in need Environmental also educates its students this holiday season. Hunger is a direct result about hunger through variof poverty. A 2006 God’s ous classroom activities, Pantry report on hunger lessons and projects. There are many ways in eastern and central Kentucky said that more than you can assist the hungry 680,000 of the state’s resi- in your community. Many counties have local or area dents live in poverty. Poverty is not limited to food banks, shelters or adults, but affects children soup kitchens where you and the elderly as well. Of can donate nonperishable the households that receive food items or money. Volunteering your time assistance from God’s Pantry, 36 percent have children is also an option. Many of under 18 and 25 percent in- these agencies are operated solely by support from volclude someone over 65. Kentucky ranks 12th in unteers. For more information on the nation for childhood food insecurity. More than nutrition programs offered 200,000 Kentucky children through the University of wake up every morning Kentucky or for ways to not knowing when they help feed the hungry in your community, contact will eat their next meal. The University of Ken- the Meade County Cooptucky offers several nutri- erative Extension Service. Educational programs of tion education programs for low income families the Cooperative Extension and individuals as a part of Service serve all people rethe USDA Expanded Food gardless of race, color, sex,
Court From page A8
Sam L. Willingham, 18, theft by unlawful taking/shoplifting under $300- pled guilty 30 days probated 2 years no public offense cannot possess alcohol or illegal drugs/ drugs paraphernalia stay out of RiteAid no contact or communication with Adam Kaughend complete GED classes and get diploma. Dawn Woelfel, 45, theft by deception including cold checks under $300- dismissed on commonwealth motion. Jason Carl Miller, 27, 4th degree assault/domestic violence with minor injury- pled not guilty pretrial conference 11/19/08. Shelby A. Chism, 18, speeding 18 mph over the limit- amend to 15 mph over the limit pled guilty fine $30 plus costs; failure to produce insurance card- dismissed on proof shown. Dustin L. Ashford, 18, failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance- pled guilty 90 days probated 2 years no public offense no driving without valid license and insurance fine $1,000; failure to illuminate head lampsdismissed on commonwealth motion. Carole Bishope, 39, no/expired registration plates- dismissed on proof shown; failure to produce insurance card- amended to failure to maintain insurance- pled guilty 90 days probated 2 years no public offense no driving without valid license and insurance fine $1,000. Donnie Wayne Stanley, 35, commercial driver license no licensed; part 391 of Federal Safety/qualification of drivers; part 393 of Federal Safety/parts needed for safe operation; failure of non owner operator to maintain required insurancepled not guilty pretrial conference 11/19/08. Corey M. Hubert, 19, speeding 14 mph over the limit- pled guilty fine $20 plus costs; no/expired registration plates; failure of non owner operator to maintain required insurance- dismissed on proof shown. Nathan J. Taylor, 19, reckless driving- assigned state traffic school. Andrew J. Colasanti, 18, reckless driving; speeding 26 mph over/ greater- failure to appear. Perry D. Brown, 46, failure to or improper signal; no/expired registration plates; improper registration plates; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security; operating on suspended/revoked license; failure to produce insurance card; license plate not legible; failure to wear seat belts- pled not guilty 11/19/08. Terry S. Dillworth, Jr., 23, speeding 25 mph over limit; driving on DUI suspended license; failure to
surrender operators license- pled not guilty pretrial conference 11/19/08. Cherie Rani Stull, 28, 3rd degree criminal trespassing- continues 11/19/08. William Terry Riggs, 51, 3rd degree terroristic threatening- dismissed on commonwealth motion. Amy Marie Shutt, 26, 2 counts of theft by deception including cold checks under $300- continues 11/26/08. Hobart Allen Yeager, 23, possession of marijuana- continues 11/19/08. Carmen C. Haitshan, 30, 3 counts of theft by deception including cold checks under $300- continues 11/26/08. Chanda Leilani Brian, 27, theft by deception including cold checks under $300- continues 11/26/08. William Albert Moore, 66, disorderly conduct- failure to appear. Meagan Nichole Bartley, 22, theft by unlawful taking/shoplifting under $300- pled guilty 30 days probated 2 years no public offense stay out of Kroger’s cannot possess alcohol or illegal drugs/drugs paraphernalia; improper parking fire lane/block traveled portion of highway- pled guilty fine $25 plus costs; failure to produce insurance card- dismissed on proof shown; no/expired registration plates- pled guilty fine $25. William A. McDonald, 59, theft by deception including cold checks under $300- pled guilty 10 days probated 2 years after serving 1 hour no public offense and writes no checks. Tom Harris, 38, fail to comply with order to remove health nuisances- continues 11/26/08. Beth Barker, 32, theft by deception including cold checks under $300-dismissed on commonwealth motion. Christi M. Pugh, 31, theft by deception including cold checks under $300- pled guilty 10 days probated 2 years after serving 1 hour no public offense and writes no checks. Terry J. York, 39, theft by unlawful taking/shoplifting under $300pled guilty 30 days probated 2 years no public offense stay out of Kroger’s cannot possess alcohol or illegal drugs/drug paraphernalia. James E. Lutz III, 54, operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/drugs; possess open alcohol beverage container in a motor vehicle; possession of marijuana; 1st degree disorderly conduct; failure to wear seat belts; failure to notify address change to department of transportation; menacing- continues 11/19/08. Roxie Diane Bartlett, 32, 3 counts of theft by deception including cold checks under $300- continues 11/19/08. Jessica Ladawn Bowman, 26, theft by unlawful taking/shoplifting under $300- pled guilty 30 days probated 2 years no public offense
Participating in canned food drives are a good way to help less fortunate families during the holiday season.
Coming in January •Small Steps to Health and Wealth — Research shows financial stress can have a tremendous impact on your health. This series will cover ways to improve both your financial health as well as your mental and physical health. If you are interested in this free program, please contact the Extension Office. We will mail you more information in December. •Beginning Quilting — Many of you have re-
quested quilting classes. If interested, contact us and indicate if you would prefer day or evening classes. •Beginning Cooking — Home cooking is making a comeback as people are cutting back on dining out expenses. Participants will learn the basic of cooking and gain skills on meal planning and preparation. If interested, please contact the Extension Office to indicate a day or evening class. •On the Mend! Basic Clothing Repair — Why pay someone else to reattach a button, sew a hem or repair a tear. Come find out how to do it yourself. Please let us know if you are interested by calling the Extension Office at 270-4224938.
stay out of Kroger’s cannot possess alcohol or illegal drugs/drug paraphernalia. Annemarie Combs, 75, theft by unlawful taking/shoplifting under $300- pled guilty 30 days probated 2 years no public offense stay out of Kroger’s cannot possess alcohol or illegal drugs/drug paraphernalia. Timothy Hunter Cole, 19, alcohol intoxication in a public place- pled guilty 90 days probated 2 years no public offense cannot possess alcohol or illegal drugs/drug paraphnalia fine $100 plsu costs; 2nd degree disorderly conduct- pled guilty 30 days probated 2 years after serving 10 days no public offense cannot possess alcohol or illegal drugs/ drug paraphernalia; 2nd degree fleeing or evading police- dismissed on commonwealth motion. Alijah L. Cothern, 20, alcohol intoxication in a public place- pled guilty fine $50 plus costs. Scott Robert Kessler, 25, operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/drugs- continues 11/12/08. Munesh Madan Lulla, 37, speeding 20 mph over the limit- dismissed on commonwealth motion. Steven R. Gaydos, 20, speeding 15 mph over the limit; license to be in possession- failure to appear. Bobbie L. Speaks, 28, failure or owner to maintain required insurance/security- pled guilty 90 days probated 2 years no public offense not to operate a motor vehicle without valid license and security fine $1,000. Gregory A. Goodman, 58, driving to slow for traffic conditions; operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/drugs; improper lane usage/vehicles keep to right except to pass; operating with expired operators license; failure to notify department of transportation of address change; failure to wear seat belts- continues 11/19/08. Lataya Hamilton, 26, no/expired registration plates; failure of non owner operator to maintain required insurance-failure to appear. Katie L. Rhead, 20, instructional permit violations- continues 11/26/08. Mitchell David Mills, 55, operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/drugs- continues 11/19/08. Terry Shawn Burgess, 37, disregarding stop sign; failure of owner to maintain required insurance/ security; no/expired registration plates; operating on suspended/revoked operators license- continues 11/26/08. Jamil Lamar Parker, 22, speeding 24 mph over the limit; operating on suspended/revoked operators license; possess open alcohol container in a motor vehicle- continues 11/19/08. Mark Edward Whelan, 35, careless driving; operating on suspended/revoked operators license; operating a motor vehicle under the
influence of alcohol/drugs- continues 11/19/08. Amanda M. Mehler, 22, 8 counts of theft by deception including cold checks under $300- continues 11/26/08. Jeremy Eugene Guffey, 25, receiving stolen property under $300pretrial conference 1/07/09 jury trial 1/09/09. James W. Bolin, 51, alcohol intoxication in a public place- continues 4/22/09. Stephen Wayne Clater, Jr., 23, theft by unlawful taking/shoplifting under $300- continues 11/26/08. Aaron Thomas Jackson, 24, fugitive from another state-continues 1/14/09. Kyle A. Farvour, 21, operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/drugs- continues 11/19/08. Roman A. Whelan, 22, possession of marijuana- pretrial conference 12/10/08 jury trial 1/09/09. Mark Allen Priddy, 42, probation violation-failure to appear. Jennifer Lynn Hall, 38, probation violation- continues 11/26/08. Denis Lee Graff, 43, probation violation-failure to appear. Ricky E. Wardrip, 49, probation violation; possession of controlled substance/drug unspeicifed-continues 11/12/08. Charles Phillip Reesor, Jr., 32, flagrant non support- dismissed on commonwealth motion. John David Williamson, 34, flagrant non support-continues 12/17/08. Douglas W. York, 50, use/possess drug paraphernalia; traffic in controlled substance within 1000 yards of a school- waived to Grand Jury. May Darlene York, 48, use/possess drug paraphernalia; traffic in controlled substance within 1000 yards of a school- waived to Grand Jury. Julie Ann McGaw, 32, flagrant non support- continues 11/26/08. Bryan E. Masden, 18, domestic violence; reckless driving; 1st degree wanton endangerment- waived to Grand jury 12/08/08. Pamela Ann Clark, 42, 1st degree criminal mischief- continues 11/19/08. Eric Scott Cundiff, 22, 2nd degree terroristic threatening- amend to 3rd degree pled guilty 12 months probated 2 years after serving 60 days no public offense stay 500 feet away from Fort Knox Federal Credit Union and its employers. Jesse J. Ford, 21, 3rd degree possession of controlled substance/drug unspecified-continues 11/19/08. Crystal L. Clifford, 37, 5 counts of theft by deception including cold checks under $300- continues 11/19/08. Cody Mitchell Hardesty, 20, cultivation of marijuana- continues 11/19/08. Charles R. Burnett, 18, speeding 20 mph over the limit-failure to appear.
religion, disability or national origin. Upcoming class •Retrostyle Apron, Dec. 2 at 6 p.m.; $10 includes pattern and fabric. The deadline to register Nov. 26.
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A10 - The News Standard
Friday, November 14, 2008
Cuttin’ loose with friendly atmosphere for over 31 years By Crystal Benham
Thirty-one years ago, a young Iva Wimp—only 21 years old—opened a hair salon that would remain successful for more than three decades. “Iva’s Cuttin’ Loose,” located on Dixie Hwy. in Muldraugh, first opened its doors in 1977. It was previously known as “Iva’s Town Salon” until 1994 when she decided to move her business one door up in the same building. As a young girl growing up in Muldraugh, Wimp knew cutting hair and working closely with customers were aspects of a career she would strive to pursue. “I knew I wanted to cut hair when I was in high school,” she said. “So, when I (graduated) I went to hair and design school. I used to like playing with my mother’s and my sister’s hair, and I really wanted a job working with people.” While attending Radcliff Beauty College as a fulltime student, she worked as a server and a hotel housekeeper to pay for her classes. After graduating cosmetology school, Wimp worked for hairdresser Willodene Coghill in the same
ABOVE: Iva Wimp, owner of Iva’s Cuttin’ Loose, washes Yvonne Cave’s hair, a “regular” of Iva’s for more than 10 years. LEFT: Wimp dries and styles Cave’s hair. Cave said she enjoys having Wimp as her hairstylist because Wimp knows exactly how she likes her hair to be cut and styled.
office she would later own. Coghill was a classmate of Wimp’s at beauty school. “She and I went to beauty school together, and she got out before I did and
started the shop,” Wimp said. “She used to pick me up from home every day and take me to beauty school with her … I thought that was pretty cool.”
‘Shop with a Cop’ receives donation Staff Report On behalf of The Finde It Shoppe, Rocklin Heath presented a check to Officer Larry Singleton in the amount of $3,484.84 on Nov. 6. The money is a donation to the local “Shop with a Cop” program. Heath coordinated a yard sale at The Finde It Shoppe earlier this fall and held a “celebrity bag-off” at Kroger to help raise funds for Meade County chilTHE NEWS STANDARD/REMLE WILKERSON dren in need. The “Shop Rocklin Heath presents Police Officer Larry Singleton with a Cop” and “Angel a check to benefit the “Shop with a Cop” program. Tree” programs support more than 300 children in Meade County every to donate to these pro- stays within Meade year. grams, and stressed the County, helping to betHeath and Singleton point that money raised ter the lives of children encourage everyone through the programs in the local community.
Squeeze dollars out of home budget By David Uffington Dollars and Sense Stretching every dollar in the family budget isn’t enough now. Finding spare change, a few cents at a time, among the household expenses has become a necessity for many folks. Here are some ways to find that spare change in the kitchen: •Look for recipes that allow you to add less-costly ingredients to stretch meals further. Oatmeal flakes, for example, can be added to hamburger to make a meatloaf. Use leftovers or rice to stretch soups into an additional serving or two. •If the menus at home have become a bit slim, reverse the day — give the kids grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast and eggs for dinner. •Check grocery store sales flyers, and use coupons when planning your weekly menus. Don’t let the coupons lead to impulse buying, however.
•When you find a good food bargain, make meals ahead and freeze them. Having a freezer full of meals will help avoid the temptation to eat out or buy convenience food when you’re short on time or energy. Be sure to package the meals well and label with the contents and date prepared. •Use up leftovers. Search for Internet food sites that let you list the ingredients you have on hand and then provide you with a recipe using those ingredients. Learn how to freeze vegetables or fruit before they go bad, or make casseroles, or bake bread. •Learn new ways to stretch common ingredients or make substitutions to use what you do have. Not all of your savings are to be found in the kitchen. Check the Internet for ways to create products you need out of inexpensive ingredients. Drain cleaner, laundry soap, oven cleaner, hand soap, window cleaner,
bath and shower products, fabric softener and bath and tile cleaners can all be made with a few simple ingredients. Many of them consist of varying amounts of vinegar, baking powder and an inexpensive dishwashing detergent. Give up as many paper products as you can. Paper towels, diapers and dinner napkins all have cloth alternatives. Before you buy at all, sign up on sites such as Free Cycle [] to give away what you no longer need and ask for what you do. Check the Free section on Craig’s List your area [] for items being given away. David Uffington regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Write to him in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to columnreply@gmail. com.
STOCKS OF LOCAL INTEREST Quotes effective as of close of market Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Deere & Co. ................................DE ............... 35.12 Caterpillar Inc............................CAT ............... 36.87 Ford Motor Co. .............................. F ................. 1.80 General Motors ......................... GM ................. 2.92 Harley-Davidson .....................HOG ............... 19.27 CSX Corp...................................CSX ............... 43.83 General Electric Co. ....................GE ............... 17.81 Peabody Energy ........................ BTU ............... 29.10 Marathon Oil...........................MRO ............... 26.74 Chevron ................................... CVX ............... 73.54 Arch Chemicals ..........................ARJ ............... 26.42 Brown Forman B....................... BF B ............... 45.92 Lowes Companies ...................LOW ............... 19.05 Home Depot Inc.........................HD ............... 20.51 McDonalds Corp .....................MCD ............... 56.29 Papa Johns .............................. PZZA ............... 17.47 Yum! Brands Inc ...................... YUM ............... 25.87 Coca-Cola Co ............................. KO ............... 44.44 Pepsico Inc ................................ PEP ............... 55.08
RadioShack .............................. RSH ............... 10.34 Best Buy Co Inc .........................BBY ............... 23.88 Dell Inc ................................... DELL ............... 11.33 Microsoft CP........................... MSFT ............... 21.20 Wells Fargo & Co .................... WFC ............... 28.83 Vulcan Materials ..................... VMC ............... 54.15 Proctor & Gamble ...................... PG ............... 63.82 Johnson & Johnson ..................... JNJ ............... 59.55 Wal-Mart Stores ...................... WMT ............... 54.75 United Parcel B..........................UPS ............... 53.38 Fedex Corp ............................... FDX ............... 66.50 Dow Jones Industrial Average ..................... 8,693.96
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Wimp worked for Coghill for about a year, before Coghill decided cutting hair wasn’t her cup of tea. She then sold the business to Wimp. For more than 30 years now, Wimp has operated the successful hair salon as the sole proprietor and single employee. With customers from a broad surrounding area — Louisville, Owensboro, Meade County, and Radcliff — Wimp has truly created a remarkable reputation for herself, according to Elfrieda Mount, 89, of Muldraugh. “(Iva’s Cuttin’ Loose) has a good atmosphere,” said Mount, who has been a “regular” of Wimp’s since the ‘80s. “When you come in to get your hair cut, you can sit down and tell her your life’s story and she remembers it. It’s like going to your neighbor’s (house).” Wimp prides herself on being a good listener who genuinely befriends her customers, and makes an effort to ensure everyone feels right at home as soon as they sit in the styling chair. “When I was in the hospital a while ago, I had open heart surgery and (Iva) came to the hospital to do my hair and didn’t
charge me a thing,” Mount said. “When I came home, she would come to my house and fix it there for me.” Wimp said she likes listening to customers’ stories though she feels some stylists view their customers as “just another head.” She said customers are amazed by how well she remembers them and their stories. Wimp is also an avid donor for Locks of Love — a nonprofit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children suffering from medical hair loss due to illness. For years, Wimp has grown her hair long just to cut inches and inches of it to donate to the charity. Wimp kept her hair long for most of her life, and the first time she cut it for Locks of Love, it was a little nerve-racking. “It was scary,” she said. “But after that, I just kept growing it and cutting it, growing it and cutting. “I’ve got one more foot (of hair) to grow and I will have donated (as much hair) as tall as I am … one more foot. I did my last donation at the end of May and my hair has already grown almost three inches. So, I figure, in about anoth-
er year-and-a-half I’ll have my foot grown and I’ll donate that foot and it’ll be 5 feet 2 inches of total donated hair.” Wimp said 5 feet 2 inches was the goal she set when she started donating her hair. She set this goal — as she once told one of her “regulars” — because when most women reach a certain age, long hair “just doesn’t look good on them.” “I figure I’m 52 years old now, and 5 feet 2 inches of hair is a good goal,” she said. Wimp hasn’t decided yet whether she’ll let her hair grow long again after donating the last foot. Her stylist, younger sister Debbie Anderson, lives in Santa Rosa Beach, Fla. and “that’s a long way to drive” for a hair cut. More than half of Wimp’s business comes from men, so she specializes in all types of hair: long, short, thin, thick, curly or straight. Iva’s Cuttin’ Loose is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to her last appointment of the day. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, contact Iva at 502-9422489. Iva’s Cuttin’ Loose is located at 206 N. Dixie Hwy. in Muldraugh.
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AGRICULTURE ‘Step Up and Stand Out’: Meade County FFA wins big at Indy
The News Standard - A11
Friday, November 14, 2008
By Ashley Carter Meade County FFA Reporter
Blue jackets from everywhere in the U.S. gathered together in Indianapolis for the FFA’s national convention. The streets were cleaned and flags, banners, and signs were hung on every street, building, and corner — all welcoming the FFA. Some came for the contests, leadership development and friends they have made, but others came to receive awards they earned for all their great achievements over the years. This is exactly why our Meade County Chapter of the FFA went. Taking more than 45 active members of the Meade County FFA to Indy can be a tedious task, but it was all
FFA students help out during the annual Pumpkin Patch held at the Meade County High school during Halloween. to celebrate our wonderful achievement as a chapter. Every year we have a theme for the year.
This year our theme was, “Step Up and Stand Out.” This is exactly what Meade County FFA has done: We
have stepped and now we are standing out as a National 3-Star Chapter. As the highest rating a chapter can receive, this award puts the Meade County FFA in the top 2 percent of chapters nationwide. Our president, Callie Hobbs, and vice president, Alex Richardson, proudly went on stage to accept this award. The Meade County FFA is stepping up and standing out in many other ways, and we are not going to stop. From serving candy to children at the “Pumpkin Patch” to teaching them the importance of Ag safety, we are helping others and building our chapter to be even stronger. Meade County FFA helps with Pumpkin Patch With candy corn, suckers,
pumpkins, and chocolate candy bars, Halloween has to be every kid’s favorite time of the year. There is something that makes it even better though, besides dressing up and being your favorite super hero: it’s the very famous “Pumpkin Patch,” of course. The event is held each year at the high school by a group of active members in both the FFA and FCLA. It’s not just fun for the little kids, though; each member that participates also gets to dress up in his or her favorite costume. Everyone works very hard to get their stations set up and their candy ready, all waiting to see all the different costumes that will come through. Each year an estimate of over 3,000 children come
through the “Pumpkin Patch.” The candy is put into big containers and is separated. From there, the members pass the candy out to all the children. In the end, we are all glad to say that we had a great time dressing-up and working together to make the kids happy. We will continue to help the FCLA with the “Pumpkin Patch” each year, not just for the opportunity to dress up but because we enjoy making children smile. This will not be the last of the Meade County FFA because we still have many prestigious events ahead of us. Our next stop will be Brandenburg Primary were we will teach kids the importance of Ag safety.
Rodeo champions to be crowned in Louisville tonight Staff Report The News Standard All the spurs, saddles, bulls and buckin’ of the North American Championship Rodeo invitational circuit finals for the Pro Rodeo Cowboys Association began Thursday night at Freedom Hall in Louisville and continues through Saturday. The Great Lakes Circuit Rodeo Finals showcases top cowboys and cowgirls who are in competition for more than $80,000 in prizes, as well as the title of Regional Champion. Competitors will represent a nine-state region: Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin.
Cowboys and cowgirls come from all around the United States to compete at Freedom Hall in Louisville. A special “Tough Enough to Wear Pink” event will be held at tonight’s show, a percentage of each ticket sold goes to help the fight against breast cancer. THE NEWS STANDARD/DEBBIE CHEE
The total purse ranks among the top 10 percent of
all PRCA rodeo prize money and is the second largest
Know hay quality to ensure livestocks proper nutrition With the cool days of No- in the form of concentrates. It also is important to invember comes the need to prepare for feeding livestock ventory your hay supply. You need to know through the winter. how many cattle This year was a bad CEA for one for producing Agriculture you plan to feed and for how many days. hay so evaluating It is also important hay to determine its to know the qualquality will enable ity of feed needed you to ensure your for different animal cattle receive the groups such as dry proper nutrition. cows versus lactatSupplement as ing cows and formuneeded to keep cows in good body Andy Mills late feeding plans for each group. condition for strong, Testing to deterhealthy calves. Have your hay analyzed for nutri- mine the quality of dry hay tive quality and formulate a as well as haylage can be feeding program that pro- done by the Kentucky Devides adequate nutrition us- partment of Agriculture’s forage testing program. ing hay and supplements. For a $10 fee, the KDA will On an energy basis, corn and by-products such as send someone to your farm soyhulls may be a better buy to sample your hay. KDA than hay. You might be bet- Producers who have their ter off basing your feeding hay tested will be able to program on the amount of obtain a complete balanced hay you have available and ration for their particular purchasing extra nutrition needs and won’t be guess-
ing whether they are meeting their livestock’s needs. For more information on the forage testing program call 800-248-4628 or visit the forage testing Web site at marketing/forage/index. htm. It is also important to get as much use from your hay as possible, so be sure to reduce hay losses. Hay losses can be the result of trampling, leaf shatter, chemical and physical deterioration, fecal contamination and refusal. For more information on hay testing and feeding programs, contact the Meade County Cooperative Extension Service. Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability or national origin.
Commodities Kentuckiana Livestock Market - Owensboro, KY Market Report per CWT for Monday, November 10, 2008 Receipts: 668 head Compared to last week: Feeder steers steady to 2.00 lower. Feeder heifers steady to 1.00 lower. Slaughter cows steady to 2.00 lower. Slaughter bulls steady to 1.00 lower. Slaughter Cows: Breaker Boner Lean
% Lean 75-80 80-85 85-90
Slaughter Bulls: Y.G. 1 2
Weight 1630-1815 1045-2095
Weight 1055-1660 970-1430 1050-1355
Price 43.00-46.00 42.00-46.50 39.00-44.00
Carcass Boning % 78 74-77
High Dressing 49.50-53.00 47.50-48.50 44.00-47.00 Average Dress 58.00-59.00 53.00-55.00
Lo Dressing 38.00-42.00 37.00-41.00 35.50-39.00 Lo Dress No Report No Report
Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1-2 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1-2 Wt Range Price Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1-2 Wt Range Price 200-300 102.00 Wt Range Price 200-300 89.00-91.00 400-500 91.00-99.25 300-400 91.00 300-400 80.00-84.50 500-600 88.00-94.00 400-500 85.50-94.50 400-500 78.00-84.00 500-600 76.50-79.00 Feeder Steers Medium and Large 2 500-600 74.25-81.50 600-700 72.00-73.00 Wt Range Price 600-700 71.50-74.50 800-900 67.50 200-300 96.00-105.50 700-800 72.00 300-400 91.00-95.00 Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 2 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2 400-500 85.00-92.00 Wt Range Price Wt Range Price 500-600 83.50-87.00 300-400 93.00-97.00 300-400 76.00-84.00 600-700 81.00 400-500 81.00-93.50 400-500 74.00-79.00 500-600 72.00-73.50 Feeder Steers Medium and Large 3 500-600 72.00-77.00 600-700 73.00-73.50 Wt Range Price 600-700 71.50-73.00 800-900 62.50-68.50 200-300 91.00-97.50 700-800 70.00-73.50 300-400 89.00-90.00 Feeder Bulls Small 1 Feeder Heifers Small 1 Wt Range Price Feeder Steers Small 1 Wt Range Price 300-400 84.00 Wt Range Price 300-400 77.00 400-500 80.00 300-400 83.00-93.50 400-500 70.00-73.00 400-500 84.00-89.50 Bred Cows: Medium and Large 1-2: 3 to 11 year old cows, bred 2-7 months 61.00-70.00 per head
Owensboro Grains: Owensboro Market Report per bushel for Wednesday, November 12, 2008 Soybeans: 8.86
Corn: 3.53
purse for a circuit finals. A special “Tough Enough
to Wear Pink” event will be held at tonight’s show, which
begins at 7:30 p.m. Fans and contestants are encouraged to wear pink, and a portion of each ticket sold will be donated to support breast cancer research. Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation volunteers will be on hand selling wristbands and providing information about the fight against breast cancer. Tickets are $27 for Friday’s show and $32 for Saturday’s show, which also begins at 7:30 p.m. During both days, tickets for children 12 and under are $10. To purchase tickets, visit, or call 1-800-487-1212, or visit the Kentucky Exposition Center Ticket Office in person.
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A12 - The News Standard
Friday, November 14, 2008
Seeds sown for center showcasing Kentucky agriculture
Virginia Flanagan isn’t one to count her chickens before they’re hatched. If she were, the executive director of the Kentucky Agriculture Heritage Center would be busy beyond imagination. Before she leaves Taylor County every morning, she checks on the nearly one million fowl being raised on her family farm. By the time she arrives at her office just north of Harrodsburg, Ky., a million seems like a drop in the bucket. Most of the 65-year-old ex-English teacher’s time is spent diagramming ways to come up with the many millions needed to get the heritage center off the ground. The center received a major boost this summer when Gov. Steve Beshear delivered a check for $11 million in Kentucky Agricultural Development Funds for the architectural design development, marketing, promotion, and construction of the facility. The grand showcase for the past, present, and future of Kentucky Agriculture will be built with state and private funding on 50 acres of the 7,200-acre Anderson Circle Farm owned by Mercer County farmer and businessman Ralph Anderson. A number of different locations were considered for the operation, but the decision to locate here was made in April 2006 when
Anderson offered to donate the property. Organizers were also swayed by the central location to all Kentuckians. Plans are for the center to open by 2010, but Flanagan is cautiously optimistic it will be ready even sooner. “It all depends on the fund-raising,â€? said the former director for the Kentucky History Center in Frankfort and Campbellsville University Technology Training Center. “We won’t start construction until we know we have enough money to finish it,â€? she promised. “We have a company doing a business plan for us, and once we nail down all our costs in the next month or two, we should know the scope of our activities and be able to do things like set admission fees,â€? she said. “We want something everyone can be proud of and a place where important work can be done ‌ a first class operation from the start.â€? Expected to attract thousands, not only from Kentucky but throughout the United States, the center will include a 300,000 square foot building showcasing technology and providing workspaces and resources, recreational activities and entertainment. The state’s agricultural history will be displayed through hands-on activities such as a walking farm tour, demonstrations, expo-
Edible Heirlooms:
Pumpkin Lasagna
Operations for the new Kentucky Agriculture Heritage Center are currently housed in a building belonging to the McAfee Fire Dept. sitions and virtual agricultural experiences. One of the highlights will be a Kentucky Agriculture Hall of Fame recognizing Kentuckians for their contributions to the industry. Nominees will be sought from the public and installed “with much pomp and circumstance,� said the director. Flanagan expects lots of nominations due to the state’s being a leader in agriculture for so many years. “There are so many things of which people may not be aware, such as the fact notill farming was developed at UK,� she explained. Currently, oral histories are being gathered from across the state with the
goal of using them along with interactive exhibits and as part of occasional drama skits. “Some of these should also be of help in describing the many artifacts we will have on display,� she said. One display feature that could draw criticism is space devoted to the tobacco industry. “Some people have asked what we are going to do about tobacco. It will be front and center because it has been a big part of Kentucky agriculture history. We won’t be promoting it, but we won’t deny it either, because it’s a big part of what we have been and what we are in this state,� Flanagan said.
Kentucky-grown products will be served in a restaurant on the site and available for purchase in a gift shop. Another area will be set aside as a certified kitchen in which people may schedule time to make noncommercial jellies and jams for personal use or to place in competition at fairs and festivals. Georgia is the only other state currently supporting a similar operation, but it is lacking a unique feature planned here that could serve as a model for future facilities. Growing out of a desire to keep monthly bills at a minimum and protect the environment, architects
have come up with features that should make the facility 100 percent energy independent. Energy conservation is included in every aspect of the design, including incorporating a geothermal heat pump that will allow the earth to absorb and reject heat from the building. This feature alone is expected to reduce heating and cooling costs by 25 to 40 percent. Also stressed will be the use of natural ventilation, daylight harvesting, and electrochromatic glass. There will be no asphalt or concrete on the property, allowing water to be absorbed and directed to a basin from which it will be used throughout the farm. By using a combination of wind turbines and solar panels, the facility power will be generated from clean, non-depletable resources which are inflation proof and not subject to the factors of the market. Adding energy-saving features are more costly at the outset, but installation costs are recovered in seven to nine years, according to the experts. “If I had used the same methods we will employ here in my chicken houses, I would be saving a thousand dollars a month,� Flanagan said.
Columnist Don White has served as editor at several Kentucky newspapers. His Kentucky Traveler features are published throughout the state. Contact him at www.
Comprehensive Family Eye Care Since 1985
Italian-Americans often serve lasagna before their Thanksgiving turkey, and it got us thinking — what would happen if we cooked pumpkin, the most iconic Thanksgiving fruit, in lasagna? The result is a delicious blend of traditions. Made heartier with the addition of ricotta cheese, mushrooms and greens, this lasagna can be served as a sophisticated side dish or a substantial vegetarian entrÊe. Ingredients 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, divided 2 large onions, chopped 1 can (about 4 ounces) sliced mushrooms, drained 3 cloves garlic, minced 1/4 teaspoon dried Italian seasoning 1 can (15 ounces) mixed greens, drained 1 can (15 ounces) 100% pumpkin 1 container (15 ounces) ricotta cheese, preferably whole milk 3/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/8 teaspoon grated nutmeg 1 cup Alfredo sauce 15 lasagna noodles (about 3/4 pound), cooked according to package directions Heat oven to 350°F. Heat 2 teaspoons of the
olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add onion and sautĂŠ until golden brown, 5 to 10 minutes. Add mushrooms and cook until browned, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and Italian seasoning, and cook for 1 minute. Stir in the greens and heat through; set aside. Mix pumpkin and ricotta cheese in a large mixing bowl. Stir in Parmesan cheese, salt, black pepper and nutmeg until well combined. Grease the inside of baking dish with the remaining teaspoon of olive oil. Spread 1/2 cup Alfredo sauce over the bottom of the baking dish. Top with 3 noodles, covering the bottom of the dish. Spread 1/4 of the pumpkin mixture over the layer of noodles and scatter 1/4 of the green mixture over the pumpkin. Repeat layers of noodles, pumpkin and greens, until you have 4 layers of each. Top with the remaining 3 noodles; spread the remaining 1/2 cup Alfredo sauce over the top. Cover with a sheet of foil and bake for 45 minutes until bubbling around the edges. Remove foil; top with remaining Parmesan cheese and return to the oven for about 15 minutes, until lightly browned. Rest for 15 minutes and cut in 12 to 18 squares. To submit your own recipe, e-mail
Most major insurances accepted, including Medicare.
Open Season
Gun season brings in plenty of deer for local hunters.
Outdoors, B5 Friday, November 14, 2008
Ben Achtabowski, Sports Editor 270-422-4542
ON DECK Nov. 14 PLAYOFF FOOTBALL Greenwave football PRP 7:30 p.m. Nov. 15 Varsity cross country State Meet @ Lexington Horse Park 1:30 p.m. Nov. 17 7th and 8th grade girls basketball Finals
Nov. 18 Intramural football games TBA Nov. 19 Wrestling Meet the Team
Seniors celebrate final game Senior night honors four years of hard work. Sports, B3 The News Standard
Lady Waves cross country team is no joke By Ben Achtabowski Before every cross country meet, Meade County head coach Larry Garner tells his Lady Waves team a joke. The cornier the better, and the joke before last Saturday’s Class 3A Region 3 meet was no exception. In short, Garner’s joke was about a guy getting chased by a coffin, which eventually cornered him in a bathroom. The guy finally took cough syrup out of the medicine cabinet and poured it into the coffin — and the “coffin” stopped. “We started that three years ago,” Garner said about the team’s pre-race ritual. “They didn’t know I was going to do it. They were very tense all stand-
ing at the line, so I told them a joke. They were all standing there like I’m an idiot. This year, I said I wasn’t going to bother with it and they started screaming and yelling at me. So last night, I’m on the Internet trying to find a joke to tell them. I’ve run out of all my good jokes.” While the actual degree of hilarity is still under question, the Lady Waves cross country team is certainly no joke this year. With a set of lofty goals, the girls appeared disappointed with their runnerup performance and automatic bid into the state meet tomorrow at Lexington Horse Park.
See JOKE, B2
The Lady Waves pose with their Class 3A Region 3 runner-up trophy. The team competes at the state meet tomorrow in Lexington.
Small in numbers, big in heart
7 p.m.
Nov. 20 Intramural footbal playoff TBA BOYS BASKETBALL Saturday with the Greenwave On Saturday, Nov. 22 the Meade County boys basketball team will host a basketball day for all levels of play for Greenwave players.
Senior night victory is all about momentum
Fans are encouraged to come out to watch future and present Greenwave basketball players in action. There will be a one-time admission price of $3 for adults and $2 for all students. Concessions will be available throughout the day as well. Greenwave Giveaway tickets will be available, along with Greenwave apparel. The following is a schedule of the day’s games: Flaherty vs. Muldraugh 10 a.m. DTW 1 vs. Battletown 11 a.m. DTW 2 vs. Ekron 1
DTW 3 vs. Ekron 2 1 p.m. DTW 4 vs. Payneville 2 p.m. SPMS 7th. vs. Cloverport 3 p.m. SPMS 8th. vs.. Cloverport 4 p.m. MCHS 9th. vs. Caverna 5 p.m. MCHS JV vs. Caverna 6 p.m. MCHS Varsity vs. Caverna 7:30 p.m. CROSS COUNTRY RESULTS Regional Tournament Results Meade County Girls Runners 5 Level, April, 20:16.20 8 Brown, Tiffany, 21:15.10 10 Dukes, Kim, 21:30.00 13 Dukes, Stephanie 21:45.30 15 Lancaster, Christina 22:08.30 22 Smith, Cynthia 22:46.60 35 Kelch, Natasha 24:46.50 Team Scores 1 duPont Manual 16 2 Meade County 50 3 Nelson County 83 4 Pleasure Ridge Park 110 5 Male 122 6 Butler 169 Meade County Boys Runners 11 Breeds, Sean, 6:44.00 22 Medley, Chad, 17:42.50 23 Blair, Tyler, 17:47.90 29 Humphrey, Joseph, 18:07.30 30 Merski, Malichi, 18:11.80 34 Bowen, Zach, 18:33.30 44 King, Jordan, 21:00.10 Team Scores 1 St. Xavier 27 2 duPont Manual 58 3 Butler 59 4 Male 94 5 Meade County 115 6 Nelson County 178 7 Pleasure Ridge Park 218
Sean Breeds battles for 11th place at the finish line with a runner from Male.
Five individuals make state meet By Ben Achtabowski The Meade County Greenwave cross country team members call themselves wolves because during races they run as a pack. They also will be heading to the state track meet as a pack, though they only qualified for individual spots. “We have five guys that will stick together and run together even at the state meet,” said head coach Larry Garner. “We can’t score as a team, but we can always add up the numbers and see what we would have run as a team.” Last Saturday, Louisville Male — by a margin of 21 points — edged the Greenwave team out of a team seed in the state meet during the regional meet at River Road Country Club. Only the top four teams of the region qualify for the state meet. Male finished fourth, while Meade County placed fifth. “Twenty-one points short isn’t bad at all,” said junior Sean Breeds, who finished a team-high 11th place. “Before the race (people) saying (Male was) 78 points ahead of us. So I’ll take 21 points. We put everything we
By Ben Achtabowski
TOP: Tyler Crow pushes a mass of football players for a touchdown last Friday. ABOVE: Alex Furnival follows his blocker, Brendean Kenealy, around the right side of the field.
Before last Friday’s game against the Woodford County Yellow Jackets, nine seniors walked onto the field for their last regular season game at Hamilton field. Those nine players, along with 37 underclassmen teammates, weathered a roller coaster season that finished on a peak with a 21-0 victory. “That was an emotional win, especially for all the seniors,” said senior fullback Alex Furnival. “We don’t have many (seniors) — we’re down to nine — but I’ll take the nine seniors over anybody.” After dipping into anther season low with a 49-13 loss to Connor two weeks ago, several key factors made the game emotional: First, was senior night. “That’s what you look forward to,” said senior cornerback Kasey Dame. “You don’t want to go
One of three NASCAR races could be interesting this weekend DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — OK, we had to do was start, but the No. here we are in the final racing week- 99 put up a great fight today and has end of the 2008 NASCAR season. shown true championship character All year long, we’ve made throughout the whole year. NASCAR Those guys really make us an attempt to keep folks informed of the ins and outs work hard for it and I know and ups and downs of the as long as something doesn’t season, but it’s all boiled go crazy for us down in down to one final go-around Homestead, we’re going to for the around 100 drivers on be able to join Cale (Yarborhand in Homestead-Miami ough) and I can’t wait to start this weekend. celebrating.’’ For starters, let’s just get a Yarborough was the last, Buddy little service-message out of Shacklette and only, driver to have won the way real quick. There is three in a row when he drove one race left on Sunday, but Jimmie for Junior Johnson — no relation to Johnson will become a three-time NA- Jimmie. SCAR Sprint Cup Series champion. So if you’re planning on going fishJohnson, who will become the sec- ing on Sunday go ahead and go. The ond driver in NASCAR history to win race won’t go green until just before three consecutive Cup titles, needs 4 p.m. and once the sun’s gone down only to finish 36th or better — regard- you can still come inside, watch the less if Carl Edwards wins the race or last 50 laps of the race and see Johnnot — to secure the championship. son, his wife Chandra and car owner “I’m excited,” Johnson said. “I wish Rick Hendrick celebrate another title. we could have left (Phoenix) and all “The weight that is on your shoul-
ders, is tough,” Johnson said. “I am proud of this team to rise up each time. I look at this talent on this great race team I have and you can’t thank everybody at Lowe’s, Hendrick Motorsports, my crew, my guys, a lot of hard work goes in to this.’’ The race the day before will be a little more challenging. On Saturday, Clint Bowyer will carry a 56-point lead into the Nationwide Series’ season finale at Homestead. Edwards, hot on Bowyer’s tail to repeat as Nationwide champion, carries all of the momentum into the weekend. Edwards hasn’t finished outside of the top-5 in the last eight Nationwide races and has won three of those, including last week at Phoenix. The race rolls green at 4:30 p.m. so it could make for some interesting times just as the sun goes down as well. So for those keeping score, Edwards
Two-time NASCAR Sprint Cup Series champion Jimmie Johnson celebrates his 2007 title. He has to finish 36th or higher this weekend to clinch his third Chase title.
Friday, November 14, 2008
The News Standard - B3
Senior class has final regular season home game
Last Friday, the senior football players and cheerleaders celebrated their final home regular season game and posed with family and loved ones. LEFT COLUMN (Top to bottom): Alex Furnival with Roger and Beverly Furnival. Anthony Ruelas with Norma Garza. Josh Jarboe with James and Samantha Jarboe and Kevin and Mary Curtsinger. Marcus Feemster with Jackie and Anita Feemster. Kasey Dame with Debbie and Glenn Dame. MIDDLE COLUMN: Michael Addesa with Rocco and Kelly Addesa. Jimmy Crase with James and Mary Crase. Kevin Carter with Terry Carter and Lynn Geary. Steve McCubbins with Josh and Gloria McCubbins. Jonah Cundiff with Steve and Jamie Cundiff. RIGHT COLUMN: Roni Robinson with Michael and Melissa Robinson. Jessica Padgett with Amy and Paul Padgett. Michelle Lyons with Regina and Tony Vinson. Audrianna Armstrong with Chad and Veronica Armstrong. Emily Benham with Diane and LaRoy Benham.
Galaxy goes undefeated during the fall season
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The Meade County Galaxy soccer team completed a successful soccer season in the MCYSA U8 Division going undefeated in both the regular season and tournament play. It also finished as runners-up in the Vine Grove “Soccer Scream” Invitational U8 Fall Tournament. FRONT ROW (left to right): Hannah Hayes, Emma Short, Adam Walsh, Braydin Board, Abby Nelson, Mason Craycroft. BACK ROW: Parker Bradley, Shane Paschal, Brooks Nelson and Emily Oakes. Coaches are Terry Nelson and David Craycroft.
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B4 - The News Standard
State From page B1 had on the line. I have no regrets on what our team did today. We ran well and we ran strong. The outcome was what it was.” During the first mileand-a-half of the little over three-mile (5 km) race, the Greenwave team had the lead on Male. “We knew we were coming in as the underdogs,” Garner said. “We knew that most likely we weren’t going to beat them. But at the mile-and-a-half mark we were beating them. We had them beat. Our position was good, but Male pulled away at the end.” Even though the team missed out, five of seven runners qualified for state meet. The runners attribute their individual success to the team’s “pack-like tendencies.” “We started this new thing where we call ourselves wolves and we run as a pack,” said junior Joseph Humphrey, who qualified for the state meet with a 29th place finish. “We did that today and our top five guys were right there. We stayed together for the most part, of course we broke apart a little bit at the end, but we definitely had that pack mentality.” The majority of the pack finished in the top 30, including junior Chad Medley, 22nd; sophomore Tyler Blair, 23rd; Humphrey, 29th; and freshman Malichi Merski, 30th — all of which were within 10 places of each other. Meade County’s finish was unlike the conference meet it hosted two weeks ago. “In the conference meet we got away from that,” Garner said. “Our pack kind of fizzled and that’s why we didn’t run well that day — they know it and I know it. It’s their rallying cry now and they believe in it.” During the regional meet, the runners had near-perfect running conditions for the fairly flat course. The only thing working against them was a stiff breeze and a few bumps. “That wind was hurting,” Humphrey said. “That really made it tough to run. But the course is amazing; it’s a really nice course.” “I love this course. It’s a really quick course and all
Tyler Blair finishes strong during the regional meet last weekend.
Interesting From page B1 will be going for the title in both of NASCAR’s top-2 series. “It’s possible, not real probable, but I guarantee that’s not going to change the way we do business,’’ said Edwards. “We’re going to go to Homestead with everything we’ve got and be aggressive and try to win the race. Mileand-halfs have been our best tracks lately.’’ Now the best title race will go down tonight, so make sure to stock up the fridge prop your feet up and enjoy. At 8 p.m. the season finale for the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series will go green. Now before you quit reading here bear in mind that this series is comprised of former Cup stars, Nationwide race winners and youngsters looking to build their resumes to get to the next level.
it has is those dips,” Breeds said about several ditches the runners had to leap over throughout the course. “All that does is throw off your pace. You just have to catch your stride back again.” “That was so weird,” Humphrey added about the ditches. “It throws you off so badly, because of those random dips and hills. They aren’t gradual at all. You have to step up and it throws you off. You can’t jump it; you can’t step up without it throwing you off.” All top five runners ran a personal best excluding Breeds, who ran a season best of 16:44. The team that ran away with the regional title was St. Xavier, which scored all seven runners in the top 20. Junior Jackson Carnes and junior Thomas Mann, both from St. X, finished under 16 minutes. The entire field of regional teams consisted of very good runners, which helped push the Greenwave to do even better. “I like running against people like that,” Breeds said about the tough competition. “It gives you a goal. It creates that mentality of ‘I have to get up there I have to run faster.’ As a team, we all feel that way. We realize we have to pack together and run as a team.” Tomorrow, the five runners will face an even a tougher group of competitors in the state meet. There will also be a mix of runners from Trinity and Daviess County (ranked 16th in the nation). “We’ll have to practice hard next week,” said Medley. “We have to put everything on the line for that race.” The boys Class 3A race begins at 1:30 p.m. at Lexington Horse Park. Top 20 1 Carnes, Jackson, St. Xavier, 15:49.50 2 Mann, Thomas, St. Xavier, 15:54.70 3 Hamm, David, duPont Manual, 16:04.60 4 Mize, Steve, Male, 16:09.80 5 Hillenbrand, Matt, St. Xavier, 16:28.90 6 McCaslin, Ian, St. Xavier,16:29.30 7 Bruce, David, Butler, 16:29.60 8 Berry, Darius, Butler, 16:39.30 9 Sivado, Jon, Butler, 16:40.40 10 Johns, Reece, duPont Manual, 16:41.10 11 Breeds, Sean, Meade County, 16:44.00 12 Kassel, Jordan, Male, 16:44.70 13 Beavin, Sam, St. Xavier 16:48.80 14 Finley, Perry, duPont Manual, 16:53.00 15 Jeter, Eric, duPont Manual, 16:54.10 Other Meade County finishers 22 Medley, Chad, 17:42.50 23 Blair, Tyler, 17:47.90 29 Humphrey, Joseph, 18:07.30 30 Merski, Malichi, 18:11.80 34 Bowen, Zach, 18:33.30 44 King, Jordan, 21:00.10 Team Scores 1 St. Xavier 27 2 duPont Manual 58 3 Butler 59 4 Male 94 5 Meade County 115 6 Nelson County 178 7 Pleasure Ridge Park 218
Who runs in the series you might ask? Johnny Benson, Ron Hornaday, Mike Skinner, Todd Bodine and Ted Musgrave to name a few. Why should you watch? Because it’s the closest any points race has been with one race left to go in NASCAR history. Benson, a former Nationwide champion, leads by three points over Hornaday, the series’ defending and three-time champion. “I’m going there with the same mindset as we did in Daytona unless it needs to change during the race,” Benson said. “If it needs to change a little, I’ll deal with it then. Right now, no mindset different than every race I’ve ever run this season. “The Exide Batteries team’s goal is to go win the race, I think we need to do that. The goal is to try to win the race and do what we have to do to be competitive depending on where the points are going into the race and the developments during the race; we’d love to win it.”
Friday, November 14, 2008
Roller coaster season heads into playoff action By Ben Achtabowski With the Meade County Greenwave football season’s fair share of peaks and valleys due to youth, inexperience and a tough schedule, it has been far from boring. But tonight, it comes down to one game as the Kentucky state playoffs begin. “Hopefully the fruits of our labor and the roller coaster ride will pay off this week,” Greenwave head coach Larry Mofield said. “It’s do or die now.” After clinching the No. 2 seed in the district, Meade County will host the Louisville Pleasure Ridge Park Panthers tonight at Hamilton field. The playoffs will not get any easier for the Greenwave, who will face yet another formidable foe. PRP is 4-4 on a shortened schedule due to a cancellation of games during the wind storm early in the fall and the passing away of PRP student and football player Max Gilpin at the beginning of the season. “I’m sure it’s been a difficult year,” Mofield said. “I don’t know (PRP’s head) coach (Jason) Stinson that well, but he’s done a heck of a job this year. To play the schedule they have had and still come out with a 4-4 record, he may
get coach of the year in Kentucky.” PRP placed third out of a tough Class 6A District 3, which includes St. Xavier, Butler, and duPont Manual, but also played tough out-of-district games and recorded wins over Doss, Seneca, and the Greenwave’s arch nemesis North Hardin two weeks ago. However, the Panthers are coming off a bye week and may come out a little flat against Meade County. “You never know how it will turn out,” Mofield said about PRP’s reaction from its bye week. “It will give them some extra time to prepare, which is an advantage (for them). I think it may be a disadvantage when it comes to timing. I just don’t know how much of a factor it will be; hopefully it will help us out. But you never really know.” PRP brings a successful run game to Hamilton field tonight in a Wing-T offense that is a little bit of a throwback compared to the airborne offenses of North Hardin, Fern Creek and Connor. “The one thing that makes them a little more difficult to prepare for is we haven’t seen a true running team (like PRP).” Mofield said. “That’s one of our challenges this week at practice.” According to Mofield, the Panthers
defense is another strength. “They are fast on defense,” he said. “They run an even-front defense. It’s nothing out of the ordinary. You don’t see different defenses, either it’s an odd front or even front. If we’re not prepared for that by now, then we’ll never be prepared.” With the weather conditions becoming more harsh, the Greenwave expect a grind-it-out game. “It’s going to be sloppy,” Mofield said about preparing for Friday’s game. “The weather conditions are going to be terrible. We have to play in it, so you might as well practice in it. It’s football, you have to play in the elements.” With that being said, a low scoring defensive struggle might just play into the hands of Meade County, but Mofield feels the team just can’t give away the game like they have done in the past. “We seem to find a way to shoot ourselves in the foot,” Mofield said. “That’s one thing we have been consistent with, and that’s not a good thing. I’m hoping we’ll break that pattern.” If the Greenwave can avoid these mistakes, maybe this roller coaster ride can go on a little bit longer. The kickoff is slated for 7:30 p.m. at Meade County High School.
Heart From page B1 home with a loss.” Second, was finishing the regular season with a .500 record instead of falling under the .500 mark. “It’s very different finishing 5-5 rather than 4-6,” head coach Larry Mofield said. “Twenty years from now people aren’t going to look at the scores, they will only care about the record. We tell the kids a win is a win.” Third, was gaining some much needed momentum as the Greenwave hosts its first playoff game against Louisville Pleasure Ridge Park tonight. “This win is great,” senior linebacker Jimmy Crase said. “It changes the whole mood of the locker room, the fans; and it gives everyone something to look forward to.” Add in the fact that the victory was in shutout fashion, and Meade County is ready for the playoffs. “It’s just amazing,” said senior linemen Marcus Feemster, who had a tackle and a sack during last Friday’s game. “Especially, since it’s our first shutout (of the season). We’re just doing what we can. Some weeks we’re off, this week we were on and I think we’ll continue that through playoffs. We’ll take a swing at PRP next week.” The Greenwave received its momentum during the first possession of the game when the offense marched 69 yards for the first score
Alec Goodhardt pulls down a Woodford County runner. of the game. The drive included a 47yard pass from junior quarterback Tyler Mattingly to senior wide receiver Michael Addesa to put the Greenwave on Woodford County’s 10-yard line. Mattingly finished the night with 81 yards through the air on five completions, Addesa caught two of those passes for 62 yards. Three plays later, junior fullback Ricky Funk took the ball up the middle for a 12yard touchdown. Senior kicker Jonah Cundiff added the point after attempt to make the score 7-0. “That first score was important to us,” Mofield said. “That helped us get the momentum and then we were able to play some pretty solid defense against a really good offensive team.” The Woodford County offense this year has been very effective by scoring 288 points and accumulating over 3,000 yards. However, it has been shut out during the last two games, according to Mofield. “(That) is surprising to me,” he said about the Yellow
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Jackets recent offensive struggles. “Anytime you shut out a team, it’s big.” Meade County held the Yellow Jackets offense to 155 yards and three interceptions. The biggest interception of the night was scored 16 seconds into the second half when Addesa picked off a pass and returned it 30 yards for a touchdown. Cundiff added the extra point to extend the lead to 14-0. “Coming out in the second half and picking off that pass and scoring was huge for us,” Mofield said. “We have laid some eggs in the second half, so to speak, this year. We didn’t lay an egg tonight.” While the defense locked down on Woodford County, the Greenwave offense soared with 315 total yards. Sixty-five of those yards came from Meade County’s final touchdown of the night. The seven-play, 65-yard drive culminated with junior fullback Tyler Crow’s 3-yard touchdown run up the middle during the first play of the fourth quarter. Cundiff split the
uprights to make the final score 21-0. Crow ended the night with a season-high 110 yards on 17 carries. Furnival added 68 yards on 17 carries for Meade County. After the senior night victory, players expressed their excitement. “It’s a whole weight off your shoulders,” Crase said. “I’m never nervous before a football game, but that’s one game you really look forward to win and really get pumped up. It’s a great feeling.” “I love the camaraderie,” Feemster added. “There’s not many seniors, but they’re my best friends. I love them to death. I’ll remember being out there with my friends making plays, and not making plays that’s just how football goes.”
Woodford County 0 0 0 0—0 Meade County 7 0 7 7—21 Scoring Summary First Quarter MC: Ricky Funk 12 yard run (Jonah Cundiff kick), 9:27. Second Quarter No Scores Third Quarter MC: Steven Duckworth pass intercepted by Michael Addesa and returned 30 yards (Cundiff kick), 11:44. Fourth Quarter MC: Tyler Crow six yard run (Cundiff kick), 11:55. Rushing Crow 17-110, Alex Furnival 1768, Funk 6-26, Tyler Mattingly 4-14, Max Cundiff 3-11, Kevin Carter 2-8 Passing Mattingly 5-15-0-81 Receiving Michael Addesa 2-62, Furnival 2-9, Bo Wilson 1-10
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Friday, November 14, 2008
The News Standard - B5
Lunar Calendar Friday
12:22-2:22 a.m. 12:52-2:52 p.m.
1:28-3:28 a.m. 1:58-3:58 p.m.
2:34-4:34 a.m. 3:04-5:04 p.m.
Monday 3:36-5:36 a.m. 4:06-6:06 p.m.
5:24-7:24 a.m. 5:54-7:54 p.m..
6:11-8:11 a.m. 6:41-8:41 p.m.
4:33-6:33 a.m. 5:03-7:03 p.m..
Darker shades of gray indicate the best fishing or hunting potential based on the phase of the moon. = New Moon
= Full Moon
Archery team gets into full swing with indoor shoots Submitted by Meade County Archery
Over the last three weeks, the students from Meade County have participated in open ranges at the Meade County Fairgrounds. Open ranges introduce the sport of archery to new archers allows them to try and see if they want to pursue the sport further. Also, the open ranges help the returning archers work out the kinks after taking the summer off from the sport. Last Year, Meade County had the top middle school female in the United States; Meaghan Dunn of Stuart Pepper Middle School and the top high school female
in the United States, Courtney Campbell. Stuart Pepper Middle School team led by coach Travis Stull placed second in the nation overall in the middle school division. For more information on archery within Meade County and Meade County Schools go to the Web site at www.eteamz. com/Meadearchery. The National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) provides international-style target archery instruction to students in fourth through 12th grades as part of an in-school curriculum. These schools may then form after-school programs and compete on a state and
national level. Kentucky initiated the NASP organization in 2002 with 22 schools participating. With the program’s overwhelming success, other states began to adopt the program as well. Currently, 46 states and three additional countries have implemented the program in their schools. The benefits from participating in archery are endless. Gaining the knowledge of a life-long sport is secondary to learning teamwork, self-discipline, and a sense of accomplishment. Every student has the ability to be involved in archery regardless of size or gender.
ABOVE: Sixth-grader Kayla Dowell shoots a perfect 50 during an open range session. TOP RIGHT: Students from Payneville Elementary line up to shoot. RIGHT: Erica Kessinger, a sixth-grader, poses after she shot a perfect 50 during one of Meade County’s open range shoots.
Gun season opens, while local hunters bring in catches
Last weekend, local hunters enjoyed the opening of gun season by harvesting deer across Meade county. There were many hunters who had luck hunting, including Levi Wilkins who shot his first deer. The 14-year-old harvested the 145 pound, eight-point buck and he is the son of Mike Wilkins and Becky Moslander
of Brandenburg. Here are a few other local hunters and their catches. There are plenty of more photos to come, check next weeks issue of The News Standard. If you would like to get into the paper with your deer, send photos to
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B6 - The News Standard KING CROSSWORD
Friday, November 14, 2008
Strange but True
ACROSS 1 4 8 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 40 41 42 46 47 48 49 50 51
River structure Hackman or Rayburn Got a glimpse of Sapporo sash Finished Give a makeover to BBQ wood Use a teaspoon Wrap, as a flag Clergy counterpart Homeric narrative Hearts, for one Make aspic Cretaceous or Jurassic Time of your life? Refuge Popular card game Answer-ing machine's info Impale Doppelganger "Oh, God" star Trembled Kansas city Frau's mate Crazy (Var.) Incite Neighbor of Sask. Conclusion Santa's sackful Satiate Pair on stage
DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6
Comic DeLuise Honest politician Puts in the wrong folder Pumpkin or cucumber Satan's field Trawler need
7 8 9 10 11 16 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27
Prior to Poor substitute Bigfoot's cousin Tend texts Hunky- Campus area Narnia's Aslan, e.g. Shiite leader Theater box Early evening Works with Creche trio Not just peeved - instant
28 30 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45
By Samantha Weaver •If you’re like most people, the length of your footprint is approximately 15 percent of your height. •Those who study such matters claim that Queen Elizabeth I was rather fond of playing practical jokes on her courtiers. •It was American journalist and Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Ellen Goodman who made the following sage observation: “Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for -- in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.” •Hens don’t actually sit on their eggs; they squat on them, keeping their weight on their feet. •You’re probably aware of the muchpublicized fact that the Great Wall of China is one of the only human constructions that is visible from outer space. You might not know, however, that the extensive network of dikes that keeps the ocean out of the Netherlands is another such construction. •In the United States, about $8 billion is spent every year on dry cleaning. •In 1841, eyewitnesses in Derby, England, reported seeing frogs and fish fall from the sky. Some of the animals were even alive. •Native Americans once used the herb Echinacea to treat snake bites. •Thought for the Day: “What this country needs is more free speech worth listening to.” -- Hansell B. Duckett (c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc.
Corn eaters' castoffs Warmonger Mall units Enterprise officer Heidi of TV's "Hotel" Close Medal earner Rampant revelry Ratio phrase PC alternative Right angle Wildebeest Tokyo, once
Horoscopes HOCUS-FOCUS
By Henry Boltinoff © 2008 King Features Synd., Inc.
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Although your energy level is high, be careful not to commit to too many projects at this time. You'll do better focusing on just a few tasks rather than spreading yourself too thin.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your heart might be leading you in one direction, but pay attention to your keen Bovine intellect. I'm cautioning you to think things through before making any commitments.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Your "serious" Twin has been dominant in your life for quite a while. It's time now to let that "wilder" half take you out for some good times -- perhaps with someone very special.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Career aspects are high for Moon Children who make a good impression. Show people not only what you can already do, but also how you can be more valuable to them in the future.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) Things start to brighten for the Lion's immediate financial future. But be careful to resist the urge to splurge. You need to tuck something away to help you through another tight period.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Having to do too many tasks in too short a time could lower your mood to just above the grumbling level. But if you handle things one at a time, you'll get through it all soon enough.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Your usually carefully made holiday plans could be subject to change later this month. Use this week to prepare for that possibility by starting a Plan B just in case you need it.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Be careful about joining a colleague's plan to solve a workplace problem. Investigate it thoroughly. Otherwise, you could find yourself in a predicament with other associates.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Slow down that highpaced whirl you've been on. Spending quiet time alone or with people you care for can be both physically and spiritually restorative.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Make suggestions, not demands. You'll be more successful in getting people to follow your lead if you exercise quiet patience instead of strong persuasion to get your ideas across.
Last Week’s Solutions
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) You still need more facts before you can make an informed career choice. One note of caution: Be careful about whom you ask for that information; otherwise, you could be misled.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Changing situations through the end of the week could lead to some challenging opportunities for those perspicacious Pisceans who know how to make them work to their advantage.
BORN THIS WEEK: You have a way of being both daring and cautious, traits that could make you a research scientist or maybe even a rocket-ship designer. (c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc.
Friday, November 14, 2008
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B8 - The News Standard
Friday, November 14, 2008
Searching the
Yard/Garage Sale? Advertise it with E-Cycle Day Saturday, Nov. 14 at Brandenburg Primary School from 9-12 p.m. Drop off your electronic devices to help recycle them and be a part of America Recycles Day. No TV’s please. For more information, please go to or call 270-422-7545. Vine Grove Dickens of a Christmas will be Saturday, Dec. 6th in Vine Grove. We welcome vendors with arts and crafts, food and games. This would be a great opportunity for your organization to raise money. If you are interested in participating in the festival please contact Donna Broadway at 270-877-2422 for your entry form. Entry forms for the festival may be downloaded at: Stop Smoking Successfully. $30 fee includes book and educational materials (does not include nicotine replacement products). Minimum of four participants must be enrolled for class to be held. Call Harrison County Hospital at 812-738-8708 for more information and registration. Child Car Seat Inspections Free child car seat inspections available at the EMS Training Center at 245 Atwood Street, Corydon, Ind. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 812-738-7871. Healthcare Provider CPR Wednesday, Nov. 19 and Nov. 26, 6-10 p.m. at the EMS Training Center, 245 Atwood Street, Corydon, Ind. For more information, call 812-738-7871.
DISH NETWORK Satellite TV systems installed FREE this week! First month FREE! No bank account needed! No $$$ down needed! (866)689-0523 Call now for details!
The News Standard 270-422-4542
3 Harley Davidson sportsters for sale. A 1996, 1997, and 2006 Harley Sportster. Motorcycle parts, ATV parts, and accessories. Call 812-738-4200. 2 INDUSTRIAL SECURITY LIGHTS. $500 each. 270828-2927.
• Sidewalks • Driveways • Concrete • Aggregate • Stone • Retaining Walls
COMMERCIAL SECURITY GATE. Approx. 15 ft. w/motor. Never been installed. Call for more information. 270-828-2927.
349 Pine Ridge Dr. Brandenburg, Ky 40108 Local: 270.422.1879 Cell: 502.594.6579
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A New Computer Now!! Brand Name laptops & desktops. Bad or NO credit- No Problem. Smallest Weekly payments avail. It’s yours NOW- Call 800840-5366.
Free to a good home 2 yorkie terrier pets for adoption. They are both A K C registered. Contact me for more information.
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DIVORCE without children $95.00, DIVORCE with children $95.00. With FREE name change documents (wife only) and marital settlement agreement. Fast, easy and professional. Call 1-888789-0198. SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $2,990.00- Convert your LOGS TO VALUABLE LUMBER with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. -FREE information: 1-800-5781363 Ext:300-N.
2 bedroom, 1 bath duplex in Brandenburg. Damage deposit $350. Rent $450. No Pets. Call 270-8282702 or 270-828-3772. For Lease-2 bdrm 1 ½ bath townhouse. Security deposit and credit check required. 1 year lease. Pet standards. Cable and internet ready. Paved parking. Available now. 270828-3224.
ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 866-858-2121 www.
If you own land (or can get some from a relative) you can keep your cash! ZERO DOWN financing available on factory-direct Singles, Doubles & Triples! Need a septic? No problem! We do utilities, too! Limited or no credit OK because we own the bank!
Country Squire Homes Toll Free
(Mention this ad and get a FREE washer & dryer or Jacuzzi jets!)
According to KRS 83A.010… “Board” means the board of commissioners in any city organized and governed under the city manager plan. “Code of ordinances” means a reenactment of the body of positive municipal law, read and interpreted as a whole, with the text arranged by subject matter and properly indexed. “Commission” means the city commission in any city organized and governed under the commission plan. “Council” means the city legislative body in any city organized and governed under the mayor-council plan. “Executive authority” means the mayor in any city organized and governed under the mayor-council plan or the mayor-alderman plan as provided in KRS Chapter 83, the commission in any city organized and governed under the commission plan, or the board of commissioners in any city organized under the city manager plan. “Executive order” means an order issued by the executive authority of a municipality which is binding upon the officers and employees of the municipality and any governmental agency over which the municipality has jurisdiction. “Ordinance” means an official action of a city legislative body, which is a regulation of a general and permanent nature and enforceable as a local law or is an appropriation of money.
$7.00 25
Heavy Equipment Operators: Louisville based general contractor has an opening for heavy equipment operators. Must have 5+ years of experience and be willing to perform other tasks when not operating. Travel is required. Call 502-479-6520 or fill out application at 3560 Bashford Ave., Louisville, KY 40218. Part-time, home-based Internet business. Earn $500-$1000/ month or more. Flexible hours. Training provided. No selling required. FREE details
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Enacted in 1942, the KRS are the bodies of law that govern the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Part-Time church secretary, Mon-Thurs, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Fri 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Must be knowledgeable in MS Word, Works, Excel, Publisher, record keeping, payroll, website maintenance. Send resumes to Rock Haven Baptist Church, 444 Old Mill Road, Brandenburg, 40108.
HeartSaver CPR/First-Aid Saturday, Nov. 22, 8-4 p.m. at the EMS Training Center, 245 Atwood Street, Corydon, Ind. For more information, call 812-738-7871.
AMERICAN HEAVY EQUIPMENT TRAINING 866-2805836 NCCER ACCREDITED Equipment Operator Training located in Kentucky. Applicants may qualify for available State Training Dollars. Employment Assistance and Financing.
Advanced Cardiac Life Support class Monday and Tuesday, November 20th and 21st. 9-5 p.m., at the EMS Training Center, 245 Atwood Street, Corydon, Ind. For more information, call 812-738-7871.
One order, One check, One smart move! Save time and money by making one call to place a 25-word classified in 70 Kentucky newspapers for only $250. For more information, contact the classified department of this newspaper or call KPS 1-502-223-8821.
Metal swing set for sale. Like new. $40. Firm. 270945-0500.
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The News Standard
Remle Wilkerson Sales Representative
Office: 270-422-4542 Fax: 270-422-4575
Friday, November 14, 2008
The News Standard - B9
Bumps and Bruises
McGeheeHumphreyDavis Realty and Auction 422-4977 877-6366 547-4977 We offer owner financing on most all our properties with no prequalifications! *Please visit our website at*
HOMES 2 bed, 2 bath, new paint & flooring. Wood-burning Fireplace. 0.8 ac Midway area of Meade co. $34,500/$3,500 down, $343.17 mo. Pmt.* 3 bed, 2 bath, on 1.3 ac off Hwy 79 Irvington area of Breck Co. $42,500/$3,500 down, $431.73 mo. Pmt.* 4 bed, 2 bath on 1.9 ac off US 60 Irvington area of Breck Co. Broker Owned $49,900/$4,900 down, $498.15 mo. Pmt.* 3 bed, 2 bath on 1 ac., off Hobbs Reesor Rd. Agent Owned. $49,900/$4,900 down, $498.15 mo. Pmt.* *Payment based on 13% fixed rate on 360 month term. $250 closing cost. No Pre-Payment Penalty. No Qualifying. Ready for your mobile/ modular home…2.7 ac with septic, electric, co water avail, cistern well on site, off US 60, $27,500. Hunters Paradise, 30+ ac, Payneville/Battletown area of Meade County, Broker Owned. $2,000/ac. 3.5 ac set up for home, Payneville area, septic, cistern, electric on site, REDUCED $22,900. OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE HUNTER’S DREAM (the following properties may be divided) 112 acres in Breckinridge County. $168,000. 367 acres in Lewis County off Interstate 65. $675 an acre. 88.9 acres in Ohio County. $1400 an acre. We pay cash for farms or land. Call Marion at 668-4035 or 1-6 ACRES in Meade County near Fort Knox. Ok for single or doublewides homes. County water and electric available, owner financing. 7.7 ACRES, near Irvington, beautiful home site. Ok for horses. $24,500. Must see to appreciate. $500 Down. 1-2 ACRES, near Doe Valley Otter Creek Park. Restricted to houses, county water, electric and blacktop road. 32 acres and 20 acres in Breckinridge County. County water. Electric available. Perfect for crop, pasture or horses. 32 acres near Webster. All woods. Has electric available. Nice home site and good hunting! We pay cash for farms or land. Call MW 270-668-4035
LOTS FOR SALE ENGLISH ESTATES Lot 8 - 1.638 acres $25,900 Lot 28 - 1.696 acres $19,600 Lot 42 - 1.224 acres $13,900 Lot 48 - 1.572 acres $15,290 Lot 49 - 1.296 acres $14,500 Lot 50 - 1.27 acres $14,400 Lot 51 - 1.232 acres $13,900 INDIAN OAKS SUBDIVISION Lot 10 - 3.46 acres $25,500 Lot 14 - 2.5297 acres $17,000 Lot 15 - 2.5399 acres $17,000 MEADE SPRINGS Lot 29 - 4.092 acres $35,000 Lot 30 - 4.988 acres $42,000 On Meade Springs Road HARDESTY-RAYMOND ROAD Lot 9 - 6 acres $30,000 OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE 270-668-4857
28 acres in Meade County. Good for camping getaway. All woods, good hunting, on Pine Ridge near Battletown. Only $39,500. Call Marion at 668-4035.
Kentucky Land Company of Irvington Real Estate Development
Bank Special! 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Large lot! Make offer! Gracious Living Realty. email: william@ 800749-5263 Bank says “Sell, Sell, Sell!”
We buy and sell land
270-547-4222 Thinking about selling your farm give us a call we pay cash, quick closing 2837 Hwy 333 Webster, New Price $59,900. Nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath modular home, spacious rooms, nice view on almost an acre in Breckinridge County. Owner Financing Available. No Credit Checks. Open 7 Days a Week.
KENTUCKY LAND CO. 525 N. Dixie Radcliff, Ky 40160
130 acres off 86, near Hardin and Breckinridge County, open and wooded with county water, excellent building sites, choose your tract size. $1,000 down. Owner Financing Available. No Credit Checks. Open 7 Days a Week.
WOODED BUILDING LOTS, located near Otter Creek Park, in Forest Ridge Estates, county water, streets will be paved, “restricted to houses”. $24,900 Financing Available for Everyone!, 270828-2222.
Nice 3 bedroom, 1 bath vinyl siding house with garage. In town 812 Park Ave. in Irvington. $54,900. Owner Financing Available. No Credit Checks. Open 7 Days a Week.
BUILDING LOTS in Milstead Estates, located near Flaherty in Hwy 144, city water available, streets will be paved “restricted to houses.” $29,900. Financing Available for Everyone! www., 270-828-2222.
32 acres off Paul Alexander Rd. in Custer. Nice, level, with barn and spring. $59,500. Owner Financing Available. No Credit Checks. Open 7 Days a Week.
6.4 ACRES, on Hwy. 228, 6 miles from Brandenburg, city water available, lays nice for a home or mobile home. $34,900 Financing Available for Everyone!, 270828-2222.
Great starter or elderly persons home. 3 bd. 1 ba. located at 1015 Ottercreek in Vine Grove, across from golf course, landscaped, priced to sell at $69,900. Owner Financing Available. No Credit Checks. Open 7 Days a Week.
Mobile Home on nice lot near Rough River Lake, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, city water, very clean and nice with new hardwood laminated flooring through-out the home. Located off Hwy. 401 and Centerview-Rough River Road. $49,900 Financing Available for Everyone! www., 270-828-2222.
Many lots available from 4 acres to 15 acres near Rough River. Beautiful views, only $500 down. Owner Financing Available. No Credit Checks. Open 7 Days a Week. Call our friendly sales associates today! We’re open 7 days a week, and visit our website at
2 acres with large shop building, concrete flooring, located near Irvington on Lon Dowell Road. $39,900 Financing Available for Everyone!, 270828-2222.
For many more listings, call 866-865-5263!
5 ACRES set-up for Double-Wide Home, with city water, septic, electric, located between Otter Creek Park and Doe Valley off Hwy. 1638 and Hwy. 933 in the Woods. $39,900 Financing Available for Everyone! www.kentucky-land. com, 270-828-2222.
Motel Rooms & Cabins Reasonable Rates Nice & Clean Nightly, Weekly & Monthly Rates
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Furnished Apartment
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1 TO 6 ACRE LAKE front lots on Rough River Lake, city water, long lake frontage, in a new development. Starting @ $22,900 Financing Available for Everyone! www.kentucky-land. com, 270-828-2222. 1.3 WOODED ACRES off Buck Grove Road at Eagle’s Nest, city water good septic evaluation, nice property for your home or mobile home. $24,900 Financing Available for Everyone! www.kentucky-land. com, 270-828-2222. 4 acres, water well, lays excellent, located on Shumate Road near Ekron. $24,900 Financing Available for Everyone! www.kentucky-land. com, 270-828-2222. MOBILE HOME and land off U.S. HWY 60 and Hobbs-Reesor Road. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, city water, on nice private one acre lot. $49,900. Financing Available for Everyone! www.kentucky-land. com, 270-828-2222. Mobile Home and land on Hwy 920 near Vertrees in Hardin County. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, city water, nice and clean home. $49,900 Financing Available for Everyone! www., 270-828-2222. Double-Wide Home and lot near Shepherdsville, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, city water and sewers, located off Blue Lick Road on Big Valley Road. $59,900 Financing Available for Everyone! www., 270-828-2222.
(270) 422-2282
Storage Sheds Most All Sizes Available $29.50 and up Easy Access • Call for Availability
(270) 422-2282
STAY AND PLAY at one of Kentucky’s top golf courses, Cherry Blossom, Georgetown. Call 502570-9489 about Stay and Play, including furnished townhome, golf for four.
GAMBLERS Anonymous, Lincoln Trail Behavioral Center, Radcliff at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. BETTER BREATHERS CLUB-CHRONIC LUNG DISEASE – held quarterly at Hardin Memorial Hospital. Call for next available class. Johnna Sutton 270-706-1294. LOSS GROUP – held monthly at Hardin Memorial Hospital. Call Program Care at 270-706-1064 for more information. A.W.A.K.E. MEETING SUPPORT GROUP Nov. 18 at 7 p.m. in the Parvin Baumgart Education Center at Harrison County Hospital in Corydon, Ind. The purpose of these meetings is to provide support through education and the sharing of ideas and information among those who are affected by sleep disordered breathing. The meeting is free and open to the public. For more information, call 812-738-7892.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Alcohalt House, 2254 Fairgrounds Road, meets Sunday through Thursday, 8 p.m.; Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. Call 422-1050. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS and Narcotics Anonymous Meetings held at the Acceptance Place 1370 Hwy. 79 in Irvington, Ky. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings held every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous meeting held Monday nights at 8 p.m. For more info, call 270-547-0347 or 270547-0445. AL-ANON meets every Sunday and Tuesday, 8 p.m., Alcohalt House. For more information, call 497-4885. THE OPEN DOOR ALTEEN group meets Thursday at 8 p.m. at The Alcohalt House. For more information, call 4974885. REPORT A CRIME, new tip line 270-422-HOPE (4673), the tip line is totally anonymous, and your identity cannot be revealed. ALATEEN meets every Thursday at 8 p.m. for teens ages 11-19 at the Alcohalt House, 2255 Fairgrounds Road, Brandenburg, Ky., 40108. Any teen whose life is or has been affected by drinking problems in a family member or friend. Call for more information, 270547-4569 or 270-4974885. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Corydon Presbyterian Church. Every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Non-smoking. For more information, please call 828-3406. TOPS Buck Grove Baptist Church. Every Tuesday at 6 p.m. For more information, please call Lena at 422-2692. HOPE & HEALING Grief Support Group- Free monthly support group for anyone who has experienced the death of a friend or family member. First Tuesday of every month. Call for next meeting date and time. 812738-7893. ALIVE GROUP-BREAST CANCER – Second Thursday of the month. Call Hardin Memorial Hospital for information. 270706-1064.
Drivers- CDL-A: Home weekends & Great Pay! Company & L/P Available. Paid Vacation, Benefits & More. 3 months OTR req’d. 800-441-4271 xKY100. Driver: CDL Class-A and B training located in Kentucky. Applicants may qualify for available State Training Dollars. Employment Assistance and Financing 866-244-3644 TRUCK AMERICA TRAINING. Driver- PTL Needs Company Drivers- CDL-A Earn up to 46cpm. 1/2 cpm increase every 60K miles. Average 2,800 miles/ week. Call 877-740-6262.
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International Truck Driving School located in KY now enrolling students. Class-A CDL training. Job Assistance. Financing to try to help everyone. Start working now! Call 888780-5539.
1 1/2 Year Old Female
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Male Collie • 1 1/2 Years Old
Wanted: Used Wii system in good condition. Call 422-1879.
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Drivers: Call Today! Signon Bonus. 35-41 cpm. Earn over $1000 weekly. Excellent benefits. Need CDL-A & 3 mos recent OTR. 877-258-8782 Drivers- Great equipment. Professional pay. Lots of freight. Van and flatbed available. CDL-A 23 YO, 1yr. OTR Smithway Motor Xpress 888-619-7607 Drivers- Miles & Freight: Positions available ASAP! CDL-A with tanker required. Top pay, premium benefits and MUCH MORE! Call or visit us online, 877-484-3061 www. Drivers: Sign-On Bonus w/1 yr. OTR exp! Student Grads welcome or we can train. American Eagle Lines Call 800-569-9213. Drivers- Top Pay & Miles! CDL-A with X endorsement preferred. We’ll help you get certified! Call us anytime. (800) 447-1211 x2057 Guaranteed Weekly Settlement Check. Join Wil-Trans Lease Operator Program. Get the Benefits of being a lease operator without any of the Risk. 888-229-8712. Must be 23.
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270-422-4542 1065 Old Ekron Road Brandenburg, KY 40108
YOUTH Enter the Blogosphere with the library
Friday, November 14, 2008
B10 - The News Standard
Submitted by Megan Stith Meade County Public Library Have you heard about the newest addition to the Meade County Public Library? As well as a Web site and Facebook page, we now have a blog to help keep you informed about the many programs and services the library offers. A “blog,” which is short for “weblog,” is an online journal where content is added daily that can be commented on by readers. Most blogs combine text, pictures, and links to other pages the reader might find useful. The library blog has posts written by the librarians about upcoming programs as well as information you can use at home. For example, if you couldn’t bring your children to our latest Story Hour program, the book title, rhymes, crafts, and activities are listed on the blog so you can try the program on your own. There is also a “Fingerplay of the Day” for parents to share with their infants and toddlers. If you are looking for information on a particular topic, you can use “tags” to categorize our blog postings. One of the main purposes of a blog is to interact with the community, so we welcome your comments, suggestions, and ideas for future programs you would like to see at the library. Take a minute to visit our blog at www.meadereads. and be sure to check back often since new information is added every day. As of December 2007, the blog search engine Technorati was tracking more than 112 million blogs on the internet. Blogs can be written about anything, such as technology, music, politics, or what life is like in Meade County. If you have an opinion you would like to express by creating your own blog,, zoomshare. com, and are easy and free places to start. Hope to see you often in the “blogosphere.” Upcoming events at MCPL •Story Hour Schedule — Story Hour is offered for children age five and under every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m.
Pay attention to deadlines for scholarships, admissions Submitted by KHEAA
ABOVE: Cassie Padgett browses through a wealth of books and other items available at the MCPL book sale. LEFT: Library patrons sort through tables of books during the library’s book sale.
in the Annex. Our themes for November will be Turkeys (Nov. 18), Thanksgiving (Nov. 25), and Holidays of the World (Dec.2). •Early Literacy Workshop for Parents and Caregivers — Parents can begin at birth to help children learn important pre-reading skills. Join us for a workshop on Nov. 17 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Annex to learn how to use books, programs, and other resources at your library to prepare your children for reading success. Hear suggestions on what to read and how to read to young children so they can get the most from the experience. Give your children a lifelong advantage. Read to them often and ask today about how your library partners with parents to get children ready to read. •“What I’m Thankful For” contest — This Thanksgiving contest has three categories available to children through 6th grade. For those in second grade and below, children can color and decorate a workbook provided by the library to show different things they are grateful for. Students should ask their teachers for a copy. Third through fourth graders are challenged to get creative in a turkey-making contest. Make a turkey out of anything you can think of. A writing contest will be
Students celebrate fall
held for grades five and six with the topic of “What I’m Thankful For.” Tell us about the blessings in your life. Entries must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Nov. 19 and will be judged on creativity and originality. The winner of each category will receive a trophy, prize, and have their picture submitted to local newspapers. We’re excited to learn about
Nov. 17 - Nov. 21 Primary & Elementary
Breakfast All breakfast comes with Milk Choice
Lunch All lunch comes with choice of 1/2 pint drink
Stuart Pepper Middle
Breakfast All breakfast comes with Milk Choice
Lunch All lunch comes with choice of 1/2 pint drink
TUESDAY TChoose One: Breakfast Pizza Cereal & Toast Choose One: Chilled Juice Fresh Fruit
WEDNESDAY Choose One: Cinnamon Toast Cereal & Cinn. Toast Choose One: Chilled Juice Fresh Fruit
THURSDAY Choose One: Biscuit & Gravy Cereal & Toast Choose One: Chilled Juice Fresh Fruit
FRIDAY Choose One: Ham Biscuit Cereal & Toast Choose One: Chilled Juice Fresh Fruit
Fresh Garden Salad Meal w/Mozz String Cheese, Crackers, Fruit and Milk or Juice or Choose One: Whole Grain Breaded Corn Dog Cheese Nachos w/Salsa Choose Two: Oven Baked FriesTossed Garden Salad Peaches - Fresh Apple
Choose One: Hot Ham & Cheese on Bun Breaded Chicken Pattie on Bun Choose Two: Green Beans Baked Potato Fresh Orange Pears
Fresh Garden Salad Box Meal w/Popcorn, Chicken, Crackers, Fruit and Milk or Juice or Choose One: Soft Taco - Oven Fried Chicken Choose Two: Corn - Cooked Carrots Lettuce, Tomato & Cheese Cup Pineapple - Fresh Kiwi In Addition: Chocolate Chip Cookie
Choose One: Stuffed Crust Cheese Pizza Country Chicken w/Gravy Choose Two: Tossed Garden Salad Mashed Potato Fresh Pear Applesauce In Addition: Hot Dinner Roll
Fresh Garden Salad Box Meal w/Mozz String Cheese, Crackers, Fruit and Milk or Juice or Choose One: Breaded Fish Sticks Grilled Cheese Sandwich Choose Two: Oven Baked Tater Tots Tomato Soup w/ Crackers Banana Grapes
Choose One: Biscuit & Gravy Cereal & Toast PB & J Uncrustable Choose One: Chilled Juice Fresh Fruit
Choose One: Breakfast Pizza Cereal & Toast PB & J Uncrustable Choose One: Chilled Juice Fresh Fruit
Choose One: Ham, Egg & Cheese on English Muffin Cereal & Toast PB & J Uncrustable Choose One: Chilled Juice Fresh Fruit
Choose One: French Toast Sticks Cereal & Toast PB & J Uncrustable Choose One: Chilled Juice Fresh Fruit
Choose One: Fruit Muffin Cereal & Toast PB & J Uncrustable Choose One: Chilled Juice Fresh Fruit
Choose One Box Meal Garden Salad Meal w/ Ham & Cheese Ham or Turkey Sub Sandwich Meal or Main Line Entree Choice w/2 Sides: Chicken Strips w/BBQ Sauce Choose Two: Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Pineapple - Fresh Apple In Addition: Cookie
Choose One Box Meal Yogurt Box w/choice of fruit & veggie Ham or Turkey Sub Sandwich Meal or Main Line Entree Choice w/2 Sides: Stuffed Breadsticks w/ Marinara Sauce. Choose Two: Garden Salad - Peas Mixed Fruit - Fresh Apple In Addition: Cookie
Choose One Box Meal Garden Salad w/Popcorn Chicken Ham or Turkey Sub Sandwich Meal or Main Line Entree Choice w/2 Sides: Cheeseburger or Hamburger on Bun Choose Two: Lettuce, Tomato, Pickle Oven Baked Fries Pineapple- Fresh Apple In Addition: Cookie
Choose One Box Meal Yogurt Box w/choice of fruit & veggie Ham or Turkey Sub Sandwich Meal or Main Line Entree Choice w/2 Sides: Southwest Pizza Choose Two: Corn - Garden Salad Oranges - Applesauce In Addition: Pudding
Choose One Box Meal Garden Salad Meal w/ Turkey & Cheese Ham or Turkey Sub Sandwich Meal or Main Line Entree Choice w/2 Sides: Country Chicken w/ Gravy & Hot Roll Choose Two: Mashed Potatoes California Veggies Kiwi - Fresh Apple
Choose One: Biscuit & Gravy Cereal & Toast Choose One: Chilled Juice Fresh Fruit
Choose One: Breakfast Pizza Cereal & Toast Choose One: Chilled Juice Fresh Fruit
Choose One: French Toast Sticks Cereal & Toast Choose One: Chilled Juice Fresh Fruit
Choose One: Cinnamon Roll w/ Yogurt Cereal & Toast Choose One: Chilled Juice Fresh Fruit
Choose One Box Meal Garden Salad Meal w/Ham & Cheese; Ham or Turkey Sub Sandwich; Chicken Pattie Meal or Main Line Entree Choice w/2 Sides: Stuffed Breadsticks w/Marinara Sauce Choose Two: Carrot Sticks - Green Beans - Fresh Orange - Applesauce
Choose One Box Meal Yogurt Box w/choice of fruit & veggie; Ham or Turkey Sub Sandwich; Hamburger Meal or Main Line Entree Choice w/2 Sides: Country Chicken w/ Gravy & Dinner Roll Choose Two: Mashed Potatoes Peaches - Vegetable Medley - Fresh Apple In Addition: Cookie
Choose One: Sausage, Egg & Cheese on English Muffin Cereal and Toast Choose One: Chilled Juice Fresh Fruit Choose One Box Meal Garden Salad w/ Chicken Nuggets; Ham or Turkey Sub Sandwich; Chicken Pattie Meal or Main Line Entree Choice w/2 Sides: Cheese Pizza Choose Two: Garden Salad Cooked Carrots Pineapple - Pears
Choose One Box Meal Yogurt Box w/choice of fruit & veggie; Ham or Turkey Sub Sandwich; Hamburger Meal or Main Line Entree Choice w/2 Sides: Chicken Nuggets Choose Two: Garden Salad - Peas Pears - Fresh Orange In Addition: Mac & Cheese
Choose One Box Meal Garden Salad Meal w/ Turkey & Chz Ham or Turkey Sub Sandwich Chicken Pattie Meal or Main Line Entree Choice w/2 Sides: Nachos Choose Two: Corn - Celery Sticks Mixed Fruit - Banana In Addition: Cookie
Breakfast All breakfast comes with Milk Choice
Lunch The Snappy Tomato mascot visited the Ekron fall festival.
Ekron Elementary School students, parents, and faculty members came together to celebrate the annual Ekron Fall Festival last Friday evening. Games, prizes, and food were enjoyed by all, and a special visitor, Snappy the Tomato, was on-hand to give hugs and high fives to everyone.
All lunch comes with choice of 1/2 pint drink
Week 1
NEWS Program
MONDAY Choose One: Pancake on a Stick Cereal & Toast Choose One: Chilled Juice Fresh Fruit
Meade County High
all the things you’re thankful for. •Teen Dinner and a Movie — “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” will be shown on Tuesday, Nov. 18 at 5:30 p.m. in the Library Annex. •E-mail basics — Learn how to set up a free e-mail account and learn proper e-mail etiquette on Nov. 19 at 10 a.m. Space is limited. Call 270-4222094 to reserve a spot.
Now is the time for high school seniors to begin paying close attention to application deadlines for college admissions and financial aid. Here are some tips from the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) and The Student Loan People: •If you have not yet chosen a college, narrow your list by visiting schools and talking with students and your parents. •If you plan to go through the early decision process, which means you commit to going to a particular school in the fall, most schools request the applications be submitted about this time of year. •If you’re going through the regular admissions process, now is the time to talk with teachers about writing recommendations and to work on your admissions essay if you need to write one. Many private colleges require an essay as part of the admissions process. •Check with the financial aid offices of the schools to which you’ve applied to determine if any additional financial aid forms, other than the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), are required. •Familiarize yourself with the FAFSA. Unless you’re starting college before July 1, you can’t file the FAFSA until after the first of the year. But you should take a look at the information it requires and make plans to attend a College Goal Sunday session near you. Your counselor should have information about College Goal Sunday. •Attend any college fairs and financial aid seminars offered by your high school or in your area. If a company wants to charge you a fee for helping you with admissions and financial aid applications, make sure it’s a reputable company by checking with the State Attorney General’s office or Better Business Bureau in your area, as well as the area where the firm is located. To learn how to plan and prepare for higher education, visit For more information about Kentucky scholarships and grants, visit; write KHEAA, P.O. Box 798, Frankfort, KY 40602-0798; or call 800-9288926, extension 7381. For information about low-cost student loans, visit; write The Student Loan People, P.O. Box 24328, Louisville, KY 40224-0328; or call 888-678-4625.
Knotts Supply
Newspapers Educating and Working for Students
Tony Brown Chevrolet
Kentucky Farm Bureau
Cardinal Concrete Co. Since 1985
Friday, November 14, 2008
1st Quarter Honor Roll
David T. Wilson • Ekron • Stuart Pepper Middle David T. Wilson Elementary
Fourth Grade All A’s Victoria Aikin Christopher Blakely Madison Brown Arthur Chen Mickie Combs Cassandra Crotzer Desirae Davis Brigid DeVries Molly Jo Doyle Brandon Flagler Hannah Gillenwater Kasaundra Givans Mark Griffin Derek Hardy Ashley Heibert Whitney Hobbs Halle Hockman Colin Holsclaw Dean Hurst Hunter Johnston Bailey King Lillie King Abigail Kinnard Joshua Laslie Tessa McIntosh Jessica Mingis Cynthia Moore Stephanie Popham John Provost Mary Rogers Brianna Rybarczyk Kacie Smith Emma Vujaklija
A’s and B’s Tabitha Adle Austin Allen Lauren Allen Alyssa Baxter Nicole Belcher John Bensing Gerrard Blake Bradley Blevins Aaron Bogert Jacob Brown Callie Carder Jacob Cummings Hailey Ebel Shane Edmonson Geri Embry Ory Fortner Madelyn Givans Seth Green Coryal Harbin Tyler Haynes Summer Hazelwood Tiffany Hebert Taylor Heffelfinger Caitlynn Helton Mathew Hernandez Peyton Heschke Ryan Hill Brooke Hilligoss Clayton Howard Shelbi Humphrey Russell Ingram Cody Janes Hannah Keys Stephen Knott Alexandra Kuprion Cassidy Longoria Abrienne Luney Sierra Mattingly Wyatt McGaha Tyler Miller Shelby Morrison Steven Morrow Noah Oaks Miguel Ocasio-Diaz Cassandra Padgett Devin Patty Micah Pearce Skylar Pierce Cody Pike Sydnei Poff Zackary Prather Daniel Rash Aaron Ray Alisha Ready Devon Rider Victoria Russ Timothy Spink Jonathan Stull Christian Thompson Caleigh Toney Emily Tuohy Troy Walko Zachary Watkins Alexander Weed Phillip Weyrauch Austin Williams Tyler Wolz Austin Wright Burgess Young
Fifth Grade All A’s Emily Banks Gary Nelson Barger Jake Beavin Ethan Fackler Robin Farrell Olivia Honaker Olivia Kessinger Alexandrea Pike-Goff Caroline Smith Elizabeth Viau Alexandra Whitman Katie Wilson
A’s and B’s Brian Abell Breanna Albano Matthew Barnes Mary Basham Erica Benham Kayla Bennett Kristen Bewley Madison Biddle Jack Blehar Collyn Bradley Alyssa Brewer Thomas Burgos Trevis Burgos Jenna Burks Wyatt Carroll
Steven Cawthorn Jeremy Chambers April Cherry Jacob Crase Christopher Crawford Colin Crump Taylor Cucino William Cummings Katina Dean Dewan Ditto Hannah Fackler Lauren Fackler Zach Flaherty Grace Gerkins Garrett Greenwell Jalen Hardcastle Emily Hardesty Karissa Hardesty Travis Harrison Abigail Heibert Joseph Higgins Tyler Jackson Abigail Jantzen Emma King Hannah King Abigail Lindsey Craig Lindsey Susie Liu Bryce Medley John Michael Millay Angelica Miller Joseph Morales Austin Ogle Heidi Otis Ely Pelletier Anthony Popham Emma Quire Madison Reff Joseph Ridgeway Shelby Robinson Alexis Rodriguez Brittany Sanders Dustin Satterley Jordyn Scalf Veronica Shamblin Lindsey Shelton Jacob Short Callie Shrader Preston Smiley Bailey Smith Tiffany Smith Kadin Staples Mikaela Stewart Brooke Stiltner Cassie Thornton Zackary Todd Savanna Tucker Alecia Tucker-West Roger Vadner Austin Vessels Brett Warren Kaitlyn Welch RJ West Levi Wheatley Bethany Wilson Emma Wilson Mack Wilson Sixth Grade All A’s Cassidy Adams Nicholas Benock Brooklyn Bishoff Taylor Bishop Alexandra Bruce Justin Carter Annie DeVries Magdalyn Durbin Cassie Emert Kellen Gable Rian Heibert Sadie Hobbs Micah Kaiser Hannah King Will King Kaylin McManama Taylor Miller Abby Naser Ethan Pelletier Kristin Peters Jessa Pollard Adrienne Poole Mary Kate Powers Natalie Reichmuth Neeli Rhoads Briana Rice Abigail Robinson Jaycee Serrano Kelsey Sutton Morgan Turner Taylor Vanover John Wilson A’s and B’s Brandon Adcock Tanner Age Amber Akridge Elijah Ashmore Luke Babb Lindsey Maize Fred Barham Erica Barnes Matthew Barr Josie Bennett Mallorie Blevins Josie Board Evan Bradley Carlea Brothers Shavon Brown Matthew Burnett Alexis Carter Tyler Carter Caleigh Clark Sierra Cooper Zachary Dowell Raychel Eaton Vanessa Frazier Dustin Frost Anthony Graham Miranda Gregory Alyssa Hannah Margaret Huffines James Hyde Tiffany Hyde Brianna Kenealy Makaylee Ladd Zackary Lee Kristen Logsdon Austin Long Hayden Lovo Addilyn Lynch Marty Mattingly Sarah Mills
Madison Morris Sean Morrow Ashlea Moses Kristen Norton Savannah Phelps Corey Poindexter Courtney Pollock Natalie Prather Rebekka Robbins Tyler Robinson Cameron Shireman Georgia Sipes Zachary Straney Darby Stull Tyler Stull Nate Tanguay Beth Troutman Dyllan Tucker Joel Voelker Jonah Voelker Cody Walker Julie Weatherholtz Gunner Wellman Cassidy Wernz Kayla White Madison Winebrenner Trevor Yates David T. Wilson Elementary Perfect Attendance Joslyn Abell Logan Allen Gary Nelson Barger Erica Barnes Matthew Barnes Matthew Barr Mary Basham Erica Benham Nicholas Benock Alyssa Brewer Jacob Brown Jenna Burks Matthew Burnett Austin Burnett-Hulsey Callie Carder Zachery Caudill April Cherry Mickie Combs Colin Crump Jacob Cummings Ashlee Davis Brigid DeVries Benjamin Diamond Tyler Dix Ryan Dowell Cody Downs Seth Downs Raychel Eaton Alexis Efird Michael Embry Ethan Fackler Hannah Fackler Robin Farrell Zach Flaherty Karlie Gardner Hannah Gillenwater Madelyn Givans Tommy Graham Seth Green Emily Hardesty Karissa Hardesty Derek Hardy Tanner Hayes Joseph Higgins Halle Hockman Colin Holsclaw Margaret Huffines Dean Hurst Tyler Jackson Cody Janes Abigail Jantzen Corey Johnson Hunter Johnston Ben Kendall Hannah King Makaylee Ladd Alex Lee Zackary Lee Janeva Lewis Craig Lindsey Susan Liu Susie Liu Kristen Logsdon Cassidy Longoria Ethan Lucas Conner Luther Ginny Manion Marty Mattingly Kynarose McNemar Jesse McPherson John Michael Millay Sarah Mills Cynthia Moore MaKayla Nalley Amber Ogle Cassandra Padgett Kristen Peters Savannah Phelps Alexandrea Pike-Goff Jessa Pollard Adrienne Poole Anthony Popham Natalie Prather Emma Quire Aaron Ray Karissa Reader Neeli Rhoads Rebekka Robbins Michael Robey Tyler Robinson Adrianne Romolor Victoria Russ Brianna Rybarczyk Brittany Sanders Chase Sanders Dustin Satterley Veronica Shamblin Elsie Shepherd Preston Smiley Bailey Smith Kacie Smith Timothy Spink Brooke Stiltner Zachary Straney Darby Stull Jonathan Stull Tyler Stull Kelsey Sutton Beth Troutman Roger Vadner Gunner Wellman
RJ West Levi Wheatley Kayla White Alex Wilkins Mack Wilson Tyler Wolz Trevor Yates
Ekron Elementary Sixth Grade All A’s Angela Miller All A’s & B’s Kayla English Garrett-Ray Morgan Katie Phelps Erica Bates Emali Brown Kayla Schmid Abbi Adams Nick Cox Kimberly Cundiff Allie Millay John Miller McKell Sowders Fifth Grade All A’s Kayla Cook Janessa Gonsalves Caitlyn Stith Alana Toews Kristin Williams Marissa Gallimore Jasmie Parrish Julia Seelye Justin Skeans Logan Reynolds Lauren Claycomb Barrett Dowell Bailey Flaherty Rebecca Conner Josh Durbin Brannen Leslie Elizabeth Madden Charlie Orrender Natalie Wilkins Brent Wright All A’s and B’s Dylan Allgood Faithlyn Armes Alexes Beckham Kenzie Bishop Andrew Brangers Ty Curry Johnathon Denton Kasey Jarrell Breanna Reams Kyle Reed Sarah Reeder Paige Skaggs Evan Smith Cole Tighe Bryan Wright Alicia Ogburn Lexie Perguson James Scobee Corina Robinson Tanner Sipes Dakota Smith Shantrice Stanley Josh Summit Emily Haddock Logan Keller Michael Mahlic Courtney Allen Haley Blanton Ariel Combs Cailyn Kessigner LaRena Kinser Tommy Maddox Jay Maloney Cheyenne Nott Alex Toews Austin Sanders Brenden Walker Cody Walters Leshane Yazzie Fourth Grade All A’s Timothy McKinnon Quinton Stewart Kourtnie Hersey Maggie Millay Brianna Ashbaugh Caleb Flaherty Ethan Miller Haley Midkiff Tory Willis All A’s and B’s Charlie Allen Aaron Brangers Devan Harris Mikaela Humphrey Case Medley Jessica Parrish Austin Phillips Tylor Pullen Jarod Quire Emily Hamby Justyn Hornback Camron Lane Kasey Mauck Cody Reed Lauren Roberts Tyler Andrews Tara Graham Hailey Skaggs Derek Orr Alysa Brown Alex Druzhinin Darion Farmer Noah Frost Theresa-Anne Kwarciany Tarah Lewis John McIntyre Ashly Oberst Courtney Drum Shelbie Jantzen Brittany Johnson Clayton Kelly Keith McKinney Blake Price Eric Rodriguez Austin Turner Cody Williams
The News Standard - B11
Third Grade All A’s Ryleigh Board Sara Jupin Emily Williams Tiffani McNeil Dallas Skeans Bryce Dawson All A’s and B’s Desiree Bogard MeKenzee Dawson Emily Fuqua Brandon Heidenreich Laglora Kenley Jeffrey Miller Alyssa Parson Elizabeth Richerson Kiley Cox Bailee Frost Wyatt Moore Devon Skeans Michael Thomas Dakota Velazquez Shelby Wilkins Michael Carter Veja Dawson Amber Ditto Clay Sipes Cody Madden James Drum Allison Hayes Madison Headden Cody Raisor Danny Smith Luke Sowders Rachelle Stanley Kayla Edwards Seth Neal Jennifer Reeder Justus Riggs Abby Turner Jonathon Wiseman
Stuart Pepper Middle School Seventh Grade All A’s Allen, Katelyn Clair Allison, Evan Alexander Bartlett, Madasen Kae Bewley, Kelsie Brooke Blehar, Jessika Taylor Bloomer, Ashley Nicole Bowen, Kristen Ashley Brown, Kayla Mischelle Bruner, Autumn Pamela Burchett, Logan Matthew Butler, Lucas James Caro, Cara Nari Chism, Sara Elizabeth Coles, Jacob Crigler, Blaine Cruz, Morgan Devries, Elizabeth Dial, Michael Ellis, Cara English, Hamilton Fackler, Erin Fackler, Roger Fackler, Whitney Fairman, Anthony Fogle, Katie Foushee, Jarrod Gerkins, Jenny Gonsalves, Rilana Hack, Courtney Hale, David Hall, Jasmine Violet Hardesty, Lucas Harper, Makayla Haynes, Alexandra Haynes, Cova Hill, Gabriel Hiner, Whitney Hopkins, Cierra Hubbard, Corey Hufford, Chyenne Humphrey, Nicole Ingram, Kacie Jent, Brooke Johnson, Raley Kasey, Olivia Lancaster, Jasmine Lanham, Krystin Liu, Jenny Mathias, William Matthews, Olivia Mattingly, Dustin Mattingly, Jacob McFalda, Cody McFarland, Tye McGee, Eric McMahan, Dustin McNeil, James Medley, Adam Mewhorter, Beajay Millay, Matthew Mingus, Benjamin Moore, Sadie Lynn Delaney Lauren Kaylea Rose Alton Nevitt, Nichols, Jordan Nichols, Julie Nikolao, Ashley Otis, Holli Patterson, Cortney
Pipes, Chelsea Popham, Andrew Powers, Taylor Price, Tyler Psyck, Joseph Ray, Micaela Rivera, Natalia Rockwood, Adam Russell, Katelyn Sanders, Rachel Schroeder, Austin Schuh, Kati Jo Schwartz, Carrisa Slyfield, Jessica Smith, Eric Spink, Natalie Stivers, Julie Strandberg, Kaily Sutterley, Sarah Taylor, Drew Thomas, Aaron Thomas, Jamie Viau, Samuel Noah Waddle, Allison Warren, Masherra Weick, Samantha Westbay, Dillon Wheatley, Brenna Whelan, Jacob Whelan, Jennifer All A's and B's Adams, Destiny Adams , Montana Adcock, Haley Addison, Bradee Akridge, Brianna Allen, Brittany Anderson,Stephane Arnold, Brianna Ayer, Jesse Baker, Dustin Barnett, Brian Barr, Andrew, Bartlett, Morgan Beirman, Amanda Belcher, Daniel Bigler, Samantha Blair, Karen Board, Casey Brangers, Angela Breeds, Tyler Bryson, Taylor, Burks, Bridgette Burks, Kai Burnette, Angela Camp, Levi Carey, Brooklyn Carroll, Nicholas Charles, Samantha Chism, Kendrick Chism, Tyler Cioe, Anthony Clater, Kelsey Clutts, James Coles, Jarred Coppage, Andrew Cox, Jeremy David Cucino, Katelyn Daley, Kalllin Davis, Kelsey Deener, Justin Delap, Brandon Deweese, Crystal Duff, Nathan Duncan, Brianna Duncan, Devonte Eugene Dunn, Derek Early, Jadie Eaton, Jaimelee Eiler, Joshua Embrey, Joseph Fackler, Jenny Fender, Chelsea Flaherty, Chet Fogle, Katie Frame, Alexandria Frank, Chelsey Funk, Kayla Gardner, Zachary Gittings, Keyan Gonzalez –Ramirez Goodin, Hayley Green, Brian Greer, Sarah Gregory, Dylan Grimes, Austin Hall, Kassidy Hardesty, Joshua Hart, Brandy Harvey, William Haught, Shelby Haynes, Austin Heynes,Ceva Hekeler, Stephanie Helton, David Herron, Ashton Hobbs, Timothy Hood, Mary Howard, Bailee Ives, Kaitlyn Jenkins, Travis Johnston, Michael Jones, Courtney Jupin , Gregory Keith, Austin Kenley, Brittney Kent, Shelby King, Alexandra Knott, Corey
Knott, Jasmyn Kreiling, Jena Kronka, Sierra Kullman, Diana Lee, Alicia Lee, Hannah Lockard, Erica Longoria, Andrew Luckett, Destiny Marion Mingis, Ainsley Marsh, Bradley Matson, Zachary Mattingly, Charles Mattingly, Jessica McCormick, Trese McCoy, Jessica McGarrah, Megan McMurry, Jacob Miller, Marisa Miller, Ricky Miller, Walter Mills, Zachary Moore, Cody Mundell, Thomas Neben, Kristina Orr, Daniel Osborne, Sarah Owens,Cheyenne Patterson, Kayla Patterson, Kristen Pearce, Makayla Peterson, Toni Petit, Justin Philbin, Brittnee Phillips, Carl Plunkett, Kaylee Raley, Alexis Ramsey, Joshua Ray, Justin Rodgers, Joshua Rothman, Taylor Rusk, Aerial Saylor, Clarence Schornack, Ashley Schrader, Zachary Schulz, Hayley Scott, Michael Shots, Morgan Skeeters, Gage Smith, Aaron Smith, Courtney Smith, Jacob Smith, Sabrina Snawder, Christian Snyder, Emily Stewart, Caitlin Swink, Lewis Wade Thomas, Tabitha Timberlake, Kelly Tomlin, Ashlee Troutman, Arian Vaughn, Harold Wardrip, Jayne Warner, Alicia Wayne, Jordyn Wideman, Davon Williams, Shonte Wilson, Luke Wilson, Zeb Wimpee, Nathan Wright, Ethan Yates,Sydney Young, Logan Zocklein, Shelby Eighth Grade All A’s Aebersold, Megan Arnold, Jessica Babb, Ryan Benham, Courtney Bruner, Derek Buttram, Rebecca Cannady, Leah Cecil, Madeline Clark, Andrew Crebessa, Rachel Cross, Alisha Cundiff, Jacob Darnall, Hanna Dunn, Meaghan Fabel, Joseph Fackler, Alexander Fackler, Lindsey Garris, Bryce Gempler, Hannah Gouvas, Andrew Greco, Alexis Hardesty, Marsha Harreld, Rachel Haught, Jacob Heibert, Natalie Henderson, Cody Hunter, Emerald Karr, Georgia Lindsey, Alec Lindsey, Curt Long, Chase McQuerry, Kayleigh Medley, Allie Medley, Megan Mills, Ashlyn Moore, Hanna Parker, Ryan Priest, Cynthia Prince, Nathan Raley, Brent Raymer, Jared Redmon, Natalie Rice, Emily
Riggs, Amber Robinson, Jacob Roederer, Hallie Sams, Koko Sanders, AnnSayenga, Samantha Shemwell, Deanna Shrader, Beverly Smith, Kendell Stivers, Jessalyn Tucker, Makenzie Warren, James Weick, Billie Weick, Lindsey Wiedmann, Misti Williams, Connor Wilson, Jacob Wilson, William Woolfolk, Morgan All A’s and B’s Aikin, Alexandra Anderson, Juanita Andrews, Dylan J Arnold, Kyla Ashbaugh , Chelsi Backstrom, Allison Bailey, Cory Robert Baker, Audrieana Barham, William Barley, Justin Barr, Rebekah Beck, Tara Bednar, Elizabeth Blair, Cameron Bogard, Zachary Brinson, Brittney Brockman, Megan Brooking, Gabrielle Brothers, Cain Bruce, Camron Buckey, Aviva Clark, Marissa Claycomb, Joseph Collins, Brandi Conover, Michael Coronado, Marisa Cross, Tilden Frank Crouch, Casey Jo Curl, Mahala Daley, Taylor Darnell, Rebecca Davis, Tabitha Denton, Allison Dillard, Melanie Dockery, Kayla Dunn, Meaghan Durham, Addison Emerick, Courtney Ennis, Dakota Farmer, Jacob Storm Fentress, Bryce Nicole Ferry, Katelynn Paige Geren, Annamarie Greenland, Emily Haddock, Elizabeth Hammock, Christian Hardesty, Megan Hardy, Devin Haynes, Sydney Herman, William Hesse, Kiana Hinton, Patrick Hubbard, Brandon Hunter, Austin Hyde, Jordan Jonathan Andrew Johnson, Stewart Kaiser, Adam Matthew Keith, Kayla Marie Kelly, Tylor Kenealy, Evan Kennedy, Brandon Krimm, Emily Kullman, Zachary Lancaster, Chad Lancaster, Devin Lancaster, Kaleb Ledford, Zachary Leonard, James Luney, Maya Madden, Ashley Martin, Timothy Mattingly, Danny McAdams, Ava McDonald, Sara Milburn, Chelsea Miles, Jontrell Mills, Desireah Mode, Austin Moody, Morgan Moo,e, Hanna Morgan, Joshua Morgan, Nancy Morris, Paige Mosier Thomas, Bailey Thompson, Kenneth Tighe, Margaret Timmons, Destiny Turner, Nathan Vincent, Nickolas Walker, Kasey Warman, Cody West, Darla Willis, Leshandria Wiltenbraker, Jacob Wiltenbraker, Kenneth Wood, Bryce
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