The Tri-State Defender - April 18, 2024

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18, 2024 The latest from Volume 73, Issue 16
BUILDING BRIDGES: Memphis Youth Empowerment Organization Prepares Leaders for Today and Tomorrow — Page 4
Proposed tax increase ‘is right thing for the city’ — Page 8 Thousands saddle up for sold out shows at Bill Pickett Rodeo — Page 6 Not Our First Rodeo

■■ NEWS Memphis Area Legal Services loses $1.7 million in grant funding

Jackson-based West Tennessee Legal Services will pick up slack providing legal services for underserved

Memphis’ main provider of civil legal services for its underserved community will lose their principal source of funding - around $1.7 million - a er a congressionally- nanced organization concluded Memphis Area Legal Services is no longer up to the task.

MALS was informed of Legal Services Corporation’s decision, along with its plans to shi its nancial support to Jackson, Tenn. in a correspondence on April 5.

“MALS has not shown an ability to improve program operations, stabilize the program from continued declines in both services and funding, or engage in best practices for e ectively and e ciently providing civil legal services under the grant,” wrote LSC president Ron Flagg.

e deadline to submit transition plans to West Tennessee Legal Services and nalize services is Friday, April 26.

e Jackson-based rm will do its best to ll the gap and will begin to pick up the extra workload on July 1.

“We look forward to working closely with MALS during this transition period. Su ce to say, our commitment to our Jackson-area clients remains as strong as ever, and we look forward to being of service to clients in the greater Memphis region,” said WTLS Deputy Director Caitlin Hakim in a statement

Furthermore, the letter states the rm doesn’t “meet the criteria” to continue to receive the grant. In addition to LSC’s standards, it also includes the American Bar Association’s yardstick. According to e Daily Memphian, MALS chairman Brian Heim conrmed the letter.

MALS provides civil legal services for individuals and families facing foreclosure, eviction or homelessness. It also handles cases related to domestic vio-

lence, denial of health care or assistance, consumer fraud and predatory lending.

e lion’s share of the rm’s clients80 percent in 2022 - are women.

However, MALS case closures are also in decline.

e same year, the rm closed 1,625 cases, compared to 4,062 closed cases in the Jackson o ce. It isn’t just a short term trend, either. Over the past ve years, MALS closures have dropped in half.

Fundraising e orts and sta ng stalled also. As a consequence, the rm’s reliance on federal dollars increased.

MALS has been under the interim direction of Judge Loyce Lambert-Ryan since February. e former Shelby

County General Sessions Court justice replaced executive director Cindy Ettingho , who le the post voluntarily.

U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Memphis, is expected to discuss the matter with LSC brass in Washington, D.C. today. Legal Services Corporation is a seeking $1.8 billion for scal year 2025 - the same year MALS can reapply for funding. Grants cover a six-month period. MALS received its last infusion on Jan. 1.

Congress established LCS in 1974 to provide legal aid for civil cases to people who could not a ord representation. It currently funds 131 nonpro t legal aid programs.

Week of: April 18, 2024 TRI-STATE DEFENDER | Page 2
TRI-STATE DEFENDER Published by The Tri-State Defender POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Tri-State Defender, 1509 Madison Ave., Memphis, TN, 38104. GENERAL INFORMATION: Inquiries may be submitted in writing or by calling (901) 5231818 or by email. TELEPHONE: (901) 523-1818. The Tri-State Defender (USPS 780-220) is published weekly. The Tri-State Defender 1509 Madison Ave. Memphis, TN, 38104. Second-class postage paid in Memphis, TN. The Tri-State Defender is a member of The National Newspaper Publishers Association and the Tennessee Press Association. All materials covered by copyright. No materials herein may be reproduced without the written permission of the Publisher. (901) 523-1818 | 1509 Madison Ave, Memphis, TN 38104 • • • $60 Annually/$5 Monthly Digital subscriptions are available online at President Calvin Anderson Interim Editor Lee Eric Smith

New Dawn Social Services (NDSS), a Memphis-based non-pro t organization that works to help men and women reenter the community a er incarceration or rehabilitation, is hosting a bene t concert on April 20th.

e concert will be held at Mt. Vernon Baptist Church from 7:00 to 9:00 pm and will feature local performers Mzzz. Kecia, Kimberly Verner, Stevenon Clark, Brittney Pruitt, and Danny Cosby.

All proceeds from the concert will go to support NDSS’s programs and services, which help residents with


New Dawn Social Services to host benefit concert April 20

housing, nancial literacy classes, mental health counseling, and addiction recovery support. NDSS also has a program speci cally for women called Mary’s Place, which provides transitional housing and support services.

“Individuals being released from the penal and rehabilitation institutions need access to e ective and evidence-based reentry programs that provide a written plan of action, wrap-around services, and resources to decrease the risk of re-entry and relapse,” says a statement on the nonprofit’s website. “New Dawn Social Services exists to help those individuals become productive citizens and start afresh

with the proper tools & resources to be successful.”

NDSS has a four-phase program that residents must complete. e rst phase focuses on assessment and goal setting. e second phase provides residents with the resources they need to meet their goals, such as housing, employment, and education assistance.

e third phase helps residents to develop the skills they need to live independently, such as budgeting, cooking, and parenting. e fourth phase is focused on a ercare support.

According to the NDSS website, the organization has a 72 percent success rate, meaning that about 7 out

of 10 former residents are able to live independently or with loved ones and maintain their sobriety a er completing the program.

e bene t concert is a great opportunity to learn more about NDSS and the important work they do, as well as to enjoy some great music. Tickets are $30 and can be purchased at https://

Week of: April 18, 2024 TRI-STATE DEFENDER | Page 3


Building Bridges:

Memphis Youth Empowerment Organization Prepares Leaders for Today and Tomorrow

In the heart of Memphis stands BRIDGES, a beacon of hope and transformation for the city’s youth. Its signature program, Bridge Builders, established nearly four decades ago, has evolved from a youth service organization to a dynamic force for social change.

e program empowers young people to become leaders in their respective communities and the Memphis community at-large. And BRIDGES is making room to engage and empower even more young people.

“We believe that every young person has the potential to make a di erence,” said Mario Hendrix, vice president of programs for BRIDGES. “Our mission is to provide them with the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to thrive.”

With more than 800 applicants to date, and 660+ students currently engaged in its year-round Bridge Builders program, BRIDGES is creating a space for students to connect, collaborate, and e ect change, its three main tenets. However, the organization has set its sights even higher, aiming to enroll 1,000 students in the program this year, returning to pre-pandemic levels.

is year’s COLLABORATE program deadline is Friday, April 19th. Interested 6-11th grade applicants across the city can apply here.

“We’ve seen rsthand the impact that BRIDGES can have on young people’s lives,” said Dana Wilson, execu-

tive director for BRIDGES, who just recently announced her retirement, e ective December 2024. “Our goal is to reach as many students as possible and empower them to become agents of change in their communities.”

Wilson works alongside a Youth Advisory Board comprised of Bridge Builders who assist with strategic planning, programming and even interviewing sta . ere is also a Youth Justice Action Committee (YJAC) that immerses students in the justice system. e sky is the limit, especially now that we’re on the other side of the global pandemic.

Re ecting on the challenges posed by the pandemic, Hendrix emphasizes the importance of in-person, experiential learning opportunities, especially given the diversity in learning abilities.

“Technology is a valuable tool, but it can never replace the face-to-face interactions that are foundational to our programming,” Hendrix said.

At the core of Bridge Builders’ success is its youth-empowerment initiatives, which give students a voice, build their con dence, and connect them to organizations that are inciting change.

Students are learning they are valuable members of the community, while learning so skills, like con ict resolution and respect, essential for problem-solving and e ective communication.

One of the hallmarks of Bridge Builders’ programming is its emphasis on honest conversations and vulnerability. “We encourage students to express their emotions openly

Week of: April 18, 2024 TRI-STATE DEFENDER | Page 4
Bridge Builders, a youth empowerment program, teaches life lessons through fun exercises. (Courtesy photos)


“We believe that every young person has the potential to make a difference. Our mission is to provide them with the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to thrive.”
— Mario Hendrix

and explore the root causes of social issues,” said Hendrix. “It is through these conversations that real change can occur.”

Hendrix attributes some of BRIDGES’ success to its approach of not “talking AT” the students, but rather listening to them. Even fun activities o en lead to poignant questions that drill deeper into community issues. Consequently, youth leaders feel their opinions and input are valuable.

Building the Future

With Bridge Builders’ 40th anniversary in sight, Hendrix has big expectations about the future.

“We’ve come a long way since our humble beginnings,” said Hendrix. “But our work is far from over. We remain committed to empowering the next generation of leaders and building a brighter, more inclusive Memphis.”

A recent $1 million donation from the McKenzie Scott Foundation is making that future even brighter. e donation will enable BRIDGES to provide even more from a programming standpoint, and to an even broader audience.

“We look at the needs of the students and how we can satisfy them, with a goal of providing more access for students, and even more programming opportunities,” said Hendrix. “Additionally, we’re launching our Youth Action Center, where students and adults can learn to be partners, nd their voice and receive training to be even better community advocates and leaders.”

Looking ahead, Hendrix envisions a future where BRIDGES continues to amplify youth voices, foster leadership, and promote diversity appreciation.

“Our goal is to create a community where every young person feels

valued and supported,” he said. “With each new student welcomed into the BRIDGES family, we take another step towards that vision.”

As he prepares his team for growth, Hendrix wants to set the record straight.

“You don’t have to be a straight-A student to be a Bridge Builder,” said Hendrix. “We want to empower those who are NOT already on a leadership track. ALL are welcome and can learn something to help them become community leaders.”

For more information about BRIDGES, visit

Mario Hendrix: Mario Hendrix is a triple threat member of the Bridge Builders community, having been a participant, now serving as the VP of Programs; his children are also Bridge Builders. (Courtesy photos)

Week of: April 18, 2024 TRI-STATE DEFENDER | Page 5
One of the life lessons Bridge Builders learn is teamwork in order to solve problems.


Bill Pickett Rodeo rides into town to delight of thousands

Thousands of enthusiasts packed the Agricenter International Arena for two presentations of the Bill Pickett Invitational Rodeo on Saturday April 13!

Celebrating its 40th year in existence, the rodeo was a rootin’ tootin’ good time for all attendees -- especially those who know the history of Bill Pickett and black cowboys in American history.

TSD Photojournalist Gary S. Whitlow caught some of the sights and sounds of the day . . . check these images out! And for a feature story about “Miss Kitty,” the cowgirl responsible for bringing the Bill Pickett Rodeo to Memphis, scan the QR Code!

Week of: April 18, 2024 TRI-STATE DEFENDER | Page 6
Mayor: Memphis Mayor Paul Young — in his black hat — rode shotgun on a stagecoach into the rodeo. He later read a proclamation acknowledging the history of black cowboys. One of those Bronco-riding brothers. During a rousing performance of the Negro National Anthem “Lift Ev’ry Voice,” this cowgirl proudly charged around the arena floor with the African heritage flag on display. ON THE COVER: Several cowgirls competed in the barrel racing competition at the Bill Pickett Invitational Rodeo.


This event is called “bull dogging” and it was invented by none other than Bill Pickett himself, more than 100 years ago.

That’s a lot of bull, right there.

Week of: April 18, 2024 TRI-STATE DEFENDER | Page 7
Is this her first rodeo? Naptime for baby...


Young: Proposed tax increase ‘is right thing for the city’

After 100+ days as mayor, Young outlines makes case for bold vision – and more revenue

Now roughly 100-days into his rst term as Mayor, Paul Young continues to celebrate his administration’s early victories, acknowledge the setbacks, and ask Memphians to get involved in making the city a better, safer place to live.

And with a transparency not o en seen in politics, Young announced that when he presents his budget to the City Council next week, it will include a request for a tax increase.

Hundreds of Memphians — police, council members, community leaders and citizens — lled the lower level of Mount Vernon Church in Southwest Memphis for Young’s 100-day address on Tuesday evening.

In his opening remarks, he ran down the highlights of his tenure so far, including the recent Black Mayor’s Coalition on Crime meeting in Memphis, the latest data on trash pickup and blight control, and other early victories.

But he also acknowledged the “hits” Memphis keeps taking, including a shooting he learned about at Douglass Park literally minutes before he took the stage. He paused to honor the men and women of the Memphis Police Department, and requesting a moment of silence for O cer Joseph McKinney, who was killed in the line of duty last week.

And throughout his speech, Young was clearly seeking to inspire, painting a vision of Memphis that’s mostly free

from litter and neighborhoods with high-speed ber optic internet access.

“Envision a transit system that effectively connects residents with jobs, childcare, healthcare, and groceries,” he said. “A system where a single card allows you to access buses, micro-transit options, vibrant community centers, and your local library to check out materials, content, and classes.”

But Young also knew he had to ask for something as well.

“But we really, simply and plainly, need more revenue,” Young said. “As much as I don’t want to be the one standing here and saying that, I also don’t want to be the one to let you down -- to allow you to live in a neighborhood where ‘getting by’ is the standard.

“Our current budget keeps us where we are. And we’re good at getting by,” Young continued. “But I think it’s time for us to step into a reality that allows us to flourish. When I go to City Council next week to present our budget, I’m going to ask for a tax increase.

“I’m putting it out there straight, no lying, so you can hear directly from me,” he added. “I’d rather not ask. But I believe it’s the right thing for our city.”

Young announced a number of other initiatives. Here are the key announcements from Mayor Paul Young’s 100 Day address organized with brief explanations for each initiative:

• New Public Safety Positions: e addition of two high-level public safety roles including a public safety advisor to the mayor and a chief strategist for public safety, focusing on data-driven approaches and community safety e orts.

• Establishment of a Police Foundation: A new foundation to enhance law enforcement resources and com-

munity policing initiatives, announced in collaboration with the Memphis City Council and the Greater Memphis Chamber.

• $50 Million Challenge Grant: A signi cant funding boost for community safety and development, with a national foundation providing a challenge grant to be matched by local donations, aiming for a total of $100 million.

• Data Sharing and Collaboration Agreements: Initiatives to improve coordination and data sharing among local law enforcement, judicial systems, and educational institutions to better target crime prevention and intervention.

• Reduction of Crime Goals: A commitment to reducing violent crime by 10% annually, supported by new strategies and the public safety dashboard to be unveiled in a weekly newsletter.

• SEPED (Crime Prevention rough Environmental Design) Grants: Announced a partnership with EDGE for providing $1 million in SEPED grants over four years to help businesses implement safety improvements.

But as he closed out, Young made a plea for HUMAN resources as well -people to roll up their sleeves and stay upbeat even in the face of depressing news.

“When the world hears about us, I want them to think of black wealth, culture, arts, and excellence,” he said. “I’m going to ask you, the residents of Memphis, to help keep part of that culture here. Stay in Memphis and help us continue the work of making our city better.”

Speci cally, Young admonished young people who may feel like the grass is greener in other cities to stay home and nurture the grass right here.

“If you’re a young person thinking

“I’d rather not ask (for a tax increase). But I believe it’s the right thing for our city.”

your talents will be better served elsewhere, reconsider because Memphis needs you,” he pleaded. “We need you to be the future of tech, transit, and workforce development. We need you to make medical breakthroughs and platinum records. We need you to open restaurants and retail shops, to join boards, and to use your voices for good. We need you to mentor, give back, and run for o ce.

“Creating the Memphis we all want to see is going to take everybody,” he said. “I rmly believe that we’re going to look back at 2024 and say this is when the change happened.

“We keep getting hit with negative news, but instead of becoming defeated, we become more determined,” he said. “Let’s go out and do it.”

Week of: April 18, 2024 TRI-STATE DEFENDER | Page 8
— Mayor Paul Young (Photo: Lee Eric Smith/The Tri-State Defender)



Shelby County Government has issued Sealed Bid number I000872, Fire Apparatus Maintenance and Repair Services (Fire Department). Information regarding this Bid is located on the County’s website at www. . At the top of the home page, click on the dropdown box under “Business”, Click on “Purchasing” and “Bids” to locate the name of the above-described Sealed Bid.


WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2024 AT 2:30 PM CDT (SB-I000872), Fire Apparatus Maintenance and Repair Services (Fire Department)

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Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Latera Dickerson

Tax Parcel #: 03900800000060

Tax Sale #: 1903

Price Offered: $32,900

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 10 a.m. on 5/22/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

River City Builders

Tax Parcel #: 07520600000040

Tax Sale #: 1803

Price Offered: $4,500

Terms: Cash


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Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 10:30 a.m. on 5/22/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank

1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

River City Builders

Tax Parcel #: 07524600000470

Tax Sale #: 1904

Price Offered: $7000

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 11 a.m. on 5/22/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

River City Builders

Tax Parcel #: 07613600000130

Tax Sale #: 1804

Price Offered: $11,000

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional

offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 11:30 a.m. on 5/22/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank


MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Angela Moore

Tax Parcel #: 06900600000490

Tax Sale #: 1703

Price Offered: $14,400

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 9 a.m. on 5/23/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The prop-

Week of:
18, 2024 TRI-STATE DEFENDER | Page 9

erty shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank

1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

River City Builders

Tax Parcel #: 0761140A000400

Tax Sale #: 1902

Price Offered: $11,000

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 9:30 a.m. on 5/23/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1

MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

River City Builders

Tax Parcel #: 07802900000120

Tax Sale #: 1902

Price Offered: $14,000

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 10 a.m. on 5/23/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150



Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Marcela Macha

Tax Parcel #: 02404500000080

Tax Sale #: 1603

Price Offered: $600

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 10:30 a.m. on 5/23/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Marcela Macha

Tax Parcel #: 03404000000040

Tax Sale #: 1502

Price Offered: $300

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 11 a.m. on 5/23/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Marcela Macha

Tax Parcel #: 03509900000130

Tax Sale #: 306

Price Offered: $300

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 11:30 a.m. on 5/23/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Ashley Guy

Tax Parcel #: 03111200000080

Tax Sale #: 1802

Price Offered: $4,000

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 9 a.m. on 5/28/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Ashley Guy

Tax Parcel #: 05804300000150

Tax Sale #: 1904

Price Offered: $11,600

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 9:30 a.m. on 5/28/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer

without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Ashley Guy

Tax Parcel #: 03111200000020

Tax Sale #: 1802

Price Offered: $4,000

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 10 a.m. on 5/28/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Ashley Guy

Tax Parcel #: 02905500000250

Tax Sale #: 1802

Price Offered: $3000

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 10:30 a.m. on 5/28/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Week of: April 18, 2024 TRI-STATE DEFENDER | Page 10


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Ashley Guy

Tax Parcel #: Ashley Guy

Tax Sale #: 02905600000040

Price Offered: $3,000

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 11 a.m. on 5/28/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Ashley Guy

Tax Parcel #: 02908700000050

Tax Sale #: 1803

Price Offered: $3,000

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 11:30 a.m. on 5/28/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank

1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Ashley Guy

Tax Parcel #: 02908600000220

Tax Sale #: 1803

Price Offered: $3,000

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 9 a.m. on 5/29/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank

1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Ashley Guy

Tax Parcel #: 02909000000030

Tax Sale #: 1804

Price Offered: $3,000

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 9:30 a.m. on 5/29/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Ashley Guy

Tax Parcel #: 0290670000013C

Tax Sale #: 1801

Price Offered: $3,000

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 10 a.m. on 5/29/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank

1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Marcela Macha

Tax Parcel #: 0260440000005C

Tax Sale #: 1502

Price Offered: $500

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 10:30 a.m. on 5/29/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Marcela Macha

Tax Parcel #: 0340350000022C

Tax Sale #: 1502

Price Offered: $300

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 11 a.m. on 5/29/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §67-

5-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Marcela Macha

Tax Parcel #: 02105800000180

Tax Sale #: 1602

Price Offered: $500

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 11:30 a.m. on 5/29/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to T.C.A. §675-2507, that Shelby County Government has received an Offer to Purchase for the following property:

Marcela Macha

Tax Parcel #: 02604400000120

Tax Sale #: 305

Price Offered: $300

Terms: Cash

Additional Offers to Purchase, of at least ten percent (10%) higher, may be submitted within Ten (10) working days of this notice. If additional offers are received during this ten (10) day period, all prospective Purchasers must attend a Public “Bid Off” at 9 a.m. on 5/30/2024, to be held in the Shelby County Land Bank Office, to determine the highest and best offer. The property shall thereafter be sold to the prospective Purchaser making the highest and best offer without warranties of any sort.

Shelby County Land Bank 1075 MULLINS STATION, BLDG. E-1 MEMPHIS, TN 38134 (901) 222-1150

Week of: April 18, 2024 TRI-STATE DEFENDER | Page 11


Week of: April 18, 2024 TRI-STATE DEFENDER | Page 12

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