28 40
99 10 10 34 24 39 18 46 43
Faith 39 Articles of Faith.
Federal Amnesty, Not Divine Amnesty
Spotlight Make Agriculture our mainstay as in the days of yore
Finance The most overlooked leadership skills
Knowledge Amazing Things You can do with Vodka
15 31 45
Health Nails: What your nails say about your health
Food 6 Germiest items in the Kitchen
Discovery 5 Weird signs that you’re Vitamin-Deficient
TNA June 2013
Editor’s Note
Editorial Team
Editor’s Notes
Becoming the best Christians
PUBLISHER/ EDITOR-IN- CHIEF Osa Sonny Adun EDITOR Biodun Odunuga-Samuel 08035029085 EDITOR SPECIAL PROJECT Patrick Iwelumor 08135439281 MARKETING/ADVERT CONTROLLER Roseline Omoruyi 08033859691 CONTRIBUTORS The Most Revd. Nicholas D. Okoh Archbishop, Metropolitan & Primate of All Nigeria Bishop Emmanuel S. Egbunu Bishop H B Olumakaye Bishop Akintunde Popoola Venerable Princewell Ireoba Venerable Emmanuel Adeoye Adekola All Diocesan/diocesan communicators EDITORIAL LINE/CONTACT 08055170557 GRAPHICS Charles K. Ojini
Our Vision In one bond, the Magazine will be the tool for strengthening the body of Christ as well as bind God's people. His work, His church and His glory with the aim of informing, uniting and entertaining the church of his people! It is also relevant as a media entity that concerns itself with the transformation of nations in an era when there is a universal outcry against, terrorism, poverty, hunger, crime, hatred and disease. TNA aligns with the ideals of humanitarian bodies such as those under the auspices of The United Nations. It believes that as an evangelical press, restoring the dignity of man should be pursued with passion in line with the teachings of the gospel. TNA believes that the building of sound institutions through purposeful leadership at all levels will put an end or reduce drastically the woes of the world, especially war and hunger. The Nigerian Anglican Magazine is published monthly for N300 by The Nigerian Anglican (TNA) Media Ltd. A Joint venture between The Church of Nigeria Anglican and TNA Media Limited •
TNA Media Limited produce, while the Church provide channel of distribution, through subscription from dioceses. In Nigeria there are about 215 dioceses each diocese has a minimum of 25 churches, while the bigger dioceses has between 45 and 50 churches Target 40million faithful in Nigeria and the Diaspora
TNA aim at 2milllion monthly
A copy of the magazine is sold at N300, but large subscription attract up to 30% discount The publisher shall not accept any responsibility for errors in adverts, or articles, although it has ensure that all information's in the magazine are professional correct. Opinions expressed in TNA are not necessarily that of the publisher. The Dream Center, Durosimi Etti Drive, Lekki, one. P.O. Box 51162, Ikoyi Lagos, Nigeria Emails: athenigerian, All correspondence should be sent to the Editor. Copyright reseved, reproduction of any part of this publication in any form without written permission is prohibited
June 2013
hat a privilege to be part of this great move? To all our readers, fathers in the lord, sponsors'', you are all wonderful. This edition is the sixth edition in this year this signifies that we are in the middle of the year a rare privileges bestowed on us by the Almighty God and all glory are return to him. We are children of God by faith and call to serve Him in holiness and purity of all things. We believe in the divine inspiration of the Holy Bible, and endorse all the teachings contained in it, that is what makes Christian religion different from other religions and the Anglican denomination live and have it ordinances from the Bible. The devil has failed and will always fail in all its antics to bring down the flag of victory of God's people. God's army is daily marching on victoriously. Today the church of God has come to realize that without the Holy Spirit the church is dead. John 6:38: “For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.” As a servant, he, the Son came to do the will of the Father. 1 John 4:14: “That the Father sent the Son as the Savior of the world.” God did not send an angel nor is a good man, the savior God who became man. The Bible says, “The grace of God has appeared to all men.” Christ came for all. Christianity is for everyone but not everyone will respond; only those who acknowledge they are sinful. For one to know this they only have to look at God's standard, his commands and his law to find they have not obeyed them perfectly and have fallen short of keeping them. This is achieve through the third person of the Trinity. “Holy Spirit” In the time of old the prophets struggled in vain to bring Israel back to God. But when Peter preached, full of the Holy Spirit, 3,000 people surrendered. Without the Holy Spirit, Christianity is reduced to 'religion', which is no more effective than the Old Testament system and the priesthood before the age of the Spirit. Jesus said 'You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you' (Acts 1:8). Without that vitality we have a secularized, nominalized, rationalized, and harmless religion. Mystical contemplation bears no resemblance to New Testament dynamism; Quietism is for Buddhists, not Christians. Whatever chill may have frozen the church; Christianity is only 'churchianity' until the Holy Spirit takes over. Once again I welcome you to this June 2013 edition of The Nigerian Anglican Magazine the official magazine of the Church of Nigeria. In this edition we bring to our readers the pictorial Memoir: the 60th coronation celebration of Her majesty Queen Elizabeth, Report on Queen's holy Oath at her coronation which may be broken by gay law. Civil partnership for gay spell end to Anglican Communion General Gowon solicits for ordination of women in Anglican Communion, Interview with the Lord Bishop of Awori Rt. Rev. Akin Atere on the fifth anniversary of the diocese and the great achievements recorded in the short time Others include report on Abuja synod: Faithfulness, imperative in stewardship, Jonathan approves Boko – Haram member's trial for terrorism. Make Agriculture our mainstay as in Days of yore. Article on Holy Trinity, Health: Children at risk of toxic salt overdose from sweet biscuit. What your nail says about your health Weird sign that you're vitamins deficient. We are trying to serve you better. TNA welcome your responses, letters as well as news stories from your diocese. We want to sincerely appreciate our fathers -in- the- Lord who has been contributing to the success of this project His Grace Primate Nicholas D Okoh who irrespective of his tight scheduled find time to send his articles , daddy you are a great motivator, also all diocesan who find time sending their articles. Also we appreciate the A-Z Petroleum Product Limited, Vegeo Group, Printing and Packaging Aids Nig. Ltd., and host of others who partner with us through their ad placement we say thank you.
Message from the
Primate according to him, the wayward streak in Children which blossomed into armed robbery, prostitution, drug addiction and all forms of atrocities could be traced to poor parental care or the absence of it entirely. To Government Officials, Primate Okoh stated that God is the owner of power hence, all who wield power, must submit to Him by being accountable to the ordinary people over whom they exercise power and ultimately to God, who cannot be deceived or bribed with human and legalistic ingenuity. He taught on the entrusted gifts of time, treasure (money), talent and the human body and called on all to be careful in the management of God’s gifts bearing in mind the inevitability of God’s audit and accountability. The Cleric explained that it is a misapplication of time, to spend it daily in the pursuit of temporal and material benefits, leaving out God, His honour and glory. He further stated on the issue of money that giving is to God not to the Vicar or Bishop
hence, Christians of today particularly Nigerian Anglicans, need to hear this message afresh adding that to be able to do that acceptably and in good value, the giver must first give himself or herself to God. Archbishop Okoh stressed that the attitude which seeks to devalue the body in favour of the Spirit is Gnosticism, a heresy which has been totally repudiated by the Church. To him, a careless attitude towards the body is a sin and therefore, believers must present their bodies to God in holiness, whether rich or poor, married or single and they must not also put their lives in habits which destroy the body. Habits such as drunkenness, gluttony, smoking, promiscuity, drug addiction and so on put the body in danger, he said. Archbishop Okoh opined that all ministers of the gospel and all believers are stewards of the word of God who must surrender all they have, all they are, to extend the frontiers of the gospel. He warned that the day of reckoning is coming for all categories of stewards –
political, spiritual, traditional, parental, professional etc. adding that failure to be deeply committed to the enhancement of the Master’s honour, has awful consequences.He asked the congregation to note that God established authorities thus, those who engage in violent activities and corruption will bring judgement on themselves. The Primate of all Nigeria concluded by charging all to offer their world, time, talents and treasure to Him who owns them and all things. Also, he advised that because of the sure prospect of facing an unbiased divine audit panel, people will do well to repent of all indiscretions and iniquities, now! Present at the reading and launching of the Bishop’s Charge were His Excellency, Gen. Yakubu Gowon who was the chairman of the occasion, Minister of land and housing, Ms. AmalPepple, who represented Mr President, Chief Jim Nwobodo and very important people from all works of life.
June 2013
Articles of
Continued from last edition
A Contemporary Version of the 39 Articles of Religion 28. Of the Lord's Supper The Supper of the Lord is not only a sign of the mutual love that Christians ought to have among themselves. Rather, it is a sacrament of our redemption through Christ's death. To those who rightly, worthily, and with faith receive it, the bread which we break is a partaking of the body of Christ, and similarly the cup of blessing is a partaking of the blood of Christ. Transubstantiation (the change of the substance of the bread and wine) in the Supper of the Lord cannot be proved from holy Scripture, but is repugnant to the plain teaching of Scripture. It overthrows the nature of a sacrament and has given rise to many superstitions. The body of Christ is given, taken, and eaten in the Supper only in a heavenly and spiritual manner. The means by which the body of Christ is received and eaten in the Supper is by faith.
29. The wicked who partake of the Lord's Supper do not eat the body of Christ
The wicked and those who lack a living faith, although they physically and visibly 'press with their teeth' (as St. Augustine says) the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ, nevertheless are in no way partakers of Christ. Rather, by eating and drinking the sign or sacrament of so great a thing, they bring condemnation upon themselves.
30. Reception in both kinds The cup of the Lord is not to be denied to the laity. For by Christ's institution and commandment both parts of the Lord's sacrament ought to be administered to all Christian people alike.
31. The oblation of Christ finished upon the cross The offering of Christ made once is the perfect redemption, propitiation, and satisfaction for all the sins of the whole world, both original and actual. There is no other satisfaction for sin but this alone. Consequently, the sacrifices of masses, in which it was commonly said that the priest
offered Christ for the living and dead so as to gain remission of pain or guilt, were blasphemous fables and dangerous deceits.
D. Discipline (32-36) 32. Marriage of Priests It is not commanded by any decree of God that bishops, presbyters, or deacons take a vow of celibacy or abstain from marriage. So it is lawful for them, as for all other Christians, to marry at their own discretion when they judge that this will promote godliness
33. The excommunicated: how they are to be avoided Any person who has openly been denounced by the church and justly cut off from its fellowship and excommunicated is to be regarded by the whole body of the faithful as a 'pagan and swindler' until he is openly reconciled by repentance and received back into the church by a judge who has the necessary authority in such matters. To be continued in next edition 9 TNA June 2013
FEDERAL AMNESTY, NOT DIVINE AMNESTY - Archbishop Egbunu (By Ngozi Maduoma) any Christians have today devised evil ways to cope with evil, or even to overcome evil times. But evil times should not make us become evil.” The Most Rev. Emmanuel A. S. Egbunu, Bishop of Lokoja diocese and Archbishop of Lokoja province made this observation during the First Session of the Seventh Synod of the Lokoja Anglican diocese which took place at the Anglican Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, Lokoja. He added that the Bible warns believers of a time such as this when they will be hated by all nations for Christ’s namesake, when many will fall away and betray one another, and when the love of many will grow cold because of increase in lawlessness. He however, pointed out that the one who endures to the end will be saved. On the choice of the Synod theme, ‘He who has ears to hear let him hear’, the Archbishop said that his aim is primarily to caution against the increasingly flippant, casual and careless attitude to spiritual truths which heaven presents and takes seriously, with the expectation that Christians will do same. He lamented that today, Christianity is being redefined by those who should guard the divine truth in the Holy Bible adding that the concern is no longer, “What does the Scriptures
June 2013
say? But what Bishop A or Papa B, or Pastor Chas said. Bishop Egbunu explained that people are not as careful to diligently search the Scriptures for themselves anymore hence their lifestyles are so inconsistent with the priorities of the Bible. “We ease people’s minds where the Lord calls for caution and self-examination, promising peace and safety even when judgment appears imminent; when on the other hand, in these days of postmodernity, pluralism and relativism, we need to encourage sincere seekers to hold on to the truth they have found”, he said. Archbishop Egbunu pointed out that in all instances in the Bible, the phrase used as the Synod theme is credited exclusively to the Lord Jesus in both His earthly ministry and in His heavenly glory; hence, these words demand serious attention. The Cleric drew the attention of the people to the Scripture where Jesus mentioned that, that which prevents people from hearing and doing the will of God is unwillingness to obey and the reality of competing voices that pressurize them into compromise. He emphasized that Jesus pointed this out to warn believers to pay attention to God rather than to popular opinions that could be misleading adding that in certain parables of Jesus such as that of the
Sower, much emphasis is placed on the responsibility of hearing. In other words, he said,individuals have a responsibility not just of what they hear, but how they hear. According to the Archbishop, it is in remembering what has been heard that believers will not fall into error in the face of strange experiences. Therefore, he advised that a practical way is to memorize Scripture, meditate on the passages they have read, taking sermon notes and reviewing them. Also, he added that understanding comes from God alone hence Christians must seek the help of the Spirit of Christ to understand the Scriptures and apply them correctly. Bishop Egbunu stated that these are times when great Biblical truths are being made to look like fables stating that the ministers of the word must be held responsible for this great betrayal of heavenly trust. The Cleric explained that if a brief survey of the Bible is done, then one would easily discover that the great teachings or doctrines of God, Man, Salvation, Satan, Heaven and Hell have been compromised and the biblical emphasis watered down in a way such that people feel they possess the license to do as they please. Also, Holiness, Righteousness, Divorce and Remarriage, Continued on page 14
PRESIDENT GOODLUCK JONATHAN MOVES AGAINST BOKO HARAM, APPROVES MEMBERS' TRIAL FOR TERRORISM resident Goodluck Jonathan has formally approved the proscription of Boko Haram and authorized the gazetting of an order declaring the group’s activities illegal and acts of terrorism.
support for the commission of an act of terrorism or to a terrorist group.
The order, which has been gazetted as the Terrorism (Prevention) (Proscription Order) Notice 2013 and affects both Boko Haram (Jamaatu Ahlis-Sunna Liddaawati Wal Jihad) and another group, Jama’atu Ansarul Muslimina Fi Biladis Sudan, was approved by President Jonathan pursuant to Section 2 0f the Terrorism Prevention Act, 2011 (As Amended).
(a) Incitement to commit a terrorist act through the internet, or any electronic means or through the use of printed materials or through the dissemination of terrorist information;
It officially brings the activities of both groups within the purview of the Terrorism Prevention Act and any persons associated with the two groups can now be legally prosecuted and sentenced to penalties specified in the Act. The proscription order warns the general public that any person “participating in any form of activities involving or concerning the collective intentions of the said groups will be violating the provisions of the Terrorism Prevention Act”. Section 5 (1) of the act prescribes a term of imprisonment of not less than 20 years for any person who knowingly, in any manner, directly or indirectly, solicits or renders
For the purposes of subsection (1) of section, “support” includes -
(b) receipt or provision of material assistance, weapons including biological, chemical or nuclear weapons, explosives, training, transportation, false documentation or identification to terrorists or terrorist groups; (c) Receipt or provision of information or moral assistance, including invitation to adhere to a terrorist or terrorist group; (d) Entering or remaining in a country for the benefit of, or at the direction of or in association with a terrorist group; or (e) the provision of, or making available, such financial or other related services prohibited under this Act or as may be prescribed by regulations made pursuant to this Act.
CAN demands Buhari's Arrest over inciting statements CAN, in a statement by its President, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, signed by his Media Assistant, Kenny Ashaka, said with Buhari’s justification of the actions of Boko Haram, he must be their leader
CAN, in a statement by its President, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, signed by his Media Assistant, Kenny Ashaka, said with Buhari’s justification of the actions of Boko Haram, he must be their leader.
The Christian Association of Nigeria has demanded the arrest of the former Head of State and presidential candidate of the Congress for Progressive Change, Alhaji Muhammadu Buhari, over alleged inciting statements.
Oritsejafor therefore described Buhari as a security threat to the country, demanding his arrest.
June 2013
The statement reads: “The retired General was widely reported by several National
Dailies, who monitored the Liberty Radio programme “Guest of the week”, to have questioned the “special treatment” given to the NigerDelta militants by the Federal Government while the Boko Haram members were being killed and their houses destroyed by government. “They (the Niger-Delta militants) were trained in some skills and were given employment, but the ones in the north were being killed and their houses were being demolished. They are different Continued on page 13
NEWS Continued from page 12
issues. What brought this? It is injustice”, the former Head of State was quoted to have said.
constituency who are fighting to keep the nation from dismemberment.
“I cannot wish away the outburst of harshly critical statements, especially as some of them are directly related to the defence of the Boko Haram sect whose members have continued to kill, maim Christians and burn Churches. I feel the pain inflicted on Christians living in the north is too deep for us in CAN to ignore any unsavoury statement that tends to portray innocent Christians who have been killed by the sect members as the aggressors.
“For Buhari who has led a brigade of troops in 1982 to repel invading Chadian troops from the same north-eastern borders of Nigeria, the first major foreign invasion, to oppose a state of emergency when some parts of Borno and Yobe states had been occupied and the Nigerian flag replaced with theirs, burnt churches, schools, government institutions, killed innocent Christians, attacked traditional rulers and others not sympathetic to their cause, speaks volume.
“It is shocking that at a time wellmeaning Nigerians are praying for the success of our soldiers, Buhari, rather than reflect the mood of the nation in his statements and conducts is indulging in careless statements without regards for victims of the sect’s violence who are mostly Christians.
“The retired General’s sad commentary has not portrayed him as a national leader. As a retired General, he should have known that fights against terrorists are not mere child’s play. They are much more difficult than conventional war which he fought in 1982. If Buhari is a national leader, he should have been more concerned about the killings of innocent ones by the sect members and the success of the troops and not that of terrorists as he has been doing.
“I have, several times been vindicated that Boko Haram is not inspired by pecuniary motives, the latest of which is the statement by Robert Fowler, the released former United Nations’ envoy to Niger Republic who said in a BBC programme, “Hard Talk”, aired on Tuesday, June 4, 2013, that his captors never talked of poverty, but islamisation of Africa. “Spent and defeated politicians with outburst of temper and elders like Buhari who take delight in inflaming religious and ethnic passions should, therefore, be arrested and made to explain some of the issues raised by them. This is why I call for the arrest of Buhari now. Buhari is a big security risk to Nigeria’s corporate existence. “It is laughable that Buhari, an exHead of State, a General in the Nigerian Army who has served this country in different capacities would support Islamists who are confronting those in his
“Therefore, Buhari’s comments, coming at a time Nigerians have been quite appreciative of the bold steps taken by President Goodluck Jonathan to rid the north of Nigeria’s enemies can only mean that the retired General is a fanatic. “He is, therefore, the prime leader of this religious and blood thirsty sect called Boko Haram, a movement that is based on a warped interpretation of a strict adherence to force people of other religions into Islam. This kind of fundamentalism is the driving force behind his failure of each election in the country. “I intensely dislike to believe that Buhari is making these distasteful and unacceptable comments only as a way of escaping from the wrath of the sect members after their attack
on his native Daura town. It is not enough to oppose positions that have been applauded by majority of Nigerians. Constructive criticism dictates that alternative solutions are given. “Having explored all the windows of opportunity and commitments in its search for peace in the northeast, what I expect from Buhari is a suggestion as to the way forward and not comments that are divisive. Buhari should know that no injustice can justify the wanton destruction of churches and the widespread massacre of innocent Christians. Why are Christians more of the victims of this orgy of terror unleashed by the Boko Haram sect? “Buhari and others of that ilk should rather than exacerbating the problem at hand aim to convince the sect members of the wrongfulness of their islamisation plot. If the retired General is now crying out that the Boko Haram members are being killed, it can only mean that the boys he intended to use to spill the blood of monkeys and baboons on the land are being decimated by the gallant Special Forces. “For now, Buhari should be told that the time to grandstand for 2015 is not now. I, therefore, call on him and his fellow travelers to remember that we are all Nigerians, our religion and regional leanings notwithstanding.”
“Buhari and others of that ilk should rather than exacerbating the problem at hand aim to convince the sect members of the wrongfulness of their islamisation plot" TNA
June 2013