Northern Horizon May 10, 2024

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Major Water-Sharing Agreements Ready for Alberta

Major Water-Sharing Agreements Ready for Alberta

The largest water-sharing agreements in Alberta’s 118-year history are now in place to help respond to the risk of severe drought.

(Agri-News, April 19, 2024)

After several dry years and El Niño producing a warm, dry winter across Canada, Alberta is at risk of severe droughts this year, especially in southern Alberta. Recent snowfall has helped, but the province’s winter snowpack remains below average, many rivers are lower than normal and multiple reservoirs are below capacity.

To help, 38 of the largest and oldest water licensees in southern Alberta have voluntarily agreed to reduce the water they use if severe drought conditions develop this spring or summer. These groups represent up to 90 per cent of the water allocated in the Bow and Oldman basins and 70 per cent in the Red Deer River basin. The landmark agreements will let more Albertans access water in a drought and reduce the negative impacts on communities, the economy and the environment.

“With these agreements, Albertans are once again coming together when times get toughest. They will help make the most of our limited water supplies and make every drop count if a severe drought hits this summer. These irrigators, industry and municipalities are demonstrating the leadership, dedication and community spirit that makes this province great.” Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment and Protected Areas

ern irrigators and others played a key role in helping share water during that drought. This year’s agreements, facilitated by the Alberta government, are even bigger in scale and scope.

There are four water-sharing agreements, one to cover each of the following sub-basins: the Red Deer River, the Bow River, the mainstem of the Oldman River and the upper tributaries of the Oldman River. Specific commitments are laid out in each individual Memorandum of Understanding, but generally speaking:

• Participating municipalities will reduce water consumption by between five and 10 per cent. These are reasonable targets that can be achieved without affecting indoor water use.

• Participating industries will use only the minimum volume of water practical to maintain safe, reliable operations. They will also look for additional water conservation opportunities.

• Participating irrigation districts will use less water and allow other users to get their water first, then use the remaining water available for licenced use.

These collaborative agreements are voluntary. They are designed to be proactive, risk-based and agile enough to be adjusted in real time as conditions change.

“Our irrigation network is essential to southern Alberta, providing much-needed water, good jobs and recreational activities. Thanks to Alberta’s farmers, ranchers, producers and irrigations districts for stepping up, providing leadership and collaborating with our government.” R.J. Sigurdson, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation


These water-sharing agreements are at the centre of Alberta’s drought response efforts. In 2001, agreements between south-



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The actual water amounts under the agreements will be updated every two weeks based on the latest water supply forecast. WaterSMART Solutions conducted advanced and highly technical drought modelling that provided a variety of hypothetical river flow scenarios and conditions. Using this information and current conditions, exact water use for the following two-week period will be adjusted as needed to ensure that water use doesn’t outpace supply.

78025910m ay 24
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Serving the BC and Alberta Peace Region Since 1977 ProudlyservingtheBCandAlbertaPeaceRegionSince1977

“For many years, Alberta’s irrigation districts have been collaborating with the Government of Alberta and other water licence holders in the South Saskatchewan River Basin (SSRB) to progress responsible water use within the SSRB. The 2024 water-sharing agreements continue this important co-operation and put into action irrigation districts’ longstanding commitment to provide water for human use and livestock sustenance in times of extreme drought.” Alex Ostrop, chair, Alberta Irrigation Districts Association

“The City of Lethbridge thanks the province for spearheading these water-sharing agreements. The agreements are the culmination of time, effort and collaboration between many stakeholders. The City of Lethbridge is proud to be involved in this important work. We will continue working with our regional water partners, and the province, to ensure this vital resource is used efficiently and responsibly.” Blaine Hyggen, mayor, City of Lethbridge


The ultimate success of Alberta’s drought response will require everyone to do their part, including smaller licence holders and all Albertans.

To support the commitments made by the province’s largest water users, the Alberta government will also be working with smaller licence holders in these basins to request that they implement drought response measures and make similar water conservation commitments.

The Alberta government will play an active role implementing these agreements in the coming months. Specifically, the government will:

• Monitor conditions and alert water users if a signed agreement needs to take affect in a basin.

• Produce bi-weekly water supply forecasts that will be used to adjust the agreements as needed.

• Optimize operations at provincially owned infrastructure, including the Waterton, St. Mary, Oldman and Dickson

reservoirs, to ensure that every drop is used.

• Optimize water storage in the Ghost Reservoir and Kananaskis-area reservoirs for flood and drought mitigation, as outlined in the Alberta government’s Water Management Services Agreement with TransAlta.

“TransAlta recognizes the unique role our Bow River system plays in managing water flows while also serving as a key component of Alberta’s electricity grid. We look forward to working with the government and downstream stakeholders to maximize water storage in the spring and optimize flows during the summer to help mitigate drought conditions should they occur.” Blain van Melle, executive vice-president, commercial and customer relations, TransAlta

“Water is a valuable resource and a critical part of our manufacturing processes at our Joffre manufacturing facility. As an industry leader and founding member of Responsible Care®, NOVA Chemicals takes great care in ensuring the responsible treatment, reuse, and returning of water to the

Red Deer River. This focus on water conservation is even more important during periods of potential water scarcity, and we are proud to be part of this agreement with the Government of Alberta, our industry peers and municipalities across the province.” Jim Dixon, director, manufacturing west production, NOVA Chemicals

There are five triggers that will be considered when deciding if an agreement needs to be activated:

• Snowpack and moisture data;

• Final decisions by Irrigation Districts on water allocations per acre;

• Reservoir levels, river flows and expected 7-day precipitation forecasts;

• Water demand; and

• Local challenges or issues.

The government will receive peak snowpack data in late April. Once this is in, government and water users will begin meeting regularly to assess next steps.

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members of the Bezanson and Kleskun
Starts at 10:00am
Supper at 5:30pm Sale Starts at 7:00pm We would like to say a big THANK YOU! To last year’s Buyers and Sponsor! BUYERS Bear Creek Animal Clinic • • Compass Access Solutions • Dokat Mechanical Dynamic Energy Group • First Choice Electrical • Goose Lake Promotions North • Jeffrey’s Café Keddie’s Tack and Western Wear • Danny Lange • Jason Lange • McClelland Oilfield • Karin Neufeld Roska DBO Inc. • Spray Arc • Standard Auto Glass • Sundown Oilfield • Dean Swanberg • Talcan Contracting Team Warkentin Real Estate • Teepee Creek Hauling • Marty Tissington • And 2 Grandpas SPONSORS 46 Lawn and Garden • 7B Farms • Accuscale • Assured Rentals • Beitel Farms • Aaron & Sarah Collins Creek Bend Ranch • Dokat Mechanical • Double NJ Holdings • Douglas Lake Equipment • Fenton Greenhouses Fulcrum Group Chartered Professional Accountants • Ghost Production Services • Highroad Ventures • HKP Truck & Trailer Repair • Keddie’s Tack and Western Wear • Kinderwater Farms • Kleskun Controls • LaValley Electrical Melissa C Strban Professional Accountants • Morningview Vets • Nelson Lumber • Northern Valor Petroleum Quantum Power Products • Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers • The Scoop by Jeffrey’s Café • Shebranee Trucking Talcan Contracting • Team Warkentin Real Estate • Teepee Creek Hauling • TH Machining VJV Livestock Marketing Group • Wild West Dirt Works • 81987810may24 4 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024
Monday, May 13th, 2024 Drysdale Arena,
Park, Grande Prairie,
4-H Multi-Clubs 39

Our Home. Our Future. Our Plan.


We have been working on developing our first Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) for the region. It’s a long-range, high-level plan that will help us better understand and prepare for the potential changes we can expect over the next twenty years, including a growing population, new service demands, the regional economy, and a changing climate.


From June 8th until 11th, 2024, the PRRD staff and the supporting consultant team will be travelling between communities throughout the Region. We will be hosting community open houses and attending events within the Region, like the Chetwynd Chainsaw Carving Competition and Fort St. John Farmers Market.

We invite you to stop by one of our events to say hello to the team and to share your thoughts about the future of the Region!


Saturday, June 8th


9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Fort St. John Farmers Market Festival Plaza, 96th Avenue & 100 Street


4:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Pomeroy Sport Centre 9324 96 Street, Room: 1st Floor Meeting Room

Sunday, June 9th


10:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Chetwynd Chainsaw Carving Competition 2005 John Hart Way


4:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Tumbler Ridge Community Centre 340 Front Street, Room: #5

Monday, June 10th


4:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Hudson’s Hope Community Hall 9905 Dudley Drive

Tuesday, June 11th


4:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Calvin Kruk Centre 10401 10 Street

For more information, to see the work that we have done so far, and to see how else to get involved, visit us using the QR code, or visit the project information webpage at or email us at

The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 5

Ca nadianGrain nadia n Grain Commission

Investing in Water Management Infrastructure

Through Budget 2024, Alberta’s government is taking action to protect communities and vital water management infrastructure from the impacts of floods.

Agri-News, April 26, 2024

Alberta’s water management infrastructure provides a reliable water supply for irrigation, municipal, industrial, agricultural and recreational use, as well as fish and wildlife habitat, flood mitigation and erosion protection. This includes infrastructure like the Dickson Dam. Built in 1983, the dam helps supplement adequate water supply for Red Deer and Drumheller and enhance low winter flows along the Red Deer River.

To ensure Alberta’s growing communities are protected and have the water supply they need, Alberta’s government is continuing to invest in strong water management infrastructure. Budget 2024 earmarks an additional $50 million over three years to more than $140 million for the Water Management Program to complete vital projects like the Dickson Dam Spillway Enhancement Project.

“Our government is committed to investing in and building a strong water management program to protect communities and infrastructure from floods and drought. We are taking a whole-government approach to managing and maintaining provincial water systems to make sure Albertans have a safe, reliable water supply.” RJ Sigurdson, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation.

The Dickson Dam Spillway Enhancement project will boost the capacity of the operating and auxiliary spillways for the dam, which will allow more water to be safely discharged out of the Gleniffer Reservoir during floods. Delivered by Transportation and Economic Corridors, Phase 1 of the Dickson Dam Capacity Enhancement Project was completed in 2023. Phase 2 is scheduled to begin in 2024.

“It’s great to see this significant infrastructure investment in Innisfail-Sylvan Lake. The Dickson Dam is critically important to support better flood mitigation and adequate water supply for the region while also serving as a beautiful tourist attraction and source of hydroelectric power along the Red Deer River.” Devin Dreeshen, Minister of Transportation and Economic Corridors

Gleniffer Lake is the reservoir created by the dam. It provides a reliable, year-round water supply that supports industrial, regional and municipal growth, and is also a valuable recreational and hydroelectric power generation resource.

Alberta’s government is taking action, planning ahead and working with water partners so Alberta is ready for whatever may come in future years. The government is managing resources wisely to protect the environment and pre-

(CONTINUED ON PAGE 5) ProducerDeli ve ries - We ek38,Apri l 15,2024 - Apri l 21,2024 ManitobaSaskatchewanAlbertaBritishColumbia Total Wheat 66,300122,500151,100100 340,000 FeedWheat200 1,2001,300 100 2,800 Oat2,50010,8003,6001,80018,700 Barley 70022,40024,800 500 48,400 FeedBarley 70018,50014,700 500 34,400 Rye500 -500 Flaxseed 700 4,200500 -5,400 Canola23,20055,50079,9002,000160,600 FeedCanola 700 -700 Peas 9006,3002,800 100 10,100 Feed Peas 0 Lentils10024,2001,800 -26,100 Total95,800265,600281,2005,100647,700 Crop Y- T- D ProducerDeli ve ries to Primar y El evat or s to Apri l 21 , 2024 ManitobaSaskatchewanAlbertaBritishColumbia Total Wheat 3,636,5007,578,5006,002,00068,30017,285,300 FeedWheat9,30043,70077,40013,300143,800 Oat 354,500624,600198,20041,7001,219,000 Barley 78,3001,457,4001,031,30019,2002,586,200 FeedBarley 25,300764,900448,90018,5001,257,600 Rye 66,10010,1003,300 -79,500 Flaxseed 14,50074,5005,9001,20096,100 Canola1,108,5003,220,5002,358,40056,5006,743,900 FeedCanola 22,600 100 22,700 Peas 112,7001,130,800893,30017,3002,154,100 Feed Peas -200 900 -1,100 Lentils 10,4001,140,70062,700 -1,213,800 Total5,416,10016,045,90011,104,900236,10032,803,100 Primar y El evat orShipme nt s- We ek38 , Apri l 15,2024 - Apri l 21 , 2024 ManitobaSaskatchewanAlbertaBritishColumbia Total Wheat 111,100178,300203,0001,000493,400 FeedWheat100 600 -1,000 1,800 Oat2,90012,10013,400 500 28,900 Barley 1,20048,60036,800 -86,600 FeedBarley 1,00029,00027,100 -57,100 Rye900 -100 -1,000 Flaxseed 6004,800600 -6,000 Canola 35,60076,80077,1006,100195,600 FeedCanola 600 -600 Peas 300 9,4006,600 100 16,400 Feed Peas 0 Lentils 10021,3001,600 -23,000 Total153,800380,900366,9008,700910,400 Crop Ye ar-to-Da te Primar y El evat orShipme nt s to Apri l 21 , 2024 ManitobaSaskatchewanAlbertaBritishColumbia Total Wheat 3,558,7007,422,9005,768,50072,00016,822,100 FeedWheat10,30043,60063,80011,900129,600 Oat 401,500662,800229,60047,3001,341,100 Barley 73,2001,296,400998,40020,1002,388,100 FeedBarley 15,600614,800528,20018,400 1,177,100 Rye70,1006,6002,300 -79,000 Flaxseed 11,70070,5006,000 -88,200 Canola1,056,3002,935,1002,226,10050,4006,267,900 FeedCanola 22,500 100 22,600 Peas 110,3001,113,000888,80017,5002,129,600 Feed Peas -100 600 -700 Lentils 11,0001,046,20064,500 -1,121,700 Total5,318,70015,212,00010,799,300237,70031,567,800 STATISTICS&BUSINESSINFORMATION WesternDivision Primary Elevators(in tonnes)
77478710may24 786133 Serving the AB/BC Peace Country 6 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024

pare communities and the economy for potential drought, fire and flood.

“Since the 1980s, the Dickson Dam has provided communities and industry downstream with a reliable supply of water year-round while also providing a measure of flood protection to those living along the Red Deer River. These improvements will ensure this critical infrastructure can safely manage extreme flood events for years to come.” Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment and Protected Areas.

“The Red Deer River Municipal Users Group works to ensure a healthy river system with sufficient flows to sustain communities, the economy and a healthy aquatic system. We thank the government for helping us achieve our vision through its commitment to the water management program and Dickson Dam.” Rudy Friesen, executive director, Red Deer River Municipal Users Group


Phase 2 of the Dickson Dam Spillway Enhancement Project will see construction crews modify and upgrade the auxiliary spillway – increasing its capacity to 4,900 cubic metres per second from 2,800 cubic metres per second – and make dam and dike upgrades.

Work on the project is expected to begin this year, boosting the discharge capacity of the auxiliary spillway for the dam and improving safety and flood-handling capability for the Gleniffer Reservoir.

Phase 1 of the project was completed in October 2023. This work included making modifications to the existing service spillway to increase its capacity to 3,500 cubic metres from 2,500 cubic metres.

Budget 2024 is a responsible plan to build safe and supportive communities, manage the province’s resources wisely and promote job creation to continue to build Alberta’s competitive advantage.


• The government’s provincial water management infrastructure provides a reliable water supply for irrigation, municipal, industrial, agricultural and recreational use, as well as fish and wildlife habitat, flood mitigation and erosion protection.

• Agriculture and Irrigation owns and operates more than 80 dams in the province, 340 kilometres of major irrigation headworks canals, four pumping stations, flood protection berms and dykes.

• This infrastructure helps supply water for irrigation, communities and industry.

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786715 PRESTVILLE FARMS LTD. Box181,Rycroft,AB |53012TWP774 &Hwy2 (780)402-8910 || SeedforSuccess f OurExcitingplantinglineup for2024 CALLOREMAILUS TO BOOKYOURSPRINGSEED. WHEAT CWRSWHEAT AACHodgeVB • AACHockley • CDCSilas • AACV iewfield • CDCEnvy CPSRWHEAT CSAccelerate CWSPWHEAT KWSAlderon • KWSSparrowVB WINTERWHEAT AACW ildfire OATS MILLING OATS CDCEndure • CDCArborg • CSCamden BARLEY MALT/FEED AACSynergy • AACConnect FEED/MALT KWSKellie • Sirish FEED/6-ROWSMOOTH ABAdvantage PEAS YELLOW AACCar ver GREEN AACForest 77844110may24 BUYNOW! orSubmitanOffer Specializinginunreservedindustrial, agricultural, &realestateauctions. Lorne:(250)219-0871 Joel:(780)864-5722 Gene:(250)719-5579 Doug:(780)518-8705 2008MONACO DYNASTY45FT. T/AMOTORHOME $165,000.00 2016JOHNDEERE872GPAWDMOTORGRADER $225,000.00 2022KENWORTHT880T/ASLEEPERTRUCK $250,000.00 2021KINGFISHER252525FT.WEEKENDERBOAT $245,000.00 78792810may24 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 7
NEEDSPRINGSEED? FOSTER’SHAS ASELECTIONFOR YOU| PRE-BOOKINGISAVAILABLE FOSTER’SHASASELECTIONFOR YOU|PRE-BOOKINGISAVAILABLE 77628810m ay 24 ABAdvantageBarleyCom#1OatsStettlerWheat CDCHorizonPeas CDCAustensonBarleyHaymakerOatsAACRedStarWheatCDCAmarillo Peas EsmaBarley FallRyeWildfireWinterWheatSnowbirdFabaBean •AVAILABLEINMINI-BULKORBULKQUANTITIES• CallSeanorDougtodaytoguarantee yoursupplyofSpring2024Cereal/Peaseed Formoreinformation contactSeanorDoug 1-800-379-4804 77395910may24
Taken from the BarChart website ( at 2:15 p.m.(MST), May 03,2024 CANOLA LastChangeOpenHighLowPrev.Stl. VolumeTime May2024(RSK24) 633.00s +10.10 N/A633.00N/A622.90N/A05/03/24 July2024(RSN24) 647.00s +10.10 636.20648.20634.30636.9031,24705/03/24 November2024(RSX24)660.80s +8.70 649.90661.70649.90652.1010,36105/03/24 January2025(RSF25)668.40s +7.90 660.10669.40660.00660.501,29505/03/24 WHEATLastChangeOpenHighLowPrev. Stl. VolumeTime May2024(ZWK24) 606-0s +19-4 N/A606-0606-0586-422605/03/24 July2024(ZWN24) 622-4s +18-2 603-2632-4603-0604-290,14005/03/24 September2024(ZWU24)643-0s +18-6 623-4651-4623-2624-224,79305/03/24 December2024(ZWZ24)668-4s +18-0 647-4675-6647-4650-418,47905/03/24 HARDREDWHEATLastChangeOpenHighLowPrev.Stl. VolumeTime May2024(KEK24) 660-0s +23-0 675-0675-0660-0637-0 405/03/24 July2024(KEN24) 650-2s +13-6 636-4662-2635-4636-443,18305/03/24 September2024(KEU24)663-2s +13-6 649-6674-4649-0649-419,54405/03/24 December2024(KEZ24)683-0s +12-2 671-4694-0671-4670-614,02805/03/24 SPRINGWHEATLastChangeOpenHighLowPrev.Stl. VolumeTime May2024(MWK24) 708-2sunchN/A708-2708-2708-2 405/03/24 July2024(MWN24) 714-4s +5-2 707-4724-0703-2709-27,54205/03/24 September2024(MWU24)719-4s +4-6 713-2729-0709-0714-62,57305/03/24 December2024(MWZ24)731-2s +5-2 723-4739-6723-4726-01,62205/03/24 CORN LastChangeOpenHighLowPrev.Stl. VolumeTime May2024(ZCK24) 447-0s -5-0 451-2458-4446-6452-02,16605/03/24 July2024(ZCN24) 460-2s +0-4 459-4468-0457-2459-6287,99105/03/24 September2024(ZCU24)469-2s +2-2 467-0474-4466-0467-078,26105/03/24 December2024(ZCZ24)482-6s +3-2 479-2486-2 478-6479-4124,23805/03/24 OATSLastChangeOpenHighLowPrev.Stl. VolumeTime May2024(ZOK24) 396-0s +8-0 391-0396-0391-0388-0 205/03/24 July2024(ZON24) 387-2s +0-6 385-4388-4383-0386-41,13605/03/24 September2024(ZOU24)372-0s -0-6 370-6372-0370-6372-6 1205/03/24 December2024(ZOZ24)368-0s -2-0 371-0372-0368-0370-012205/03/24 SOYBEANS LastChangeOpenHighLowPrev.Stl. VolumeTime May2024(ZSK24) 1201-6s +11-6 1193-01202-01193-01190-051705/03/24 July2024(ZSNK24)1215-0s +16-0 1198-21216-41197-61199-0155,62205/03/24 August2024(ZSQ24)12215-4s +16-0 1198-61217-01198-01199-430,27305/03/24 SOYBEANOIL LastChangeOpenHighLowPrev.Stl. VolumeTime May2024(ZLK24) 42.42s -0.15 42.4442.7042.4242.5736105/03/24 July2024(ZLN24) 43.08s -0.16 43.2143.5442.7343.2472,15005/03/24 August2024(ZLQ24)43.34s -0.17 43.4243.7843.0043.5115,82205/03/24 SOYBEANMEALLastChangeOpenHighLowPrev.Stl. VolumeTime May2024(ZMK24) 366.5s +9.4 360.3367.5360.3357.131405/03/24 July2024(ZMN24) 372.2s +7.3 364.9374.8364.8364.9135,74305/03/24 August2024(ZMQ24)371.6s +7.5 365.0373.8364.6364.132,96505/03/24 GrainFuture Prices -asofMay3,2024 8 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024

DailyGrainPrices -May 3,2024

DailyGrain &FeedGrainReport DailyGrain&FeedGrainReport 78026510may24 Alberta Canola Producers Commission( grains) Weekly FeedGrain Report -May 03,2024 Statistics&DataDevelopmentBranch, AlbertaAgricultureand Forestry CANOLACRUSHERon May01,2024 Previous Week Meal(FOB) $395.05 $376.88 Seed(Del) $599.43 $612.48 FEEDGRAINBIDS(DifferentDelivery Points) WeekofApr29/24Previous Week WheatLethbridge$315.00 -$335.00$315.00 -$315.00 Red Deer$325.50 -$348.00$314.00 -$320.00 Edmonton$294.00 -$332.00$310.00 -$327.00 Oats Edmonton$290.33 -$330.00$290.00 -$330.00 Peas Edmonton$490.00 -$490.00$490.00 -$490.00 Barley Lethbridge$295.00 -$295.00$295.00 -$295.00 MH/Brooks$280.00 -$285.00$285.00 -$305.00 Calgar y$280.00 -$285.00$285.00 -$305.00 Red Deer$265.00 -$290.00$271.00 -$305.00 Vermillion$241.13 -$270.00$241.13 -$270.00 Edmonton$262.00 -$285.00$255.00 -$285.00 GrandePrairie$218.17 -$244.60$218.17 -$244.50 ELEVATORBIDS (CDN$/TONNE)on May02,2024 HIGH LOW/AVERAGECHANGE CWRS(13%min.protein)$342.25$300.12 /$330.94 -683 CPS(10.5%min.protein)$317.26$272.93 /$301.39 -12.18 SPECIALCROP CASHBIDSon May02,2024 Peas Cdn$/Tonne Cdn$/Bushel$/Bushel Last Year Green -#2orBetter$688.95 $18.75 $13.83 Feed $412.82 $11.24 $11.26 LrgYellow-#2orBetter$496.78 $13.52 $10.63 Cdn$/lb $/lb Last Year Lentils -#1Laird$1,728.41 $0.78$0.56 Lentils -#1Eston $1,640.23 $0.74$0.50 Lentils -#1Red $793.66 $0.36$0.37 Mustard-#1Yellow$1,270.41 $0.58$0.83 Mustard-#1Brown$925.94 $0.42$0.69 Mustard-#1Oriental$925.94 $0.42$0.68
CANOLA-#1Peace Region NorthernAlberta SouthernAlberta Spot $14.08(+$0.24 )$14.17 (+ $0.25 )$14.23 (+$0.25) June2024 $14.21 (+ $0.24 )$14.28 (+ $0.24 )$14.34 (+$0.25) July2024 $14.20 (+ $0.23
(+$0.23) August2024 $13.86 (+ $0.20 )$14.09 (+ $0.19 )$14.10 (+$0.20) September2024 $13.89 (+$0.19 )$14.14 (+ $0.20
October2024 $13.90
November2024 $13.90
WHEAT -#1CPSR -11.5% Peace Region NorthernAlberta SouthernAlberta Spot $8.46(+$0.12
(+$0.16) June2024 $8.49 (+ $0.12
(+ $0.10 )$8.74 (+$0.17) July2024 $8.49
$0.17) August2024 not availablenot
available September2024 not availablenot
available October2024 notavailablenot
available November2024 $7.77(+
WHEAT-#1C WAD-13.0% Peace Region NorthernAlberta SouthernAlberta Spot not availablenot available$10.86 (+$0.01) June2024 notavailablenot available$10.09 (+$0.01) July2024 notavailablenot available$9.98 (+$0.00) August2024
September2024 not availablenot available$9.87 (+ $0.10) October2024 not availablenot available$9.87 (+$0.15) WHEAT -#1C WRS -13.5% Peace Region NorthernAlberta SouthernAlberta Spot $9.15($0.00 )$9.28 (+ $0.01 )$9.33 (+ $0.02) June2024 $9.18 ($0.00 )$9.31 (+ $0.01 )$9.36 (+$0.02) July2024 $9.18(+ $0.00 )$9.31 (+ $0.01 )$9.36 (+ $0.02) August2024 not availablenot availablenot available September2024 $8.56 (+$0.05 )$8.71 (+ $0.05 )$8.80 (+$0.04) Oc tober2024 $8.65(+$0.05
(+ $0.05 )$8.89 (+$0.05) YELLOWPEAS -#2PeaceRegion NorthernAlberta SouthernAlberta Spot $12.56 (+ $0.06 )$12.83
$0.01 )$12.07 (-$0.15) June2024 $11.04
($0.00) July2024 $11.07 (+ $0.09
(+ $0.06
($0.00) August2024 $10.89
($0.00) September2024 $10.84 (+ $0.07 )$10.93 (+ $0.06 )$10.86 ($0.00) October2024 $10.84 (+ $0.15 )$10.94 (+ $0.11 )$10.86 ($0.00) ELEVATORBIDSon May03,2024(Del)This Week Last Week Feed Wheat*Central$243.52 $244.73 FeedOats *Central $265.84 $265.84 Feed Barley *Central $248.16 $246.82 Flaxseed *Central $563.55 $519.55 Canola *Central $623.80 $609.82 DurumSouth $400.23 $398.89 *Centralincludestheareafrom Calgar ytoEdmonton FEED GRAIN NEEDED! •On Farm PickuP • •cOmPetitive Prices • •PrOmPt mOvement • •Oats •Barley •Wheat •Peas •rejectedlOads •heated canOla We Buy DamageD grain WESTCANFEED&GRAIN 1.877.250.5252|780.532.6470 786630 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 9
)$14.27 (+
)$14.24 (+$0.20)
(+ $0.20 )$14.15 (+ $0.20 )$14.25 (+$0.19)
(+ $0.19 )$14.16 (+
)$14.27 (+$0.20)
)$8.51 (+$0.10 )$8.72
(+$0.12 )$8.53 (+
)$8.74 (+
$0.23 )$7.90 (+ $0.20 )$8.15 (+$0.27)
(+ $0.10 )$11.23 (+ $0.08 )$10.97
)$10.97 (+

A Real Mouthful

Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis (EOTRH) is a disease that most commonly affects older horses and is progressive. This disease occurs when there is resorption of the tooth by odontoclasts followed by the production of abnormal cementum that anchors the tooth to the jaw. The incisors are most commonly affected but this can occur in other teeth as well. The cause of EOTRH is still unknown but there are many theories; concurrent diseases, such as pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID), dental trauma, certain types of bacteria present in the mouth, and genetics.

Early on in the disease process no clinical signs may be detected but as the disease progresses you may start to see pain when eating hard treats, difficulty grazing, discolouration of the teeth, gingivitis, soft or hard swelling around the tooth root, ulceration of the gums

with possible draining tracts, dropping feed, weight loss, drooling, and head shaking. Diagnosis is made based on clinical signs and radiographs.

In this radiograph on the left you can see the thickening of the tooth roots and resorption of the teeth. In the radiograph below you can really see the hypercementosis part of the disease process.

This disease is extremely painful for our equine companions. If caught early we can try different medications and manage their pain but there is no real way to slow the progression of the disease. Once the horse is in the more advanced stages of the disease it is recommended to have the affected teeth extracted. This is normally done as a sedated, standing procedure. By extracting the teeth we are removing the source of pain and improving the horse’s overall quality of life. Horses adapt very well to grazing but may need supplementa-

tion to maintain weight after the procedure. To ensure your horse doesn’t have early signs of EOTRH, go take a look or book in for a routine dental procedure at the Dawson Creek Veterinary Clinic. Hope to see you soon!

DawsonCreek VeterinaryClinic COMMITTEDTO PROVIDING FRIENDLY,QUALITY VETERINARYCARE TO LARGE&SMALLANIMALS LargeAnimals: 250-782-1080 SmallAnimals: 250-782-5616
Dr.MikeRoss Dr.Samantha Deamel Dr.Stephanie Parth Dr.ZoeRoss Dr.Charlotte Corbett Dr.Angela Grob Dr.Meghan Johnston Dr.ChristaHarder Dr.Joana Varga 77651302feb24 Committedtofriendly,qualitycare ProtectYou rC hi ldren Protect Yo ur Ch ildren Dewo rm Yo ur Pets ! Pet s! PARASITETESTING
yourdewormeris work ing! •CANINE •FELINE •EQUINE •BOVINE •OVINE Someanimalparasites are“zoonotic ”and can causediseaseinpeople. Small Animal:250-782-5616| LargeAnimal:250-782-1080 238 –116th Avenue,Dawsoncreek,BC|Acrossfromthe Fairgrounds ww w.dc 77651010may24 10 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024
Bringin youranimal’s fecalsampleandwe willfindoutif

VJVLivestockMarketingGroupinWestlock,ABinvitesyoutoconsignyoursheep,goatsand swineto oneofourupcomingsales. We nowhostsalesonMondays,twice amonthandlookforwardtoselling youranimals. We chargethelowestcommissionsintheprovince,offerver yconvenientSaturday/Sundaydrop-offs, andcanarrangetruckingtomatchyourneeds. Callustodayandlet’ssellyoursheep,goatsandswine!


revie w Statistics&Data Development BranchAlberta AgricultureandRural Development 78026610may24 VoldJones& Vold- Westlock-April29,2024 ABAg&RuralDev/ Stats& DataDevBranch MAY10,2024 OldsAuction Mart -April30,2024-130 Total Headon Offer Sheep-185 Head Sheep- Wool $/CWT
$275.00 to $310.00 70-85lbs $277.00 to $317.00 86-105lbs $280.00 to $325.00 106& Overlbs $175.00 to $224.00 Ewes $165.00 to $195.00 Rams $171.00 to $205.00 Bred Ewes noneonoffer Ewe/Lamb Family noneonoffer Sheep- Hair $/CWT 0-69lbs $224.00 to $285.00 70-85lbs $215.00 to $275.00 86-105lbs $190.00 to $265.00 106& Overlbs $145.00 to $185.00 Ewes $100.00 to $145.00 Rams noneonoffer Bred Ewes noneonoffer Ewe/Lamb Family noneonoffer Goats-44 Head Goats$/CWT Light FeederKids 0-49lbs$195.00 to $255.00 50-100lbs $225.00 to $310.00 WhetherKids 50-100lbs $220.00 to $314.00 Nannys& Billies Nanny/KidUnits noneonoffer Nannys $200.00 to $285.00 Billys $187.00 to $235.00 BredNannys noneonoffer Hogs-0 Head 30-40lbs noneonoffer 41-80lbs noneonoffer 81-150lbs noneonoffer 151& Overlbs noneonoffer HOGSLAUGHTER WEEKEND Apr27/24(prel) Apr20/24(prel) Apr29/23 CANADA 419,207426,270434,311 EAST 236,344246,184245,923 WEST 182,863180,086188,388 AB/BC 57,48658,30562,236 WEEKEND May04/24(est) Apr27/24(est) May06/23 US 2,387,0002,375,0002,318,000 HOG CASHPRICES-INDEX100-$/KG WEEKENDMay 03/24Apr26/24 May05/23 ALTA AVG 2.2212.2401.736 ONT AVG N/A2.6062.134 INTERIORIOWA MINNESOTAHOG CASHPRICES WEEKEND May03/24 Apr26/24May05/23 US$/C WT 92.6191.5875.36 CANEQVT $/KG 2.3622.3341.903 HOGINDIC ATORS WEEKENDApr27/24Apr20/24Apr29/23 AV DRSD WT US-LBS 216.00216.00217.00 FD:HOGRATIO Apr26/24 Apr19/24 Apr28/23 US CORN N/AN/AN/A ALTA BARLEY 12.712.56.7 US CARCASS CUTOUT May03/24 Apr26/24May05/23 US$/C WT N/A$98.20$80.92 HOGFUTURES-US$/CWT MONTH LEAN CHANGE May2024 92.42 -1.85 June2024 98.95 -3.52 July2024 102.85 -3.10 August2024101.72 -2.23 Oc tober2024 84.65 -1.17 December2024 76.45 -0.42 BeaverHillAuction Service- Tofield-April29,2024 Sheep-1,386 Head Sheep- Wool $/CWT 0-54lbs $290.00 to $335.00 55-69lbs $290.00 to $330.00 70-85lbs $290.00 to $335.00 86-105lbs $275.00 to $326.00 106& Overlbs $270.00 to $310.00 Ewes $120.00 to $255.00 Rams $150.00 to $180.00 Bred Ewes(Head)$230.00 to $390.00 Sheep- Hair $/CWT 0-54lbs $270.00 to $320.00 55-69lbs $260.00 to $300.00 70-85lbs $260.00 to $320.00 86-105lbs $270.00 to $317.00 106& Overlbs $250.00 to $290.00 Ewes $120.00 to $250.00 Rams $155.00 to $250.00 Ewe/Lamb Family noneonoffer Goats-234 Head Goats$/CWT Light FeederKids 0-60lbs$260.00 to $330.00 DoelingKids 45-69lbs$310.00 to $360.00 70+lbs $310.00 to $360.00 BucklingKids 45-69lbs$330.00 to $385.00 70+lbs $350.00 to $425.00 WetherKids 45-69lbs$330.00 to $385.00 70+lbs $340.00 to $412.50 Adults MatureNannies $170.00 to $345.00 Mature Bucks $260.00 to $350.00 Bred Does noneonoffer Nanny/Kid(Unit) noneonoffer Sheep Feeder Lambs $/LB 30-50lbs $2.11 to $2.22 50-60lbs $2.27 to $2.42 60-70lbs $2.75 to $3.11 70-80lbs $2.80 to $3.13 80-90lbs $2.75 to $3.08 90-100lbs $2.65 to $2.97 100-110lbs $2.70 to $2.97 110& Overlbs $2.70 to $2.95 Ewes $0.95 to $2.07 Rams $1.30 to $1.70 Bred Ewes noneonoffer Goats Feeder Goats $/LB 30-40lbs $2.20 to $2.50 40-50lbs $2.75 to $3.15 50-60lbs $3.00 to $3.27 60-70lbs $2.85 to $3.18 70-80lbs $3.10 to $3.27 80-90lbs $3.15 to $3.33 90-100lbs $2.58 to $2.63 BredNannies noneonoffer Nannies $3.29 to $3.30 Billies $2.66 to $3.41 VoldJones &VoldAuctionCo. Ltd |Westlock,Alberta VJVWESTLOCKHOSTINGBI-MONTHLYSHEEP,GOAT& SWINESALES 80861410may24 ,
The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 11
Westlock |9004110AStreet, WestlockAlbertaT7P2N4 Office: (780)349-3153 |Email: Fieldman- RogerAlbers(780)777-7416



What is theaverage cost of asteer? 2023 Avg$5.25/lb2022 Avg$4.40/lb 2021 Avg$2.71/lb

CanIjustbuy half asteer?

Yes, youcan buywithone or multiplefamilies

What arethe animalsfed?

Most of theanimalsare fedarationthatismade upof acombinationof high protein feedssuchas barley,oats, peas andsupplementsaswellashay.

What arethe benefitsofpurchasinga4-H Steer?

There areafew benefits, Notonlyare you puttingquality meat in your freezer,you are also supporting ouryouth andpotential hard workinglivestock producers.Purchasingasteer is also gainingexposure andatax writeofffor yourcompany.

What if Idon’t want thesteer?

There areafew options if youdon’t want thesteer. Youcan resell it at an auctionmartofyourchoice, youcan donate it to thefoodbankorany other donation youchoose.

Howwerethese animalstreated?

These animalsare treatedver ywell. Each 4-H member spends time on adaily basiswiththeir animal,feedingthemtwice aday,halterbreaking, brushingand gettingthemshowready

What areprocessingcosts?

Allcostsvary basedonthe Abattoir youchooseand what processingyou want done withtheanimal. Here is an approximation:

SlaughterFee $150.00-$180.00 Disposal Fee$20.00-$50.00 Cutting/Wrapping$1.10-1.40/lb BEAVERLOD GE4-H BEEFCLUBANDGRANDEPRAIRIE4-HMULTI-CLUB
WESTC OUNTY 4-H ACHIEVEMENT DAY MONDAY, MAY27,2024 We welcome youall to come andjoinusinshowcasingour projects SHOW12:00 SUPPER5:30 SALEAT7:00 For more information contact Renee 780-832-8029 or Janet780-831-7895 or BEAVERLOD GE,ALBERTA AT THEEDBROWN &EDHOT TE AG COMPLEX 81707310may24 12 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024



Transportationwillbeprovidedfreeofchargetothefacilities pre-booked by theclub.

WHAT IF IDON’THAVE ROOM/FUNDSFOR AWHOLESTEER? Noproblem!Considerbuyingwithanotherfamilyormultiple families!


Rationsforthesesteer saremadeupof acombinationofhigh energy/proteinfeedssuchasbarleyandsupplementsas wellas hayroughageto keepthemhealthyandperformingattheirbest! Manymember swillinclude afeeddescriptionintheirwriteups.


No.However,bookingshavebeenarrangedatLawrenceMeat PackingCoLtd.inDawsonCreek,BCandJohnny’sSausage& MeatsinGrimshaw, ABforall22steers.Processingpricesare paidonthehanging weight,notlive“onthehoof ”weight.


Very well!The4Hmember sspendtimeon adailybasiswithprojects,feedingandtrainingthemfortheirshowandsale.


Somany benefits!Notonlyareyoufillingyourfreezerwithqualitymeat,youarealsosupportingour4Hyouthandhard-workingfuture livestockproducers,as wellasgainingexposureand ataxwriteoffforyourcompany.


Yes,anditisoftenharderforsomethanothers.Thesekidsspend alotoftimewiththeiranimal,andmany build astrongbond over theyearas wellas asenseofprideintheirproject.Thesekidsarestrong ,andtheytakecomfort inknowingthey’vegiventheirsteer thebestpossiblelifewhileonthisearthwhileacknowledgingthepurposeoflivestock.


Steermar ketingPhotosandvideoswillbeuponthenew club websitesavanna4h.comas wellasshowandsaleinfobeginningofMay. We alsohave aclub Facebookpage -Savanna4HMulticlub.Steer swillbe weighedon acertifiedscaleonthemorningofthesale. These weightswillbepostedonceallanimalsare runthroughthescale.Thesalewillstar tonceall weightsareposted.Steer swill sellon aperpoundbasis.




•Bill &CherylBrett



•K&CDolen Farm


•FarmerF irstContracting (1½Steers)

•Adam &Terri Fitzpatrick



•RapidRun Ventures



•TillerGrain &Pulse



•UFA DawsonCreek /Bay Tree

•Walter’sCat WorksLtd(3 steers)



•The West Farm

•Doug &Lyla Yanishewski

TheSavanna4-HMulti-ClubisofferingRegisteredBidder sandBuyers two(2)chancesforfreecuttingandwrappingcourtesyofLawrence MeatsinDawsonCreek,BCandDiverseDrillinginBayTree,AB

Wednesday,June5th,2024 SavannaAgSocietyRecPlex,Savanna,AB Show:1:00p.m. |KingoftheRing:6:45p.m. |Live Auction:7:00p.m.
22MARKETSTEERSONOFFER Wednesday, June5th,2024
SAVANNA4-HMULTI-CLUB FREECUT& WRAPDRAWS BBQLunch by DLEstartsatnoonbeforetheshow The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 13

New Holland Fieldops™, A New Platform For Real-Time Farm Data Management, Presented At Agrishow 2024

At Agrishow 2024 New Holland is presenting FieldOps™, a versatile and easy-to-use farm management web and mobile platform available for operators worldwide. It brings real-time monitoring, remote display viewing and intuitive user interface together into one comprehensive package to enhance how farming operations manage their data overall.

Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil; April 29, 2024 (CONTINUED

Agriculture is becoming increasingly digitalized with an exponential growth in cloudconnected machines. This means farmers need to avoid having fragmented digital solutions and multiple apps or platforms. Instead, the industry would benefit from an all-in-one, easy-to-use platform that unifies their core operational management needs into one place.

New Holland FieldOps is designed to simplify a customer’s entire workflow from the moment they connect to their machines all the way through to post-season analysis. Its all-new interface streamlines workflows, simplifies farm management, and makes data accessible from anywhere.

Instead of using multiple apps to manage their mixed fleet, customers will be able to view and monitor all their machines in one place, centralizing tools like New Holland PLM Connect into one platform. This gives customers easier access to their field and farm data and provides any connected operator the ability to manage their machines from anywhere at any time, via FieldOps’ mobile or web platform.

FieldOps’ key features include real-time machine monitoring — including precise location and duty status —, remote view of in-cab displays for improved operator support, visualization of agronomic data layers for a specific field over the course of the season and machine health and

AutomaticPumpingFeature withAdjustableRechargeControl
LargeLoopforMoving *shownwithavailablesuspendedmineralfeeder NEW10GALLONUPGRADETANKNOWAVAILABLE LEWISCATTLEOILERSSales&Service SteveMajor(780)524-8880 PaymentPlanAvailable|NoInterestForUpTo18Months NOCREDITAPPS|NOBANKS 76287310nov23 PLANNINGACATTLESALEin2024? Calldantodaytohelpgetyoursalecampaignoffontherighthoof. DanPrzybylski CallText(250)784-4319| 780267 RECRUITING@PC E.C A| PCEJOBS.CA Lookingfor agreat team to work for? Come joinus at PrairieCoastequipment! We Support. Ever ypersonand every taskcreatesthebigger picture thatisPrairieCoast equipment We Celebrate. Ourpeopleare whatmake our worldgo round -and we love celebratingtheir achievements. We’reAmbitious. From thefield to thedesk, we areconstantly challengingourselves to bethebest we canbe. We’reCommitted. Employees have the opportunity to invest in PrairieCoast.The result?A significant portionis employee owned. SCANFORCURRENT
77633610may24 14 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024


activity monitoring to quickly spot priority issues.

Bolstering the capabilities of FieldOps is the new collaboration with Intelsat, a leader in satellite communications for over 60 years. New Holland and CNH will be the first in the market to make connectivity accessible to more areas that do not have consistent internet access through conventional cellular or terrestrial networks. This collaboration solves a large customer challenge by providing industrial-grade connectivity that is built for farming. Having this level of connection increases the value and benefits of precision technology for farmers everywhere.

“Agriculture is changing rapidly, and farmers are increasingly asking us to support them with simple solutions for complex problems. Our approach is always putting customers at the center and it is our job to help by developing technological products that improve their productivity”, said Carlo Lambro, Brand President at New Holland. “FieldOps was created thanks to our customers’ feedback, prioritizing simplicity and intuitiveness for the interface. It enables farmers to improve their efficiency and profitability, whether they’re investing in a new fleet or adding automation to their existing machines.”

The New Holland FieldOps app is currently in its final stages of development and testing, with a full release expected later this year.

• An easy-to-use and free platform available for mobile and web for customers worldwide to manage their machines and operation data from anywhere at any time.

• Enables customers to view and monitor all their

machines in one place instead of using multiple apps to manage their mixed fleet, with an all-new interface designed to simplify farm management.

• Thanks to collaboration with Intelsat, a leader in satellite communications, New Holland and CNH will be the first in the market to make connectivity accessible to areas that do not have consistent internet access.

1-250-794-6618 || RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL COMMERCIAL 40YearWarranty| Factor yDirect Deliver ytositeavailablewitha2-3day turnaround! Needaninstaller?Contactus to getintouchwith localinstallers/builders METAL ROOFING METAL SIDING 81589826apr24 SMOKYRIVERREDANGUS 60Two-Year-OldRedAngusBullsonOffer Curtis Boese (780)876-4526 Maynard Boese (780)568-4340 PrivateTreatySales 80272412apr24 Bred,BornandRaised forthe PeaceCountry Quality& Affordablefor CommercialCattlemen PerformanceTested VetInspected PersonalizedService The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 15
New Holland FieldOps™ farm management web and mobile platform.

Cattle Directory ANGUS

Excel Ranches

Ron & Barb Miller, Cody & Amy Miller Westlock, AB 780-349-0644

Kjos Black Angus

Marty & Miriam Kjos, Fort St. John, BC 250-787-0970

Fourth Creek Angus Ranch

Ryan Lacey, Spirit River, AB Ryan 780-864-7753 / Office: 780-517-3507

Lakeroad Black Angus

Jim & Donna Rowe, Worsley, AB J 780-835-0455 / D 780-835-9588


Binks Angus Farm

Evan Binks, Grande Prairie, AB 780-518-2020

Brandl Cattle Co.

Byron & Gwen Brandl, Jarvie, AB 780-954-2599

Broken Stick Ranch

Black Angus for Sale off the Farm

Tom & Amber Ditner, Baldonnel, BC 250-794-7105

Gomack Red Angus

Braydon Gough & Scott Gough Whitelaw, AB 780-274-0099 / 780-618-4747


Grant & Tanya Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-284-0684

Crystal Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-204-2005

Heart Valley Angus

Nat & Chris Tschetter, Wanham, AB 780-978-6407 / 780-978-6406

Heart Valley Angus

Nat Tschetter & Chris Tschetter Wanham, AB 780-978-6407 / 780-978-6406

Lazy B Livestock

Trevor Binks & Melanie Klassen Grande Prairie, AB 780-539-7128 / 780-518-0630

M.C. Quantock

Mac & Pat Creech, Lloydminster, AB 800-561-2855

Mountain Side Angus

Bulls for Sale by Private Treaty

John & Judy Mayer, Beaverlodge, AB 780-831-8497

Nicklason Stock Farm

Brad Nicklason, Deadwood, AB 780-836-5197


PurebredAngusGenetics (TheProfitableKind)

Box159,Cleardale,ABT0H3Y0 Pete(cell):780-835-8291

Call250-795-2529 forpricing,deliveryoptionsavailable DawnGerlinsky AgroManager 778830 10 may24 SPECIALIZINGINGOODQUALITY REGISTEREDRED&BLACKANGUS Bulls&ReplacementHeifersforSale OfftheFarmbyPrivateTreaty
CF CF REGISTEREDRED&BLACKANGUSBULLS Box93 Buffaloheadprairie,ab T0H4A0 John&Marthaharms 780-928-4649Home 780-926-9540Cell 780965
783910 16 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024


Like Us on Jack&ShannonTrask (250)263-4904••Box127,Montney,BC,V0C1Y0

SADLIERCATTLECO. ToddSadlier Hwy64,HinesCreek,AB (780)772-3978

Arrangeavisitandseehowour topqualitygeneticscanfitintoyourcowherd OFFERING2-YEAR-OLD REGISTEREDBLACKANGUSBULLS forsaleofftheranchbyPrivateTreaty

SellingPurebred Yearling&TwoYearOldBulls OfftheFarm

Joe&CourtneySchulz Box43Site2RR1,SpiritRiver,AB,T0H3G0 Cell:780-864-6448Home:780-351-2608

Silent K Stock Farms

Delano & Megan Kjos, Tomslake BC D 250-467-9450 / M 403-804-1107


SellingYearling&2-Year-OldRegistered BlackAngusBullsOfftheRanchbyPrivateTreaty Kevin&BarbaraQuist Phone:780.876.4649



Nikki,Kristin,Whitney& CourtneyDrschiwiski Box18,CecilLake,BCV0C1G0 Ph:250-785-6362

Cell:250-261-0876(Nikki) Cell:250-329-4816(Courtney)

TheSchweitzers Roy&Erika (780)402.5617 Beaverlodge,AB

Dry Creek Ranch

Seth Harmon, Cecil Lake, BC 250-793-1858

JayDawn Farms

Jason & Nikki McQuaig, Sexsmith, AB 780-933-5530

Landaker Charolais Farm

Alan & Shelley Landaker, Brownvale, AB 780-618-3928

Pro-Char Charolais

SchweitzerRanch Troy&Kristina (780)814.3598• DawsonCreek,BC 787690

David & Kristina Prokuda, Glenevis, AB 780-932-1654

Rosebud Creek Charolais

Dan & Holly Schleppe, Dawson Creek, BC 250-219-5698 / 250-786-5698


Chittick Family Hereford Ranch

Raymond & Mona Chittick

Mayerthorpe, AB 780-305-3925

Eureka Hereford Farms

Tom Basnett, Eureka River, AB 780-834-8170

Friesen Farms

Chad & Anna Friesen, Grande Prairie, AB Chad (780) 831-9106/Anna (780) 831-8338

Gold Stock Hereford Farms

Steve, Ashley & Brad White, Beaverlodge, AB 780-518-0064 / 780-354-3190

Gurtler Polled Herefords

Garry & Ethan Gurtler, North Star, AB Garry 780-836-0117 / 780-836-2125

Ethan 780-836-0552

Jonomn Hereford Ranch

Norm & Joanne Parrent, Clyde, AB

Norm 780-307-6586 / Mike 780-307-3385

M.C. Quantock

Mac & Pat Creech, lloydminster, AB 800-561-2855

Reber's Polled Herefords

Serena & Kasey Reber, Woking, AB 780-518-2643

Richardson Ranch

Tlell Polled Herefords

Don & Les Richardson, Tlell, BC 250-566-5114 / 250-557-4348

RR2 Sexsmith,ABT0H3C0 785099 SMOKYRIVERREDANGUS MaynardBoese (780)568-4340 CurtisBoese (780)876-4526 787568 Red Angus Bullsand Heifers forSale offthe Farm TRIEBERFARMS RaisingCattleResponsibly forOverFourGenerations BlackAngus&Shorthorn BullsforSale ByPrivateTreaty 732066RangeRoad111 Beaverlodge,AB
RaisingQualityCharolaisCattletomeet theneedsoftheCommercialIndustry!
LazyS Charolais
The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 17

Whiskey Jack Black Herefords & Simmentals

Tamara & Darcy Kuriga, Whitelaw, AB 780-834-7108 / 780-835-8090


Dry Creek Ranch

Gordon & Carla Harmon, Cecil Lake, BC 250-793-2384

Excel Ranches

Ron & Barb Miller, Cody & Amy Miller Westlock, AB 780-349-0644

Hillview Farms

Raymond & Corine Verbeek, Sturgeon County, AB 780-982-2176 / 780-939-2173

Hillview Farms

Raymond & Corine Verbeek Sturgeon County, AB 780-982-2176/780-939-2173

Lakeroad Black Angus

Jim & Donna Rowe, Worsley, AB J 780-835-0455 / D 780-835-9588

Pinnacle View Limousin

Rob & Cheryl Swaan, Quesnel, BC Erin & Eric Kishkan, Quesnel, BC 250-747-2618

Trieber Farms

Fred & Naomi Trieber, Beaverlodge, AB F 780-831-1346 /N 780-814-0052


•WearestillCanada’s#1RedPollBreeder •Maternaltraitswithlightbirthweights •Registeredstockforsaleonfarm

Dean&MarshaAnderson–FortStJohn,BC (250)827-3293•





North 42 Cattle Company

Heath Barnfield, Sexsmith, AB 780-897-3339


Crooked Post Shorthorns

Kirk Seaborn, Rocky Mountain House, AB 403-322-0142 / 403-729-2267

Janell Shorthorns

Melanie Barkley & Michelle Duncan Stettler, AB 403-740-4958

Poplar Creek Farm

Sean & Michelle Thompson, Cremona, AB 403-681-8316

Sharom Shorthorns

Tom & Shari Barto, Thorhild, AB 780-307-4043 / 780-398-2093

Starbright Shorthorns

Rena Nelson, Bonnyville, AB 780-201-2785

Albrecht Farms

Steve, Tammy & Ryan Albrecht, Spirit River, AB R 780-933-5448 / S 780-832-0883

Blazin" J Simmentals

Darcy & Caitlyn Lind, Sunset House, AB D 780-536-5203 / C 780-552-4934

Clearwater Simmentals

Chad Smith, Olds, AB 403-586-4714

Crystal Springs Ranch

Eckbert & Crystal Weitzel

Georg & Sarah Weitzel Charlie Lake, BC 250-263-8237

Gardner Livestock

Olds, AB

Tracy Gardner 403-586-0378

Tyson Gardner 403-586-1598

GB Farms

Garrett Biggelaar, Lacombe, AB 403-877-7661


Grant & Tanya Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-284-0684

Crystal Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-204-2005

Hodges Simmentals

Roy & Scot Hodges, Beaverlodge, AB 780-512-4669

KIN-KIN Cattle Co.

Gary & Faye Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-786-4500

BredforDocility,calvingease, milkperformancecombinedwith agreatdealof muscling MattiasLjunggren& daughters Valleyview,AB |(780)524-9651 AG -810540
787570 Yearling
forSale offtheFarm byPrivateTreaty TAMARACKSHORTHORNS AlvinJohnson|Brownvale,AB Cell:(780)618-9044|
&Two-Year-Old ShorthornBulls
SIMMENTALS 18 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024

Kruger Farms

Ryan & Chelsea Kruger, Sundre, AB 403-586-0125

KSL Simmentals

Keegan Scorgie & Brad Smith Beaverlodge, AB K 780-518-6572 / B 780-202-0254

Lakeroad Black Angus

Jim & Donna Rowe, Worsley, AB J 780-835-0455 / D 780-835-9588

Lakeroad Simmentals

Sarah Hayward & Kody Rowe, Worsley, AB 780-835-8841

M.C. Quantock

Mac & Pat Creech, Lloydminster, AB 800-561-2855

Sadlier Cattle Co.

Todd Sadlier, Hines Creek, AB 780-772-3978

Short Grass Farms

Kurtis & Chelsie Dillabough, DeBolt, AB 780-402-9578

Southpaw Cattle Company

Ron & Tammy Daley, Carstairs, AB

Brandon & Shallaine Sharpe, Carstairs, AB 403-519-3401

Swantewitt & Sage Simmentals

Yellowhead County, AB Gerd 780-712-2096

Jordan 780-712-3600

Innisfail Auction Market

Danny, Mark & Duane Daines, Innisfail, AB 403-227-3166

Jennings Martin Direct Buying

La Glace, AB

Jennings Martin 780-933-1023

Ron Kramer 250-793-2713

North Central Livestock Exchange

Garth Rogers, Clyde, AB 780-348-5893

Olds Auction Market

Olds, AB Office 403-556-3655

Tyler 403-507-1782 / Patrick 403-559-7202

Thorsby Stockyards Inc.

Thorsby, AB Office 780-789-3915

Chance 403-358-0456 / Jeff 780-203-4953

Viking Livestock Market

HomeofPolled&Horned 100%FullBlood&PurebredFleckvieh

Yearling&2-Year-OldBulls&Heifers forSaleofftheFarmbyPrivateTreaty

Elden,EinarandOleBakkehaug Box156,Hythe,ABT0H2C0

Home (780)356-2113 EldenCell (780)518-3536



Polar Farms

Joe & Lindsay Loomis, PRRD, BC 250-784-5150

Rachido Ranch

Randy & Donna Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-674-1986

Rosefield Simmentals

James & Martha Wiebe, Prespatou, BC 250-630-2621

Whiskey Jack Black Herefords & Simmentals

Tamara & Darcy Kuriga, Whitelaw, AB 780-834-7108 / 780-835-8090

Cliff Grinde, Viking, AB 780-336-2209

VJV Livestock Marketing Group

Office, Dawson Creek, BC 250-782-3766 Office, Beaverlodge, AB 780-354-2423 Office, Westlock, AB 780-349-3153

Red&Black Purebred Simmental Seedstock

WillowCreekSimmentals|CrookedCreek,AB Mike&MariKlassen|(780)832-7343 Colby&TiffanyKlassen|(780)832-6714

Willowdale Simmentals

Dale & Judy Smith & Family, Valleyview, AB 780-558-9337 / 780-524-2790

Wolfe Farms

Tony Wolfe, Valleyview, AB 780-524-9322

Wolfe Lake Farms Inc.

Olin and Sarah Rosvold, La Glace, AB

Tarril and Kare Rosvold, La Glace, AB 780-518-1997

Wolfes Fleckvieh

Shane & Shannon Wolfe, Sundre, AB 403-556-0729

Office, Ponoka, AB 403-783-5561 Office, Rimbey, AB 403-843-2439

Wembley Livestock Exchange

Glen Mayer & Nolan Mayer, Wembley, AB G 780-897-9570 / N 780-518-0709


B.C. Livestock Producers Co-operative

Cordy Cox, Kamloops, BC 250-573-3939

Barrhead Feeder Association Ltd.

Admin - Ann Gerhardt, Barrhead, AB 780-674-2456

Fort Feeder's Co-op Association

Admin - Cathy Axley, Two Hills, AB 780-290-0293

Grande Prairie Feeders' Association Ltd. Admin - Dawn Hollins, Grande Prairie, AB 780-538-1263

North Peace Feeder Association Ltd. Admin - Donna Haakenson, Berwyn, AB 780-338-2270

Prairie River Feeders Co-op Ltd. Admin - Tammy Roberts, High Prairie, AB 780-523-4887

Westlock Feeders Association Ltd. Admin - Megan Keith, Westlock, AB 780-348-5850

Norbert&JaniceLuken 780-835-3165
SimmentalCattle QuarterHorse Yearlingand2yr.oldBullsforSalebyPrivateTreaty Box238, FAIRVIEW,ALBERTA TOH1LO 787569
The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 19

Ph: 780-864-3731,Spirit RiverFax:864-3468, TollFree1-800-661-7401


2022 msrp$995,650 DT620cashtrade $895,000 Demo$795,000 22hrs VersatileDT620 Tractor620hp@2100rpm665hp@1900rpm 16x4P/S,PTO,Led lites36”6500Se ries Tracks JakeBrake,DeluxeCab leatherseat,rearcamera Wgt64,000lbsBlackFrame

MY2024 30’FURYH/SDisc22”

C/OF&Rbladesbsktharrows 8-12mph10-15hp/ft#214179264

MSRP $264,900 $196,900

210Vers220hp@1900rpm. 710/70R38rear60065R28frt DeluxecabQSB6.7Cummins, 5HydHiFlow42GPM3pthitch 12LEDCablites,FrontFenders SoftRidebucketgrappletinesFEL, Wt28,375#,375Lfuel, ONLY106 hr New $408,000 Demo$275,000

MY2023 35’ FURYH/S Disc22”

C/OF&Rbladesbsktharrows 8-12mph10-15hp/ft#108157245

MSRP $245,900 $185,900

40’FURYH/SDisc20” C/OF&Rbladesbskt harrows#591139191

MY2023 40’FURYH/S Disc22” C/OF&Rbladesbsktharrows 8-12mph10-15hp/ft#121170266

MSRP $266,900 $205,900

The2burnersareinthemiddleThe Exhaustisontheoutside.Buy1DF22now &buy1laterfor54 mth&save $ 210,000 over1-DF48at53mth,All New AB Dryers comewithVar-SpeedHotFan,VFDCold Fan,VFD Bed Chain.NOCHAFF-NODUST, itStaysin theGrain. At5m/btu,aDF22 uses1/3theNGofTowerdryers.Even Bed depth noHot Spots #1in = #1out

SALES:AL(780)|WARREN(780) 864-0217

DaveRossEquip.LtdSince1943 May 042024
Demo$147,900 2022 1300bu Scale $177,900 $135,900 #1131201551250/50x32,tires, Tarp 20”Auger 22Sold3oh 2022 1547 47 ftBELT CONVEYOR, 25hp Gas, hydDriveBELT, lift, 202210’ Bagger 8 2023Deluxe10’Bagger $76,995 lites,tarpfendersdualssampler 201492501000 buscal 900/70x32,tires, 4 5 1 4 7 2012Demco 1050 Cart, Scale $50,900 3 1Sold1oh 2024 1160 bu Scale $130,900 $105,900 #105092131900/70x32,4 w/SpoutTarp20”auger 2 2022 1160bu Scale $120,900 $93,900 #107083120 900/70x32, 4 w/SpoutTarp20”auger MY 2024GC-2020 2000bu, control Tarp4-1050/50/3 gal Water tank,#002205298,Hy hose msrp $298 8”X39”MOBILEGrainAuger27hpgasKOHLERmotordriveLights, HydmoverkitReversiblegearbox,Neeralta May 042024 SOLD 5Sold1oh
MSRP $191,900
2Sold1oh 2Sold1oh 1 -2023DF22Dryer @$ 340,000 20 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024
77349726apr24 ca|WARREN(780)864-0217 warr| JAY(780) 11 ftBELT Gas, ft,mover kit gger $49,985 Save$10,000 24Sold,3oh 9 10’x12’hopper 202312000bu/hrExt10ft $76,995 bu scale $55,900 4 way SpoutTarp NEW47FTBELTCONVEYOR Cap 7500 bph,19’ Dischg Ht # 527080555 msrp $58,700 SpringBlowout $48,700 2000 bu, Scale Hyd Jack /32 Tires,R.hitch,275 ,#002205298,Hyd pump, 100’ $298,900$238,900 6 MY2024GC-20202000 bu,5Fct 520Scale 42”x148Trk 001268365 Tarp24”VerticalAugerHydJack Rearhitch, 275galWatertank, Hydpump,reelnozzel100’hose msrp$365,900$299,900 10 ”X39”MOBILE GrainAuger27hpgasKOHLERmotordriveLights, Hydmover kitReversiblegearbox,Neeralta $22,995 The 2 DF22’s were deliverednochg, assembledandCommissionednochg Plusif1DF22goesdownyoustillhave 50%ofyour drying CAPACITY RHBurner LHBurner Exhaust Exhaust Dryer#1 Dryer#2 3Sold1oh 156Drierssoldin18 yrsw/noFire Loss Scanphone hereto loadour Chryslerwebsite 0 down,7.99%for 84mbw bi-weeklypmts w/gst OAC, Vehiclesmaynotbeexactlyasillustrated ROSSCHRYSLER Since 1948 221500Classic Sport C/C4x4sbV8 ,8s blk s162628 price $65,739 SpiritRiver,Ab 780-864-3731, 800-661-7401 forJay Al,orWarren May04,2024 Now$ 52,592 oh 24D3500Big Horn C/C 4x4LB5thwhlgrays981864 price $94,150 OO= On-order, IT = in-transit, oh= on-hand,all yellow= in-stock 23 1500Built toServe SECC4X4 SB8sv8 s950648p oh oh price $86,110 231500Longhorn C/C4x48sV8blackI 023789 Theaterpkg price $66,,930 20231500Classic SLT C/C4x4 brdsV8,8s s417644 price $ 70,450 $14,090off Bllue Theaterpkg 23PacificaAWD 3.6L,9s bkts, Theaterpkg i758605 22PacificaAWD TL3.6L9spd Theater pkg i918592 231500LaramieCC4x4SBHemi 8 spd s288751 price $81,190 oh RoyalBlue price $51,920 24CompassNorth 4x4 ,2L turbo8 spd s825484 Now$ 77,500 Now$ 73,000 price $69,945 Now$ 62,950 23D3500 BigHornC/C4x4,LBR.air susp634728 price $81,660 oh oh Now$ 56,360 24GrdCherokeeLtd7 pass,R/nav,3.6vvtv047635 price $70,160 $ 49,324 24D3500Tradesman C/C4x4LBRasusps913791 price $85,795 V8 auto $7,000off $ 74,660 24D2500BigHornC/C4x4,LBR.air susps740845 $ 64,000 oh Diesel,6 auto $ 9450off 24D2500 Big Horn C/C 4x4sB R A/susp s743831 price $90,465 Now$ 81,015 Now$ 84,700 24D3500Longhorn C/C 4x4SBR/a.susp s186101 price $110,955 RoyalBlue Now$ 101,500 price$91,910 24D2500BigHornC/C4x4,SB R.air susps745861 price $93,795 Now$ 84,315 Now$ 82,460 Now$ 76,345 24D2500Big Horn C/C 4x4LBRasusps739841 price $91,465 Now$ 82,015 24D2500 BigHorn C/C 4x4SBR/a.susp s 744861 price $93,795 Now$ 84,345 $13,147off 2023D2500Laramie C/C 4x4SB,R a susps284921 price $101,725 Now$ 92,275 Diesel,6 auto $ 9,450off Diesel,6 auto $9,450 off Diesel,6 auto $9,450 off Diesel,6 auto $9,450 off Diesel,6 auto $9,450 off Diesel,6 auto $9,450 off Diesel,6 auto $ 9,450 off $ 2,930off $ 2,240off $ 2,596off $ 8,190off $ 8,610 off $ 6,995off oh oh 20241500SPORTC/C4x4Bkseats V8,8s s455786 price $85,560 GREY Now$ 77,000 $ 8,560off oh oh oh oh ShowRoom ShowRoom ShowRoom ShowRoom ShowRoom ShowRoom RoyalBlue Diesel,6 auto $9,450off $ 63,144 $ 7.016off 20241500SPORTC/C4x4Bkseats V8,8s s456786 price $86,560 Now$ 77,910 $ 8,660off Red pearl oh 20111500Ram STC/C 4x4Bkt seats V8 ,6s auto 310ks284950 4 S,4Wtires,new headlites,310k price $10,900 price $74,955 oh $ 7,496off White Now$ 67,460 20241500Big Horn C/C4x4Tr.TowV8,8s s400686 price $64,,240 $ 62,000 20241500SPORTC/C4x4Bkseats V8,8s s456786 price $86,560 Now$ 79,740 $ 8,860off Red pearl 20241500Laramie C/C4x4Bkseats V8,8s s577811 price $88,600 oh 20231500Classic SLT C/C4x4brdsV8,8s s850645 price $69,900 $13980off Silver oh Now$ 55,920 20231500Classic SLT C/C4x4brdsV8,8s s851639 price$ 69,900 $13,980off White oh Now$ 55,920 24D5500 R/C 4x4168”wbca84”PTO s601742 price $83,250 Diesel,6 auto oh The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 21



Tues,May21st-9:00a.m. Tues,May28th-9:00a.m.

THURSDAY S WEEKLY MAY16th-9:00 A.M. MAY23rd -9:00 A.M. MAY30th-9:00 A.M.

THURSDAY S WEEKLY May16th-9:00a.m. May23rd-9:00a.m. May30th-9:00a.m. June6th-9:00a.m.

WEDNESDAY S WEEKLY May15th-9:00a.m. May22nd-9:00a.m. May29th-9:00a.m. June5th-9:00a.m.

$460.00$490.00$420.00$480.00$390.00$450.00$380.00$400.00$380.00$440.00n/an/an/an/an/an/a$440.00$483.00 400-499












$150.00$165.00$145.00$171.00$140.00$165.00$150.00$165.00$155.00$172.00$160.00$175.00$167.00$178.00$165.00$179.00$165.00$179.00 Heiferettes HeiferettesHeiferettes



Tues ,May 14th- 9:00a.m.

Tues ,May 21st- 9:00a.m.

Tues ,May 28th- 9:00a.m.

Tues ,June4th -9:00a.m.

Thurs, May16th- 9:00a.m.

Thurs, May23rd- 9:00a.m.

Thurs, May30th- 9:00a.m. Thurs, June6th- 9:00a.m.

Thurs, May16th- 9:00a.m. Thurs, May23rd- 9:00a.m. Thurs, May30th- 9:00a.m. Thurs, June6th- 9:00a.m.

Wed,May15th- 9:00a.m. Wed,May22nd- 9:00a.m.

Wed,May29th- 9:00a.m. Wed,June5th- 9:00a.m.

Tues ,May 14th- 9:00a.m.

Auction Date Apr30-295 Hd Apr23-852 Hd Apr16-591 Hd May2-96 Hd Apr25-250 Hd May2-305 Hd Apr25-585 Hd May1-2,443 Hd Apr24-2,924 Hd Bid Range LowHigh LowHigh LowHigh Low High LowHigh LowHighLow High LowHigh LowHigh 300-399
Bid Range LowHighLow High LowHigh Low High LowHigh LowHighLow High LowHigh LowHigh 300-399$360.00$405.00$385.00$445.00$370.00$415.00 $370.00 $400.00 $385.00$420.00 $405.00$440.00$395.00$430.00n/an/a$400.00$440.00 400-499$360.00$385.00$390.00$445.00$380.00$408.00 $372.00 $405.00 $382.00$404.00 $340.00$395.00$365.00$412.00$345.00$402.50$385.00$434.00 500-599$350.00$380.00$385.00$415.00$355.00$382.00 $342.00 $381.00 $372.00$397.00 $331.00$389.00$347.00$403.00$330.00$392.50$350.00$410.00 600-699$320.00$350.00$332.00$375.00$325.00$353.00 $325.00 $347.00 $331.00$345.00 $320.00$355.00$323.00$347.00$325.00$370.00$325.00$372.00 700-799$295.00$330.00$295.00$335.00$305.00$340.00 $298.00 $330.00 $305.00$322.00 $302.00$332.00$303.00$338.00$300.00$337.00$300.00$337.50 800-899$270.00$300.00$263.00$292.00$275.00$295.00 $260.00$295.00 $270.00$293.00 $286.00$305.00$291.00$323.00$270.00$312.50$290.00$319.50 900-999$260.00$270.00$250.00$267.00$252.00$275.00 $248.00 $265.00 $240.00$265.00 $258.00$276.00$260.00$287.00$260.00$281.00$270.00$297.00 1000+$250.00$260.00$235.00$250.00$235.00$250.00 $240.00 $255.00 $225.00$240.00 n/an/a$230.00$265.00$210.00$246.00$230.00$263.00 D1-D2 Cows D1-D2 Cows D1-D2 Cows D1-D2 Cows D1-D2 Cows D1-D2 Cows D1-D2 Cows D1-D2 Cows D1-D2 Cows
D3-D4 Cows D3-D4 Cows D3-D4 Cows D3-D4 Cows D3-D4 Cows D3-D4 Cows D3-D4 Cows D3-D4 Cows D3-D4 Cows
HeiferettesHeiferettes Heiferettes Heiferettes Heiferettes Heiferettes
FeederBulls FeederBulls FeederBulls FeederBulls FeederBulls FeederBulls FeederBulls FeederBulls FeederBulls n/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a$175.00$240.00$170.00$215.00$185.00$225.00$180.00$245.00 CattleMarketReport VJ V LIVES TO CKMARKETINGGROU P SL AU GHTER CA TT LE FEEDERHEIFERS FEEDERST EERS NO W CO MMISSIONFREEFORSELLERSINDC & BEAVERLODGE 77439510may24 VJVLIVESTOCKMARKETINGGROUP WWW.VJVAUCTION.COM DawsonCreek:301–116thAve ,DawsonCreek,BCPh:250-782-3766 DawsonCreek:301–116thAve, DawsonCreek,BCPh:250-782-3766 Beaverlodge: TwpRd720 &RR104,Beaverlodge, ABPh:780-354-2423 &RR104,Beaverlodge ,ABPh:780-354-2423 VJVFarm& RanchS Ponoka:Ph:403-783-5561 Westlock:P VJVDawsonCreek
77478610m ay 24 22 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024

Contact your VJVFieldmantoday toconsignitemstothissale.


Acceptingconsignmentitemsinthe VJVDawsonCreek Yarduntil
VJV DAWSONCREEKINAUGURAL UNRESERVEDLIVECONSIGNMENT AUCTION SATURDAY,JUNE1,2024 10:00A.M.(B.C.TIME) 81827010may24 Formoreinformation,orto consignhorses,c ontact VJVLIVESTOCKMARKETINGGROUP 301–116thAvenue,DawsonCreek, BC O ffice:250-782-3766| Fax:250.782.6622 81827410may24 DAWSONCREEK MAY PERFORMANCE HORSESALE Saturday, May25 TackStart sat 9:00a.m. HorsestoFollow VJVDAWSONCREEKSPRING BULLS, PAIRS& REPLACEMEN THEIFERSALE 11:00 a.m. (BCTime) |May 14 ,2024 Formoreinformation,ortoconsigntothissale,contact VJVLIVESTOCKMARKETINGGROUP 301—116thAvenue,DawsonCreek,BC Office(250)782-3766 |Fax(250)782-6622 inconjunc tion withtheirregularT uesday cattle sale
Friday, May31st. Willonlybeacceptingbiggeritems thatcanbeplacedonpallets. Nosmallerlooseitemswillbeaccepted. Callaheadtoarrangedrop-offs
220 Cow/Calf Pairsfromt he Es tate of Ross Musg rove of Fort St .John,BC -Calveswerebor nMarch 1toApril22,2024) 55BlackAngus PairsfromAlbert Fr iesenofHythe,A B -Calveswerebor ninMarch/April, 2024 18 PairsfromDannyWalukof RR FortyAngusinGrandePrairie,A B -Calveswerebor ninApril,2024 - 2–2nd Calvers, 6– 3rdCalvers,3–4th Calvers, therestare 5t h– 7t hCalvers 81828310may24 220 Cow/Calf Pairsfor Estate of Ross Musg rove HerdDispersalfor Alber tFriesen,Hythe,A B 18 Pairsfrom DannyWaluk,GP, AB The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 23








900-999$280.00$315.00$280.00$316.00 1,000 +N/AN/AN/AN/A FEEDERHEIFERS










$170.00$186.00$170.00$182.00 D3 COWSD3 COWS

$160.00$172.00$160.00$170.00 SLAUGHTER BULLS SLAUGHTER BULLS









1,000 +$260.00$291.75$250.00$300.50 FEEDERHEIFERS







900-999$259.75$290.25$251.00$295.00 1,000 +$245.00$275.25$220.00$270.00

No.2,068 Head1,213 Head FEEDERSTEERS
SLAUGHTER CATTLE D1-D2 COWSD1-D2 COWS $168.00$188.00$165.00$185.00 D4 COWSD4 COWS $135.00$167.00$135.00$164.00 SLAUGHTER BULLS SLAUGHTER BULLS $160.00$201.00$160.00$201.00 REPLACEMENT CATTLE FEEDER COWSFEEDER COWS $175.00$190.00$175.00$190.00
DATE Tues,Apr30,2024 Tues,Apr23,2024 No.2,668 Head1,785 Head FEEDERSTEERS
REPLACEMENT CATTLE FEEDER COWSFEEDER COWS N/AN/AN/AN/A THORSBYSTOCKYARDS OFFICE(780)789-3915 Alberta Ministryof Agricultureand Forestry-May03,2024 77439410may24 NORTHCENTRAL LIVESTOCKEXCHANGE OFFICE(780)348-5893 WEEKLY LIVESTOCKMARKET R EVIE W- MAY03,2024 CANADA/US$ May03/24$73.00Apr26/24$73.05 May05/23$74.24 BANKRATE Apr30/245.25Apr23/245.25 May02/234.75 C AT TLESLAUGHTER WEEKENDApr27/24(prel)Apr20/24(prel)Apr29/23 CANADA56,053 59,903 57,495 EAST12,190 11,798 12,390 WEST43,863 48,105 45,105 WEEKEND May04/24 (est)Apr27/24 (est) May06/23 US 600,000 601,000 610,000 CANADIAN CATTLEGRADES WEEKENDApr27/24 Apr20/24 Apr29/23 A 44,413 47,480 46,301 B 425 516 631 D 5,254 5,473 5,498 E 188 307 322 AGRADEMARBLING(%) WEEKENDApr27/24 Apr20/24 Apr29/23 AAA79.6% 82.6% 73.5% AA 19.7% 16.8% 25.7% A 0.7% 0.7% 0.8% CANADIAN CATTLECLASSES WEEKENDApr27/24(prel)Apr20/23(prel)Apr29/23 STEERS25,845 26,841 27,710 HEIFERS22,463 24,728 21,443 COWS7,425 7,925 7,919 BULLS320 409 423 CALVES3,171 3,054 2,796 CATTLEFUTURES-US4/C WT
May03,2024 MONTHLIVECHANGEMONTHFEEDERCHANGE Jun-24176.68-1.90 May-24243.30-5.40 Aug-24174.57-2.20Aug-24254.75-5.80 Oct-24178.05-2.55 Sep-24255.78-5.80 Dec-24182.38-250Oct-24256.13-5.60 Feb-25185.95-2.43 Nov-24255.40-5.25 Apr-25188.35-2.40Jan-25252.72-4.95 WEEKEND May03/24 Apr26/24 May05/23 USFSP-US$/C WT N/A 245.53 199.46 CATTLEINDIC ATORS(byprod values) WEEKEND Apr26/24 Apr19/24 Apr28/23 US-US$/C WT 11.51 11.70 13.02 CURRENTNESSApr27/24 Apr20/24 Apr29/23 WEST-A1%22.5% 23.3% 25.9% CAN-A1%19.4% 20.2% 22.3% FD:STRRATIOApr26/24 Apr19/24 Apr28/23 ALTABARLEY40.2 39.9 24.6 Apr27/24 Apr20/24 Apr29/23 US CORNN/A N/A N/A AVG CARCASS WT Apr27/24 Apr26/24 Apr29/23 WESTSTR-LBS870.0 925.0 860.0 CANSTR-LBS904.0 946.0 884.0 US CATTLE-LBS848.0 847.0 821.0 DIRECTMARKETING PURCHASINGBULLS,COWS&FEEDERS·SELLINGBREDCOWS&GRASSCATTLE CALLFORGUARANTEEDPRICE·FULLYLICENSED·BONDEDBUYERS·0%SELLINGCOMMISSION OPEN9:00A.M.TO5:00P.M.-MONDAYTOFRIDAY·ALLYEARLONG! ALBERTASELECTMEATS AProvinciAlly licensedmeAtfAcility 786621 780.766.2683 2MILES SOUTHOF HWY43 ON RR92 THEN ¼MILE EASTON TWP712 · · · · · Glen780-897-9570•Nolan780-518-0709 1-1/2milesSouthofHighway43onRangeRoad85 AlbertaSelectMeats 24 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024

Jennings Martin CattleBuyingwillbethereforyouand youroperationas in CattleBuyingwillbetherefor youand youpreparefor your2024springandsummermarketing;offeringfairprices whileproviding astress-freeenvironment forboth youand your cattle. whileprovidingastress-freeenvironment forbothyouandyour TheJennings ’facility in

REG- Mon,May13th –9:00a.m.

REG- Mon,May20th –NOSALE

REG- Mon,May27th –9:00a.m.

REG- Mon,June3rd –10:00a.m.

REG- Mon,June10th –10:00a.m.



REG- Mon,July1st –NOSALE

REG- Mon,July8th –10:00a.m.

REG- Mon,July15th –10:00a.m.



C E S assity quipment alesLtd. ssity YourNumberOneSource forLS TractorSales &Parts Highway43andRangeRoad91, Wembley,AB Ph:(780)766-2887 |Fax:(780)766-3751 77349510may24
localorsouthernmarkets. D IREC T C AT TLE B UYIN G UYING A T J ENNING S ENN IN GS M ARTI N ARTIN Y OU R OUR S TRES S -F RE E REE S ELLIN G ELLING S O LU TIO N OLUTION 77848 11 0may24 778481 10 may24 JenningsMartin • 780.933.1023 CallustodayandmaximizeyourSummersaleopportunities. CallustodayandmaximizeyourSummersaleopportunities. BUILDINGFORSUCCESS |WORKINGWITHINTEGRITY ORKINGWITHINTEGRITY Checkoutour eckoutour Facebook Page for WeeklyUpdates WeeklyUpda LE TU SH AN DL EYOU RN EX TP RO JE CT. Pre-Fabricate d Po rtable S tru ctures | Custo m Built, Quali ty Craftsm a nship STAHL STRUCTURES 780-222-6389| SHEDS| GARAGES| CABINS Fully A ssembled, D elivered & I nstalled C ustom ize Your Por table Building Size W ith Stah l Structu res Sizi ng f rom 12 x 16 /20 /2 4/28 /32/40 /48 | 1 4 x 2 0/24/2 8/32 /40/48 /56 /64 | 16 x 20 /2 4/28 /32/40/48/56 /6 4 24276 STAHL STRUCTURES 780-222-6389|| THORSBYSTOCKYARDSINC. 4405 -50th Ave,Box379,Thorsby, ABT0C2P0 •780-789-3915 81511410may24 Jeff: 780.203.4953 |Mack 780.940.2899 |Chance: 403.358.0456 Corey: 780.940.6301 |Amanda: 780.514.9327 (E) (Web) SALESCALENDAR REGULARCATTLESALES (REG) | BRED COW& HEIFER SALES (BCH)
La Glaceisopenand readytobuy acilityin yourbulls,
youtheneed forshipping yourbulls,cows,
ing heneedforshipping to
Mon,June17th –10:00a.m.
Mon,June24th –10:00a.m.
The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 25

Withindependent nutritionconsultant BARRYYAREMCIO

Providingsoundindependent beef nutritionandmanagement consulting servicestocattleproducersandtheindustry.


Photocredit: WesternLivestockJournal,April23,2024

Ireceivedanemailthis weekfrom acow calfproducer.Hewantedtoknowwhich ofthesixtubs he couldpurchasewouldbebestto use.Calvinghadjust started. When comparingthetubs,thefirst thingtoevaluateisexpectedintake.Inthese products,intakerangedfrom0.05to0.75kg(0.8ounces to 12ounces)perday. To calculatethe expectednutrientintake,multiplythe expectedintake inkg by theconcentrationofeachnutrient.Thisprovides acomparisonbetweenthe products.Also, calculatethe cost perheadperdaybypricebasedonexpected intake inkilogramsorpounds.

Someproductsdidnot containprotein.Othershadonlynaturalprotein(canola meal etc.)whileothers hada NonProtein Nitrogen(NPN)component,whichis urea.Naturalproductsshouldbe fedtocalvesunder450pounds.Theirdigestive system cannothandlethe NPN.

If NPNispresent intheproduct,itshouldnotprovidemore than20%ofthe proteinintheration.Feedinga minimumof3 poundsofgrainprovidessoluble carbohydrate whichisrequiredtoimprove NPNuseintheration.Meeting proteinrequirementsimprovesoverall feedintake andanimalperformance. Someproductlabelsindicatedthatchelatedtracemineralsareintheproduct. Butsomewerenotclearonthepercentage that areinchelatedform.Thereis researchthat indicatesthatnomorethan35%ofthetracemineralsshouldbe inchelated form.

Thereare otheritems to considerpriortopurchasinga supplement.Size of cows, body conditionscore,stage ofpregnancy, temperature,andwindallimpact nutrientrequirements.

Before anyrationscanbebuilt,knowing feedinventories,numberofanimals, andlengthof feedingseasoniscritical.Feed test resultsare thebackboneof buildinga balanced ration.

Puttingoutanysupplementormineralwithoutthisinformationmay ormaynot meet animal requirements.

Foradditionalinformationonprovidingtubs forsupplementingnutritionfor your cowherd, contactBarry at 403-741-6032 or

YaremcioAgConsultingLtd. Box286,Stettler, ABT0C2L0 (403)741-6032 | 77478510may24
TRANSCON BULL SALE 26 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024
77628210may24 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 27
Gerben Bosma 78 0. 83 4.74 67 Sales –FairviewNW JohnLoogman 587. 20 2.1771 Sales– FairviewNE /Manning Albert Enns 78 0. 83 4.6523 Sales– MacKenzieCounty Gr ainHa nd ling Sp ecialist −JohnLoogman Trailer Sp ecialist −NickHar ter Trevor &JessicaO’Dwyer AgroworksServices DawsonCreek,BC 250.219.2034 GeorgeKrahn PrecisionRentals LaCrete& HighLevel,AB 780.926.6468 NickHarter FlamanDunvegan Fab Fairview,AB 780.835.2985 DarrenHawkes Keddie’s Tack &Western Wear GrandePrairie,AB 1.800.390.6924 RileyLabrecque InvictaFarmsSales& Rentals Falher,AB 780.837.6105 Lyndon &DeniseDrefs ECBarRanchSales &Rentals HighPrairie,AB 780.523.1405 Sales &RentalsRentalsSales &RentalsSales& RentalsSales &RentalsSales& Rentals AGI X2 SeriesSwingAugersare Arriving! 1 0” ,1 3” ,a nd16 ”S izes Av ailabl e Moveupto23,000BPH! AGIX2 10 –10"SwingAuger Ca paci ty up to 6, 000 BP H Lengthsfrom63'to83' AvailablewithPowerSwing AGIX213– 13"SwingAuger Ca paci ty up to 11,0 00 BP H Lengthsfrom74'to 114' AvailablewithPowerSwingorX-Tend AGIX216– 16"SwingAuger Ca paci ty up to 23 ,0 00 BP H Lengthsfrom85’to 125’ AvailablewithPowerSwingorX-Tend 78392110may24 81896610may24 28 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024
CassityEquipmentSalesLtd. Highway43andRangeRoad91, Wembley, AlbertaT0H3S0 Phone(780)766-2887 m| m CALL TODAY! StartBlue.StayBlue. REDESIGNED ANDREASONABLYPRI CE D THENEW ANDIMPROVED MT2 & MT2E 81812510may24 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 29
30 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024
The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 31

Tax Credit Fuels Investments in Bioprocessing Industry

Alberta will be home to the largest renewable diesel facility in Canada as Imperial qualifies for the Agri-Processing Investment Tax Credit program.

Agri-News, April 22, 2024

Alberta is an agricultural powerhouse with diverse and innovative industries, including a thriving bioprocessing sector. When companies set up operations here, they experience a welcoming, business-friendly regulatory environment and one of North America’s most competitive business tax systems.

Alberta’s government introduced the Agri-Processing Investment Tax Credit in spring 2023 to support economic growth and diversification. The tax credit is attracting large-scale investment in value-added manufacturing with Imperial’s $720-million project to build the largest renewable diesel facility in Canada. When production begins in 2025, Imperial’s new facility will convert locally sourced biofeedstocks like canola oil into lower-emission renewable diesel, creating new demand for Alberta producers.

“Our government is doing what it takes to make sure Alberta offers a business-friendly regulatory climate that attracts cutting edge bioprocessing projects like Imperial’s renewable diesel facility. Our Agri-Processing Investment Tax Credit program builds on other competitive tax advantages that encourage corporations like Imperial to invest in our province, create jobs and make an economic impact.” RJ Sigurdson, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation

AWORKMASTER™95/105/120utilitytractorhelps youdomore around your property,allwithlessmaintenanceandoperatingcosts.Butthisvaluetractor doesn’tcutcornersonpowerandcomfort.Withupto100PTO hpanda clutchlesspowershuttle ,a WORKMASTERtractorputsyouincontrolofloading, mowing,blade work,andmore. Workincomfor twitha best-in-class,all-weather cab,orchooseanall-purposeorlow-profile ROPSplatform. Putmorevalueto workinmorewayswitha WORKMASTER™95/105/120 utilitytractor.

Imperial’s renewable diesel facility is the first of its kind in Alberta and will put the province on the map as a significant producer within Canada. It also contributes to Alberta’s goal of lowering emissions as renewable diesel has potential to reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by about three million metric tonnes compared with conventional fuels. The new facility at the Strathcona refinery is expected to produce more than one billion litres of renewable diesel per year, or 20,000 barrels per day.

To be considered for the tax credit program, corporations must invest at least $10 million in a project to build or expand a value-added agri-processing facility in Alberta. The program offers a 12 per cent nonrefundable tax credit base on eligible capital expenditures. Through this program, Alberta’s government has granted Imperial conditional approval for a tax credit estimated at about $70 million.

“This incredible project demonstrates that our province is becoming a world leader in alternative fuels and energy innovation. Renewable diesel has great potential and is a welcome addition to our energy mix, which includes hydrogen and renewables.” Brian Jean, Minister of Energy and Minerals

“Imperial’s renewable diesel facility will provide an important new lower-emission offering to Canada’s transportation sector. We are excited that the main source of feedstock for the facility will be from crops in Western Canada and thank the Government of Alberta for their recognition of the project’s benefits to the agricultural industry and our collective greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals.” Sherri Evers, senior vice president sustainability, commercial development and product solutions, Imperial

Construction on the new facility is already underway at Imperial’s Strathcona refinery. The project is creating about 600 local construction jobs for Albertans and hundreds more through investments by business partners. Once the facility is completed, hundreds of farmers and workers in Alberta’s biofeedstock industry will enable the company to produce a fuel that helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Canadian transportation sector.

“We are excited to see this investment being made in Alberta’s canola country. Local production of renewable fuels derived from locally grown canola provides an important market diversification opportunity right here in our own backyard that will benefit farmers, processors and the entire value chain in the province of Alberta.” Chris Vervaet, executive director, Canadian Oilseed Processors Association


• Alberta’s business-friendly regulatory climate has one of the most competitive business tax regimes in the country with the lowest corporate tax rate in Canada.

• The Canola industry is estimated to contribute $8 billion per year to Alberta’s economy, supporting 65,000 jobs in the province.

- Canola is Alberta’s highest value crop with farm cash receipts worth $3.9 billion in 2023.

- In 2023, Alberta produced almost 30 per cent of Canada’s canola at 5.4 million tonnes.

- Production will increase in the years ahead as demand for canola used in food, fuel and feed applications continues to grow.

- There are four canola processing facilities in Alberta, representing a combined capacity to process more than half of the canola produced in the province today.

• Oilseed processing is growing in Canada with processing capacity expanding by 40 per cent over the last decade.

- Since 2012, crush capacity more than doubled, reaching 11.1 million tonnes for canola and 3.2 million tonnes for soybeans in 2021.

One work horse of at r ac tor. BUTLER’SBESTBUYS HARVESTEQUIPMENT NewHolland25HB Header...............................$25,000 NH2014L215 WheelSkidSteer(lowhours)................$45,000 JohnDeere4020 Tractor, w/loader ..........................$16,000 Case1370 Tractorw/Loader........................................$17,000 TRACTORSAND SKIDSTEERS NewHollandLS180 WheeledSkidSteer(lowhrs) ........$23,000 NewHolland1495 Mo-Cow/21ftDraperHdr..............$9,000 Altec3pt BaleUnroller..............................................$17,950 CaseIH770 17.5ftDisk..............................................$10,000 KubotaDMC8536T Discbine......................................$32,000 MKMartin84in Snowblower.......................................$4,000 VermeerRebel RoundBaler.....................................$45,900 CONSIGNMENT MISC.EQUIPMENT Degelman1800 SideArm.................................$13,000 FarmKing120in 3pthSnowblower...................$12,500 Highline7000 BaleProcessor............................$12,500 HLA72in BaleKnife..........................................$10,800 MKMartin76in HydDriveSkidSteerSnowblower...$9,500 SchulteSDX102 3pthSnowblower...................$13,000 HAYINGEQUIPMENT NewHollandBR7090 RoundBaler.................$38,000 NewHollandBR780A RoundBaler................$23,000 NHRB560 RoundBalerNet/Twine.....................$49,900 NewHolland1431 MowerConditioner. $29,500 NewHollandDB313 Discbine........................$43,000 Allen8907 HayRake........................................$19,000 JohnDeere945 Discbine.................................$35,000 KubotaDMC85400T Discbine.........................$28,000 77349410may24
9008-107thStreet,FortSt.John,BC •(250)785-1800 M-F7:45am to 5:15pm •Sat8am to Noon •Sun/HolClosed
32 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024

2024JEEPGRANDCHEROKEE LTD.,6Passenger3.6VVT,8-Spd Auto,R/Nav, BriteWhite,stk#v047635

2023RAM1500LONGHORN4x4,CrewCab,ShortBox, V-8Hemi Engine,8-SpdAuto,BucketSeats,Black,stks288741

2024RAMD2500BIGHORN4x4,CrewCab,ShortBoxDiesel Eng,6-Spd Trans,RearAirSusp,White,stks743831

2024RAMD3500LONGHORN LTD4x4,CrewCab,ShortBox, DieselEng,6-Spd,RearAirSusp,T/T, RoyalBlue,stks186101

ROSSEQUIP.LTD (Since1943) PRICE$71,160 NOW$63,144 NOW$73,071 NOW$67,455
$7,016OFF $8,119OFF $7,495OFF $8,566OFF PRICE$74,950
PRICE$81,190 PRICE$90,465 PRICE$110,995
2024RAM1500BIGHORN4x4,CrewCab,6’4”Box V-8Hemi Eng,8-Spd Trans,FlameRed,stks401694
NOW$77,004 PRICE$85,560 PRICE$101,725 2024RAM1500SPORT4x4,CrewCab,ShortBox5.7L V-8Eng, 8-Spd Trans,Buckets,Grey,stks455786 2023RAMD2500LARAMIE4x4,CrewCab,ShortBox,DieselEng, 6-SpdAuto,RearAirSusp,SideBoards,RedPearl,stks284921 77349810may24 2024RAMD5500TRADESMAN4x4,RegChassisCab,DieselEng,6-SpdAisin Trans,168”WB,84”Cab-Axle,Pto,HvyDutySnowPlowPkg,Black,stks601742 AlRoss(Cell)780-864-0236• Warren(Cell)780-864-0217•Jay(Cell)780-978-0188 780-864-3731| Toll-Free800-661-7401 RR63&Hwy49|Box100,SpiritRiver,ABT0H3G0 OPEN:Mon–Fri8:00amto5:30pm Sat9:00amto4:00pm(Closed12-1)|AfterHours780-864-3731 $9,450OFF $9,450OFF &ADDITIONAL $1,510OFF $9,450OFF NOW$81,015 NOW$99,995 NOW$92,275 NOW$83,800 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 33

NH Classifieds

Registered Black Angus yearling bulls for sale. Semen-tested. Vetinspected. Ready to go. 780354-2726 or 780-831-8497.

Two-year-old & yearling registered Angus bulls for sale. Semen tested/ready to work. Call Darren 780-8144993.

Good selection of TwoYear-Old Hereford bulls for sale. Call for pricing. Visitors welcome. 780-8318338.

Good selection of yearling Hereford/Angus cross replacement heifers for sale. Call for pricing. Call 780831-8338.

Red & Black Registered Polled Hereford Bulls. Semen-Tested. VetInspected. Vaccinated. Free Delivery. 780-836-2125 or 780-836-0117.

Good selection of yearling Red and Black Angus bulls for sale. Call for pricing. 780-831-8338.

Selling one-year-old polled Red Angus bulls crossed with Jersey, $900 OBO. Call 780-933-1108.

Yearling Red Angus bull for sale. Semen tested, halter broke and quiet. 66lb. BW. 250-782-7875.

Registered Simmental bulls for sale. Tested, guaranteed, ready to work.

Call/text Chet 250-2198200.

4-Year-Old registered Red poll bull for sale. BD22Feb2020, BW78. Asking $4,000. Call for details. 250-788-9640.

Bred heifers for sale. Black/Angus-Hereford cross bred back to Black/Angus bull. Calving early April. 250-772-5407.

Crossbred Commercial Bulls for Sale. SemenTested. Vet-Inspected. Vaccinated. Free Delivery. 780-836-2125 or 780-8360117.

For Sale: Black white-faced heifer yearlings, 2-year-olds, & more. Information: 250-827-3843.

Looking for a Jersey cow to milk by hand. Call 780-6852169.

Registered white-faced bulls. 70bw known as registered black Herefords. Yearlings, 2-year-olds, & more. Information: 250-827-3843.

Two & Three-Year-Old Texas Longhorn bull for sale. Excellent horn genetics. Call Ken at 780518-1669.

11-Year-Old Blue Roan. 8Years cutting and roping in community pasture. Asking $12,000 OBO. Call 780834-6570.

5-Year-Old Paint Gelding for sale. 1-Year roping in community pasture. Asking $6000 OBO. Call 780-8346591.

Custom built livestock shelters, windbreak panels and rig mats built to order. Delivery options. 780-5187469.

Ferrier service available in the Fort St. John, BC area. Call Ashleigh at 250-2611994.

Percheron cross colts for sale. 1, 2 & 3 Year Olds available. Call Don 780567-2143

Calf tipping table. Asking $600. Call/Text 250-2194139.

GEHL 16” hammer mill for sale, $800. Call 250-219-4139.

Right hand squeeze chute for sale, $1600. Call 250-219-4139.

Windbreak panels for sale with 2-7/8-inch pipe and 1.5-inch thick slabs. Delivery available. Call 403-894-7633.

For Sale: Fancy medium sized doghouse. $475 OBO. 250-789-3778.

(3) Border Collie cross cattle working dogs for sale. Used on pasture, $500 OBO. 780-834-6548.

Blue & Red Heeler puppies for sale. Ready mid-April. Asking $400 each. Call 250-827-3391.

Buying Antiques: Coins, toys, advertising, tools & more. Will buy bulk. Call/text 780-832-8216.

1989 Ford Tempo. All mechanical in good working order. Has no tires. Call 780-494-2278.

Looking to buy an 85-87 Chevrolet 2WD Pickup in good condition. Call 780247-0004.

1975 Ford 8000 w/Box & Hoist, 6V "Jimmy" Engine, 13spd Transmission. Not Running. 780-836-2107, 780-618-9161.

2004 Chev Cavalier Z-type, 123,000 kms, runs good. Alberta registered, $2900. 250-786-0409. 8ft-x-16ft single-axle trailer. 12" high for moving sheds or small buildings. Asking $3000 OBO. 780-296-5010.

1978 Ford F350. Tree fell on box. Lots of new parts. Asking $2500. 780-5389115.

1981 Chevy Cheyenne 1ton. Rebuilt 454, cab rebuilt 5-years ago. Leather headliner/bucketseats/console. $25,000 OBO. 780-296-5010.

1983 Ford 6.9-Litre diesel 4WD, Fixer-upper or for parts truck 90,000 km, $1000 OBO 250-789-3778.

1990 GMC sidestep shortbox, $2000. 1969 Volkswagon dunebuggy, $1500, both need work. 780-864-1250.

1995 Ford F150 Supercab Shortbox w/canopy, some rust, needs work to run. $2,500 OBO. 250-789-3778.

Glendale “Titanium” 29ft 5th-Wheel trailer, one slide, sleeps four, $19,000. Call 780-864-8998.

Attachments for skidsteers, tractors, loaders. Large selection of pallet forks, grapples, buckets, snow and dirt blades, tillers, mowers and snow blowers, etc. 780-354-2161, Cell 780518-6095, Beaverlodge.

CAT D6NLGP with ripper for hire. Located in Birch Hills County. Call Eugene at 780-835-0601.

CAT skidsteer for hire. Located in Birch Hills County. Call Eugene at 780835-0601.

SRI HOMES (FSJ,BC) 16ft, 20ft, 22ft Single-Wides now on Sale. Email salesfsj@pineridgemodular.c

Sales(Warren Martin) 250262-2847.

SRI HOMES (FSJ,BC) accepting orders for 24ft and 32ft Double-Wides. Email salesfsj@pineridgemodular.c Sales(Warren Martin) 250262-2847.

2013 GMC Sierra 4x4. 4.8L engine, Sgl/Cab, 8ft box, good-condition. Transmission issues. $2000 OBO. 780-402-0569. Built right sheds. Building quality shelters. Call John 780-835-1908 for your quote today.

2017 Ford F150 Platinum truck, 68,000 kms. Original owner. Excellent condition, $47,000. 780-864-0422.

Looking for a 2005-07 Chev/GMC Crew Cab 1/2Ton truck. Lower Kilometres. Good condition. Call 780-285-4694.

Looking for a 96-98 Chevrolet 2WD 1/2 ton pickup. Extended cab, good condition. Call 780-2470004.

Custom built livestock shelters, windbreak panels and rig mats built to order. Delivery options. 780-5187469.

Have four mini-bulk bags for sale. Used once. $20 each. Call Chris 780-5320114.

Dismantling cultivator, disc, and plows for parts. Some air drills. 780-831-6747. For sale: Cultivator, harrows, packers, augers, combine with straight cut header. Call 780-323-4364.

Looking for John Deere 535 Mower Conditioner (discbine) for parts or #635/735/835/C35/S350, 250-759-4797.

Looking for John Deere 535 Mower Conditioner (discbine) for parts or #635/735/835/C35/S350, 250-759-4797.

Grain auger hopper for sale, $100. Call 250-219-4139.

Looking for parts for a zigzag style grain cleaner. Call 780-926-9412.

(pricingincludesGST) TalktoyourNorthernHorizonsalesrep aboutCattleCardpricing 56191
2009 John Deere T670 combine for sale. 2692 eng, 1710 sep. Field ready, $120,000. 780-864-0422. Raven Industries "Cruiser II" GPS Unit. Comes with Smartrax MD Autosteer Call Daniel at 780-8414582.
Trucks Antique Miscellaneous
- Black Angus Combine - John Deere Trucks - Grain Combine - Accessories Cars, Vans & SUVs TrailersMiscellaneous
- Hereford Horses Various Trucks Buildings Cattle - Red Angus Livestock Equipment & Supplies Buildings - Farm Cattle - Simmental Pets - Non Registered Horses Various Cattle - Various Pets - Working Dogs Cattle - Various Storage & Containers Farm Machinery Parts & Accessories Grain Augers Grain Cleaners Farm Machinery Miscellaneous Animals, Livestock Poultry & Pets Auctions & Antiques Combines & Accessories Autos, Trucks & Trailers Buildings, Structures & Storage 1005 Anniversaries 1010 Announcements 1020 Birthdays 1040 Card of Thanks 1050 Churches 1055 Coming Events 1060 Community Notices 1075 Congratulations 1080 Engagements 1085 Wedding Announcements 1090 Funeral Services 1100 In Memoriam 1105 Obituaries 1110 Information Wanted 1120 Found 1125 Lost 1130 Meeting Place 1135 Personal Messages 1165 Volunteers 1205 Career Opportunities 1210 Career Training 1215 Help Wanted 1230 Work Wanted 2020 Auctions 2055 Firewood 2060 For Sale - Misc. 2080 Furniture 2085 Garage Sales 2092 Household Misc. 2102 Lawnmowers 2145 Wanted 2215 Heavy Equipment 2220 Misc. Farm Equipment 3535 Livestock 3560 Pets 4050 Seminars/Education 4545 Travel 5010 Business For Sale 5015 Business Opportunities 5020 Services 5520 Legal/Public Notices 6005 Apartments Condos-For-Sale 6010 Duplexes for Sale 6020 Farms for Sale 6030 Houses for Sale 6035 Industrial Commercial 6036 Land for Sale 6040 Lots & Acreages for Sale 6045 Mobile/Manufactured Homes for Sale 6055 Open Houses 6070 Real Estate Wanted 6505 Apartments/Condos for Rent 6515 Commercial 6516 Rent to Own 6525 Duplexes for Rent 6530 Farms/Acreages 6560 Houses for Rent 6920 O ce/Retail 6935 Property Management 6950 Shared Accommodation 6965 Suites for Rent 6975 Wanted to Rent 7015 Business Personals 8034 Building Contractors 9025 Hay/Bales for Sale 9115 Auto Miscellaneous 9160 Trucks/Vans/Cars 9185 Boats 9220 RVs/Campers/Trailers 9225 Snowmobiles

Oats for sale, milling and feed grade, good bushel weight. Call 780-781-4457.



Noticeisherebygiven,pursuanttosection 17ofthe WoodlotLicencePlanningand PracticesRegulation,thata Woodlot LicencePlanhasbeenpreparedfor WoodlotLicence1791,licensedto Murray Caven.Thiswoodlotislocatednorthof ChetwyndB.C.

Ifapprovedbythe MinistryofForest’s District Manager, thisplan mayapplyfora termoftenyearsfromthedateofapproval. Thiswoodlotlicenceplanisavailablefor public reviewandcommentfrom May1st, 2024toJune7th,2024byappointment at250-562-5541.Anywrittencomments ontheplanshouldbe mailedto15799th Avenue,PrinceGeorge,BC,V2L3R8.


Looking for parts for a GT 370 grain dryer. Call 780841-4740.

Will build rustic furniture to order. Indoor/Outdoor birdhouses, chicken coops & rabbit hutches, etc. 250789-3778.

Appliances for sale: Dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, stove, clothes dryer and much more. Call 780-359-2268.

Ears to Hear, your local hearing aid provider, serving Athabasca and outlying areas. High Prairie Clinic, 1st Wednesday of every month at the Golden Age Club 10am-1pm. Athabasca Clinic, 3rd Tuesday of every month at the United Church 10am-1pm. Hearing tests, hearing aid cleaning and home visits. 780-228-5965, 587-746-0540. Call for info.

Full Grizzly Bear mount for sale/trade for guns. Made record book. Call for details 250-615-1583.

Looking for bottle and cans for Christmas money. In Dawson Creek area. Call 250-789-3778.

Looking to lease farmland in the GP/Sexsmith/Teepee Creek area. Contact David to discuss options. 780-978-6768.

Looking for a moveable modular/home/house/cabin to buy. Call 778-838-1055.

Looking to rent cattle pasture in the South Peace Region of BC/AB. Call/text Chet 250-219-8200.

Quarter section for sale. All cultivated. 2miles West Cecil Lake Store. Call for details 250-261-1943.

1500 lbs. hydraulic motorcycle jack, asking $150 OBO. Call 780-2965010.

DeWalt DWE7485 8-1/4” Table Saw. Still in box. $550 OBO. 250-789-3778.

200-amp Lincoln Pipeline welder. Low hours, $5000 OBO. Also 300' welding cable, $1000. 780-296-5010.

23ft Jayco Kit Companion 5th Wheel. Good condition. Everything works. $5500 OBO. 250-263-1901.

Mixed hay delivered to you. For more information, call Nick 780-500-6540 or John 780-500-6517.

Round and square straw bales for sale. Located 12 kms Northeast of Manning, Alberta. 780-781-4457.

AAC Certified Brandon seed wheat for sale. Can deliver. Call 250-782-0220.

John Deere 567 mega wide round baler. Almost new belts. Asking $25,000. Call 780-834-6570.

33ft Flex-Coil packers set $4000. 403-601-6895.

New Holland 849 round baler for sale. Auto wrap. Field ready. Call for details 780-538-9115.

New Holland BR780 round baler for sale. Auto wrap. Field ready. Call for details 780-538-9115.

John Deere 9450 40' hoe drill, c/w factory transport, small seed attachment. 780380-9676 or 780-933-6363.

Looking for a Kverneland 12-bottom plow. Contact 780-864-0422.

1 Bedroom suite in small mobile home in Pouce Coupe. $650/month (includes utilities). Call 250786-0409.

Responsible senior searching for small home/cabin to rent in Dawson Creek area. 250784-6887.

Responsible senior searching for small home/cabin to rent in Hythe/Beaverlodge area. 250-784-6887.

Selling red landscape bricks for sidewalks or patios. 4"x8", $2.20 each OBO. 780-864-8998.

2001 JD 1820 60ft air drill, SS, w/1900 Air cart. Excellent shape. 780-4020569.

New Holland 116 hydra swing haybine for sale, asking $6500. Call 250-2194139.

For Sale: 3020 John Deere tractor. Asking $5000 OBO. Call 250-789-3778.

John Deere 2130 diesel tractor, 3PTH, JD 148 loader, new tires, 1300 hrs., $12,000. 780-864-8998.

Kubota 39HP 4WD tractor, 3PTH, loader, hydrostatic trans., 200 hrs. $31,000. Call Ron 780-864-8998.

Kubota 39HP 4WD tractor, 3PTH, loader, hydrostatic trans., 200 hrs. $31,000. Call Ron 780-864-8998.

Kubota 39HP 4WD tractor, 3PTH, loader, hydrostatic trans., 200 hrs. $31,000. Call Ron 780-864-8998.

Kubota 8560 tractor w/cab, bale forks, bucket. Low hours. Well taken care of, $62,500. 250-615-1583.

Clean heavy seed oats for sale. Can deliver, Call 250782-0220.

2011 NH BR7090 round baler. Wide pick up, shedded. 1800 count, $40,000. Call/text 250-2194139.


Versatile 400 swather, 18ft header. Needs head gasket. No reasonable offer refused. 780-835-0452.

13' Steel table. Folds for railings, asking $1200 OBO. Call 780-296-5010.

Attention cert/organic farmers. 100+ acres to rent, currently in mixed hay/grasses. Call for details 780-568-3495.

Located: Bonanza Northwest 33-79-12-W6, half ownership. 587-7269002.

Flexi-Coil 67 100ft wheel boom sprayer, c/w 850gal tank, windscreens, chemical mixer, much more. 780-5180635.

Looking for a Versatile 875 tractor for parts. Call 780247-0004. Wanted: Starter to fit a Cockshutt 40 or 50 with Buda gas engine. Call 780835-0601.


BESAFE 782879
BUYING: 786633
ROBFORD CUSTOMPLOWING Carefulworkdone withKvernelandRolloverPlow Cell:(250)719-8740 Office:(250)843-7654 786645
Products & Services Miscellaneous Farms & Ranches - Alberta Announcements Announcements Farms & Ranches - Miscellaneous Tools Welding Accommodations - Rental Grain Dryers Real Estate Property & Land Custom Work Feed Grain Feed Grain Haying & Harvesting Hay & Straw Pedigreed Oats Mower Conditioners Tillage, Harvest & Spraying Seasonal - Campers, Trailers & Motorhomes SeasonalLawn & Garden Equipment & Supplies Air Drills Swathers Baling Equipment Sprayers - SP Common Cereal Seeds Farms & Ranches - Alberta Baling Equipment Tillage & Seeding Various Tillage Equipment Tractors Tractors - John Deere Tractors - John Deere Seasonal Tractors - Kubota Tools Miscellaneous Products & Service Real Estate & Rentals Seed, Feed, Crop Inputs TractorsNew Holland - Versatile Tractors - Various The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 35


58104OBRangeRoad170,Andrew,Alberta Saturday, June8,2024•10:00am

Majoritemssell1-1:30pm| Viewing:June5th-7th•9-5daily

DIRECTIONSFROMANDREWCORNER onHighway 45,5Miles WesttoSec.855,thenNorth6Milesto Twp.Rd. 580,East3½Mi.toRangeRoad170,thenNorth1½Miles. DIRECTIONSFROMSMOKYLAKE Highway 28&855 JunctionSouthofSmokyLaketo Twp.Rd.580,East3½MilestoRangeRoad170,North1½MilestoGateAddress onEntrance& Westto2ndResidenceon yard.

AUCTIONEERSNOTE: Pleasenotethatthefarmlandhasbeenrentedoutforthelast7years.However,alltractors andcombines,etc. werestartedandmovedaroundthe yardannually.Anice,cleansalewithmostitemsbeing sheddedand welllookedafterandmaintained.

TRACTORS (AllShedded):J.D.4630w/C.A.H.R.,Quad Trans,18.4x38Duals,showing8000hrs.,4Hyds.Replaced recently,newrad&injectors.Nice,SN#011981R|J.D. 216R. Tractorw/MowerDeck,Rototiller,S.Blower,Nice& 1OwnerSN#C216712358M. HARVESTEQUIPMENT (AllShedded&Clean):J.D. Turbo7720Combinew/C.A.H.R., JDBelt P.Up,replaced FeederChain,upperbearing&used3seasons,2ndowner.Ownedapprox..15yrs,and combined200acresannually.SN#7720X557009|SoldSep.20’J.D.220S.CutHeader& Trail Tec Transport SN#H00200X582111SoldSep.Note: Variousnewcombineparts:belts,sprockets,rollerchains,bearing,etc.| (2)J.D.95Combinesw/cab,fan&strawchopper(1)wsilvertop&13’Reels(1)w/MelroeB.PupSR#55698H SN#55339HNote: Various New Parts,Belts,Sprockets,RollerChains,Bearings,SoldSep.forabovecombines| 15’J.D.800Swatherw/SilverReels,NewCanvasses,SN#187900E.|19861ownerConveyair2950Grain Vac SN#2950574,PremiumUnit| Portable Triangle Fert TankW/Covers|6’SchulteSwatherRolleronRubber|Premium SnowcoGrainCleaner,Shedded|GreenMichaelsManufacturedJ&MModel385&Model1384S,Self-Unloading Grain Wagonw/Roll Tarp,approx.400Bushel,SN#01707,1Owner,LikeNew|FlamanOrangeColourSelf-Unloading Wagonw/Roll Tarp,Approx.350Bushel,w/Martin Farm WagonL20,SN#96390,1owner,Nice|Brandt740Auger w/18H.P.HondaGX610V TwinE.Start,Nice|S.A.S.27’X6”Augerw/10H.P.&E.Start| VariousGrainHoppers SEEDING&TILLAGE: 20’J.D.9350DiscDrills(2X10)w/G&FAttach,Steel Packers, Transport,Shedded, V.Clean. Note:Only1DrillhasG&FertSN#0024728HSN#001660H|50’Flexi-CoilSystem95Harrow PackerDrawbar, 1Owner,LikeNewSN#S95A000F009877|Older45’15Sect.Drawbar&Harrows|20’J.D. 230 T. Disc,Nice, SN#02936A|J.D.31005X16Ploww/Colters &Harrows,1Owner,NiceSN#104456|32’J.D. E.1000 FieldCult. w/T. Harrows,GoodCond.SN#0168771V|MorrisC.P. 719C.Ploww/1Wing&Morris T. Harrows,SN#4522|Home MadeSwather Transport|1 TonCalhoun Fert.Spreader,Shedded|45’H.MadeSprayerw/400Gal. Tank (20)GRAIN BINS& ACCESSORIES: (1) W.R.7Ringw/Ladder&Opener,Approx.2300BU|(1) TwisterU.F.A.w/Ladder&Opener, Approx.2000BU|(2) W.R.w/Ladder&Openers,S.RiseCones&Aeration,Approx.1800BU|(9) W.R.Approx. 1650BU|(1) Twisterw/Ladder&Opener1650BU|(1) W.R.5Ringw/Ladder&OpenerApprox.1500BU|(1) W.R. Approx.1350BU|(1)RedMetalBinApprox.1000BU|(2) W.R.4Ring,Approx.1350BUonConcrete Pads|(2)3 H.P.FlamanAeration Fans|(2)14’ WoodenFloorsforRd.Bins|BinMover:ClarenceEwasiw-Res.(780)398-2279, Cell:(780)307-6154| NOTE: Allbinsmustberemoved by July15,2024atpurchaser’sexpense.Noexceptions. TRUCKS,TRAILERS&BOATS (AllShedded):1973Chev. RedColorC60w/14’Long Fact.Belmont, WoodenBox48” Sides,Hoist,Hyd.Plumbed,2&4Spd.,900X20Rubber,Runs.SN#CCE613V131007|1967 Ford F. 150Service TruckonDuals,w/SteelDeck,ServiceBoxes,V84Spd.Lowmileage,needssomework|200920’ T. Axle P.J. Trailer w/5000lbaxles,fenderskirts,foldingramps,St.225175R15Rubber,2270kilofront&rear,1owner,likenew SN#4P5C5202X92136946|CustombuiltSkidoo Trailerw/Tilt,NewDeck,NewWheelBearings,20575R14Rubber, nice,no Vin|(2)14’Boatsw/Trailers;(1) Vanguardw/40H.P. Evenrude(1)MirroCraftw/9H.P. MercuryNote: Vin NonotseenasparkedinShed,GoodAppearance. SEACAN: 1Owner40’LongSeacanw/Front&RearOpenings,8’ Widew/shelving, 6’High,2yrs.old,asNew MISCELLANEOUS.& YARD (Brief& PartialListing):40”BendingBrake MachineinBox,BrandNew|BumperHookup5’WideRear TowReadyAttachmentforHaulingSmallEquip|IceMaster GasAugerforIce Fishing|(2)H.T.Augers forIce Fishing*HondaE.U.1000Inverter,BrandNew|HandRockwellSaw, New |CampbellHausfieldAirless PaintSprayer|NewHitachi& PaslodeAirNailers| Toro2100Gas WeedEater| Homelite WaterPump|SkylandJackHauler|22”StainlessSteelHedge Trimmer, BrandNew|BaseboardAirNailers |LincolnS.A.200 D.C. Welderon2Wheel Trailerw/Hitch&Cables, TypeK6090,completelyOverHauled2yrs.ago, SN#85780|LotsofHeavySteel WeldingCables; VariousLengths&Related|StihlR.B.600 P. Washer| V.G.Selection of Power&Hand Tools|Scaffolding|800&1200Gal. Poly Tanks| VariousLadders|Garden Tools| Various Yard Sprayers|4H.P. Rototiller|(2)300Gal. F. TanksonS.Standsw/HoseLockup| ToolChests|Rigid Tripod| Power FistDrillPress|12 VoltSprayer|ChopSawMountedonRidgidStand,Etc. COLLECTABLES: OldCoutsHammerMill, Shedded,Mint|30”B.PlowonSteel|8’Cult.OnSteel|2 W. Washers|40”WideBrown4Drawerdresser,Solid Wood|WhiteG.E.Dresser20”X45”X38”High|WhiteG.E.Rare60s+Stove48”Wide|(2)3Gal.CreamCans| Military Toboggan|Push TypeLawnMower|2SmallIronGates


We acceptcashorchequewithproperidentificationandbankreference.Sor ry, we donotacceptdebitorcreditcard payments. NOBUYER’SPREMIUM.


Fullsettlementdayofsale by cashorchequewithbankreference•Neithertheownerortheauctionfirmare responsibleforanyerrorsindescriptionorconditiononanymerchandise•No warrantiesorguaranteesareimplied atanytime•Pleaseinspectallitemspriortobidding•Allitemssellonan“asiswhereis”basiswithoutany warrantyorguarantee•Allsalesarefinal•Onceanitemissolditbecomesthesoleresponsibilityofthe purchaser•Listingsaresubjecttoadditionsand/ordeletions•Neithertheownerortheauctionfirmare responsibleforaccidentsonoroffoftheproperty.


“Life begins the day you start a garden.” – Chinese proverb

Reprinted with permission by the Old Farmer’s Almanac Container Gardener’s Handbook, Yankee Publishing Inc.

Almost any “standard-size vegetable that you can grow in the ground can be cultivated in a container if the conditions – for example, soil, sun, space, and water – are right. Here are some tips and suggestions for making the most of the “standards” in your potted garden:

• To keep plants adequately cool and moist, doublepot them by placing a small pot inside a larger one and filling the space between them with sphagnum moss or crumpled newspaper. When watering the plant, also soak the filler between the pots. The moist filler acts as insulation. Make drainage holes to prevent standing water.

• For proper growth, vegetables need consistently moist soil. Wind and warmth draw moisture from plant leaves, drying them out, so many plants must be watered as often as twice a day. To save work, use self-watering containers, which have a water reservoir in the bottom to transfer water to the dry soil as needed.

• When setting seeds, follow the spacing guidelines on the seed packet. Plant slightly closer only if you are able to maintain a strict water and fertilizing schedule and monitor the plants for disease (close planting reduces air circulation and increases the risk of disease).

• You can grow vegetables and compatible flowers together – adding both color and function – but don’t plant them too close to one another, as they will compete for light.

• To maximize space and thus your harvest, plant root crops, low growers, and tall climbers together in the same container.

• Mix quick-maturing plants, such as lettuce or radishes, with longer-growing ones, like tomatoes or broccoli.

• Group plants with similar needs for sun and water, such as lettuce, pole beans, and radishes; beets, bush beans, and cucumbers; basil, onions, and tomatoes; and bok choy, carrots, and peas.

• Think pretty as well as practical. For example, the vigorous vines of Italian heirloom ‘Trionfo Violetto’ pole beans are covered with dark green, purple vein leaves, and their lavender flowers give rise to dark purple pods.

• For climbing varieties, put trellises, stakes, or other supports in place at planting time; stakes inserted into containers later in the season may injure the plant’s roots. If a trellis becomes top-heavy, it may need to be attached to something other than the post to prevent it from tipping over. Position the container near a fence, wall, or deck railing for additional support.

• “Intercropping” means growing two or more crops together to save space. Set plants close enough that their leaves will touch, shading the soil between them when they are fully mature. This will keep weeds down and conserve moisture.

• Some intercropping partners thrive if their roots occupy a different depth of soil. Pairing shallowroot vegetables, such as bush beans, with deeply rooted beets makes good use of space without creating root competition. Similarly, planting heavy feeders such as cabbage or cucumbers with light-feeding beans or carrots reduces the competition for soil nutrients.

LTD. DENNISANDRUCHOW,Auctioneer 16135–99StreetNWEdmonton, ABT5X4R5 LICENSED&BONDEDSINCE1974 Cell:(780)918-8285 Phone/Fax:(780)456-1210 forLAWRENCE&AMYTYCHKOWSKY
36 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024


Alberta is investing wisely in wildfire preparedness with funding for additional airtankers, night-vision equipped helicopters and the Community Fireguard Program.

Agri-News, April 29, 2024

Alberta’s government is preparing for the upcoming wildfire season following unprecedented wildfires in 2023 that impacted communities across the province. Significant investments are being made to the province’s wildfire prevention, preparedness, and response to ensure Alberta’s government can help communities prepare for the 2024 wildfire season.

The Community Fireguard Program is a valuable tool communities can employ to help educate residents and lower the risk of large wildfires. This year’s budget provides an additional $14 million to the program to support Alberta communities, bringing total funding to $19 million. In addition, the budget includes funding for two additional airtanker groups and two new night vision-equipped helicopters.

“I am encouraged by the increased interest in both the FireSmart and Fireguard Programs this year. Albertans and their communities are wanting to better prepare themselves against the dangers of wildfire.” Todd Loewen, Minister of Forestry and Parks ENHANCING


The addition of two airtanker groups and two new night-vision equipped helicopters will increase the effectiveness of Alberta Wildfire’s initial attack, sustained action and suppression efforts. Airtankers play a crucial role in limiting the spread when a wildfire breaks out, allowing ground crews to break up fuel sources and fully extinguish the wildfire.

The combination of additional airtankers and night vision helicopters will also contribute to Alberta’s enhanced night operations, which was piloted during the 2023 wildfire season, allowing for nighttime heli-tanking and improved suppression efforts. Wildfire behaviour is typically more subdued at night, as temperatures are usually lower and humidity is higher, leading to increased ability and possibility to extinguish fires.


Last fall, Alberta’s government launched the Community Fireguard Program with an initial investment of $5 million. The program, which is administered by the Forest

Resource Improvement Association of Alberta, helps protect communities by clearing the area near or surrounding a community that breaks the path of a wildfire to cut it off from fuel sources that could potentially drive it towards property, infrastructure or other values at risk.

The Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta has experienced high interest in the program, signalling that communities throughout the province are eager to proactively prepare for the impacts of wildfire. In response to this demand, Alberta’s government has increased investment in the Community Fireguard Program to help support Albertans.

“The Community Fireguard Program allows Albertans to take an active role in preparing their communities for the impacts of wildfire, leading to a safer province.” Richard Briand, president, Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta

Alberta’s government encourages everyone to download the Alberta Wildfire and Alberta Fire Bans apps, regularly check the Alberta Wildfire Status Dashboard, remain up to date on fire bans, restrictions and advisories throughout the province, and above all, exercise extreme caution when spending time outdoors.

Over the past five years, an average of 67 per cent of wildfires have been caused by people. Don’t be that person this wildfire season.

25,2024 |10:00 A.M.

From PeaceRiver:16.4kmssouthonHwy 744 (Judah/MarieReine Road)tosign82142 FromNampa:10kmwestonHwy 683,5.7kmnorthonHwy744 to roadsign82142 Forinformation, call780-219-9981. Lunchavailable

DIRECTIONS -FromHighLevel:DriveEastonHwy35for43km(27miles) to RgRd 151, Turn South for2 miles,East for1/4mile,Yardonthe right.

AUCTIONEERSNOTE: Fredhasretiredfrom farming,thereforesellinghisequipment, sheds &tools.Noonlinebiddingforthissale. Onsite &Proxybiddingonly.] FARMEQUIPMENT

1998 FreightlinerT/AGrain Tr uck•DeutzDX1602wdTractor &Ezee-On100HighLiftLoader •Deutz D1302wdTractor •6600JohnDeereCombine •JohnDeere6601PullType Combine •MasseyHarris655Hydro15FtSwather •Naicam Swath Roller •Co-opImplements 19Ft Deep TillageCultivator•Co-opImplements 19FtVibrashankCultivator •16ftCultivator• Schafer450-9-36 12FtOff-SetDisc •JohnDeere935020FtDiscSeedDrill •Flexi Coil 10Ft LandLevelerBox Blade •Harrows• Packers• WalingaM5110FCor nGrain Vacuum •Brandt 735 Auger •8in Augerw/18hpBriggsEngine •1976SakundiakHD7-37 Auger •Honda20hp AugerMotor(Unused) •Har tCar terSeedCleanerw/Shed •Sno-Co GrainCleaner• GRAINBINS,SHEDS &MORE (10) 12Ft X16FtX8FtHighGrainBins/Sheds •(5) 12Ft X16FtX 12FtHighGrainBins/Sheds •(2) 12Ft X20FtInsulatedSheds •12FtX16FtX 12Ft FuelShedw/4500g tanks •OvalFuel tank •Tidy TankwithHand Pump •BeeHaulerBox/StorageUnit •Kelly72FrameHoney ExtractorUnit •RadialAr mSaw &othershop tools •MeatCuttingBand

VEHICLES &TRAILERS 1997MackModel200Midliner •2009DodgeRAM25004x4 QuadCab •2009 Ford F150XLT4x4Supercab •2016DodgeGrandCaravan• 2010 PJ 30ft TripleAxlePintleHitch Trailer• 2010 PJ 20ftTandemBall-HitchTrailer •SingleAxleUtility Trailerw/Water Tank •SnoBear8ftUtility Trailerw/Ramp MACHINERY& EQUIPMENT 2014JohnDeere352035HPUtilityTractorw/Loader •2000NewHolland TC25D25HP UtilityTractorw/Loader •DetachableBucketForks •DiamondHarrows• FarmKing59” PTO Rototiller• FarmKing72”FinishingMower •Tebben72” Rough-CutMower •John Deere 59”Snow Blower Attachment• JohnDeereQuick-Attach PalletForkAttachment ANTIQUES MilkCans •Wooden Kegs •OakBarrel •CreamSeparator• WoodBoxes •CoalOilLamps• ButterChurn• SteelTractorSeats& Wheels •Crocks• Washboard •StepStoolChair• GasCans• WoodenChairs •MetalAmmoBoxes• Much,much more YARD &GARDEN Craftsman42”Lawn Tractor• TroybiltLawn Tractor• Craftsman 27”Snowblower• SwisherGas/Wheeled Trimmer• Westward 25gal ATVSprayer •TowBehindGas PoweredRototiller• 79”SnowmobileCargoSledw/Hitch •Large quantity oflawn& gardenitemsnormally foundon afarm SHOP TOOLS& MISCELLANEOUS Coleman Powermate5000WGenerator• Briggs &Stratton16HPEngine• IngersollRand 90PSIAirCompressorw/HondaEngine •Large quantityof Wrenches,ToolSets,Hammers, Saws,Drills,Ladders StorageCabinetsstandard to afarmGarageand WorkShop •Water Pumps,VariousAirTools& Accessories,Winches,Chains& Boomers,Cables,Ramps & Tarps• Battery Chargers,AirCompressors,CarRamps, Welder &AccessoriesStandard to a Farm VehicleShop HOUSEHOLD LargeQuantityofSmallHouseholdFurniture(Chairs, SideTables, TableLamps,StackingStool,etc)• LargeQuantityofKitchenAppliances,Pots & Pans,Dishware,Utensils,Fitness Equipment,OfficeFurnitureandAccessories,Quantity ofStereo Equipment(VHS,CD,DVD)• LargeQuantityofHouseholdGoodsStandard to a FarmHousehold OTHERCONSIGNOR 20inDodge Rims •Troybilt RearTine Rototiller •AcetyleneTorches &Bottles• LincolnMig Welderw/Bottles •WeldingHelmet •Vice onStand• WoodworkingSupplies• 10galCrocks •WoodenStools• 3,300PSIPressure Washer• StihlGasHedge Trimmer• 25ftChainLink Fence• DSP16000lb5thWheelHitch (norails)• JohnDeereModel10010ft3pthDisc• 2010 Ford F150Lariat 4x4CrewCab. New Rubber. 190,000 Kms.

Thisisonly apartiallisting. Afulllisting, withpictures,canbe foundonourwebsite at

Berwyn,AB 780-618-7670


2430026apr24 Box297
Saw•2x12&1x10 WoodenBoards •Honda350Quad, Trailer,Sleighetc• FREEBREAKFASTFROM7 A.M. TO 9A.M.COMPLIMENTSOF ASPEN VALLEYLUMBER.Lunch Available. UNRESERVED FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTIONFORFREDMUELLER Saturday,June1,2024 Saturday e1,2 10:00am |RockyLane,AB BREAKFAST & LUNCH AVAILABLE SALE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONS & DELETIONS. FormoreinfocallL.A.M @780-928-3898 81513224may24
The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 37
Doyouhavesomethingyouwant togetintotheNorthernHorizon? Thenextissuecomesouton: MAY24,2024 DeadlinetobookaDISPLAYAD: 12:00Noonon Tuesday, May14th,2024 DeadlinetobookaCLASSIFIEDAD: 10:00a.m., Thursday, May16th,2024 CALL/TEXT250.784.4319 | 77395710may24 TERMS: Paymentinfullondayofsalebycashorbankable cheque.Itemsaresoldasis,whereis. Bonded Licence#212664 SALESUBJECTTOADDITIONSANDDELETIONS Formoreinformation,pleasecallAlbertaNorthAuctions Terr yThiessen:780-876-2379 OFFLINEFARMSALE ForMELANDKATEGUNSON CrookedCreek,AB| May25,2024 |10:00a.m. FARMEQUIPMENT |VEHICLES| ATV’S TOOLS |INDUSTRIALEQUIPMENT Thisisa LIVEauction.Youmust beonlocation. TherewillbeNOINTERNETBIDDING. Weare accepting consignmentitems forthesale. Check forfullsalelistingandphotosatour website 81795610may24 LIVE &ONLINE CONSIGNMENTSALE RhythmAuctionsLtd.Yard,CharlieLake,BC Saturday, June15,2024 |9:00a.m. ITEMSON PALLETSNEEDTOBEBIGGERITEMS We willnotacceptanyloosepalletitems |Callaheadtoarrangedrop-offs CONTACTARONTODAY TOCONSIGNYOURGOODSTOTHISSALE! AcceptingConsignmentItemsintheCharlieLake Yard 5p.m.startingFriday,May10,2024 81480726apr24 SpecializinginFarm &CommercialEquipmentSales, RealEstate,Charity &EstateSales Nowa Licensed &BondedLivestockDealerinBritishColumbia(Lic#39742) Checkusoutatwww.rhythmauctions.comPh:(250)261-4198 CHECKOUTOURWEBSITEFORUNUSEDASSETS AVAILABLE AT THISSALE CheckoutournewinventorysuchasExcavators,SkidSteers, Attachments,ShippingContainersandsomuchmore Serving the BC and Alberta Peace Region Proudly serving the BC and Alberta Peace Region TRANSCON BULL SALE 38 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024
807063 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024 39
77349910may24 40 The Northern Horizon, May 10, 2024

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