•ThermostaticallyControlled •Testedupto30Hourson1LoadofWood
Dan Przybylski
A Young Gun says ‘hey’ to
•ThermostaticallyControlled •Testedupto30Hourson1LoadofWood
Star of La Bamba, Young Guns, Renegades, Longmire, Hollywood Homicide, Prodigal Son and more points out a familiar face at Northern FanCon Saturday afternoon in Prince George. Phillips talked about his time as an actor, working a scene with legend Harrison Ford while Phillips was in drag, and writing his first novel.
Also on-hand for the weekend include The Mandalorian’s The
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Armoror character, played by Emily Swallow, MMA star Forrest Griffin, and more.
The weekend brings all things genre together, from fan of comics, fantasy, costumes, graphic designers, writers, science fiction, and more.
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SavannaAgSocietyRecPlex,Savanna,AB Lunchwillbeservedpriortothestartoftheshow ShowStartsat12:30p.m.
TransportationtoLawrence’sMeatPackinginDawsonCreekwillbe providedfreeofcharge.Buyersarewelcometouseotheroptions,but mustmaketheirownarrangementswiththe4Hmember.
Rationsforthesesteersaremadeupofacombinationofhighenergy/ proteinfeedssuchasbarleyandsupplementsaswellashayroughage tokeepthemhealthyandperformingattheirbest!Manymemberswill includeafeeddescriptionintheirwriteups.
No.However,bookingshavebeenpre-bookedatLawrenceMeat PackingCoLtd.inDawsonCreekforall24steers.Processingprices arepaidonthehangingweight,notlive“onthehoof”weight.
Somanybenefits!Notonlyareyoufillingyourfreezerwithqualitymeat,youarealsosupportingour4Hyouthandhard-workingfuturelivestock producers, aswellasgainingexposureandataxwriteoffforyourcompany.
Yes,anditisoftenharderforsomethanothers.Thesekidsspendalotoftimewiththeiranimal,andmanybuildastrongbondovertheyear aswellasasenseofprideintheirproject.Thesekidsarestrong,andtheytakecomfortinknowingthey’vegiventheirsteerthebestpossible lifewhileonthisearthwhileacknowledgingthepurposeoflivestock.
ToregisterasabuyerfortheSavanna4-HMultiClubSaleyouwillneedtoaccesstheVoldJonesVoldsiteatwww.vjvauction.comandthenclick onthe“4HSaleListings”taborthroughtheVJVlinkshownonourdistrict’swebsiteatwww.centralpeace4h.com.E-Transferpaymentoption forpurchaseswillofferedonsaleday.
Willbepostedonthedistrictwebsitealongwithmemberwriteupsonanongoingbasis,aswellasbeingpostedtotheVJVsalesitetwoweeks priortosaleday!!!SteerswillbeweighedontheDistrictscaleonthemorningofthesale.Theseweightswillbepostedonceallanimalsare runthroughthescale.Thesalewillstartonceallweightsareposted.Steerswillsellonaperpoundbasis.
•FostersSeed&Feed (JasonHipkins)
•StoneMountain Mechanical
TheBeaverlodge4-HBeefClubandGrandePrairie4-HMulti-Club wouldliketoinviteyououttoenjoyourday.
“WestCounty4-HClubmemberswouldliketothankALLthebusinesses,societies,andindividualsthatmakegenerous donations-whethermonetary,equipment,ortimeandenergytohelptowardstheproductionandsuccessofour AchievementDayeveryyear!”
Keddies•SundownOilfield•RheaumeEngineering•Foster’sSeedandFeed•HytheTransfer•PipestoneEnergy Corp•WarmaxEnterprises•TidewaterMidstream•TripleSTire/PetrocanBL•LeadWellsite•PrairieDisposal •Gaudin’sHonda•KeltExploration•H&MMeats•BeaverlodgeIGA•AceHardware•ARCResources •TamarackValleyEnergyLtd.•JDAVentures•DeepBasinContractingLtd.•WestCountyAnimalClinic•Secure EnergyServices•JudyStenhouse•FountainTireGP•NordicEnergy•WapitiGravelSuppliers•DaveNeale
TheDonationSteerinitiativeoriginatedasanideaofpastValhallaclubleader,DelwynPostman,whohadbeen seekingawayforthememberstogivethankstothecommunityforyearsofsupport.Tragically,inNovemberof1992, Delwynwaskilledinamotorvehicleaccidentonhiswaytothemeetingwherehewasplanningtopresenthisidea. Inhismemory,4-Hmembersandfellowleadershavecontinuedonwiththeprogrameversince.Valhallaand Beaverlodge4-HClubsareproudtohaveraisedover$250,000anddonatedtoover65charitiesduringthistime.
“Thisyear’ssteerwaspurchasedbyGP4-HMulti-ClubandraisedbytheBoydFamily.Therewillbe2prizedraws, eachforasideofbeef,cutandwrapped.CuttingandwrappinghasbeendonatedbytheBeaverlodgeButcherShop. Thisyear,themoneyraisedwillbegoingto FightforPaizley&BentleyWelch (NephroticSyndromeKidneyDisease), S.T.A.R.S. and SpecialOlympicsAlberta (GrandePrairie).
ThedrawwilltakeplaceonMonday,May29th.Ticketsare$10.00eachandareavailablefromanymemberof theBeaverlodge4-HBeefClub,theGrandePrairie4-HMulti-Club,orfromJoanneHotte(780-831-8442).
Ifyourequiremoreinformation,orhavequestions,pleasecontactclubleaders,SandraPetherbridgeat780-830-6864 (Beaverlodge)orJanetPrattat780-831-7895(GrandePrairie)
This program offers a 12 per cent non-refundable tax credit based on eligible capital expenditures to corporations investing $10 million or more to build or expand agri-processing facilities in the province.
“Alberta’s new Agri-processing Investment Tax Credit program is an incredible opportunity that will diversify our economy and help eligible corporations from across North America and the world expand their operations, save money and grow their agri-processing business here in Alberta,” says Nate Horner, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation
With a strong primary agriculture sector, competitive tax system and commitment to reducing economic barriers, Alberta is the ideal location for businesses looking to expand and thrive in the agriprocessing sector.
To be eligible for the program, companies must be incorporated, registered or continued under Alberta’s Business Corporations Act, with the proposed investment plan having a minimum of $10 million in new capital expenditures.
The project must also be physically located in Alberta, be a new project or a significant expansion of an existing value-added agricultural processing facility, and project expenditures must directly support an eligible value-added agricultural activity.
Corporations with other provincial funding sources may also be eligible for the tax credit.
Applicants must apply for conditional approval for the Agriprocessing Investment Tax Credit program by filling an online application form and submitting a proposed investment plan and Class 4 engineering estimate.
For more information on the Agri-processing Investment Tax Credit program, interested parties can email APITC@gov.ab.ca.
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A Prince George-based filmmaker has produced a short film called “Through Our Eyes,” which illustrates the lifestyle of a hunter, but through a wildlife documentary.
Tanner Dannish, who grew up in Dawson Creek but now lives in Prince George, always had the idea to show the nature and beauty of how a hunter tracks on the landscape through a documentary style-film.
He had a limited entry tag to go caribou hunting in northern B.C. and took the opportunity to finally make the film.
“I thought it was a good opportunity to highlight the magnificent of that area in and the caribou that really need a lot of effort to help recover.”
The nearly 30-minute film follows Dannish and his friend Jeff Augustino as they traverse the landscape near Atlin, B.C.
Dannish funded the film through his handmade sporting goods company called Frontiersman Gear, with the support of a conservation organization called Blood Origins and the Wild Sheep Society of B.C.
“As hunters we are conservationists first,” said Dannish.
“We as hunters, we use a resource which is this land and the waters on it, and because of that we want to conserve it.”
Dannish said the film attempts to show the way of life as hunters, interactions with animals, and the beauty of nature and how conservation and hunting can work together.
“We all have to work together to make sure that this planet is even around in the next 50 to 100 years, and that there’s animals on it and a healthy place for us to live.”
Dannish said he hopes the film can provide some education and insight into hunting.
“Growing up in Dawson, and even a lot of the smaller communities, hunting is pretty commonplace. If you don’t hunt, you know somebody that does,” said Dannish.
“But the adventure of hunting is a weird concept for somebody that has grown up in an urban landscape or a city.”
Dannish said he was pleasantly surprised by the positive feedback from the film.
“My biggest thing is that we all need to work together for a bigger cause.”
NEvery year from May until the end of harvest (October or November), Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation (AGI) in partnership with Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) and the Alberta Agricultural Fieldmen, delivers the Alberta Crop Reporting program.
“The Alberta Crop Report captures timely information related to crop production in Alberta during the current crop season,” says Brooklyn Wong, crop statistician with AGI. “Data collected through the surveys, along with the information from other sources are
used to compile the weekly crop reports at both provincial and regional levels.”
Information is gathered through weekly surveys which collect data on moisture, crop conditions, seeding and harvest progress, insect and disease outbreaks, yield potential and crop quality.
“Crop reports help producers make informed management decisions and are used by the Ministry, industry and other stakeholders for various purposes, including drought
monitoring and forecasting of production insurance payments,” explains Wong.
Both AFSC and AGI will be taking turns writing the Crop Reports. The first report for the 2023 growing season will be publicly released on May 5. Weekly reports will be published thereafter, until the end of the crop year. Reports for the months of July and August will be bi-weekly.
The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (The Treaty) is the first binding international agreement that explicitly recognizes farmers’ rights. Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB) is the process by which farmers are routinely involved in a plant breeding program with opportunities to make decisions. There are many forms that farmers’ involvement in PPB can take place and some of which are
(1) Defining breeding goals and priorities
(2) Selecting or providing sources of germplasm
(3) Hosting trials ion their lands
(4) Selecting lines for further crossing
(5) Multiplying and commercializing the seeds of the selected lines
Participatory Variety Selection (PVS) is the process whereby farmers are involved in selecting lines that they judge to be most appropriate for their own uses from among a range of fixed (stable) lines that are being field tested. On the other hand, PPB involves a higher and more complex degree of involvement of farmers, as they are engaged in decision-making in earlier and more fundamental stages of the variety development chain. PPB therefore, has a higher empowerment effect than PVS (Whitcombe 2005). Participatory plant breeding, can therefore be considered as successful example of local technology innovation and adaptation by combining knowledge of traditional farmers and modern scientists. Previous research conducted at the University of Manitoba has demonstrated that performance of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in organic systems is improved if the plant breeding process occurs under actual organic field conditions.
Mackenzie Applied Research Association (MARA) collaborated with University of Manitoba, facilitated and funded by Organic Alberta, on a PPB program in evaluating field performance of farmer selected spring wheat and compare them with some registered varieties. The trial was conducted in year 2022 at the long-term organic site of MARA Research Farm in Fort Vermilion. The plot size was 9.6m2 in this replicated trial and seeded at 320 seeds/m2 using a 6 – row Fabro seeder to a depth of 3.8cm and 20cm apart on May 20th, 2022.
Data were collected throughout the season which included, average height, days to heading, days to maturity, protein content (%). Thousand kernel weight (TKW (g), test weight (kg/hL) and yield (Bu/ac).
Figure 2. Farmer selected wheat populations compared to the conventionally selected check varieties for (A) plat height, (B) days to maturity, (C) thousand kernel weight (TKW), (D) test weight and (E) yield. A p value of <0.05 indicates a significant difference between the farmerselected populations and conventionally selected check varieties.
As a group the farmer selected populations were taller than the conventionally selected check varieties, though the difference was insignificant (Fig. 2A). The average height of the farmer selected populations was 3 cm taller than the conventionally selected check varieties. There were no significant differences across treatments for days to maturity. As a group the farmer selected populations matured two days later than the conventionally selected check varieties and this difference was significant (p<0.05) (Fig. 2B).
There was no noticeable lodging in both farmers selected and conventionally selected check varieties. There were significant differences in thousand kernel weights across treatments (p<0.05) but there was no significant difference between the farmer selected populations and the conventionally selected checks (Fig. 2C). Test weight differences were not significant between farmer selected populations and conventionally selected check varieties, test weight of check varieties was marginally higher, though (Fig. 2D).
The yields were different between farmer selected varieties which ranged from 64.00 –to 91.13 (Bu/ac) (Fig. 3) but the differences were not significant (p>0.05). As a group the farmer selected populations yielded little higher than the conventionally selected check varieties by a margin of 3 Bu/ac but this difference was not significant (p>0.05) (Fig. 2E).
The results of this preliminary study shows that farmer selected populations are better adopted to organic crop production than conventionally selected varieties. As a group the farmer selected populations were taller than the conventionally selected check varieties and matured later. The characteristics of populations changed depending on the selection environment and the preferences of the person making selections, showing that a population can be tailored to the growing environment and needs of an individual farmer.
Witcombe JR, Joshi KD, Gyawali S, Musa AM, Johnson C, Virkand DS and Sthapit BR. 2005. Participatory plant breeding is better described as highly client-oriented plant breeding. I. Four indicators of client orientation in plant breeding. Experimental Agriculture 41: 299-319.
August2023 notavailable$15.53(+$0.41)$15.58(+$0.40)
October2023 $15.36(+$0.41)$15.57(+$0.40)$15.63(+$0.40)
November2023 $15.35(+$0.40)$15.57(+$0.40)$15.62(+$0.40)
WHEAT-#1CPSR-11.5%PeaceRegionNorthernAlbertaSouthernAlberta Spot $10.30(+$0.29)$10.38(+$0.30)$10.42(+$0.30)
July2023 $10.22(+$0.29)$10.31(+$0.30)$10.35(+$0.30)
August2023 notavailable$9.78(+$0.32)$9.87(+$0.32)
September2023 $9.25(+$0.27)$9.45(+$0.27)$9.55(+$0.27)
October2023 $9.27(+$0.25)$9.50(+$0.26)$9.62(+$0.26)
November2023 $9.33(+$0.26)$9.52(+$0.25)$9.63(+$0.26)
WHEAT-#1CWAD-13.0%PeaceRegionNorthernAlbertaSouthernAlberta Spot notavailablenotavailable$11.52(-$0.37)
June2023 notavailablenotavailable$11.43(-$0.22)
July2023 notavailablenotavailable$11.36(-$0.22)
August2023 notavailablenotavailable$10.43(+$10.43)
September2023 notavailablenotavailable$10.40(-$0.13)
October2023 notavailablenotavailable$10.41(-$0.12)
Glenn Stewart has been working with horses and their owners for over 40 years teaching thousands of students his Horse Development Program.
Glenn’s work with and knowledge of horses is diverse. He travels extensively each year delivering horsemanship clinics across Canada, the United States, South America and Europe. Glenn leads camps at his home in Fort St. John at The Horse Ranch.
For 19 consecutive years, he led the Learning Holiday Adventure High & Wild in the Northeastern Rocky Mountains – a remote
location 160 kilometers from the nearest roads. Glenn was in charge of the horse program and developing 200+ herd of wild horses. This included: the breeding program, seasonal round-up, the taming/gentling, foot breaking, trimming, overall maintenance of the herd and welfare.
Ultimately horses were prepared annually for people from all over the world, with varying degrees of horsemanship abilities to be able to safely ride in the wilderness of the Canadian Rockies.
“I believe people get into horses
because they love the thrill and connection that is possible. I also believe the connection and thrill of a good partnership with your horse is much deeper than most realize and is worth the effort.”
– Glenn StewartGlenn has a diverse background, education and unique expertise to offer.
Some of Glenn’s Awards include:
Champion, 2020 Heart of the Horse Colt Starting Competition, Alberta Canada Champion, 2019 Heart of the Horse Colt Starting Competition,
Alberta Canada
Canadian Representative 2012 World Championship of Colt Starting, Tennessee USA Champion, 2010 Cowboy Up Challenge, Calgary Stampede, Alberta Canada
Nominated for Western Horseman of the Year
Glenn has been asked by a variety of organizations to be a keynote speaker or lead team building and leadership training for public and private corporations, oil and gas industry leaders, Canadian billionaire business leaders.
With the record highs this summer, heat stoke is something to talk about. Heat stroke is known as overheating. This occurs when your pets core body temperature rises above normal. Normal body temperature in a dog ranges from 37.5 to 39.2 degrees Celsius. Normal body temperature in a cat 37.839.5 Celsius. Humans will normally sweat when hot, but animals compared to humans have fewer sweat glands. The majority of the sweat glands in a dog and cat are located in the paw pads. Sweating through the paw pads is actually a secondary method of selfcooling in dogs. Cats regularly sweat through their paws. Obese, flat-faced breeds, heart disease patients, and senior animals are at higher risk of heat stroke.
How do dogs primarily cool down?
The main mechanism a dog’s body naturally cools down is by panting. Panting allows for evaporation of heat (in the form of water) from the tongue, mouth, and upper respiratory tract. Panting is a very efficient way of cooling and takes up very little energy thanks to the elasticity of a dog’s lungs and airways. Another way dogs can lower their body temperature is through dilating their vessels (vasodilation) in order to bring blood flow to the surface of their skin. This method of cooling is not as efficient as panting and can indicate overheating is occurring.
What about flat faced breeds?
Flat faced breeds, known as Brachycephalic breeds such as pugs, French/English bull dogs, Shih Tzu, Boxers and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels tend to have smaller nares (nose holes), longer soft palates (obstructing airway), and smaller trachea sizes than other breeds. This makes it difficult for them to breathe normally or get adequate oxygen with each breath. With high temperatures outside, it can cause their upper respiratory tract to swell, thereby partially or completely closing the airway blocking their main mechanism of cooling.
What about cats?
Besides sweating through their paw pads, cats will combine a few techniques to dissipate body heat. Cats will stretch out their bodies, seek out shade, and drink cool water. Cats will lick/groom their coats more frequently in summer to cool down. When their saliva evaporates from their fur, it provides a cooling effect (similar to humans sweating). As a last resort, cats will pant. Excessive panting is not normal and may be a sign your cat is dangerously overheated.
Signs of heat stroke in your pets:
Dogs: the most telling sign is excessive panting with drooling and thirst. Other signs include, vomiting, fast heart rate, red colour of gums and tongue, bloody diarrhea, mental dullness, staggering or collapse.
Cats: Initial signs of heat stroke in cats include heavy panting, drooling and excessive grooming. Further signs
include redness of tongue, vomiting and staggering/ collapse.
Managing heat stroke
If your pet is suffering from heat stroke, call your veterinarian immediately. One thing that we may tell you before getting to us is to have you wet down your dog in cool water. Do not wrap your dog in a wet towel, this actually traps in body heat!! Once at the clinic, treatment is targeted at cooling down your animal, supporting their blood pressure with drugs and fluids, fluid volume necessitation, and monitoring blood changes. Cooling techniques done by your vet can include, cool intravenous (in the vein) fluids to help with dehydration and blood pressure, oxygen therapy, cool or cold-water baths, cold water enemas or even cool water safely injected into the abdomen in severe cases. If an animal’s body temperature is too high for extended periods of time, it can be very detrimental to their blood causing it to break up/destroy the red blood cells ultimately leading to death.
Tips on being safe or preventing heat stroke: In dogs, exercise can be done in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler, offering lots of water, shade or a pool to play in. Keeping them where there is air conditioning if helpful during the day. Avoiding hot pavement, hot cars and direct sunlight. In cats, it is important to keep their fur brushed to be free of mats and remove excess hair in the warmer months. Making sure there is plenty of water around and a space for them to find a cool, shady spot. Offering wet food or tuna juice to increase water intake, or even offer ice cubes for them to play with. Enjoy the summer and be safe out there!
Providingsoundindependentbeefnutritionandmanagementconsulting servicestocattleproducersandtheindustry.
Therearegoodreasonstoturnanimalsontocarryoverorstockpiledforageafter thesnowhasmelted.Movingcowcalfpairsfromacalvingpenintoalarger areareducestheriskofsicknessspreadingamongstthecalves.Usingstockpiled foragereplacessomeofthefeeddeliveredtotheherd.Thishelpstostretch thefeedsupplyandreducesoverallcost.Butthisfeedingsystemcannotreplace 100%oftheration.
Nottakingasecondcutorletting apaddockgrowinguntilfreezeupprovides foragetobegrazedlater.Qualityofstockpiledforagesdependsonplantmaturity atfreezeup.Themorematuretheplant,thelowerthequality.Also,plantquality islowerinthespringcomparedtothefall.Alfalfaplantsdroptheirleavesafter akillingfrost.Thisreducestheamountofproteinandenergyavailabletothe animals.Ingrasses,someofthesolubleproteinandcarbohydratesleachout overwinter.
ManitobaAgriculture,Food,andRuralInitiatives(MAFRI)completedathree yearstudyonforagequalityinstockpiledforage.https://gov.mb.ca/agriculture/ crops/crop-management/forages/pubs/feeding_quality_stockpiled_forage.pdf
Thestudymeasuredqualitylossinalfalfaandtwelvecommongrassspecies. Energy(TDN)contentdeclinedoverthewinter.Forthealfalfa,TDNdropped from58%to43%.Grassesrangedfrom60to68%TDNinthefalland52to58% inthespring.Notenoughenergytosupportacowinmidpregnancyletalone onethatislactating.
Crudeproteincontentwasmorevariablebetweenthegrassspeciestested. Amountsrangedfrom8%to13%inthefallandbyMarch,valueswerebetween 6.5%and11%.Onlytwovarietieshadsufficientamountsofproteintosupporta lactatingcowrequiresaminimumof11%protein.Alfalfahadthelargestdecline from13%to7.8%protein.
Theseresultsshowthatthestockpiledforagescannotmeetthenutrient requirementsofalactatingcow.Supplementing40%to50%oftheirdrymatter intakewithacombinationofhay,silage,grain,andaproteinsupplementis common.
Ifnotsupplemented,thecowswillloseweightandbodycondition.Cowswillnot beabletoproduceasmuchmilkwhichreducescalfgrowthrates,andrequires moretimetostartcycling.Firstserviceconceptionratesareimpaired.Feedinga balancedrationbetweencalvingandthestartofthebreedingseasoniscritical tomaximize thesizeofnextyears’calfcrop.
ForadditionalinformationonthissubjectcontactBarryat 403-741-6032 or bjyaremcio@gmail.com.
In March we had a meeting and it went well. Everyone’s projects are doing very well, the leading is a slow process but everyone is having fun with it. Some have even started introducing their animal to the show stick.
Sadly the weather hasn’t been that great, a little cold and a little windy but that hasn’t stopped us from working with our animals. We are working very hard to get ready for the show.
We even have some adorable baby calves and one left to be born.
On April 14th the clover buds in the horse club learned helmet safety with a little help from the older members, they even decorated their own helmets, and they look really good guys! Keep up the good work.
This year Green Valley helped sell 50/50 at the spring rodeo in Dawson Creek, The selling went great and everyone had fun. We sold a lot of tickets and raised a lot of money, so thanks to all that helped. The Cloverbuds even
got to meet Miss Rodeo Canada Mackenzie Skeels. Our next meeting is May 10th. We will be weighing our animals and I am so excited to find out how much my own animal weighs. Thank you for taking the time to read my report and also thank you to our page sponsor. Until next time.
A new program will revitalize hazelnut, grape, berry and treefruit production and increase the competitiveness and resiliency of B.C. farm businesses while supporting food security.
“The Perennial Crop Renewal Program is about renewal and ensuring our farmers are profitable and have sustainable production in the long run,” said Pam Alexis, Minister of Agriculture and Food. “Our producers have faced recent challenges, such as extreme weather and disease, and by supporting them so they can plant more resilient, climatefriendly crops, we will improve their bottom line and strengthen both the food economy and food security in B.C.”
The Perennial Crop Renewal Program will provide as much as $15 million to support multiple sectors with potential agronomic and market opportunities. Funding will help farmers adapt to environmental and market conditions by supporting the removal, diversification or planting of perennial crops, ensuring British Columbians enjoy local produce for years to come.
The amount of funding and project goals will vary by sector. Examples of crops eligible for the program include apples, cherries, grapes, raspberries, blueberries and hazelnuts.
“The Perennial Crop Renewal Program will provide welcome support to the B.C. wine-grape industry, which contributes $3.75 billion annually to the province’s economy,” said Miles Prodan, president and CEO, Wine Growers British Columbia. “The strength of our industry rests on the resilience of our vineyards, especially in the face of our changing climate.”
Tree-fruit growers will also benefit from an additional $1 million of tree-fruit market development support to increase the competitiveness and profitability of B.C. apples in domestic and export markets.
“Tree-fruit growers in B.C. appreciate the investment in food security and ensuring that growers have the resources to renew their orchards,” said Sukhdeep Brar, vice-president, BC Fruit Growers’ Association. “The BC Fruit Growers’ Association
thanks Minister Alexis for this vote of confidence in the local production of high-quality, B.C.grown produce.”
The Perennial Crop Renewal Program and the tree-fruit marketdevelopment funding will be administered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC (IAF).
“IAF has built a strong relationship with B.C.’s perennial crop sectors since our inception more than 25 years ago,” said Jack DeWit, chair, IAF board of directors. “Using our administrative expertise, we look forward to continuing to work with and support the sectors to deliver these complex programs.”
Quick Facts:
The Perennial Crop Renewal Program will replace individual programs, such as the raspberry replant program and hazelnut renewal program, previously funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
Applications and more details for the Perennial Crop Renewal Program are available online: www.iafbc.ca/pcrp
Altona Falls Red Angus
Dan & Trudy Loewen, Altona, BC
Biltrite Angus
Stan & Faye Hetman, Rose Prairie, BC 250-827-3694
Link & Alicia Copeland, Rose Prairie, BC 250-262-7629
Binks Angus Farm
Evan Binks, Grande Prairie, AB
Brandl Cattle Co.
Byron & Gwenn Brandl, Jarvie, AB
Broken Stick Ranch
Tom & Amber Ditner, Baldonnel, BC
Excel Ranches
Ron & Barb Miller, Cody & Amy Miller, Westlock, AB 780-349-0644
Cinder Angus
Brad Yoder & Nicolle Hoskins, Barrhead, AB 780-674-5773
Dwajo Angus D wayne, Joanne & Jesse Emer y Camp Creek, AB 780-674-4410
Gomack Red Angus Braydon Gough, Whitelaw, AB 780-274-0099
Grant & Tanya Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-786-2181
Lakeroad Black Angus
Jim & Donna Rowe, Worsley AB
Donna (780) 835-9588
Jim (780) 835-0455
Lazy B Livestock
Trevor Binks & Melanie Klassen, Grande Prairie, AB 780-539-7128 / 780-518-0630
Box93 Buffaloheadprairie,ab T0H4A0
Heart Valley Angus Nat & Chris Tschetter, Wanham, AB 780-978-6407 / 780-978-6406
John&Marthaharms 780-928-4649Home 780-926-9540Cell www.crestlandfarms.com R0011923291
PhilipDriedger LaCrete,AB(780)926-5896
Kjos Black Angus Marty & Miriam Kjos, Fort St. John, BC 250-787-0970
Box159,Cleardale,ABT0H3Y0 Pete(cell):780-835-8291 www.northwaycattle.ca
Mountain Side Angus BullsforSalebyPrivateTreaty
Silent K Stock Farms
Delano & Megan Kjos, Tomslake, BC Delano 250-467-9450 / Megan 403-804-1107
RaisingQualityCharolaisCattletomeet theneedsoftheCommercialIndustry!
Nikki,Kristin,Whitney& CourtneyDrschiwiski Box18,CecilLake,BCV0C1G0 Ph:250-785-6362
Red Angus Bullsand Heifers forSale
M.C. Quantock Mac & Pat Creech, Lloydminster, AB 800-561-2855 SMOKYRIVERREDANGUS MaynardBoese (780)568-4340 CurtisBoese (780)876-4526 R0011923292
SADLIERCATTLECO. ToddSadlier Hwy64,HinesCreek,AB (780)772-3978
Cell:250-329-4816(Courtney) eightway@pris.ca wanderlust_blues@yahoo.ca
offthe Farm Farm Landaker Charolais Farm Alan & Shelley Landaker, Brownvale, AB 780-618-3928
Raising Cattle Responsibly forover FourGenerations ForSalebyPrivateTreaty
723066RgeRd111,Beaverlodge,AB FredTrieber|(780)831-1346 fredtrieber@gmail.com NaomiTrieber|(780)814-0052 trieberfarms@gmail.com
Cell:780-864-6448Home:780-351-2608 59396
Troy&Kristina (780)814.3598•troy1@telusplanet.net
Pro-Char Charolais David & Kristina Prokuda, Glenevis, AB 780-932-1654
Rosebud Creek Charolais Dan & Holly Schleppe, Dawson Creek, BC 250-786-5698/250-219-5698
Spruce View Charolais
Andrew & Effie Lakusta, Andrew, AB 780-719-0264/780-365-2079
Triangle Stock Farm
SellingYearling&2-Year-OldRegistered SilverWillowRanch 220135
Chad, Leah, Gene & Addison Haddow, Dawson Creek, BC 250-784-3924
Dry Creek Ranch Seth Harmon, Cecil Lake, BC 250-793-1858
JayDawn Farms Jason & Nicole McQuaig, Sexsmith, AB 780-933-5530 Valanjou Charolais Phillipe & Rae Lusson, Clyde, AB 780-206-5440/780-348-5683
CHAROLAIS Do you have something you'd like to share? Write a letter to the Editor. We welcome all topics.
Vance & Michelle Klepper, Stony Plain, AB 780-718-9334/780-718-6024
Chittick Family Hereford Ranch
Raymond & Mona Chittick, Whitecourt, AB 780-778-0150
Eureka Hereford Farms
Tom Basnett, Eureka River, AB 780-834-8170
Chad&AnnaFriesen Box1185,GrandePrairie,ABT8V4B6
Gold Stock Hereford Farms
Steven, Ashley & Brad White, Beaverlodge, AB
Gurtler Polled Herefords
Garry & Ethan Gurtler, North Star, AB
Garry 780-836-2125 / 780-836-0117
780-836-0552 / Ethan 780-836-0552
JoNomn Hereford Ranch
Norm & Joanne Parrent, Clyde, AB
M.C. Quantock
Mac & Pat Creech, Lloydminster, AB
PHK Herefords
Phillip & Helen Krahn, La Crete, AB
Reber’s Polled Herefords
Serena & Kasey Reber, Woking, AB 780-518-2643
Whiskey Jack Black
Herefords & Simmentals
Tamara & Darcy Kuriga, Whitelaw, AB 780-834-7108/780-835-8090
Blueberry Valley Farms Limousin
Michael & Rebecca McCord, Mile 86.5 Alaska Hwy, BC 250-772-5116
Dry Creek Ranch
Gordon & Carla Harmon, Cecil Lake, BC 250-793-2384
Excel Ranches
Ron & Barb Miller, Cody & Amy Miller, Westlock, AB 780-349-0644
Hillview Farms
Raymond & Corine Verbeek, Sturgeon County, AB 780-982-2176/780-939-2173
Nor-Alta Limousin
Leonel & Lacey Plante & Family, Kinuso, AB 780-805-5237
Pinnacle View Limousin
Rob & Cheryl Swan, Quesnel, BC Erin & Eric Kishkan, Quesnel, BC 250-747-2618
Dean&MarshaAnderson–FortStJohn,BC (250)827-3293•marshascows@hotmail.com www.shadowcreek.farm
North 42 Cattle Company
Heath Barn eld, Sexsmith, AB 780-897-3339
Whispering Aspen Ranch
Megan Thompson, Cecil Lake, BC 250-793-4830
Trieber Farms
Fred & Naomi Trieber, Beaverlodge, AB
Fred 780-831-1346 / Naomi 780-814-0052
Yearling &Two-Year-Old ShorthornBulls forSale offtheFarm
AlvinJohnson|Brownvale,AB Cell:(780)618-9044|ajohnson_1959@icloud.com
Albrecht Farms
Steve, Tammy & Ryan Albrecht, Spirit River, AB
Ryan 780-933-5448 / Steve 780-832-0883
Blazin’ J Simmentals
Darcy & Caitlyn Lind, Valleyview, AB 780-552-4934
Briar Ridge Stock Farm
Randy & Chris Haddow, Dawson Creek, BC 250-786-5048
Chad, Leah, Gene & Addison Haddow, Dawson Creek, BC 250-784-3924
Crystal Springs Ranch
Eckbert & Christa Weitzel
Georg & Sarah Weitzel, Charlie Lake, BC 250-263-8237
RegisteredPurebred&Fleckvieh Simmentals
250-780-2141hm 250-219-8200cell 250-219-8008cell
Grimm Ranches
HomeofPolled&Horned 100%FullBlood&PurebredFleckvieh
Elden,EinarandOleBakkehaug Box156,Hythe,ABT0H2C0
info@fallentimberfarms.com www.fallentimberfarms.com
Miles Grimm & Laurie Schaub, Grimshaw, AB 780-971-2217
Grant & Tanya Chittick , Mayerthorpe, AB
Hodges Simmentals
Roy & Scot Hodges, Beaverlodge, AB
KIN-KIN Cattle Co.
Gary & Faye Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-786-4500
KMR Simmentals
Kent & Robin Malcomson, Grovedale, AB 587-298-5404
KRS Simmentals
K . Reanne Sanford, Quesnel, BC 250-991-9496
KSL Simmentals
Keagan Scorgie, Beaverlodge, AB 780-518-6572
Brad Smith, 780-202-0254
Lakeroad Simmentals
Sarah Hayward & Kolby Rowe, Fairview, AB
M.C. Quantock
Mac & Pat Creech, Lloydminster, AB
Home (780)356-2113 EldenCell (780)518-3536 230057
Box154,CecilLake,BCV0C1G0 www.peacecountrysimmentals.com
Rachido Ranch
Randy & Donna Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-786-4373
Rose eld Simmentals
James & Martha Wiebe, Prespatou, BC 250-630-2621
Triangle Stock Farm
The Kleppers, Stony Plain, AB 780-718-9334/780-718-6024
SIBL Simmentals
The Smith Families, Cherhill, AB 780-785-2045
Wolfe Farms
Tony Wolfe, Valleyview, AB 780-524-9322
Yearlingand2yr.oldBullsforSalebyPrivateTreaty Box238, FAIRVIEW,ALBERTA TOH1LO
Norbert&JaniceLuken 780-835-3165
KEITHHODGES 780-831-7999 keith@arlshop.com
Whiskey Jack Black
780-933-5637 hodgey_177@hotmail.com
Herefords & Simmentals
Tamara & Darcy Kuriga, Whitelaw, AB 780-834-7108/780-835-8090
Red&Black Purebred Simmental Seedstock
WillowCreekSimmentals|CrookedCreek,AB Mike&MariKlassen|(780)832-7343 Colby&TiffanyKlassen|(780)832-6714 willowcreeksimmentals@gmail.com
D1-D2CowsD1-D2CowsD1-D2CowsD1-D2CowsD1-D2CowsD1-D2CowsD1-D2CowsD1-D2CowsD1-D2Cows $122.00$145.00$122.00$142.00n/an/a$122.00$140.00$148.00$175.00$143.00$165.00$145.00$167.50$140.00$155.00$140.00$153.50 D3-D4CowsD3-D4CowsD3-D4CowsD3-D4CowsD3-D4CowsD3-D4CowsD3-D4CowsD3-D4CowsD3-D4Cows $115.00$132.00$110.00$128.00n/an/a$115.00$125.00$130.00$147.00$129.00$143.00$120.00$144.00$125.00$139.00$120.00$135.00 HeiferettesHeiferettesHeiferettesHeiferettesHeiferettesHeiferettesHeiferettesHeiferettesHeiferettes $150.00$200.00$140.00$192.00n/an/an/an/a$165.00$202.50$165.00$210.00$160.00$200.00$150.00$200.00$170.00$207.00 BolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBulls $142.00$155.00$135.00$162.00n/an/a$140.00$155.00$157.00$170.00$155.00$175.00$155.00$170.00$155.00$170.00$145.00$170.00 FeederBullsFeederBullsFeederBullsFeederBullsFeederBullsFeederBullsFeederBullsFeederBullsFeederBulls $150.00$162.00$150.00$165.00n/an/a$135.00$145.00$160.00$195.00$160.00$203.00$165.00$200.00n/an/a$160.00$199.00
Formoredetails,contactVJVinBeaverlodgeat (780)354-2423 or watchforourfullpageadintheMay26thissueoftheNorthernHorizon
BeaverlodgeTWPRD720&RR104,Beaverlodge,AB|Office: (780)354-2423
DawsonCreek301–116thAve,DawsonCreek,BC|Office: (250)782-3766 CROPBALING&
Thenewstandardforquality,performanceandrollconsistency. Proventimeandtimeagain,WesternRawhidenetwrapisyour worryfreesolutiontoawell-madebale.16rollsperpallet.
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DF22’sare98%assembled& TestedinSpiritRiverthenhauled FREEofchg tocustomersinAB,SK MB.Weinstall FREEofchg allofthe subassembliesontheDrier.After theElectrical&GashookupiscompletedbytheCustomerweCommissionthedrier FreeofChg &Instruct theCustomeronitsoperation
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Horizon Dan was passing through Eaglesham a couple weeks ago and ran into Naomi, Jason and Findlay using reclaimed wood to build raised planter #1 for this gardening season. Being a raised bed builder myself, he just had to stop and say hello.
THORSBYSTOCKYARDSINC. 4405-50Ave,Box379,Thorsby,ABT0C2P0•780-789-3915
WATCH&BIDONLINEAT lmaauctions.com
JenningsMartinCattleBuyingwillbethereforyou andyouroperationasyouprepareforyour2023 winterandspringmarketing.Jennings’facilityinLaGlaceis openandreadytobuyyourbulls,cowsandcalvessavingyou theneedforshippingtolocalorsouthernmarkets.
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Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, while visiting RideauRockcliffe Community Resource Centre with the Honourable Mona Fortier, Member of Parliament for Ottawa–Vanier and President of the Treasury Board, announced $10 million for a new phase of the Local Food Infrastructure Fund (LFIF).
LFIF is a 5-year, $70-million initiative, ending on March 31, 2024. It was created as part of the Government of Canada’s Food Policy, a roadmap for healthier and more sustainable food systems in Canada. LFIF supports community-based, notfor-profit organizations to improve food security by strengthening local food systems and improving access to nutritious food.
This new phase of LFIF will provide rapid-response funding in the range of $15,000 to $120,000 per project to help improve food security in communities through investments in equipment and infrastructure needs. Project impacts must be targeted and immediate, and must be directly
related to addressing food security and increasing the accessibility of healthy, nutritious and ideally local foods within communities. For example, a project could help purchase and install a walk-in refrigerator or storage units for donated food.
Program details and requirements are available now. Eligible applicants from across Canada will be able to submit applications for this intake from May 4 until May 31, 2023. Organizations who have received LFIF funding in the past will be eligible to apply to this new funding opportunity.
During their visit to RideauRockcliffe Community Resource Centre, Minister Bibeau and Minister Fortier toured the facility and learned about the organization’s support of community food security in Ottawa. Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre received a total of $71,502 through past phases of LFIF to purchase a refrigerated vehicle and vertical growing racks and towers. These
community projects have allowed the organization to increase food production, while also improving distribution to community members.
“Now more than ever, we must support the work of organizations and food banks that help those who need it most. With today’s launch of this new phase of the Local Food Infrastructure Fund, our Government takes concrete and direct action, which will allow them to continue to ensure access to healthy and nutritious food,” said Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
“Food security is a priority for the people of Ottawa–Vanier and for communities across Canada. Through the Local Food Infrastructure Fund, our Government is supporting food banks and local organizations, like the Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre, by enabling them to acquire equipment that is essential to providing food services to those who need it most,” said Mona Fortier, Member
of Parliament for Ottawa–Vanier and President of the Treasury Board
“Thanks to the Local Food Infrastructure Fund, the Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre has been able to significantly expand and enhance its Social Harvest and Good Food Box programs, which play a vital role in promoting food security, expanding access to affordable and nutritious fruits and vegetables for community members, supporting and expanding local agricultural production, and building more resilient communities. The support from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has allowed us to greatly enhance and expand our programs, offering healthy, nutritious, and affordable food options, while also supporting local food production and strengthening our local food systems, particularly during difficult times,” said Sebastian Gaissert, Executive Director, Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre.
A30 The Northern Horizon, May 12, 2023
Come out to the 9th Annual Field Day at the Research Farm!
Visit with folks at our tradeshow and experts in the field, as well as checking out this year’s small plots of perennial and annual forages, biostimulant trials, and perennial grain research.
As well as see some of our field scale trials of spring winter Cereal mixes, intercropped wheat and clover, and cocktail mix.
Thursday, August 3rd 2 pm -8 pm
At the Fairview Research Farm
2:00 pm - Gates open Tradeshow, Plot Tours, Speaker Stations
5:30 pm - Supper & Announcements
6:30 pm - Small Plot Harvesting Demo
7:00 pm - Social & Plot Tours
8:00 pm - Gates Close
NHBR7090 baler.............................................$38,000
NHBR780A baler.............................................$17,000
JD945 discbine..................................................$35,000
Allen8907 rake.................................................$19,000
NH166 windrowinverter....................................$6,300
RB560 balernet/twine......................................coming in
KubotaDMC8536T discbine...................................$32,000
TubelineTL1000R wrapper,.....................................$12,000
FK120” 3ptsnowblower.........................................$12,500
SchulteSDX102 3ptsnowblower..........................$13,000
Degelman1800 sidearm.......................................$13,000
SchulteGX150mower demounit........................$32,700
MKMartin76” hydraulicdriveskidsteersnowblower...... $9,500
HLA72” Baleknife............................................$10,800
FK180rollermill, newrollers............................$9,900
HorstHayWagon ..............................................$6,900
Case77017.5’ disk...........................................$10,000
NH25HB header..................................................$25,000
Case1370 w/loader..................................................$17,000
NHL215(2014) w/lowhours....................................$45,000
NHTS6.140tractor(2015) w/loaderand bucket1300hours....................................................$110,000
MKMartin84” snowblower.....................................$4,000
VermeerRebel baler................................................$45,900
BaumalightMS560 mulcher...................................$23,000
NHT5.95 c/wLoader..................................................$80,000
NewHolland1495 w/21’draperheader....................$9,000
*Offervalidwith20%ofpurchasepricedown.Loadersarefactoryinstalled.Itemsmaynotbeexactlyasshown,accessories,attachments,andimplementscostextra.Taxes,set-up, deliverychargesnotincluded.PricesarebasedontheUSexchangeandmaybesubjecttochange.Adocumentationfeeofupto$349willbeappliedtoallfinanceofferings.Additional feesmayapply.Programsandpricessubjecttochangewithoutnotice.SeePrairieCoastequipmentforfulldetails.Somerestrictionsapply.OffervaliduntilMay31,2023whilesupplieslast. FinancingonapprovedJohnDeereFinancialcreditonly.Limitedtimeofferwhichmaynotbecombinedwithotheroffers.1025RQID28727053|1025RWithLoader&BackhoeQID28727084.
Nearly all spring wildfires in Alberta are human-caused, which means that they are 100% preventable.
The spring wildfire hazard is highest after seasonal melting has left fuels like trees and grasses extremely dry and flammable. Under these conditions, wildfire can ignite easily and spread quickly.
During the high-hazard time in spring, and throughout the wildfire season, it is critical that
people take care to fully extinguish campfires, frequently check offhighway vehicles (OHVs) for smouldering debris and conduct agriculture burning projects safely.
At any time of year, Alberta Wildfire’s online dashboard is the trusted source for real-time wildfire information, including the latest on fire bans and advisories across the province.
120hp6120TTV (CVT)50km,hyd(31gpm),4remotesusp axlerearwhlwts,480/65R24,540/65R34suspcab,frtfender 3F/valve,260bkt,Grapple #169258612
140hp6140P/S 5X3X2Shuttleshift40km,airseat,Sunroof hyd120L/m,(31gpm)4remotes,suspfrtaxle,540/65R24, 600/65R34,r/wdefrost,Cabheadlightsrearfenderext,frt fendersrearwheelwtsQ7MFELBktGrapple #178243614 6140P/S130hpw/FELmsrp
DiscoverThePeaceCountry PhotosandinformationbyKenConnors(Chernuka)©2023
It’s a Summer Pasture Tour going June 15
Goes June 15 at Cecil Lake Hall 1:30pm.
Relaxatyourowncampsiteknowing thatthekidsareplayingnotthatfar awayatFigureEightLakeProvincial Park,locatedapproximately20kmnorth ofBrownvale,AlbertaintheMDof NorthernLights.
Youwon’thearthesoundofmotorboats whilecampingatthispark,becauseno gasmotorsareallowed.Onlyelectric motorsareallowedbesidespaddle crafts.Onewillenjoycanoeingalongthe shoresofthissmalllake,appreciatingthe sightsandsoundsofnaturemakingita practicaloutdoorexperience.Fivetosix poundrainbowtroutcanbecaughtfrom thislakeusingcornonasmallhookor trollingwiththewell-knownwillowleaf.
FigureEightLakeProvincialParkhas only27campsiteslocatedonthewestside ofthelakethatcanaccommodateboth
RV’sandtents.Therearenoservicesat thiscampground.
Becausethelakeisshallow,thatmeans thewaterisusuallywarmerthanother lakesintheareaandmakesitidealfor swimming.Abeachareaislocatednotfar fromtheplaygroundandnotfarfromthe campsites.
Originallytherewasnolakehere,but onlyaslough.In1969manyvolunteers fromtheBrownvalecommunitytookit onthemselvestodrainit,clearthebrush, bringinsandandstockitwithrainbow trout.FigureEightLaketookitsname fromtheshapeofthelakewhenthewater levelwaslowandresembledafigure eight.Theparkcoversanareaof38.6 hectaresor95.4acresandhasprovento beanidealgetawayforrelaxationanda changeofsceneryinthesummermonths.
Inthewintermonths,CrossCountry Skiingispopularhereasithasabout5km ofungroomedtrailsaswellIceFishingis alsopopular.
Thinkingofparticipating? SunsetPrairieRecreationCommissionpresentsthe
FunfortheWholeFamily! Startplanningnow! &more! A36 The Northern Horizon, May 12, 2023
helpwithputtingontheFair! August19&20,2023
Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, announced updated guidance for seed regulations that will provide clear direction for plant breeders so that Canadian farmers can access new seed varieties, enhance sustainable food production and be more resilient in the face of today’s challenges. The Government of Canada is also strengthening transparency measures for products of plant breeding innovation and investing in the Canadian Organic Standards to protect the integrity of the organic sector.
Plant breeding innovations allow new plant varieties to be developed more effectively and efficiently than through conventional breeding. This can benefit farmers and consumers by providing them with access to plants and seeds that are both safe for humans, animals, and the environment. These varieties can also be more resistant to extreme temperature, precipitation, and insects, helping us adapt to climate change, feed a growing population and keep food costs down for consumers.
Through the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)’s updated guidance for Part V of the Seeds Regulations, seed developers will be able to confidently invest in new products while maintaining the high standard of safety that Canada is known for domestically and internationally.
This update builds on a similar update last year to the Novel Food Regulations by Health Canada.
To help maintain the integrity of organic certifications, which allow the use of conventional seed but not gene edited seed, the government is announcing a series of measures to ensure transparency in how the seed is produced. Firstly, the creation of a Government-Industry Steering Committee on Plant Breeding Innovations Transparency to facilitate ongoing discussions as gene-edited products are introduced in the marketplace. Secondly, the expansion of the Seeds Canada Canadian Variety Transparency Database to provide transparency around individual seed varieties. Thirdly, federal
oversight of the Canadian Variety Transparency Database to ensure the completeness and robustness of the database.
These measures are informed by the recommendations and the work of the Industry-Government Technical Committee on Plant Breeding Innovation Transparency, which is comprised of members from the organic, conventional, and seed sectors, as well as officials from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Health Canada. Their continued engagement will enable the Canadian Variety Transparency Database to succeed, ensuring the transparency of seed innovations in Canada.
In addition to these measures, Minister Bibeau announced that the Government will once again provide funding to support the review of Canada’s organic standards, which are updated every five years and due for renewal in 2025.
The United States, Japan,
Australia, Argentina and Brazil have clarified the pathway for gene-edited products. New Zealand, the UK and the European Union (EU) are in the process of doing so.
The Government of Canada is committed to protecting the health and safety of Canadians and the environment through science and evidence-based decisionmaking, and recognizes that new plant breeding innovations, including gene-editing, allow new plant varieties to be developed more efficiently than conventional breeding.
“The Canadian Federation of Agriculture supports the release of CFIA’s new guidance on plant breeding innovation and ongoing commitment to transparency for producers. This will ultimately help Canadian farmers access new plant varieties that are more resilient to pests and extreme weather events and support our food security and sustainability objectives,” said Keith Currie, President of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture.
4H - Savanna 4-H Multi Club ....................................4
4H - West County 4-H Achievement .........................5
CATTLE SALE - O Double E Simmentals ...............17
CATTLE SALE - Smoky River Red Angus ..............17
AUCTION - Andruchow Auctions ...........................45
AUCTION - CLHbid.com ..........................................1
AUCTION - La Crete Auction Mart .........................45
AUCTION - Rhythm Auctions .................................44
AUCTION - Ritchie Bros Auctioneers ...............42, 43
AUCTION - Silver Star Auction ...............................42
AUCTION - Weaver Auctions ............................34, 47
AB Farmer’s Market Directory ....................Classifieds
Aurora Steel & Trim ....................................................8
B.C. Recycling Program ............................................2
B.C. Yukon Comm Newspaper Assn .........Classifieds
Belt Drive Betty (Busted Knuckle) ...........................41
Bobcat of the Peace (Rentco) ...................................9
Butler Farm Equipment ...........................................30
Cramer’s Breaking .....................................................6
Dave Ross Equipment .............................1, 24, 25, 35
Dawson Co-operative..............................................18
Dawson Creek Vet Clinic .........................................15
Discover the Peace Country – AB ...........................36
Flaman Sales ...........................................................29
Foraseed (Todd Sadlier).............................................7
Robert Ford ................................................Classifieds
Foster’s Agri-World ............................................31, 48
Foster’s Seed & Feed ..............................................12
Fresh Water Treatment Systems ...............................6
G3 Canada Ltd. .........................................................7
Grande Prairie Rotary Campground ........................37
Home Hardware (Fischer Lumber) ..........................34
The Horse Ranch .....................................................14
Jennings Martin Livestock Sales .............................27
Keddie’s Tack & Western Wear ..................................1
Keddie’s Trailers ........................................................1
Kubota Country .................................................31, 48
Len’s Tree Service .....................................................6
Lewis Cattle Oilers...................................................16
Irv Macklin ..................................................Classifieds
Mile Zero Denture Clinic ..........................................46
Northern Heating & Fireplace ....................................2
Northern Portables ..................................................27
Origin Partners ..........................................................9
Ovintiv Events Centre ................................................3
Peace Country Beef & Forage Assn ..................10, 11
Peace Country Seed .................................................7
Penson Angus ............................................Classifieds
PrairieCoast equipment .................................8, 32, 33
Precision Ag Solutions (Bill Fehr) ..............................6
Prestville Farms .........................................................7
Primetime Hunting & Fishing ...................................46
Rocky Mountain Equipment ....................................30
Ross Chrysler ....................................................25, 35
Sunset Prairie Recreation Assn ...............................36
Thorsby Stockyards Inc...........................................27
VJV Livestock Marketing Group ........................22, 23
Henry Vos ................................................................46
Wembley Livestock Exchange.................................26
Westcan Feed & Seeds ........................13, Classifieds
Yaremcio Ag Consulting (B.Y.O.B.) ..........................16
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Weed Sprayer
Seasonal position June 1 until August 31 in Silver Valley, AB. Involves spraying oil leases and industrial areas. Driving 1 ton trucks with trailers and operating ATV/ UTVs with sprayers. Accommodation provided if needed.
Excellent wages. Training provided. Must have valid class 5 drivers license. Must be able to lift 25 kgs. Semiretired and retirees also welcome to apply. Apply with resume to tgarner@pdsolutions.ca
2005 Antiques
Buying Antiques
Coins, toys, advertising, tools & more Will buy bulk
Call/text 780-832-8216
2060 For Sale - Misc
Fuel Stand for 300 to 500 gallon tank. Call/Text Greg at 780-512-1207 or 780-5389115
2060 For Sale - Misc
Large quantity of barnwood available. Various widths and lengths. Rycroft area. Call Jim 780-814-1215
Poplar and Spruce lumber. Can cut almost any dimension. Call for pricing 780-524-5555
Call/text 780-524-9648
2065 For Trade
Insulated 44in-x-7ft trailer ideal for hunting/camping will trade for flat-deck/boxtrailer 250-782-5873
2145 Wanted to Buy
Looking for John Deere 535 Mower Conditioner (discbine) for parts. or #635/735/835/C35/S350
Looking for: quick-attach packers for Bourgault 8800 air-seeder. 780-926-9412
Looking for small wax spinner. Less than 100 hives. Call Don 780-356-2904
WANTED: Flexicoil regular spring harrow 50’- 70’, IH tandem disc 20’-26’. Good Conditions. 780-568-2137
Wanted Land Roller. (780)971-2350
2146 Wanted
Wanted: Looking for Poplar lumber buyers and brokers. Call 780-285-4684
FOR SALE: Combine, Swather, Cultivator, Harrows, Sprayer and Packer. Girouxville area. 780-3234364
TARGET APPLICATION custom spraying service. Teepee Creek & Area.
Licensed/Insured. Call/Text 780-832-8027 or 780-832-8250
Concord tow-between air tank Model 2400 Call Ed at 780-618-9161 or 780-8362107
2213 Harrows & Cultivators
20ft Co-op Disker. Complete with seed box. Fertilizer. All working and in good shape.
50-Foot Custom Built Harrow Packer Bar. Asking $6,000 OBO
For Sale: 16ft Graham deeptill cultivator c/w 4 extra shovels. Asking $250 (250)219-4139
JD 3100 Plow, 5x16in, new plow shears, no coulters, c/w ram & hoses. $3,500. 250-785-5321
John Deere 3200 Plow, 6x16in, auto-reset w/grass moldboard c/w ram & hoses. Asking $7200. 250-785-5321
Rite Way 72? Medium Duty Harrows for Sale. Call Clarence 780-945-9330
Used 24 ft Wilrich field cultivator. Open to offers.
2215 Heavy Equipment
2 new Komatsu D-85-18 front idlers. $7000/pair. Kevin (250)262-6522
Attachments for skidsteers/ tractors, loaders. Large selection of pallet forks, grapples, buckets, snow and dirt blades, tillers, mowers and snow blowers, etc. 780-3542161, (Cell)-780-518-6095. Beaverlodge.
D-8K U-blade. Hydraulic Tilt $12,000 Kevin (250)262-6522
Dozer blade for Caterpillar D8H for sale. Hydraulic tilt. Call Ed at 780-618-9161 or 780-836-2107
For Sale: 84inch General Purpose Skidsteer Bucket. $1,500 O.B.O. Call 780-841-2984
New Holland BR780 Round Baler for Sale. Asking $18,000. Call Greg at 780512-1207 or 780-538-9115
2211 Air Drills & Seeders
40ft Noble Seed-Rite Air Seeder. Complete. Grain cart. Loading auger.
1 John Deere Starfire receiver ITC, No extended module. $250. Call/Text 780-5320114 33ft Flex-coil packers set $4000. 403-601-6895
John Deere Vibrashank
2220 Misc Farm Equipment
780-380-9676, 780-933-
42ft Valmar seed spreader.
$800. Phone Neil after 5pm (780)694-2447
500 gallon Fuel Tank with metal stand flow meter and hose. (780)532-4741
500 gallon plastic water transport tank. $500.
Case IH 770 6-bottom plow spring reset. Coulters 16inch bottoms. Excellent Shape. $6500. Call/Text 780532-0114
Cockshut cultivator
247/12ft with shovels $800.
Dismantling Cultivator, disc, and plows for parts. Some air drills. 780-831-6747
Eaton Hydraulic Pump. Tandem - 2-48 Servo. Out of GEHL Skid Steer. (1800hrs)
Phone/Text. 780-832-8103.
FOR SALE: Egg candler Speed King electric unit Phone 250-843-7115
Glemmer Fuel Tank Double wall 2200 Litre. $1000.
Looking for John Deere
535 Mower Conditioner (discbine) for parts. or #635/735/835/C35/S350
2220 Misc Farm Equipment
Massey Ferguson 15ft disc with coil packers. $700 Phone Neil after 5pm (780)694-2447
Oilfield/Well Site Equipment
200-amp Lincoln Pipeliner welder, low hours, $5000
OBO. Also 300 feet welding cable $1000. 780-296-5010
13ft steel table folds for railings. $1200 OBO. 780-296-5010
1500 lb Motorcycle hydraulic jack. Used once. $150
John Deere 8640 Tractor, series 50 engine, 4 hydraulic outlets. Call 780-618-9161 or 780-836-2107
2231 Tractors (100HP - 300HP)
1980 Allis Chalmers 7080
Tractor for Sale. 185HP, Cab. $14,000 OBO Call 780834-0479 or 780-685-2374
2236 Grain Augers
Grain auger 7ft x 41ft Westfield $500. Kohler Eng. 403-601-6895
2239 Grain Vacs & Extractors
Walinga 510 grain vac with new hoses. $6200. 780-864-0809
2220 Misc Farm Equipment
1) Are electrical leads, cables and equipment regularly inspected and maintained?
2) Have you replaced/repaired any exposed electrical wires, damaged electrical switches, power points, conduits, or appliances likely to cause an electric shock/death?
3) Is a safety switch or residual current device (RCD) or an earth leakage protection device used when using portable electrical equipment, e.g. tools, irrigation pumps?
4) Prior to lifting anything, do you adopt correct manual handling procedures?
5) Is hearing protection worn in areas where you need to raise your voice to talk to others?
6) Are your firearms and ammunition stored in a safe place and out of reach of children?
7) Do you adopt correct handling techniques when working with animals?
8) Have you identified the hazards associated with dams and waterways?
Feed & Grain
Forage pasture mix. $4.25/lb
Please Phone: 250-785-5505
Oats for sale, milling and feed grade, good bushel weight Call 780-781-4457
3520 Horses & Tack
Custom Built Livestock Shelters, Windbreak Panels and Rig Mats Built to Order. Delivery Options.
Looking for someone to do colt starting. Call Greg 780512-1207 or 780-538-9115
Registered Black Percheron Stud. Can view last 3 colt crops on ranch. Call/Text
2-year old Simmental Hereford cross bulls. Semen tested Free delivery. Phone: 780-836-2125 or 780-8360117
Angus Bulls for sale. Semen tested and vet evaluated. Manning area, delivery available 780-781-4457
Blue healer puppies. Ready to go first week of May with first shots. 780-876-7618
Custom Built Livestock Shelters, Windbreak Panels and Rig Mats Built to Order. Delivery Options.
5020 Business Services
For Sale: Black white-faced Heifers Yearlings, 2-YearOlds, & more. Information: 250-827-3843.
High Quality 2-Year-Old
Registered Polled Hereford Bulls for Sale. Heifer and Herd Bulls Available. 780831-8338
High Quality Yearling Registered Hereford and Hereford Cross Heifers for Sale. Call Anna 780-831-8338
One & Two-Year-Old Texas Longhorn Bulls Available. Excellent Horn Genetics. Call Ken at 780-518-1669
Poplar and Spruce lumber. Can cut almost any dimension. Call for pricing 780-524-5555
Call/text 780-524-9648
Purebred Shorthorn bulls for sale. Red/White/Roan. Call Tamarack Shorthorns for all your bull needs. 780-6189044
Registered Black Angus yearling bulls for sale. Semen-tested. Ready to go. 780-354-2726 or 780-831-8497
Registered Polled Hereford Bulls For Sale. Semen-tested. Vet-inspected. Vaccinated. Free Delivery. 780-8362125 or 780-836-0117
Registered Red Poll bulls: small heads, smooth shoulders make these bulls ideal for heifers. 250-827-3293
Registered White-faced bulls. 70bw Known as Registered Black Herefords. Yearlings, 2-Year-Olds, & more. Information: 250-827-3843.
Two-Year-Old & Yearling
Registered Angus Bulls for Sale. Semen Tested/Ready to Work. Call Darren 780-8144993
Windbreak panels for sale with 2-7/8-inch pipe and 1.5inch thick slabs. Delivery available. Call 403-894-7633
Yearling and Two-Year-Old
Registered Simmental Bulls for Sale by Private Treaty. Call Norbert 780-835-9314
Yearling Simmental Bulls for Sale. Semen Tested. Ready to go. Rosefield Simmentals Call James 250-793-0462
3535 Livestock
3537 Swine
8-Month-Old Berkshire-Cross Gilt. Will be a good butcher pig by Fall. $2.00/lb 250-789-3778
3563 Dogs
Border Collie Puppies. Born March 20, ready mid-May. Good for Cattle/Sheep. $200/each. Valleyview. 780552-6011/780-524-2076
Purebred Siberian Husky Crossed with Great Pyrenees. 1-female and 2-males. 10 months. $100/each. OBO 250-789-3778
6041 Land for Sale
Located: Bonanza Northwest 33-79-12-W6 Half ownership. (587)726-9002
6532 Farmland - Lease
6-acre berry farm to lease, w/house&garage. Ideal family venture. $1,200/month Hines Creek, AB Call/780494-2278, text/780-834-6282
3535 Livestock
8032 Bobcat/Backhoe Services
For Sale: 84inch General Purpose Skidsteer Bucket. $1,500 O.B.O. Call 780-841-2984
Round and square straw bales for sale. Located 12 kms northeast of Manning Alberta. 780-781-4457
Small, square bales wheat straw. Good, clean/dry & under roof. Bundles of 21. Call/text 780-978-4705
Canvas covered 2.5 x 2.5 galvanized building structure. 32ft x 50ft. tin-covered ends. $10,000. 403-601-6895
Sub-divided 30-acre home site has a 2,360 sq ft, 5-Bedroom/5-Bathroom house with 1,500 sq ft complete basement suite built in 1996, 165’ x 50’ Quonset with 6ft concrete walls and 6” cement floor, 50’ x 80’ shop that is well cemented, lighted, heated with cement apron and more. Some grain storage has been sold. Possession date negotiable. Serious inquiries only.
For more information, call (780) 694-2375 230255
14-foot Butler Grain Bins. Some have aeration. Call Ed at 780-618-9161 or 780-8362107
Twister Grain Bin 5 rings rebuilt wood floor rope-pull on bin-lid.2000 plus bushel.
$7,000. 403-601-6895
Westeel-Rosco, wood floor grain bin 2000 bushel.
$6,000. 403-601-6895
9145 Domestic Cars
2008 Buick Enclave CX/4DR/AWD. Summer/Winter Tires. Body very-good condition. Engine requires head-gasket. $7000 OBO. 780-832-8103
9015 Farmers Markets
9160 Trucks & Vans
Looking to buy a long wheel base Kenworth Truck in good working condition.
2005 Dodge Dakota. 2WD, Automatic, Gas, 216,921kms, 3.7 V6. As is. Alberta Registered. $4000. 780-766-2893
1988 Dodge A-Frame Winch Truck. Dually, 4x4, locking hubs. 70,000 original miles. No rust. 780-523-1488
1983 Ford 6.9-Litre diesel 4WD, Fixerupper or for parts truck 90,000 km, $1000 OBO 250-789-3778
1981 Chevy Cheyenne 1-ton rebuilt 454, cab rebuilt 5-years ago. Leather Headliner/Bucket-seats/console $,25,000 OBO 780-296-5010
9161 Trucks - 4WD
2004 F350 C/Cab, Dually, Flat Deck, 6L, Manual, 361,000kms, Needs Repairs, $5,000 or Trade 250-789-3778
9183 Utility Trailers
2004 Tridem Gooseneck flatdeck trailer. In good shape. New deck, bearings, hubs, and brakes. 403-894-7633 8ft-x-16ft single-axle trailer
12”high for moving sheds or small buildings. Asking $3000 OBO. 780-296-5010
9015 Farmers Markets
Thursday | 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. | June 29
9185 Boats
For Sale: 1993- 22Ft River Glass river boat & trailer. Asking $25,000; Call 250 261-1943
9020 Feed & Seed
9220 RVs/Campers/Trailers
2010 JAYCO 5th-Wheel RV, (RLDS) 31.5 ft. Always kept inside. Like-new condition. $29,000. Phone/Text 780-832-8103
9020 Feed & Seed
9015 Farmers Markets
9015 Farmers Markets
Special Markets: June 4 | 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. | South Peace Centennial Museum | June 9 | Time to be Determined | Art Walk Market
Berwyn | Berwyn Ag Building (5001 – 51st St) Contact: (780) 625-4190, 780-625-7248 or farmersmarketberwyn@gmail.com
Sunday | 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. | May 7 | June 11
Enilda | Women’s Institute Hall (2 – First Ave) Contact: (780) 523-2130 or enildafarmersmarket2021@gmail.com
Saturday | 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. | May 6 | June 3
Fairview | Fairview Legion Hall (10315 – 110th St) Contact: fairviewabfarmersmarket@gmail.com
Special Markets: May 10 | 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. | June 14 | 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Grande Prairie | Big Red Barn (10032 – 101st Ave) Contact: (780) 814-8224 or info@gpfarmersmarket.ca
Friday | 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. | May 5, 12, 19, 26 | June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Saturday | 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. | May 6, 13, 20, 27 | June 3, 10, 17, 24
High Prairie – Marigold | 4724 – 53rd Avenue Contact: (780) 523-4588 or hpmari@telusplanet.net
Wednesday | 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. | May 3, 17, 31 | June 14, 21, 28
Kinuso | Kinuso Ag Hall (1 Swan Ave) Contact: (780) 805-4905 or kinusoag@gmail.com
Saturday | 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. | May 20 | June 3, 17
La Crete | Jubilee Park (9102 - 100th Street) Contact: (780) 247-0090 or lacretefarmersmarket@gmail.com
Wednesday | 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. | June 14, 21, 28
Manning | Royal Canadian Legion (115 – 3rd Ave SW) Contact: (780) 247-4989 or g58stahl@hotmail.com
Friday | 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. | May 12, 26 | June 2, 16, 30
Peace River | Westhill Industrial Plaza (8002 – 102nd Ave, Bays C & D) Contact: (780) 274-0536 or tracysimoneau@csno.ab.ca
Saturdays | 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. | May 13, 27 | June 10, 24
Rycroft | Rycroft Ag Centre (5010 – 49th Ave) Contact: (780) 831-8792 or rycroftfarmersmarket@gmail.com
Thursday | 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. | June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 | Special Markets: May 13 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Sexsmith | Sexsmith Curling Rink (9913 – 99th St) Contact: (780) 882-1974 or wellness@sexsmith.ca
Tuesday |
Vilna is one of those hidden gems in Alberta that deserves more recognition. Their historic main street will take you back in time with wooden sidewalks, 1920’s style storefronts and an operational pool hall built over 100 years ago. Even old-fashioned kindness is still prevalent in Vilna, as they became “Alberta’s Most Welcoming Community” in 2022, by receiving an overwhelming number of nominations through the Rumble Alberta Best of Alberta contest.
This community spirit has a long history. The region was settled, primarily by Ukrainian and Polish immigrants, around 1907. Between then and when the town was named in 1920 the Great War was grinding to a bloody halt and the Russian revolution was in full swing. It was in the years of Prohibition and moonshining was a profitable but dangerous business in Vilna. Still, amongst all of the turmoil, globally and locally, the local residents chose the name “VIlna,” which means peace in Ukrainian.
In addition to mainstreet, Vilna is home to the largest metal sculpture mushrooms; a popular selfie spot and part of the Alberta Big Icon tour on the TravelING On / History Check app. In addition to this piece of art, the village has numerous murals and
Vilna is also one of the Iron Horse Trail communities. You can access the trail in Vilna and take in nearly 300 km of trail east and west of the Village. OHV’s are allowed within village limits to access their services and attractions.
Other attractions and nearby activities include the Vilna Golf Course, Bonnie Lake for camping and boating; Saddle Lake Cree Nation Museum and Metis Crossing. Another unique stop is GoodVibes Cannabis, the first educational cannabis store in Alberta.
You will find all of the services you need in Vilna for living and travel including a pharmacy, the health centre, an ATB for banking services, school, an antique store and eclectic restaurants including Porky’s Side Street Cafe and Black Cat’s Cauldron Tea & Herb
House. Their signs alone should make great selfie stops.
A variety of seasonal markets take place throughout the year in Vilna and the surrounding communities. The Vilna Farmers’ Market is open on Sundays from May to November. If you are planning a late summer trip, Boomtown Days takes place during the 3rd weekend in August. The Smoky Lake Pumpkin Fair, Waskatenau Fair Days, Smoky Lake Stampede and the Randy Russ Memorial Barrel Racing (Bellis) are annual events across the Region.
Combined, it is easy to see that you can spend a day or several exploring Vilna and the surrounding region. You can camp at the Bonnie Lake Campground or soon, stay in the historic hotel.
Today, the Village of Vilna boasts a population of 300. Still a
rural community surrounded by farms the outlying areas bring the number up to 4,500. Vilna is located in Treaty 6 territory and the village’s Indigenous neighbours include Whitefish Lake First Nation, Saddle Lake Cree Nation and Kikino Metis Settlement.
Vilna is a 90 minute drive from Edmonton and both the Town of Smoky Lake and the Town of St. Paul are within 30 minutes of Vilna. For the flyers out there the closest airports are St. Paul, Bonnyville, and Edmonton.
Most Scenic Route:
Highway 28 rolls through parkland and agricultural land. Also, Highway 15 to Highway 45 and north on Highway 857 to Hwy 652 east and then north on 859 to Vilna is very scenic.
Best Motorcycle Route:
Highway 15 to Highway 45 and north on Highway 857 to Hwy 652 east and then north on 859 to Vilna.
Best Family Route:
Highway 28 – lots of service points along the way
Best Visitor Route:
Highway 15 to 45 from Edmonton area, then north on Highway 855 to Metis Crossing on North Saskatchewan River, into Smoky Lake and then east on Highway 28.
Crown rangeland is public land leased or permitted to ranchers for grazing livestock. The new framework provides clarity about how grazing fits into Crown Land and integrated land management practices.
“Our ranchers have long been stewards of our rangelands, and their input into the creation of this framework and their ongoing efforts with land management are important to supporting livestock production, maintaining healthy ecosystems and creating
economic prosperity,” says Todd Loewen, Minister of Forestry, Parks and Tourism.
The Rangeland Grazing Framework also provides the agriculture industry with the continued opportunity to use the forage production of the rangelands for grazing while keeping biodiversity top of mind. Alberta’s rangelands have long depended on grazing, with cattle now following in the footsteps of bison to help maintain ecological benefits such as watershed health, carbon sequestration, wildlife habitat, diverse plant and wildlife populations and aesthetic beauty.
“The framework supports the important work of ranchers to sustain and enhance the function and productivity of Crown
land rangeland ecosystems in a way that promotes biodiversity and ecological goods and services,” adds Sonya Savage, Minister of Environment and Protected Areas.
“The Rangeland Grazing Framework is a significant step forward in recognizing the vital role that ranchers play in managing Crown rangelands. By providing clarity on grazing practices and emphasizing the importance of biodiversity, the framework ensures that ranchers can continue to produce highquality beef while upholding Alberta’s reputation for ecological sustainability,” says Nate Horner, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation.
“Grazing dispositions on Crown land are a proven conservation measure, as seen by the long history and the resulting health of the grasslands under grazing leases. The framework supports long-term conservation by solidifying the role of the leaseholder and supporting the partnership between the leaseholder and the province,” says Kyle Forbes, chairman,
Alberta Grazing Leaseholders Association.
To reinforce the spirit of the framework and support the ongoing contributions and ranchers, the Rangeland Grazing Framework sets out a process for involving leaseholders when proposed land-use changes are being considered.
Alberta has more than eight million acres (3.3 million hectares) of grasslands, forests, riparian areas and wetlands on Crown land that can be used to graze livestock.
These areas are held under grazing dispositions, which are lease agreements, or permits between the province and agricultural producers.
Crown rangelands support 14 per cent of Alberta’s beef herd. Rangelands support multiple land uses, including agriculture, industrial activities, cultural practices and recreation.
▸ Warburg,AB
39.56±TitleAcres·2841±SqFtRecently RenovatedHome·53Ftx232FtBarn· CrossFencedwith5Pastures
▸ Tangent,AB
2ParcelsofRealEstate·320±TitleAcres· 90±AcresCultivated·(3)Dugouts·AB/Big HillsCounty
▸ DraytonValley,AB
2ParcelsofRealEstate·5.21±TitleAcres ·11,000±SqFtShopandOfficeBuilding· WestviewIndustrialPark
▸ Valleyview,AB
160±TitleAcres·MobileHome·40±Ac Cultivated·400FruitTrees·AB/MDof Greenview
▸ LesserSlaveLake,AB
10ParcelsofRealEstate·34.43± TitleAcres·UndevelopedSprucePoint Estates·Kinuso
▸ Rycroft,AB
6ParcelsofRealEstate·(1)Commercial Building·StoreFrontMainStreetLocation
▸ UpperFishingLake,SK
5UnitMotel·2RentalCabins· 14Roomsin2RentalTrailerUnits·8RV CampingSite·Store·31SeatRestaurant
▸ NorthBattleford,SK
1ParcelofRealEstate·0.14±TitleAcres· 50ftx120ftMunicipalLot·Construction Ready
▸ Viscount,SK
1ParcelofRealEstate·160.09±TitleAcres ·155±AcresPasture
▸ Weyburn,SK
2ParcelsofRealEstate·146.64±Title Acres·54.43±TitleAcreHomeParcel· 122+/-AcresCultivated
Breakfast & Lunch Available Sale subject to additions & deletions
GETDIRECTIONS:FromLaCrete,AB: 30km(18miles)SouthwestonHwy697,3km(2miles) NorthonWestLaCreteRoad. FromManning,AB: 135kmNorthonHWY35toHWY697, 55kmEastonHWY697AcrosstheLaCreteFerry,3km(2miles)NorthonWestLaCreteRoad.
OVERVIEW: AspenValleyLumberisdiscontinuingthebusiness&thereforesellinghis commercialproperty,equipment,tools&moreonUnreservedPublicAuction.Pleasedon’tmiss thisrareopportunity.
PleaseNote: AllitemstoberemovedbyWednesday,May31-5p.m.
Location:64131Hwy855BuffaloSettlementWestofHyloonHwy663 toHwy855then11kmSouthornorthofSmokyLakeon855,45km.
*YardMachine15.5H.P.R/Mowerw/42Cut*SmallLincolnArcWelder*V.GoodSelectionofPower& HandTools*3X3WeldingTablew/Vise*HeavyDrillPress*Hyd.Jacks*J.D.57Mower/Parts*Kodiak
4x4400Quad,Parts*Port.2TonEngineHoist*Gardentools*Approx.507FencePosts*VariousPlastic &MetalDrums*TractorWeights*NewBarbedWire*Quad.Trailer*3X5Util.Trailer*Tires&Rims*4
F.E.L.w/5Bucket&7BladeRunsneedssomework*12LivestockPanels&2SideGates*30CustomBuilt PipeBaleWagon;notcomplete*Approx.16X70Cattle/MetalCladHorseShed11HighApprox.*16X16X8 Cattle/HorseShed(Bothtobemoved&arrangedw/executor)*12FibreglassBoat*ExtendedR.T.Bennett Wagon*(2)Antique50tiesI.H.C.TruckBodies-Quant.ofOlderPartVehicles*LotsofScrapIron,Dump Rakes,Augers,HorseMowers,Etc.
ANTIQUES&COLLECTIBLES:(VeryBrief&PartialListing): *Violins*Gramophone*32X70ChinaCabinet *AdmiralRecordPlayer*3RadioCabinet*SmallAirPlanes*Hundred+DieCastCars*WhiteChina Cabinet&Hutch*SmallBarnw/WeatherVein*4HorseSmallChuckWagon;Brassw/Clock*4Horse SmallChuckWagonw/GreenColor*IceThongs*HayKnives*MetalGasCans*LotsofCDs*Hundreds ofLicensePlates*W/Plows*Saws*ButterGlassChurn*(2)H.TurnCreamSeparators*4Com.Fishing Nets*VariousWoodBoxes*TractorSeats*HandWringer*WoodenToboggan*Beer&othersigns*(2)
DoctorBags*VariousJugs*TobaccoTins*BroadAxes*Clippers&Razors*Bottles*LotsofTonkaTrucks, Etc.*Approx.1000Spoons;(3)ShowCases*LotsofLanterns*VariousKnifesMachetes*VariousBells *SingerTreadleSewingMachines*FinlayC&WHeater*LotsofWooden&SteelWheels*IndustrialGerman Reef130SewingMachine*Etc.
HORSEGOODS&RELATED: *BlackDemocratw/Reach*SingleDemocrat*ProjectDemocrat*Blackw/Red Democrat&Reach*4WheelDemocrat&Reach*4WDemocratw/doubleseat*CustomBuilt1Horse Wagon*Red4woodenWheelWagon*Red4WheelWoodenWagonw/WoodenGrainBox*Mid-Size CompleteHorseHarness*(7)Saddles*LotsofTack,Halters,Bridles,Etc.*HorseCollars*HarnessParts*Etc.
SALETERMS: CashorChequew/BankReferenceifunknowntostaff.NoChargeCardsorDebit.Full settlementisduedayofsale.Nobuyer’spremium.G.S.T.chargedwhereapplicable.Pleaseinspectall itemsbeforebidding.Allitemssellas-is/where-iswithnowarrantyorguaranteeastodescriptionor condition.Notresponsibleforaccidentsonoroffproperty.Onceanitemissolditimmediatelybecomes theresponsibilityofthepurchaser.Neithertheownerorauctionfirmareresponsibleforsafekeeping.
AndruchowAuctionsLtd. (780)456-1210
1613599Street,Edmonton,AB.LicensedandBondedsince1974 www.andruchowauctions.com
REALESTATE: 12.16Acresw/3-LargeShopsat16208,TWPRD1044inMackenzieCounty ThisPropertyhas3-PhasePowerw/300KVAtransformer,N/GHeat,the2largeshopshave theirowncistern,SepticTanksw/Pump-outdischargeonall3shops.LargeGraveledyard, fencedon2-sides.
MAINSH OP: 15,800sqft.,65ftX220ftX18.5fthighwalls,18ftX70ftX12fthighwalllean-to additionontheNWcorner,8instudwallsona4ftconcretegradebeamsub-wall,6inabove floorlevel.6inconcretefloorwithalargeportionofthefloorbeing12inthick,5-Tonneoverhead crane50ftwideX110ftlongononeendoftheshop(annuallyinspected),7overheaddoors &6mandoors,largecoffeeroom,2-singletoiletwashrooms,1largemen’swashroomw/2 toilets&3urinals.
SHOP#2: 3,840sqft.,40ftX96ftX18.5fthighwalls,8instudwallon4ftconcretegradebeam sub-wallthatreaches6inabovefloorlevel,Drive-thruwashbayonwestside,16ftX16ft overheaddoorsoneachendofbuilding,2man-doors,N/GHeaters.
SHOP#3: 14,19Sqft.,33FtX43FtX18Fthigh,8instudwallsonconcreteslab,NyleHT54 dehumidificationunit.
GENERALNOTES:Withanappraisalpriceofover$2milliononthispropertypleaseconsider theopportunitythisparcelhas.Withplent yofroomonthewestsideofthisparcelfora residentialyard,thepossibilitiesareendless.PleasecallJohnny@780-926-9588orAndy@ 780-8841-4294forviewingofthisproperty.
REALESTATETERMS&CONDITIONS: $25,000.00Non-RefundableDownPaymenton SaleDay.BalancedueonorbeforeSeptember19,2023.RealEstateTransactionsare handledbyM&MRealEstate.
LOADER,FORKLIFTS,TRUCKS,TRAILERS&ATTACHMENTS: 1996VolvoL70CWheel Loaderw/Q/ABucket•2013HysterH80FT8000lbForklift•2013HysterH50FT5000lbForklift •CatP255,000lbForklift•1999FreightlinerFLD120T/ATruckTractor•2005Lode-King HighBoySuper-BTrailers•2000PeerlessPageTridemLogTrailer•1978GMCS/ADually BucketTruck•2001ChevyCrewCab2500HD4x4Pickup•12FtWide3-TinerPalletForks tofitL70CVolvoWheelLoader•PalletForkstofitL70CVolvoWheelLoader•14Ft8in SnowPusherBladetofitL70CVolvoWheelLoader•CraneLiftorPalletForkManBasket 40inX60in(EngineeredCertificate) INDUSTRIALMANUFACTURINGMACHINES: Miller 325TrailblazerWelder/GeneratoronPickupMountPlatform•2013ModernL560X2000 Lathe•2013Modern857IITurretMillingMachine•2013MWH100-TonRKHFP-100TShop Press•2012HYDMECHV18SeriesIIBandsaw•2010ModernUE-250V-CSA10inHorizontal Bandsaw•Kingsland50-TonIronWorker•AirPowered8-cupSuctionTable•(7)ESAB 5002C500amp3-PhaseWelders•(5)ESAB453450amp3-phaseWelders•(2)ESAB353 350amp3-phaseWelders•1of(4)HyperthermPowermax65PlasmaCutter•Hypertherm Powermax1000G3SeriesPlasmaCutter•1of(4)AirQualityElectronicAirCleaners•(2) Eagle60galShopAirCompressor SHOP/WELDINGTABLES,CHAIN&ROLLERCASE TABLES,ETC: FreestandingShopTablew/Vise•SteelTableonCastorWheels•(3)Roll CaseTable•AssemblyTable•CurvedAssemblyTable•110VPipeTurner WOODWORKING BANDSAW,BUNDLESAW&NOTCHERS: 3-phase20hpBakerBandsaw•BundleSaw, ChainCaseFeed,Conveyor•CustomBuilt12inX72inEndNotcher•CustomBuilt12inX 12inLengthNotcher•4-PalletCornerTurnTable•2012Grizzly1hp1-phaseDustCollector •15hp3-phase11kwHydraulicPack•3-phase230-460VHydraulicPack•(2)Fromm Strappers&Carts•SteelStrapper CABIN&OFFICESUPPLIES:
200520FtX30FTSelf ContainedCabin/OfficeBuilding•(3)Kitchen/CoffeeTables•Fridge,(3)Microwaves,Washer &Dryer,CommercialBunnCoffeeMaker,OfficeDesks,TV,A/CUnit
BC Hydro’s Peace Agricultural Compensation Fund (PACF) board of directors has dropped some cash on the Peace. The board approved $383,714 in grant funding to support agricultural production and related economic activity in the Peace Region.
From large to small, no project too short or tall. $100,000 for the BC Grain Producers Association to conduct field research to $1,715 for a gardener in Taylor to construct a fence around an organic field, the varying projects will financially support 12 organizations and provide far-reaching benefits to the agricultural community and beyond.
Talon Gauthier, area director with Bear Mountain Grazing Association said receiving this grant through the PACF allows Bear Mountain Grazing Association to invest in much-needed upgrades to the community pasture without financially burdening members. The association picked up $28,860 to install approximately 3.7 kilometres of fencing around a community pasture on Crown grazing land.
“The association realizes the need for new fencing to keep livestock safely contained on the pasture and prevent cattle from accessing neighbouring properties.”
Jedidiah Franklin (Peace River Regional District): $50,000 to build a pellet mill to produce organic alfalfa pellets to be sold as livestock feed. Before the project, Franklin produced and shipped alfalfa to Vancouver. By transitioning to providing pellets, the farm will reduce its fossil fuel footprint by approximately half as it takes less fuel to transport pellets.
Julian Napoleon (Peace River Regional District): $28,320 to assist with investing in equipment such as a greenhouse and caterpillar tunnel to extend the growing season. Napoleon operates as an independent farm business start-up under a sole proprietorship structure on Amisk Farm on East Moberly Indian Reserve 169 (Saulteau First Nations). This project will allow Napoleon to capitalize on shoulder season marketing opportunities and the ability to produce high-value heat loving crops..
Peace Region Forage Seed Association (Peace River Regional District): $60,745 for the Peace Region Forage Seed Association (PRFSA) to build on and improve pest surveillance activities in the region. PRFSA will gather surveillance data on key pest species (insect, pathogen and invasive plants) for forages seed, forage, pulse, horticulture, oilseeds and grains.