3 minute read
A Year to Remember
by Peter J. Samiec, 33˚, Sovereign Grand Commander
If there is one thing we can all agree on, it’s that 2021 was a year to remember. While the pandemic continued to play a role in our daily lives and Fraternal events, our Brothers remained steadfast in being there for their fellow man. In times of uncertainty and overwhelming despair, we continued to support one another and uphold the Core Values of our Fraternity with dignity and pride.
In 2021, we saw the continuation and evolvement of our signature virtual events like our Virtual Reunions and Thursday Night at the Rite. While these online events were brought forth in the early days of the pandemic to unite us, we quickly realized these activities are so much more than a Fraternal gathering: they are milestones in our Masonic journey.

Becoming a Scottish Rite Mason is not just about watching our degrees; it’s about what you take from them— how you store the lessons and ideals of the Craft in your heart and put them into action to help make our world a better place. Being a Scottish Rite Mason requires deeper understanding, reflection, and daily application of the Craft. That is why I am so excited to share with you our new and evolved member programming that will help ensure every member is able to reach their full potential as a man and a Mason.
February brings the revival of Thursday Night at the Rite. Our team really put the icing on the cake by not only assessing which degrees were most popular but which degrees were hardest to access and often required travel to witness. In partnership with several host Valleys, we are bringing live degrees right to your doorstep this spring. For the full schedule, see the back cover.
This issue will introduce you to our exciting new campaign known as “Journey On”—our next logical step in showing our pride in being not just a Mason but a Scottish Rite Mason. The elements of this extraordinary campaign highlight our six Core Values in ways that touch deep. I don’t want to ruin the surprise as you turn the pages and unveil different pieces of content, but they are truly showpieces that will make you want to shout from the rooftops that you are a member of the Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Our “Journey On” campaign also performs double duty by serving as a recruitment tool to help introduce Master Masons to the Scottish Rite.
When I think about my own journey as your Sovereign Grand Commander these last six months, I cannot express enough just how deeply I care about delivering to you, as a member and as my Brother, a four-star Scottish Rite experience. The years may pass us by, but our team at Supreme Council is committed to providing you with the stellar experience you have come to expect from us.
As we ease into 2022, I have one favor to ask of you: Will you commit to helping a Brother on his journey? Share our
“Journey On” campaign with other worthy men who may be interested in joining. Give your time or service to our Brethren in need. Most importantly, commit to asking for help yourself should you need it.