Unrivaled Innovation in Unprecedented Times
by David A. Glattly, 33Ëš, Sovereign Grand Commander
Greetings! I trust this message finds you well. Health concerns are certainly a priority during this current pandemic. It is a time of caution and a time of change. Our travel and meeting schedules have altered drastically. Routine tasks in our daily lives are now more complicated to carry out, adding to our levels of stress and disquiet. This, however, will end. We will get through it.
Attending Zoom and other online meetings has brought us together in different and very positive ways. While attending Masonic meetings via Zoom, I have been able to connect with Brothers from a distance who have been unable to attend Masonic events in person for years. When we return to normal life, it will be wise to continue online outreach to stay in touch with distant and physically challenged Brothers. We are a fraternity first. All of our members are important, and it is clear some Brothers have been overlooked for years.
When the pandemic struck, it took thinking outside the box to find ways to keep in contact with and engage our members.
It is
truly amazing how we have adapted. How many of us heard of Zoom before this year? Zoom was a word we knew from Batman comic books and the 1960s TV show. Now, the communications platform has become our common link to attend meetings and even family gatherings.
When the pandemic struck, it took thinking outside the box to find ways to keep in contact with and engage our members. Our outstanding staff focused on our social media capabilities to find ways to reach out to our membership. Luckily, in our war chest there were fourteen degrees on video. This trove made the extremely popular Thursday Night at the Rite broadcasts possible. The event was so crowd-pleasing that thousands of our members attended and received passport credit for the degrees they watched. One night, we had more than 3,500 members online! That’s almost unbelievable, but it goes to show you how much the members craved the Scottish Rite message.
The Northern Light