Staff Updates
by Joann Williams-Hoxha, Content Manager
We will miss seeing so many of you on a regular basis and our enjoyable visits to the many Valleys. You have been very kind to us and we loved expanding our friendships throughout the Rite! Please pardon us as we step aside from our duties. I am very proud of where we have helped lead our NMJ in the past four years! We have accomplished so much, with our staff and volunteers, to become an outstanding Masonic organization that has become the talk of the town. Each of you has been an important part of our success and of our future. Please continue to charge ahead and pick up the torch to lead us to greater goals! I wish my close friend and successor, Illustrious Pete Samiec, the very best for his term! Pete brings great skill and leadership to the NMJ and is the right man to take over as our Sovereign Grand Commander. Please support Pete as you did me, and our Scottish Rite will grow to greater heights. Monica and I will still be around, taking a back seat, but rooting you all on to enrich and strengthen our beloved Scottish Rite! Best fraternal regards,
David A. Glattly, 33° Past Sovereign Grand Commander
November 2021
John Brian McNaughton promoted to Director of Program Management Supreme Council is pleased to announce the promotion of Ill. Brother John Brian McNaughton, 33°, to the role of Director of Program Management. Brother McNaughton, 33°, assumed this role on July 1, 2021. He has worked for Supreme Council in many capacities since October 2013, supporting Supreme Council’s websites, serving as a Valley leader, and managing additional behindthe-scenes operations. Brother McNaughton, 33°, is also a Supreme Council Active Member for the state of Indiana. In addition to continuing to manage Scottish Rite, NMJ’s websites, his new role involves the extension of Scottish Rite educational programming and implementing strategic solutions to improve upon the ongoing delivery of these programs.
New Charities Coordinator MacLean Rankin As Scottish Rite bids a fond farewell to Mary Ann Bichajian, who retired on September 30, 2021, we welcome Brother MacLean “Mac” Rankin to the position. Most recently, Brother Rankin served as administrative assistant for the Valley of Boston, where he was the first face seen when entering the office and helped their programs run smoothly. Brother Mac’s fraternal career began at the age of 14, when he joined DeMolay in Massachusetts. He was also raised as a Master Mason in Saint George Lodge in Brockton, Massachusetts. He plans on joining Scottish Rite in November of this year through the Valley of Boston.