Around the Jurisdiction Scottish Rite Masons from the Valley of Bridgeport teamed up with Pyramid Shriners and marched in a Memorial Day Parade held in Trumbull, Connecticut.
Brothers Vinny Cerroni, 32°; Ian Berkowitz, 32°; and Fred Pizzuto, 32°, of the Valley of The Hudson attended a Joint Reunion of the Valleys of The Merrimack and Salem in Newburyport, MA on June 5, 2021 to complete their gold passports. They are pictured here with the cast of the 18th Degree, conferred by the Emmanuel Chapter of Rose Croix, Valley of Salem, MA.
The Valley of Northern New Jersey Rose Croix prepares for the taping of their Paschal Lamb event which was simulcast to members and their families via Zoom.
Deputy Jeff Simonton, 33°, dubs and creates a 32˚ Mason in Bangor, Maine for the Virtual 32° Celebration.
NJ Matthew Glattly, 32°, poses with his father, Sovereign Grand Commander, David A. Glattly, 33°, and Robert Monacelli, 33°, Grand Master of New Jersey, after receiving his 32nd degree at the New Jersey statewide reunion in May.
DE MI The Valleys of Delaware held a luncheon for their 33rd degree candidates and invited guests. Pictured (l to r) are MW Jeffrey D. Haass Sr., 32°, Grand Master; Evan R. Moody, 32°; John Foreaker, 32°; Ill. Herb Atkinson, 33°, Deputy for Delaware; Fred Palmer, 32°; Travis Simpkins, 32°, Valley of Boston; Ill. William Shaw, 33°; RW Stephen Tucker, 32°; and James Brady 32°.
The Northern Light