The Northern Light - February 2021

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FEBRUARY 2021 VOL. 52 | NO. 2

feature story

Virtual Realities

A New Member’s Experience With the Virtual Reunion p28

Inside this issue… Father Passes Truman Gavel to Son p19 Meet Your Grand Masters p23 Walk With Me p32





February 2021


Inside this issue…

4 Leadership Report

Leading Men

5 From the Editor’s Desk

Maybe. Maybe not.

45 Southern Jurisdiction Scottish Rite Journal


19 Father Passes

Truman Gavel to Son

23 Meet Your Grand Masters


6 Personnel Update

New Leadership New Roles

7 Updated Manual for Officers

Now Available 7 Supreme Council Remembers David P. Dill Sr., 33°


CULTURE 10 Unsung Lodge Leaders:

Photographs of Past Masters 14 Scottish Rite Leadership in the 1820s and 1830s



Friend and Brother Eternal

16 26th Degree

20 32nd Degree

Being a Prince

27 Meet Your Grand Leaders 28 Virtual Realities:

A New Member’s Experience With the Virtual Reunion

On the cover Brother Kyle Holz of the Valley of Fort Wayne is one of the more than 1,000 members who joined the Scottish Rite by way of the Virtual Reunions this fall. To read more about Brother Kyle’s experience, see “Virtual Realities: A New Member’s Experience With the Virtual Reunion” on p. 28. The Virtual Reunions are just one example of the Scottish Rite, NMJ leading the way in innovation, recruitment, and retention in these changing times.

C CHARITIES 30 Masonic Hall of Fame 31 Order Out of Chaos 32 Walk With Me 34 Giving Tuesday

M MEMBERSHIP 36 Coming Back From COVID:

M 42 44 46

February 2021

One Brother’s Journey

38 Around the Jurisdiction


Job’s Daughters International Update Knights of St. Andrew Chapter Opens Virtually



Leading Men

by David A. Glattly, 33˚, Sovereign Grand Commander

Greetings! I hope this message finds you well as we continue through our pandemic challenges.


issue of The Northern Light focuses on leadership, particularly with a spotlight on our Grand Masters serving the Grand Lodges within our Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Each of these distinguished Masons earned the leadership role within their respective states through their dedication and service to the Craft. We salute each of them and thank them for their service. How does one describe the characteristics of leadership? Distinguished author Jon Meacham describes the three necessary characteristics of a good leader: curiosity, humility, and empathy. As I listened to Meacham assert his thesis in a documentary, I came to agree wholeheartedly with his analysis. Curiosity inspires us to explore what more can be done for those we serve. Humility reminds us that we should put others first. Empathy allows us to listen and understand those being served. Not bad! In Scottish Rite, we also have key words—our core values: Reverence for God, Devotion to Country, Service to Humanity, Tolerance, Justice, and Integrity. These are not just words but the inspiration for each of our twentynine degrees. Without question, these are the key values our Scottish Rite leaders follow.


In the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, we have a tiered leadership structure that allows our members to serve the fraternity in many ways. We certainly appreciate those willing to serve the leadership roles available in each Valley—the true unsung heroes of Scottish Rite. These are the leaders who enthuse and excite the members, particularly our newest brethren. Leaders in the Valleys give our new members their first true experiences of Scottish Rite, setting them on their path for future participation.

any other Masonic events. Always pay attention to this! Don’t let a new member sit alone at a meeting. Even more importantly, don’t let that new member fend for himself at social collation following the meeting. Your attention to that new member can make or break his interest in Scottish Rite. There are many self-help books that you can study on leadership skills, and much of that can be valuable. However, as a local leader, being yourself and sincerely caring about the members will take you a long way. Please stay well! Fraternally,

Leaders in the Valleys give our new members their first true experiences of Scottish Rite. I call upon all our local leaders to take special care in welcoming our newest members. Help them feel welcome. Make their participation special. As a DeMolay state officer years back, I was always taught that the most important people at any DeMolay meeting were the newest members, not the highest ranking. This still stands true in my mind for lodge meetings, Valley gatherings, or

The Northern Light



NORTHER N LIG H T A magazine of 32˚ Scottish Rite Freemasonry

February 2021 Vol. 52 No. 2 EXECUTIVE EDITOR Linda Patch EDITOR PJ Roup, 33° CREATIVE DIRECTOR Rodney E. Boyce, 33° CONTENT MANAGER Joann Williams-Hoxha DESIGN CONTRIBUTOR Matt Blaisdell, 32° COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Thomas R. Labagh, 33°, Chairman Richard V. Travis, 33° Donald R. Heldman, 33° Donald G. Duquette, 33° PJ Roup, 33° J. Brian McNaughton, 33° Linda Patch SUPREME COUNCIL, 33° Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A. SOVEREIGN GRAND COMMANDER David A. Glattly, 33° THE NORTHERN LIGHT (ISSN 1088-4416) is published quarterly in February, May, August, and November by the Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A., as the official publication. Printed in U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, MA, and at additional mailing offices.   POSTMASTER Send address changes to The Northern Light PO Box 519, Lexington, MA 02420-0519 MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 519, Lexington, MA 02420-0519 EDITORIAL OFFICE 33 Marrett Road (Route 2A), Lexington, MA 02421 phone: 781-862-4410 email: WEBSITE:

@scottishritenmj @TNLMagazine Copyright ©2021 by Trustees of the Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A.

Maybe. Maybe not.

by PJ Roup, 33˚, Editor, Active for Pennsylvania

There is a story from days gone by about a farmer whose horse had run off just as harvest was beginning. That evening, when news had spread through the village, his neighbors came around to express their condolences. “How terrible for you,” they said.

“Maybe. replied.

Maybe not,” the old farmer

The next day as he was tending his fields, he spotted his horse on the horizon coming back toward the village. Following it home were seven other wild horses. Again, the news spread throughout the village. The neighbors again stopped by, this time to celebrate his luck. “How fortunate you are,” they said. “Maybe. Maybe not,” the old farmer said again. The following day, the farmer’s son was attempting to break one of the new stallions. The wild horse bucked him off. When he was thrown from the horse, he broke his leg. The neighbors, as neighbors do, came to visit again. They all expressed their sympathy. After all, losing one of your best workers at harvest time was a terrible misfortune. “Maybe. Maybe not,” said the farmer. The next day, the army passed through the village conscripting all of the able-

bodied men for military service. The farmer’s son was exempted because of the injury he had sustained. In the midst of the seemingly neverending crisis that we are all enduring, we can be tempted to look at the dark side of things; it is difficult to see the positive in times of strife. It is easier to take stock of life today in terms of what we no longer have or what we cannot do. We are, as a species, creatures of comfort and habit, and to some extent, both of those were taken from us suddenly. As Masons, we can grouse about not having meetings, dinners, rehearsals, and reunions. Those are huge parts of our culture, and their absences leaves a large void in our schedules as well as our hearts. The bright side is that we have been able to pivot as an organization. We have learned new ways to connect with each other. Our Virtual Reunions brought over 1,000 new members to the Rite, and thousands more have reconnected through Thursday Night at the Rite and various Valley-sponsored virtual events. Those are all positives for you and your Rite. There is no maybe about it.



New Leadership New Roles

by Joann Williams-Hoxha, Content Manager

Brennan J. Parken, 32°, Named Director of Membership Effective January 1, 2021, Brother Brennan J. Parken, 32°, was named Director of Membership. Brother Parken will oversee NMJ membership recruitment and retention efforts at our Supreme Council headquarters. “When we created the Membership department in 2017, we couldn’t have imagined how big the role was and exactly what it would look like in the future,” said Michael C. Russell, Executive Director. “With the membercentric approach to all we do, we can put Brennan on the road

focusing on the membership experience throughout the jurisdiction. This position also frees George T. Taylor, 32°, to focus exclusively on Valley needs. George will now serve as Director of Valley Relations full time.” Brother Parken first joined the Scottish Rite, NMJ staff as Member Services Coordinator in January 2020. He then assumed responsibilities as Assistant Director of Membership in April 2020. One of Brennan’s biggest accomplishments in his time on staff was leading the Virtual Reunion program, which brought in over 1,000 new members in the Fall 2020 season during the COVID-19 pandemic. Said Sovereign Grand Commander, David A. Glattly, “Brennan’s leadership of our successful Virtual Reunion broadcasts showcased his many talents. There is no doubt he will develop vibrant programs for recruiting and retaining members, support them in their relationship with the NMJ, and communicate the value of membership in the Scottish Rite to worthy Master Masons looking to join.”

George T. Taylor IV, 32°, Director of Valley Relations Brother George T. Taylor IV, 32° has been named Director of Valley Relations. George joined Supreme Council staff in 2017, first as Associate Director, then Director of Membership and Valley Relations. He immediately focused on strengthening the lines of communication between the Valley offices, presiding officers, and Supreme Council


Richard Elliot, 33°, New Executive Director of the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library Brother Richard W. Elliot, 33°, has been named as the Executive Director of the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library, effective January 1, 2021. Illustrious Brother Elliot replaces Brother Bruce Work, 33°, who retired on November 30, 2020. Brother Elliot will continue to enhance the use of our facilities and work hand in hand with the Charities department to develop exciting fundraising endeavors for the Masonic Museum and

while simultaneously working on new membership and retention initiatives. As the programs expanded, it became apparent that the duties needed to be split. In his new role as Director of Valley Relations, George will lead his team to focus on operational efficiencies in the Valleys, the Valley of Excellence program, leadership and training programs, and other resources to enhance Valley sustainability.

Library. He will also continue to strengthen educational and leadership programs “so that the world itself becomes closer to Freemasonry through our educated members,” Elliot said. Illustrious Brother Elliot brings great experience with him to this position, serving as an Active Member of the Supreme Council since 2003. He currently serves as Grand Minister of State and chairs the Supreme Council’s Building and Grounds Committee. Additionally, he served as chairman of the Leadership Committee for several years. Brother Elliot recently retired after more than 30 years in the construction industry. He is a graduate of Tufts University with a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering.

George has also added Brother Bob Kefalas, 32° to the team as the Assistant Director of Valley Relations to assist with program implementation and follow-up. “With all of the tools the Supreme Council is providing for the Valleys to use, I am excited about the opportunity to strengthen those relationships,” George said. “When our Valleys are successful, we all benefit.”

The Northern Light


Updated Manual for Officers Now Available

Supreme Council Remembers


a continued effort to provide leadership resources to our Valley leaders and members, the Supreme Council has updated its Manual for Officers.

The newly published edition, the first since 2007, contains historic notes on the Scottish Rite, suggestions for degree exemplification, protocol and etiquette tips, and administrative procedures as well as helpful hints to make Valleys run smoothly. “One of the things we have seen as we visited our Valleys is that an up-to-date resource was necessary for Valley officers,” said George T. Taylor, 32°, Director of Valley Relations. “This new manual is the first place a Valley leader can go to get many of his questions answered. From Abbott Scholarships to Valley of Excellence criteria, it’s all there.” Currently available for download in the Leadership section of the Member Center, the 2020 Edition makes the shift from hardcopy to an electronic resource. “Changes happen fast, so we want to be able to update this manual frequently so that our officers always have current information at their fingertips,” said Executive Director Michael Russell, 32°. Visit to download your copy. Paper copies may be obtained by contacting your Valley Secretary.

February 2021

David P. Dill Sr., 33°


heavy hearts, Supreme Council reflects on the life of our friend and colleague, Brother David P. Dill Sr., 33°, who was called to Celestial Lodge on Friday, November 20, 2020.

David worked at Supreme Council for more than 20 years, most recently serving as Director of Technology Services at our headquarters in Lexington. Prior to his career in IT, David served honorably as a Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force, working as a mechanic on the B-52 Bomb Navigation Systems. He received the Air Force Good Conduct Medal and Outstanding Unit Award during his service from 1977-1981. Besides David’s first passion of love for family and friends was his immense pride and dedication to Freemasonry. David was a Past Master of the Dalhousie Masonic Lodge in Newton, Massachusetts, and he joined the Scottish Rite in 1991. David received the honorary 33° in Boston in 2009. He was also a member of the Royal Order of Scotland. One of his proudest positions was being the Senior Warden to the Mount Olivet Chapter of Rose Croix, which he loved dearly. David was the embodiment of what a Mason should be: respectful, humble, and compassionate. Always a mentor, he worked selflessly and tirelessly reaching out to support others.



Virtual Reunion Selfies

Ben Fuqua (Evansville)

Ed Lopez-Reyes (Bridgeport)

Jay Colavita, 32˚ (Southern New Jersey)

Jose Ruiz (New York City)

Joshua Barol (Philadelphia)

Stuart Albaugh (Pittsburgh)

Tom Hensley (Cincinnati)

Kenneth Barto, 32˚ (Harrisburg)

Hyun Joon Kim (Indianapolis)

Eric Shute (Boston)

Larry Bethune, 32˚ (Boston)

Ryan Friday, 32˚ (Erie)

Virtual Reunion Impact Stats

1,010 New Members



Brothers Connected


Valleys Initiated Candidates

$19,798 Raised for Our Charities

The Northern Light



Congratulations! Ill. Bruce T. Work, 33° Executive Director, Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library 7 Years of Service

Ill. Stephen D. Cole, 33° CFO/Director of Finance 45 Years of Service

Thank you for your many years of service to our fraternity. Congratulations on your retirement! February 2021



Photographs of Past Masters In the 1820 edition of his monitor, The True Masonic Chart, Jeremy Cross noted that when a Mason was installed as Master of his lodge, his brethren trusted, with “full confidence,” his “skill, and capacity to govern...” The installing officer reminded the new Master of the seriousness of his responsibility with the admonition, “The honour, reputation and usefulness of your lodge, will materially depend on the skill and assiduity with which you manage its concerns; while the happiness of its members will be…promoted in proportion to the zeal and ability with which you propagate the genuine principles of our institution.” For decades before and after Cross described the Master’s role, Freemasons have been rising to the challenge of serving as presiding officer of their lodge. A

As part of the ceremony Cross portrayed, the new Master was “invested with the insignia of his office… and implements of his lodge.” In the 1800s and 1900s, as photography became increasingly accessible and affordable, many lodge Masters marked their assumption of this role with a photograph of themselves wearing and wielding some of the signs and symbols of their office. The photographs shown here, drawn from the collection of the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library, offer a glimpse of some of the men who

B Lodge Master, 1864-1866, William Edgar Prall, Knoxville, Tennessee. Gift of Jacques Noel Jacobsen, Jr, 2009.021.6.

Lodge Master, ca. 1868, Hewitt & Searles, Amsterdam, New York. Special Acquisitions Fund, 88.42.42.


The Northern Light


by Hilary Anderson Stelling, Director of Collections and Exhibitions, Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library

stewarded their lodges through good times and bad. Their names have not always been preserved along with their portraits, but these photographs suggest the pride they felt in leading their brethren. Between 1864 and 1866, Knoxville photographer William Edgar Prall (1838-1906) captured this studio image A of an unidentified lodge Master and Civil War-era soldier. The subject’s elaborate velvet sash and apron show he is a Mason, and his jewel and the gavel on the table next to him speak to C

his role at his lodge. Around the time he took this picture, Prall advertised to “Soldiers and Citizens” that he was “prepared to accommodate them with Cartes De Visite…warranted to please all.” Cartes de visites were photographs mounted on cards about 4 inches high by 2 ½ inches wide and were a popular portrait format during the 1860s. Working together, the Amsterdam, New York, photographers Thaddeus S. Hewitt and George Searles made this portrait B of another unidentified lodge Master around 1867. The subject Lodge Master, ca. 1870. Indiana. Museum Purchase, 99.004.2.


came to the studio dressed as if he were presiding over a meeting, wearing his jewel of office suspended from a velvet collar, a top hat, white gloves, and a richly decorated apron. The gavel and Bible at his side are further reminders of his authority and responsibility. In the 1870s, carpenter Abraham Sebring Armstrong (1822-1879) served as Master of George Washington Lodge No. 325 in Bristol, Indiana. His leadership earned the respect of his brethren; they elected him to the position repeatedly—in 1871, 1874, and 1876. This portrait C , which shows him in an exuberantly decorated

Past Deputy Grand Master, ca. 1875. John F. Coonley, Memphis, Tennessee, Gift of Jacques Noel Jacobsen, Jr, 98.077.10.

Past Deputy Grand Master, ca. 1875. John F. Coonley, Memphis, Tennessee, Gift of Jacques Noel Jacobsen, Jr, 98.077.10.

February 2021




Officer in Regalia, 1877-1879. Notman and Campbell, Boston, Massachusetts. Gift of the Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U. S. A., 85.80.20.

apron, holding a gavel, and wearing a Master’s jewel, commemorated his leadership. It also served to memorialize him—Armstrong died suddenly of “lung fever” (likely pneumonia) in 1879. Memphis photographer and artist John Frank Coonley (1830-1915) took this portrait D of an unidentified man in a dark suit wearing three badges—one is a Scottish Rite jewel and another is a jewel that shows he was a Past Deputy Grand Master. Coonley, who also went by Jacob, worked by himself Charles L. Hofmann, ca. 1905. Joseph Huebner, Rutherford, New Jersey. Gift of Jacques Noel Jacobsen, Jr, 91.030.3.



The Northern Light


If you would like to see more examples of the photographic portraits in the museum’s collection, visit our website, If you have questions about a photograph in your or your lodge’s collection, please drop a line to

in Memphis for just a short time between 1874 and 1876. Today, he is remembered for the images he took of Civil War battlefields and construction projects as well as scenes he captured of the Bahamas in the late 1800s.


In a studio portrait E by Boston photographers William Notman and Thomas Campbell (who co-owned the firm Notman and Campbell from 1877 to 1879), an unidentified sitter is dressed as a king in sumptuous regalia and a crown. Along with his lace-trimmed robes appliqued with stylized papyrus plants, the subject of the portrait wears a jewel suspended from a cord. This jewel, in the shape of a compasses topped by a crown containing a sun, likely indicates that he was a Thrice Potent Master of a Scottish Rite Lodge of Perfection. The compasses that form the jewel connect to an arc, echoing the shape of Past Master’s jewels in many jurisdictions. Charles L. Hofmann (b. 1846) came to the United States from Germany as a teenager. He later owned the Hofmann House, a restaurant in Rutherford, New Jersey. For this portrait F , commissioned in the early 1900s, Hofmann donned a suit, an understated apron, a top hat, and a jewel indicating his status as a District Deputy Grand Master. Raised at Boiling Spring Lodge No. 152 in 1883, Hofmann served as Master of his lodge in 1888. Emil Cruz (1904–1983), born in the Philippines, immigrated to the United States in 1924. A member of Schiller Lodge No. 263 in Detroit,

February 2021

Michigan, Cruz worked as a jeweler. This photograph commemorates his installation as Master of his lodge. In the photograph G , he wears a top hat and holds a gavel—both symbols of his authority. His jewel is in the shape of a square, a Masonic symbol of honesty and fairness as well as the age-old emblem of a lodge Master.

Emil Cruz and Companion, ca. 1970. Detroit, Michigan. Gift of Patricia Fé Andrews, 2016.070.20.



Scottish Rite Leadership in the 1820s and 1830s

by Jeffrey Croteau, Director of the Van Gorden-Williams Library and Archives


you curious about what Scottish Rite leadership looked like nearly 200 years ago? The Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library recently digitized and made available a selection of letters on its digital collections website that gives insight into the concerns of the leaders of the Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction (SJ) and Northern Masonic Jurisdiction (NMJ) during the early days of these organizations. In the 1820s and 1830s, the Southern Jurisdiction’s Sovereign Grand Commander, Moses Holbrook (17831844), began corresponding with the NMJ’s John James Joseph Gourgas (1777-1865). Gourgas held the role of the NMJ’s Grand Secretary General from its founding in 1813 until 1832. He later served as the Sovereign Grand Commander from 1832 until 1851. Holbrook was the Sovereign Grand Commander of the SJ’s Supreme Council from 1826 until 1844. He became the SJ’s chief officer in October 1826, just as an anti-Masonic social and political movement was gathering steam in the wake of the Morgan Affair. Holbrook’s letters contain news and opinions related to Freemasonry, the Scottish Rite in particular, and the world beyond. For example, he often discusses with Gourgas how best to deal with the Supreme Council headed by Joseph Cerneau, which both the NMJ and the SJ viewed as illegitimate. He also writes to Gourgas about the workings of the SJ’s Supreme Council, including the fees charged to candidates and the effects


of anti-Masonry in both New York and South Carolina. Holbrook, a physician by training, reports about treating his patients who had contracted yellow fever and frequently mentions his own bouts of dengue fever. He also shares his thoughts about national politics, ranging from the nullification crisis of the early 1830s (a states’ rights standoff between South Carolina and the federal government) to references to Martin Van Buren, then-U.S. Senator from New York and eventual President of the United States, whom Holbrook unfavorably compares to William Morgan (1774 – c. 1826), the infamous Freemason who threatened to publish a ritual exposé. Morgan’s subsequent kidnapping and presumed murder ignited the antiMasonic movement.

the Scottish Rite in France, Abrégé Historique de L’organisation en France. Holbrook also paints a picture of his arduous work as a medical doctor during an outbreak of yellow fever in Charleston, reporting that for “65 nights in succession during the past summer I was not allowed a nap of over two

The letters exchanged by Holbrook and Gourgas show the cooperation between the two Councils. An 1819 fire destroyed many of the SJ’s Supreme Council’s records and papers. The fraternal working relationship between Holbrook and Gourgas helped to restore some of the basic material that the SJ needed to function. The letters reveal that during this time, Gourgas sent manuscript Scottish Rite rituals (there were no printed versions during this early period) down to Holbrook. He, in turn, copied them for the SJ’s use before returning them to Gourgas. On October 20, 1827, Holbrook penned the letter to Gourgas shown here. In it, Holbrook acknowledges the arrival of Gourgas’s letter of September 30 and thanks him for a copy of a book about The Northern Light


The Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives is located in Lexington, Massachusetts, at the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library and is open to the public.

hours.” He further states that on “some days [I have] 90 [medical] visits to make in” 24 hours. Holbrook’s correspondence with Gourgas shows that, in spite of the many pressures of daily life, both men were dedicated to a collaboration that built and sustained the Scottish Rite during its formative years.

February 2021

A selection of the Moses Holbrook letters to J.J.J. Gourgas can be accessed at the Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives Digital Collections website. They are part of the Scottish Rite Documents collection available at collections/show/7.

Have a question or need ? more info? Drop us a line at or give us a call at 781-457-4109.

Letter from Moses Holbrook to John James Joseph Gourgas, October 20, 1827. Gift of the Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, A2019/178/0041c.



Friend Brother Eternal 2 6 T H




The Northern Light


by Charles Dunstan Boddy Jr., 32° Valley of Boston

The 26th degree, Friend and Brother Eternal, is an updated degree

(Ritual of 2012) which wrestles with the balance between duty and fraternal loyalty. While the ritual is fictional, it presents circumstances that actually existed during the war: brothers by blood, and more often Brothers in fraternity, with loyalties to opposing sides. In spite of the subject matter, it does well to sidestep politics of that era—and of the present—to address universal truths. The title not only foreshadows the core values of the degree but also calls out the distinction between friendship and brotherhood, indicating that while they are separate and distinct (Brothers are not necessarily friends and vice versa), they can be both harmonious and perpetual.


chose this degree because I have always been a student of the American Civil War. While the Revolutionary War threw off the bonds of monarchical servitude and established a legal code which implemented many Masonic ideals, it was the American Civil War which tested the American faith to that legal code and challenged our commitment, as a country, to live up to the ideals espoused by our forefathers. The Civil War era was one of suffering, infighting, distrust, and abuse of power. Yet, when all was said and done, that horrific war led to a time of peace, healing, and forgiveness. The boundless capacity of our people—who had lost land, possessions, freedom, and family—and leaders to join together in forgiveness and reconstruction said more about the character of Americans as a people than any other event up to that date. While our country plodded ahead and continued to subject Native Americans to unconscionable fates, the stage was now set for Masonic and moral values of respect, affinity, acceptance, and dignity to expand within our country, to improve our February 2021

society, and to move our people toward a higher wisdom and vision of who we are and what we can become. It is within this context that the ritual is presented. That background and the real circumstances which underlie the ritual increase the powerful messages imparted by their stated core values of integrity and devotion.

The Civil War era was one of suffering, infighting, distrust, and abuse of power. The work of this degree is divided into four parts. The Prologue establishes the setting of the era and introduces the core values. Scene One is set at a United States Army post in Los Angeles, California immediately prior to the Civil War, when the United States Army was comprised of patriots from both the North and South. There is one country, one government, and one army. Yet, despite this, the soldiers see trouble and division ahead. They contemplate what will happen, where their loyalties may lie, and what their

obligations and duties may be, even in the face of divisive issues and politics. Scene Two occurs on the eve of Pickett’s Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg. Many academics and historians today acknowledge the Battle of Gettysburg as a turning point in the war. It is also a turning point for our characters, whose conflicting loyalties have passed from conjectural to factual. The soldiers who served with a common purpose in Los Angeles now discover themselves saddled with the same obligations of defending their country’s interests, but now those duties are imposed on opposite sides of a line of battle. Scene Three takes place late in the Battle of Gettysburg, where Brother and General Winfred Hancock lies wounded in an army field hospital. He learns that his Brother Mason and former fellow soldier in Los Angeles, General Lewis Armistead, has died in battle exercising both courage and gallantry. Lying mortally wounded, Armistead’s concern is not for himself, but instead for his Brother, Hancock, with whom he shares both the bonds




FRIEND AND BROTHER ETERNAL continued of soldiering and the bonds of our Masonic fraternity. As a dying act, Armistead expresses his sorrow. It is left to the candidate to determine whether his sorrow is due to the conflict or Hancock’s wounding, which Armistead assumes to be mortal. Finally, Armistead entrusts his valuables—a Bible and watch with Masonic fob—to Hancock. The entrusting of a dying Brother’s legacy to a fellow Mason is an act that is often recounted throughout our degrees. It is a form of comfort to the dying. It also eases the dying brother’s mind, knowing that he can entrust his worries to another who is pledged to act morally and with integrity to carry out his final wishes. The Prologist announces that the core values of the degree are that all men are children of one living and true God, and thus brothers, one with the other. Masonic unity, harmony, courtesy, and charity survive between us even when challenged by partisan strife so long as we practice the principles of forbearance, charity, and fraternal love. Finally, the virtues of a good and true brotherhood give rise to the practices of good citizenship. Amid the trauma of conflict and dissension, we must practice understanding and forgiveness and realize our common bonds and interests do far more to join us than any conflict can do to separate us. The Scottish Rite, NMJ, assigns the values of Integrity and Devotion to Country to this degree as well. This degree reminds us that our Masonic obligations have consequences beyond what our eyes and senses can discern. In Scene One, General Albert Sydney Johnston responds to the question as to whether war can be averted by saying, “Yes…in my opinion it can be prevented…provided there


are men of good will on both sides— Freemasons, if you will.” In Scene Two, General Armistead addresses the obligation to duty stating, “…obedience to duty is… the highest virtue.” By Scene Three, General Armistead is dead, and General Hancock is left to hear of his valor and adherence to duty. While the degree acknowledges that honorable men and Masons have to do their duty, it juxtaposes such obligations with the Masonic obligation to do what is right regardless of our self-interests. In the end, Armistead’s words in Scene Two stand out, “There are times when God’s work here on earth must be our own.”

While the degree acknowledges that honorable men and Masons have to do their duty, it juxtaposes such obligations with the Masonic obligation to do what is right regardless of our self-interests. The conflict of competing obligations is a universal experience and certainly one that affects me daily. In my role as an attorney, I may be called upon to resolve complaints between departments and individuals who work for my employer. Often, the disputes involve people whom I know as friends. The loyalty to friendship is strong and can often divert us from doing what is right. Our friends are as human as we are. They fail too! It is not enough for us to simply justify their error out of the obligations of friendship. Instead, we must step back, disrobe ourselves of

personal bias, and truly try to see and do that which is right. My career forces such analysis upon me almost daily. Regardless of the dispute or the parties involved, I am always most comfortable with my decisions when I can say that my work was also God’s work here on Earth. And so, I always strive and yearn—not always successfully—to do God’s work here on Earth.

The loyalty to friendship is strong and can often divert us from doing what is right. The degree exemplifies both integrity and devotion on the part of the soldiers. Each is devoted to his duty, to his country, and to his fellow soldiers. Each is similarly devoted to his Masonic brethren. Because of these devotions, when the union is set asunder, the devotions come in conflict as each must choose loyalty to the Grand Union or to the Confederacy. This choice often creates conflict both internal and external—internal conflict as to which loyalty takes precedence over another and external conflict as competing forces battle for supremacy. The Mason-soldiers undertake their responsibilities with devotion, fulfilling their duties, including giving that “last full measure of their devotion” by sacrificing themselves for their countrymen. The core value of integrity is exemplified by the soldiers who live up to their Masonic obligations by showing mercy and respect for their fallen adversaries. Further still, they care for their Brethren in death by carrying out their final wishes and seeing that their remains are treated respectfully. There is little that is more Masonic than that.

The Northern Light


Father Passes Truman Gavel to Son

by PJ Roup, 33˚, Editor, Active for Pennsylvania

In 1948, an engineering study revealed major structural deficiencies in The White House. President and Brother Harry S. Truman, 33°, began a threeyear renovation which saw the interior completely gutted. All the original oak support beams, installed between 1815-1817, were replaced with steel I-beams. The President had a number of gavels crafted from one of these removed oak support beams in 1950 and gave one to each of the then-sitting Grand Masters of Grand Lodges in the United States. Each gavel has a bronze band which reads, “Original White House Material” and “Removed in 1950.”


February 2021

with one of his Grand Master’s pins. Truman never lost his love for Freemasonry even as he held the office of President of the United States. He served as Installing Master of Grandview Lodge every year following his Mastership, including when he was a U.S. Senator, Vice President, and President. In fact, in December 1944, then-Vice President Truman installed the Officers of Grandview Lodge as usual. At that time, the Vice-President did not receive Secret Service protection. At the installation in December of 1945, he was President,

The White House gavel of Brother Dennis Daugherty, 32°, Valley of New York City

and he did. On approaching the lodge’s outer door, Truman turned to the Secret Service escort and is reported to have said, “You guys can’t come in here, but it’s okay. I know all of these people.” When the President returned to Washington, many of his Secret Service agents submitted petitions to join Federal Lodge No. 1. Renovation of the White House during the Truman Administration, 1950 ABBIE ROWE/NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, VIA HARRY S. TRUMAN LIBRARY & MUSEUM

recipient was S. Allan Daugherty, 33°, Grand Master of Kansas in 1952, who received a gavel during the installation of officers of Grandview Lodge No. 618, Grandview, Missouri, in December of 1952. President Truman was serving as the Installing Master. Brother Daugherty’s son, Dennis, was installed Master of Publicity Lodge No. 1000, New York City, on June 6, 1997. The senior Daugherty was planning to attend the installation, accompanied by then-Kansas Grand Master, Jeffrey R. Sowder, 33°, and Deputy Grand Master T. Michael Fegan, 33°. However, Daugherty’s cardiologist objected to the trip, and Daugherty reluctantly canceled his plans. Grand Master Sowder subsequently decided to make a 24-hour round trip from Wichita, Kansas to New York City and back to represent Daugherty at the installation, accompanied by Brother Fegan. On the trip, he carried with him the gavel given to Allan Daugherty by President Truman in 1952 for son Dennis to use during his term as Master of Publicity Lodge. The 24-hour trip included lunch at La Côte Basque. The owner, JeanJacques Rachou, observed the square and compasses lapel pins on each of the three diners and announced that he, too, was a Freemason in a lodge in Paris. Grand Master Sowder presented Brother Rachou



Being a Prince 3 2 N D



The Northern Light


“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for a friend.”—John 15:13

by M. Todd McIntosh, 33˚ Active for Ohio

The Prince Commander is not with us each day as we run through

our busy lives fraught with small annoyances, setbacks, and losses or blessed with smiles, advances, and wins. We are rarely, if ever, challenged to the greatest test: to lay down our own life that another may live. It is for just that reason that the penultimate degree in the pantheon of lessons of our beloved Rite captivates us, rejuvenates us, and makes us stronger men.


of us is just like Constans. We come to the altar of Freemasonry with pure intention, seeking something more, having been vouchsafed by our fellows. We all seek and honor the comfort of our friends and significant relationships. We can all imagine the effervescent energy of instant riches, and we all wish and pray that we can be free of the worry of health and aging. Each of us strives to better ourselves and attain the goals we have set. Yet, it takes a special individual to take all that they are, all they have achieved, all that they hope to achieve, and forsake it. Simply said: most folks aren’t wired that way.

have established. Yet, this is not how we find true leaders.

It seems counter-intuitive that the root attribute of leadership is sacrifice. When we see our leaders, our focus is often drawn to the rewards that come from a position of leadership. We often hear in the news accounts of poor leaders who abuse this and selfishly fail by fulfilling their own needs in the face of the very rules they

To be a true leader is to be a servant instead of a suppliant; one who, through his dedication, is free from the bonds of avarice and “may so live from day to day that the commonwealth shall be prospered through his industry, established through his fidelity, and honored through his integrity.” Our highest

February 2021

In the message of the Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, we find that a leader is one who leads through the example of how he conducts himself. It was not that Constans cheered the men on or thought of a winning strategy to be executed by others. It was that Constans sacrificed himself and leaped into the fray to defend that which he loved.

To be a true leader is to be a servant instead of a suppliant.

echelon teaches us the recipe: “When the individual man, strong in the integrity of his purpose, develops his own highest manhood under the secure shield of civil, intellectual and religious liberty.” Too often, though, we look for others to hand us this shield. In so doing, we become beholden to those that provide it to us. To be given such liberty is not the same as claiming it from within. “Man owes it to himself and to his brother men to be his own best self.” Yet, what is the key? How does one unlock this within oneself? Our degree does not leave us wanting. There, upon the pages, upon the stage, and in our hearts, it is revealed: “No obligation imposed upon [you] by church, state, or society can, as a last resort, destroy the freedom of [your] spirit or abolish the liberty of private judgment.” Armed with this, we are free to serve others. It is this perspective that allows us to lead our communities, our endeavors, and




BEING A PRINCE continued our families, for it means that we are servants to no one but those whom we are to lead—not by title, not by fear or puissant strength, but through integrity, dedication, and devotion with and to our fellow man untethered by static obligations which seek to rule us without the benefit of free thought. This is why ultimately Constans knew what he had to do. He, as we, wrestled with the ties that bound him to his vigil. Yet, as noble and beneficial to his future as it was, he knew that service


to his fellow man was, beyond all else, the choice to make even if it meant his life.

We are servants to no one but those whom we are to lead. Odds are we are not going to be faced with a hoard of barbarians breaking down the gates of our walled city placing the lives of all those we care about in peril, but we will be faced with many challenges in our daily lives

where we can call on the words of our Prince Commander. For the message does not always mean actually dying for another; it also means putting another’s life or their well-being before our own—to serve another that they may thrive. Even in your daily life, amid all of your trials and tribulations, the next time that you find someone down on their luck, in need of emotional support, or just requiring a helping hand, that is your moment to be a Sublime Prince. Spes mea in Deo est!

The Northern Light


Meet Your Grand Masters We asked the fifteen Grand Masters from the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction to answer a few fun questions.... Here are their replies.

Stephen W. Petri Hometown

Darien, CT Lodge

Union No. 5 Valley

Hometown Lodge


Union No. 7 Valley

Dream Job

Favorite Actor/Actress


Southern Illinois Dream Job

Forest Ranger

Current (or Last) Job

If you could choose any superpower, what would it be?

Haass’ Family Butcher Shop Inc.

Fun Fact

I’m living my dream

Dream Job

I was the high school state champion in the racewalk with national and state records in various distances

If you could choose any superpower, what would it be?

First fun thing you’ll do once COVID restrictions are lifted

First fun thing you’ll do once COVID restrictions are lifted


East No. 504

John Wayne

Who would play you in the movie of your life?

Arrange a cigar and scotch/ bourbon social party with my Masonic brothers


Prairie Du Rocher, IL

Lower Delaware

Robert Redford

Stephen F. Oakley

Dover, DE

Bridgeport Bowman for an America’s Cup team

February 2021

Jeffrey D. Haass Sr.


To heal the sick

Who would play you in the movie of your life?

Mel Gibson Fun Fact

I used to have long hair and ride a Harley

Have a family gathering

What advice would you give to your teenage self?



Make a plan



Kenneth Roy Jr. Hometown

Evansville, IN Lodge

Evansville No. 64 Valley

Evansville Current Job


Tewksbury, MA Lodge

William Parkman Lodge Valley

Richard M. Nadeau, DC Hometown

Lewiston, ME Lodge

Webster Lodge No. 164 Tranquil Lodge No. 29 Valley


The Androscoggin

Dream Job

Favorite Band/Singer

Craig H. Maison Hometown

Traverse City, MI Lodge

Traverse City No. 222 Valley

Michigan Favorite Book

Deputy Sheriff Lieutenant (Retired)

Astronaut, to boldy go... I want James T. Kirk’s job!

Bob Seger/ Silver Bullet Band

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Dream Job

If you could choose any superpower, what would it be?

If you could choose any superpower, what would it be?

Yacht Salesman

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

Who would play you in the movie of your life?

Fun Fact

First fun thing you’ll do once COVID restrictions are lifted

U.S. Marshal If you could choose any superpower, what would it be?

The ability to fly

Who would play you in the movie of your life?

Benedict Cumberbatch

IN 24

Richard Maggio


80% planning, 20% execution

I saw Jimmy Hendrix play the Star Spangled Banner at the Boston Gahden (Garden for those of you outside Boston)



Stacey Keach

Wear my face covering on the back of my head for another six weeks to pull my ears back to where they once were


Dream Job

Who would play you in the movie of your life?

Brad Pitt Fun Fact

When I sing a song, I make up words as I go if I can’t remember them First fun thing you’ll do once COVID restrictions are lifted

Go visit my children and grandchildren

MI The Northern Light


Kenneth A. Clay Jr. Hometown

Concord, NH Lodge

Horace Chase No. 72 Valley

Robert V. Monacelli Hometown

Hackettstown, NJ Lodge

Azure Masada No. 22 Valley

William M. Sardone Hometown

New York, NY Lodge

Composite No. 819 Valley


Northern New Jersey

New York City

Favorite Movie

Who would play you in the movie of your life?

Favorite Actor/Actress


Dream Job

Teacher Hobby


Best event attended as a Master Mason or Grand Master

When I was Coroneted a 33˚ Mason

Tom Hanks

First fun thing you’ll do once COVID restrictions are lifted

Walk into a bank wearing a face covering and watch the reaction Dream Job

Conduct a symphony orchestra Fun Fact

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

I love to sing in the shower, out of the shower, anywhere in fact



Work hard, study hard, and enjoy the ride!

February 2021

Robert De Niro

Who would play you in the movie of your life?

Alan Alda

If you could choose anyone, who would you like to have as a dinner guest (living or deceased)?

Mom and Dad

First fun thing you’ll do once COVID restrictions are lifted

Richard A. Dickerscheid Hometown

Hamilton, OH Lodge

College Hill Harry S. Johnson No. 641 Valley

Cincinnati Favorite Band/Singer

Rush or Korn/ Freddy Mercury

Current (or Last) Job

Commercial Truck Repair Shop Owner Who would play you in the movie of your life?

Ron Howard

Go to lodge

If you could choose any superpower, what would it be?






Thomas Gamon IV Hometown

Schwenksville, PA Lodge

Perkiomen No. 595 Valley


Providence, RI Lodge

Redwood No. 35 Valley



Favorite Band/Singer

Favorite Actor/Actress

Patsy Cline First Job

Lumber Yard Worker Current (or Last) Job


Who would play you in the movie of your life?


What advice would you give to your teenage self?

Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open

PA 26

Gary S. Kaufman

Sandra Bullock

If you could choose any superpower, what would it be?

To fly as fast as a speeding bullet

Who would play you in the movie of your life?

Dustin Hoffman

Stuart V. Corso Hometown

Danville, VT Lodge

Washburn No. 92 Valley


Sussex, WI Lodge

McKinley No. 307 Valley

Central Vermont and Burlington


Current (or Last) Job


General dentist, owner of Danville Dental Group. Retired from this Jan 2018 Dream Job

Dream Job If you could choose any superpower, what would it be?

Power to grant wishes

Dentist for movies: making the special, movie specific, dental work for actors

Who would play you in the movie of your life?

Who would play you in the movie of your life?

First fun thing you’ll do once COVID restrictions are lifted

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

Probably Don Knotts!

Fun Fact

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

Less work and more play

Kenneth C. Gorgen

I really love to be outdoors sailing, canoeing, camping

Live your life fully and your goals will be achieved



Tom Hanks

Go to a crowded movie theater

WI The Northern Light


Meet Your Grand Leaders

Melvin J. Bazemore

James D. Cole

Monty Glover

Steven G. Tiner

Sovereign Grand Commander, United Supreme Council, AASR PHA Northern Jurisdiction

Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Council, AASR Southern Jurisdiction

Most Puissant General Grand Master, Cryptic Masons International

General Grand High Priest, General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons International

Jeffrey N. Nelson

James R. Smith

Corey D. Hawkins

Robert S. Whitmore

Most Eminent Grand Master, Grand Encampment of Knights Templar, USA

Imperial Potentate, Shriners International

Sovereign Grand Commander, United Supreme Council, AASR PHA Southern Jurisdiction

Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Council, AASR Canada

In Memoriam

Deary Vaughn Scottish Rite, NMJ sends heartfelt condolences to the United Supreme Council PHA, Southern Jurisdiction on the passing of Dr. Deary Vaughn, Sovereign Grand Commander from 2003 until his death on December 15, 2020. February 2021



A New Member’s Experience With the Virtual Reunion

by Joann Williams-Hoxha, Content Manager


etween grading papers and constant prep work teaching history to high school seniors, Brother Kyle Holz stays busy. But when he gained some extra time as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, he decided to continue his Masonic education and join the Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in the fall. the “college for Freemasons,” which matched his love for academia, so it seemed like a logical next step on his Masonic journey. The stage for Freemasonry was set when Brother Holz turned 21, as he aged out of The Order of the Arrow (OA), the National Honor Society of the Boy Scouts of America.

Kyle Holz

“The Order of the Arrow had been a huge part of my life,” Brother Holz recalled. So once he was no longer a part of that brotherhood, he said, “I felt lost, and like I was missing something.”

After he read Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol in college, it opened up the discussion of Freemasonry with a family friend who was a Mason. He was excited to learn that “there are echoes of the Masonic ritual in the Order of the Arrow rituals.” At that point, Brother Holz said he was sold on becoming a Freemason. “I jumped in head first,” he said. Kyle was raised on November 17, 2016, and was surprised to be among many familiar faces of men within his community.

“I thought you said you were going to a meeting, not watching a movie!” “It was incredible to stand in a room to get initiated and see men who I had respected for my entire life standing in front of me,” he said.

Brother Holz is one of 1,010 new members who joined the Scottish Rite by way of our Virtual Reunions, three online events that took place in October and November 2020. While Kyle said the convenience of the Virtual Reunions was nice, that wasn’t what initially drew him into joining Scottish Rite. As a history teacher, “I like connections to the past,” Brother Holz explained. Having already joined Shriners International and York Rite, Holz said he recognized Scottish Rite as Screenshot of the 4th degree


The Northern Light


Brother Holz tuned in to the Virtual Reunions on October 24 and November 14 this fall. He said what surprised him the most about the degrees was the high production value behind each one. Kyle even relayed that at one point, his wife walked into his office briefly while he was tuned in to one of the reunions and said, “I thought you said you were going to a meeting, not watching a movie!” What is his favorite degree so far? “I’m having a hard time deciding. I liked My Brother’s Keeper, and I also liked the 26th (Friend and Brother

February 2021

Eternal ).” After a brief pause, Brother Holz changed his mind.

“I’m 27, and I figure that I’ve got at least 50 years left that I can explore all the aspects of Masonry, and there will always be more to explore.”

Brother Holz said he is most excited to witness the 30th degree (Grand Inspector) when the opportunity presents itself. “I’m 27, and I figure that I’ve got at least 50 years left that I can explore all the aspects of Masonry, and there will always be more to explore.”

“Honestly, Builder was probably my favorite. I watched that one twice. Happily.”



Hall of Fame MASONIC


he Masonic values of brotherly love, relief, and

and our fraternity. This Hall of Fame—to be located at the

truth are deeply embedded in American history.

Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library in Lexington,

When you look back at the timeline that led to great

Massachusetts—will showcase American Freemasons from

American achievements, it is easy to see the impact

all walks of life and all eras of our rich history.

of Freemasons upon the world. From titans of industry and celebrated inventors to Revolutionary War heroes

We are proud to play host to this incredible showcase

and Presidents, there are innumerable examples of how

of Masonic achievement and through it, continue to

Freemasonry has touched our daily lives.

emphasize to the public the fraternal connection that Masonry has shared with historical figures since the very

In October of this year, we collectively celebrate the

beginning of our country. This first class of inductees

influential works of Freemasons in American history

includes some of the most well respected and recognizable

when the Scottish Rite, NMJ unveils The Masonic Hall

faces in our history. Their induction will be honored in late

of Fame—a formal recognition for those members of our

2021 at our inaugural Hall of Fame Gala. Stay tuned

Craft who have made incredible contributions to mankind

for further information about the event.

Benjamin Franklin

1706 – 1790

Meriwether Lewis & William Clark

1774 – 1809 1770 – 1838

Irving Berlin

1888 – 1989

George Washington

Mark Twain

John Glenn

1732 – 1799

1835 – 1910

1921 – 2016

Prince Hall

John Lejeune

John Lewis

ca. 1735 – 1738 – 1807

1867 – 1942

1940 – 2020

Harry Truman

1884 – 1972


The Northern Light


by David L. Sharkis, 33°, Director of Operations Children’s Dyslexia Centers, Inc.





When looking for a word to describe the year 2020, “chaos” immediately comes to mind. For most of us, the COVID-19 pandemic has completely uprooted our lives. It has changed the way we work, educate, socialize, worship, and even how we gather with family. Yet even in the darkest of times, our greatest challenges can also usher in great progress. The ritual of the 33rd degree introduces this idea as “Ordo ab Chao”—“Order out of Chaos.”

high, and 26% rated it high for a 99% favorable approval rating. The remaining 1% rated it neutral. We did not receive a single negative response! We needed to take some risks and be creative which led us to develop new processes that will serve us long after this pandemic has subsided. Our monthly Zoom calls with Center Directors and Board chairs are unifying a formerly decentralized team. Our ever-expanding virtual tutoring expertise will enable us to continue to serve children during times when illness or


other factors prevent them

s our Dyslexia Centers began to

The Accountability Loop

close last March with COVID-19

• Focusing on desired outcomes

We have developed advanced

• Forgiving those who may have contributed to the situation

training courses which provide

• Determining your role in the solution

education taught by our own

• Taking action—any action that leads you to your goal

revenue streams.

numbers rising around the country, we found ourselves in

chaos, but with the benefit of hindsight, chaos was exactly what we needed. This virus pushed our team to a fork in the road, and the path we chose—the path of accountability—led us to adapt and thrive as an

from coming to the Center.

consistent, high-quality online experts that may lead to future

We will emerge from the As the Director of the Children’s

pandemic a strong, dynamic,

Dyslexia Centers, I can attest

and unified organization. We

that we were guilty of playing

will not only survive when

victim for a few days before we

others fail, but we will become

took accountability and began to

stronger. The lesson here is a

act. Our goal: to continue serving

simple one though it requires

children despite ever-changing

courage and commitment. In

restrictions. Since then, our

the future, when confronted

Dyslexia Centers have conducted

with a situation that is not

• Ignoring the problem

over 30,000 Zoom lessons

entirely of your own making,

• Denying a problem exists

serving over 1,000 children. We

avoid being a victim. Be

are currently training over 250

accountable. Take ownership

educators virtually. In a recent

and control of your situation,

survey of our parents, 73% rated

and create order out of chaos.

organization. The book The Power of Personal Accountability introduces us to the Victim/Accountability Loop models of engaging challenging situations. The Victim Loop

• Blaming others • Hiding from the problem altogether

the quality of our program very

February 2021



G I V I N G T U E S DAY 2 0 2 0

WALK WITH ME As part of our Giving Tuesday Telethon, viewers enjoyed updates from our Scottish Rite Charities showcasing the life-changing work that your support makes possible. If you missed it, here are some highlights from these segments.

Monica: Masonic widows have always been dear to my heart but especially this past year. 2020 was hard for many of our members and many of my ladies, so I’m happy to have the ability to help them out in this difficult time.

Supreme Council Executive Director Brother Michael C. Russell, 32°, discussed the aid that the Grand Almoner’s Fund provides with Grand Almoner, Illustrious Peter J. Samiec, 33°: MICHAEL RUSSELL: THE VISION OF SCOTTISH RITE IS TO FULFILL OUR MASONIC OBLIGATION TO CARE FOR OUR MEMBERS. HOW IS THE GRAND ALMONER’S FUND DOING THAT?

Pete: By meeting the needs of every Brother that needs our support. We all knelt at the altar and promised that we would help aid and assist a worthy Brother in distress. That’s what we do, and we do it quickly. MR: THERE ARE SO MANY IMPACTFUL STORIES THAT HAPPEN WITH OUR GRAND ALMONER’S FUND. DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE?


Pete: I think one of my favorites is a situation we had during the holidays a few years ago. We got a call from a family who was really destitute as a result of employment issues, and it looked like it was going to be a really terrible Christmas for the kids. We were able to pitch in. They were able to have a nice Christmas because of the Grand Almoner’s Fund and because of all the Brothers out there supporting the Fund.


Monica: The name for the White Flower Society goes back to a DeMolay ritual: If somebody had passed, you would take a white flower. But I think it’s grown to mean more than that. I think the white flower means hope and need and giving a hand out, so that we can support each other as a group.


The Northern Light


Rich: Well, I think that Commander Glattly has a vision to better educate our members, knowing that education and knowledge is empowerment, and that’s what we will be working to do—bringing the resources, the history, and the tradition of both America, Masonry, and fraternalism to our members. MR: HOW CAN MEMBERS CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE MASONIC MUSEUM & LIBRARY HERE IN LEXINGTON?


Monica: Definitely through their donations and contributions to the White Flower Society but also by reaching out to our widows. Some of them are home by themselves during this quarantine, and they’re lonely. I’ve written many cards and made many phone calls just to check on them and make sure they’re okay. Brother Michael Kuniej, 32°, shared his experience as a Leon M. Abbott scholarship recipient and how the program has helped his pursuit of higher education: MR: THE ABBOTT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM MEANS A LOT TO SO MANY OF OUR SCOTTISH RITE BRETHREN. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU?

Michael K.: For me, the Abbott Scholarship is really the foundation upon which I’m able to build my educational future, not just for myself, but also to give back to the Masonic fraternity. MR: WHY IS IT IMPORTANT FOR BROTHERS TO CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE ABBOTT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM?

February 2021

Michael K: The Abbott Scholarship program is so important to support, because we, as Masons, have to encourage education. We have to encourage enlightenment not just within our membership but within the wider world. MR: WHAT KIND OF OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU THINK STUDENTS WHO RECEIVE THE ABBOTT SCHOLARSHIP LIKE YOURSELF ARE GETTING WHEN THEY RECEIVE THAT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE?

Michael K: For myself, the Abbott Scholarship has really given me a chance to give back to the Masonic fraternity. I’m able to take that education I’ve gotten with the Abbott Scholarship and really help Masonry, and Scottish Rite Masonry especially, express themselves to the wider world.

Rich: The first way that they can do that is by becoming a member of the Museum, and by doing so, they can build their knowledge and their character. An educated member is truly a more valuable member to us in our organization, and we hope to enhance that part of our program so that the world itself becomes closer to Freemasonry through our educated members. MR: TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE MASONIC MUSEUM & LIBRARY, WHERE DO PEOPLE GO?

Rich: They go to There they will be able to find out about the physical plant that we have here, the Museum & Library, and they’ll be able to view online exhibits and displays. We hope that every Scottish Rite Mason decides to support this great endeavor that we have here that belongs to them.

Illustrious Richard W. Elliot, 33°, talked about his new role as the Executive Director of the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library: MR: WHAT IS YOUR VISION HERE AS THE NEW DIRECTOR FOR THE MUSEUM & LIBRARY?






From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU! We raised $314,297 for your Scottish Rite Charities during our Giving Tuesday Telethon on December 1, 2020. As always, our fraternity stepped up for our collective mission to help Brothers, widows, and children in need.




The Northern Light


February 2021



One Brother’s Journey

by Joann Williams-Hoxha, Content Manager

When Brother William Gibson, 32°, returned home from the hospital after the fight of his life, he was amazed to discover “a couple of thousand” get-well cards from residents of his town of Clifton, New Jersey. Brother Gibson was a police officer with the Clifton Police Department for more than 30 years, retiring as a detective sergeant, and currently serves as a councilman in Clifton.



ollowing a trip to Florida in mid-February, Brother Gibson returned home with his wife, Robin, and was not feeling well. His symptoms rapidly progressed from a cough and a temperature to telling Robin to call an ambulance as he was struggling to catch his breath. The ambulance arrived quickly and with many first responders who knew Bill personally. They transported him to Hackensack Medical Center on March 26, 2020. The following day, Bill learned that he tested positive for COVID-19. While in the Primary Care unit, there was another patient in his room with COVID as well. By the next morning, that patient had succumbed to the virus. By the fourth day at Hackensack Medical Center, staff moved Brother Gibson to the Intensive Care Unit, but he has little memory of what happened from day four through day nine of his stay. “It was like a bad dream. The worst. First of all, no one’s allowed to see you,” Bill recalled, saying that he tried his best to communicate with his family via text. On Day 9, Bill called his wife and said, “I’ve got to be honest with you; I don’t even know if I’m dead or alive.” The seriousness of the situation was never lost on Bill, who said he has had a couple of good conversations with “the man upstairs” in the past, having endured a stem cell transplant for multiple myeloma in 1999. “That stem cell transplant made me pretty sick, and I thought that was bad. That was nothing compared to coronavirus. This COVID-19 is no joke.”

The Northern Light


Bill said he shared a floor with approximately 350 patients with coronavirus. Sadly, another man who shared a room with him in the ICU, whom he often heard praying, also lost his battle with COVID-19. Brother Gibson said he was on a nasal cannula with maximum air plus a full oxygen mask over the top of that. Bill said, “I was getting 100% oxygen. They watch your pulse oxygen level. They like it at 95-100.” Hospital staff watched Bill’s oxygen continue to drop, from 90 to 80, and even lower.

“I like to be told what’s going on. Don’t sugar coat it.” Being the no-nonsense kind of guy that Bill is, he said, “I like to be told what’s going on. Don’t sugar coat it.” Brother Gibson appreciated that his doctor, Mina Shaker, MD, had that same sort of approach and gave it to him straight: “Bill, with low oxygen in the 80s, your organs start to get affected. If it goes to 75, we’ll have to put you on a ventilator.” Thankfully, Bill’s lowest oxygen level was 76, and it never dropped any further. As the days passed, his condition slowly improved. On April 7, 2020, Brother Gibson left the Intensive Care Unit but not without a long road ahead. “Give me six weeks, Doc; I’ll feel better and be able to rock and roll,” he told Dr. Shaker. Bill said the doctor laughed and told him, “You realize this could take a year before you’re feeling better.” His no-nonsense doctor was right. “There are things that you take for granted. Simple things like walking,” Bill said. February 2021

When he and his family arrived home, he said his sons literally had to pick him up and carry him upstairs to his bedroom. He went from not being able to stand, to using a walker, then crutches, and finally, a cane. Bill describes his recovery progress as a continuous thread.

“Give me six weeks, Doc; I’ll feel better and be able to rock and roll.” Nearly a year later, Bill’s weekly physical therapy appointments continue. In addition, his doctors are keeping a close eye on his lungs to monitor the scarring. Still, he is so thankful for the love and support of all his family and friends, which he says is what keeps him going. He gives his wife Robin credit as she kept thousands of people up to date on his condition, from the mayor to the police department and everyone in between. Brother Bill is rocking and rolling again in his role as city councilman and has started tackling some items on his honey-do list at home.

“There are things that you take for granted. Simple things like walking.”

Bill with Dave Glattly, Sovereign Grand Commander

Bill and wife, Robin

After receiving hundreds of “Happy Birthday” messages on Facebook from his friends and family back in November, he responded with this simple message: “Don’t take anything for granted. Here’s to a better 2021 for everyone.” Some of the many signs of encouragement



Around the Jurisdiction The Valleys of Wilmington and Lower Delaware came together with the Grand Lodge of Delaware and Nur Shriners for Delaware’s first-ever Degree Day.


On Oct. 10, members of the Masonic Family Health Foundation delivered 220 boxed lunches to the nurses and staff of Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, thanks to donations from the Scottish Rite, Valley of Chicago; Masonic Secretaries Association; Paul Revere Lodge No. 998; Chi-Ill Grotto of Chicago; and Medinah Shrine Therapy Dog Club.


On October 24, the Valley of Detroit welcomed the new members at their in-person Fall Reunion following the Virtual Reunion earlier in the day.


IN Brothers Bill Pond, 32˚ (above) and William L. Doctor, 33˚, MSA (below) participate in the Valley of Fort Wayne’s Brother-to-Brother calling program.



Members of the Valley of Concord present a check to Sovereign Grand Commander Glattly at their Grand Lodge Session for Giving Tuesday. Pictured left to right are: Scott R. Borthwick, 33˚; Larry Sprague, 32˚; Dennis Tuttle Jr., 32˚; Commander Glattly; and Mark C. Roth, 33˚, Active and Deputy for New Hampshire.


The Northern Light


The Valley of Northern New Jersey welcomed five new members at their mini video reunion. Pictured (l to r) are Brothers Victor Fuentes; Isaiah Smith; Neville King; Jashawn Anderson; Christopher Simmons; and mentor/recommender Larry Alcime, Sovereign Prince.

Scottish Rite Masons from the Valley of Bridgeport dressed in costumes and helped local lodges with their Halloween drive-through trick-or-treating event.



NY The Valley of the Hudson welcomes its newest members in the Fall Class.

Scottish Rite leadership in Maine filmed a holiday greeting for their members. Pictured (l to r) are Jeffry Simonton, 33˚, Deputy; A James Ross, 33˚, Active; James Witham, 33˚, COD Seneschal; and Charles Ridlon, 33˚, Active Emeritus.

CT At their Awards Night, the Valley of Providence celebrated their new 32nd Degree members in attendance by presenting them with their class jewel.

NH The Valley of Nashua held a socially distant watch party for the November 14th Virtual Reunion.

Members of the Valley of the Firelands present Ohio’s new Grand Master, Richard A. Dickerscheid, 33˚, with his Firelands blazer and plural membership in the Valley.



VT PA MI The Valley of Philadelphia filled over four boxes and collected more than $2,000 to help Toys for Tots.

February 2021

The Valleys of Southern Vermont and Rutland held their second annual reunion on November 7, where a live and video presentation of the 19th degree was shown. In the live presentation of Brothers of the Trail, Brother Rick Rayfield III, 33˚, played Aaron and Brother Johann “Jim” Nortz, 33˚, played the part of Jake.

VT Fred Jackson, 33˚, Deputy Emeritus of the Valley of Burlington is recognized for completing his second passport. Front row (l to r): David Schuler, 32˚; John Oleszkiewicz, 32°; Victor Stone, 32˚; and Ill. Fred Jackson. Back Row (l to r): Seth Zimmerman, 32˚; Active Sandy Karstens, 33˚; Eric Steele, 33˚; Larry Currier, 32˚; and Ken Morton Sr., 32˚.



Around the Jurisdiction The Meritorious Service Award was conferred upon David A. DiCecco, 32˚, for his diligent efforts in bringing new members into the Valley of Providence and all his time and effort on the Membership Committee for many years.


The Valley of Northern New Jersey cast had a letter-perfect performance at their one-day 32nd Degree class on November 7.

NJ Brothers Tim Curran Jr., 32˚, MWM, and Gerard Sealy, 33˚, CIC, of the Valley of Philadelphia pose with Marines at their Toys for Tots drive.

PA NY Rockville Centre’s newest Sublime Princes receive their 32nd Degree certificates.

MI Active Timothey S. Marshbanks, 33˚, and Richard T. Testasecca, 33˚, pose with the Valley of Michigan’s $10,000 donation to Scottish Rite charities on Giving Tuesday.

MA Coordinated by our Grand Almoner, Pete Samiec, 33˚, Keith D. Patch, 32˚, mustered an army of Massachusettsarea Masonic volunteers, including a number of members of the Valley of Boston, helped to move a young lady who lost her lease while undergoing cancer treatments.


OH Brothers Douglas McIe, 32˚, and Timm Evans, 32˚, receive their MSA awards at the Valley of Akron. Pictured with George Seabeck, 33˚, Valley Secretary.

The Northern Light


Scottish Rite Masons from the Valley of Bridgeport dressed in costumes and helped local lodges with their Halloween drive-through trick-or-treating event.


In a private ceremony this spring, Brother Roger Chase, 32˚, received his Meritorious Service Award. The ceremony was performed by Franz Wiggert, 33˚, (left), and the hat was presented by Todd Wohlert 33˚, Deputy’s Rep (right) for the Valley of La Crosse. His medal and certificate were presented at a Valley meeting later in the fall. Roger’s father, Elza Chase, 32˚, was also a recipient of the MSA.


Richard Nadeau, 33˚, Grand Master of Maine and MWM of the Valley of the Androscoggin addresses Scottish Rite members and candidates at the watch party in Wilton, Maine, jointly hosted by the Valleys of Augusta and the Androscoggin.

IL On October 24, the Valley of Peoria held a watch party at the Shrine Temple. The class of five became 32˚ Scottish Rite members that day after watching four virtual degrees and then observing the 32˚ presented live by the Valley. Pictured (l to r) are Craig A. Roberts, Kenny L. Rogers, Robert A. Hunsicker, Derric M. Hendon, and Timothy W. Kluever.



IN Members from The Valley of George Rogers Clark welcomed in the winter season by getting pictures with Father Christmas himself!

February 2021

At the Valley of Worcester’s Virtual December Reunion, they hosted Brother Ryan J. Flynn, 32˚, to speak about his experiences as a Masonic artist. Brother Flynn’s works adorn lodges and homes on six continents.

The Valleys of Wilmington and Lower Delaware came together with the Grand Lodge of Delaware and Nur Shriners for Delaware’s first-ever Degree Day.

! If you would like to have your Valley featured in Around the Jurisdiction, be sure to submit photographs and descriptions to




Job’s Daughters International Celebrates 100 Years

by PJ Roup, 33˚, Editor, Active for Pennsylvania

In 1920, in the small town of Omaha, Nebraska, a woman ahead of her time forged her own path to create opportunities for young women. The woman’s name was Mrs. Ethel T. Weed Mick. As a young and educated mother, influenced by her mother’s teachings and her husband’s idea for a Masonic organization for youth, Mrs. Mick set out to create an organization for young women. On the evening of October 20, 1920, Mrs. Mick and her husband held a meeting at their home to discuss the creation of an organization to be called Job’s Daughters. The name comes from the book of Job, Chapter 42, which states, “And in all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job.”


that first meeting in 1920, the organization spread rapidly across the state of Nebraska and then across the United States. On August 24, 1931, Job’s Daughters became an international organization with the institution of the first Bethel in Vancouver, British Columbia. In the 100 years since that first meeting, Job’s Daughters has grown to 681 Bethels located in the United States, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, and Brazil and has initiated over one million members. At their meetings, Job’s Daughters dress in white Grecian robes typical of those worn during the time of Job. The white symbolizes purity, and the similarity of their dress stresses the equality of all members. The Bethel’s

leader, the Honored Queen, along with the Senior and Junior Princesses represent the three daughters of Job; they wear capes and crowns as symbols of their authority and as reminders of their responsibility to the members who elected them. Bethels perform service projects for their local communities as well as actively support the Hearing Improvement Kids Endowment (HIKE) Fund which purchases assistive devices and support for hearing-impaired children. The Bethel Daughters are assisted and guided by an adult Bethel Guardian Council. Mrs. Valorie A. Koogle is the current Supreme Guardian of Job’s Daughters International. She will lead the organization into its second century

Mrs. Ethel T. Weed Mick

with her theme Dream for the Future. Mom Valorie remembers her first meeting as a young Job’s Daughter years ago: “I was so nervous walking into the Bethel the first time until some of the Daughters came up to me smiling and helping me,” she said. “They became my best friends for many years. Many of them are still actively supporting Job’s Daughters as adults.” Mom Valorie believes that the values of faith, family, and friendship she experienced as a young Job’s Daughter—values that Mother Mick used as the foundation of the organization—are still very much a part of Job’s Daughters today. The Scottish Rite, NMJ congratulates Job’s Daughters on their 100th Anniversary and wishes them many more years of helping young women become leaders. To learn more about Job’s Daughters, visit


The Northern Light


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International Update

by Thomas K. Sturgeon, 33˚, Grand Chancellor

It is safe to say that the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, your Scottish Rite, is among the most active and proactive Supreme Councils in the world. Around the globe, other Supreme Councils hold us and the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States in high regard.


are two constitutions known worldwide—the Constitutions of 1762 and 1786—and all recognized Supreme Councils follow one of these Grand Constitutions of the Scottish Rite. Adhering to one of these is the first step in establishing amity between their Supreme Council and ours. The terms used most frequently to describe the relationship between the majority of Supreme Councils are amity and recognition. Amity is defined in the World Dictionary as “a friendly relationship.” Recognition is “the acknowledgment of something as valid or as entitled to consideration.” From a Masonic perspective, these two words can be used interchangeably. Our Supreme Council is in amity with, or recognizes, seventy-two Supreme Councils around the world. Some countries have more than one Supreme Council, but it is most likely that we only recognize one Supreme Council


in a country. To be considered for amity with our Supreme Council, an international Supreme Council must adhere strictly to the ancient Constitutions.

Our Supreme Council is in amity with, or recognizes, seventy-two Supreme Councils around the world. In recent months, we have recognized the Supreme Councils of Andorra, Monaco, Bulgaria, France, Benin, and Mauritius. In some of these cases, they are Supreme Councils that have existed for some time. Others are new. The only way a new Supreme Council can be created is by two or more recognized Supreme Councils “consecrating” the new Council. Typically, newly consecrated Supreme Councils begin with a limited number of members and adopt an acceptable constitution. Then, they would usually reach out to us or the Southern Jurisdiction to begin the process of establishing

recognition. It stands, without question, that our Sovereign Grand Commander, Ill. Brother David Glattly, is extremely highly regarded within the international Scottish Rite world. The same can be said for Commander James D. Cole of the Southern Jurisdiction. We have a tremendous fraternal relationship with the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, and we meet with them regularly to discuss international and recognition issues as they arise.

Keeping the lines of communication open is vital to maintaining good relationships. Keeping the lines of communication open is vital to maintaining good relationships. The communication with our Supreme Councils in amity is coordinated by our Grand Chancellor and Sovereign Grand Commander with the support of our Fraternal Relations Committee. Each of our Supreme Councils around the world has a Grand Representative assigned from among our Active Members who assists in keeping a good relationship with our international brothers—always with the aim of strengthening the worldwide brotherhood of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite.

The Northern Light

arl H. Claudy was Masonic Grand Master of the District of Columbia in 1943. He was also a writer of science fiction for young people in the 1930s and 1940s, including the novel The Mystery Men of Mars. Illustrated by Ted Bastien, 32°, written by Mark Dreisonstok, KCCH

Helping Others: It’s Who We Are and What We Do!


he 2020 annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Iowa was canceled and a special one-day session was held instead. It took place on Friday, September 18, at the Sioux City Scottish Rite. One of the highlights of this meeting was the presentation of a check for $100,000 from the Masons of Iowa to the Iowa Food Bank Association. This gift was due to the combined efforts of over 95 Iowa lodges, individual Masons, and Masonic organizations. Rather than continue their individual philanthropies during the COVID-19 pandemic, they decided to combine forces for the greater good of all Iowa. Masonic organizations donating $10,000 or more included Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Iowa, Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Iowa Charity Fund, Grand Charity Board of the

February 2021

remarks, Mr. Wanderscheid shared Grand Lodge of Iowa, Grand Commandery of Knights Templar in Iowa, that 1 in 9 Iowans struggle with food insecurity and that the Iowa Masonic Iowa Scottish Rite Masonic Foundonation will provide over 500,000 dation, and the Masonic Charitable meals for hungry Iowans. Education Corporation. —Submitted by Shane Harshbarger, 33°, Grand Master William R. CrawGrand Cross, Secretary-Registrar, ford, KCCH, and Shane Harshbarger, Valley of Des Moines 33°, GC, Secretary-Registrar, Valley of Des Moines, made the presentation during the Scottish Rite luncheon to Jacob Wanderscheid, Executive Director of the Food Bank of Siouxland and board member of the Iowa Food Bank MW Bro. William R. Crawford, KCCH, Grand Master of Iowa, Association. addresses a special gathering of the Grand Lodge of Iowa During his with the $100,000 check for the Food Bank of Siouxland.




Knights of St. Andrew Chapter Opens Virtually

by Thomas Whitney, 32˚, HGA, Valley of Binghamton

The Valley of Binghamton is a small Valley in the Southern Tier of New York. In early 2020, through efforts from our senior leadership, we had just started to rebound and gain momentum in our Valley. Then, the “wonderful” COVID-19 world decided to grace us with its presence, putting a halt to some of our events and plans. Our ranks were already diminishing, and now the pandemic gave us fewer opportunities to hold activites.


short time ago, however, the Valley leadership began to restructure and reorganize. I say this loud and proud, because our 33rds, our MSAs, and our officers really took hold of the virtual pathway and put together some interesting Zoom programs. With guidance from these outstanding brothers, we have managed to push forward and gain momentum even in the face of this pandemic. One of the major improvements our Valley has been working on is forming a group to get the new members and new 32nds involved. Through member discussions, we learned that the younger A Zoom screen capture of the event participants at the Charter and Installation meeting for the Knights of St. Andrew for the Valley of Binghamton


(in terms of years in the Craft) members wished to be more involved in planning and major events. So Brother David Karre, 32°, asked me to assist in a project to bring the Knights of St. Andrew to our Valley. We have worked closely with Brother Richard Powell, 33°, from the Valley of Syracuse, to lay the groundwork for this to happen. He and the members of the Valley of Syracuse Knights of St. Andrew provided us a wonderful Zoom Charter and Installation meeting. Our Commander in Chief, Mark Loughran, 32°, said, “The formation of the Binghamton KSA Chapter is a transformative event for our Valley. It is the vehicle we were looking for to engage a growing group of young members and

A lovely new Knights of St. Andrew banner to proudly display for the Valley of Binghamton

immerse them in Valley activities in a structured way. The enthusiasm of the brothers who brought this chapter to fruition has been contagious. Brothers Dave Karre, Tom Whitney, Rich Powell, and the Brothers from Binghamton and Syracuse deserve our heartfelt thanks for their hard work to make this Chapter a reality. It will surely make the Valley grow and provide benefit to its members in the form of fun gatherings, innovative programs, education, and good fellowship.” The Valley of Binghamton would like to thank the Valley of Syracuse for their efforts to help us hold this event virtually, and we look forward to working together in the future to build a strong, lasting bond that we all will benefit from. Even though times have changed, there are still ways to make good things happen. Stay safe and keep progressing; our Craft has never had stronger ties than now! The Northern Light

Congratulations to our esteemed brethren who have been nominated to receive the Honorary 33° CLEVELAND 2021

CONNECTICUT Tony Angelica • Robert J. Furce • Geoffrey L. Ice • Les B. King • David S. LaFargue • Martin J. Macary • Giuseppe Pisani DELAWARE Adam A. Blood • James Milford Brady, Jr. • John S. Foreaker • Evan Richards Moody • Fred M. Palmer ILLINOIS Bradley L. Baker • Brian K. Coppotelli • Clifton T. Daniel • Forrest L. DeVore • Donald E. Esser • Matthew F. Gibbons • Alan J. Gideonsen • Robert Allen Gill • John B. Groves • Gregory John Knott • Chad M. Lacek • D. Craig McFarland • Elliott R. McKinley • Scott D. Neville • Dan Phillips • Michael John Puhr • Russell A. Scanlan • Dean LeRoy Sheese • Charles G. Smith • Bill E. Tanner • Daniel S. Yandel INDIANA Stanley Abernathy • Gary Eugene Bridgwater • Michael D. Brinson • Alfred S. Brothers, Jr. • Anthony S. Churchward • Charles J. Clampitt • David A. Clayton • Francisco C. Fotia • Bruce J. Frazer • Eric E. Gutridge • Thomas P. Hansen • Charles L. Jones • Jerry F. Kreger • Grover D. Laudeman, III • Richard L. Lentz • Douglas S. Ligget • Philip M. Love • W. Robert MacDonald • Daniel L. Martin • Daniel R. Mayes • Estel W. McCarty • James C. Radeline • Rex E. Robertson • Walter D. Rosa • Michael C. Russell • Henry R. Schull • Carl D. Shomate • Geoffrey G. Slaughter • Terry Lee Smith • Robert G. Spears • Richard D. Stevens • Eric J. Vermeulen MASSACHUSETTS Marcus Eastman Abbott • Leon H. Cudworth, Jr. • John H. Doughty, IV • Richard J. Duhaine • George K. Haile • Francis M. Hart • Donald O. Hartson • Frank Webster Kenrick • George H. Kopps • Dana Lemieux • Richard Maggio • Paul R. Perkins • Azim S. Rawji • David S. Sewall • Travis L. Simpkins • David H. Smith • William H. Sohni • Richard B. Taylor • John E. Vankuilenburg • Richard Lance Wise • David E. Pace • George R. Sachs MAINE Paul M. Blank • Mark R. Carter • Todd M. Cesca • William C. Chapman • Robert T. Fox, Jr. • Stewart A. Harvey • Alfred C. Haskell, Jr. • W. Daniel Hill • Frank T. Palmer • Richard J. Phillips • Derik L. Smith • Robert L. Smith • Jeffrey W. Sukeforth • Frank M. Theriault, Jr. • Gordon P. Wentworth MICHIGAN Travis T. Freeman • Marc H. Halt • John D. Hill • John P. Kilbourne • Lawrence J. Leib • Andrew C. Martin • Christopher S. Morgan • Richard P. Ruhland • Stephen R. Striggow • Gerald F. Thorp, II • Robert O. Troutman • Keith L. Wright • Arthur Hubler • Craig H. Maison NEW HAMPSHIRE Scott R. Borthwick • Kenneth E. Davis, Jr. • Daniel R. Hotchkiss • Roderick M. MacDonald • Roland N. Petersen • David A. Rich NEW JERSEY Richard E. Anderson • Gordon M. Fleming • Carl V. Jacobson • James W. Kudless • David J. Lovatt • Karl J. Mock • George W. Niessner • Raymond Ortiz, II • James Rivera • David Tucker NEW YORK Miguel E. Acuna • David R. Barkstedt • Scott L. Bensink • Mark Berkson • George N. Caswell • Kevin R. Costello • Lawrence W. Egnaczyk • Gilbert Christopher Ferrer • Richard L. Frenz • G. Stephen Getman • James William Gregg • Gordon D. Hubbell • Stephen S. King • Carl J. Klossner • Mark J. Loughran, Esq. • Edward W. Middendorf, Sr. • Byron D. Moak • Robert G. Siebold • Raffy H. Timonian • Earl L. Tuttle • Arthur H. Van Vranken • Theodore Charles Volkert • Bertram J. Woodside OHIO Jon-Scott A. Allen • Daniel G. Bainum • Andrew L. Baker • Jeffrey A. Bickel • Chad A. Bonifield • Scott E. Bratton • Charles R. Brenneman • Charles W. Brooks • Scott A. Buchanan • Zel E. Bush • James K. Cassella • Robert C. Cygan • Timothy M. Daley • Randall S. Davis • Arthur D. Dunger • Philip R. Elliott, III • Eugene C. Fischer • David W. Fox • O. Wayne Fulmer • Richard L. Ganion • Steven M. Grindle • Robert C. Hager • David L. Hawk • Steven K. Hessler • David R. Hildebrandt • Stephen C. Hill • Mark E. Howard • Ted Dean Howenstine • Daniel D. Hrinko • Robert Dempsey Jernigan • Jeffrey K. Kaple • Brian M. Kennedy • Jason Lamar Kidd • Robert E. Latta • Rodney W. Lentz • David R. Leytze • Donald L. Losasso • Johnny F. Manis • A. Brian McIntosh • Caid McKinley • David N. Milligan • James C. Neil, Jr. • Todd S. Neumann • Clifford E. Nicol • George Ronald Nockengost • Daniel K. Rannebarger • Larry A. Rentz • Robert R. Rettig • William B. Schuck • Ronald Eugene Shaw, Sr. • Richard J. Shields • Bruce M. Shinabery • Michael A. Smith • Michael R. Stewart • Kevin Lee Tanner • Robert R. Taylor • Michael L. Terry • Thomas N. Thinnes • Chester J. Vance, III • Stephen P. Warren • Timothy S. Wheeland • Brian S. Williams • William G. Windnagel • Charles A. Wood • Bryan D. Worley • Wade E. Young • John J. Zettler PENNSYLVANIA Quient A. Anderson • Sergei Arhipov • Wayne Martin Baggett • Todd A. Bennicas • Lawrence Joseph Bilotto • Jack P. Bock, III • Robert D. Brink • Robert W. Bunch, Jr. • Terry Coffman • Mark Vincent Cruciani • Arthur L. Dinger • Robert Anthony DiPalma • Lynwood J. Dixon • Gary L. Dukeman • Matt El-Kadi, MD, PhD • James C. Erlinger • Joshua S. Freeman • Bryan K Fritz • Gregory E. Gagorik • Steven L. Gee • Paul J. Gornall • Donald I. Green • David M. Gui • James D. Gustafson • Adam C. Heese • Glenn W. Henry • Scott R. Hilsee • Randy L. Hobaugh • Franklin E. Hort, Sr. • Glen A. Houck • Stanley E. Johnston, Jr. • Mark S. Kingston • David J. Kolmetzky • Erik W. Krogstad • James C. Mayes • Arthur F. McGuiggan • Thomas L. Mehaffie, III • W. Scott Muller • Robert W. Naismith • Ewing D. Newcomer • Gregory P. Pappas • Christopher D. Reed • Lloyd L. Roberts • Michael R. Rosenberry • William P. Sacks • Allan C. Schappert, Jr. • Jordan William Settle • Kiley B. Sexton • John E. Shoop • Robert L. Stanley • Edward R. Stein • Gerald A. Sutherland • Laszlo Toth • Steven E. Wheeler • Michael J. Zerbe • Willard R. Ziesemer, Jr. RHODE ISLAND Rick Baccus • Glenn S. Carlson • Timothy L. Culhane • Eric E. Grist • Kenneth B. Phillips VERMONT Kenneth E. Curtis • Barry R. Duquette • A. Stephen Farrington • John A. Oleszkiewicz WISCONSIN Joseph Oscar Barlow • Thomas E. Ewald • William H. Frazier • Michael J. Roddy • Joseph E. Thompson • Donald E. Van Winkle • Michael A. Burnham

The Northern Light P.O. Box 519 Lexington, MA 02420-0519

We’re saving you a seat. By popular demand, Thursday Night at the Rite is back! Season two brings you live degree presentations, live discussions, and rare degrees not often seen. This season runs every other week through April 15. Members only. Hope to see you there! Go to to learn more.

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