3 minute read
The Chain of Union
by Moises I. Gomez, 33°, MSA, Valley of Northern New Jersey
The Chain of Union dates back to ancient times, having been used in many initiatic orders as well as Freemasonry. Generally, the chain is formed after the lodge has been closed but can be done before closing or as part of the ritual. Led by the Worshipful Master, Brethren interlock their hands right over left. There may be a time of meditation or the invoking of positive energy, but in most cases (like at my mother lodge, Atlas Pythagoras No. 10 in Westfield, NJ), we begin with Brotherly Love-Relief-Truth while raising and lowering our arms three times.
This is the invisible or mystic tie that unites all within its circle in a truly positive and spiritual way with Freemasons, wherever so dispersed, around the world. It is a continuous symbol that reminds us that regardless of the differences we may have in lodge, we must never depart in anger, but rather bring that union, which is the light of Freemasonry, into the world.
Recent events demonstrate the importance of this union.
On September 7, 2022, the Sovereign Grand Commanders of all four Scottish Rite Supreme Councils came together to affix their names and seals to the historic Statement of Unity (see The Northern Light, Fall 2022).
Fast forward one month to October 8, 2022. The New Jersey Council of Deliberation held its Fall Reunion at the Valley of Central New Jersey, with all three New Jersey Valleys participating, as well as The United Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Prince Hall Affiliate of New Jersey. This joint reunion of Unity was the first of its kind in New Jersey. The degrees exemplified by the Scottish Rite of New Jersey included the 4th, 13th, 29th, and 32nd, and our Prince Hall Scottish Rite Brethren exemplified their 20th degree.
After a very memorable and historic day, we all came together to form a perfect Chain of Union—a rather fitting way to end this reunion by remembering and honoring that light that will forever shine amongst all men. As we crossed our hands, we came together as Freemasons regardless of who we are, what God we pray to, or our individual differences.
My Brethren, this is Freemasonry reimagined. We are one Brotherhood, one family, one humanity under God. How good and pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in the peace and spirit of Unity.