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Season of setbacks, with brighter future on the


Varsity basketball struggles but looks to a promising future


making sure we’re fighting to the end and giving it our all.”

After seasons of dominant play, Nueva’s varsity basketball team has finally slowed down.

The loss of star players in the class of 2022, as well as numerous injuries, have disrupted the team’s goal of reaching playoffs. However, the future is bright with the development of young players.

“They were the foundation of our program for a very, very long time,” co-captain Nathan L. ’23 said, commenting on the class of 2022 players. “With them, we’ve always been such a strong basketball program.”

Playmakers such as alumnus Tyler Huang, Connor McGraw, and Brandon Zhao, had helped lead the school to multiple consecutive appearances in the postseason.

“Every game’s a battle [this season],” Clay M. ’23 said. “Without them, the games aren’t so easy.”

Now, with injuries such as an ACL tear, twisted ankles, cramped muscles, and flu illnesses, the team struggled with setbacks in the already strenuous season. But even with playoffs out of reach, the team still played the best to the end of each game—exemplifying their current motto, “To the End.”

“We’ve done a good job getting maximum effort in all of our games,” Clay said. “We’re

The team especially reinforced its motto in the tight game against their rivals, Pacific Bay Christian School, on Jan. 11. During the home game, the team was down for most of the first half and eventually came back with four points in the last quarter.

“It was back and forth,” Coach Mike Green recalled. “We had momentum, and then [Diego A. ’25] got hurt and [Clay] injured his knee.”

The game ended with a 59-55 loss but showed the impact of the motto on the team as they kept fighting despite injuries and setbacks.

Even with a disappointing end to the season, the team has an encouraging outlook. Younger teammates stepped up in the absence of the upperclassmen sidelined by injuries. With onethird of the team consisting of sophomores, the newer group has shown a desire to learn from the older group, coaches, and alumni.

“The younger guys have been eager to learn,” Nathan said. “I’ve constantly been talking with or texting them to analyze our games and come up with times to practice outside of school. Our program in the future is in good hands.”

Green acknowledged the development of the younger players as well.

“I always say it’s a rebuilding year, but the future’s bright for us,” Green said.

Varsity girls soccer wraps up “emotionally charged” and “exciting” season

Team members reflect on their three-month-long journey

Left hands—because they are “closest to the heart”—stack up in a team huddle.

“Nueva on me, Nueva on three!” upper school girls soccer team co-captains, Mia T. ’23, Kayla H. ’23, and Anya P. ’23 chant. The team spiritedly choruses back: “One, two, three… Nueva!”

This winter, the varsity girls soccer team has had a successful season in PSAL Division 5. As of Feb. 5, the team maintains a record of 14 wins, two losses, and two ties.

When reflecting on their victories, Potsiadlo attributes their success to “a team with people who are committed to coming to practice and putting in the time to get better.”

Many members of the team describe their personal highlight of the season as playing rival Crystal Springs Uplands School.

Freshman Nancy G-M. described the game as “very emotionally charged.”

“We were so amped up,” she said. “We played the best game we could and it paid off.”

While the match was more competitive than usual, the team won 3-0 with a free kick from center defender Zoe B. ’24 that turned the tide.

Nancy also appreciated the team dynamic this year, especially with the addition of six freshmen.

“All the upperclassmen are really nice and inclusive. It’s a really great environment to get to know people in other grades,” she said.

Senior Night—the cherry on top for the girls basketball season

Looking ahead, freshman Grace E. remarks, “This year, I’m looking forward to senior night and CCS. Next year, I’m excited to meet all the new freshmen let them carry the equipment after practice!”

The end of the season is bittersweet, as five seniors will be graduating from the team. However, Anya reflects, “no one ever really leaves the team, and I think I’ll come and visit any chance I get. I don’t think I’ll ever stray too far from Nueva soccer.”

The team will take on their final challenge soon, competing in the first round of CCS playoffs on Feb. 18.

A glimpse into the girls’ “insane” buzzer-beater game and their speeches for the seniors

STORY Alice T.

Diane Mazzoni

“Shoot!” the crowd screamed with 0.4 seconds left on the clock and co-captain Nixie H. ’23 shot a 3-pointer. The crowd erupted into cheers for the team's 37–35 win against Design Tech on their Senior Night on Feb. 3.

“Everyone went crazy,” said co-captain Eliza S. ’23. “I ran straight to Nixie and gave her a big bear hug.”

The game was an exciting but grueling win as Nueva had previously lost 28–50 to Design Tech on Jan. 25. When Nueva was down by 11 points at halftime, it seemed this game would end similarly.

However, co-captain Siana K. ’25 only had more determination to win.

“We needed to win this for the seniors,” she said. “This was Senior Night.”

However, despite facing tough competition, the girls played with a positive attitude, uplifting their spirit with cheers and words of motivation.

“I love our team dynamic,” Alexis T. ’24 said. “We like to come with the attitude that we're just going to play our best whenever we can. Win or lose, we know we put 100 percent on the court and had fun.”

Following the celebrations of the win, the night continued with speeches for the five departing seniors: Madeleine H., Char P., Nixie H., Eliza S., and Annli Z.—each speech written and given by underclassmen.

“I really felt the strong community we've built as a team,” Amrutha R. ’24 said. “I'm going to miss them because I've played with them for three years and they've been a big part of my experience on the team.”

Nixie recalled going on long drives with Lara M. ’25 pre-game, talking “not only about basketball but also friends and how to deal with drama and confidence.”

“It was nice to know how I impacted [Lara], not only on the court, but off the court… and that's what matters most to me,” Nixie said.

While Senior Night’s clutch game was the highlight of the season, it was only one of many great moments for the girls basketball team. The girls’ collaboration and dedication paid off with an 11-4 record.

“Thanks for an amazing season,” Eliza and Nixie voiced to their teammates. “We see all the hard work you put in and we appreciate and love you guys.”

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