She was humble, soft spoken yet firm and never missed an opportunity to frankly speak her mind when it was needed. She was a counselor to many and happily shared her life’s lessons & experiences with all who needed it.
Mrs Hilda Hanson-Nortey (Nee Awuku) was born in Mampong Akuapem on 27th October, 1976 at the Tetteh Quarshie memorial hospital to Mr. Michael Awuku and Madam Charlotte Armah all of blessed memory. She was the second of her maternal siblings and third of her paternal. She hailed from Obosomase Akuapem in the Eastern Region.
Dede, aka Day as she was affectionately called, completed her early education at Senchi in the Eastern Region where she completed her Junior High School in October 1992. She later gained admission to Adonteng Secondary School in 1995 where she studied Visual Arts, as she had passion for creativity. She worked as a Secretary at the Executive Clinic
and a Telephonist till 2005. Dede had a drive for education and a passion for excellence which she demonstrated in her several achievements in her academics and her professional life. She started her career as an Accounts clerk at the Senchi Riverside Resort (Royal Senchi Resort) in 1996 where she worked for two (2) years. She later relocated to Accra with her mother and enrolled at YMCA Secretariat School where she obtained a Certificate in Stenography. She was employed as a Secretary at Ghana Telecommunication Company (now Vodafone) in 1998.
Dede was later employed as a contract staff at Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) as a secretary where she was posted to Trust Hospital, Osu between 1999-2005. She was later transferred to the Adabraka Branch as a Private Secretary from 2005-2007.
Dede captured at a Christmas tree
Her love for natural hair. Beautiful as always.
Dede was a very family- oriented person. Whilst at SSNIT, she met her beloved husband Dr HansonNortey. Their union was blessed with three (3) lovely children namely; Nii Noi, Nii Narku and Naa Shormy.
Her drive for education caused her to apply to Central University College in for further studies where she obtained a BSC in Administration (Management) in the year 2009. She later obtained her MBA in Corporate Strategy from Maastricht University Netherlands in 2013.
Whilst working at SSNIT, she demonstrated her passion for hard work and determination such that she was employed in different departments and in several roles with her last one being a Compliance Officer at the Osu Branch, between 2012 to 20014. From 2014 she was in charge of diplomatic mission accounts at the SSNIT airport branch before she was transferred to the Adabraka office.
Mrs. Hilda Hanson–Nortey lived her life to the fullest, serving her
God. She worshiped at Anglican Church where she was a member of the singing band where she played a key role in the group. She later joined Action Chapel in Accra when she got married. She showed empathy towards people she came into contact with. She made a positive impact wherever she finds herself, family or work. She had such a natural flair for cooking that a lot of people can attest to.
She demonstrated tenacity of purpose and was never deterred by life challenges and lived life from one glory to the other. She lived an active and healthy life until she became unwell and was admitted at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital where she passed on the 19th August Day, you played your role to the best of your abilities and as you take leave of us, may your beautiful soul rest in the bosom of the Lord.
Dede, we shall forever miss you. Rest in Power. Amen
Indeed, you kept your lights burning, across the waves of life’s troubles and struggles. You shone your light to many. You called many to yourself and you influenced them to do right showing them to Christ. This earned you many names and accolades: Hilly Babe, Mama Hilly, Obosomase Queen, Auntie Hilda, Dey.
You were a true mother and model to many as you touched their lives, affected them and supported them. I still have memories of that fateful morning of Saturday 13th August 2022 in Sakumono, the sudden call for help, the witnesses, the adrenaline rush, the calls, the Emergency Room, the drive to Korle Bu, the calls for prayer, the support from our friends and prayer warriors, the ICU and the days that followed. None of us expected this outcome. It was just too sudden. Everyone was around to support you - Esi, Stella, Jackie, Shirley
your mommies Susu, Auntie Bona, Auntie Christie, Prof Lartey, and all the doctors. I cannot question God because I know in my heart that God has taken the best decision for you, the children and me. No wonder God Himself has given us peace and soothed our pain.
Through your passing God is telling us all to consider our lives, to number our days, that we will apply our hearts to wisdom (Ps. 90:12). When I look back at the days and events prior to your passing, I can only say that you have run your course, served your generation and have been called up to glory.
You know how I cherished you and you cherished me as well. You motivated me to achieve a lot, and I also pushed you to do even better than you thought you could ever do. You were a loving mother for the children. You brought them up in the fear of God.
Brightly beams our Father’s mercy, From his lighthouse evermore, But to us he gives the keeping, of the lights along the shore. Chorus: Let the lower lights be burning; Send a gleam across the wave. Some poor fainting, struggling seaman, You may rescue, you may save.
You motivated me to achieve a lot, and I also pushed you to do even better than you thought you could ever do. You were a loving mother for the children. You brought them up in the fear of God.
You taught them daily to be good children and they have not turned from your instructions. You loved God wholeheartedly and urged me to love the things of God more than any others.
You were my Compliance Officer and made me comply even when I didn’t want to. You were the one who could tell me all my faults in my face even when it was not palatable. And I had to comply for my own good.
It has been an empty period since you moved on to eternity. The house is empty, your voice is absent. You are not around to check on
me anymore nor for me to bounce my ideas off you. There is no daily reporting session for me and a vacancy has been created in Hilly Consult. There is no one to answer the children’s questions especially those from Naa Shormeh. Sadly the girls’ talk time is no more. But we rejoice that you are in a better place. We will continually hold you in our hearts.
Dear, till we meet again in glory when the roll is called on the beautiful shore, fare well my Dear, my Hilly Babe, Shormeh’s Comfy Body, Honey Cuchi Cuchi, Nii Noi and Nii Narku’s Mom. Fare well, till we meet again.
Imagine your whole life is structured in revolution to this quote. A simple bundle of words with enough force to help you reset your life. Like stars to the night sky, so you were to us. You formed an undivided ratio that simplified mother- hood. You lived to show that we were for a purpose that purpose being to be minds acceptable to both God and man. You were the definition of work in prayer, in marriage, in support, in the kitchen, in experience, on school days, on Sundays, in love, and in motherhood.
Your mindset was exceptional, and it only took your expressions to tell when you were unhappy. At the same time, it never took much to tell when you were pleased. You always managed to beat the sunrise just so we could have meals and be prepared for the day. You made it a pleasure to make fun of each other. Whether it was in Fante, Twi or English, your jocularity was so infectious it managed to even have water run out ours nose while we drank.
You were our natural foundation and source of support, helping us fight our battles spiritually, emotionally, and even physically when it was called for. When you talked with God it was Mom, you taught us using life lessons, life lessons you lived, just so we would always be reminded that we are not merely fighters in this life of battles, but more importantly, survivors.
As we reflect on her life, actions, and words, we only realize one thing each day most people look forward to their next move in life. But not her. She looked forward to her next move with God in eternity. Read her text messages and notice a vibrant relationship with God. She never addressed the future without either stating By His grace. Growing up, we each learned to cherish this you even more daily because you raised us to know the meaning of life. To realize that in a world full of variety, it's up to us to pick the acceptable and leave out the unacceptable. To acknowledge God in everything we do so we can earn ourselves a VIP spot next to his throne.
You supported our education the best way you could, even if it meant having to see us one season every year. And at the same time you used your resources to connect to us. Mom you implied that though oceans may separate us, but love can't. Mom you taught us using life lessons, life lessons you lived, just so we would always be reminded that we are fighters in this life of battles, but most importantly, we are survivors.
As we reflect on your life, actions and words we only realize one thing, Each day most people look forward to their next move in life. But not her. You looked forward to your next move with God in eternity. You read her text messages and notice a vibrant relation; she never addressed the future without either stating: By His grace…, If God permits…, or God willing…. One can look back
now questioning if she knew her time was close by, or she only had a short time till she returned to her creator. The answer to that remains unknown. But one thing is known, that she was the true definition of love, faith and Motherhood.
We look back now and question ourselves, who are we going to turn to when we need advice? Who's going to be there on Sundays when we call? Who's going to have our first Ghanaian meals made when we arrive from school, or going to pick us up along with our Dad? Who's going to be there to congratulate us when we all eventually graduate into a new phase of life? Who are we going to write down our problems on? As it appears, we might have lost our cherished page, but we didn't lose her words; "Trusting in God is an experience, and that experience is a gradual process".
On the 19th of August, when Aunty Maku’s call came through, the news was so unexpected and unbelievable. It was so devastating and heart wrenching because it meant that we had lost another mother who we thought will be around to experience what Mama did not.
It takes someone who has been in such a situation to fully understand our plight: “THE LOSS OF TWO MOTHERS” in your lifetime. Daay, it is with a heavy heart that we stand here to read your tribute especially when it falls on a 19th, because it brings back memories of when we lost Mama. This means that another “19th Day” sadness has befallen us. When Mama went to be with her maker twenty-one (21) years ago, God was so gracious to us because you stepped in to play
the role of a mother and father even at a young age. You took on the difficult task of raising FOUR BOYS without you having been prepared to shoulder such onerous responsibility. Yet, you did it with so much grace and calm which made it look so easy and simple because of the special capabilities that you are naturally endowed with. You had such a strong personality. We can never forget when as children you will carry Adjetey and Paapa to school on a bicycle every single day.
You were our “Protectorin-Chief’’ beside our God. Nobody dared touch any of us because of you. You did not hesitate to come to PaaKofi’s aid at school to deal with anyone who tried to fight him. What a mother to have!!! We were beneficiaries of your God Fearing and prayerful traits.
When peace like a river attended my way, When sorrows like sea billows. Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, it is well”.
The numerous times you led us to Achimota Forest to pray, your constant support and your prayers of Intercession can never be forgotten. You taught us to remember our maker whilst we had breath and indeed you also lived by it.
You were very principled and a disciplinarian. You really took us through some “Military Training” which has shaped, toughened and will forever remain with us throughout our journey in life. We are indeed who we are today because God strengthened you to strengthen your FOUR BOYS!
We remember as boys how you will never allow us do “usual boys stuff” because it did not sit well with the disciplinarian you were. You supported us to make the best of decisions in all life impacting issues. It was your wish that Adjetey attended Achimota School, you planned and ensured that this came to pass. Your hands-on parenting skills were unmatched and we express our utmost appreciation to the Almighty for giving you to us.
Your sense of direction, guidance and prayers were again on display to the fullest when Okatah returned from Holland and expressed his desire to travel to the United States, you made it happen. You never got tired of supporting us and we are indeed grateful to you and God. Daay, it was our wish that you stayed and grew old with all of us to see what God really used you to do in our lives.
We however take consolation in the fact that your Maker needs you more than we do. We will remember all the
training and advice you gave us and will pass it on to the younger ones.
We are really pained and saddened but we can only say: IT IS WELL WITH OUR SOUL. Daay, tell Mama we miss her and also share with her the good work you did in raising us.
Daay, Paapa says I am everything I am because of you. You got me going when all seem lost and you gave me courage to withstand difficult circumstances. Indeed “no condition is permanent” as you always tell me but I wish this condition could be reverted. May God keep you safe and be an Angel over your children and us all. Amen!
Okatah says Dede, you were a loving ❤ mother to me and my family. Loosing you feels like half of my life and body is gone. The good lord knows best DEDE MAY YOUR SOUL REST IN PEACE TILL WE MEET AGAIN
Adjetey says To lose you has been the hardest thing for me, you meant so much to me. I know that heaven called you, but I wished you could have stayed longer to share memories with you. Mother of many rest in power sister Payin.
Paakofi says your sense of maturity and discipline has shape him to be the gentleman he is now.
Almighty God grant your faithful servant Daay Eternal Rest.
May your perpetual light shine on her as she departs. Rest in Perfect Peace Big Daay!!!
Getting ready for a funeral in a signature natural beauty look.
Sweet sis at a friends themed birthday party.
Sweet Sis and Paapa having a dance off.
Today, we are all seated here in grief, with some recounting fond memories of a dear one, Mrs Hilda Hanson Nortey, someone whose image is a reflection of her mother, auntie Charlotte Armah of blessed memory.
Dede, you were applauded by some of us when you took up the responsibility of a mother at a very tender age after the passing of your mother some twenty two years ago and took care of your siblings.
Dede, you were on the illuminated stage, displaying your ethics and crafts of the living before the curtains were drawn and the stage light turned
off. We shared the information of your demise with utmost shock, as most of us if not all of us did not know you were ill and had been hospitalized before this painful exit.
It is sad to note that our family numerical strength has been reduced by your absence and would be felt at any gathering. All the same we take consolation in the fact that you found faith in the Christian religion and will be soldering on till we meet again.
In this context,we wish this time had never come. You will forever be missed by all. Fare thee well,Dede
Death, death oh death! Why are you so heartless? Why do you come and lay your icy hands on the innocent ones? You lurk in the dark and strike when everyone least expects. We were living happily and you turned our happiness into sorrow. Hilda oh Hilda my sweet sister in law.
I took likeness towards Hilda the very first day my brother brought her home and me being my inquisitive self wanted to know more about her. I got closer and
realised we both share similar fashion choices and our love for interior decoration. Anytime I visit her we can chat for hours. Hilda thank you so much for everything you did for me during my toughest times.
Hilda was a kind hearted lady and always had a smile on. Hilda 25th December family get together will never be the same without you, but I know you are at a good place and resting in the bosom of the Lord. Rest in peace my sister in law.
A True friend is like a diamond; bright, beautiful, valuable, and always in style. It is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.
My daughter Hilda... “A light from our household is gone, A voice we love is stilled. A place is vacant in our hearts that never can be filled.”
Her voice on the telephone made you want to search for her and meet her.. it was a very sweet voice exuding contentment confidence humility and positivity. That was Mrs Hilda Hanson Nortey. I celebrate you for your diligence and professionalism wherever you were posted to work. I celebrate you for embracing the great responsibility of caring for
your brothers grandchildren Nii Noi , Nii Narku and Naa Shormeh to be respectful caring loving selfless and Christlike They will forever cherish you. There is too much to celebrate you for and I can’t numerate all of them. What can we say but Thank the Good Lord for lending you to us for these few years. We are still finding it hard to be consoled by the fact that Our Maker only takes the best and He really broke our hearts to prove this to us. Till we meet again, We miss you every single day. in the bosom of the Lord Rest in perfect peace.
BY: ESI A. DADZIEDede I got to know you and got close to you 18 years ago, when I became your maid of Honour. I remember how you are always ready to help at any event we were. Your thoughtfulness about everyone whom you cared about and even willing to help strangers was interesting to me.
Whenever we met you were always the Lady with that smile to capture so many people and how respectful you were was something out of this world. People who meet us always ask who that beautiful lady with the beautiful smile is. And I am always proud to say that is my cousin Dede. I miss you so much already and our family gatherings without you will
never be the same. Who will I talk and laugh my heart out during these boring gatherings. To be honest your death is still unbelievable, because we spoke a few days before you left. You were laughing at my craziness and I was teasing you about making sure you get better so we can chill. But death took you away from me.
Chic Lady as I call you every time we meet. I will miss that smile and laughter It will forever be in my heart. We have lost a selfless and kind gem in our life and we can’t replace you in this life time. It will forever be in my heart. We have lost a selfless and kind gem in our life and we can’t replace you in this life time.
Remembering a beautiful soul Mrs. Hilda Dede Hanson-Nortey.
So many people call her Hilda, Hilly but I call her Auntie Dede. Not too long ago, Dede came and worked at Trust Hospital, and she became my daughter. Eighteen years ago, she asked me to find her a life partner which I did, And she got married beautifully and fully to my handsome son Dr Nii Nortey Hanson-Nortey with your mother Dr Susu Kwawu Kume cutting your awesome cake.
The Lord blessed you and your husband with three 3 lovely and God fearing-children. You were so hardworking Dede and never put me to shame. Your husband always spoke so highly of you and thanked me for giving him a wonderful wife. I have been happy and proud of him and you as my children who never put me to shame. AYEKOO!! The shocking news I ever received in my life was your death. How heart breaking. How could you leave Doctor in the middle of the wide sea alone
to sink after embarking on a life partnership journey with him. Doctor and I are very grateful to you that you helped him make the children know that without God life is I thought I would grow very old for your husband and you together with my three daughters who are your sisters together with their husbands my precious sons in laws who have become my sons with Dr. Hanson-Nortey as their big brother together with my son Dr. Ansah will give me a befitting farewell burial.
Here I am parting ways with you my darling daughter. One day we shall meet again at the beautiful place where all the saints like you have gathered and shall part no more. Your work on earth is done. Mission Accomplished. Your golden crown awaits you.
Go and be crowned in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus name.
On Christ, the solid ROCK, I stand; all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand. When darkness seems to hide his face, I rest on his unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale, My anchor jolts within the veil (Refrain)
Death is wicked, fearful, unfriendly and has no respect for man regardless of status, race, religion, tribe, position, possessions, or age. Many have tried to stop death for ages, but no one was able to but only GOD can. Words cannot describe how I am feeling, as I stand here today to pay you tribute.
If the power of life and death were in my hands, I will ensure that rare,
gem like you never depart from this earth but who am I to question the supremacy of the ALMIGHTY CREATOR. How I wished I could say like Jesus daughter of Zion, arise and come back to life and it happens according to my word. Otherwise, none of us will not be gathered here today paying our tribute to a virtuous woman, a strong pillar in the body of Christ and a blessing to many. Am so PROUD to have known a beautiful woman in and out as well as my big sister. I will result miss your smiles, laughter, and unique voice.
A woman of substance is gone! An epitome of beauty is gone! Our jewel of inestimable value is gone! My sweet, kind, loving, giving, caring and GOD-FEARING big sister is gone! Sleep well daughter of Zion till we meet to part no more.
A sister that makes your life complete no matter where she is. With a sorrowful heart I write this tribute to you, Dey. Little did we know that morning of 19th August, 2022 you will give your last breath. It was very hard for me and still hard because a lot has changed completely. My cousin Dede died suddenly. We
were together during your last days and a week earlier we were discussing Naa Shomeh's 10th birthday and we were excited about it because it was the birthday of the only girl in the family.
Dede was so happy for everything to happen so quickly. Death was so foreign to me.
I have lost someone that is so close to my heart. How can I fill this void in my heart? Hmmm. Losing Dede is very difficult for me because of the bond we shared. He had plans of visiting her sons in the USA and other trips we planned on having soon. Death WHY? She had so much to live for and being dead is unfair. She always wants the best for others and she doesn't think of herself first. Anytime I pick up my phone to have a "girl-talk", then I remember you are no more. Thank you for the wonderful memories we shared. Sister,
your memories will be kept in my heart forever.
I will always hold her so dear in my heart. Our friendship was a blessing. I miss you so much, but I know that wherever you are, you are at peace. I miss our laughs and stories, the joyous times we spent together- er will forever hold a special place in my heart.
I hope to be strong enough to accept your death. Keep resting my Dear. I love you sister but God loves you more.
BY JACKIE BENYIDid I ever dream it? Did I ever comprehend or imagine it? Not in my wildest dreams. Did we even ever talk about it? Probably, the only times we talked about death was when I detected gaps in my SSNIT contributions, and you pulled me into your office one morning to get the reconciliations done so we know the family won’t have issues just in case. The other time was when in one casual conversation you said categorically that you should be laid in church when you die and that was all.
tribute? What to write? Should it be memories about our cooking adventures or about our plans and activities around our children or recounting God’s goodness to us. Not to mention our arguments about everything but nothing really important, for which we both could stand outside late into the night with all the mosquito bites and chat for hours not feeling tired. Or should I recount how you and Kwesi battle it out on issues while Doc and I looked on, or how we lovingly chased each other in buying the same things? I am not sure.
You were a very strong, dedicated, God-loving, lifeloving and passionate woman, and a phenomenal mother to Nii Noi, Narku and Shormeh. I can tell you Doc misses you greatly because you two where great friends. Hilda, you showed us great warmth, love and care, and I could trust you to watch out for Kwesi and the girls when I was out of home. Indeed, the secret things truly belongs to God. (Deuteronomy 29:29).
This really hurts, Hilda, as I recollect talking and singing to you on the hospital bed every one of those days you were in hospital, with no response from
you. Yet I was ever hopeful that you will pull through. I have been confused and shocked with questions on my mind. But on the other side, I am very comforted because I know where you are. Singing of our Father’s praise like we did at the thanksgiving in our white. I am told it is so beautiful and glorious that you would not even want to come back if God gave you the chance. So live on Sis, and anytime you have a conversation with Jesus tell him we trust him to make all things work together for the good of Doc, Nii Noi, Nii Narku and Naa Shormeh (Romans 8:28). You will forever remain in our hearts.
BY: STELLA BAAHTeach me, O Lord not to hold on to life too tightly. Teach me to hold it lightly; not carelessly, but lightly, easily. Teach me to take it as while I have it and to let it go gracefully and thankfully when the time comes. The greater still. Thou, O God, art the Giver and in thee is the Life that never dies”.
I have always thought that losing a friend gets easier with time but this is untrue because it becomes more difficult every
day with of memories. My heart is deeply broken forever, but people continually tell me that in time, the pieces will come back together. This is hard to believe as there will always be that piece which has your name on it, my dear Dede. My eyes continue to well with tears whenever I think of your beautiful face. It all seems so unreal! You had so much to look forward and so much to do, but God needed somebody in heaven who is as special as you.
Proverbs 18:24 (“There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother”) perfectly fits the description of my relation- ship with Hilda. We were drawn to each other the first time we met as we quickly found out that we spoke the same language – Akwapim Twi. We even got closer as we also realized that we had the same demeanor and both had modest backgrounds.
In no time, Dede and I became sisters as it became apparent that we had a lot of things in common and virtually had the same aspirations, ambitions. We both held a vision to excel in our endeavours and to create a much better life and opportunities for ourselves and to be a blessing to our generation. Dede, know that I will continue to let the dream live on in honour of your memory. I
miss the bond that makes us look like family. I will deeply miss our long telephone conversations and physical chats that got onlookers wondering. I never seem to forget the good memories we shared together, ah! I cannot get them off my heart!
Thank you for the creative and innovative ideas that gave me insight into life. It was always a pleasure to learn something new from you, my designer, my makeup artist who regularly helped me pick out outfits when I needed professional assistance. You were glamorous and vivacious, so beautiful inside-out. Dede you were a definition of a friend indeed. You and your husband played a key role in salvaging my life in my darkest moments when all help seemed to have fizzled out. I will always tell the world how good you were. You had your fears and anxieties about some people around you, but you always trusted in God. We thank God for your life.
Although your life was shortlived, you managed to achieve your dreams and aspirations. I can attest to how your relationship with your Maker became very intimate in the latter part of your life. This gives me consolation that your gentle soul is peacefully resting in the bosom of your Maker.
Farewell my friend, my sister. I love you and you’ll forever live within my heart.
‘Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure, you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure’
Monday, August 22nd 2022 started for me as a normal day. I went to work full of hope and expectation only to have a work colleague walk up to me with a sad countenance, sat by me and asked if I had heard from my sister Hilda lately. I confirmed I had, in the past week or two with a huge smile. He realized I was oblivious and rephrased his enquiry to ask if all was well with her.
At this point I was getting impatient and started panicking, but the worse was far from my mind. As I became increasingly disturbed and probing, he hinted he heard of Hilda’s demise but was not sure and wanted to confirm from me. I made the necessary calls and indeed ‘WHAT A SHOCK”! I cried so much that I was asked to go home. I felt sick to the core. I felt the Good Lord had turned his back on us. Consider that this very day happened to be Naa Shormeh’s 10th birthday. Hilda, you passed four days to her much anticipated 10th birthday. It hurts more to think that the week you were struggling for dear life, I went about my everyday
issues without any hint of your condition. As such I could not even intercede on your behalf. Hilda and I first met about 18 years ago- the day she got wedded to Hanson, a good friend dating way back from our Legon Campus days. He was a frequent visitor to Volta Hall but projected himself as a brother to a number of us. You can imagine my joy when I finally got invited to his wedding during our vacation from the UK.
Hilda, you knew and loved the Lord. You were a kind soul, soft spoken, measured in words and even tempered. You were a nononsense kind of person but also very loving and sweet. You were multi-skilled and could do just about anything from organizing things and whipping local drinks, to cooking and advising on pension planning.
You were business minded and always had something in your car boot to sell. What an industrious person you were. How can your candle blow out just when it was beginning to burn brightest? We had plans to travel – Dubai for Christmas, Turkey, USA and more. What now happens to our girly trips with just our girls and no daddies or sons?
The day I was informed of your demise, I asked God how Hanson, Nii Noi, Nii Narku and Naa Shormeh will cope because you were the glue that held them all beautifully. Nothing about what happened and how you passed makes sense to me. I wish I could get answers to my many WHYs.
Especially, why did you have to exit so young? Naa tells me she is not convinced you are dead. She says you promised to teach her how to make Jollof and Fried rice and then you went to Buena Vista and never came back home. I hope I get the opportunity to teach her my variance. Kindly pardon me because one thing for
sure, it won’t be as good as yours because we all know you were the better cook.
I just wish we had said our goodbyes but the Lord in his wisdom took you so fast, there was no time for that. Hilda, your task is over, your battle is done and may you now rest peacefully with our Lord. Indeed Ebenezer, thus far has the Lord brought us. We shall surely meet again my sister.
May your gentle soul rest calmly in the bosom of our maker.
If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. Romans 14:8. Life often produces unassuming heroes, those who by character and discipline live very quietly but effectively in whatever they do. They achieve results in their endeavours through hard work, dedication and resilience. Hilda was one of such people.
I found it so difficult to believe the news of the sudden depature of my friend, sister and gist mate. It's been like an unending
dream which i am yet to come to terms with. Hilda was a woman who lived for her family and did everything to make sure her family was catered for. This is what attracted me to her, and we became good friends within a short time of meeting at the then Osu branch of SSNIT some years ago. I sought to tap into her home management skills. Hilda was a very open and outgoing person. I loved the fact that she was very frank, said it as it was without fear or favour so that one always knew where one stood with her.
I recall with sadness the nights we will talk for so long about our frustrations at work and end by encouraging each other and laughing it off. I’m blessed to have known you, Hilda, though it was for too short a time. We had
a lot to talk about and there were so many plans ahead. Hilda was easy going and God fearing. We are convinced that as the voice of death whispered “it’s time to go”, the voice of Christ said: “you are but coming Home”.
BY MS BELINDA KANORDear Hilda, I never thought I would lose you, but here I am. You left without saying goodbye. I am trying to hold on, to keep strong, but it still doesn't feel right. You were the big sister I never had, and a good friend I could really trust.
You showed me love, an unconditional one. You were my confidant. Having a friend and sister like you wasn’t just for fun.
It is knowing that I could always turn to you. I will miss our long talks, your comforting voice and those random moments when we rejoiced. May God grant you a peaceful rest my sister. Rest well my best friend. My deepest love to the sky I shall send.
Till we meet again Belinda.
As a community, we always looked forward to those moments when we could share fellowship as neighbors and break away from the rat race of mundane activities. In those times of fellowship, we break bread, dance to old school music, and reminiscence about life journey.
We looked forward to it, yet no one was willing to take the responsibility of organizing. This is when our beloved Hilda will step up to the plate and virtually solely put things together to make the mid-year or end of year gettogether enjoyable and fulfilling. Hilda will ensure there is enough food and drinks and will get us our type of DJ
to play us our type of music. Full of energy, she will be on the dance floor with her contemporary dance steps and her infectious cheerful spirit will get us all, even the most pathetic of dancers, swinging to the beat.
Whom do we as a community fall to this Christmas?
Who will order the pastries? Who will ensure everyone is served at the get-together?
Our Costa Villa world will never be the same without you, yet we will draw strength from your selflessness to ensure our neighborly bond is not broken.
Hilly, Hilda....."Gracious God, to thee we raise this our sacrifice of praise" Why do we have to pen this hymn line to you instead of singing along unconsciously? We heard this hymn being sung over and over again at most functions we attended with our spouses.
Our paths crossed, as fate destined it, when our hubbies, who have built lifetime friendships from their alma mater, met for various functions. We met at engagements, weddings, christenings, birthdays, funerals, every 26th December at Oye's
residence and for the 'boys' any reason to gather at each other’s home to have a drink and chat endlessly. Oye’s was always the highlight of the year.
We would arrive early, help out with the cooking, gather in the kitchen and talk about new recipes, home-care etc. It always gave an opportunity for the kids to catch up, and gave us a chance to unwind while the hubbies sat outside until late evening when we all would happily part ways with delicacies we had helped prepare.
Oh Hilda, did you take some of the grilled chicken for tomorrow’s lunch?, Rahma here you go, Evelyn your package, Naami don’t forget ooo, Roberta take that, Miriam the pork, Aya, don’t be stubborn-no cooking tomorrow, Roselyn the soup, Brigit the cookies. etc.
Oye would ensure we all went away with something. It was inevitable that we would become very good friends, building on the bond our hubbies had created and developed.
We thus created our own fun moments and enjoyed ourselves as equally as they did, with or without them. We were there for each other in many unspoken ways, and created a support system and safe haven for ourselves. The kids grew up right before our eyes and we
gloried in what the Lord was doing for each of us. We didn't expect that our last visit where you were unusually clingy was to be our last time we would meet. We hugged and said bye bye for a long time and we promised we would be back sooner than you would expect, which didn't seem to go down well with you. It is unimaginable that we are bidding you farewell at this time HILDA. We will miss you dearly, SO SO MUCH especially at each opportunity we have to 'tag along', but we will keep your memory alive always and keep on creating memories until we meet again. Rest well Sister, Rest well Hilda. Rest well Hilly . Rest Peacefully.
"Naked l came from my mother's womb, and naked l will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised." (Job 1:21)
We are gathered here today in memory of our dear colleague Mrs. Hilda Hanson-Nortey. The 19th of August, 2022, was a bad day for all colleagues and close associates of Hilda. Saddened and broken; we are yet to fully recover from the shock of coming to terms of the sad reality that such a lively healthy person and full of life can just depart from this world in such an amazingly short while. Death has taken away a great personality,
a loving wife, an amazing mother and a good, warm and dependable friend. She represented a woman an irrepressible faith; seeing the brighter side to every situation or condition even in bad times. Mrs HansonNortey exemplified life, laughter, love and hope to all close to her.
Hilda had opportunity to work with several departments but the Airport City Branch which metamorphosed from Osu Branch had the longest privilege of working with her.
She was a very diligent Compliance Officer and a pioneer staff in the establishment of the current Diplomatic Missions Desk at the Airport City Branch in 2014; a position she held until January 2022 when she was transferred to Adabraka Branch. Hilda had a good Team spirit and got along well with colleagues; she handled her duties with passion, commitment and honesty; your punctuality to work worth emulating.
Your predisposition for the pursuit of justice and fairness for all found you on the Airport City staff welfare executive committee and all programs planning committees where you played your role effectively to ensure a very successful program. You help discipline, ethics and morals in
high esteem which you demonstrated as a matter of course to peers and subordinates alike by correcting colleagues when they have erred; managing conflicts and insisting on respect for authority. You were also very particular about corporate behaviour and dress code; for which you oriented
new staff, national Service Persons and interns transferred to the Airport City Branch on corporate behaviour, dress code and disciplinary procedures using the employee handbook. This you did with great dedication and joy. Dr. Hanson-Nortey, Nii Noi, Nii Narku & Naa Shormeh, let us remember the words of Adlai Stevenson the US Ambassador to the United Nations (196165) as we mourn our mother, colleague and friend that "It is not the years in a life that counts; it is the life in the years." Ladies and Gentlemen, Hilda Hanson-Nortey lived and we will all dearly miss her.
Fair thee well great colleague!! Fair thee well good Friend!! Fair thee well colleague!!
Onyankopong Mfa Wo Kra Nsie Yie; Dayie
We are gathered here to bid farewell to the Late Mrs. Hilda HansonNortey, who to many was more than just a colleague, but a good friend. The news of her death came as a shock and It saddens our hearts to bid farewell to such a wonderful friend. Death has indeed taken away from us a genuinely warm individual, more importantly a loving Wife, Mother and Sister. While we mourn the loss of a colleague, we pay tribute and celebrate a life that was well lived. Hilda, as she was affectionately called, was engaged on October 1, 2004 and posted to the Trust private hospital as a private secretary. On September 15, 2005, she
was transferred from the Trust Hospital to the Adabraka branch. After working in the Adabraka branch for a while she was transferred to the pension house as a receptionist.
On April 2, 2012 by dint of hard work, she rose to become a Compliance Officer and was transferred to the Osu Branch, which was later relocated to the Airport City Branch. On January 4, 2022 she was transferred back to the Adabraka Branch where she worked until her demise. She served the Trust for sixteen (16) years and ten (10) months. Hilda, was unique in her demeanour, usually with her “afro” hairstyle. She was well cultured and was the
slow talker. Her transfer from the Airport City Branch to the Adabraka Branch brought some confidence to staff knowing where she was coming from and her expertise at the diplomatic desk. She carried out her duties with such delight and grace and was a good team player. We can confidently say that, Hilda, was a living proof of how fine a person can be. The life she lived can be summed up in these few words: She was Sincere, She was Committed, And she was Loyal. Life, indeed, they say is but a fleeting shadow; we are here one moment and gone the next.
But until we meet again, we shall take comfort and assurance from Psalm 147:3, that; the Lord surely“...heals the brokenhearted and binds their wounds”. Our sincere sympathy goes out to the
bereaved family, her spouse and children. It is our humble prayer that the good Lord will continue to strengthen you. May His Spirit cause you to always remember this truth in Psalm 48:14, which
reads “For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.
Lord, teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom....
Psalm 90:12
Life is a preparation for eternity. We were not made to last forever. God wants us to be with Him in heaven (Rev. Rick Warren)
Indeed, a mighty oak has fallen and our hearts are
filled with sorrow. Hilda, your sudden death has come as a big blow to us all; especially your immediate families. We know that death is inevitable but it is very difficult to accept when death sweeps which such vibrancy and in a heart-wrenching manner, a sister who, until some few weeks ago, was full of life;
and whose love and commitment to family life and mankind has been so impactful. It has been quit a difficult task for Irene and me to pen down this tribute to a dear sister and colleague because we are still in a state of denial that our dear Hilda is no more.
We first met at the then Osu R.E branch office as Compliance Officers some fifteen years ago and worked together until management’s decision in November 2014 to establish the Diplomatic Missions Desk under the Airport City Branch with a three-member team, namely Emmanuel Calvin Cann, Hilda Hanson-Nortey and Irene Adu-Asare. She was a good team player, serviceable, professional, and frank in her dealings with colleagues and clients. Her high sense professionalism, diplomacy and dedication to duty would forever remain a great legacy in her memory.
Hilda was our compass in navigating our way in Accra. Anytime we had to go out for field duties as a team, we could be sure that
Hilda would give the exact directions and landmarks to the location. She was generous to a fault and always ready to offer a helping hand.
Hilda was a great organizer who executed her tasks excellently. During our usual end-of-year Angels and Mortals / Hymn Inspiration, she was all over the place ensuring that all welfare needs and catering services were in place for a successful programme. We will miss your ‘Soobolo’ with its unique flavour. You have laboured well and left behind a positive impact in the lives of many. Our relationships transcended beyond offocial working hours. Your home became our home and ours too became yours. Hilda
had an appetite for good food and would either bring meals from home or arrange for one from a classy restaurant for the three of us. Hm, our eating partner is gone.
Indeed, we were confident that God was more than able to save your life for this earth, but He chose to beckon you home for heavenly gain and rest from your earthly struggles.
Who are we to question Him? Though our hearts are broken, as Christians we take consolation in the fact that you passed on as a Christian. We can only thank God for your life. We can only thank God for your genuine friendship sister Hilly. We shall miss you dearly. Fare thee well until we meet again. Amen.
Mrs. Hilda HansonNortey, Hilda as we affectionately called you. Sorrow fills our hearts this sad moment, a sorrow that is deep and personal. You have silently closed the door of life and departed from us. Our lives will be empty in the areas that you had brightened for us.
Hilda had only joined the SSNIT Adabraka branch once again for some few months after leaving the branch some years past. She was unique in her demeanour, usually with her “afro” hairstyle She was well cultured
and was the slow talker. Her transfer from the Airport Branch to the Adabraka Branch brought some confidence to staff knowing where she was coming from and her expertise at the Diplomatic Desk.
Hilda was living proof of how fine a person can be. She was a good team player to her unit members. She was also a good friend to many of us and a great colleague. The character of the life she lived might be summed up in a few words: she was sincere, she was earnest, she was loyal. The Hilda we remember
was a reserved person but who gave much cheerfulness to others. She had a beautiful smile, a sense of humour and a gentle demeanour.
Hilda was bright, logical, and systematic in her thinking. She was always willing to share her ideas and information. She was passionately interested in Life’s matters and would advise us on any if she had fore knowledge of them. Many of us found her to be a splendid person of great intellect and big heart.
We will miss a highly intelligent, vibrant individual with a rare friendliness and charm of personality. Hilda was a genuinely warm and wonderful individual we will miss greatly. Our sorrow is lessened only slightly with the comforting thought that we had the privilege to know her even if it was for some few months.
Life is but a stopping place, A pause in what’s to be, A resting place along the road, To sweet eternity
We all have different journeys, Different paths along the way, We all were meant to learn some things, But never mean to stay… Our destination is a place, Far greater than we know.
For some the journey’s quicker, For some the journey’s slow. And when the journey finally ends, We’ll make a great step forward, And find an everlasting peace, As our special reward. Adlai Stevenson the US Ambassador to the United Nations (1961-65), once commented “It is not the years in a life that counts; it is the life in the years.” Ladies and Gentlemen, Hilda lived.
We will all miss her. Goodbye, Hilda, Sleep well. Till we meet again.
For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down (that is, when we die and leave this earthly body), we will have a house in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands. "2nd Corinthians 5:1, NLT
Mrs. Hilda HansonNortey was a loved, respected and cherished member of our class. We met in April 2011 at the Regent University, as
we studied for MSMMBA in Corporate Strategy and Economic Policy. For eighteen months, we sat in one classroom in pursuit of our scholastic endeavours: sharing ideas and exchanging thoughts on theories and practices of our respective fields. We were knitted together by a shared sense of purpose to remain relevant by acquiring knowledge. Hilda was one of 32 such persons in this class.
Gathering thoughts on her for this piece brought back so many memories and reflections of how one person was the embodiment of so many good things and positive vibes to so many people. Hilda was pleasant. Hilda was kind. Hilda was a good woman. She shared, she supported, and she encouraged. She was the go-to person for the married in the class who needed counsel on family.
To the singles she was the confidant who would share her own experiences to guide and help our decisions.
To the broken-hearted, Hilda always had the right words. We were never dull or sad in class with her around. She was a custodian of chit-chats and jokes that always brought light and life. Her smile made us smile, her laughter was contagious, and her very presence beamed with peace and blessedness.
Oh Hilda, our time in class and our travels to Maastricht in the Netherlands as part of our studies are moments, we will
continue to hold dear. You will be in our minds and hearts, and we will remember who you were to us: a friend, a sister, a classmate. Ruby is broken, Shiva is in shock, Obroni is in denial, Isaac is still doubting. We are all reacting in different ways, but one thing is for sure, We are lost in deep sorrow.
We felt it was untimely and too sudden for you to leave us. We questioned why death would lay its cold unforgiving hands on you. We doubted and hoped that the news was fake, a social media prank, untrue. We hoped against hope but had
to come to terms when we verified and learnt that you are in a desired place, this time permanently, in the presence of our heavenly Father.
Our eyes are brimmed with tears; our hearts are broken but our souls rejoice knowing that you have gone to rest peacefully with the Lord. Any man’s death diminishes me for I am involved in mankind and therefore never send to ask for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for you. You have taken the lead; we will follow in our time.
Hilda and Nii have been part of us since they married and, as a family, we feel this loss deeply. Below are the thoughts and prayers of the individual families within the group. Hilda, we are blessed by knowing you and missing you. Till we meet again.
We remember your broad smiles when we met fellowshipping. You would chit chat here a bit, there a bit, especially with each kid. Your calm self and stable love for friendly company made you notice everyone. And the inside rumour was that you always had some sweet chops and drinks.
We remember how motivated and forward-looking you often sounded. So it is quite difficult to accept it that you are gone, gone to be the Lord’s Your farewell is so so distraughting, only the trusting can
think a sense of it. We have only your good memories to help us cope and give thanks for you.
Thanks to God for every memory of you, and thanks to you for being so dear to us all. The golden evening has now brightened in the west for you. And though sooner than we wish, soon to you faithful warrior has come rest
So enjoy now the sweet calm of paradise, and rest peacefully still in Christ the Lord. Amen.
- Nana Kodwo Hilda, caring and devoted Wife, Mother
and loving Sister. Words will never be enough. Thank you for all those wonderful memories. People only die when we forget them. Forever in our hearts...Rest well Sis.
- Sheila Hilda had a gentle and calm personality and delight to be with. Her infectious smiles always leads her. We shall miss her. Sleep well woman of God.
I love the way she manage her Kitchen, everything orderly, and the meals nice.
- FrancesTo Ato, Hilda was the quintessential hostess, giving warmth and spreading love to anyone who came under her sphere. She was a good mother who loved and dedicated herself to her children. She was committed to her husband and provided great support for him to excel in all his endeavours. Her industriousness was exemplary and she leaves a legacy of love, hope and faith that should inspire all of us.
To Lorretta, Hilda was the definition of an Obaasima. With her well manicured nails, she cooked for our families, delicious meals we couldn't have enough of.
Hilda was a woman of style. I will always treasure those beautiful and unique plastic wares in my kitchen which she selected for me.
I can't help remembering her visit during the pandemic and that light moment of laughter as we shared our thoughts
about the origin of the disease.
Together, we extend our love, praying for the Lords comfort and provision to Nii Nortey and the kids. Jesus Reigns. May Hildas’ gentle soul find repose in the bosom of the Lord almighty.
– Ato and Lorretta Roberts
Hilda was kind She was a mother Very concerned about every child...
I remember at our last meeting at Rufus Green Park you had time to speak to every child.. You were very patient... very meticulous…
You were a great businesswoman Hilda, you were very prayerful We will miss you too much...Sis.
You did not have to leave so soon.
- Cynthia
Hilda, Hilly, Akuapem lady, you were so forthright, disciplined, a good mother who trained your kids well and above all a good
cook. I remember the few announced visits to your home and there was something delicious to eat. The food you cooked when you hosted us for Couples' Fellowship was always on point. I remember the zeal and caution you gave for us to save and invest, as a group; you took it upon yourself to prompt us and compile a list for what you suggested. You are fondly remembered with mixed emotions. I’m so sad you had to leave all of us, especially my brother, so suddenly but at the same time I’m comforted you are happier with our Lord. You took the lead; cheer us on, cheer your boys and daughter on and above all cheer Nii on so we all finish this race.
We had just arrived in Ghana for a short trip and bumped into Hanson and his family in a parking lot at the mall. This was the first and only time that we met Hanson’s beautiful wife, Hilda.
After a brief introduction by Hanson, Hilda quickly warmed up to us. Our conversation was filled with hilarious jokes and laughter. Our conversation focused on faith, family, education, society, and future plans as we trusted the Lord to walk with us. We were so impressed by her open and friendly nature. We parted ways with the hope that we would meet again. However, the Lord knows best.
On this day, we recall this special moment with Hilda. Our hearts are heavy. Nevertheless, we are comforted because we trust that our sweet sister is resting peacefully in our Lord’s bosom. May the Lord continue to bring deep comfort and peace to all loved ones, especially to our dear brother, Hanson and children.
- Andrea and Victor
We recall with fondness Hilda's initiative, resourcefulness,
and leadership in championing the collection of dues for our Couples Fellowship, and her attention to detail with the record keeping.
Her communications were clear and arguments persuasive to support the collection of the dues to serve the welfare needs of the fellowship. She will be missed.
- Theo and Abena Aryee
Hilda you are my modern day example of the woman in Proverbs 31. I have always looked forward to our meetings in your home, knowing I will go home with a thing or two to make my home better and happier, but death has rubbed me of this privilege. Today we mourn and grieve but we have hope that, for the believer, there is hope beyond the grave, because Jesus Christ has opened the door to heaven for us by His death and resurrection, this is
our only consolation. Hilda, you lived your life like a candle in the wind.
- Fiifi and Persis
Hilda was a true definition of a lady, and she always had a smile. We remember her calm and reassuring presence. She didn't say much but communicated much by her actions. She will be missed.
- Nana Awere and Vivian
Dr Nii Nortey has transformed and having known him since secondary school , I investigated. I did not have to look long because the beautiful, smiling lovely soul of Hilda had made the mega difference by the power of the Holy Spirit . Keep smiling Hilda and be comforted Nii. Agape.
- Frank and Louisa Gaisie
1. "For ever with the Lord" Amen so let it be; Life from the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality, Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's match nearer home.
2. My Father's house on high, Home of my soul, how near At times to faith's foreseeing eye Thy golden gates appear! Ah! Then my spirit faints
To reach the land I live, The bright inheritance of Saints, Jerusalem above.
3. "Forever with the Lord!"
FATHER, if 'tis Thy Will, The promise of that faithful word Even here to me fulfill, Be Thou at my right hand, Then can I never fail; Uphold Thou me, and I shall stand, Fight, and I must prevail.
4. So when my latest breath Shall rend the veil in twain, By death I shall escape from death, And life eternal gain, Knowing as I am known, How shall I love that word, And oft repeat before the Throne, "Forever with the Lord!"
1. Jesu, Lover of my soul, Let me Thy Bosom fly, While the gathering waters roll, While the tempest still is high; Hide me O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide, O receive my soul at last.
2. Other refuge have I none; Hangs my helpless soul on Thee; Leave, ah! Leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me, All my trust on Thee is stay'd,
All my help from Thee I bring; Cover my defenseless head With the shadow of Thy wing.
3. Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cleanse from every sin; Let the healing streams abound; Make and keep me pure within; Thou of Life the Fountain art; Freely let me take of Thee; Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity.
1. O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder Consider all the works thy hands have made I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy powers throughout the universe displayed Chorus:
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee; How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to thee, How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
2. When through the woods and forest glades I wander
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees:
When I look down from lofty mountain gradeur, And hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze;
3. And when I think that God, His Son not sparing, Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in:
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing; 'He bled and died to take away my sin;
4. When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow in humble adoration
And there proclaim, my God, how great thou art!
1. When the day of toil is done, When the race of life is run, Father, grant thy wearied one Rest for evermore.
2. When the strife of sin is stilled, When the foe within is killed, Be Thy gracious word fulfilled Peace for evermore.
3. When the darkness melts away At the breaking of the day Bid us all the cheering ray Light for evermore
4. When the heart by sorrow tried Feels at length its throbs subside Bring us, where all tears are dried, Joy for evermore.
5. When for vanished days we yearn, Days that never can return, Teach us In Thy love to learn Love for evermore.
6. When the breath of life is flown, When the grave must claim Its own, Lord of Life, be ours Thy crown Life for evermore.
1. I'll praise my Maker while I've breath
And when my voice is lost in death Praise shall employ my nobler powers
My days of praise shall ne'er be past
While life, and thought, and being last
Or immortality endures.
2. Happy the man whose hope rely On Israel's God He made the sky And earth, and sea, with all their train
His truth for ever stands secure He saves the oppressed, He feeds the poor And none shall find His promise vain.
3. The LORD pours eyesight on the blink
The LORD supports the fainting mind
He sends the laboring conscience peace
He helps the stranger in distress
The widow, and the fatherless And grants the prisoner sweet release.
4. I'll praise Him while he lends me breath
And when my voice is lost in death Praise shall employ my nobler powers
My days of praise shall ne'er be past
While life, and Thought, and being last Or immortality endures.
1. My GOD, my FATHER, while I stray, Far from my home, on life's rough way, O teach me from my heart to say, "Thy will be done."
2. Though dark my path, and sad my lot,
Let me be still and murmur not, breath the prayer divinely taught, "Thy will be done.
3. What though in lonely grief I sigh For friends beloved no longer nigh, Submissive would I still reply, "Thy will be done.
4. If Thou should call me to resign, What most I prize, it ne'er was mine; I only yield Thee what is Thine; "Thy will be done.
5. Let but my fainting heart be blest, With Thy sweet Spirit for its guest, My GOD, to Thee I leave the rest; "Thy will be done.
6. Renew my will from day to day, Blend it with Thine, and take away All that now makes it hard to say, "Thy will be done.
1. They who tread the path of labour
Follow where My feet have trod; They who work without complaining, Do the holy will of God; Nevermore thou needest seek Me; I am with thee everywhere; Raise the stone and thou shalt find Me; Cleave the wood and I am there.
2. Where the many toil together, There am I among My own; Where the tired workman sleepeth, There am I with him alone,
I, the Peace that passeth knowledge, Dwell amid the daily strife, I, the Bread of heaven, am broken, In the sacrament of life.
3. Every task, however simple, Sets the soul that does it free; Every deed of love and mercy, Done to man is done to Me, Nevermore thou needest seek Me; I am with thee everywhere, Raise the stone and thou shalt find Me, Cleave the wood and I am there.
1. Ten Thousand times ten Thousand, In sparkling raiment bright, The armies of the ransom'd Saints
Throng up the steeps of light; 'Tis finish'd all is finish'd, Their fight with death and sin; Fling open wide the golden gates,
And let the victors in.
2. What rush of Alleluias
Fills all the earth and sky!
What ringing of a thousand harps
Bespeaks the triumph nigh!
O day for which creation
And all its tribes were made!
O joy, for all its former woes A thou-sand-fold repaid!
3. Oh, then what raptured greetings
On Canaan's happy shore, What knitting sever'd friendships up, Where partings are no more! Then eyes with joy shall sparkle That brimm'd with tears of late; Orphans no longer fatherless Nor widows desolate.
4. Bring near Thy great Salvation, Thou LAMB for sinners slain Fill up the roll of Thine elect, Then take Thy power and reign: Appear, Desire of nations, Thine exiles long for home; Show in the heavens Thy promised sign: Thou Prince and Saviour come.
1. Lord, thou hast been our refuge: from one generation to another.
2. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever the earth and the world were made: thou art God from ever Lasting, and world without end.
3. Thou turnest man to destruction: again thou sayest, Come again, ye children of men.
4. For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday: seeing that is past as a watch in the night.
5. As soon as thou scatterest them they are even as a sleep: and fade away suddenly like the grass.
6. In the morning it is green, and growth up: but in the evening it is cut down, dried up, and withered.
7. For we consume away in thy displeasure: and are afraid at thy wrathful indignation.
8. Thou hast set our misdeeds before thee: and our secret sins in the light of thy countenance.
9. For when thou art angry all our days are gone: we bring our years to an end, as it were a tale told.
10. The days of our age are threescore years and ten; and though men be so strong that they come to fourscore years: yet is their strength then but labour and sorrow; so soon passeth it away, and we are gone.
11. But who regardeth the power of thy wrath: for even thereafter as a man feareth, so is thy displeasure.
12. So teach us to number our days: that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom
13. Turn thee again, O Lord, at the last: and be gracious unto thy servants.
14. O satisfy us with thy mercy, and that soon: so shall we rejoice and be glad all the days of our life.
15. Comfort us again now after the time that thou hast plagued us: and for the years wherein we have suffered adversity.
16. Shew thy servants thy work: and their children thy glory.
17. And the glorious majesty of the Lord our God be upon us: prosper thou the work of our hands upon us, O prosper thou our handy work.
1. Thy way not mine O LORD, However dark it be; Lead me by Thine own Hand, Choose out a path for me.
2. Smooth let it be or rough, It will be still the best; Winding or straight it leads Right onward to Thy rest
3. I dare not choose my lot; I would not if I might; Choose thou for me, my God, So shall I walk aright.
4. The kingdom that I seek Is Thine so let the way
That leads to it be Thine Else I must surely stray.
5. Take Thou my cup, and it With joy or sorrow fill, As best to Thee may seem; Choose Thou my good and ill.
6. Choose Thou for me my friends, My sickness or my health: Choose Thou my cares for me, My poverty or wealth.
7. Not mine, not mine, the choice In things or great or small; Be Thou my Guide, my Strength, My wisdom and my All
1. SIMPLY trusting every day, Trusting through a stormy way; Even when faith is small, Trusting Jesus, that is all, Trusting as the moments fly, Trusting as the days go by, Trusting Him what'er befall, Trusting Jesus, that is all.
2. Brightly doth His Spirit shine Into this poor heart of mine: While He leads I cannot fall,
Trusting Jesus, that is all. Singing, if my way tie clear; Praying, if the path be drear; If in danger, for Him call; Trusting Jesus, that is all.
3. Trusting Him while life shall last, Trusting Him till earth be past, Till within the Jasper wall; Trusting Jesus, that is all.
1. Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain,
Will your anchor drift, or firm remain? Chorus
We have an anchor that keeps the soul, Steadfast and sure while the billows roll;
Fasten to the Rock which cannot move, Grounded firm and deep in the Saviour's love.
2. Will your anchor hold in the straits of fear?
When the breakers roar and the reef is near,
While the surges rave, and the wild winds blow, Shall the angry waves then your bark o'erflow?
3. Will your anchor hold In the floods of death, When the waters cold chill your latest breath?
On the rising tide you can never fall,
While your anchor holds within the veil.
4. Will your eyes behold through the morning light, The city of gold and the harbor bright?
Will your anchor safe by the heavenly shore, When life's storms are past for ever-more?
1. THROUGH all the changing scenes of life, In trouble and in joy, The praises of my GOD shall still My heart and tongue employ.
2. 0 magnify the LORD with me, With exalt His Name, When in distress to Him I call'd, He to my rescue came.
3. The Hosts of GOD encamp around The dwellings of the just, Deliverance He affords to all Who on His succor trust.
4. O make but trial of His love, Experience will decide How bless'd are they, and ony they, Who in His truth confide.
5. Fear Him, ye saints, and you will then, Have nothing else to fear; Make you His service your delight, Your wants shall be His care.
6. To FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, The GOD Whom we adore, Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore.
1. 0 God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home.
2. Beneath the shadow of Thy Throne, Thy Saints have dwelt secure Sufficient is Thine Arm alone, And our defence is sure.
3. Before the hills in order stood. Or earth received her frame, From everlasting Thounart GOD. To endless years the same.
4. A thousand ages in Thy sight, Are like an evening gone; Short as the watch that ends the night
Before the rising sun.
5. Time like an ever rollind stream Bears all its sons away; They fly forgotten as a dream. Dies at the opening day.
6. 0 GOD, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Be Thou our guard while troubles last, And our eternal home.
1. Give us the wings of faith to rise Within the veil and see The Saints above how great their joys, How bright their glories be.
2. Once they were mourning here below, Ane wet their couch with tears; They wrestled hard, as we do now. With sins, and doubts, and fears.
3. We ask them, when their victory came; They, with united breath, Ascribe the conquest to the LAMB,
Their triumph to His Death.
4. They mark'd the footsteps that He trod, His zeal inspired their breast, And, following their incarnate GOD, They reach'd the promised rest.
5. Our glorious leader claims our praise, For His own pattern given; While the great cloud of witnesses Show the same path to Heav'n.
1. PLEASANT are thy courts above, In the land of light and love; pleasant are thy courts below, In this land of sin and woe; Oh, my spirit longs and faints For the converse of Thy saints, For the brightness of thy Face, For Thy fullness GOD of grace.
2. Happy birds that sing and fly Round Thy Altars, O most High; Happier soul that find a rest In a heavenly FATHER'S breast; Like the wandering dove that found No repose on earth around. They can to their ark repair. And enjoy it ever there.
3. Happy souls, their praises flow, Even in this vale of woe; Waters in the desert rise, Manna feeds them from the skies; On the go from strength to strength, Till the reach Thy Throne at length, At thy feet adoring fall, Who hast them safe through all.
4. LORD, be mine this prize to win, Guide me through a world of sin, Keep me by Thy saving grace, Give at Thy side a place; Sun and Shield alike Thou art. Guide and guard my erring heart; Grace and glory flow from Thee; Shower, O shower them LORD on me.
1. Now the labourer's task is o'er; NOW the battle day is past; Now upon the farther shore Land the voyager at last, FATHER, in Thy gracious keeping Leave we now Thy servant sleeping.
2. There the tears of earth are dried; There its hidden things are clear; There the work of life is tried
By a juster judge than here, FATHER, in Thy gracious keeping, Leave we now Thy servant sleeping.
3. There the sinful souls, that turn To the Cross their dying eyes All the love of CHRIST shall learn At His Feetnin Paradise, FATHER, in Thy gracious keeping, Leave we now Thy servant sleeping.
4. There no more the powers of hell Can prevail to mar their peace; CHRIST the LORD shall guard them well,
He Who died for their release, FATHER, in Thy gracious keeping Leave we now Thy servant sleeping.
1. The day Thou gavest, LORD is ended, The darkness falls at their behest; To Thee our morning hymns ascended, Thy praise shall sanctify our rest.
2. We thank Thee that Thy Church unsleeping, While earth rolls onward into light, Through all the world her watch is keeping, And rest not now by day or night.
3. AS o'er each continent and island The dawn leads on another day, The voice of prayer is never silent,
Nor dies the strain of praise away.
4. The sun that bids us rest is waking, Our brethren 'neath the western sky, And hour by hour fresh lips are making Thy wondrous doings heard on high.
5. So be it LORD; Thy Throne shall never, Like earth's proud empires pass away; Thy Kingdom stands and grows for ever, Till all Thy creatures own Thy sway.
We are very grateful to everyone who took time off their busy schedule to mourn with the family during this difficult period. Losing Hilda has not been easy but your prayers and goodwill messages have kept us going.