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Lifestyle “The Nike Training Club” Review

Baylor Bryant Staff Reporter

Netflix is more than streaming videos.

“The Nike Training Club” is the new collaboration in form of exercise between Nike and Netflix. The training offers a total of 30 hours of sessions and is free with an already existing Netflix subscription.

At OSU, the Colvin Recreation Center offers students free admission and use of most of its facilities including weight training machines, treadmills, full length basketball courts, etc.

Around this time of the year gyms can be packed with people and some people might feel anxious about working out in front of other people and wor- ried about crowds.

Classes might make it hard for students to make it time to go to the gym. For people who’s New Year’s resolution is to start working out or for people who have been working out for a long time, the “Nike Training Club” workouts are a great way to get exercise fast and in the comfort of your own dorm, apartment or anywhere else that you have down time.

“The Nike Training Club” includes 10 different sections with each section having anywhere from three to 26 episodes within them.

The sessions have a huge variety for everyone, from 10-minute workouts, to 30-minute, to bodyweight burn and more. To test how the “Nike Training Club ‘’ workouts compared to gyms such as the Colvin I tried out a few of the many programs that Netflix has to offer.

To start, I tried “10-Min HIT: Upper Body Blast.” In just 10 minutes I was able to get a high intensity upper body workout that was well coached and very diverse with the muscle groups it hit. I was able to get a decent workout in the short amount of time I had in between two classes.

Following that workout I tried the “20-Min Bodyweight Burn: Core Strength.” The curve of difficulty and intensity goes up from the 10-minute workouts, and what is great about this particular core workout was the level of self control with the intensity and volume.

The instructors kept it very simple and easy to understand and allowed for some difficulty curves for people who want a more intense workout or people who want a more relaxed one. entertainment.ed@ocolly.com

Finally, I tried the yoga session “Feel-Good Fitness: Feel-Good Flow.” The session was about seven minutes long and offered a nice and easy fullbody exercise, guiding the viewers with breathing techniques and stretching out tight muscles.

“The Nike Training Club” is great for people who want to start slow or for those looking for a simple and easy exercise. The Colvin is still a valid way to get in daily exercising, running or weightlifting, but Netflix’s Nike sessions are a perfectly good substitute as well if you prefer to exercise at home.

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