Temerity Magazine Vol. 1 Issue 2 May 2011

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Index Pg. 4- Temerity...The First Word by Chad T. Everson Pg. 6- Metal Detecting Iowa by Dave Ertz 1SmokingGunz Pg. 8- A Star (Chaser) is Born by Ruben Garcia Pg. 16- Careful Research and Systematic Hunting Pay Off by Kentucky Shooter Pg. 27- Best PinPointer for the Money by Chad T. Everson Pg. 31- My Metal Detector Story by Mr. Miracle Pg. 36-Novice 2 Novice by Tom Manly Pg. 42- Yulelah interview by Chad T. Everson Pg. 46- The TreasureOasis Interview by Chad T. Everson Pg. 51- Inspiring the Next Generation by YardDigger Pg. 54- The Log of the Kensington Runestone by M.E. Johnson Pg. 58-Book Review by David Anfinrud Identification and Qualitative Chemical Analysis of Minerals Pg. 60- 100 Places to Hunt for Relic and Treasure Pg. 62- Temerity Magazine Fallen Phrase Puzzle Pg. 63- Temerity Cryptogram Pg. 63- Temerity Math Square Pg. 64- International Morse Code: What is The Best Way to Recover Buried Treasure? Pg. 66- Help Grizzly Find the Treasure Maze Pg. 67- Buffalo Nickel Classifieds

Cover Image- By Ryan Cowell of RecoveringRelics-Ryan equipped with his metal detector looks over the hills of Vermont ready to get Grizzly hunting relic and treasure embodying Temerity . Virginia Chojnowski VCStar5 assisted with photo adding Theodore Media Logo. A special thanks to both Ryan and Virginia


like your product associated and endorsed with the grassroots of relic and treasure hunters? Temerity Magazine wants you! My goal is to keep this I have the honor of lifting up those venture free for all readers but to do great relic and treasure hunters with that I have to sell advertising. Temerthe temerity to get Grizzly right here in ity Magazine will reward your dollar Temerity Magazine and in their own three times more than any other effort, Grizzly Backyards across this blessed but your support will assist me in nation and the world. It is an honor I reaching a greater audience for your humbly take very seriously. business product and our authors. I have searched and recruited far and wide, bringing you the reader not only great relic and treasure hunters, but those who embody what it means to be Grizzly. Each author in this issue responded to my invitation with Temerity. In exchange for their expertise and article or photo they are each gifted with 8.5 x 11 inch advertising in this issue. Each author deserves your consideration as they share their effort and passion with you the reader and fellow relic and treasure hunter.

I have moved the publish date to May 1st from the intended April 29th to take advantage of the ranking system on issuu.com. This move alone should gain Temerity Magazine more traction as it should enjoy a very high rank during the first month after publication. Please lift up this effort by embedding and sharing this publication to all your contacts through your sites, blogs, social media and favorite relic and treasure forums. You can make a huge difference for this effort. I thank you in advance for assisting us with your Temerity and Grizzly tenacity!

I pray the Temerity shared with you here by our authors will inspire and embolden you to share your enthusiasm for relic and treasure hunting with us here in Temerity Magazine. A great Get Grizzly America! article, photo or even a fun game is always welcome to be published here. Chad T. Everson All you have to do is contact me by Theodore Media LLC th post, email, phone or YouTube.com. 32128 160 St Contact information included at the Princeton, MN 55371 end of this article.

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Blessed with a business and would




By Dave Ertz (1SmokingGunz)

day...and history is all it was! I brushed it off to see there was something in it but it was Out next to an Iowa river, the beginning of a very wet from the moisture in the jar. It was woods adventure had begun. I was hunting an old letter of some sort. Was it a treasure with my Minelab Safari 2010. A couple of map? Maybe a will? I took the letter home hours into it, with no great signals, I came and tried to dry it out. I even tried reading along a huge oak tree and decided to hunt the letter with my magnifying glass. I tried to along the edges of it. I got a strong high put the names together tone. I started to dig but alas, the letter was hoping something great too far gone... would be waiting for me To this day I still hang on to recover. I dug down to this jar. Why? It was about 6 inches. There the first time my heart was nothing yet. A was racing and my good sign, I thought to hands shook. Just the myself, starting to thought of that feeling of dream about what I finding something that might find. Then down old and possibly that to about a foot and in once in a lifetime silver the back of my mind I'm or gold find keeps me thinking it’s deep, and alive and hunting for that the old tale of the old next target. Even folks burying their though it was not the big money or even the treasure, I still wonder Jesse James gang what that letter ever said stashing there loot was or who it was meant for. I guess we will now racing through my head. This was the never know... But I do know I still get that territory Jesse James and his gang had feeling every time I dig up something out of been in. I kept digging trying not to get ahead of myself. I sifted out my signal, and the ground. I hope you all have the chance to dig up some history. the top of an old lid was staring at me. Could it be? At that point I started to dig This is Dave from Iowa, around it carefully. It was intact and still 1Smokingunz and I hope you all have fastened to the jar! I'm now at the verge of the Temerity to find a great detecting tale of shaking. Hundreds of things are going through my mind. It’s got to be filled with your own. I can’t wait to read it here in Tesomething. Gold? Silver? I don't know but merity Magazine! it’s coming out to reveal its history to-



said out loud as I began watching a long-haired gentleman talk about Site - Blog - YouTube meteorites. He seemed very excited about the subject and his ex”How many times can a person citement intrigued me and drew me watch the same ole’ music videos,” in. I wondered? I began channel surfing and thought, “Surely there must be something good on TV. A scene or two later - with metal Commercial, commercial, ah, detector in hand - the “meteorite here’s something interesting,” I man” as they called him began By Ruben Garcia


walking through the desert explaining how meteorites could be found in desert areas. “What?” I exclaimed. “You can actually find a meteorite? Now this I’ve got to see!“ It didn’t take long before the metal detector that he was holding began to sound off indicating that something metallic was hidden in the soil below. “Yup!” said the meteorite man - who by now had been identified as Bob Haag. “It’s an iron meteorite! However,” he continued, “it’s small and only worth about $2,000 - $3,000.”

one for myself.

Wow! I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears. “Could this be true?” I thought as I simultaneously reached for a VHS tape and jammed it into the not so “state-of the-art” video recorder in order to tape what was left of the episode. I watched the rest of the program with an elevated interest - much more so than the nonchalant manner in which I began viewing the show previously.

Walking from the library to my vehicle was difficult as I was loaded down with a dozen or so meteorite related books - not the least of which was O. Richard Norton’s brilliant “Rocks from Space.” I devoured the contents of these books both by day and night gaining a plethora of knowledge. However, something was missing. I still felt that I needed “real world” experience in order to find a meteorite, so without much thought I dialed Jim Kriegh’s phone number.

I couldn’t quite put my finger on it at the moment but there was definitely something undeniable that drew me to the subject of space and meteorites. The allure of actually finding a rock from space was more than I could digest, and so at that very moment I vowed to find

Twenty-four hours hadn’t yet passed before I found myself in the local library doing research on meteorites and meteorite hunting. I must admit that 1998 was a good year to be interested in meteorites and with the World Wide Web just taking off it wasn’t long before I utilized the library computer to do an internet search. The search returned a name and phone number of someone named Jim Kriegh.

Jim answered with a calm, gentle “Hello”. “Hi,” I said. “You don’t know me, but I want to learn to find a meteorite.” “You do?” He said. “Well OK, who are you?” Feeling a little silly I properly introduced my-


self and then began asking every the forecast, but I reasoned that question I could think of about me- Gold Basin was far away and maybe and the rain would miss us teorite hunting. It didn’t take long for me to experi- there. ence the famous “Kriegh kindness.” Before we had even hung up the phone Jim had already invited me to visit him in his Tucson home to talk - in person -about meteorite hunting and specifically which metal detectors would be the best to use.

Since the vehicle that we were taking was only two wheel drive I hoped that I was right. Getting stuck in deep mud was an adventure that Stephanie and I could do without.

Our gear consisted of a map, a metal detector, and an ice cooler which was filled with the usual necessities – water, sandwiches, etc. Within the next two weeks - after viewing just about every meteorite We didn’t need a tent or sleeping bags since the Motel 6 in Kingman, I could find online or in books - I Arizona would act as our weekend had bought a metal detector and abode. Once loaded we began the planned a trip to Gold Basin, Aridrive towards Grand Avenue which zona. With the monsoon season fast approaching Jim offered me a would lead us to Wickenburg and little free advice. “Wait till the rains then eventually to Kingman. have passed,” he said. “Flash floods can strand a person out Our conversation during the three there.” Too green to take good ad- and a half hour ride consisted of vice from a knowledgeable person only two things: First, what in the like Jim and too excited to care, I world was I thinking - driving out in prepared to leave the next Satur- to the middle of nowhere trying to day morning. find a rock from space? The secMy nearly twenty-one year old daughter Stephanie was only nine at the time and she reluctantly agreed to be my meteorite hunting partner for the weekend. Saturday morning came and as predicted it was cloudy with a chance of rain in

ond was, would we become Arizona flash flood statistics in the process? Looking back it seems silly that I doubted myself so much but at the time I really didn’t have any idea of how all of this would pan out. Was


I crazy or just taking the first steps moving forward. So, I kept driving. of a very exciting hobby/business? Somewhere between Kingman and Within the first hour of the trip we the tiny town of Dolan Springs, Aristarted to see low, ominous looking zona the rain started. At first it only clouds--the kind of clouds that sprinkled but within minutes the looked as if they might burst open rain began coming down in sheets. at any minute and send us home To say that we were disappointed empty-handed. However, we con- is a huge understatement as Dolan tinued driving anyway. “You know Springs was only about twelve Jim was probably right,” I said to miles from the dirt road that would my little girl. “Maybe we should go lead us to our destination. We sat home and come back another quietly in the Kia Sportage wonderday.” She looked at me and said, ing what to do. “Oh no, we got up early today, keep driving.” Believe it or not I felt “Maybe we should say a small encouraged that a nine year old prayer and ask for guidance, I ofgirl was brave enough to keep


fered. At once we held hands closed our eyes and I said, “God, if you want me to do this, I need to find a meteorite today - If not, send us home.” Upon opening our eyes we could see that the rain still was drenching everything in sight and it seemed that no miracle was going to save this trip. “Well,” I said, “that’s our answer. Let’s go home.” “What about faith?” Stephanie said. “Huh?” I replied. “Have a little faith,” she insisted. “We’re almost there. Just drive as fast as you can and find a meteorite before it’s too late!”

road.” “Then lets go!” she answered. Once again I put the pedal to the metal. A constant drizzle kept us on our toes as we drove down the road. The full blown mud-up-to-ourknees scenario that we had expected hadn’t yet materialized and with only a few exceptions it was pretty easy to navigate. Once we had passed the now famous Gold Basin sign that nearly twelve years ago marked the entrance into “gold territory,” I said, “We’re almost there. Jim said to begin hunting about a mile or two past the sign.” No sooner had I uttered those words when a giant clap of thunder startled us both. Then as if perfectly timed to prevent us from accomplishing or mission, it began to empty its contents on us as if to literally “rain on our parade.”

The verse “Out of the mouths of babe’s comes strength” rang in my ears as I started the vehicle and punched the gas pedal. “You know, I’m not really sure I know what I’m looking for,” I said to my young mentor. “In fact the only place I’ve ever seen a meteorite is in pic“This can’t be! I cried. We are too tures,” I added. Looking down her close to stop now.” nose at me at me the way a mother looks at a child, Stephanie I’m not sure why either of us said, “Keep driving…” thought that meteorite hunting would be easy, nor why we were We were both surprised to find that under the impression that we could when we reached the dirt road, the just jump out of our vehicle and rain had nearly stopped. I said, start picking up meteorites -but we “You know that we’ve got to go at must have thought just that. I recall least six or seven miles down this thinking if we had only arrived an


hour earlier we could have found a block our exit. “I’m sure. Let’s get out of here,” I said as I put the Kia meteorite and been comfortably heading home by now. in drive and began splashing through six inch high rain water. There we were, stopped at the top of a small hill watching as the gullies and washes on either side of us began to fill. “That’s it. It’s just too dangerous to stay any longer,” I said quietly. “Are you sure?” Stephanie asked rhetorically - as the flooded washes threatened to

I was so busy concentrating on driving that I didn’t even hear my optimistic daughter say, “It stopped! Dad, did you hear me?” she said in an enthusiastic tone. “What?” I replied. “The rain stopped! Pull over and do what


you came to do!” It took me a few more seconds to realize that she was right! From the looks of the cloud cover the rain had given us a temporary reprieve.

Larger rain drops turned into an all out downpour during the few minutes that had passed since I found the first glorious specimen. “Let’s I quickly pulled over far enough to go honey,” I said. “I think I found the right shoulder so that any one at least.” She raced for the would be passers by had just relative safety our vehicle to get out of the rain. I began following enough room to do so safely. quickly while still swinging my detector - when only a few feet in Without hesitation, I popped open front of me I saw a stone that the hatch back and pulled out my looked like the previous “Meteornewly acquired Whites G4B metal Maybe” A quick swing over it prodetector and began ground balanc- duced a sharp zip-zip which made ing the unit. “I think I’m ready,” I me pick it up and examine it for a yelled to my little helper as she sat second or two while the rain looking quite content in the paspoured down my face. senger side of the vehicle devouring a snack cake. Unfortunately, before I had even taken the first “I found another,” I shouted, as I swing I noticed that it began to began running for the vehicle. sprinkle again. Like a mad man on a mission I started to swing my metal detector back and forth as I walked away from the road and toward the wilderness. Amazingly, I had only walked ten or fifteen feet when I heard a muffled zip from under my detector. “What is it dad,” She asked as she opened the door and walked over to where I was standing. “I think it’s a meteorite,” I answered. “At least it looks like one.” “Great! Find more,” She said.

The ride back out to the paved road - while tough - wasn’t impossible and we celebrated all the way. Once on the paved road we pulled over to get a better look at our treasure. “I’m pretty sure we actually found meteorites today,” I said, “one for you and one for me.” Once we reached Kingman, I called my new friend Jim Kriegh. Jim was very cautious and told us not to be too excited - since the odds were very good that what we found were not meteorites at all. I


tried to take his advice. However, I couldn’t help being excited – I was pretty sure that we had found legitimate meteorites.

Speaking for myself, gold didn’t sparkle nearly as much as a rock from space. There was just something about these extraterrestrial visitors that seemed to inspire me.

Once back home in Phoenix, I called Jim again and finally took him up on his invitation to visit him. “Bring your finds,” Jim insisted. “I want to see them.”

During the short ride back to Phoenix I wondered what the future would bring. I also thought of how far I’d come - from watching someone find a meteorite on TV to actually doing it myself. I knew I met Jim in that I had a person on few people to the following thank for helpSaturday. Afing me accomter shaking plish my goal, hands and and to this day thanking Jim I’m still reapfor all of his ing the benehelp, he fits of their hard work and friendquite happily confirmed our finds ship. It’s a pretty safe bet that withas genuine meteorites! Then with- out the help of both Jim Kriegh and out missing a beat, he invited me Bob Haag, this star (chaser) may inside to look at his gold collection. never have been born at all. Jim had a very impressive collection indeed - meteorites and gold were his forte’ and he had excelled By Ruben Garcia greatly at both. Site - Blog - YouTube


the older coin and relic targets. This location was less than fifteen minutes from my home, had easy access, and a decent amount of available information for research. It was the location of what was once an old hotel and spa that utilized water from a nearby sulfur spring. In the 1800's these types of establishments were very numerous, popular, and profitable in my area By Kentucky Shooter of the country. People traveled from all over the world to recreate, Site - Facebook - YouTube drink what was believed to be curative mineral waters, and soak I am blessed to live in rural west- in hot baths from the springs. Proern Kentucky. My county was first moters made great claims about settled in the late 1700's and flour- the benefits of the waters, specifiished into the early 1800's. The cally naming the diseases that they area is rich in history, and there is no shortage of historic sites to detect. The lawns of many of the older homes in my own community and others nearby hold a wealth of interesting relics and old coins. But to find the really rare targets … to get into the “old stuff” … one has to invest ample research and survey time. In late 2010 I discovered a site that I believed had tremendous potential for yielding


cured and organs that they strengthened. And during the summer months these establishments were packed with customers who came to enjoy the water, the social life, outdoor games and recreation, dancing, drinking, and gambling. The hotel near my home began around 1820 as a humble cluster of log cabins surrounding a small, deep blue sulfur spring. Within a few years, local entrepreneurs constructed a more modern hotel on a nearby hilltop. In the late 1800's new owners expanded the facility with a large new addition, almost tripling the number of available

rooms. They also constructed other facilities, including a resort store (with liquor in the back and poker upstairs), an outdoor dancing pavilion which doubled as a skating rink, a large dining and banquet hall, and a bowling alley. Support structures included an ice house, barns, storage buildings, and servant's quarters. Visitors arrived at the hotel by train, with a stop and depot located just across the road. This establishment enjoyed its “heyday� from 1890 until about 1910. Then, as the automobile moved to the forefront in American life, the number of visitors began to dwindle. Tragically,


in 1925, one of the stoves used to heat water from the spring for mineral baths caught fire and the entire hotel burned in less than an hour. It was never rebuilt.

that one of my close friends was an old acquaintance of the current owner. He actually made the call for me and asked permission to hunt the property. The owner gave his blessing, stating that he hoped I The property changed hands sev- would, “... have a great time and eral times over the years. Because maybe even find some gold.â€? In of the large amount of shallow my world, permission doesn't get limestone it was of no use for farm- any better than that. ing, so owners used it as a hay field. As I studied the history of the site, I With permission in hand, I set out became excited that it might be a to scout the site. My daughter and I site with tremendous metal detect- visited the field and nearby areas. ing potential. We were delighted to find that the spring was still intact, and still pourMy first task was to gain permis- ing out its brilliant blue water. Being sion to hunt the property. It took adventurous, we each took a drink only a few phone calls to discover ‌ and wondered what all of the fuss



was about. Drinking water that contained a hint of rotten eggs was definitely less than appealing. We took plenty of photographs and attempted to “get our bearings,” to try and determine where the buildings once stood. This was not an easy task, since one portion of the property had been altered and a shop business constructed there.

hill, what would have been equivalent to the front yard, in the vicinity of the former dancing pavilion. My change of plans was rewarded rather quickly. My first find was an 1890 Indian Head penny, followed quickly by a 1906 Indian Head and a 1910 Wheat Penny. I also dug a beautiful 1906 Barber Dime … my first silver coin from the site. Needless to say, I was I decided to try and make use of excited, and could not wait to resatellite technology. I already had turn. possession of an old map of the I returned the following day property. So I located the site on Google Earth, printed the picture, with my daughter. She had recently decided to begin metal deand drew buildings on the photos based upon the old map. With that tecting and had hunted with me map in hand, I was ready to begin twice, already digging her first Wheat Penny and silver coin. On hunting. my second trip I dug several hotel Since the site is now a hayfield, relics, including an ornate brass doorknob, the key tag for room 24, the best months to hunt are the and several other interesting pieces. winter months, when vegetation My daughter dug two pennies, one has been cut and gone dormant. I began to detect the property in mid of them an 1891 Indian Head … her -December. The first place I attempted to hunt was around the actual spring house. I was depending upon the probability that this was one of the most traveled locations on the site. I quickly became discouraged when I discovered evidence of bulldozing … and the apparent fact that beer drinking was the primary activity at that location for many years (as evidenced by the presence of several decades of beer cans). I elected to relocate to the front


24. I was working my way horizontally across the back of the hill that once held the majestic old hotel buildings. As I dug several trash targets, I noticed that I was getting into some beautiful, dark soil. I had already dug an Indian Head, a portion of a harmonica reed, a flat button, and a very old colonial-looking buckle piece. I hit a nice, strong 76 VDI signal on My White's MXT, just one inch deep. I carefully cut my plug, pinpointed my target, and was shocked to find a very old silver coin with a woman's bust facing right. I could see the date … 1805 … but I did not know what kind of coin it was. I carefully wrapped the coin and placed it in my apron and hunted just a bit more. About three feet away I dug a perfect 65 caliber first coin in the 1800's. musket ball drop. I figured that was enough for one day, hopped in the Over the next couple of weeks truck, and beat a path for home to my daughter and I returned several identify my coin. I was thrilled times. We dug a handful of coins … when I mostly Indian Heads and a few identified it as an 1805 Draped Bust Wheats, several interesting relics, Dime … a vary rare coin in metal one old token, and literally buckets detecting. For me, it was, most of trash. I cannot describe for you definitely, a find of a lifetime, and the amount of trash … old trash ... quite a conversation piece for me in that we pulled from that ground. the metal detecting world. But we dug every single target in the jewelry and coin range, no matBut I wasn't finished yet … ter how “iffy” it might be. We knew that, as we decreased the amount of On Friday, February 4, I returned junk signals in the ground, we were to the site for a quick three-hour also increasing our odds of finding hunt. I only had a brief time winthat “once-in-a-lifetime find.” dow, and a snow front was moving in. I tried to hunt an area that was That find came for me on the once the garden for the hotel, but it cold, cloudy afternoon of January showed evidence of bulldozer ac-


tivity. So, I moved back up on the hilltop, near a small grove of young trees that stood immediately behind where the old hotel was located. I was counting on little bulldozer damage because of the proximity of the trees. I had only been on that spot for fifteen minutes when I got a strong 74 VDI on my MXT at about four inches of depth. Thinking I was on a penny, I quickly dug a large plug with my small spade and flipped it over. And for the first time in a very long time I saw GOLD.

It appeared to be a large, plain wedding band. And I have to confess, I thought at first that it was a rather new piece of brass ‌ some kind of plumbing fitting. But when I picked it up and felt the incredible mass, I realized that it was, indeed, a tremendously large gold ring. 18-karat gold! After doing some research on the jeweler's mark and the way that the ring was marked, my best guess is that it was produced somewhere between 1885 and 1910 ‌ placing it right in the heyday of the old hotel. What an incredible piece of history!


And what an incredible chunk of gold! It weighed in at 14.1 grams, or 10.575 grams of pure gold … just over 1/3 ounce. At today's gold prices, it would almost pay for my detector! I continue to hunt this site to this day, hitting areas that I have hunted previously from different directions and exploring new areas. Since digging that gold ring, I have also dug an 1853 Liberty Seated Dime … my first seated coin. The location continues to give great finds on a basis of low yield but high quality. All totaled, the site has delivered the gold ring, various relics, three dimes of Barber and older varieties, a three-cent coin, and about a dozen old pennies. I'm still waiting for that first larger silver coin or large copper, but I am confident that they will come with time … if not this winter, then next.

sion. Then go get the goods! Happy hunting …

Author Bio: Site - Facebook - YouTube

Kentucky Shooter, age 45, is a loyal husband of twenty-five years, father of two beautiful teen-age daughters, the master of Max (the best dog in the world!), and pastor of a small church in a rural Western Kentucky town. In addition to his pastoral service, he is also involved in inThe biggest lesson that I have ternational missions work. He is one year learned from this site is that real from completing his doctorate in missions, “treasure” does not jump out of the studying a Quechua Indian tribe in the ground and land in your pouch sim- Andes Mountains of Peru.

ply because you have a high-dollar metal detector. Indeed, my daughter has dug incredible coins with a Garrett Ace 250 that I picked up for $150! Instead, the real treasure … “the stuff” … comes from careful research, knowing one's location, patient hunting, and a willingness to dig every single repeating signal.

When he's not preaching, ministering, studying, traveling, or writing, you can find him wandering the fields, yards, hills, and farms of Western Kentucky with his new White's MXT or his trusty Garrett GTP 1350. His passion is coin shooting on 19th century properties ... that's why they call him the Kentucky Shooter.

So, do your homework! Look for the really old sites. Ask for permis-





By Chad T. Everson

pointer is crucial to assist Blog - YouTube - Site - Online Magazine you in locating Hobbies are expensive! Yet that really does not the target stop us all from investing in better tools to help quickly and get us enjoy the hobbies we absolutely love! you on to that In my first season metal detecting, I realized next sweet tarthe Bounty Hunter branded pinpointer I had get signal. was fine, but honestly, I seldom used it. It just A faster target recovery can assist you in covwas not very effective but the price was right! ering more ground. Think of it as a numbers One thing I realized I needed help with in metal game. If you can recover a target every 7 detecting was to speed up my recovery time. minutes and cut that recovery time down to 3 Even with a great signal and the Mighty Minelab minutes per target, you are going to be able to E-Trac that allows one to pinpoint the target recover 20 targets per hour instead of only 8. Especially when hunting older sites where very well, the target is often lost once the plug is cut and removed. If this happens, a pin- you really can not afford to cherry pick, you have to dig every promising target! A pinpointer will assist you in speeding up your recovery time. This is exactly what I needed so I could still recover the history and cover more ground on some of the really exciting locations I have planned for the 2011 Grizzly hunt season! So I did what I hope you would do! I went on YouTube and started asking other great metal Detectors their opinions on the burning question I had: What is the best pinpointer for the money!


Mr. Miracle out shined everyone by submitting 9. Does the end probe concentrate the search area? this great article for those like me who are looking for the Best PinPointer for the money! 10. Does the end probe provide sufficient depth? Dear Readers, 11. What detecting alarms does the unit proWhen I was young and impressionable, I was told vide? by my Dad that the basic rule applying to most 12. Is there a vibrating alarm as well as an auproducts that require hands on usage is the “KISS’ rule. Which meant not to kiss the prod- dible alarm? uct, but to “Keep It Simple, Stupid.” 13. Is the pinpointer water proof? I have applied this simple principle to most pur- 14. Is there a product warrantee? chases that I have made during my life. I applied this principle recently to selecting a metal de- 15. What are the terms and length of the warrantee? tecting pinPointer. Basic pinPointing is utilized when your primary 16. Does the manufacturer have an efficient metal detector finds an object in the ground. repair facility? The primary metal detector may also have a pinpointing mode which will enable you to determine an approximate location and depth of the object. Hand held pinpointers enable the user to find the location of the metal object after the search hole has been dug and the object is hidden by debris in the hole. There are many forms and shapes of hand held pin- pointers.

17. Last but not least, The Cost $$$$.

If the product can meet all of the above criteria, then I would say that after completing a comparative analysis, the choice will be up to you. I have my personal choice, but ultimately it is up to the end user to determine what suits them.

All can provide the basic search and find meth- Good Luck to All, odology, but the basic things to consider using Mr. Miracle the “KISS” method are: I could not of written it better myself! Mr. 1. How simple is it to use? Miracle did a great job laying out the questions 2. What is the battery life? you should ask when making your decision! 3. Does it illuminate the target in low light TreasureOasis wrote the following: situations? Well I never started using pinPointers until last 4. How durable is the unit? year. I got the multi-named pinPointer that 5. How cumbersome is the unit to carry? comes with package deals. For fisher it is known 6. Does it have a holster? as the F point. I would not suggest this unless it 7. How much does it weigh? is all you can afford. My best pinpointer ever used is by far the Garrett Pro Pointer thanks 8. How sensitive is the end probe?


to Paul. I will soon be purchasing 2 of them just to have one as a backup, which I'll probably never need.

trac yet, having a second tool that is not running the same program and mask is a comfort to me, and a double check!

WestCoastDiggers Norway tested the pistol probe and said that the loudspeaker area tends to be clogged easily. you don't take care not to get stuff in there like mud . He also wished it was smaller and in confidence, soon after this confirmation shared these two words you never want to hear if the Pistol Probe was your baby, “It Sucks!” So, his great disappointment saved me money, and for that I will always respect and lift up this great man! He has also recovered precious genealogical information on my relatives and asked for nothing in return. This is just one example of the great people in Metal Detecting on YouTube and one of these outweighs all the idiots that just don’t get it.

My Choice for me, and for many of my friends is

the Garrett Pro-Pointer.

I hope Garrett advertises with Temerity Magazine and Theodore Media in future, but for this article, I was not paid. My hope is that we can successfully walk that line in the future between paid and unpaid advice to our readers. WestCoastDiggers Norway soon after purchased Don’t get me wrong, we need advertising, but to the Best pinpoiinter for the money! not peddle bad products I guarantee you that every product I suggest, will be Grizzly enough From the start I thought the best pinpointer for you to have confidence in. for the money would be SunRay’s X-1. It is a really great pinpointer but three issues kept it With this product, I think you can rest assured from being my choice as the best pinpointer for that it truly is the best pinPointer for the the money! money. I purchased mine right before this hunt season and it is all that I need and want from 1. Price: $189.95 + Shipping and Handling this product. It is small enough to be used with 2. Always attached to Metal Detector- This is a every target recovered and I have really grown drawback because I don’t just have one quickly to rely upon it. It is powerful and remetal detector! I have 3 and don’t always silient. This product is Grizzly and if you’re in use my best detector in every situation. the market, I suggest you purchase the Garrett 3. Runs same program my metal detector runs. Pro-pointer! -Chad T. Everson This is a double edged sword. I love my e-



By Mr. Miracle

Blog - YouTube

"If It's A Good Production, It's A Miracle"

Let me begin this article by first stating that I have been an avid yard sale enthusiast for many years. Every weekend I would hear the call of my subconscious to go out and search for my own ultimate personal treasure. Most people’s personal treasure is indefinable. I always say to myself, “What will I find?” and “Where will it be?”

It really didn’t matter if it was a Lincoln Cent or a Golden Doubloon. Thanks to my wife, Michele, I was HOOKED on metal detecting from that day forward. After that, I was determined to use my metal detector to discover all of the hidden metal objects that were waiting for me in their subterranean silence.

I outfitted myself with a medium-sized leather, zippered storage bag to hold what I It seems that we are all driven to search for considered the essentials of metal detecting, that ultimate personal treasure that is always which was a plug-in head set, digging tools, sand scoop, hat, sunglasses, small camera distant and allusive. with video capabilities, and a journal to reOne day, while skimming the newspaper for cord my finds, suntan oil, bug spray, and yard sale ads, I came across one that adver- trash bags to save and dispose of trashy tised a used Garrett Ace 250 Metal Detector items. for sale on the coming Saturday. I showed I also visited popular Metal Detecting Web the ad to my wife Michele and she sugSites to acquire knowledge about the Code gested that we investigate. of Ethics regarding metal detecting. Saturday arrived and we embarked on the search. It was a local yard sale about twenty Metal detecting rules regarding courtesy, minutes from our home. Ultimately, my wife respect of private property and acquiring permission from land owners are only a few of negotiated a fair price with the seller and purchased the Garrett metal detector for me the principles that should be observed. and I couldn’t wait to get home try it out. I learned to never tamper with signs, gates, equipment or structures. Not to damage wildAs soon as we arrived home, I opened the life habitats or natural resources and to reinstruction manual and began to educate spect ghost towns and buildings that are demyself on the intricacies of the unit’s basic operation and fine points. After installing the serted. I believe that all metal detectorists should study and comply with all of the rules four double “A” batteries, I was prepared to that are provided. Always cover your dig explore my own back yard. sites and never purposely litter or leave To my astonishment, only after a few mintrashy items that you find. utes of search, I heard (for the first time) the After preparing myself with the basic equipbell shaped tones of my metal detector. It was the very first time that I heard that tone, ment for further metal detecting adventures, I have conducted many successful hunts at but it struck a chord of excitement. After the local parks and recreation areas and hearing it, I followed the instruction manual found many interesting objects and coins of to pin-pointed the object and broke out my small hand spade. I proceeded to dig down various denominations. approximately six inches and I found my very To expand my hobby, I decided to try metal first coin. It was a 1983 Lincoln Cent. detecting at some of the more popular beaches located in New Hampshire and in



sites. Also, there are approximately twenty beaches. There are many quaint and pleasMy first find was at Hampton Beach, NH. Afant hotels, Inns and overnight bed and ter searching for a very short time the detecbreakfast facilities available. Probably the tor’s alarm went off. I dug down about 4 most economic time to visit the Island is durinches in the dry, gritty sand and found an ing the early spring and late fall when lodgold silver 1946 quarter. My first beach find. ing prices are more amenable. I discovered that it is useful to study the local After a delicious breakfast on Saturday tide charts and determine the time of day morning, I was off again by air to my next that is most feasible to conduct metal detectadventure…. Nantucket Island. ing hunts. Some detectorists prefer to detect at high tide with the tide going out, others at After another short hop, I arrived at Nanlow tide. tucket airport. Travel on Nantucket Island is also available in many modes. Shuttle busUsually the beaches are cleaned and preses are available, and I took full advantage pared for visitors by the Park Service with of the service. automated equipment very early in the morning and they are designed to remove debris Nantucket Island is famous for tales of its from the beach to a depth of approximately early 18th Century Whaling ships, the many five inches. It may be wise to metal detect ship wrecks during stormy seas, and also prior to this procedure. great tales about lost treasures that still might be contained on the many beaches I personally have been successful in recovlocated on the Island. The island is very sceering many coins from the dry sand on the nic with many points of historic interest and a beaches. Recently, my wife Michele purlarge variety of shops that provide wares of chased a long handle aluminum sand scoop all descriptions. for me at a yard sale and digging for objects It occurred to me recently, just after beginis a lot quicker and easier. ning my metal detecting hobby, that these Many detectorists prefer to search in the wet two Islands would be ideal places for metal sand or in the surf and their equipment is detecting. (I guess that’s not rocket science). usually water proof. Some units are fully submersible, while others only allow the search So I decided to investigate the further possicoil to be submerged. Check your operating bilities. I contacted the Chamber of Commanual before proceeding into the water. merce on Martha’s Vineyard and inquired if metal detecting was permitted. A few years prior to beginning my metal detecting hobby, I had the opportunity to travel I was told that it was permitted on public to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket Island property and that written permission would off the coast of Massachusetts. I departed have to be given by private property land from Logan Airport in Massachusetts very owners if detectorists wanted to hunt on their early on a Friday morning en-route to Marproperty. tha’s Vineyard. After a short trip, I landed at I also contacted the Chamber of Commerce the Martha’s Vineyard Airport. Basic transon Nantucket Island and received the same portation on the Island is provided in many reply. Evidently, metal detecting is permitted forms. There are mopeds, bike rentals and on both islands. I will definitely be returning many foot paths available for the energetic to the Islands this spring with my metal deexplorers. I decided to take one of the availtector in hand. able shuttle buses to explore the island. I The search is on…….. Good Luck to All. spent a whole day on the Vineyard taking photographs and visiting various historical Massachusetts.




By Tom Manly Site - YouTube I am new to detecting and was overcome by the terminology and acronyms. So I started reading all I could. I wrote the following to help other newbie's along the way. I know I would have welcomed it when I started out. NOVICE 2 NOVICE

So the best answer I can give is to get the best detector that you can afford. You get what you pay for. But all detectors have drawbacks. You can get some good deals on used detectors but do your research on new cost and compare the used price to that. A detector is an investment. What would the resell value be?

1. DETECTORS First of all do your OK as a Novice (and take this with research; determine what types of a grain of salt) here is my list of detectors to research: items that you want to find. Coins, relics, gold, cache, etc. Then look at the forums and read, read and read. Be aware that the detector that an individual owns is always the best. You will never get a good answer when you ask what is the best detector. You will get covered up with questions such as type of soil in your area, what you are hunting, where you will be hunting and on and on‌.


line and has some of the experts buying them.

Teknetics T2

Garrett Ace 250 Great beginner detector, cost around $215 new. This is a great detector for the price And it is easy to learn. It will find you coins and relics in about all areas. Depth is great for the price. Also they have just released the new Ace 350. So the prices should drop some. Fisher F75

Teknetics Omega 8000 This was the big surprise detector. It is very light. Very quiet and easy to use. Depth is fantastic and you will be finding coins right away. Cost is $599 for the detector and one coil. This is the sleeper in the detector

Teknetics T2 & Fisher F75 These two detectors are almost the same with performance. Cost is from $650 to just over $1000. Both are Very sensitive and can detect small items to decent depths. These may be a good second detector after the learning curve has advanced past the basic learner stage.


reviews you can before making a decision. Next, what else do you need and why.

Minelab E-trac A treasure pouch, not really a must but will help you keep the good, the bad, and the ugly separated.

White’s V3i Minelab E-trac & White’s V3i These detectors are on the higher end of performance and price. Cost around $1500 to $1600. There is a very long learning curve to get the most out of these units. But both have factory settings that should get you digging right away.

Pinpointer. This is another subject, when covering the different types. This is basically a small metal detector that has up to a couple of inch range. After you dig the hole, it will help you locate that small coin These are only a few of all the great or target. detectors available, so read all the


detectors have little marks on each dial that indicate the default or starting settings.

Digger, there are also many different types available, but I would recommend going to the local hardware store and purchasing a small garden digger and a short handled shovel. Once you get a little more experience, then you can look at the more expensive tools available.

GROUND BALANCE. What the heck is this and why do you need to do it? Well if you want to detector to perform to its best ability then this is required.. Often will give a signal that is more stable and see targets at greater depth. Ground balance will null out the mineral content of the soil, Or it will setup to ignore the minerals in the soil. I found that it helps to do a ground balance often. The minerals can change quickly for one area to the next. Especially if the slope increased or decreases. Read your manual to get where you can perform this task without thinking. To get a better understanding of the soil , I cut two aluminum bars 1” wide and 12” long. At three different sites I inserted them into the ground. I then took a multi-meter and measured the resistance and Voltage between the bars. Each one was very different showing that it can change from area to area.

NOW WHAT You have all this stuff, What do you do now? First you need to get to know your equipment. The best place to start is in your own yard. If you are like me, I want privacy when I am trying something new. READ THE MANUAL, Then read it again. Once you understand what you have read, it is time to fire up the detector. Always start away from any metal objects, ( fence, cars, toys, etc…) Turn on the detector. Use the default set- SENSITIVITY. Detectors will react tings that was in your manual. Most different to an increase and de-


crease of sensitivity. Some a higher sensitivity will give greater depth. Some a wider signal pattern and some will be able to see smaller objects. And if you are lucky it will do all three. So again read your manual. DISCRIMINATION. Ok , this is a big one. To use discrimination is to eliminate or in other words Ignore a certain type of target. Why you ask? Well some targets are less desirable such as nails, screw caps off of soft drinks, pull tabs off of can beverages.. If you plan to dig every signal then Good luck and I hope your back holds out. There is basically two types of discrimination. Straight linear discrimination, to use this it starts at the lowest reading and progresses up the scale as high as you want to go. Notch discrimination, This is to discriminate discrimination. Ok, here a is a better explanation, (I hope) Each type of target has a range or signal strength and this gives you the ability to remove or ignore Just one type, no matter where on the range it may fall. Say nails are from 4 to 12 and foil wrappers are from 16 to 25 and so on. You can

notch out or ignore just the foil and leave the nail signal active. Very handy if you are in an area where there are a lot of foil and very few nails. TONES. Often a decent detector will offer several tones to help identify a target. Low tones for iron, mid tones for nickels or pull tabs and high tones for brass, copper, silver. Some may offer as many as 4 tones. Then there is like a variable tone which changes with signal strength or depth. Again, read the manual and find the type of tone selection that will assist you the best. SWEEP SPEED. This is all in your control. It is how fast or slow you move the detector coil over the ground. Some detectors work best with a slow sweep speed and other a fast. Your manual will have recommendations that work the best for that type of detector. PINPOINT. This is a function of the detector. Once you located a target and decided to dig, you will want to find the exact location of the target. The detector will have a pinpoint


button or trigger. When activated the detector will reduce the signal under the coil down to a very small Beam . This will help you determine where the target is located. Also the tones will increase as you get closer to the target and decrease as you move farther away. Practice this with a coin on your lawn to master it and learn where the exact location on the coil is the pinpoint sweet spot.

age and never thought about it until the spring of 2010 when doing some cleaning. I decided to see if it still worked. After installing batteries, I turned it on and started walking across my back lawn. After just a few steps the loud beep made me jump. I placed the detector on the ground and ran to get a shovel. After digging down about 6", I started searching the plug with my hands, thinking it would be a Well, I feel this is enough for the tin can. I felt something in my first edition of Novice 2 Novice. hand and looked to see what it I would like to say I am sorry to all was: A 1964 Kennedy Half. I was the Pro’s out there if I made any hooked. I started reading, watchmistakes, but what can I say? I am ing videos, and studying history. Almost a year later ,I am still a Novice. learning. I have never had so Good luck with your learning curve. much fun or made so many great And find a friend who can share friends. your hunting adventures. Fill your pockets with adventure... Tom Manly in SC ~Tom Manly

TManly25 Youtube Channel

Ten years ago, a friend was in need of money, and asked me if I Site - YouTube was interested in buying a metal detector. Originally published at I purchased it, just to help him http://detectorstuff.com/forum/index.php out. I placed the detector in stor-


One of our favorite YouTube metal detectors is the big man from Arkansas, Yulelah, and I had the great honor of interviewing him for all of our Temerity Magazine Readers.

3. You always include a helpful tip in your videos, What are your top ten tips for our Temerity Magazine Readers that are just getting started Metal detecting?

1. Yulelah, you have found and grown great success and following on YouTube. How did you get started on YouTube and what is the secret of success with your adoring subscribers and friends on your channel? I got started with YouTube when a co-worker told me I could watch movies on YouTube. I asked him about it and asked if you had to pay and he said no. So I went online and checked it out. I decided to create an account. I always try to thank all my subscribers, fans, and viewers. I tell them I like their kind words, because that keeps me motivated and I really do like their comments. I try to include pictures of my hunt sites and try and let them know where I’m hunting and the history of these sites. I try to reply back to any question my subscribers may have and I keep it honest even if I have a bad day in the field, because everyday can`t be a bragging day. I also let them know if there is any way I can help them I will.

Metal detector hobbyist code of Ethics 1.

Always get permission

2. After retrieving your target fill in your holes. 3. Location, location, location 4. Patient, Persistent, Perseverance. 5. Learn your machine

6. Join a metal detecting forum,. You can learn a lot from forums and there are other detectorists there you can talk with and share your finds of 2. Now you have a full time job that works you the day with. long hours and a demanding schedule, how do you find the time to metal detect and make your awe- 7. After having retrieved your target , always some video's? recheck the hole. Well here lately I been working a lot on the week- 8. Always wear gloves; this is one tip I need to ends, but before , I wasn`t , so I still try to hunt on practice more. the weekends when I am off and on special holi9. Be careful not to scratch your finds while days when the plant is not working. Before a hunt you’re digging. I always make sure my battery in my camera is 10. Take plenty of liquids such as water, etc, especharged up. I am also a single person so that give cially if it’s during the hot summer and watch some a little more time.


wild things such as snakes and yellow jacket s making nests in the ground. Also be careful to watch where you kneel down (not on a fire ant mound). 11. When hunting parks watch for the big tree to see if the roots are exposed because if they are not, more than likely they have brought fill dirt into the park, making it very difficult to hunt around them, because the older coins would be covered up and deeper.

Here are some bonus tips: Be safe if you’re going to be in the field or hunt overnight and in the country side. 

Carry a first aid kit and snake bit e kit.

Always let someone in your family know where you’re going to be and when they can expect you home again.

ning for president. This token had the wig party candidate on it . John Bell was running against Abe and Edward Everett was running for vicepresident. Both of their names were on the token with 1860. 5. What is your most memorable hunt? I would say that it would have to be the day I found the seated quarter. I was on my way to hunt an old ghost town and had to pass through a little community where there had been some old stores and I had been watching the old stores for a while because I knew they were going to move them. So, as I was passing through the little community, I noticed the stores were missing and put on my brakes and went and got permission to hunt them. At first I only found a few wheat cents and so I left and went on to the ghost town, but I didn`t do any good there so I came back to the old stores about an hour before dark. Then about 20 minutes before dark I hit that magic sound that registered quarter and I knew it had to be old but didn`t know how old until I got it home. Sure I could make out an eagle on the back but I didn`t know what it was and you couldn’t see anything on the front because it was so black. I found out later that they had burned the old stores down and that’s why the coin

4. What are some of your most prized metal detecting finds? My seated liberty quarter 1877, my 1899 Barber quarter, even though I don`t have it anymore, I did find a 18 karate gold ring, I also have a no date standing liberty quarter, I found a token that had 1860 on it and I checked it and it turned out to be a presidential token when ole Abe Lincoln was run-


would love to find a three cent silver and of course the ones everybody want to find are the gold coins. 9. Now you metal detect with a lot of great metal detectorists in your area, Can you tell us a little bit about them? There’s something about this hobby that bring the best out in people and I guess my brother looked dark. I knew it was silver though and I was would have to be one of excited. them. He’s 6. What are your goals for the 2011 hunt season? always .My goal for 2011 is to keep my subscribers and helpful and viewers happy, if possible. try to hunt more new always places, and try to hunt more with some of my fellow knows hobbyist.s I would say I would like to find more sil- where to go ver and old coins than I did in 2010, but we will see. to find the I want to make the Yulelah name even more good stuff. popular on the web. As far as pointing a finger at any one person to me that wouldn`t be fair because everybody is great . 7. Now you find a lot of your locations through word of mouth suggestions. How do you find your We all try to help each other when we are hunting. locations and those great contacts that key you 10. If you had mad money to spend, where would into these great locations? you go metal detecting and what would you be looking to find? Well, I am older for one and was raised up in this part of the country for one and I do use word of mouth especially to the older generation. Libraries are a good source of information. Here in southwest Arkansas they did have a publication that they call the Old Time Chronicles and they tell about old places and how life was years ago.

I would travel around the United States and hunt with all my fans and subscribers. They are a great bunch of folks. The one place that I am going to hunt someday is England. I want to find some hammer silver or gold coins over there, or maybe some old Roman coins or relics from the medieval times.

8. Is there one item that you would really love to find metal detecting but have not yet?

11. You mentioned you are starting to take people to Mexico as a tour guide. Will you be metal deThere are several . I have never found an American tecting in Mexico? half dollar, I would love to find a seated dime or I would like to start my own tour guide service, but half dime,. I have never found a large cent, and I that for now would be a dream and yes I would de-


tect over there. 12. Can you Tell our Temerity Magazine readers about your great blog, YouTube channel and all the places you can be found online? This is a link to my blog sites : Yulelahmetaldetecting.blogspot.com and I have tips on my blog site, for the beginning hobbyist and veteran hobbyist. some of my best find video clips and slide show videos are there. I have a Google search box there and you can use this and never have to leave my site. I also have a link at the top of the page to help you navigate through my blog to different pages, I have some tips on my home page but if you click on the link at

the top of the page that says “tips “it will take you to another page full of tips. I also have a chat box on my blog if you care to chat with other hobbyists or leave a message for me. Maybe you just want to tell me about your hunt or finds you make. My YouTube channel has my blog link there and all my favorite videos (some are metal detecting). You can find me on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Lost treasure, Treasure Quest metal detecting forum ,and just about anywhere on the net that has to do with metal detecting. You can type the “Yulelah” name in Google and Yahoo, Bing, etc, and it will bring all my sites up.

Blog - YouTube


I had the opportunity to interview Shayne Wells , our TreasureOasis, for this issue of Temerity Magazine. We did it over email and here is the result. 1. TreasureOasis ,can you share with our Temerity Magazine Readers a little bit about yourself and how you started getting Grizzly metal detecting?

bama where we detected and looked for arrowheads as well. It wasn't until 1997, when I bought my first detector, that I got hooked.

My name is Shayne Wells, I am 37 years old, married with 2 kids and living in Ohio. I was about 13 when I first got a taste of metal detecting. My uncle Vic had two machines and took me out in some fields down in Ala-


3. What is your most prized find to date?

2. Can you tell us about your Grizzly Back- Well, I've found things from small yard and where you hunt for Grizzly Relic cannon balls to old coins to relics of all & Treasure? types. But I guess my most prized is

Tiffin, Ohio ,is a small town of about 30,000 people. It was established in 1820 by Josiah Hedges and named after Edward Tiffin, the first Governor of Ohio. The town is full of history and the county holds old Fort locations from the War of 1812. I live along the Sandusky River which has lots of history of soldiers, Indians and major Floods.

my first old coin....an 1866 Indian Head Cent with slight cud by the rim. It is a semi key date and is in extra fine condition. 4. If you had mad money and permission to metal detect anywhere in the USA where would it be?

I'd have to say Gettysburg, PA. Just to be able to see what's hiding under


those battle fields would be Grizzly detecting. 5. What challenges and hurdles have you overcame in your quest for Grizzly Relic & Treasure?

First off would be finding the right machine for me. I went through a few different machines before finding what I like. You can't expect to just go out, grab one machine and be satisfied. I've been through Radio Shack, Bounty Hunter, Garrett and have now settled down with my Fisher F2. 6. It is always a lot more fun to hunt with others, who have you had the pleasure to hunt with in your Grizzly Backyard?

can be your best friend too is like finding a treasure in itself. 7. Since you have been metal detecting for quite a while, can you share with us what metal detectors and accessories you have used along the way?

Like I said previously, I have had my share of detectors. I started out with a Radio Shack VLF Discriminator, then I've run into different people while moved to a Radio Shack (Bounty out metal detecting, but only one Hunter) Discovery 2000. They were have I ever hooked up with and gone fun, but just weren't doing what I had metal detecting. His name is Paul hoped for. I decided to try a Garrett Pryor, AKA 74DirtyMoney on YouACE 150 and started to improve my Tube. We met one day at one of the finds. I found my first old coin (the local parks and instead of just hook1866 IHC) and first Barber Dime...The ing up and going out detecting from only problem was the ACE falsed time to time, we became best friends way to much in High Iron areas such in no time. Everyone should have a as old home sites. Finally I was able to hunting partner, but to find one that


upgrade again and purchased the Fisher F2 and now wouldn't want another machine. The Fisher F2 has proven to be an excellent relic machine.

9. What goals have you set for yourself in 2011 to attain metal detecting?

Well, I haven't really set any immediate goals, but I have a long term goal to find just one date of each type of coin from the half cent all the way to silver dollars. I know there are people 8. When you first get a new location to who try to collect all of one thing like metal detect, what is your strategy for hunting the location especially if you don't pennies. I would just like to find one of have a lot of time to recover all the buried each denomination between now and relic & treasure? the day I can't swing a detector anymore. I almost always start out with coin hunting. You could spend all day digging up relics, but if your limited 10. Now that you have the opportunity to on time and have a machine with dif- share your gained wisdom here in Temerity ferent settings, I would advise to start Magazine, what nuggets do you want to with coins....you can always go back share with our readers, especially those just thinking about jumping into this great and catch the stuff you missed anhobby and addiction? other time. Patience, Patience, Patience....You are not going to go and buy a machine and start finding all the old relics coins and treasures that we veterans have managed over the years. Go talk to someone who knows metal detecting and has tried different machines....Don't expect to get answers from someone behind a counter, you need to talk to the ones who have


been in the field getting their hands dirty.


Next is persistence...When you get out there, go slow....and if you start to find some goodies, slow down even more.

Exercise, the thrill of knowing what's under my feet, alone time....There are so many reasons, but I guess most of all is putting a story behind the things that I recover from the ground....everything has a story.

12. Why do you metal detect?

Don't believe anyone who says a place is hunted out....there's no such thing. Different machines Check out my website at used by people looking for differhttp://kd8gca.angelfire.com ent things equals endless possi-


YardDigger ,after I contacted him about Temerity Magazine, sent me this great testament to one man igniting the imagination of the next generation into metal detecting hobby. Here is that great testament:

ings live on through me and the treasures that lie under foot. Thanks Chad for the honor to be

I have been metal detecting since I was 17 years old. The passion began on a summer day in Eldorado, Arkansas, at the playground of Yocum Elementary School. I noticed an elderly man swinging included in such a ground breakhis 1970s White detector. I walked over and asked him if he ing magazine. My Feb.. 14, 2010 video is from the school where it was having any luck. all began. My big find of the day He said, "just the usual." Then he was a well worn 1917 Walker 50 handed me his digging knife and cent piece. It brought back said I could dig his holes. That memories of that summer day and day was the first time I saw a merhow it could still be there with all cury dime come from mother the greats that were there before earth and man oh man I've been me. Your friend in hooked ever since! This man became a friend and an occasional hunting partner. He has since passed on but his teach-

MT. Holly Ar. Joe Don Belin, " yarddigger "

God bless 51

Wow, what a great testament to a great metal detector passing on this great hobby! As I was reading it, my mind flashed back to all the kids I met this last year asking me "what are you doing?" They never left without a coin in their hand, but this year, I am going to be carrying buffalo nickels to gift them with.

ask him if he was having any luck? Not sure. ( 1993 ) but he looked like he could use a friend and a break from those numerous school yard signals. You know how it is when you are digging a lot of signals...

2. Why do you think this man took the time and had the patience to have you dig holes for him? Many today would of tried to be polite and send you on your way so they could 1. What gave you the Temerity to go get back to the task at hand, Why up to a stranger metal detecting and Hey, here are some follow-up questions because this is too great a testament to not ask more questions for our April Temerity Magazine issue readers!


do you think this man had the vision, the wisdom and patience to pass along the love of this hobby to you and probably many others?

6. Have you had that chance to pass along this great hobby and addiction to others as your mentor had? If so, share a story or two!

Bruce Brumley was ready “to go money hunting" as he called it from the word go. He saw an opportunity to pass it on to the young generation, the love and sheer mystery of what lies under foot.

Yes. my son Ethan. It came full circle as our first trip was to the school yard where it all began that summer day in 1993.

3. Since your mentor swung a Whites detector, what detector do you swing today? I use the Minelab E Trac, stock coil and sunray pin pointer. 4. What metal detectors have you owned along the way? My first was a Bounty Hunter, something... then later on I was able to get a Whites IDX pro a really good starter machine. 5. Who have you had the honor of metal detecting with, and who do you hunt with today if any? Family, friends, my middle son Ethan ( with B. H. tracker IV. ). I have a new hunting buddy, he goes by McRough on TNET. He uses a Whites V3.

7. What are some of your favorite hunt locations? Old house lots, with or without the house. Any place old. I’m not picky. Love the oldies. 8. What is your favorite relic or treasure find? Really don’t have a favorite..... love old coins, the old toys and just keeping on the look for the ever present surface drop and Marbles. 9. Is there a particular relic or treasure that you have yet to find metal detecting that someday you would love to find under your coil? Seated. finally hit barber Feb. 6. Yes, Seated or older.

Joe Don Belin, " yarddigger " 53

The Log of the Kensington Runestone

By M. E. Johnson

Site - YouTube- Part 1 - Part 2 - Book - Excerpt I have made a discovery that allows us to read ancient FUTHARK runic as an ideogram expression. This knowledge has been lost in the dust of time for over four centuries. I want to share it with you in the hopes that you will go out and read other runic inscriptions and prove it is the equivalent of the Rosetta stone for FUTHARK runic. I have written a report that will teach you how to read and write FUTHARK runic and go about scientifically observing runic inscriptions. You can instant download a copy to your computer from my website. Don‟t worry it isn‟t a wordy lengthy document. I knew you wouldn‟t like that; who does really?

Come join me in this archeological adventure. The Kensington runestone is a Viking age artifact that was found near the town of Kensington, Minnesota. It has been an enigma for 112 years since it was found in 1898 by a Norwegian immigrant while he was out clearing a field of tree stumps. There has been controversy about if it is even real or a fake to this day.


It was used at a time when the ability A researcher named Haljmar Holland to make markings on an object then have that object transported across found a message on the stone using the Norwegian alphabet translation for mountains, rivers, and large bodies of runic and our verifiable knowledge of water to someone on the other end who could look at the markings and the inscription ended there, until now. know what you meant was viewed as magic. This article is about FUTHARK, the ancient form of writing used by the peoThe scholars say that it was used by ples of the Scandinavian countries the Scandinavian people to communiwho carved this stone. cate not just with other people but with the gods. For the most part our knowledge of FUTHARK runic is pre history to us The people who used it were recorded with only a partial understanding of in history as having written great sahow it was used. gas of their Heroes. And some of those have been interpreted using the alphabet translation. At this point all existWe know that it was used as an ideogram expression as well as a letter al- ing translations of FUTHARK runic have been as an alphabet form. phabet with the ideogram usage predating the alphabet usage. However the FUTHARK runic these


people used has not been readable for over four centuries as an ideogram expression. As you will see the ideogram expression can be woven into the alphabet expression. Take note of this, you will want to remember it if you go looking at inscriptions already translated alphabetically.

cious metal they looted into necklaces called torgs which they buried in the earth with great ceremony. In all likelihood there is an inscription out there that says „dig here.â€&#x; Or you may find an inscription you can read. In either case come back here and tell us all about it.

After two and a half years of painstaking research I can tell you that all the scholars make mention of the rune meanings as an ideogram and are in complete agreement with each There is treasure of two kinds in them other on the words that each symbol there hills. stands for without any variation. Nobody is arguing with anybody about the meanings. I have no detractors on this important fact. Everybody is right. So, I formed this information into a dictionary of FUTHARK runic as an ideogram expression. What does this mean to you as a relic and treasure hunter? These inscriptions which have been mute for so long can now be read. These people were also famous raiders and were known to form the pre-


I have seen the Oklahoma runes and I think I know what they mean, that will come out in a future article and I hope by then to have some opinions from all of you. Another intriguing runic object is the La Verendrye stone which was found in the Dakota Territory West of the Kensington runestone.

For a visual introduction to this dictionary please visit my YouTube posting „The Log of the Kensington Runestone‟ You can also visit my webpage www.kensingtonrunestone.net

You can instant download a copy of my report from my website to your computer or arrange to have a spiral I am on a mission to make this knowl- bound copy mailed to you. edge known to my and future genera- Adventure and treasure is waiting out tions. there for some one to find it. At this point there‟s no one ahead of I have been a Runemaster for over 27 you. years and am degreed in the arts of “Fortune and Glory,” isn‟t that what scientific observation and research. Indiana said? This is a facet of archeology that hasn‟t been touched; we are on virgin ground with this. Here is a chance to join me and have an Indiana Jones experience, hopefully without all the drama. I have done all the tedious boring library work.


Book Review by David Anfinrud

than spending thousands of dollars on huge machines that can do the job faster but who can afford Identification and Qualitative Chemical Analysis to buy them. And lab analysis can be very expenof Minerals by Orsino C. Smith Second Edition sive and takes time to get a result back. This will 1953 not work well with micro minerals but for larger crystals and rock samples this will help give you a A unique chemical analysis book. In the early starting point on the adventure of figuring out years of mineral identification, bead testing was some unique minerals, or just verifying on what you done to help identify mineral content. This book think it is. has several unique sections in it. There are books out on just blow piping for mineral element conThen in chapter 5 there is a portable laboratory tent. When I found this book I was intrigued to see case design. Here the author has put together a what was said about blow piping. I have not seen design to carry all the required chemicals to do the that used for years. Thinking as a collector I often testing listed in this book. A case that has four find minerals and have no clue what it is or may trays with the detailed drawing to make the case. have an idea of that it could be one of several dif- One of the hints for cutting the holes to fit the botferent minerals. tles you should have the bottles available to ensure they get cut properly. The idea of a portable As in all chemical analysis it is destructive testing. We take a part of the mineral sample and use chemistry set with some key chemicals in it sounds it to help identify the makeup of the sample. If you like a good way to help with knowing what you are are trying to figure out what minerals may be in a finding in the field. ore sample this is a good way to figure out elements The overall feeling of the book is that it can be a within the sample. Here is a book that gives infor- great reference to help with nearly half of the mation of over 2000 mineral samples and what known minerals in the world. It is worth having in chemical test results would look like. any book collection just because of the extensive The tables themselves are setup to identify by spe- tables of Hardness, Specific Gravity, Fusibility, cific gravity. Having a big enough sample to get Color, Streak, Luster, Cleavage and Fracture Information. There is a lot of information here to help an accurate specific gravity is a starting point on Identification. The book lists all the standard tests aid in identifying those mysterious minerals you you can do on minerals to help identify them. But may have in your collection. The one lacking feature is that the book did not go into Crystal Structhe tables are setup to take this information then give results of reactions for various chemical tests ture. It is only mentioned in passing. And the techniques and chemistry to make the testing paper or Listed within the book and blow piping results with several pages of pictures of various elements even ways to make some of the chemicals you need for testing from those chemicals readily availafter each type of blow piping results. This gives you an idea of the elements in the sample. It makes able. You can learn a few things not taught in the schools anymore with this book. Amazon.com has a me want to try my hand at blow piping some few of these books listed as being available for purknown minerals just to see if I can duplicate the results of the pictures. As with any technique prac- chase. This book is not commonly found available tice with known samples to get results and practice, for purchase. practice, practice. Just understanding this techI highly recommend it just as a reference book and nique is well worth having this book in your library. The removal of this inexpensive technique if you want to learn more about mineral identification from the early 1900’s this book is for you. You as technology developed is a loss for many of today’s collectors. This is a poor man’s way to iden- will be glad you added it once you see all the infortify what you may have to be used with the other mation that is provided, maybe a few old tricks that have been forgotten over the years. chemistry tests within this book is a lot cheaper




1. Abandoned Structures 2. Amusement Parks 3. Around Old Cemeteries 4. Athletic Fields 5. Backyards 6. Ball Fields 7. Band Shells 8. Battle Sites 9. Beaches 10. Boardwalks 11. Boat Launches 12. Bridges and Fords 13. Campgrounds 14. Canal Paths 15. Chicken Houses 16. Church Picnic areas 17. Churches 18. Circus Sites 19. City Parks 20. Cloth Lines 21. College Campuses 22. Construction Sites 23. Creek Crossings 24. Crossroads 25. Disaster Sites

26. Drinking spots 27. Drive Ins 28. Empty Lots 29. Fair Sites 30. Farmer Market Areas 31. Fence Posts 32. Fishing Camps 33. Fishing Spots 34. Flea Market 35. Flower Beds 36. Fort Sites 37. Garbage Dumps 38. Gas Stations 39. Gathering Spots 40. General Stores 41. Ghost Towns 42. Hiking Trails 43. Homestead Sites 44. Hunting Camps 45. Hunting Lodges 46. Junctions of Abandoned Roads 47. Lakes 48. Lookout Sites 49. Lots Where Snow Removal is Dumped 50. Lover's Lanes 51. Military Camps 52. Mining Camps

53. Motels 54. Old Barns 55. Old Houses & Homesteads 56. Old Schools 57. Old Trails 58. Old Trails Crossing County lines 59. Old Trails Crossing State lines 60. Outbuildings 61. Outhouses 62. Outhouses 63. Overlook Sites 64. Parking Lots 65. Picnic Groves 66. Scraped Soil at Construction Sites 67. Playgrounds 68. Private Land near Historical Markers 69. Privy 70. Racetracks 71. Railroad Grades 72. Railroad Junctions 73. Railroad Stations 74. Resorts 75. Reunion Areas 76. Revival sites

77. Right of Ways 78. River Crossings 79. Roadside Fruit Stands 80. Roadside Rest Stops 81. Roadside Vegetable Stands 82. Rodeo Arenas 83. Rural Boundary Walls 84. Rural Dance Sites 85. Rural Mailboxes 86. Scout Camps 87. Sidewalk Grassy Strips 88. Sidewalks 89. Skating Ponds 90. Ski Slopes 91. Ski Lifts (under) 92. Stone Quarries 93. Swimming Holes 94. Taverns 95. Town Squares 96. Urban Yards 97. Waterfalls 98. Wells 99. Winter Sledding Areas 100.Woods







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