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1. [PAINTING, SCULPTURE, ARCHITECTURE] 4-11 Memory on Eleutherias square [ongoing diploma thesis] Thessaloniki

2. [ABSTRACT] 12-21 Maze

3. [ARCHITECTURE] 22-29 Public centre for physical and mental exercise Stavrupoli, Thessaloniki

4. [ARCHITECTURE] 30-37 University square redevelopment

Campus of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

5. [RESEARCH] 38-43 Τhe imprint of memory on space How Αbsence becomes space

6. [PHOTOGRAPHY] 44-51 Product photography- Analogue photography


Project: Research on Eleutherias Square spatial memory - Holocaust memorial museum

year: January 2023-today

Tutor: Object-e [D. Gourdoukis]

individual project: T. Skillo

The diploma thesis examines the collective memory in tht space o Eleutherias square in Thessaloniki, Greece. The square exists many years now and has been a space of urban collective dynamic. I focus on the memory o the Holocaust, more spesifically I take a picture where the Nazis gathered all man

Jews to send them to work without their will. This event is considered the start o Thessaloniki’s Holocaust. Also, archaeologists have now discovered remains of the Byzantine Wall of Thessaloniki. 6


models made with plaster molding



work made with acrylic paint on canvas


Project: Maze

year: 2020

Tutor: Α. Kalfopoulos

individual project: T. Skillo

made by T. Skillo 14

Photo of Jupiter’s surface/ the Great Red Spot 15






made by T. Skillo 17

made by T. Skillo


moon’s surface, photo by NASA



And as I was going up it started to become clearer.

I didn’t see any other doors.

Neither open nor closed.

Only open roads and a choice.

Which was all mine.

made by T. Skillo 21

Project: Public centre for physical and mental exercise

Site: 14.485 m2

• •

Year: 2020

Team: T. Skillo, L. Mertiri Tutor: Α. Kalfopoulos

The proposal is located in the area of Stavroupoli (West Thessaloniki) on a plot of 14,485 m2. The region is characterized by a lack of public welfare infrastructure. More specifically, there is a lack of public libraries and gyms, but there is an outdoor swimming pool that only operates during the summer months.

Taking into account data from researches about the love of reading and training in the Greek area, we coclude the important necessity of public training and reading structures.

made by L. Mertiri 24

Based on these data, a building program was synthesized which serves the needs of the residents in the field of exercise. The complexity of the building program is treated in this proposal with an intention of intergrating different forms of exercise to create an architectural hybrid.

On this basis, a library-reading room, a gym (with a small refreshment room and an independent court on the first floor), a swimming pool consisting of a competitive and a therapeutic pool, and finally a cafeteria in direct contact with outdoor green space are planned recreation and rest.

made by L. Mertiri 25

ground floor plan

made by T. Skillo 26

first floor plan

made by T. Skillo 27

Section a-a’

made by T. Skillo

Section b-b’

made by T. Skillo

Section c-c’

made by T. Skillo

10m. 5m.

10μ. 5μ.

10m. 5m.


• Project: University square redevelopment • Year: 2019

• Site: 9.960 m2

• Team: T. Skillo, Ε. Telli, H. Μatrozu, S. Celiker • Tutors: H. Hristodulu, Α. Vitopulu

made by T. Skillo



Chemistry Square is a crossroad of schools and an elongated front to the city. However, it is a dormant and awkward part of the campus which is only used as a crossing point during the day, as opposed to the evening hours when it becomes deserted, dangerous and unsafe. This feeling is not limited to the boundaries of the square but even outside the square it creates an uneasy zone.


The square is on the northwestern boundary of the campus with its boundaries being clear and distinct (high railings and dense plantings that prevent pedestrian sight lines to the plaza). Through the abolition of enclosure and introversion, an open public space can be created which, on the one hand, enhances communication and interaction between the schools and, on the other, connects the campus with the urban fabric of the city.


The redesign of the square intends to dynamically address the problems of this public space in specific ways: - Perimeter placementδραστηριοτήτων-χρήσεων of activities-uses in order to haveμε theσκοπό appropriate infrastructure to activate the -Περιμετρική τοποθέτηση να υπάρχει η κατάλληλη space socially. At the top of the square there is a platform with fitness facilities and an exhibition area. υποδομή ώστε να ενεργοποιηθεί κοινωνικά ο χώρος. Στο πάνω μέρος της πλατείας υπάρχουν At the bottom there is an open-air market and facilities that function as spaces for outdoor and indoor μια πλατφόρμα με γυμναστηριακές εγκαταστάσεις και ένας εκθεσιακός χώρος. Στο κάτω reading.ένα υπαίθριο μάρκετ και εγκαταστάσεις που λειτουργούν ώς χωροι για μέρος υπάρχει υπαίθριο και στεγασμένο διάβασμα. - Addressing by placing low planting around the perimeter and retaining existing -Αντιμετώπιση τηςoverheating υπερθέρμανσης τοποθετώντας περιμετρικά χαμηλή φύτευση και high planting to achieve air cooling through the evaporative cooling mechanism. Also, a gently sloping συγκρατώντας την υπάρχουσα υψηλή φύτευση, έτσι ώστε να επιτυγχάνεται δροσισμόςpond του has του beenμηχανισμού placed in the free central space which provides necessary evaporative cooling in the αέρα μέσω εξατμισοδιαπνοής. Επίσης,the στον ελεύθερο κεντρικό χώρο έχει summer τοποθετηθεί μιαseason. ήπιας κλίσης λίμνη η οποία προσφέρει τον απαραίτ -Κατάργηση υλικών ορίων, σύνδεση με τη vπόλη μέσω σχε - Elimination of material boundaries, connection to the city through design openness, material consistency with the pavements and, in a general context, adoption of an outward-looking design logic so as to be an attraction for the city. ασ τικής


The purpose of the redesign is to activate this public space, to connect the disconnected schools, and to attract the interest of the city. Thus, this public space will be used not only by students but also by citizens, thus creating a dynamic and multifunctional space. 33

made by S. Celiker section α-ά

outdoor gym

gallery space

reading spaces

section β-β΄ market

urban gym urban equipment




made by E. Teli urban gym



reading spaces

made by E. Teli




made by S. Celiker

• Research: Τhe imprint of memory on space • Year: 2022-2023 •

Individual project: T. Skillo

• Tutor: C. Gyioka

Τhe imprint of memory on space How Αbsence becomes space

In the base of these analytic info

Museum in Berlin by Danie

museum that looks like a mem

I. INTRODUCTION, pages 12-18

is a countermemorial museum

Abstract This research thesis starts by analyzing the different theories and approaches of collective memory. It will be analyzed in the base of three approaches. First, the individualist approach in which collective memory is the collected memories of individuals exclusively, thereore it doesn’t exist in supra-individual level. Secondly, the collectivistic approach in which theories start from it being an exclusively

Lastly, I chose two examples o

very different in a way that o

one is an individual project. B

same subject, the remembran

the Nazis. The first is Peter E Murdered Jews of Europe and Stumbling Stones.

supra-individual process , but furthermore in other studies it accepts the collected memories as a part of collective memory. Then, the third approach is about the neurological procedures that produce ways in which we relate past events with the present ones.

The problematic

The problematic that emerged

D. Libeskind’s proposal is how t nature cannot be represented.

Furthermore, to proceed in the field of memorialization in Berlin, I analyze two types of museums from the second half of 20th century and after, these types are the forms of collective memory inside the urban landscape. The memorial and countermemorial museums. First, the memorial museum is based on the politics of regret , it’s aim is to cope with the negative past. Secondly, the countermemorial museum is based on politics of nostalgia. 40

mnemonic space. How matter its the many lives that no longer

deal with this question with c

structure and substitute abse

through the architectural voi

A reference will be made to t

Adolf Hitler and his party. T

ormation I examine the Jewish

panels set up by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. The

el Libeskind. A controversial

Nazi regime is estimated1 to have been responsible for the

morial museum when in fact it

murder of 6 million Jews, 7 million Soviet citizens, 3 million


Soviet prisoners of war, approximately 1.8 million non-Jewish Polish citizens, 312,000 Serb citizens, up to 250,000 deaths

of memorials in Berlin that are

of disabled persons living in institutions, up to 250. 250,000

one is official while the other

deaths of Roma (Gypsies), about 1,900 deaths of Jehovah’s

But their content concerns the

Witnesses, at least 70,000 deaths of repeat offenders and so-

nce of the murder of Jews by

called «incommunicadoes», hundreds of possibly thousands

Eisenmann’s Memorial to the

of homosexuals and an unspecified number of German

the second is Gunter Demnig’s

political dissidents and resistance fighters in the territories occupied by the Axis forces2. Adding up the above data yields a total of 17,383,900 murders by the Nazi regime. The following text will theoretically frame the issue of

d from the extensive analysis of

to represent an event that by its How absence is embodied in a

memory, the museum and the memorial and through the example of D. Libeskind the central core of the paper will begin to emerge.

self can take form and represent exist. D. Libeskind chooses to

certain symbolic gestures that

ence. Absence takes substance

IV. CONCLUTIONS, pages 120-121

Στο σχεδιαστικό έργο του D. Libeskind μπορούν να εμφανι-

id, empty space, nothingness.

στούν πολλές ομοιότητες με το κτιριολογικό ζήτημα. Ξεκινό-

the excessive losses caused by

1979, παρατηρείται έντονο το στοιχείο του κατακερματισμού

The data is collected from the

ντας απο τα Micromegas, 10 σχέδια που δημιουργήθηκαν το και της έκρηξης. Υπάρχει η αίσθηση του χώρου και του βά-

θους. Φαίνεται σαν να αποτελούνται τα σχέδια απο όγκους και μορφές οι οποίες έσπασαν και ανακατεύτηκαν ώστε να δημιουργήσουν ένα συμπικνωμένο σύνολο απο θραυσματα όγκων, διαφορετικών μεταξύ τους. Τα Chamberworks απο την άλλη, 28 σχέδια του 1983, φαίνεται να μοιάζουν με τα Micromegas μόνο ώς προς τη πολυπλοκότητα και τη συμπικνωμένη και άναρχη παρουσίαση τους στο χαρτί. Όμως δεν παρατηρουνται ούτε όγκοι ούτε βάθος. Μπορούμε να πούμε οτι απο τα Micromegas μέχρι τα Chamberworks διαμεσολάβησε μια έντονα αφαιρετική διαδικασία η οποία αφαίρεσε απο τους όγκους των Micromegas τόσο την επιφάνεια όσο και το βάθος. Έπειτα, έχοντας παρατηρήσει τα χαρακτηριστικά των δύο αυτών έργων, μπορούμε να πούμε οτι το Εβραϊκό Μουσείο, έργο που σχεδιαστηκε το 1988, 5 χρόνια μετά τα Chamberworks και 9 χρόνια μετά τα Micromegas, αποτελεί σύνθεση αυτών των δύο έργων. Το Εβραϊκό Μουσείο το οποίο συντείθεται απο μια ίσια αλλα άυλη γραμμή ( η οποία προεκτείνεται ως το άπειρο) και μια κατακερματισμένη απτή γραμμή, αποτελεί τη σύνθεση των κατακερματισμένων όγκων των Micromegas αλλα και τη γραμμή των Chamberworks η οποία όμως δεν δημιουργεί χώρο. Η άυλη γραμμή του μουσείου παίρνει υπόσταση μόνο στα σημεία τομής με την κατακερματισμένη. Η υποστασιοποίηση αυτής είναι το κενό. Ένα κενό το οποίο πρέπει να βιωθεί απο τον επισκέπτη κατά τον Libeskind.

The spatial gestures of loss

The representation of loss thro of the museum’s composition,

and most important being that

that the visitor encounters and Leaves» (instalation Shalkhet)

faces with open mouths. Then choose between 3 axes. All of

character and all of them cu

symbolic management of spac

observed both in the axis of m

Holocaust. The Holocaust tow

an attempt to convey the expe

of the Holocaust) to the visitor

temperature, the sounds, the tr

as to be experienced and emo

Thus, abstraction and symb

pervasive in the Jewish Museu

austere and infectious charact

Linking collective memory a

The examples discussed relat

memory. In order to link Chapt

analyses approaches to collect

commemoration in Berlin foun


ough the void is the central axis which has 5 voids, the largest

t of memory. It is the first gap

d in it the installation «Fallen ) has been placed. 10.000 metal

n, the visitor will be asked to them have a strong symbolic

ulminate in a final work. The

ce by D. Libeskind is strongly

migration and in the axis of the

wer and the garden of exile are

erience (both of migration and

r. The light, the gradients, the

rees, all are used in such a way

otionally stimulate the visitor.

bolism are gestures that are

um and give it its particularly

B, it is sufficient to define which collective memory they use. Thus, starting with the example of the Jewish Museum in Berlin, we would say that it is about the collective approach to collective memory. Museums from the second half of the 20th century onwards have been state-run projects and are an attempt to reconcile and manage their negative past. The exhibits inside constitute institutionally sanctioned prosthetic memory and aim to form a certain sense of collective identity. In the same category is the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, a concentrated and purely state-run memorial which is concerned with shaping a particular national orientation towards the negative past. We will not concern ourselves with whether or not they achieve these objectives. Then, the example of the Stumbling stones is a particular case of an individual project that is neither concerned nor influenced by state intentions and objectives. It has therefore


nothing to do with the above-mentioned institutionalised

and monument/museum

As I mention in chap. III, in the paragraph Stumbling stones,

te to specific types of collective

ter II of Part A, i.e. the one that

tive memory, with the cases of

nd in Chapters II and III of Part

collective memory which aims to create a national identity. instead of representing a ready-made reading of German history, they try to make people think. Thus, they are more concerned with the processes that take place in each individual. They are therefore concerned with the individual approach to collective memory.

Analogue photography, CAMERA: Nikon 501, FILM ROLL: kodak colorplus


Analogue photography, CAMERA: Canon T50, FILM ROLL: kodak gold 47





55 Page


SHOULDERBAG_ white-red bag / λευκή-κοκκινη τσάντα (πλεκτό σε δίχτυ)


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