How to Write an Effective Character Reference What is a character reference? When someone is facing sentencing before the criminal court, a character reference may be helpful in swaying the magistrate to impose a lighter sentence. While there is some debate about whether or not a character reference will make a substantial difference in a magistrate’s sentencing decisions, it is universally recognized that a poorly written character reference will not be helpful to the offender’s cause.
1 Address your character reference to the magistrate of the local court
2 Provide details about your relationship to the person you are writing the character reference for
Provide specific stories and details used to illustrate the points you are making
Make clear you are aware of the circumstances of the offenses
5 Detail difficulties you are aware the offender will face if he is given a specific sentence.
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Do not make false statements
Do not suggest a penalty to be imposed. 7
Do not disparage the victim of criticize the law
PAID Owen Hodge Lawyers knows the criminal laws and sentencing guidelines used by local courts and can provide advice and assistance in helping with the drafting of a character reference. Give us a call today on 1800 770 780 or contact us via to learn more about how we can help you with your involvement in the criminal justice system.