Olive Press Andalucia Issue 436

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LIVE FOREVER Want to stick around as long as Spain’s Maria - age 116?

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the t the best in Spain amongsexpectancy world for life


shed some ESPERATE to timber but apexcess festive hitting the prehensive about

prelocal gym? by The Lancet A 2018 studycould hold the world’s to worry as scienThere’s no need the best way to dicted Spain cy by 2040, at tists have revealed cy in highest life expectan - a daily walk. life expectan By Yzabelle Bostyn get into shape 85.8 years old. ts have speculated THE averagefourth highest in the highlighted sevinwalks Researchers have that can bring a Other specialis Spain is the years above the siestas, regular could eral small changes ing, health-imworld and three Korea (83.6). life expec- that frequent frequent sex y of 83.3, (83.9) and and even more wide range of anti-agenhancing benternational average. s live to at leastby the The worldwide average the UK be influencing the longevit fitness-e with and Spaniard years, Most proving is just 80.3 years. a new report also rankSpaniards. above, at 80.4 according to for Economic Co-op- tancy can alefits. clocking in justSpain’s high life ex- This comes despite Spain greater intent . Organisation such as toWalking with strengthen muscles ment (OECD) to good ing highly for negatives the oldest takes It is believed eration and Develop could be linked leviate stress, n, and alcohol use. flexibility and Australia which SAMPLES fromworld - Maria bacco, cocaine in cocaine They tie with the report, Health at pectancyide healthcare provisio in the and bones, increase well as The country ranks third in woman nationw as without the addianalysed spot all the diet, being fourth ranean use, following a. lengthen lives, fitness classes. Branyas - are the key to a long at 84.5 the Mediter a glance. UK and Australi tional costs of found that nasal the top spot, to try and find the warm climate. year, Japan took by Switzerland In the last a Studies have life. of walks, the techfrom Cataluny years, followed almost 3% UK breathing during g through your The Spaniard le 116 years old, of breathin incredib adults in the enan tions is nique mouth, complica your and Spain admitto but has no health and mobility nose rather than coof improvements ted to using past other than hearing ables a range health. anacaine in the Ausissues. al Sciences is your cardiovasculared by Colorado her age, she year and in the El BurriUniversity of Agricultur Unlike most peoplescular probResearch conduct extract- The from animals at ty showed athletes tralia this figure team has been what lysing the blood on, in Hinojos, in Andalucia’s has zero cardiova issues, and State Universi nasal breathing had to see A SWEDISH university rose to 4%. the lems nor memory to Feliz AssociatiDoñana National Park. Spanish donkeys who practiced ry rate than when s stories from ing blood fromto help humans who are losing However, Spain at the ‘enormouto can recount if they happened respirato inlooking lowest lower is a It learnt can be manes their mouths, had the age of four as strength’ of theirto be transbreathing through flow of oxygen their hair. rates of overall ly yesterday. has previous obtain a formulahair. use in the dicating an improvedeam. herself opioid Maria e HAIR natural yoghurt ferred to human Negro exthrough the bloodstra weighted vest world, alongsid and credited eating just BRAINED Researcher Juan her longevity, “I Likewise, wearing Israel, with usate the health are looking at each day for ’, adding: SCHEME?: plained: “We of hair was found to accentu 0.1% of adults the avoiding ‘excesses little, but evwalk. Donkeys the characteristics ing opioids in benefits of a dailyed by the journal by humans folhave always eaten in Doñana growth sharedd animals. I have never not conduct year. and , who study last A erything ed men to I have could help and four-legge will find posAccording data, Ergonomics suggest lowed any regime. vest burnt 6% cure bald“Hopefully we to baldness, any illness or been most recent 7th (a 2.5 wore a nine-kilo suffered from g room.” ness sible remedies than without t to some Spain rankedalcothrough an operatin more calories is recommended for which is importan in terms of kilogram vest peohol use, the averwomen). conthe speed of ple.” litres. age person average is 8.6 Best of all, altering rates were also greatest impact. suming 10.5 litres s, with Spanish smoking a walk has the of power walkworld average per capita. higher than 15 smoking Even small bursts l to reduce people over They drink more have the potentia s such as UK, 19.8% of ing the in disease than ranked daily. d to the international averthe risk of key . which with li- Compare UK ranks low, type 2 diabetes 11th, with 10 age of 16%, the smoking daily. tres per capita. just 12.7% of people The international

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Vol. 18 Issue 436 www.theolivepress.es January 24th - February 6th 2024

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NEVER AGAIN! sleep with someone s say they ‘almost who had a ‘sexual insaid FOUR in 10 Spaniardduring sex. fection’, but 30% never’ use a condomreason (40%) for not it depended on the type. of othfour out of The most common was the ‘existence Despite this, say they do not using protection of the peo10 Spaniards er methods’. they forgo condoms due check the sexual health status it Some 29% say ’, while 18% say ple they sleep with. s and Sex, spoke to sensitivity of to a ‘loss report, Spaniard . s have The men and women aged between ‘ruins the moment’ 30% of Spaniard 2,000 Meanwhile, only for HIV. 18 and 58. ever been checked said they would not Almost half (48%)

appointment free without an are now available FLU vaccinations around Andalucia. respiratory illnessas the spread of at all health centres however, just a fall The move comes across Spain, with is starting to subside. es, such as flu, of 2024 saw a 3.2% decrease s. The first week cases per 100,000 resident nationwide with only from 966 to 935has the second lowest rateby the Balearic Islands. also ia bettered only Andaluc per 100,000. 100,000, a rate rate of 1691 cases 460 cases per has an infection Castilla-La Mancha

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A BRITISH expat has died after being given the deadly painkiller Nolotil for a shoulder injury, it has emerged. Mark Brooks, 42, was enjoying a game of golf near his home in Alicante when he began experiencing shoulder pain. The next day, he went to his local health clinic on the Costa Blanca, where he received a shot of metamizole, also known as Nolotil. Some 48 hours later the gardener, from Derbyshire, was admitted to hospital in Torrevieja with depleted white

FINAL HOLE: Just 48 hours later, Mark (centre left ) was dead

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blood cells and sepsis. The next day, he was taken into intensive care with organ failure. Two days later, he was dead. His partner, Summer Moses (right) has been left to pick up the pieces with their four-yearold daughter, Aurora. The pair had been planning to get married, before the tragic incident took Mark’s life in October last year. “Summer was in complete shock. One day he was playing golf, really excited, and then the next he was dead,” anti-Nolotil campaigner Christina del Campo told the Olive Press this week. “She’s now working two jobs just to make ends meet. It’s not just his life that’s been ruined, it’s her life and her daughter’s too. All because of a painkiller.” The incident happened when he attended a clinic popular with expats in Ciudad Quesada on October 15. Within hours of receiving an injection of Nolotil he developed a rash and blisters

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British expat, 42, dies after taking Nolotil: Father-of-one developed sepsis after being given the ‘lethal’ painkiller for a minor golf injury

By Yzabelle Bostyn

on his buttocks. When he was taken to A&E in Torrevieja, doctors found he had a low white blood cell count, alongside signs of liver and kidney failure. His condition rapidly deteriorated and just four days after receiving the injection, he slipped into a coma. According to death certificate records, Brooks’ cause of death on October 20 was ‘organ failure, septic shock and cellulitis.’ Now his ex-partner has reached out to the Nolotil campaign group, the Association of Drug Affected Patients (ADAF) run by del Campo.


It came after she discovered documents, which revealed that Mark’s death was as the result ‘an apparent allergic reaction to metamizole’. Anything but the first, the drug has now been linked to over 40 deaths in Spain, including many expats. So dangerous is the drug, the Olive Press launched a campaign in 2017 to have it banned for expat patients, in particular, as many clinics continued to hand out the drug. Spain’s most popular subscription painkiller, Nolotil is known to have adverse effects

on Northern Europeans and is banned in 30 countries, including Britain, Ireland, Australia and the US. A 2018 report from the TRAGIC: 4-yearEuropean Medicines old Aurora is left Agency showed a ‘potenwithout her dad, tial to induce agranuloMark (above) cytosis’ among certain populations. A 1999 Swedish study estimated the risk at one in British people,” explained del manding new analysis of the every 2000 prescriptions, with Campo. risks of the drug and a revision a 26% mortality rate. of the information sheet given It is believed the drug could to medical professionals. Regulations have contributed to up to 350 Boehringer Ingelheim, the “I want them to revise and cases of agranulocytosis, incompany that makes Nolotil, modify regulations and investicluding 170 Britons living in claims all the side effects are gate cases properly. They need Spain. clearly listed in its information Yet incredibly, only one Span- to act because it keeps being packet. ish health authority, Catalu- given without a prescription. nya, has warned against us- People’s lives are at stake.” Opinion Page 6 ing the drug as a first-choice The campaigner is also depainkiller. It ruled there was ‘no evidence’ it was better at controlling pain than ‘safer alternatives’ like paracetamol or ibuprofen. Meanwhile, one English expat newspaper recently even published a two-page feature effecANDALUCIA reservoir levels are still critically low detively promoting the drug. spite the recent rainfall, latest statistics have shown. It came just after ADAF began Almeria is the worst affected province with water suplegal action against the Spanplies stand at just 9.38% - while Cadiz and Malaga are ish Medical Agency (AEMPS) also at perilous levels. in November, claiming a 2018 Across Malaga province levels stand at just over 15%, government directive not to which is alarmingly a 0.2% drop over the past week sell Nolotil to Northern Euroand a year-on-year fall of 22%. peans is not being followed. The stark numbers come after Junta president Juanma “We’re not looking for money Moreno warned the region needs 30 straight days of or damages. We want to make rain to avoid severe water cuts this summer. them stop giving Nolotil to However, record high temperatures are forecast for the rest of January, with the mercury set to reach the high 20s - with ZERO rain predicted. In Cadiz, reservoir levels are at 15.32%, with just 0.16% being added over the past week. Meanwhile, Granada stands at 23.4% (+0.17%), Jaen 21.3% (+0.7%), Sevilla 34% (+5%), Cordoba 18% See pages 24 (+1.6%) and Huelva 36% (+3.8%).

Cracking up

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Like a toilet page 5



NEWS IN BRIEF Drought’s friend A POWERFUL anticyclone is forecast to bring record January temperatures to Spain this week, with a high of 28 degrees possible in some parts of the country.

Organ blinder SPAIN shattered its own record for organ transplants by 9% last year, with a total of 5,861 procedures. It is the country’s 32nd year in a row in first place globally.

Transgression AN update to Catalunya’s Trans law could permit children aged 12 and above to legally challenge their parents if they stop them having a sex change.

Capital race MADRID’S new F1 Grand Prix track layout has been revealed. It will be 5.4km long, feature 20 turns and should take one minute and 32.4 seconds to complete.

January 24th - February 6th 2024

Gangster axed BBC erases notorious costa fugitive from its dramatisation of armed robbery heist after accusations of ‘glamorising’ killer AN infamous British criminal finally snared in Spain has been written out of his own hit TV series. The UK’s one-time most wanted fugitive Kenneth Noye has been erased from the second part of a BBC dramatisation of his infamous 1983 Brink’s-Mat gold robbery. It comes after The Gold was criticised for glamorising Noye - played by Scottish heartthrob Jack Lowden - as a ‘handsome class warrior’. To stoke the outrage, the double killer who is now out of prison, was reportedly ‘over the moon’ about his portrayal in the first season.

By Walter Finch

Admirers allegedly even approached him in the street to shake his hand, claimed friends. It led to the BBC receiving a severe backlash for its ‘heroic’ portrayal of the man who murdered 21-year-old Stephen Cameron in 1996 and policeman, John Fordham, in 1985. In one of the most notorious cases of road rage in British history, Noye stabbed Cameron on the M25 while on release from prison - and then promptly fled to Spain. Noye had been most famous

A NOTORIOUS drug kingpin has been sentenced to six years in prison after the largest drug trial in Spain’s history. Antonio Tejon, leader of the Las Castanas (chestnut) smuggling clan must also pay two separate fines of €1 million each. The 43-year old was found guilty of leading a large-scale marijuana smuggling operation across the Straits. It was considerably less than the sentence of 15 years and €200 million in fines prosecutors had wanted. His jailing is part of a giant court case

Copyright: BBC


MURDERER: Noye (inset) and actor Jack Lowden up to that point for helping to mastermind the Brink's-Mat warehouse robbery which netted over €30m in gold bullion. The six robbers had been expecting to find €4 million in cash but instead found the gold worth the equivalent to €108 million today.

Roasted chestnuts against 97 offenders at Cadiz provincial court who face 280 years in prison between them. Tejon and his brother Isco were known as the ‘Hashish Kings’. They used fishing boats, drones, tractors and trucks in order to import drugs. After Tejon’s 2020 arrest for bringing in 9,000 kilograms of hashish, he continued to direct the gang’s operations from prison.

“Relatives of the victims were very upset and the BBC did not want to take the risk of more of those accusations,” a source told The Times. Cameron’s uncle slammed the broadcaster for making Noye out to be ‘some kind of good guy when he was a cold-blooded murderer.’


Noye was captured while having lunch with his girlfriend, Mina Al Taiba, in a restaurant in Barbate, Cadiz, in August 1998. He lived nearby in Zahara de los Atunes. He had previously enjoyed the hospitality of fellow London gangster Joey Wilkin’s luxury villa in Estepona while on the run. It is believed Wilkins had given him up to Scotland Yard.


A BRITISH teenager is facing a €22,000 fine after joking that he had a bomb on his flight to Spain. Aditya Verma, who was 18 at the time, was picked up by the authorities after he sent his message via Snapchat while he was sitting on board. The prolific chess player may also have to cough up an additional €95,000 which was the cost of scrambling a Eurofighter jet to escort his plane to Menorca airport. A court in Madrid has heard prosecutors demand the giant €117,000 sum for the silly joke with a selfie that read: “On my way to blow up the plane (I’m Taliban).”


Unbeknown to him, he had sent the message in July 2022 while connected to Gatwick Airport’s free wifi. It was intercepted while the plane was flying over France and the security services took it seriously enough to alert Spanish authorities. Passengers on the Airbus recorded dramatic video of the warplane escorting them, with some even heard commenting that the fighter pilot was ‘showing off’ after he ‘waggled his wings.’ Verma was arrested by the Guardia Civil, who came equipped with sniffer dogs and bomb disposal experts. The teenager, from Kent, had to spend the night in jail.


www.theolivepress.es IT is something of a rite of passage for anyone moving to Spain. So it was no surprise when the costas’ latest expat celebrity to move in, Jasmine Harman, announced she was adopting a kitten. The Place in the Sun star, 48, took in the rescue cat after a friend found it living by a bin. “Family News! We have a new addition! Over the holidays, a friend of ours found a kitten all alone by some bins,” she put on her Instagram feed. “We have taken her in, she’s now called Hazel and she’s adapting amazingly to life with a family.” After spending decades helping Brits find their ‘dream life’ abroad, Harman finally took the plunge in October buying a home in Estepona.

Place in our home

January 24th - February 6th 2024

She told her 143,000 followers this month that relocating had been a great decision. Smiling after a beachside Zumba class, she gushed: “I’m starting the year as I mean to go on. “Whatever happened to you, whatever went on in 2023, hold onto the good, let go of the bad and start afresh i n 2024.” She continued: “Family is the most important thing and this will give us a much better balance.” On why she chose EsADOPTED: tepona, she added: “It Jasmine and has a lovely commufamily have nity feel. We have taken in a lots of Spanish famstray kitten ilies nearby.” (far left)

FRUIT CAKE HE is the best-selling Spanish artist of all time having sold over 150 million albums worldwide. Yet, Julio Iglesias, 80, still travels with foodstuffs in his suitcases. The Marbella-based multi-millionaire was ‘almost arrested’ on his arrival in the Dominican Republic with an astonishing 42 kilograms of food stuffed into his luggage. The so-called ‘King of Latin’ was pulled over at Punta Cana airport where immigration officers seized vast quantities of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cherries, tomatoes, celery, beans, spinach, lettuce, mushrooms and meat. Falling foul of the country’s

By Ben Pawlowski

stringent import rules he was detained, according to a popular Spanish TV show Fiesta. A spokesman for the Dominican Republic’s Agriculture Ministry confirmed the stop after Iglesias arrived on a private flight. Meanwhile an ex-girlfriend, María Jose ‘Makoke’ Giaever revealed she often used to transport food for Iglesias, who has performed over 5,000 concerts around the world. “Sometimes I would bring him seafood from Galicia which he loved,” she told the Fiesta programme. The father of eight, including


FIFTH-tier Spanish football side Malaga City have announced a surprising new addition to their staff. Former Liverpool and Tottenham star Steven Caulker has joined the club as a player-manager. The former Premiership star joined up after discovering the club while on holiday with his girlfriend and son in Nerja. It was sadly anything but a commanding start with the team being on the wrong end of a 6-0 hammering in his first game. Things improved for

Julio Iglesias stopped at airport with suitcase full of berries and meat

between The Bahamas and Punta Cana, living with his 58-year-old Dutch wife, Miranda Rithe second game, losing 1-0 to the league leaders, while jnsburger. they drew 0-0 on Sunday. He regularThe centre-back made 123 appearances in England’s ly visits his top flight, including spells at Tottenham, Southampton huge estate and Liverpool. between The 32-year old’s career had previously been derailed Marbella by a wave of personal issues, as the defender suffered and Ojen, with depression, anxiety, alcoholism and a gambling where his addiction. son Enrique “I hit so many rock bottoms and they just kept getting grew up. lower and lower,” he confessed. Reports “It was a mental rock bottom, a financial rock bottom, in the US a physical rock bottom, an emotional and spiritual rock bottom”. suggest his Following intensive rehab and therapy, Caulker admits health is dehe has to confront his personal battles day-by-day. teriorating, He set up Behind the White Lines, an organisation in particuwhich seeks to provide training camps to young players lar suffering who are released from clubs when young. from moWhile Brexit rules mean Caulker can not yet play for bility issues the club until he has a special licence, he has been able and memoto manage the team while completing coaching badges. ry loss.





Shot in the foot

A BMW dealership in Spain has dropped an ad campaign featuring Money Heist actress Itziar Ituno for protesting in defence of the rights of political prisoners from ETA. The garage in Bilbao took offence at her appearance at the protest of 20,000 people in Bilbao. Airline Iberia also removed an interview with the star for its

pop star Enrique, has lived a quiet life since retiring. He mostly splits his time

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inflight magazine. The actress took part in a similar demonstration in 2017. ETA was an armed terrorist group that waged a bloody campaign for independence for the Basque Country killing 829 people over nearly 60 years. The group eventually disbanded in April 2018. Ituno played inspector Raquel Murillo in the hit Netflix show.

FANCY yourself as a boxer? All Comers can earn €368 a session if they fancy a whirl in the ring with heavyweight contender Oleksandr Usyk (pictured). Actually, the Ukrainian - who is training in Valencia for his forthcoming world title fight with Tyson Fury - needs right-handed boxers between 200 and 210 cm tall and have an arm span of 200 to 216 cm. Usyk fights the Gypsy King, the WBC champion, in Saudi Arabia on February 17. Fury, 35, is training in Morecambe, Lancashire, having previously trained for fights at Daniel Kinahan’s controversial MTK gym in Marbella.

Bit of a tough guy?

4 www.theolivepress.es Prodigy A SPANISH prodigy is set to begin a degree at Oxford University at just 15 years old. Miguel Donaire, from Granada, has been selected to read a joint-honours bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Computer Science after successfully completing the rigorous application process. Oxford University is currently ranked as the best university in the world, according to the 2024 Times World University Rankings. The youngster sat an exam in Madrid (in which he scored 96%), and four onl i n e tests in English. Just 7% of those w h o apply to the course are successful.


EXPATS in Spain are fearing a repeat of the severe 1995 drought as record-dry conditions continue to wreak havoc on the country. Long-time residents have recalled how the streets of the Costa del Sol ‘stank of sewage’, while locals were forced to wash in the sea amid severe water restrictions. It comes as reservoir levels in Malaga province actually dropped by 0.2% DESPITE heavy rain at the weekend. Reservoir levels now stand at just over 15%, well under half (37%) of the same time last year. The situation is worse in Cadiz and Almeria. With reservoir levels so low, long term expats have recalled the dry year of 1995, when Malaga’s water levels fell to just 4.5%. The infamous tinder-dry drought left the national reservoir capacity at an incredible 30.4%, a 20% drop on the levels today. Some reservoirs actually dried up that year, including the giant Conde Guadalhorce reservoir, in El Chorro, near Antequera, while the situation in Sevilla was so perilous au-

TWO young men who disappeared off the Andalucian coast a week ago remain unaccounted for as Spanish authorities continue their desperate search. The two men, aged 26 and 31 respectively, were fishing off the coast of Marbella when their 6.5 metre boat suffered an engine failure. The pair, both residents of Ceuta sent out a distress signal at 8.23pm on January 16. Officials from the Spanish maritime res-

January 24th - February 6th 2024

Like a toilet!

Expats recall the smells of the ‘horror drought’ of 1995 amid fears this year will be the same

MEMORIES: Peter Capitain had two hours of water a day EXCLUSIVE By Ben Pawlowski

thorities seriously considered evacuating Spain’s fourth largest city. “We had water for only two hours a day, so if you wanted to shower you had to wake up

Missing at sea

cue service have since been scouring the area where the two young men were last seen, roughly 20 miles off the coast of Marbella. Rescue boats and a helicopter have since been joined by an aircraft from Frontex, the EU rescue service that operates across the Schengen Area.

really early,” remembered Peter Capitain, a German-born expat. “Even the most affluent areas felt the brunt of strict water use - with the streets of Puerto Banus smelling of toilets,” added the Marbella-based lawyer. Brit Martin Brown, who was working in Banus’ boat yard that summer, recalls: “The place stank and it was awful working all day and then not being able to shower, flush toilets, or use hoses. “We only had one hour of water a day so most people went swimming in the morning rather than using a shower.” So bad was the situation that there was a serious worry as to whether water supplies could dry up completely. Martin added: “I was only 15 at

the time but I remember how nervous and stressed the locals and business owners were”. Fellow Brit Sandra Jones, who lives in Estepona, had to contend with running a restaurant at a time when water was restricted for much of the day.


“We had to fill up buckets and pans with water in case it suddenly cut off”, she said. “We also had to often leave washing up for the morning as the flow of water was routinely stopped during the night.” Organisations such as the WWF are warning that, although droughts in Andalucia are not uncommon, they are becoming more frequent and extreme.

Gone too far A SIGNIFICANT number of men in Spain believe that men are being discriminated against. Nearly half ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’ that the country has gone ‘too far’ promoting women’s rights. Some 41% of men say ‘promoting women's equality means men are now being discriminated against’, according to a CIS survey. The questions look at perceptions of gender equality, as well as stereotypes. Perhaps surprisingly some 32% of women agreed that things have gone too far. Findings reveal 67% of women believe inequality remains ‘very large’ or ‘quite large'.

Beach bomb AN unexploded missile has been successfully detonated by the bomb squad after a tourist found the explosive on an Andalucian beach. The rusting 105mm calibre projectile was discovered on a cliff in La Breña National Park, on the Costa de la Luz. The missile was spotted by the tourist who quickly informed the Guardia Civil. A group of specialists from Cadiz’ bomb squad UNBUDIZ quickly neutralised the bomb then detonated it.

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January 24th February 6th 2024



Flaming tradition

A STRANGE ritual dating back 500 years continues to see horses jumping through flaming bonfires in Valencia. The San Anton festival in Vilanova D’Alcolea took place again this month in memory of a devastating epidemic that wiped out a large part of the area’s cattle and horses. The smoke from bonfires is meant to drive away evil spirits. A similar event is held in San Bartolome, near Avila, despite the protests of animal rights groups, such as PACMA, which denounces the ‘unnecessary suffering’ inflicted on the animals.

FAR-right British agitator Tommy Robinson spent Christmas in Spain with a notorious German racist. Robinson - real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon was shacked up with Lutz Bachmann, 50, the founder of Islamophobic group Pegida. Bachmann, who is banned from entering the UK, spent time with Lennon, 40, in the Canaries. The German nazi is the newest addition to the rogue gallery of extremists to appear on Robinson’s podcast. His colourful history includes convictions for ra-


Tommy Robinson back on Spanish soil and rubbing shoulders with a notorious German extremist

'filth' and being pictured dressed as his hero Adolf Hitler (pictured). cial incitement in 2016, He was deported from for referring to refugees the UK in 2018, with his as 'cattle,' 'scum,' and presence ‘not being conducive to the public A PET owner has been left devastated good’. after his dog was electrocuted to death English on his daily walk. Defence His pooch came to a tragic end due to junction box may have caused various League an electrical fault after heavy rain in manhole covers to become ‘live’. ( E D L ) Fuengirola. Images on social media showed a police founder In the bizarre case, a puddle over a cordon surrounding the puddle. Yaxley manhole cover became charged on Utility firm Endesa was quickly on the spends Avenida Condes de San Isidro. scene, with various power cuts also afmuch of According to police, a nearby electrical fecting the area. the year By Walter Finch

Pet shocker

in Spain. The Olive Press revealed last year how he was using a Costa Blanca villa owned by Philip Day, the billionaire owner of retail chains, Jaeger and Peacocks.


His return to Spanish soil comes after he was pepper-sprayed during his most recent arrest in London. It came after he claimed to be a ‘journalist’ covering a pro-Israel rally.

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www.theolivepress.es Voted top expat paper in Spain

A campaigning, community newspaper, the Olive Press represents the huge expatriate community in Spain with an estimated readership, including the websites, of more than two million people a month.

OPINION How many more?! THE shocking death of a British expat who became riddled with sepsis after taking Nolotil should ring alarm bells in Spain (Never again, p1). How many more people need to die before the lethal painkiller is slapped with stringent regulations? It’s been seven years since the Olive Press launched its Kill the Drug campaign to bring in tougher rules against the painkiller, but it seems countless health authorities have failed to get the memo. While ‘guidance’ to not prescribe the drug to northern Europeans was updated on a national level, in 2018, countless Brits and other visitors continue to be administered the pain relief. There have been dozens of deaths and near-deaths linked to Nolotil in recent years, and those are just the ones we know about. It’s high time the Spanish government woke up to this scandal before more innocent lives are taken and more families are torn apart. We send our sincerest condolences to the family of Mark Brooks, who leaves behind a fiancee and a four-year-old daughter.

The curious history of free parties in Spain can be traced back to the 1990s in England, discovers Yzabelle Bostyn


HEY swooped down on southern Spain en masse and ended up partying for six full days over the New Year period. Yet, incredibly the 8,000 or so ravers who danced until dawn, imbibing just about every illegal substance known to man, managed to do it almost completely unimpeded. Despite squatting on a private racetrack, setting up dozens of stalls and stages without a licence, and selling thousands of items undeclared to the tax authorities, only 100 of them ended up with any sort of fine or sanction, most of them very small. Indeed, it is nothing short of remarkable that the illegal rave in Fuente Alamo, Murcia known as Big F**cking Party - was able to take place in modern Europe. But it turns out it not only happens every new year, but it is only one of dozens of such free festivals to take place in Spain each year. The country, it emerges, has a pedigree for them. Without invitations or publicity, the location


Gear-grinding gripes A NEW report praising Spanish drivers was greeted with some scepticism by Olive Press readers. The experience of most expat drivers is usually one of perplexity, disbelief and the occasional curse word. While generally a great country to live, the locals' behaviour on roundabouts, their lack of indication and failing to obey the speed limit, are just a few regular complaints. Add in undertaking and double parking, etc, etc, and soon the gear-grinding gripes could fill two pages of this newspaper. But we take a more optimistic view at the Olive Press where our young journalists often have to learn how to drive here. We know from their experiences that the tests - both theory and practical - have got harder and more demanding over recent years. The truth is, the main offences are committed by older drivers, while the worst irritation is the regular random stops by police at checkpoints along the costas.


Jon Clarke, jon@theolivepress.es Dilip Kuner dilip@theolivepress.es

Simon Hunter simon@theolivepress.es

Walter Finch walter@theolivepress.es

Alex Trelinski alex@theolivepress.es

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2016 - 2020 Best expat paper in Spain

2020 Google News Initiative gives the Olive Press a substantial grant.

2012 - 2023 Best English language publication in Andalucia

of such raves - or ‘alternative’ festivals - are only given via word of mouth, closed Facebook groups and clandestine message boards. Within hours, ravers ranging from New Age travellers to tourists and hippies to hedonists swarm down to the agreed location in their motorhomes, converted buses and vans. The usually deserted areas soon resemble small villages, complete with stages, food trucks and stalls to keep attendees going. A ‘free party’, events like this have no official start or end time, no entry fee and no line-up. Dancing goes on 24/7 and police only occasionally patrol the entrances. And in the case of Big F**cking Party (our asterisks), the organisers - believed to be French - arranged a similar party a year ago with 5,000 people at La Peza, in Granada. Such events became popu-

lar in the late 1990s, with the best known, such as Andalucia’s Dragon Fest, regularly attracting well over 10,000 people at their peak. “At any given moment, there will be a free party going on somewhere in Spain,” Fluor Nation (far left), who runs a UV paint and clothing company, told the Olive Press. The Sevilla-based business makes almost all of its income from attending free parties, but how did Spain become a hotspot for these illegal events? To understand this, we need to go back to 1990s England. In the spring of 1992, some 20,000 people attended the largest unauthorised rave in history in Castle-

Free, powerful and necessary FREE festivals are often linked with alternative communities and political struggle. Golshanak, creator of Chapi’Teuf, a circus performer, (pictured inset) said: “My parents organised many underground music events in the 90s and I am following in their footsteps. I joined the movement for freedom of expression. We are a big family and our economy sits outside the normal ‘system’ and I respect that. It is powerful and necessary in a world where everything is being controlled by governments.” Although the Spanish government has no specific law banning free parties, many aspects of the gatherings are illegal under the ‘Ley de Espectaculos Publicos’. As a result, police do not tackle free festivals head on, instead deterring attendees by performing drug and alcohol testing or, sometimes, arresting those selling alcohol, food and clothing without permits.

Exercise your rights UK citizens previously disenfranchised for living abroad for more than 15 years can now vote again


RITISH citizens living abroad are now eligible to vote in UK general elections and referendums regardless of how long they’ve been living overseas. New legislation has restored the voting rights of over three million Brits who have lived outside the UK for more than 15 years. The move represents the biggest increase in the British electoral franchise since the introduction of full female suffrage in 1928. Sue Wilson MBE, chair of the Bremain in Spain group which has campaigned for the reinstatement of voting rights, told the Olive Press: “Now the task of ensuring that Brits abroad understand the registration process and get themselves on the electoral register begins.”

By Ben Pawlowski

British citizens, eligible Irish citizens and citizens of Crown Dependencies can now register to vote as long as they were either previously registered to vote in the UK or were previously resident in the UK. Before beginning the process of registration, prospective voters will require proof of ID and a former UK address. Acceptable documentation for this includes: a UK driving licence (current or expired); council tax statement; credit card statement; utility or mobile phone bill; letter from an insurance company; correspondence from HMRC or the Department for Work and Pensions; P45, P60 form or a pays-

lip; bank / building society passbook or a local authority rent book. If you are unable to provide satisfactory evidence of your ID and former UK address, there will be the option of providing an attestation - you will need to ask someone (not a relative), who is over 18 and registered to vote in the UK, to attest to the details you provide. British citizens living overseas can register to vote on the gov.uk website.

January 24th - February 6th 2024



From Hollywood to park bench

A FAMOUS Spanish actress is living on a park bench in Marbella since 2016. for money at traffic lights.and forced to beg So tough has become Goya-nominated Monic stopped working in TV her life after she is best known for her a Cervera, 48, Avecina, that she becam show, La Que Se lead role in the 2004 Alex de la Iglesia She shocked fans when e homeless. she told a magazine film, Crimen Ferpecto. this week that she is curren tly ‘living on the Her performance in streets’. the comedy-horror saw her nominated She described her homele ssness as a ‘perfor ‘best new actress’ at the Goya sonal’ decision. award s Spain’ s answer to the Oscars. She has a family - among them a 14-yearHowever she fell out old son - and a home to of favour after the 2006 film, Busco, and bella, although for unspecreturn to in Marhas not worked has decided to live on her ified reasons she own.

January 10th - January 23rd 2024



Sent to heaven Goodbye to Maria ‘Go the former smuggler atslayer’, died at 110 years old who has

SCENE: An abandoned racetrack turned rave village and (right) how we reported the story morton, in rural Worcestershire. Lasting seven days, the seminal party only ended when the dancing stopped, the generators ran out and police began arresting those involved. The unfairly-maligned festival sparked a nationwide debate about free parties, culminating in the 1994 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act. The infamous legislation criminalised any gathering of 20 or more people where music using ‘a succession of repetitive beats’ was being played, effectively banning illegal raves. In Britain, the party was effectively over, forcing many sound systems to move to mainland Europe. Among them was Spiral Tribe, 13 members of which had been arrested for organising the legendary Castlemorton festival. They were eventually acquitted of all charges. Not long after arriving in Spain they started a series of events here, including allegedly the country’s first ‘free festival’, held in Valencia in 1993. Either way, that giant event (that lasted for nearly a week) sparked an interest in free festivals around the country with many Spaniards joining in… and today, there are dozens of similar events taking place with reportedly over 200 ‘sound systems’ (groups who provide the music technology and DJs) running them. It is perhaps, no surprise, that the parties are concentrated in Catalunya, Andalucia and

Playing with fire


There are dozens of similar events taking place with reportedly over 200 ‘sound systems

When applying to the electoral register, expats should use the last address where they were registered as a UK resident. Any eligible voters previously resident in the UK, even as children, but who have never been registered to vote, can apply by using their last UK address. Once registered to vote, British expats will need to renew their registration every three years, before November 1.


HAT’S going on in politics today? What are the latest law changes affecting expats? What are the travel trends for 2024 and where should I invest in property? childr en when her only If you’re not a subscriber to the Olive Press, then your daugh ter died in 1980. Despi te her answer to any of the above will likely be: ‘No idea!’ chequered past, she was As the best English newspaper in hande d the honou r of RIP:Spain, Maria lived only at theolivepress.es will Citizenlife to the full ship of Andalucia you find an enjoyable mix of importin 2017 for her lifetim e of work ant news, exclusive investigations and sacrif ice. Right up to A MEGA-RAVE schedu Alcon chel, and articles that help answer all share d led to her death a video last seven days shut down of her singin at a Christ day early, as its partyg 2022, saying : “This g in the WORLD famousurrounding life mas ofis questions she best sorts simply ran out of steam. oers PARTY’S s acrobats cante was able to enjoytribut e we can offer, from Cirque It comes after laid back du Soleil are Alegrithis year. ing what local loved coming to read a is the show’s lonresidents and even region and doingin theshe country. Madrid, Barcel OVER sing and, in Spain most: singin g.” politicians encouraged al na, Sevilla, Malaga and o- gest-running Ali- reimagined for production the words world curren tly has the illegal gathering, called the the modern ’s That includes money-saving tips ‘Big oldest perso n, of a family Maria F**cking Party’. audience. Brany as MoreTaking place in a deserte friend , she ra, An ‘immersive’ twofrom Catalu nya, who you simply cannot hour and tricks afford of semi-desert in inlandd area was ‘alway s reach experience, it es 117 in March cia, some 8,000 people Mur. a fighte r’. leaves punters feeling The oldest perso to to the bash at its peak. headed ever Mayo r ‘joyous’ and ‘magical’. without. of live to be n Comprising thousands Los Barri- Jeannwas Frenc hwom an It kicks off in Barceloof expats and tourists, many e Calme nt, who RAVE: Thousands os, Migue l lived And from France, na on March 20 and turned up for our paying subscribers, Italy and Germany, it took to 122. for the party place finishe on a s in Madrid at former racetrack, near Fuente Alamo. of the year. Kicking off on Decem ately close it down, local tailored newslettersthe endwill ber 30, the illegal rave started when insisted they ‘didn’t mind’.residents a group Warweekly of anonymous organi ga “As long as they don’t m es RA keep you informed of the latest FA through a chain onto the zers broke rubbish it’s fine with leave loads of IT SE was an TBACK opportunity pants engage in handThe same group, who course. Alamo farmer told El me,” a Fuente to let off steam after SPANISH tennis hero Rafa organi a to-hand combat They were supportedPais. Nadal will miss the Aussimilar rave in La Peza, zed a long and stressful 2023 with and travel, health tralianproperty Open so that he can issues. near flour and eggs. spokesman, Victor Egioby Podemos receive more treatment Granada, last year, set - and the townsfolk of to his hip. up stagThe festival has been who attended the event, (pictured), es, speakers and food stalls. Ibi took full advantage. Nadal, insistin 37, Meanwhile all of them get a daily round-up of had g taking the only just place for made his return group come back next Participants dresse Soon dozens of stands to the tennis circuit after missing nearly d centuries, imitati two had It finally came to a stopnew year. a year due up in military outfits also been erected ng to a hip injury. Despite mock coup d’etat. Thea the long ab- 20 stories of the day. a day after the Guardia on January 5, around and staged a mock 'revt-shirts and other items.selling sence, he won his first Civil issued an Els Enfarinats Army two matcheviction notice and started olution' outside the While regional Vox es at the Brisbane Interna blocking poliadvances on the anyone from leaving tional from this weekend a town hall of the tician Jose Angel Antelo tournament in straigh Now, without having town every Decemt had an alcohol and drugs Alicante town. slammed the party, But he lost his quartersets. ber 28, collecting -fiSome 57 people were test. As food fights go, insisting nal match against Jorfined for drug police ‘taxes’ which are personalised missive from driving, 14 for danger Els Enfarinats should dan ous immediThom driving pson, then and 92 for drug posses donated egg-cells itself, which is where sion. to a designated as particihe picked up this our digital editor will keep charity. new injury . you in the loop about the E ME? S CAN YOU SEN ALL OUR READER biggest stories of the week… FREE THEN SO CA HEARING TEST and what to keep an eye on! NESS SI U WE SPEAK ENGLISH B R U YO START YOUR JOUR You’ll even be able to make AS NEY TO BETTER HEAR ING COULD BE IS suggestions of what we S TH VISUAL A LITTLE should be following. FROM AS SUE IS When we first introduced AS €50 AN a paywall three years ago, CONTACT US FOR INFORMATION ON many of our rivals were OUR ADVERTISING sceptical and refused to acON 951 27 35 75 OR EMAIL US ON SALES@ cept the rapidly-changing news landscape. THEOLIVEPRESS.ES But as you may have noticed, almost everyone has now followed suit with their own subscription service. While most merely offer translated stories from their Spanish counterparts, plus a few columnists, the Olive Press offers so much more. But we know purse strings are tighter than ever in January, which is why we are launching an END OF JANUARY WINTER BLUES SALE TODAY with an incredible 50% off the first year of your subscription. Scan the QR code here to be taken directly to the subscription page with the limited offer already applied. And signing up could not be easier, with Apple Pay, GPay and PayPal all now available. The winter sale will end on February 1, so sign up for the bargain price while you can! SHE had been forced to make ends meet smuggling cigare ttes and er contra band durin othg the dark decad es in Andal ucia’s histor y. At just nine years old By Yzabelle Bostyn in 1922, Maria Rodri was sent out ‘doingguez, er- family contin rands ’ aroun d the Cadiz ed, she did ually insist area. it ‘out of cessit y’ after her husbaneKnow n as Maria ‘Mata nd - died young , leavin cabra s’ (Mari a the g her slayer ), she had Goat- with three childr en to gradu ated to smuggsoon bring up. tobac co, coffee and ling Born on Janua ry 24, 1913, rics betwe en Gibra fab- the Los Barrio s reside nt Jerez and even Portu ltar, got marri ed at 18 and ended up havin g to But, as all her friend gal. pros and vide for her nine grand -

Va l e n c i a , areas with high numbers of foreigners and the parties a r e usually organised at locations which will cause the least disturbance to locals. In fact, residents of Fuente Alamo, the nearest town to this year’s Big F**cking Party, said they ‘didn’t mind’ the festival, as long as they ‘picked up their rubbish’. It was exactly the same at La Peza last year. According to Fluor Nation: “Festivals are always held far away from where anyone lives, we don’t want to bother anyone. We’re also very aware of the environment and take away all our litter. The atmosphere is friendly, everyone helps and has fun.”

Fuengirola – 952 472 783 Av. Conde San Isidro 1


Despite this, many claim free festivals are by their very nature dangerous as the ‘unofficial’ events are not bound by normal safety procedures. It’s a fact that a number of serious issues (some reported by the Olive Press) occurred at the annual Dragon Festival that took place primarily near Orgiva for two decades until 2019. And there were 57 people fined for drug driving as they left the recent event in Murcia, 14 of them for ‘dangerous driving’. However, one regular expat raver, who asked not to be named, insisted organisers carefully self-police the events and ‘almost nothing bad ever happens’. She continued: “Fences and security is not for safety. It’s just to get people to pay. People are just there to enjoy themselves.” She insisted the ‘hedonistic free-spirit’ is the driving force behind the parties, adding: “Free festivals are collaborative, there’s no one in control. That’s why they work so well.” Fluor Nation agreed: “It’s an altruistic movement that provides an alternative and affordable way to enjoy music without conditions,” she insisted. The latter part certainly seems to remain true in Spain. For now. PARTY ON: Revellers arrive at the Dragon Festival



SCAN HERE TO LAND YOURSELF AN UNLIMITED, AD-FREE HALF PRICE ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION The top five most read stories on www.theolivepress.es in the past two weeks are: WATCH: Jasmine Harman is loving her new 1- life on Spain’s Costa del Sol: A Place In The Sun This charming city in Portugal is a hit with 2-Spanish tourists looking for calmer alternatives to the likes of Porto or Lisbon of boat migrants arrive at 4-star 3- Hundreds hotel on Spain’s Costa del Sol after being transported from the Canary Islands political battle in Spain over 4- Ryanairits wins controversial luggage policy latest: Water will be cut off for 7 5- Drought hours per day in this town on Spain’s Costa del Sol from MONDAY

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Olive disaster A SERIES of environmental calamities has seen Spain’s olive harvest slashed by half. From an average production of 1.4 million tons two years ago, output fell 52% to 664,000 tonnes last year. This year, it's projected to hover around 700,000 to 750,000 tonnes, marking another season of poor yields. The root of the problem lies in a series of environmental challenges, according to olive farmer and agricultural consultant Daniel Trenado. He warned that below-average rainfall has become a worrying trend, leading to the two consecutive years of historically low olive harvests. A heatwave in May 2022 also severely affected the flowering stage of olive trees in major production areas, a crucial period for fruit setting. And in 2023, the lack of rainfall and dry soil during the oil formation stage led to poor harvests.

January 24th - February 6th 2024


An ecological catastrophe is unfolding on the shores of Spain THE millions of plastic pellets that have washed up on the shores of northern Spain and sparked an ecological disaster have now reached Cadiz and Portugal and could be on the way to the Costa del Sol. The Liberia-registered cargo ship Toconao is reported to have spilled o v e r 1 , 0 0 0 bags of microplastics off the Atlantic coast of Spain and Portugal.

By Walter Finch

Similar pellets have already appeared on Bolonia Beach in Tarifa, Cadiz, raising the question of if ocean currents could bring them through the Strait of Gibraltar and into the Mediterranean. J u a n Jesus Martin, of the University of Malaga explained that it is not

HIDDEN DANGER: The pellets could end up in our food impossible. “When there is a spill on the high seas, the ocean

Protestors rounded-up

CAMPAIGNERS: Futuro Vegetal has been high profile

POLICE have arrested 22 members of the Futuro Vegetal environmental group for allegedly ‘forming a criminal structure’ and causing over €500,000 damage to cultural heritage. The group was created two years ago to protest against the lack of policies to counter climate change. Their actions included a protester gluing herself next to a Goya portrait at the Prado Museum; blocking part of a Madrid motorway; and trying to disrupt a stage of the La Veulta cycle race.

The arrests were made in coordinated swoops in Madrid, Barcelona, Cadiz, Murcia, Granada and Valencia. Among those detained are three people whom the police consider to be the ring-leaders who directed the collective ‘as a criminal group’. One of the trio, Bilbo Bassaterra, said: “This whole accusation is ridiculous from the point of view of the law, because one of the requirements for a criminal organisation is that we make money from crimes, which is not the case.”

currents can take it to any point,” he said. So far, there have been no reported sightings on the beaches of the Costa del Sol. “The Strait of Gibraltar is the gate to the Mediterranean, and Malaga is at the heart of the Alboran Sea," Martin continued. “If it is confirmed that those that have appeared on the beach of Bologna are the same as those in Galicia, it is possible that they could reach Malaga. The professor explained that there are powerful currents that move between the Atlantic to the Mediter-

ranean and that ‘anything that floats can get in.” The pellets can get into the food chain and end up being eaten by humans, with unknown health consequences. Cleaning them up is challenging due to their tiny, translucent nature - measuring one to five millimetres - making them nearly invisible in the sea. Laboriously cleaning the beaches by hand is the most reliable method, but it requires significant time and resources from volunteers as well as professionals.

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Walk your way fit ... and live 16 years longer

Spain amongst the best in the world for life expectancy

A 2018 study by The Lancet predicted Spain could hold the world’s highest life expectancy by 2040, at 85.8 years old. Other specialists have speculated (83.9) and Korea (83.6). The worldwide average life expec- that frequent siestas, regular walks tancy is just 80.3 years, with the UK and even more frequent sex could clocking in just above, at 80.4 years. be influencing the longevity of It is believed Spain’s high life ex- Spaniards. pectancy could be linked to good This comes despite Spain also ranknationwide healthcare provision, ing highly for negatives such as tothe Mediterranean diet, as well as bacco, cocaine and alcohol use. The country ranks third in cocaine the warm climate. use, following the UK and Australia. In the last year, almost 3% of adults in the UK and Spain admitted to using coA SWEDISH university team has been extract- The University of Agricultural Sciences is anacaine in the past ing blood from Spanish donkeys to see what lysing the blood from animals at the El Burriyear and in Auscan be learnt to help humans who are losing to Feliz Association, in Hinojos, in Andalucia’s tralia this figure their hair. Doñana National Park. rose to 4%. It is looking at the ‘enormous However, Spain strength’ of their manes to had the lowest obtain a formula to be transHAIR rates of overall ferred to human hair. BRAINED opioid use in the Researcher Juan Negro exSCHEME?: world, alongside plained: “We are looking at Donkeys Israel, with just the characteristics of hair in Doñana 0.1% of adults usgrowth shared by humans could help ing opioids in the and four-legged animals. cure baldlast year. “Hopefully we will find posness According to sible remedies to baldness, most recent data, which is important to some Spain ranked 7th peoin terms of alcople.” hol use, the average person consuming 10.5 litres per capita. They drink more than in the UK, which ranked 11th, with 10 litres per capita. The international

THE average life expectancy in Spain is the fourth highest in the world and three years above the international average. Most Spaniards live to at least 83.3, according to a new report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). They tie with Australia which takes fourth spot in the report, Health at a glance. Japan took the top spot, at 84.5 years, followed by Switzerland

By Yzabelle Bostyn


No protection Numbskulls FOUR in 10 Spaniards say they ‘almost never’ use a condom during sex. The most common reason (40%) for not using protection was the ‘existence of other methods’. Some 29% say they forgo condoms due to a ‘loss of sensitivity’, while 18% say it ‘ruins the moment’. Meanwhile, only 30% of Spaniards have ever been checked for HIV. Almost half (48%) said they would not

sleep with someone who had a ‘sexual infection’, but 30% said it depended on the type. Despite this, four out of 10 Spaniards say they do not check the sexual health status of the people they sleep with. The report, Spaniards and Sex, spoke to 2,000 men and women aged between 18 and 58.

D Old age wonder

SAMPLES from the oldest woman in the world - Maria Branyas - are being analysed to try and find the key to a long life. The Spaniard from Catalunya is an incredible 116 years old, but has no health complications other than hearing and mobility issues. Unlike most people her age, she has zero cardiovascular problems nor memory issues, and can recount stories from the age of four as if they happened yesterday. Maria herself has previously credited eating natural yoghurt each day for her longevity, and avoiding ‘excesses’, adding: “I have always eaten little, but everything, and I have never followed any regime. I have not suffered from any illness or been through an operating room.” average is 8.6 litres. Spanish smoking rates were also higher than world averages, with 19.8% of people over 15 smoking daily. Compared to the international average of 16%, the UK ranks low, with just 12.7% of people smoking daily.

ESPERATE to shed some excess festive timber but apprehensive about hitting the local gym? There’s no need to worry as scientists have revealed the best way to get into shape - a daily walk. Researchers have highlighted several small changes that can bring a wide range of anti-ageing, health-improving and fitness-enhancing benefits. Walking with greater intent can alleviate stress, strengthen muscles and bones, increase flexibility and lengthen lives, all without the additional costs of fitness classes. Studies have found that nasal breathing during walks, the technique of breathing through your nose rather than your mouth, enables a range of improvements to your cardiovascular health. Research conducted by Colorado State University showed athletes who practiced nasal breathing had a lower respiratory rate than when breathing through their mouths, indicating an improved flow of oxygen through the bloodstream. Likewise, wearing a weighted vest was found to accentuate the health benefits of a daily walk. A study conducted by the journal Ergonomics suggested men who wore a nine-kilo vest burnt 6% more calories than without (a 2.5 kilogram vest is recommended for women). Best of all, altering the speed of a walk has the greatest impact. Even small bursts of power walking have the potential to reduce the risk of key diseases such as type 2 diabetes. One study conducted by the University of Leicester even suggests that brisk walking can add 16 years to your life, and slow down your biological age.

BEST WEAPON FLU vaccinations are now available free without an appointment at all health centres around Andalucia. The move comes however, just as the spread of respiratory illnesses, such as flu, is starting to subside. The first week of 2024 saw a 3.2% decrease across Spain, with a fall from 966 to 935 cases per 100,000 residents. Andalucia also has the second lowest rate nationwide with only 460 cases per 100,000, a rate only bettered by the Balearic Islands. Castilla-La Mancha has an infection rate of 1691 cases per 100,000.

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PAIN is home to many delicious and nutritious foods, but did you know the strange way eating one fruit could help with anti-ageing? Often eaten with breakfast, as a dip or even to make creamy desserts, this superfood is highly versatile and healthy. While avocados are full of healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, many people overlook the most beneficial part of the fruit. The seed, often tossed in the bin, is packed full of healthy antioxidants which can help you to fight disease. Avocado seeds, once peeled and mashed, can be added to salads, soups and smoothies for an extra health boost. They have a slightly bitter taste, but it’s worth it to make the most out of the fruit’s anti-ageing properties. The flesh of the avocado also has amazing properties for our health, including high levels of vitamin C, which helps to protect our cells, vitamin K, which keeps bones strong and vitamin E which strengthens the immune system. They are also rich in B vitamins, which help us maintain our vision, healthy skin and functioning nervous systems. The superfood is also full of magnesium, potassium and omega-3, which can help fight heart disease. Avocados are also high in fibre which is beneficial for gut health and healthy fats which help keep us fuller for longer. If that weren’t enough, studies have shown that greater consumption of avocados can lead to better brain function in older people, so it slows both visible and mental ageing. In Spain, over 100 varieties of the fruit are available, the most common being Hass avocados. The Europeans that consume the most avocados are the French, followed by Germans, Brits and Spaniards.

January 2024


An increase of cancer could be caused by synthetic chemicals, study reveals

“Recent data show rates inSCIENTISTS have found c r e a s i n g an alarming 921 chemicals in young in products we use daily women, a that could be causing can- trend that cer. can’t be Around 90% of these sub- explained stances are found in food, by genetdrink, pesticides, medi- ics,” excines and workplaces. plained a ALARM: As breast cancer incidence Researchers also found s p o k e s - soars in Spain almost a third of these man at the chemicals create tumours American institute. rence is rising and it is funin animals, the ‘best pre- Some 4,132 people under damentally associated with dictor’ of whether they 44 were diagnosed with unhealthy habits. Breast breast cancer in Spain in cancer is no exception”. cause cancer in humans. These synthetic chemi- 2023, a 9% increase over Cancer among the under cals are being developed 2021. 50s has risen by an in‘all the time’ and could “Breast cancer is increas- credible 79% over the last explain the recent rise in ing in younger women,” three decades, according breast cancer in young oncologist Dr Javier Sal- to a study by Global Burwomen, claimed the re- vador told the Olive Press. den of Disease (GBD). port by the Silent Spring The Sevilla-based doctor And it is no coincidence added: “The general occur- that during this time, Institute. the number of synthetic chemicals has risen dramatically. Globally, the production of chemicals has increased fiftyfold since 1950. HEALTH experts in Andalucia want the reThis number is set to trigion to ban the sale of energy drinks to the unple by 2050 believes the der-18s. European Environment Malaga’s College of Physicians insists the drinks Agency. are ‘genuinely harmful’ to health. It comes after Europe’s They add that their consumption has risen largest ever screening proamong minors and they are now part of daily gramme discovered resiroutines. dents are subject to ‘alarmA ban on the drinks has come into force in Galiingly high’ levels of toxic cia this month. chemicals, which could lead to ‘serious illness’. By Yzabelle Bostyn

Time to fizzle out

Eat your way to a long life By Yzabelle Bostyn


A STUDY has revealed how four foods could help you live 10 years longer. UK firm, Nature Food, revealed certain foods also improve your overall health.

The study showed that sustained dietary change from 40 onwards can help improve life expectancy by up to 10.8 years. COLOURFUL FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Widely recognised as part of a healthy diet, fruit and veg contain essential antioxidants


which can help fight infection and ageing. They are also a good source of fibre which improves digestive health. There is strong scientific evidence to suggest that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of many illnesses including cancer, heart disease and stroke. The study also advised reducing intake of sugar-sweetened beverages, opting for drinks with naturally occurring sugar such as fruit smoothies instead. WHOLE GRAINS Going for whole grains instead of refined options can improve heart health and lead to a longer life. That’s because they contain lots of vitamins and minerals which can contribute to overall health as well as fibre which aids digestion. They also help to control cholesterol levels, lowering the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Put your brain to the test! Do you know your brain age? Any idea about your brain health? Or even what risk you are at of Alzheimer's disease? You can find quick easy answers to these questions at Executive Health in Marbella. Neuroscientists around the globe have identified several ways to keep the brain healthy and

SCAN: Find out your brain age

HEALTHY FATS possibly avoid developing Alzheimer's. However, our brain does not warn us about potential unhealthy conditions until brain disease is on us and prevention is too late. Marbella’s prestigious Executive Health clinic is now therefore offering an incisive new type of brain health and Alzheimer’s risk scan that takes just 10 minutes. Based on AI, the quick brain scan evaluation can potentially identify clients at risk. In selected clients, we will also offer a brain age, which might be a very pleasant surprise. For now we are offering readers of the Olive Press a discounted fee from 800 to just 400 euros, including consultation before and after the scan. Contact us at info@executivehealth.es

Although fat has been demonised in the past, the truth is we need healthy fats to have a full diet. Avocados, nuts and fish, help us to get essential fatty acids the body cannot produce itself and help in the absorption of vitamin A, D and E. LEAN PROTEINS Eating protein sources such as pulses, fish and chicken can improve brain function, lower cholesterol and promote a higher metabolic rate. A high protein diet can also help keep you feel fuller for longer to avoid overeating. The study also recommended opting for less processed meats in order to live a longer life.

from the go

Chief Executive: David Deardon

IT only opened in November, but GibMed International Hospital has already performed 200 MRI scans, with 40% of them on Gibraltar Health Authority (GHA) patients. Founded by local doctors and healthcare leaders and supported by international experts, the new hospital has signed an agreement to use its MRI and CT scanners to provide services for the GHA. The journey continues in 2024 with the development of state-of-the-art theatres, luxury overnight rooms, a modern Dental suite and a fully-equipped Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation care centre. Offering quality care and tailor made health packages, within a bespoke centre of excellence, they deliver a personal and premium healthcare experience, in English, to UK standards. Follow their progress on www.gibmed.gi or book an appointment on 00350 200 49999.


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January 2024


All about


E are now powering into the New Year and 2024. Last year may have brought trials and tribulations, a sense of economic worries and concern about the state the world is in. Environmental issues, the Middle East and increasing costs on basic items all add to the stresses of life... and stress affects our mental well-being through the limbic system, the emotional centre of our brain which is very much in tune with for four seconds, holding the breath for four seconds and our nervous system. The greater our life pressures, then releasing for four and the more our fear centres be- holding for four at the end of come activated and the greater the outbreath, helps to reguthe stimulation of the sympa- late our nervous system and thetic nervous system, (the ac- reduce stress. Doing this for five or six cycles, celerator part of our worries). This may lead to tighter skele- followed by a return to your nortal muscles, a general sense of mal breathing for 30 seconds unease, possible catastrophic can really help. (Remember to thoughts and ultimately a low let your breathing return to normood. (The latter symptoms mal in-between one cycle of the depend on the length of time box breathing). that stress affects the body). The greater your ability to use All of these create a positive breathing techniques to reduce feedback loop and just go on to stress, the less the chance of ruminatory heighten stress. ‘stuck thoughts’ So it is really anxiety important to In the end, you and building up. think positively are ultimately The key, though, for your overall pracwell-being. in control and isticeregular and makThe more mentime to use tally flexible we you can make ing such techniques can become, the the change to disrupt the better it is for our chance of anxioverall health, ety building up. in particular for Another tool that the brain, heart and nervous can help people stay positive system. And fortunately there are vari- is to use what we call cognitive ous tools that can help in this challenge to dissect thoughts that bring up catastrophic feelchange. For example, ‘box breathing’ – ings and thoughts. breathing deeply into the lungs A great cognitive challenge is

Relax, you’ve passed Blue Monday! In the second of his insightful columns, Fijaz Mughal gives some excellent tips on how to create a positive outlook for the year ahead to draw four columns with the first column listing the set of thoughts causing you to feel distressed. The second column is about ‘believability’ with 0 indicating that there is no real traction in believing a specific thought and 100 indicating you fully believe a thought. The third column is where the real work comes in. Here it is important you dissect the thought causing you distress. Questions to ask yourself are (i) is it actually true and (ii) could you be merely forecasting, fortune-telling, or catastrophising? Plus (iii) is there another way of looking at the issue in a way that resonates but is not self-blaming or threatening, and (iv) taking the ‘so what’ approach could bring up a whole set of alternative narratives for you. Write them down in this column and the fourth column should then reflect the score between 0-100 that the new, alternative thoughts get. What this exercise does is provide a tool to reduce initial anxiety, train the mind to view intrusive thoughts in a different way and to realise that the ‘pull’ of negative thoughts CAN

be reduced; there are ways of changing these mood-lowering thoughts. Lastly, one thing that can help people in thinking more positively is to remember that thoughts are just that, thoughts. They pass and they have a short cycle of seconds if they are not engaged with. Just because you have a thought, doesn't mean it’s true. It’s a fact that so many people think that just because they have a thought, it must be true. This is just not the case. With these tools in mind, let 2024 be a year where you change your relationship with anxiety, worry, fearful and intrusive thoughts. In the end, you are ultimately in control and you can make the change. Let this year be the change that you want. Give me a call or send me an email for more help and ways to improve your mood and think positively. If you are in need of private therapy support, you can contact Counselling4Anxiety via info@counselling4anxiety.com

Chamber of secrets


Championed by athletes the world over, Dilip Kuner takes a trip to Estepona’s Centro Medico Hiperbarico to find out more about hyperbaric chamber therapy

YING on his back an 85-year-old expat is wheeled into a seven foot glass chamber and the door is locked behind him. With a smile stretched across his face, he settles in to watch the TV above his human-sized transparent chamber. Now on his sixth hyperbaric chamber treatment session in a series of 10, he tells me he already feels ‘totally re-energised’.

“At first I wasn’t sure,” he says. “I didn’t notice too much after the first two sessions but now I can’t get enough of it.” His wife is equally excited about the procedure and jumps into the chamber following her husband. This – his dedicated therapist explains to me - adds a level of ‘romanticism’ to hyperbaric therapy that staff at the Centro

Medico Hiperbarico in Estepona didn’t know existed. The treatment involves providing 100% oxygen to a person inside the chamber. Through this therapy, oxygen enters directly into the lymph, bone, plasma and central nervous system in order to stimulate damaged tissue to recover quicker. You simply sit there, choose a film of your choice (or listen to music), sit back and let the oxygen do the rest. The Hyperbaric Medical Clinic has two hyperbaric chambers of the Perry trademark, the latest technology. It promotes the activation and optimal functioning of the body’s repair and regeneration mechanisms, and therefore makes it an excellent additional, complementary therapy for patients recovering from cancer and the effects of chemotherapy. It also promotes accelerated healing for patients with post-operative wounds and other types of wounds and burns. Athletes and patients who like to train intensively also

bene f i t from oxygen therapy, as it aids and boosts pre and post- training preparation and recovery. It is also hailed as an effective treatment is delaying the signs of ageing, and so acts as an excellent boost to beauty treatments and procedures. Opened in July 2014, Boss Sady Alexandra Licintuna leads a team of professionals dedicated to promoting the therapy and the centre treats patients from five years old to those in their nineties. Sportsmen have enhanced the therapy’s reputation, with the likes of Spanish tennis player Rafa Nadal and MotoGP legend Valentino Rossi championing the treatment following serious injuries. And the Centro Medico has also nursed some of Spain’s professional athletes back to full fitness. International handball player Juanjo Fernandez attended the centre when he had problems with his shoulder, as did marathon runner Javier Diaz Carretero.



January 2024


Large gym with modern clean facilities, new cardio and strength machines as well as studios for yoga, pilates, zumba, aerial, boxing, indoor cycling and functional training.

Hospiten offers a variety of options to get rid of varicose veins without surgery


Vascular disease occurs when the valves stop working properly, causing blood to flow in reverse and pool up in the veins of the lower legs. The main objective of the treatment is to reduce or stop this reverse flow and improve the patient's quality of life, as well as reducing the risk of complications (including ulcerations, phlebitis or bleeding). The aesthetic issue is also often of key importance. Currently there are a variety of minimally invasive techniques without the need for surgery and needing simple, outpatient care. Done in an almost pain-free technique the surgery is much less aggressive than conventional surgery, while the risks are far lower. GLUE ABLATION ANOACRYLATE)



ECO-GUIDED FOAM CHEMICAL ABLATION TECHNIQUE WITH CATHETER Catheter and ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy is a safe and effective method for many vein problems. The procedure is based on the injection of a microfoam medication through a specifically located catheter under ultrasound, which displaces the blood from the veins. L i k e

Visit www.bluefitnessgyms.com VEINS SOLUTION: Hospiten has the right treatment for you the glue system, it is a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure that requires only local anesthesia and does not require rest. The post-procedure stage is generally very bearable, without the need to wear compression stockings, and with immediate return to normal activities. Although a few patients may experience pain in the treated area, which is easily controlled with anti-inflammatory medicine.

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Thermal ablation using an endolaser is one of the best treatments for eliminating varicose veins. It usually only needs one session and is minimally invasive. A laser is introduced into the vein, via a catheter, which collapses the varicose vein in a permanent way. The postoperative period is very short and does not require hospitalization, and you can return to normal activity after a few days. Advantages: Excellent long-term results No incisions Very short postoperative period Does not require hospital admission Return to normal activity in a few days All treatments are much more than aesthetic procedures, and it is essential to address them as a health problem that significantly affects patients quality of life. They not only offer an outpatient, non-surgical solution, but also allow patients to quickly return to their normal routine. With a focus on health and well-being, Hospiten Estepona provides comprehensive and personalized care. The key lies in early detection, specialized evaluation and careful selection of the appropriate treatment.

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T is not simply a question of aesthetics…Varicose veins are a health problem that, if left untreated, can progress to a much more serious disease. Called Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) its complications affect an increasingly younger segment of the population. Dr. Alfonso Martín, a specialist in Vascular Surgery at Hospiten Estepona, explains that varicose veins and spider veins are a common problem affecting 40% of the population. And it’s a particular problem for women.



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Executive Health

Executive Essential Screening A quick basic check-up, taking you through the most essential scans and tests


November 2023

All about



LIVE oil is nicknamed ‘liquid gold’ in Spain perhaps a very apt description these days with prices tripling in the last two years. Older readers from the UK may well remember the days when they had to make a special order at the chemist to get olive oil, so rare and expensive was it. While in those days it was most

By Dilip Kuner commonly ‘prescribed’ in the UK to soften earwax before having patients’ ears syringed, there are a host of other health benefits associated with the Spanish staple. And the good news is that rather than squirt it in your ear, it is


EXECUTIVE FULL BODY MRI IN 40 MIN Olive Press Check Up for just 995€

best sampled as part of a balanced and delicious diet. Here we give a rundown of half a dozen ways in which olive oil is good for you - and here's hoping it doesn't get so expensive that aw trip to the farmacia is in order to get your hands on some…

1. HEALTHY FATS About 14% of the oil is saturated fat, whereas 11% is polyunsaturated, such as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids (1). But the predominant fatty acid in olive oil is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, making up 73% of the total oil content. Studies suggest that oleic acid reduces inflammation and may even have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer. Monounsaturated fats are also quite resistant to high heat, making extra virgin olive oil a healthy choice for cooking.

2. ANTIOXIDANTS TASTY: Olive oil is not just delicious but is good for you too

Extra virgin olive oil is packed full of powerful antioxidants which


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Are you depressed? Suffering from anxiety? Worried about the year ahead? Are your kids having social issues? PERHAPS YOU NEED SOMEONE PROFESSIONAL TO TALK TO I HOPE I CAN HELP. Call me, Fijaz Mughal, in confidence. I’m fully-accredited and professionally-trained in London and recently moved to Spain. I understand the issues many expats feel in Spain. Change through relocation abroad can really add to mental health pressures and these life changes are never easy. Counselling and therapy has changed the lives of many. Getting in touch is the first step. Recognising that there is an issue is the first step on the road to recovery. Help is available through my confidential counselling service at www.counselling4anxiety.eu

CONTACT: Fijaz Mughal OBE FCMI MBACP on info@counselling4anxiety.com www.counselling4anxiety.com


November 2023


The preferred care option offering a personalised service


T’S a difficult enough time when you realise an elderly parent or close relative needs care. Let alone arranging this when you live overseas. With a distance barrier, you need a reliable and trustworthy care option such as live-in care. Although increasing in popularity, many people are not aware of live-in care. Yet, it offers a multitude of benefits and upstages care home shortfalls highlighted during the pandemic as well as being cost-effective.

As its price soars, just remember that olive oil is good for you

What is Live-in Care?

are known to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. They can also help fight inflammation and protect your blood cholesterol from ‘oxidation’, which lowers the risk of heart disease.

ti-inflammatory drug. Some scientists estimate that the oleocanthal in 3.4 tablespoons (50 ml) of extra virgin olive oil has a similar effect to 10% of the adult dosage of ibuprofen.



Chronic inflammation cause cancer, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis and even obesity. Olive oil is filled with anti-inflammatories like oleocanthal, which has been shown to work similarly to ibuprofen, an an-

The effect of olive oil on the risk of stroke has been studied heavily. A large review of studies in 841,000 people found that olive oil was the only source of monounsaturated fat associated with a reduced risk of stroke and heart disease.


In another review in 140,000 par ticipants, those who consumed olive oil were at HEALTHY FATS: Spain’s liquid gold is an essential a much lower part of a balanced and nutritious diet risk of stroke than those who did not.



Alzheimer's disease is the most common neurodegenerative condition in the world. One of its key features is a build-up of so-called beta-amyloid plaques inside brain cells. But one study in mice showed that a substance in olive oil can help remove these plaques. Additionally, a human study indicated that a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil benefitted brain function.

Olive oil appears to be highly protective against type 2 diabetes. Several studies have linked olive oil to beneficial effects on blood sugar and insulin sensitivity. A randomised clinical trial in 418 healthy people recently confirmed the protective effects of olive oil. In the study, a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by over 40%.

Live-in care is when a trained caregiver lives with their client providing 24-hour care. It enables aging parents to continue living the life they choose in the safety and comfort of their home. A live-in carer assists with mobility, personal care, housework, pet care, chaperoning, and much more whilst being a caring companion. Why Live-In Care is the Preferred Choice Live-in care offers: · One-to-one personalised care based on the client's needs

and preferences. A level of customisation often unmatched in institutional settings. · Staying in a familiar and comfortable home and maintaining routines. This reduces anxiety and confusion, especially with dementia clients. · Promotes independence and maintains dignity. Clients continue to make choices and have control over their lives. · Emotional support from trusted companions. Carefully matching carers and clients helps build dependable relationships and reduce loneliness. · Continuity of care. A consistent carer who knows their client well. How Much Does Live-in Care Cost? A secret shopper survey by an impartial information resource recently compared the cost of live-in and residential care. The average cost of livein care per week was £1,560. The average price of the most expensive care homes was £1,620 per week. Live-in care is particularly cost-effective for couples. Residential care can cost up to twice as much.


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January 24


January 24th - February 6th 2024

Jobs threat AI could affect 60% of jobs in Spain according to stark warning from the IMF THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) has issued a warning about the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on jobs. According to a recent IMF study, up to 60% of employment in advanced economies such as Spain could be affected by the development of AI. The impact is estimated to

DRIVING FORCE TOURISM was one of Spain's main economic growth areas last year, accounting for nearly €187 billion and a record 12.8% of the country's GDP. The figures have been compiled by Exceltur - a national association that brings together some 30 big tourist-related companies. Growth in 2023 was 13.1% and was spread out over all months of the year, including the last quarterwell after the high season period.

be lower in developing and low-income economies, with 40% and 26% of jobs being affected respectively. However, there remains optimism about the potential positive aspects of AI - the IMF study estimates that while ad-

MALAGA entrepreneurs unwilling or unable to communicate effectively in the language of Shakespeare are reportedly missing a trick in the business world where ‘the money is in English.’ This is the conclusion of Cristobal Alonso, an investment fund founder who challenged 25 entrepreneurs to pitch to international investors in English. In the event, only seven start-up founders from Malaga took up the challenge at the symposium, which was called Flare. Alonso said: “There is a clear disconnection between Malaga and Marbella, despite how close they are. “The first barrier is language. In Marbella the profiles are international: a German, a Dane, a Swede, a Finn ... who may or may not speak Spanish on a daily basis, but in business, their language is English. “If you tell them to come to a pitch or an event in Spanish, they don't even consider it," Alonso added.

Costly consequences

It means that tourism accounted for 70.8% of the Spanish economy's growth last year with Exceltur predicting a positive 2024. “We are proud that tourism is the mainstay of the Spanish economy and that it has also created more and better jobs,” said the executive vice-president of Exceltur, Jose Luis Zoreda. “As for 2024, all previous records in Spain’s tourist history will be beaten,” Zoreda predicted.

ROBO-DESIGNER: And will journalists go this way too?

By Ben Pawlowski



vanced economies are prone to the greatest risks derived by AI, they are also in the best position to capitalise on its benefits. Thus, the IMF expects that roughly half of the jobs exposed to AI in advanced economies will actually benefit from its development. The managing director of the IMF, Kristilina Georgieva, commented: “We are on the precipice of a technological revolution that has the potential to boost productivity, accelerate global growth and elevate incomes across the world. However, it could also replace jobs and exacerbate inequality.” In developing and low-income economies, the impact of AI on jobs is expected to initially be less significant. However, many such countries lack the infrastructure and labour force to feel the full benefits of AI. Georgieva, who became chief of the IMF in 2019, warned: “It is crucial that countries establish rigorous social security nets and offer re-skilling initiatives to vulnerable workers.”

THE trade in counterfeit goods is depriving legal businesses of €1.5 billion annually and costing 15,000 jobs according to the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). The survey from the Alicante-based EU agency covers three sectors - clothing, cosmetics, and toys. It has averaged out the losses caused by fake items between 2018 and 2021, which EUIPO says accounts for 6.7% of total sales. In the clothing and footwear market alone, it claims that 11,208 jobs and €1 billion in sales are lost each year. The toy sector accounts for 11% in lost sales and €114 million in revenue, while cosmetic sales are hit by a 5.5% fall and €400 million in losses.

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Plaza de España 16, Vejer de la Frontera

LA CULTURA What’s in a name 18

Madrid cat El Prado is removing words

like ‘dwarf’, ‘disabled’ and ‘deformation’ from descriptions of masterpieces to ‘avoid offence’ THE description of an artwork by a famous Spanish master in Madrid’s El Prado museum has been altered to remove mention of the subject’s ‘dwarfism’. The plaque for Diego de Velazquez's 1636 masterpiece El Niño de Vallecas, which depicts ‘court dwarf’


TOO WOKE?: Lezcano is no longer described as a court dwarf

jesters, which is set to be amended to just: Velazquez: the jesters. Francisco Lezcano, now re- Another passage reads: fers to the condition by its “One of the palace dwarfs medical name, achondro- poses with an open book plasia. whose large dimensions The general poster for the emphasise his smallness.” display is currently titled: This is likely to be replaced Velazquez: dwarfs and with: "One of the palace jesters poses with an open book whose large dimensions serve to establish a game A NEW X-rated dating show is coming of scales." to Spain as Naked Attraction makes its It comes as part Spanish debut on HBO Max. of the museum's Marta Flich will present the new series, broader initiaan adaptation of the popular show origitive to undernally aired by the UK’s Channel 4. take a review In the unique dating programme, conin response to testants have to eliminate potential Spain's recent partners one by one as their naked body constitutional parts are slowly revealed. reform. The show has gained popularity in GerArticle 49 of the many, France and Italy before making Spanish Constiits way to Spain. tution, expected By Walter Finch


to be approved next week, requires that language and presentation of art are sensitive and align with modern day standards. According to the amendment, going forwards, the term ‘disabled’ should be replaced with ‘people with disabilities’. Nearly 27,000 painting files on its website and about 1,800 exhibition posters are being revised to comply with the new amendment. Examples of this update include altering descriptions on artworks such as Prince Don Carlos by Alonso Sanchez Coello and Brigida del Rio, the bearded one from Peñaranda by Juan Sanchez Cotan. In the former, a sign reads: “To cover up the deformation of his back.” Now it simply says: “To cover his back.”

MARBELLA’s Starlite festival will host many big names this year as the full line-up is announced, including Tom Jones, Take That and UB40. The ‘best boutique festival in the world’ has just finalised its 2024 line-up and it's set to be a star-studded summer. Welsh icon Tom Jones will take to the stage on Tuesday, July 23. Sir Tom will visit Marbella as part of his Spanish tour, also playing at Iconica Sevilla Fest on June 19. Another beloved British act will perform on July 14 and 15 as Take That grace the stage. The boy band will be followed by Simple Minds on July 22 and former UB40 frontman Ali Campbell on August 9. Other British acts include jazz musician Jamie Cullum, who will kick off the festival on Friday, June 14. Sheryl C r o w w i l l a l s o be performing hits like My Favourite Mistake on June 21. To see the full line-up and get tickets, visit the Starlite website.

OP QUICK CROSSWORD Across 6 Aeroplane body (8) 7 Simple dwellings (4) 9 Reechoed sound (13) 10 Tears (5) 12 Claim as due (5) 14 Salt (3) 15 Renounce (5) 16 Modify (5) 18 Military decoration (8,5) 21 Small dam (4) 22 Smashed beer mugs go under (8) Down 1 Pleasingly pretty (4) 2 Six-shooter (8) 3 Perhaps (5) 4 Apprentice (7) 5 Produced by 2 Down (4) 8 Ballroom dance (3-4) 11 Small and delicate (3-4) 13 Carved up ensnared writer (8) 14 Traveller (7) 17 Brazilian dance (5) 19 Grow weary (4) 20 Melancholy sound (4)


A BRAND new species of feline that would have roamed central Spain around 15.5 million years ago has been dubbed ‘Madrid cat.’ Officially known by its Latin name, Magerifelis peignei, it would have been a powerful creature around twice the size of your house cat - and boasted an unusually ‘strong bite when hunting.’ The new species was discovered after palaeontologists from Spain’s National Museum of Natural Sciences found a well-preserved jawbone fossil in excavations near Madrid. The team was able to recreate what the moggy may have looked like based on the fossilised finding, showing a cat that would have weighed about 7.61kg. Of all modern day creatures, it is thought it might have behaved most like a lynx, which is known for tackling large prey and suffocating them in its jaws. Researcher Gema Siliceo said: “The jaw is very robust when compared to that of felines of similar size, which suggests an adaptation to withstand great stresses.”

January 24th - February 6th 2024

All solutions are on page 20


SPANISH shoppers contending with olive oil setting them back up to €10 a litre have been raging at their staple food product being half the price in London. A Spaniard living in the English capital highlighted how one litre of ‘mild’ olive oil from Antequera in Andalucia is selling in Lidl at £4.99 - equivalent to €5.80. And extra virgin olive oil was just £3.89 per 750ml - £5.19 per litre or €6.02, with experts predicting it will hit €13 per litre in Spain soon. “They are taking the p***!” wrote LaVecinaCottilla (the Gossiping Neighbour) on social media. Spain’s long running drought and intense heat waves have seriously impacted olive oil production, reducing supply and driving up prices at home.

January 24th - February 6th 2024

Just beautiful

Spain is the best country in the world for a driving holiday, according to new ranking By Yzabelle Bostyn

SPAIN has been named the best country in the world for road trips. A study by Compare the Market Australia considered the cost, popularity and safety of road tripping in many countries worldwide, taking into account petrol prices, road quality, number of accidents and congestion levels. The research stated: “Spain is the country where foreign drivers are likely to find the most pleasurable driving ex-

PERFECT DRIVE: Through Spain’s mountains

perience. “With the fifth-best road quality, Spain is renowned for

its modern and well-maintained highways. The country also has the third cheapest car hire prices at just €29.55 ( a b o u t $32.42), meaning m o n e y rate of price growth is slowing, essaved can pecially in recent months,” accordbe spent on ing to Maria Jesus Fernandez, seeverything nior economist at Funcas. from visitOlive oil however reported an aning some of nual rise of 54.6%, and between the counJanuary 2021 and last Decemtry's most ber, the price has skyrocketed by famous 165.5%, with olive prices rising by galleries to 44% on average in 2022. delicious tapas."

Food hikes slow SPAIN'S food inflation rate is at its lowest point since March 2022, standing at 7.3% last month. The National Institute of Statistics said the rate fell by 1.7% compared to November. Lower rises in milk, egg, cheese, bread, cereals and meat products were key to slowing down the food inflation rate. “Things are on the right track; the


It was closely followed by Canada, which ranked highly due to its affordable petrol and its clear roads. According to the study it takes an average of just 14 minutes to drive 6.2 miles, meaning drivers can explore this vast country with ease. The United States - in many ways the home of road trips especially via its iconic Route 66 - took third place. The UK took fourth spot thanks to Scotland’s iconic North Coast 500. Another Iberian location, Portugal, was given fifth place, with researchers highlighting low petrol prices and stunning coastal routes.

ANDALUCIA has five of Spain’s 10 ‘most beautiful’ provincial capitals - including the first place winner. ElectoPanel surveyed 4,000 Spaniards to reveal where they consider the country's most eye-catching locations, with Andalucia dominating the rankings. Jewel in the crown is Sevilla which took top spot with 14.4% of the votes from people impressed by its blend of Moorish and Gothic architecture, and its cultural and gastronomic history. Granada, with the emblematic Alhambra, tumbling streets of the Albaicin and stunning views over the Sierra Nevada earnt 13.9% of the votes to secure second place. Cadiz got 4.5% of the votes, coming in sixth place, closely followed by Cordoba in seventh place. And Malaga, with 3.6% of the vote came in ninth.

Flying high SPAIN clocked up a record number of airline passengers in 2023 to exceed levels recorded before the Covid pandemic. Figures from the Aena operated network showed over 283 million people passed through their airports last year - 16% more than 2022 and 2.9% up on 2019 when the previous record of 275.2 million was reached.

T H E O L I V E P R E S S A N D P I C U BA N U S I N V I T E YO U TO A B OT T L E O F W I N E * W i t h eve r y t a b l e re s e r va t i o n - s c a n t h e Q R c o d e.




January 24th - February 6th 2024


T’S that time of year when the hills around southern Spain come alive with the first signs of Spring. Unusual as it may seem for northern Europeans, the end of January welcomes the wonderful spectacle of almond blossom, creating unmissable sights and smells. The sweet fragrance of almond flowers hangs in the air, while acres of trees assail the eyes with a breathtaking display of pink and white blossoms that will live in your memory forever. You don’t have to go too far to witness this early Springtime extravaganza with the hills inland from the costas, in particular, offering some of the best profusions. In particular, the Valle de Guadalest, in Valencia, the Guadalhorce Valley, in Malaga, and the Tramantana range of Mallorca offer wonderful displays at

As Spring arrives Spain‘s countryside is transformed by carpets of pink and white flowers. But as Dilip Kuner writes, the almond blossom comes first

this time of year. Anywhere with a perfect micro-climate - normally sheltered from the north wind and not too high up - is perfect for these early blooms. Perhaps it is no surprise that Almeria is home to thousands of blossoming trees at this time of year, with the drive between Andalucia and Alicante wonderful in early February. Venture up into the two mountain ranges, the Sierra de los Filabres and the Sierra Alhamilla, for a particularly special display. Meanwhile, the term ‘Mallorca snow’ has become a widespread term, not for the nightclubs, but for the hillsides full of almond blossom in February. The best places to find it are around the Puig de Randa, the Puig de Bonany and the Puig de Santa Magdalena. A little later in March, Gran Canaria is a great place to see the blossom and the island even has its own Fiestas del Almendro en Flor, which started in 1969. Wherever you do see them, remember time is of the essence and there is only a PROFUSION: Pink or white blosshort window of about three som line the hills around Spain weeks before they start sprouting their leaves and ultimately their delicious nuts.

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FOOD,DRINK & TRAVEL After stints at restaurants in Denmark and France, he was ripe to transfer his skills to setting up a kitchen in Spain. And he’s done so well that the celebrated Michelin guide handed him the prestigious Bib Gourmand ‘value-for-money’ award in November. So perhaps the most surprising thing is that Blossom is apparently anything but cheap. With a set menu at €115 per head, not including wine, it was no surprise to find the terrace empty, while all its near neighbours were bustling on a busy Thursday in the run up to Christmas. Couple after couple stopped, looked at the menu, and swiftly moved on. But more’s the pity, for the 13-course set menu had a wealth a n d depth of ingredients as impressive as it was long. With plenty of fish and meat (including Red Snapper, a beef tartare, duck and even venison), I calculated that the ingredients alone would come to half the cost. Even better, my

True artworks, delicate and thoughtful, they’d be worthy of a place in the Picasso museum up the road

friendly waiter David, a Spaniard who recently ‘reluctantly’ swapped London for Malaga, insisted the menu was as KM-0 as possible and suggested a delectable white Rioja, Añades, with a touch of mandarin after being aged for six years in cask. The first four dishes come out together as a really beautiful tableaux … true artworks, delicate and thoughtful, they’d be worthy of a place in the Picasso museum up the road. In particular, the crunchy carrot cream and peanut praline tartlet was a great palate opener, while a mini Jerusalem artichoke soup was ever so slightly spicy with a peppery kick. A strip of smoked salmon carefully rolled on top of a slice of ‘Malaga cucumber’ was both subtle and refreshing, while a ceviche of ‘silver snapper’ with pepper sauce, tiger leche milk and more was remarkably flavoursome, a sweet and sour masterpiece, that brought back my faith in a dish that is 75% of the time disappointing in Europe. Then there was a scallop with a sliver of foie, apple and almonds, while the fish of the day was sea bream, served with delicious fresh peas and cauliflower. The pig’s jowl and salmon roe was as pretty as a picture and tasted as good as it looked properly lip-smacking, while a Morel mushroom stuffed with duck mouse, and a chickpea


ARTIST: Talented teacher Emi Schobert and his young team (below)

blini with creamy Parmesan … hallelujah. One bite of heaven. Then it was two yes TWO - courses of duck, the first; a breast, lightly braised, with celeriac mash. It was the same with the venison with firstly a slice of breast with a chocolate mole in a mushroom veloute and pickled beetroot (the sweetness of the beetroot was remarkable) as well as a Portobello mushroom with a venison slice on top. OK, it sounds like too much food, but the dishes aren’t huge. Indeed they are just about right and after all, this is a ‘tasting menu’. It also meant I still had space for a trio of puddings, with caramelised apples in chamomile ‘English custard’ particularly splendid, while the white chocolate bavarois with mascarpone, Tonka beans and crumble was amazing too. Finally, a chocolate stuffed raspberry didn’t ruin the night, even coming with a glass of PX brandy on the house, sending me off to appropriately sweet dreams. Novelle cuisine. Remember that? Well it’s back and alive and well at Blossom, where the flowers are out in full bloom.


REVIEW: ‘Sweet and sour masterpiece’...It’s the perfect time to visit the expat-run Malaga restaurant, Blossom, writes Jon Clarke

ORGANIC and piecemeal, Blossom only started to flourish three years into its genesis. Starting as a cafe and breakfast joint next to Malaga cathedral, its owner Emiliano Schobert slowly started to serve lunch, initially cold, and finally suppers two years later. The Argentinian chef had landed in Malaga with his wife Lucia and three children in 2019 and had been planning a long holiday before working part-time between Spain and Patagonia … but then, of course, came the pandemic. And praise the lord, for suddenly stuck in Andalucia, ‘Emi’ was forced to change his plans and slowly began to set up one of the most exciting new additions to Andalucia’s burgeoning food scene in years. He certainly had pedigree. Cordon Bleu trained; he set up his own cookery school in Patagonia and twice represented his country at the prestigious Bocuse d’Or event, in France, now in its 20th year.

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Quelle suprise


STORM Isha provoked chaos as holidaymakers returning from the Canary Islands were forced to land in the south of France, more than 1000km away from their intended destination of Dublin.

White sight NATURE lovers were left stunned in Andalucia’s Doñana National Park when they spotted an incredibly rare albino deer, thought to occur only in one in every 30,000 of the species.


Your expat


voice in Spain

Vol. 18 Issue 436 www.theolivepress.es January 24th - February 6th 2024

Back to the test centre Spanish drivers are praised for their ‘courteous driving’ and ‘respect for traffic rules’

A NEW report has praised the much-maligned Spanish drivers for their courtesy and identified the behaviour and driving styles for each of Spain’s major cities. It goes so far as to give a clear road map of ​​ where the most courteous drivers in the country

Marbs movie A FILM about Marbella’s early 2000s corruption scandal is topping the Spanish box office. El Correo follows a young gangster's rise to the top of a money laundering organisation.

By Walter Finch

can be found. Zaragoza leads the way, with drivers ‘known’ for their respect for traffic rules and consideration for pedestrians and cyclists.


HILLARY Clinton brought the cringe with her during a trip to Sevilla. She was called upon to dance the Macarena with the original sevillano duo Los del Rio during a party in her honour at the Palacio de las Dueñas. She tried it gamely, despite clearly having no idea about the song’s iconic dance. This is perhaps puzzling since it was played constantly at Democratic Party events during the 1996 campaign to re-elect her husband, Bill.

Apparently, the city’s drivers stand out for their patience and politeness on the road, according to the International Drivers Association. Residents in Madrid will apparently recognise their fellow drivers’ strict adherence to speed limits, which contributes to the ‘well-known’ smooth and safe traffic flow in the Spanish capital. Over in Barcelona, the drivers are universally recognised for their excellent signalling as they plough through the city’s grid layout - particularly in using indicators. Meanwhile in Malaga, those out for a stroll will no doubt be fully aware of drivers’ precise stopping - especially at bus stops, where pedestrians get on and off without fear.

ROAD RAGE?: Spaniards praised for their driving But it is the pedestrians of Sevilla who are really spoiled, with drivers who would never think of steaming through a pedestrian crossing, instead habitually stopping completely. The report surely leaves no doubt that, from Zaragoza to Sevilla, considerate and respectful driving is a hallmark of Spanish road culture - unless of course, you know different. Opinion Page 6

THE canine crowned ‘the oldest ever dog’ has been stripped of his title pending an investigation into whether his age was a fraud. Portuguese pooch Bobi, who lived in Alentejo near the Spanish border, passed away in October at 31 years and 163 days old - an unbelievable 217 in human years. However, the fanfare around his coronation also brought increased scrutiny towards the Portuguese mastiff, a breed whose average life expectancy is around 13 years. Readers noticed that photos of Bobi from 1999 show him with white paws - whereas the dog who died in 2023 had brown ones. Guinness World Records has now announced that it has withdrawn Bobi’s title and is even pausing both the record titles for 'oldest dog living' and 'oldest dog ever' until they get to the bottom of the matter. Once matters are cleared up, the title could soon return to Spike, a living chihuahua from Ohio, who briefly held the crown last January at the age of 23 years, before being usurped by Bobi.

952 147 834 * Vo l u n t a r y i n s u r a n c e c o v e r. S u b j e c t t o c o m p a n y u n d e r w r i t i n g c o n d i t i o n s . * D a t a e x t r a c t e d f r o m p r o c e s s c l o s u r e s u r v e y s a f t e r u s i n g o u r R o a d s i d e A s s i s t a n c e a n d b r e a k d o w n s e r v i c e s .

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