1 minute read
Yet still, effective action to prevent and reduce disaster is lacking. Carbon emissions from human activities continue to rise.
When will governments wake up and have the balls to make the right decisions?
Me First Movement
We are all familiar with the Me Too Movement. Allow me to introduce you to the Me First Movement.
It’s a worldwide pandemic that affects the vast majority of those capable of making a real difference in the fight to reverse damage caused to our environment.
Politicians and governments everywhere suffer from this debilitating disease that leads to putting self interest first.
Prime Example Is Australia
Last year the newly installed government was elected on the back of a climate action platform.
Last week it approved a new coal mine.
Scientists have repeatedly warned that any new fossil fuel projects ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with global climate goals.
The new coal mine, north of Brisbane, will produce over 2.5 million tonnes of coal over the next five years. That amounts to over 7 million tonnes of greenhouse gases.
Shame on Australia.
Shame on the world for watching.