2 minute read
A NEW combination of immunotherapy treatment could be used to fight liver cancer, and tests on mice are underway.
Dr. Ignacio Melero at Navarra's Cima University said: “We are using mice with a gene transfer from the liver where we have been able to test new immunotherapy combinations," he added.
Liver cancer is one of the fastest growing cancer types and the sooner it is detected, the higher the survival rate.
Symptoms include loss of appetite or losing weight when you’re not trying to; increased tiredness; a lump on the right side of the stomach; and the skin or whites of the eyes turning yellow.
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War on mozzies
VALENCIA City’s pest control unit has been kept busy with 118 complaints about tiger mosquitoes in June alone.
The Patraix, Pobles del Sud and Quatre Carreres districts have seen the most interventions, with June the busiest month so far.
Visits to areas infested by mosquitoes involve a sweep of a radius of around 150 metres to eradicate the pest.
The unit works all year in the constant battle against the insect, with ditches and marshes of lakes inspected during the winter, as well as regular inspections of urban areas that are regarded as sensitive.
adults take their own life, according to the INE - the highest rate since records began.
The soaring rate at which young people have reported an increase in feelings of loneliness, situations of violence or abuse, and depression are thought to be contributing factors. Psychologists with the Educational Inspec torate are deliver ing the training which it is hoped will reverse this worrying trend. All of the auton omous communi ties in Spain cur rently have suicide prevention plans in public and pri vate school en vironments as required by the law. These plans involve students risk fac warning employing specific measures for those who have exhibited suicidal tendencies.
However, psychologists are adamant that in order to make an impact within schools, the education system needs to incorporate professionals trained in prevention strategies within schools. Leading psychology authorities, including the General Council of Psychology of Spain and The Official College of Psychology of Madrid, have been fighting to create the role of educational psychologist in all of the autonomous communities. Currently, it has only been implemented in eight of the 17. Another plan being proposed is the creation of a ‘student helper’ role across the community. Students chosen for this role are given the responsibility of watching out for warning signs amongst their peers as atrisk adolescents usually seek support from a trustpeer prior to authority figure.
The suicide rate among teens has continued to rise despite the passage of the Law for the Comprehensive Protection of Children and Adolescents approved in 2021. The law was designed to better protect young people from serious crimes against children.
OP Puzzle solutions
Quick Crossword
Across: 7 Beaches, 8 There, 9 Odium, 10 Cobwebs, 11 Monkhood, 13 Bees, 15 Time, 16 Unbutton, 19 Colonel, 20 Rifle, 22 Loser, 23 Species.
Down: 1 Mali, 2 Thimphu, 3 Psychoanalyse, 4 Stubs, 5 Tenement, 6 Senses, 7 Bloom, 12 Nameless, 14 Guarded, 15 Tackle, 17 Needs, 18 Inert, 21 Fail.
They include hospitals, health centres, transportation centres, and landscaped areas that have a historical presence of mosquitoes.
The council has been running the ‘Door to Door’ project since 2019 where neighbourhood associations, owner communities, and any individual resident can request information and training on the fight against tiger mosquitoes. The pest control unit also runs educational talks and workshops as well as distributing guidance to anybody who requests it.