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UK aviation needs). So that’s not going to happen.
● Fuel made from hydrogen produced with green electricity – but countries do not generate sufficient renewable electricity to make enough green hydrogen. So that’s not going to happen. Plus existing aircraft engines cannot use hydrogen based fuels.
● Ammonia and synthetic fuels – under consideration, but they need even more green hydrogen. So that’s not going to happen.
Governments lead us all to believe that innovation will save the day. Without adequate investment there is no chance.
The airline industry self-regulates. They offer promises without consequences.
A prime example; In 2010 Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Atlantic said that by 2020, 10% of its fuel would be biofuel.
In 2021 Virgin Atlantic announced it would be using 10% alternative fuels by 2030. Get my point?
from intensive farming, Elcano pointed out. Per capita carbon dioxide emissions peaked at 8.47 tons in 2005, but dropped to 4.92 tons by 2021, as climate change measures kicked in and the country became more environmentally conscious.
By Martin Tye
So said one of the co-founders of the Green Party in the UK, Michael Benfield last week. His point carries weight.
We have succeeded in helping to educate, but we have failed in dealing with the battle for environmental survival.