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Flat pack boost Smart thinking
A SMART traffic light system to stop cars polluting the air while in a queue and greywater recycling systems for new developments could soon help Gibraltar reach carbon neutrality.
and Intelligence Network (FLINT) got a further boost after signing a deal with the UK’s money laundering taskforce.
The most common criminal activities that continue to be reported are money laundering and fraud.
Lopez said the new three year strategic plan, based on four high-level priorities, has taken into account ‘Moneyval and FATF processes’.
Minister for Justice Samantha Sacramento praised the GFIU’s work and the new plan for the future.
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correlated delivering a diversification effect. The equity element performed well in good times, with safer assets like bonds appreciating in value and providing a yield during bad times.
Keeping interest rates artificially anchored at zero has destroyed that inverse relationship. In recent years equities and bonds have become more positively correlated resulting in both asset classes moving in the same direction more often, which has made these portfolios more susceptible to market downturns.
Equities and bonds have become more positively correlated
There have only been a handful of occasions in 100 years, generally considered as ‘Blackswan Events,’ (abandonment of the gold standard and World War II) where bond prices haven’t gone up in value when equity prices have fallen.
Interestingly, the current macro-economic environment is frighteningly similar to stagflation in the 1970’s; where the strategy also proved ineffective!
The 60/40 model worked well in the past because shares and bonds were negatively
In conclusion, while the 60/40 model portfolio may have been a reliable investment strategy in the past, its relevance in today’s market is being questioned. As a result, you may need to explore alternative investment strategies to achieve your investment objectives. An actively managed portfolio which invests in a broader range of asset classes may offer potential benefits and may be worth considering for investors seeking better returns and more effective risk management in a debt ridden, slow growth, inflationary environment.
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A Net Zero meeting hosted by Deputy Chief Minister Joseph Garcia floated these latest ideas to help the Rock lower carbon emissions. Ministers for the Environment and Transport, John Cortes and Paul Balban respectively, attended the meetings along with government departments, agencies and authorities.
Environmental agency Ricardo gave a virtual presentation of a Net Zero modelling tool. The tool will allow the government to measure data as part of the climate change strategy from the baseline of 2019 to the present moment.
1 Obstacle (4)
4 If you’re on the Stump here, you’ve got a good view (6)
8 Buffoons (6)
9 Small purple plum (6)
10 Obliterate his model, reconstructed (8)
11 Central part (4)
12 Runs into (5)
13 Foe (5)
17 Vomit (4)
19 Free from evil spirits (8)
20 Dusky? (6)
21 Line on a weather map (6)
22 Of inferior quality (6)
23 Ultimate (4)
2 Aw! Hustles Owen about in Australia (3,5,5)
3 Idle talk (6)
4 Enlightened one, literally (6)
5 Only half knocked out? (4-9)
6 Scent (5)
7 Swindle (6)
14 Lose (6)
15 Well-bred people (6)
16 Kind of climber (6)
18 Rate of expenditure of energy (5)
All solutions are on page 14