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Shocking new stats show quarter of patients in hospitals at risk of malnutrition and complications
AN alarming one in four patients in Spanish hospitals are at risk of malnutrition andshockingly - this percentage jumps to 37% for patients over the age of 70.
The most vulnerable groups at risk include those with cancer-related diseases (35%), cardiovascular issues (29%), and respiratory conditions (28%).
The cause for this has been put down to the fact that Spain remains the only country in the European Union that does not include dietitians and nu-
Cafe hope
By Walter Finch
tritionists as part of its public healthcare system.
This omission is particularly concerning given the crucial role these professionals play in preventing and identifying malnutrition and hindering its harmful knock-on effects.
The lack of prevention means patients are treated with drugs and pharmacology, which often expose patients to complications and adverse effects.
A SHOT of espresso a day could more than just wake you up - it may also keep Alzheimer’s at bay.
A study from the University of Verona in Italy has found that the caffeine in coffee, when consumed in moderation, could yelp against the condition.
In 2020, the Spanish Coffee Federation found that around 170,000 tonnes of coffee were drunk - which is around two cups per person daily.
Worrying stats
THE number of suicides among teenagers in Spain has increased by more than 30% since 2019, according to a study carried out by Madrid’s Complutense University.
The worrying figures show that the number of people aged between 12 and 17 who took their own life went up by 32.35% between 2019 and 2021, when 45 people in this age group committed suicide.
And the latest research conducted by the Spanish Statistical Office (INE) reveals the situation did not improve in 2022. A total of 72 teenagers aged between 15 and 19 committed suicide last year, over 20% more than in 2021, which recorded 53 deaths.
Last year, 345 people under 30 took their own lives, an increase compared to 2021, when the number was 338.
Out of these, 128 deaths account for the 20 to 24 age group while another 133 were among people aged between 25 and 29. Suicide is the main cause of death for those aged between 12 and 29 in Spain,
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