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TAKING CHARGE Full Body Check-Up

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6. Red red wine

EVERY year the ben

Without health we have nothing and so the Bodyworks Health Clinic is pleading with people to take charge of their health this year

DURING the festive season many of us put off dealing with niggling health issues, but the Bodyworks Health Clinic is urging you not to.

"So get a check-up, and know that all your systems are working and there are no warning lights."

WITH over 1,000km of coastline, many Andalucians are hardwired to love the ocean - something scientists call the ‘blue mind’. Dr Thomas W. Ferkol is one of those who extols the sea’s benefits, claiming salt clears lungs and is antibacterial, while beach life can improve sleep patterns.

Heart and Circulation

Digestive System

Lung health

Major Organs

Muscles and Joints


7. Soothing siestas

IT is one of Spain’s most enduring images, especially to foreign eyes, but a siesta can lower blood pressure and is part

A Safe, Accurate Early Warning System

In 2020, the Olive Press tried thermal imaging as part of a Full Body Check up at the clinic.

Suitable for all ages and conditions

The team at their San Pedro de Alcantara Clinic is encouraging you to start off the new year by taking charge of your health, and beginning in the best and healthiest way possible.

Clinic Director Estelle Mitchell said: "It is vital to get to know your body, and anything unusual you should act upon."

The journalist's entire body was catalogued from top to toe, before the images were sent off to a team of American radiologists to analyse.

Early detection is key to easy and successful treatment – health issues often start long before symptoms arise.

This information can prevent more serious problems from developing further down the line.

A Full Body Screening and Health Check at Bodyworks is easy, painless, safe and comprehensive.

of a natural sleep cycle. According to the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians, it should be

Key changes to look out for, and that Bodyworks can help you to review, are changes in your bowel movements, changes in colour or size of moles, and shortness of breath or slow recovery.

Our systems are 100% safe, no radiation and suitable for any age or state of health.

Estelle said, "If you are in pain or discomfort, and this has been going on for more than 48 hours, then you must get professional help."

Fully detailed reports are provided and our team are always available to answer any questions.

Particularly for women, any changes to the skin and/or feeling of breasts or pain in the pelvic region, should be addressed urgently.

"We all know that our cars work better if we get them serviced regularly. Our bodies are far more complex but often only get checked when they're not working," Estelle reminds us.

"Being sick and/or in pain is scary stuff but when it comes to your body, you are your own best advocate, so you need to take charge. If you aren't 100% happy with the advice or recommendations that you have been given, get a second or even a third opinion! All health care professionals should be confident enough in their recommendations for them to be happy if you seek another opinion."

For more information, contact The Bodyworks Health Clinic on 952 883 151 or 699 703 936 or www.TheBodyworksClinic.com

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