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BERRIES are highly nutritious and low in calories, containing several vitamins and minerals but who knew strawberries were so high in vitamin C? Just one cup of the summer favourite provides a whopping 150% of the recommended daily intake.
Bone broth
WE’VE all heard about how good probiotics are for our gut. Thanks to the fermentation process, Sauerkraut is one of the most probiotic-rich food available for digestive well-being.
Inflammation in the gut can lead to a range of problems such as decreased immunity, poor skin and, according to a number of studies, mood swings and mental health issues.
Sauerkraut - which originated in China more than 2,000 years ago - is a strong probiotic including vitamins B6, C, K, iron, and protein. It also boosts metabolism and contains fibre which keeps you regular and reduces risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
The darker the berry, the more nutrients. Blueberries are one superfood that all nutritionists agree are a diet staple, providing fibre-rich carbs which aid digestion and weight management. The blue fruit contains at least 15 different types of potent antioxidants that protect virtually every system in the body. Antioxidants prevent or delay damage to cells, tissues and muscles and are key in aiding cardiovascular and cerebral health and exercise recovery.
For anyone suffering with digestive problems, such as IBS, bone broth could be a brilliant addition to your diet this year.
As well as being high in calcium, magnesium and collagen, it aids digestion and heals gut inflammation, due to its high content of amino acids (such as cystine, histidine and glycine).
It also packs plenty of collagen which gives skin elasticity and keeps joints healthy to prevent arthritis.
ALONG-TIME UK favourite, wild salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and much lower in toxins than farmed salmon.
Omega 3 is important as it reduces the risk of heart disease, while lowering cholesterol levels. It has also been linked to improved cognitive function and could help reduce risks for depression.
Wild salmon
It’s additionally loaded with B vitamins and amino acids which will reward you with glowing skin and good energy levels.
A significant check-up, taking you through the most essential MRI scans and tests for early cancer detection