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ALMA Forest School is an exciting and dynamic educational institution that combines the best of both worlds - traditional classroom instruction and hands-on learning in the great outdoors! Nestled in the heart of a beautiful finca, students at Alma Forest School have the opportunity to explore, discover, and learn about the natural world around them in a way that is both challenging and engaging.

The curriculum at Alma Forest School is designed to foster critical thinking, curiosity, and a love of learning. From ecology and conservation to deep explorations of space, students are exposed to a wide range of subjects that not only challenge them academically, but also inspire them to make a positive impact on the world around them. thought schools should pay more attention to cultivating creativity. This approach came closer to that of less-developed countries such as Kenya and Nigeria, where the expectation was that schools should get on with teaching the basics.

The sense of community at Alma Forest School is truly unique. Stu dents are encouraged to work together, share ideas, and collaborate on projects. They learn how to communicate effectively and to be responsi ble, respectful members of a community. Plus, they make friends that will last a lifetime!

Countries such as the United States, Australia and Japan hovered somewhere in the middle, with opinion divided. In China, there was the strongest demand to have an equal emphasis put on all aspects of education, without choosing between them. As well as wanting to test public opinion on the style of education, the Pew research investigated how much liberal or traditional views of education were proxies for political divisions. The researchers said that in most advanced economies, such as in western Europe and North America, ‘educa- tional preferences are an ideological issue’. They found that by far the most politically divided countries were the United States and the UK, with right or left-leaning people having very different ideas about education. In countries such as the Netherlands, Canada and Germany, views on education were more likely to overlap between all political groups.

Alma Forest School has recently partnered with Learning Planet. Launched by the Learning Planet Institute and UNESCO on the 24th of January 2020, Learning Planet is dedicated to learning stakeholders and communities. It the respect, well-being and fulfilment of oneself, others and the planet. Learning Planet defines itself as a middle-ground: it connects institutions with grassroots movements and innovators to scale up their ideas. Alma Forest School is collaborating with the Learning Planet Alliance as part of their Teachers for the Planet programme and Alma Forest will feature as an educational model that inspires action. Working with the Aga Khan Foundation and Teach For All, this programme will culminate in an event at COP28.s is a long-term initiative with a mission to gather players from around the world in order to identify, celebrate, enhance and scale up innovative educational solutions towards sustainable futures that ensure www.almaforestschool.com

Overall, Alma Forest School is an amazing place to learn, grow and make a positive impact on the world. With a focus on hands-on, experiential learning, a sense of community and commitment to sustainability, it's no wonder Alma Forest School is such a special place.

Telephone: +34 646 596 155 info@almaforestschool.com

20 Years Of Excellence

The Swedish School Marbella now has a new extension with more classrooms to accommodate more students! 20 years of excellence from 2003 - 2023

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