2 minute read
Noise and nuisance caused by watersport enthusiasts should not be encouraged
AS a subscriber to the Olive Press I was disappointed when reading your article on ‘Best Beaches for Water Sports in Andalucia’. The disappointment comes from your inclusion of Jet Skiing as a sport ‘to enjoy’ (on
BANDIDO now has a fantastic family thanks to The Olive Press! They called out of the blue just as we were thinking we would get no response as it was getting a little late. He is going to Malaga to the most lovely couple in the most beautiful house with stunning gardens. When I get Bailey out of Galicia (it’s a long way!)to Malaga I will discuss with the association the next dog that needs help and will be in touch with you!. This is surely a miracle.
Marianne O'Neill, Name and address supplied
EDITOR’S NOTE: Last edition the Olive Press published an appeal to find Bandido a home. He had been left alone tied up in a field with only sporadic attempts to feed him. We are happy to have helped find him a home a beach).
In a very narrow sense, the relatively few people who ride these machines may well derive a short term thrill but do you not have any idea of the astronomical imposition it inflicts on the millions of people who live by the coast or frequent the beaches? There are, unfortunately, people who ‘enjoy’ shooting giraffes, lions etc.so would you present this in a positive light?
By including it you are, in essence condoning the activity or at least helping to promote it. Surely ‘Best Beaches’ are those where (the majority) of people can have a peaceful time without suffering the antics of this small number of very inconsiderate people. (Yes, there is the odd considerate Jet Skiers should not be ‘enjoying’ riding anywhere near beaches so including both in the same paragraph seems to be something of an oximoron. There are laws which are designed to keep them away from beaches. Sorry for the rant.
Nick Tasker, La Herradura
EDITOR’S NOTE: No need to apologise Mr Tasker! You raise a valid point. While I humbly note that the article was about the best beaches for water sports, there is no doubt an annoyance caused for other beach users by the noise. What do other readers think?
FLOATING: Violette
Enchanting display
MADRID was treated to a unique and enchanting display when French pianist Violette Prevost captivated hundreds with a floating piano performance.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, a mesmerised audience gathered around the Pradolongo artificial lake in Usera to witness an extraordinary concert.
The renowned musical ensemble known as Piano du Lac orchestrated the event, their only stop in central Madrid during their summer tour across Spain.
Prevost took to her ethereal floating stage and blended classical melodies with contemporary compositions.