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THE Spanish government has pledged €2.3 million towards a feasibility study for a highspeed rail network to Morocco through an underwater tunnel.

The longstanding proposal, known as the ‘Europe-Africa Gibraltar Strait fixed link’ was put on hold in 2009 but has now been revived.

A joint Spanish-Moroccan commission reconvened for the first time in 14 years back in April, sparking renewed enthusiasm for the initiative.

The Strait of Gibraltar, at its narrowest point between Punta Marroquí in Tarifa and Point Cires in Morocco, spans a distance of just 13 km.

Funding will be allocated from the European Union's Recovery, Transformation & Resilience Plan.

More parking

MALAGA Airport has added 350 spaces to its arrivals car park.

The expansion is in the preferential car park in the arrivals area, which has grown from 100 to 450 spaces just a few metres from the terminal. The expansion brings the total amount of available spaces at the airport to 6,300.

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