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Kaylin Amabile
Although a large portion of my work is whimsical, I first started collaging as a way to externally process the state of society and my role in it, especially as a woman. I set out to breakdown the outdated values that permeated the pages of the magazines I source material from with the hope that repurposing them with a platform of acceptance and respect, we can honor the cultural strides we’ve made as a society while acknowledging the gaps left to fill.
Ready to Spread, A Prickly Pair & Mary
A collection of work exploring a woman’s right to her sexuality without judgment

Ready to Spread

A Prickly Pair

#MeToo & Equality
I’m the girl on the right, but this photograph is all of us. I started removing sections to represent every time I have personally experienced harassment. Then, for all the friends who have endured the same. Then, to represent those who shared their stories or have chosen to carry them silently. I replaced them with people from all shades, shapes and sizes because it takes everyone working together to achieve the change our society desperately needs.


Modern Family
A series exploring the varied dynamics of modern households.

Not Your Doll & Overcome
Comments on the too often struggle of unwanted advances & the reminder to keep your head up

Not Your Doll

Anxiety, Left Brain Right Brain & Not Your Aesthetic
A collection of work dedicated to mental health awareness, specifically commenting on mental illness not being a “trend” or an aesthetic. We must be mindful of each other and our struggle.


Left Brain Right Brain

Not Your Aesthetic

Rivets are Red
Rivets are Red
Rivets are Red
Resistance is Due
The future is ours
We’re coming for you





Book Lovers

Above images are a look at Kaylin’s art process.