2013-2014 EDITION
01 43 17
71 65
Challenge 2013 1
Challenge 2013 June-August 2013 Georgia Tech Campus Challenge is a five-week, intensive program that is held every summer for incoming Georgia Tech freshman. In Challenge, students are immersed in the Georgia Tech environment; they live in a freshman dorm, take classes provided by Georgia Tech professors, and participate in social and academic workshops provided by upper-class Tech students.
OMED Carnival 5
OMED Carnival August 2013 Chapin Building Annual carnival provided by OMED during the first weeks of each fall semester to allow the new and old OMED community members to meet, greet, and socialize.
BSO Cookout 9
BSO Cookout August 2013 Curran Parking Deck Annual cookout provided by the African American Student Union. Organizations across the BSO came out to promote themshelves as well as join in the food and dance as well as catch up with friends.
A March For Education 13
1st Annual A March For Education September 2013 Centennial Park to Kessler Campanile Georgia Tech students and K-12 students from around the city marched in unison from Cenntenial Olympic Park to Georgia Tech’s campus to promote recreation to education.
Homecoming 2013 17
Homecoming 2013 October 2013 Georgia Tech
Traditonal celebration on campus where many clubs and organizations host fun, spirited events that gets everyone excited for the big game. GTBAO and AASU collaborated on a homecoming tailgate, AASU also hosted Grown and Jazzy, an open mic night and a hot dog eating contest. NPHC held the annual Step Show celebrating 125 years of greek life on campus. This competition was won by Kappa Alpha Psi and Delta Sigma Theta. 19
Taste of Africa 23
Taste of Africa November 2013 Ferst Center A showcase of talent of the African community, hosted by African Student Association on Georgia Tech’s campus. Participants danced, sang, and performed poetry reflecting their African cultures. 25
Fall Regional Conference 27
Fall Regional Conference November 2013 Lexington, Kentucky Leadership conference that maximized networking opportunities and stimulated the academic and personal growth of all attendees.
Ms. Black and Gold 31
Ms. Black and Gold November 2013 Historic Academy of Medicine The Miss Black and Gold Pageant, under the sponsorship of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., is a long-standing tradition of Alpha Chapters to designate outstanding young ladies to serve as “Chapter Sweethearts.� 33
So You Think You Can Step? 35
So You Think You Can Step? March 2014 Historic Academy of Medicine An annual showcase of non-Greek step teams at Georgia Tech. This year the competion was won by the lady LDR steppers. 37
Stroll Like a Nupe 39
Stroll Like a Nupe November 2013 Student Center Theater An annual mock shimmy contest hosted by Kappa Alpha Psi. This year the competition was won by “ The 2015 Experience”.
Black History Month Lecture 43
1st Annual Black History Month Lecture February 2014 Student Center Ballroom Host of MSNBC’s “Melissa Harris-Perry” and professor of political science at Tulane University, Melissa Harris-Perry will be speaking to the Georgia Tech community. Her pieces focus on and advocate for African-American politics. 45
LDR Date Auction 47
LDR Date Auction February 2014 Student Center Theater The 8th edition of LDR’s Date Auction. Contestants displayed their talents ranging from spoken word to singing to dance. Money raised during the event also went toward an incoming student’s scholarship. 49
Black Women in STEM 51
Women of STEM February 2014 Student Center Ballroom Researchers, professionals, graduate students, and undergraduate students met with students in grades K-12, encouraging them to pursue fields in STEM disciplines.
Onyx Ball 55
Onyx Ball February 2014 Academy of Medicine Annual dance where Georgia Tech students were able to strut their stuff in their nicest wear and watch the famed Onyx 12 perform their wonderfully choreographed dance.
NSBE Nationals 61
National Society of Black Engineers National Convention March 2014 Nashville, Tennessee The Annual Convention serves the purpose of exposing the community to the world of engineering and the world of NSBE by exhibiting the talents and activities of NSBE members, partners and stakeholders. This year Georgia Tech’s chapter was awarded the title of Region 3 Chapter of the Year and $20,000 for fufilling the NSBE mission. 63
Tower Awards 65
Tower Awards April 2014 Marriot Marquis An annual celebration of academic excellence. It recognizes students who have achieved a yearly or cumulative GPA of 3.15 or higher. This event was made possible of several sponsers including gold level sponser Proctor & Gable. 67
SUPERLATIVES Abi Emmanual & TJ Banks
Cutest Couple
Aaron Jordan
Next American Idol 69
Taylor Isom
Most Friendly
Siham Adous
Hardest Worker
Erica Richards “Rica G”
Best Nickname
Raianna Brown & Marcus Mitchell
Most Fashionable
Chris Brown
Most Talkative
Ryan Adkins
Best to take home to Mom and Dad
Alexis Coates & Kerry Edwards
Biggest Flirt
Sierra Menzies
Best Smile
Donjhae Jones
Most Athletic
2nd year, Mechanical Engineering Hometown: Auburn, AL
What advice would you give to students on succeeding academically? Students, do not be afraid. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Do not be afraid to admit when you do not know something. Do not be afraid to be great. What advice would you give to students on acclimating socially? Be open to learning about and engaging with new people. Also, make an effort to get involved and stay involved. Most importantly, stay true to yourself. Do not come to college and think that you need to tailor who you are to what you think people expect you to be. What type of leader are you? I see myself as a motivational leader. Everyone has the potential to be extraordinary. Sometimes, we just need a little encouragement. What do you hope to do after you graduate? I am not sure what the future holds for me after graduation. I’ve recently been thinking about attending grad school to learn more about and conduct research on bionic pediatric prosthetics. What has been your favorite Georgia Tech experience? My favorite experience at Georgia Tech, thus far, has been the constant struggle that I endure everyday. Tech is ridiculously hard, but I know that everything I am doing now has a purpose and is going to set me up for great things later.
Where have you co-opped/interned/worked, and what did you enjoy about that experience? I have participated in the Google Computer Science Summer Institute in the summer of 2012 and interned with GE Aviation in the summer of 2013. The thing I enjoyed the most about my experiences at these two places is that I was free to be curious. I was given access to so many extraordinary ideas and projects. There was no limit to what I could learn. On campus, I work in the College of Engineering as a student assistant for the Office of Engineering Education Outreach (EEO). I enjoy working at EEO because it allows me to contribute to K-12 STEM outreach, along with many other things. What are you involved with on campus and why? On campus, I am involved with the Georgia Tech Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), serving as the Membership Chair. Also, I am a member of the I-Natural VIP research team, under Dr. Ayanna Howard, designing, building, and testing interfaces that enable humans to naturally interact with robots in performing activities of daily living. Along with those two things, I am involved in the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) as a scholar. I became a part of these programs and organizations because I saw it as the best way to better the world around me as I work to better myself.
5th Year, Biomedical Engineering, Minor in Technology & Management Hometown: Denver, Colorado
What advice would you give to students on acclimating socially? Get to know as many people as possible, especially those who don’t look like you, act like you or think like you. There are so many organizations and ways that you can get involved at Tech. Where have you co-opped/interned/worked, and what did you enjoy about that experience? I’ve co-oped with Medshape, Inc., a medical device company, interned at LiquidSoul Media (marketing company), and the Minority Development Business Agency. I’ve also worked for OMED and the Center for the Education of Teaching and Learning. I’ve enjoyed getting the opportunity to work in various fields and to try new things, for example doing cadaver testing of medical devices on human legs at Medshape, Inc. What has been your favorite Georgia Tech experience? My favorite experience was studying abroad at Georgia Tech Lorraine over the summer and traveling all over Europe Summer 2012. It was by far one of the best experiences I’ve had at Georgia Tech. I was able to travel to numerous countries, meet people I would have never met otherwise, and have crazy experiences all while taking classes was awesome. As an out-of-state student, being able to pay in-state tuition while studying in another country was a perk.
What are you involved with on campus and why? I’ve been involved in numerous organizations on campus including the past president for the Nu Mu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., past vice-president of the Presidents’ Council Governing Board, vice-president for the Collegiate 100 of Atlanta, and past greek relations chair for the NPHC. I’ve always been a proponent for getting involved in organizations on campus that you’re passionate about and it really has shaped my overall Georgia Tech experience. What type of leader are you? I would describe my leadership style as a motivator, or someone who pushes everyone to realize their personal goals. I see organizations I am involved in as opportunities to help develop everyone on an individual level; and if everyone is achieving their personal goals, then the organization as a whole can only benefit. What do you hope to do after you graduate? I hope to enter a career of system integration or healthcare consulting. I eventually want go back and get my MBA at a top business school.
4th year, Aerospace Engineering Hometown: Naples, FL
What advice would you give to students on succeeding academically? Don’t stress out, there are many resources you can go to for help academically and I strongly recommend in setting up study groups. If it wasn’t for my peers, I would not be doing as well as I am. What advice would you give to students on acclimating socially? If you dedicate all your time to studying, studying will take up all of your time… Remember balance your schedule and enjoy your time at Tech. Where have you co-opped/interned/worked, and what did you enjoy about that experience? I co-oped with GE Aviation in Cincinnati, OH, and I enjoyed the responsibility I was given. In all of my rotations, I was not treated just as a co-op, but rather as another member of the team with real responsibilities and deadlines. I also liked the ability to network within the company and get a better understanding of what I want to do when I graduate. It was also enjoyed the classes I was able to take, for examples I took apart and put back together a CF34-8E engine.
What are you involved with on campus and why? I liked participating in outreach to help recruit more minorities to Tech via the Hispanic Recruitment Team at Tech because if it wasn’t for HRT I wouldn’t have decided to come to Tech. What type of leader are you? I am a passive leader, I will be there to help and give guidance when needed but I trust my teams to do their work. Do you have any study abroad experience? No but, from my friends’ experiences, I strongly recommended studying abroad to anyone. I was too late in AE courses to study abroad, so I strongly recommend to schedule your graduation plan with classes ASAP! What do you hope to do after you graduate? I hope to join GE Aviation as part of their Edison Engineering and Design Program.
What has been your favorite Georgia Tech experience? My favorite experience at Georgia Tech has been rushing the field for the Georgia Tech- Clemson Game.
Third year, ISYE major, Leadership Studies minor Hometown: Augusta, Georgia What advice would you give to students on succeeding academically? I would encourage students to develop a strong work ethic. Much of my academic success is due to my self-discipline, which I’ve worked on since middle school. It’s all about setting reasonable goals, then committing the time and effort to complete tasks by pre-established deadlines. Also, seek help and support from your peers and professors!
What advice would you give to students on acclimating socially? First of all, get out of your comfort zone a bit. Check out events on campus that peak your interest. When I first came to Georgia Tech, I knew I wanted to join a choir because it’s something I enjoyed doing in my hometown. I quickly found out about G.I.F.T.E.D. gospel choir and decided to stop by a rehearsal within the first few weeks of school. The choir still is a great outlet for me, and I’ve made some close friends along the way. What has been your favorite Georgia Tech experience? My favorite Georgia Tech experience so far were the football games and Homecoming during my freshman year. I love all of our chants, traditions, and seeing so much school spirit. Where have you co-opped/interned/worked, and what did you enjoy about that experience? On campus, I’ve worked as a tutor for the Center of Academic Success and for the Georgia Tech Athletic Association. I’ve also worked as a Note Taker for A.D.A.P.T.S. Those roles are great if you’re interested in earning a few dollars while teaching students.
I’m currently on my second year as a Peer Leader for the Department of Housing. I get to interact with my staff and residents who are all of different backgrounds and help guide 30 female freshmen throughout their first year at Georgia Tech. Off campus, I’ve completed two summer internships with Procter & Gamble Supply Network Operations – one in Cincinnati, OH, and one in Nashville, TN. I enjoyed being tasked with such great responsibilities early in my college career and gained valuable technical and communication skills which I apply regularly. What type of leader are you? I am a visionary leader. I’m very decisive, but also inclusive. I have a knack for generating and executing innovative ideas and driving teams into a new direction of thought, organization, and teamwork. Since I was 11 years old, I’ve always been the head of some organization whether at church, school, or in the local community. I continue to hone my skills by participating in camps, conferences and leadership programs. Currently, I’m participating in General Electric and Delta Sigma Theta’s Leadership D.E.L.T.A. Program, and I’ve applied for Georgia Tech’s Leading Edge Program. What do you hope to do after you graduate? After attaining a B.S. in Industrial Engineering and a Minor in Leadership Studies, I intend to complete Georgia Tech’s Executive Program on Health and Humanitarian Logistics. Afterwards, I plan to pursue a Master’s Degree in Humanitarian Logistics at Harvard, Johns Hopkins, or university of similar stature. I also want to have significant volunteer and work experiences with several NonGovernment Organizations and have completed my business proposal for my future non-profit. I see all of this occurring within the next five years and accomplished by the time I am 25 years old. 78
2nd year, Computer Science Hometown: Decatur, GA
What advice would you give to students on succeeding academically? In order for students to be successful at Tech, my most valuable piece of advice is to seek help immediately when you don’t understand something. The longer you wait to act, the further behind you will become.
What advice would you give to students on acclimating socially? To acclimate socially, students should join organizations that match their interests. By doing so, students will meet students that have similar interests. Also, students should make friends in classes so they can make study groups. Just showing yourself friendly will help you be able to meet new people.
What are you involved with on campus and why? On campus I am involved with the Team Coach Program, National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Latin American Student Association (LASA), the Student Alumni Association Mentor Jackets Program, Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society. What type of leader are you? I believe everyone should be involved in decision making processes, therefore I would say that I am a Participative leader where I actively engage all of the members and get their input and ideas. What do you hope to do after you graduate? After I graduate, I want to work as a developer for a company developing mobile applications. After working for a few years, I want to embark on entrepreneurial ventures and create my own start up company.
Where have you co-opped/interned/ worked, and what did you enjoy about that experience? I have not, but I recently accepted an offer to intern with General Electric. What has been your favorite Georgia Tech experience? My favorite Georgia Tech experience has been meeting people from so many diverse backgrounds. This has allowed me to see things from a different perspective and has made me more knowledgeable of different cultures worldwide.
2nd Year, Industrial Engineering, Chinese Minor Hometown: Albany, GA
What advice would you give to students on succeeding academically? First, remember that if you are at Georgia Tech, then you deserve to be here. This school is tough, but if you approach EACH and EVERY single class with a positive attitude, than academic success is more than possible. For freshman, I would recommend not getting too involved your first semester. Take some time to really concentrate on “learning how to study”, using tutoring resources, and of course, going to visit your professors in office hours. What advice would you give to students on acclimating socially? The hardest thing that I have had to do at Tech is to gather up the courage to go to a Dining Hall and sit down at a table of people that I have not met before. If you can master this, then many of the other social things will come much easier to you. Also, joining a club, or going to an event (concerts, bowling, movies) with people that you share dorms, or classes with is a good way to really develop friendships. Where have you co-opped/interned/worked, and what did you enjoy about that experience? The only job I have had to date is working as a Challenge Counselor. I especially enjoyed mentoring the incoming class of 2017. What has been your favorite Georgia Tech experience? Hands down, my favorite Georgia Tech experience has been spending my spring break 2013 on a service trip (Alternative Service Breaks) to Mississippi.
Not only did I make many friends, but it was great to see the impact that college students can have in such a short period of time. What are you involved with on campus and why? I am heavily involved in many of the different organizations that deal with minority recruitment, high school mentoring, or College Freshman mentoring. All of these organizations are my way of “paying it forward”, as I remember the role that my various mentors had on my life. I am most well known for being involved in the Student Government Association. As the outgoing Freshman Class President and the current Sophomore Class President, I am able to have a direct and indirect impact on a large amount of the student body. I love being able to connect with friends who are in different organizations. I believe in building the bridge between different student groups and organizations. What type of leader are you? I am a calm, fact oriented leader. I take my time, analyze the facts, and make a quality decision based upon what I know and input from others. I also believe very heavily in collaboration. I use teamwork to help cover my own weaknesses and develop my strengths. What I lack in creativity, I try to make up by showing passion and enthusiasm for everything I do. Problem solving and “damage control” are my specialties. What do you hope to do after you graduate? I hope to go in the global supply chain for an international corporation. Eventually, I would like to come back to graduate school and obtain my MBA. Finally, while rising the corporate ladder, I would encourage my company to give back to educationally neglected areas, by investing in middle and high school engineering programs as well as providing endowments for public libraries. 82
4th Year, Business Administration, Marketing Hometown: Conyers, GA
What advice would you give to students on succeeding academically? Learn good time management and prioritization as quickly as possible. A lot of academic success lies in knowing how to utilize your time wisely, especially when dealing with extracurricular activities, work, and your social life. What advice would you give to students on acclimating socially? Get involved! Find an organization that piques your interests and become active in it. A lot of great relationships are fostered this way.
What are you involved with on campus and why? Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., GT Student Ambassadors, and the Student Alumni Association. I joined SAA my freshman year and got involved right away. I spent two years on the leadership team, and it has given me an opportunity to connect with and be mentored by some great GT alumni. This encouraged me to join GT Student Ambassadors, which allows me to represent Georgia Tech as an official host at major alumni and sporting events and as a tour guide for official GT guests, which has been one of my best experiences here. I became a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha in Fall 2013, which has allowed me to have a true sisterhood and provide service to my community.
Where have you co-opped/interned/worked, and what did you enjoy about that experience? This past summer, I interned at Images USA, a media marketing agency owned by a GT alumnus. I got to work hands-on with some major clients (namely, KFC and VIBE Magazine), launching a social media campaign and coordinating on-site executions here in Atlanta and Las Vegas. It was a great experience because I felt that I was a real part of the team and was able to actually see the results from the work that I put in.
What type of leader are you? I am a “lead by doing� type of leader. If I am over a team/committee, I delegate tasks; however, I still actively engage in every aspect of whatever project we are doing.
What has been your favorite Georgia Tech experience? To this day, my favorite Georgia Tech experience is still Challenge 2010. We made so many memories!
What do you hope to do after you graduate? Marketing or Consulting.
Share your study abroad experience. I studied abroad in Spring 2012 at the University of Leeds in Leeds, England. It was a culture shock, but I had a great experience and got to travel to some great places, including France and Italy.
4th year, History, Technology, Society Hometown: Dolton,Il
What advice would you give to students on succeeding academically? Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Limit your distractions, set your priorities, and stick to them. What advice would you give to students on acclimating socially? Reach out to the old heads. They’ve been through Tech and they can be a great guide to getting in where you want to fit in. Where have you co-oped/interned/worked, and what did you enjoy about that experience? I am currently interning with a community land trust which has proven to be everything I am looking for in my future career. It gives me an opportunity to take what I’ve studied in class and what I’m passionate about and put it to use. The best part about getting on the right project (internship/co-op/research) is finally doing something that makes you feel good about your efforts at Tech. I love that no matter what you’re doing, once people know that you are coming from our school they automatically believe in your capabilities.
What are you involved with on campus and why? I have been involved with quite a few organizations on campus but my new role as the African American Student Union’s publications chair is the closest to my heart. With the HUEman Press, I can help give students a voice and a platform to share their work, art, and opinions. As an HTS major, I find great joy in providing information about our history and relevant issues on campus. What type of leader are you? Being called a leader has been intimidating at times but I look to the legacies of Ella Baker and Bayard Rustin for inspiration. Like those two leaders, I like to work behind the scenes and help others find reach their potential. What do you hope to do after you graduate? After graduation, I hope to bring about great changes in the Atlanta community by being a voice to those populations that have been neglected. Graduate school is definitely in my near future but I will be taking a gap year because Georgia Tech has worn me out!
What has been your favorite Georgia Tech experience? Attending the Leaders & Legends Gala was my favorite Georgia Tech experience! The Georgia Tech Black Alumni Organization (GTBAO) brought together some fantastic alumni and it felt empowering to know that I have the potential to be as great as they are one day.
1st year, Aerospace Engineering, Hometown Greenville,SC
What advice would you give to students on succeeding academically? Spend some time reviewing what you learned in your classes each day, and try to read some new material before going into class. The more you see a topic, the easier you remember it come test time.
What type of leader are you? I see myself as a methodical leader, since I do plan ahead in detail, and try to prepare for the unexpected. What do you hope to do after you graduate? To work in the space industry.
What advice would you give to students on acclimating socially? The best way is to meet new people. If you don’t know someone, go up and introduce yourself, or get a friend to. Where have you co-oped/interned/worked, and what did you enjoy about that experience? I have done research in the Aerospace department, doing Computational Flow Analysis on Formula 1 SAE cars. The part I enjoyed most about my research was the ability to see how and why racecars are shaped the way they are. What has been your favorite Georgia Tech experience? Performing in AASU’s Onyx 12 performance! What are you involved with on campus and why? Being half Black and half Indian, I am involved in AASU and India Club. I also joined NSBE to expand my engineering network, and HyTech, because what’s cooler than designing a racecar?
Salute to Graduates Fall 2013
Taurus Brackett Ryan Adkins Kerry Edwards Norma Easter Kayla Harris Stefania Lee Danae Robinson Erin Wilson
Spring 2014
Brianna Richardson Janelle Finger Naakie Nartey Omolayo Omitowoju Austin Hope Brandon Miller TJ Banks Darren Sanders Joeseph Olutimehin Grant Wilson Corey Johnson Reuben Coopwood Ajoke Kareem Asia Ellington Jenn Onyewuenyi Zack Hall Quirtina Crittenden Monet Roberts Marc Warrior Traci Thomason Stanley Lewis
Editors Titilayo Funso Hopeton Wellington Chelsi Cocking DeJon Tebought
The Onyx