Wikipedia erasures of articles of famous women. Wes Civilz « SMURFETTE FROM WIKIPEDIA » Method: —highlight entire Wikipedia article —copy and paste to Word document —move through entire text erasing what I want to —the fragments I keep must be put in angle quotes « » —every fragment must stay exactly as the original —I must keep fragments in their original sequence
« Smurfette as she originally appeared (left) and after Papa Smurf turned her into a real Smurf (right) » * « Smurfette (French: La Schtroumpfette) » « was created by evil wizard Gargamel, the Smurfs’ enemy, in order to spy on them and sow jealousy. However, she decides that she wants to be a real Smurf and Papa Smurf casts a spell that changes her hair from black to blonde » * « She is the love interest of almost every Smurf » « a source of problems between the Smurfs »