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Save the <children> from dis-eased word{s}
Sëañ Døylê Unseen- symmetry. . . toneS of friendship {In} spirit-touch .union. . . :: Mirror- as trap!within; non-Material .. immersive climates... Where ~ the non-Sense .. ;projects (itself) Inside- out! :Through} Non-polar.. Soul(ar) • silhouette-Screen}s{ :: Broadcast!! to the Worlds in which harness .. an Image of (two) :: Phonetic architects :: communicating with the pre-natal designs of their spirit-selfs (•) in the ethers of inner-space. . . . As malfunctioning discarded prototypes
Pristine- regions! {A} canvas .. .. sentient- sound! observe ((Human- light. orbit!))
Calibrating- genetic tone-hex(s) {I}nvocation.. activation! - vortex- protrusion. . . spiral.. instinctual- Symbol! direction .. .. .. vibration!! .draining “life” of its function.. ((2)) Save the <children> from dis-eased word{s}
The Opiate, Winter Vol. 20 PICK-A-CARD!!
Sëañ Døylê
*Albanian ;transit, floating ashtrays — :stray-human Spike-trap mechanism!! from the grave to the cradle-less-s-s death which held us...
.. Aunties speaking in tongues again ...
Him bathe in boiling water ! I remember that much how him skin peel..
Turkish bloke tole me “Pick a Card!!”
Tortoise shells & pigeon bones him be selling..
I picked one (&) *poof* him vanished !! !! dematerialised right before my ears ..
Now there s scarabs on my Tongue- body!! The card turn to ash..,
“an Offering for the dead squeezing through quivering pockets of emptiness-s-s”
This is where they scream .. ou-t-t fluctuating shrieks .. Take form as feral scratch-marks ;dancing With sounds of sirens .. RE-PEAT. RE-PEAT ====== =======